

阅读Passage 1 – 6


Passage 1 ABDCB

Laws have been written to govern the use of American National Flag, and to ensure proper respect for the flag. Custom has also governed the common practice in regard to its use. All the armed services have precise regulations on how to display the national flag. This may vary somewhat from the general rules. The national flag should be raised and lowered by hand. Do not raise the flag while it is folded. Unfold the flag first, and then hoist it quickly to the top of the flagpole. Lower it slowly and with dignity. Place no objects on or over the flag. Do not use the flag as part of a costume or athletic uniform. Do not print it upon cushions, handkerchiefs, paper napkins or boxes. A federal law provides that the trademark cannot be registered if it comprises the flag, or badges of the US. When the flag is used to unveil a statue or monument, it shouldn’t serve as a covering of the object to be unveiled. If it is displayed on such occasions, do not allow the flag to fall to the ground, but let it be carried high up in the air to form a feature of the ceremony. Take every precaution to prevent the flag from becoming soiled. It should not be allowed to touch the ground or floor, nor to brush against objects.


1. How do Americans ensure proper respect for the national flag?


A. By making laws. (通过制定法律)

B. By enforcing discipline

C. By educating the public

D. By holding ceremonies.

2. What is the regulation regarding the raising of the American National Flag?


A. It should be raised by soldiers.

B. It should be raised quickly by hand. (应该快速用手升起。)

C. It should be raised only by Americans.

D. It should be raised by mechanical means.

3. How should the American National Flag be displayed at an unveiling ceremony?


A. It should be attached to the status.

B. It should be hung from the top of the monument.

C. It should be spread over the object to be unveiled.

D. It should be carried high up in the air. (应该悬挂在空中。)

4. What do we learn about the use of the American National Flag?


A. There has been a lot of controversy over the use of flag.

B. The best athletes can wear uniforms with the design of the flag.

C. There are precise regulations and customs to be followed. (有明确的规定和习惯要遵守。)

D. Americans can print the flag on their cushions or handkerchiefs.

5. What is Americans’ attitu de towards their National Flag?


A. Arbitrary

B. Respect. (尊敬)

C. Happy

D. Brave. Passage 2 CCDCB

It has been reported that in colleges across the United States, the daytime serial drama known as the soap op era has suddenly become ―in‖. Between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. , college television lounges are filled with soap opera fans who can’t wait to see the next episode in the lives of their favorite characters.

Actually, soaps are more than a college favorite; they’re a youth favorite. When school is out, high-school students are in front of their TV sets. One young working woman admitted that she turned down a higher paying job rather than give up watching her favorite serials. During the 1960’s, it w as uncommon for young people to watch soap operas. The mood of the sixties was very different from now. It was a time of seriousness, and talk was about social issues of great importance.

Now, seriousness has been replaced by fun. Young people want to be happy. It may seem strange that they should turn to soap opera, which is known for showing trouble in people’s lives. But soap opera is enjoyment. Young people can identify with the soap opera character, who, like the college-age viewer, is looking for happy love, and probably not finding it. And soap opera gives young people a chance to feel close to people without having to bear any responsibility for their problems.




6.What is soap opera? (什么是肥皂剧?)

A. Plays based on science fiction stories.

B. Plays based on non-fiction stories.

C. The daytime serial dramas on TV. (白天的电视连续剧)

D. Popular documentary films on TV.

7. What can be the best title of the passage? (这篇文章的最佳题目是什么?)

A. College student viewers.

B. Favorite TV serials.

C. Soap opera fans. (肥皂剧迷)

D. College-age viewers.

8. Which are not the reasons why the soap opera suddenly becomes ―in‖ according to the

passage? (根据这篇文章,哪一项不是肥皂剧突然―火‖起来的原因?)

A. Because the viewers want to be happy and to enjoy themselves.

B. because the soap opera makes young people feel close to their people

C. Because the viewers can find themselves in the soap opera characters.

D. Because the young people have to bear the responsibilities for their troubles.


9. What can we learn from the passage? (这篇文章让我们知道了什么?)

A. College students like soap operas more than any other social groups.

B. Young people of sixties liked soap operas more than people today.

C. Young viewers have turned themselves from the seriousness of sixties to enjoyment now. (年轻观众已经使自己从60年代人的严肃转向了现在的快乐。)

D. The young as a whole are trying to look for happy love but in vain.

10. What message does the author want to convey to us? (作者想向我们表达什么信息?)

A. The people’s favorites to drama works have been changed for a long time.

B. The people’s favorites to drama works change along with the times.


C. The people’s favo rites to drama works is changed by the soap opera.

D. The people’s favorites have changed the drama works.

Passage 3 BCBAC

Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go in to their offices or schools every day by train, car or bus, even though this means they have to get up early in the morning and reach home late in the evening.

One advantage of living outside London is that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a garden costs quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of one’s own.

Then, in the country one can really get away from the noise and hurry of busy working lives. Even though one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, one can sleep better at night and during weekends and on summer evenings, one can enjoy the fresh, clean air of the country. If one likes gardens, one can spend one’s free time digging, planting, watering and doing the hundred and one other jobs which are needed in a garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables come up, one has the reward of one who has shared the secrets of Nature.

Some people, however, take no interest in country things: for them, happiness lies in the town, with its cinemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets, dance halls and restaurants. Such people would feel that their life was not worth living if they had to live it outside London. An occasional walk in one of the parks and a fortnight’s (two weeks) visit to the sea every summer is all the country they want: the rest they are quite prepared to leave to those who are glad to get away from London every night.





11. Which of the following statements is NOT true? (下列哪个陈述是不对的?)

A. People who love Nature prefer to live outside the city.

B. All the people who work in London prefer to live in the country.


C. Some people enjoying city life prefer to work and live inside London.

D. Many nature lovers, though working in London, prefer to live outside London.

12. With the same money needed for _______, one can buy a little house with a garden in the

country. (用同样的钱___,他可以在乡村买到一套有花园的小房子。)

A. getting a small flat with a garden

B. having a small flat with a garden

C. renting a small flat without a garden (租一套没有花园的小公寓)

D. buying a small flat without a garden

13. When the garden is in blossom, the one ______ has been rewarded.


A. living in the country

B. having spent time working in the garden (花时间在花园里工作)

C. having a garden of his own

D. having been digging, planting and watering

14. People who think happiness lies in the town would feel that________ if they had to live it

outside London. (那些认为幸福就在城市里人会感到________如果他们不得不住在郊外)

A. their life was meaningless (他们的生活毫无意义)

B. their life was invaluable

C. they didn’t deserve a happy life

D. they were not worthy of their happy life

15. The underlined phrase get away from in the 3rd paragraph refers to .

(在第3段中划线的词组get away from是什么意思?)

A. deal with

B. do away with

C. escape from(逃脱某个地方)

D. prevent from

Passage 4 CDDCB

By definition, heroes and heroines are men and women distinguished by uncommon courage, achievements, and self-sacrifice made most for the benefits of other –they are people against whom we measure others. They are men and women recognized for shaping our n ation’s consciousness and development as well as the lives of those who admire them. Yet, some people say that ours is an age where true heroes and heroines are hard to come by, where the very idea of heroism is something beyond us-an artifact of the past. Some maintain that because the Cold War is over and because America is at peace our age is essentially an unheroic one. Furthermore, the overall crime rate is down, poverty has been eased by a strong and growing economy, and advances continue to be made in medical science.

Cultural icons are hard to define, but we know them when we see them. They are people who manage to transcend celebrity(明星), who are legendary, who somehow manage to become mythic. But what makes some figures icons and others mere celebrities? That’s hard to answer. In part, their lives have the quality of a story to tell. For instance, the beautiful young Diana Spencer who at 19 married a prince, renounced marriage and the throne, and died at the moment she found true love. Good looks certainly help. So does a special indefinable charm, with the help of the media. But nothing confirms an icon more than a tragic death -such as Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, and Princess Diana.




16. The passage mainly deals with __________. (这篇文章主要讲了什么?)

A. life and death

B. heroes and heroines

C. heroes and icons(英雄与偶像)

D. icons and celebrities

17. Heroes and heroines are usually _______. (英雄通常是什么?).

A. courageous

B. good examples to follow

C. self-sacrificing

D. all of the above (以上三个都是)

18. Which of the following statements is wrong? (下列哪个陈述是错的?)

A. Poverty in America has been eased with the economic growth.

B. Superstars are famous for being famous.

C. One’s look can contribute to being famous.

D. Heroes and heroines can only emerge in war times.(英雄只能出现在战争时代。)

19. Beautiful young Diana Spencer found her genuine love _______.


A. when she was 19

B. when she became a princess

C. just before her death(刚好在她死之前)

D. after she gave birth to a Prince

20. What is more likely to set an icon’s status? (什么更有可能说明偶像的状况?)

A. Good looks.

B. Tragic and early death(悲剧和英年早逝)

C. Personal attraction.

D. The quality of one’s story.

Passage 5 ABDCB

Places to stay in Britain are as varied as the places you visit. Whatever your budget is the choice – from basic barn to small hotel, from tiny cottage to grand castle—is all part of fun.


Cheap, good-value hostels are aimed at all types of like-minded travelers, who prefer value over luxury and you don’t have to be young or single to use them. Britain’s independent hoste ls and backpackers hostels also offer a great welcome. Facilities and prices vary, especially in rural areas, where some hostels are a little more than a bunkhouse (临时住房) while others are remarkably comfortable--almost like bargain hotels.

Youth Hotels

Fou nded many years ago to ―help all, especially young people of limited means, to a greater knowledge, love and care of the countryside‖, the Youth Hotels Association is still going strong in the 21st century. The network of 230 hotels is a perfect gateway fo r exploring Britain’s towns and countryside.

B & Bs

The B & B (bed and breakfast) is a great British institution. In essence you get a room in somebody’s house, and small B & Bs may only have one guest room, so you’ll really feel like part of the family. Larger B & Bs may have four or five rooms and more facilities, but just as warm as a


In country areas your B & B might be in a village or an isolated farm surrounded by fields. Prices reflect facilities: and usually run from around £12 to £20 per person. City B & Bs charge about £25 to £30 per person, although they’re often cheaper as you go further out to the suburbs.

Pubs & Inns

As well as selling drinks and meals, Britain’s pubs and inns sometimes offer B & B, particularly in country areas. Staying a night or two can be great fun and puts you at the heart of the local community.

Rates range from around £15 to £25 per person. Pubs are more likely to have single rooms.







床位与早餐是英国的伟大创举。实际上就是某家的住户为你提供一个房间,小的B& Bs只有一间客房,所以你会觉得自己是这户人家的一份子。大一些的B& Bs可能有4,5个房间和更多是设施,但一样的热情款待。

在农村,B & B可能在一个村庄或者四周都是田地的独立的农场里。价格反映了房间的设施:通常每人在12到20英镑左右。城市的B & Bs价格在每人25到30英镑左右,尽管越到郊区价格越便宜。




21. In this passage the author mainly _____________.(这篇文章作者的意图主要是什么?)

A. tells us where to stay while visiting Britain(告诉我们到英国旅游可以住在哪里)

B. advises readers to pay a visit to Britain

C. introduces the wonderful public services in Britain

D. gives us some information about British life

22. ___________ are mainly built for young visitors.(哪种住宿的地方主要是为年轻人建的?)

A. Pubs & Inns

B. Youth Hotels(青年旅社)

C. Hostels

D. B & Bs

23. If you travel alone and want to kn ow better about family life in Britain, you’d better stay in __________________.


A. Pubs & Inns

B. Youth Hotels

C. Hostels

D. B & Bs (床位和早餐)

24. If you are interested in traveling with your friends but only with limited means, where is the better place for you to stay? ______________.


A. Pubs & Inns

B. Youth Hotels

C. Hostels (旅社)

D. B & Bs

25. Which of the following is NOT true according to the last part of the passage?


A. Pubs and inns usually provide visitors bed and breakfast.

B. All pubs and inns offer visitors bed and breakfast.


C. Pubs and inns charge a visitor £25 at the most.

D. If you want a single room, you are more likely to get one in pubs.

Passage 6 BCACD

What makes a person a scientist? Does he have ways or tools of learning that are different from those of others? The answer is ―no‖. It is not the tools a scientist uses but how he uses these tools that makes him a scientist. You will probably agree that knowing how to use a power is important to a carpenter. You will probably agree, too, that knowing how to investigate, how to discover information, is important to everyone. The scientist, however, goes one step further. He must be sure that he has a reasonable answer to his questions and that his answer can be confirmed by other persons. He also works to fit the answers he gets to many questions into a large set of ideas about how the world works.

The scientist’s knowledge must be exact. There is no room for half right or right just half the time. He must be as nearly right as the conditions permit. What works under one set of conditions at one time must work under the same conditions at other times. If the conditions are different, any changes the scientist observes in a demonstration must be explained by the changes in the conditions. This is one reason that investigations are important in science. Albert Einstein, who developed the theory of relativity, arrived at this theory through mathematics. The accuracy of his mathematics was later tested through investigations, Einstein’s ideas were shown to be correct. A scientist uses many tools for measurements. Then the measurements are used to make mathematical calculations that may test his investigations.



26. What makes a scientist according to the passage? (根据这篇文章的观点,是什么造就了科学家?)

A. The tools he uses.

B. The way he uses his tools. (他使用工具的方法)

C. His ways of learning.

D. The various tools he uses.

27. ―The scientist, however, goes one step further…‖. The author says this to show


A. the important of information

B. the importance of thinking

C. the difference between scientists and ordinary people(科学家与普通人的区别)

D. the difference between carpenters and people with other jobs.

28. A sound scientific theory should be one that ___________________.


A. works not only under one set of conditions at one time, but also under the same conditions at other times(不只是在某些条件下一次可行,而要在同样的条件下一直可行。)

B. does not allow any changes even under different conditions

C. can be used for many purposes

D. leave no room for improvement

29. The author quotes the case of Albert Einstein to illustrate ______________.


A. that measurements are keys to success in science

B. that accuracy of mathematics

C. that the investigations are important in science(调查研究在科学领域十分重要。)

D. that the mathematical calculations may test his investigations

30. What is the main idea of the passage? (这篇文章的中心意思是什么?)

A. The theory of relativity.

B. Exactness is the core of science.

C. Scientists are different form ordinary people.

D. Exactness and ways of using tools are the keys to the making of a scientist.


大学英语B模拟试题 及解析

大学英语(B)模拟试题8及解析第一部分:交际用语(共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分) 1. May I use your bike for a moment? C A. It's well. B. It doesn't matter. C. By all means. D. I have no idea. 2. How do you do? Glad to meet you. B A. Fine. How are you? B. How do you do? Glad to meet you, too. C. How are you? Thank you! D. Nice. How are you? 3. Hi, is Mary there, please? A A. Hold on. I’ll get her. B. No, she isn't here.

C. Yes, she lives here. D. Yes, what do you want? 4. Would you mind changing seats with me? C A. Yes, you can. B. Of course, I like to. C. No, I don't mind. D. Certainly, please do. 5. Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water? A A. I' d rather stay here if you don' t mind. B. Sorry, I don’t like neither. C. Certainly, why not? D. Yes, we like these two places. 第二部分:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分) Passage 1 How men first learnt to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thought and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they

大学英语B 阅读理解答案

阅读理解 B 42、Martin Luther King was a black minister, who became a great leader of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. King was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. When he was young, he was strongly influenced by Thoreau and Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi's idea of non-violent resistance. Having received a Ph. D (Doctor of Philosophy) from Boston University, he became a political and religious leader of the non-violent civil relights movement in 1955. On August 28, 1963, he led over 250,000 Americans on a march in Washington D.C. to fight for the Civil Rights Law to guarantee equality for all people, and delivered his best known speech "I Have a Dream" before the Lincoln Memorial. The "dream" is a dream of brotherly love and equality for the Black and White. Thus, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for peace in 1964, but he was murdered four years later. Though he died, he was greatly respected and loved by the Americans, both the white and the black. By vote of Congress in 1968, the third Monday of every January is now a federal holiday in Luther King's honor. He lives in people's hearts forever. (1)、Martin Luther King was murdered when he was 39 years old. A:T B:F 答案:A (2)、Martin Luther King was a black minister only. A:T B:F 答案:B (3)、Martin Luther King's Day has been a federal holiday for more than 40 years. A:T B:F 答案:A (4)、The underlined word "delivered" in the second paragraph could be replaced by "gave". A:T B:F 答案:A (5)、The best title for this passage is "Civil Rights Law". A:T B:F 答案:B 43、A public house which was recently bought by Mr. James is up for sale. He is going to sell it because it is haunted (闹鬼的). He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been blocked by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr. James had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost (鬼) must have drunk the night before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, he shook his head. The villagers have told him that they will not accept it even if he gives it away. (1)、Mr. James was the owner of the public house. A:T B:F 答案:A (2)、Mr. James had not turned off the lights that night. A:T B:F 答案:B (3)、Mr. James built the house. A:T B:F 答案:B (4)、Mr. James found sixty empty bottles. A:T B:F 答案:B (5)、The writer of the passage believes Mr. James' story. A:T B:F 答案:B 44、Great changes have been made in family life because of science and industry. In the past, when more Americans lived on farms, the typical family had many children. In a farm family, parents and their children often lived with grandparents. Often, too, uncles and aunts lived nearby. But when industry became more important than agriculture in American life, families became smaller because industry requires workers who are ready and able to move off the land and to move again whenever necessary. And large families can not be moved from place to place as smaller families can. So, at present people tend to have smaller families. In the future, because of industrialization, a typical family will be required to move even more often than now, so families will be even smaller. The typical family may remain childless and consists only of a man and a woman. A small number of families may take child raising as their chief work. At the same time they may also raise other people's children, leaving those families free to move from job to job. (1)、The passage discusses influence of science and industry on American families. A:T B:F 答案:A (2)、Families of the past, the present and the future are described in the passage. A:T B:F 答案:A (3)、People no longer want to have children. A:T B:F 答案:B (4)、Grandparents will take the chief responsibility of raising children in the future. A:T B:F 答案:B (5)、Large families cannot fit in with a highly industrialized society. A:T B:F 答案:A 45、My husband had just bought a new washing machine for me. I decided to use it and I washed a lot of things. Everything worked well, but I found one of my husband's socks missing. I looked everywhere for it, but I couldn't find it anywhere. The next morning, I got ready for school as usual. When the bell rang, the students came in. I greeted them first and then told them what we were going to do that day. When I turned around to write on the blackboard, the class broke out a roar! They laughed and laughed. They laughed so much, in fact, that I was afraid the headmaster would be into seeing all this. I asked the class to stop, but the more I talked, the more they laughed. I decided to pay no attention to them and I continued to write on the blackboard. When I did this, they roared even more. Finally, the teacher who had the room next to mine came in to see what all the laughter was about. When he came in, he started laughing, too!


Passage 1 Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go in to their offices or schools every day by train, car or bus, even though this means they have to get up early in the morning and reach home late in the evening. One advantage of living outside London is that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a garden costs quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of one’s own. Then, in the country one can really get away from the noise and hurry of busy working lives. Even though one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, one can sleep better at night and during weekends and on summer evenings, one can enjoy the fresh, clean air of the countr y. If one likes garden, one can spend one’s free time digging, planting, watering and doing the hundred and one other jobs which are needed in a garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables come up, one has got the reward together with those who have shared the secret of Nature. Some people, however, take no interest in country things: for them, happiness lies in the town, with its cinemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets, dance-halls and restaurants. Such people would feel that their life was not worth living if they had to live it outside London. An occasional walk in one of the parks and a fortnight’s (two weeks) visit to the sea every summer is all the country they want: the rest they are quite prepared to leave to those who are glad to get away from London every night. 1. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. People who love Nature prefer to live outside the city. B. All the people who work in London prefer to live in the country. C. Some people enjoying city life prefer to work and live inside London. D. Many nature lovers, though working in London, prefer to live outside. 2. With the same money needed for ________, one can buy a little house with a garden in the country. A. getting a small flat with a garden B. having a small flat with a garden C. renting a small flat without a garden D. buying a small flat without a garden 3. When the garden is in blossom, the one ________ has been rewarded. A. living in the country B. having spent time working in the garden. C. having a garden of his own. D. having been digging, planting and watering 4. People who think happiness lies in the city life would feel that ________ if they had to live outside London. A. their life was meaningless B. their life was invaluable C. they didn’t deserve a happy life D. they were not worthy of their happy life 5. The underlined phrase “get away from” in the 3rd paragraph refers to ________. A. deal with B. do away with C. escape from D. prevent from 很多在伦敦工作的人喜欢住在伦敦郊外,然后每天乘火车、汽车和公交车去上班或上学。这也就意味着他们不得不早出晚归。


大学英语一阅读理解 一、阅读理解(共505题,共101分) 1. Few laws are so effective that you can see results just days after they take effect. But in the nine days since the federal cigarette tax more than doubled—to $1. 01 per pack—smokers have jammed telephone “quit lines” acro ss the country seeking to kick the habit. This is not a surprise to public health advocates. They’ve studied the effect of state tax increases for years, finding that smokers, especially teens, are price sensitive. Nor is it a shock to the industry, which fiercely fights every tax increase. The only wonder is that so many states insist on closing their ears to the message. Tobacco taxes improve public health, health, they raise money and most particularly, they deter people from taking up the habit as teens, which is when nearly all smokers are addicted. Yet the rate of taxation varies widely. In Manhattan, for instance, which has the highest tax in the nation, a pack of Marlboro Light Kings cost $10.06 at one drugstore Wednesday. Charleston, S, C., where the 7-cent-a-pack tax is the lowest in the nation. The price was $4. 78. The influence is obvious. In New York, high school smoking hit a new low in the latest surveys—13.8%, far below the national average. By comparison, 26% of high school students smoke in Kentucky, Other low-tax states have similarly depressing teen-smoking records. Hal Rogers, Representative from Kentucky, like those who are against high tobacco taxes, argues that the burden of the tax falls on low-income Americans “who choose to smoke.” That’s true, But there is more reason in keeping future generations of low-income workers from getting hooked in the first place, As for today’s adults, if the new tax drives them to quit, they will have more to spend on their families, cut their risk of cancer and heart disease and feel better. (1分) (1) The text is mainly about___________. (0.2分) A.the price of cigarettes B.the rate of teen smoking C.the effect of tobacco tax increase D.the differences in tobacco tax rate 标准答案:C (2) What does the author think is a surprise? (0.2分) A.Teen smokers are price sensitive. B.Some states still keep the tobacco tax low. C.Tobacco taxes improve public health. D.Tobacco industry fiercely fights the tax rise. 标准答案:B (3) The underlined word "deter” in Paragr aph 3 most probably means . (0.2分) A.discarding B.remove C.benefit D.free 标准答案:A (4) Rogers’ attitude towards the low-income smokers might be that of . (0.2分) A.tolerance B.unconcern C.doubt D.sympathy 标准答案:D (5) What can we learn from the last paragraph? (0.2分) A.The new tax will be beneficial in the long run. B.Low-income Americans are more likely to fall ill.


大学英语四级阅读理解(1)We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming(把......按能力分班) pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade! Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning. In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to co-operate, to share, and to develop leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyse and evaluate, and to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher. Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on individual tasks and assignments, and they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate. We encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. An advanced pupil can do advanced work: it does not matter what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every


阅读理解大学英语A 1、Throughout the colonial period there was a remarkable shortage of women, which varied with the regions and was always greatest in the frontier areas. This shortage enhanced women's status and position and allowed them to pursue different careers. The puritans regarded idleness as a sin, and believed that life in an underdevelopment country made it necessary that each member of the community performed an economic function. Thus work for women was not only approved but also was regarded as a civic duty. Puritan town councils expected widows and independent women to be self-supporting. There was no social prohibition against married women working; on the contrary, wives were expected to help their husbands in their trade and won social approval for doing extra work in or out of the home. The vast majority of women worked within their homes, where their labor produced most articles needed for the family. The entire colonial production of cloth and clothing and partly that of shoes was in the hands of women. In addition to these occupations, women were found in many different kinds of employment. They were butchers, silversmiths and gunsmiths. They ran mills, plantations, shipyards, and every kind of shop. They were gatekeepers, jail keepers, journalists, printers, nurses, and teachers. (1)、What does the passage mainly discuss A:Colonial marriages. B:The puritan religion. C:Colonial women's employment. D:Education in the colonies. 答案:C (2)、According to the passage, where in colonial North America were there the fewest women A:Puritan communities. B:Seaports. C:Frontier settlements. D:Capital cities. 答案:C (3)、It can be inferred from the passage that the Puritans were ______.



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3 大学英语四级阅读理解试题及答案(四) 十六 Trees should only be pruned when there is a good and clear reason for doing so and , fortunately,the number of such reasons is small. Pruning involves the cutting away of obergrown and unwanted branches, and the inexperienced gardener can be encouraged by the thought that more damage results from doing it unnecessarily than from leaving the tree to grow in its own way. First, pruning may be done to make sure that trees have a desired shape or size. The object may be to get a tree of the right height, and at the same time to help the growth of small side branches which will thicken its appearance or give it a special shape. Secondly, pruning may be done to make the tree healthier. You may cut diseaed or dead wood, or branches that are rubbing against each other and thus cause wounds. The health of a tree may be encouraged by removing branches that are blocking up the centre and so preventing the free movement of air. One result of pruning is that an open wound is left on the tree and this provides an easy entry for disease, but itis a wound that will heal. Often there is a race between the healing and the desease as to whether the tree will live or die, so that there is a period when the tree is at risk. It should be the aim of every gardener to reduce which has been pruned smooth and clean, for healing will be slowed down by roughness. You should allow the cut surface to dry for a few hurs and then paint it with one of the substances available from garden shops produced especially for this purpose. Pruning is usually without interference from the leaves and also it is very unlikely that the cuts yu make will bleed. If this does happen,it is, of course,impossible to paint them properly. 1.Pruning should be done to ______. a.make the tree grow taller


阅读理解B 1、Mr. White lived in a small village. His parents hadn't enough money to send him to school. He had to help them to do something in the fields. But he didn't like to live in the poor place. When he was sixteen, he got to the town and found work in a factory. Three years later he became tall and strong. So he was sent to Africa as a soldier. He stayed there for five years and got some money. Then he came back to England and bought a shop in a small town. No people in the town went to Africa except him. And he hoped they thought he was a famous man and that they could respect him. The children often asked him to tell them some stories and his life in Africa. One day a few children asked him to tell them something about the animals in Africa. He told them how he fought with the tigers and elephants. His stories surprised them all and some policemen and workers went to listen to him. It made him happier. Just a man who taught geography in a middle school passed there. He stopped to listen to him for a while and then said, "Could you please tell us a rare animal, sir?" "Certainly," said Mr. Turner. "One day I met a rhinoceros(犀牛)by a river…" "Please wait a minute, sir," said the man. "There aren't any rhinoceros in Africa at all!" "It's rare just because there aren't any!" (1)、Mr. White was born in a farmer's family. A:T B:F (2)、Mr. White hoped to be respected because he was the richest man in their town. A:T B:F (3)、The children often asked him to tell them something interesting because he knew more than any other person in the town. A:T B:F (4)、All people believed Mr. White except the children. A:T B:F (5)、Mr. White wouldn't like to admit that he was wrong. A:T B:F 2、If you travel by air across the center of Africa or South America, you fly over forests for thousands of kilometers. These great forests are the oceans of trees. There are thousands and thousands of different kinds of plants and animals. However, the world's forests are getting smaller all the time. We are cutting down the trees because we need wood, and we need more farmland. Some people say that there will not be any forests like these in 20 or 30 years. What will happen if they disappear? If we cut down our forests, a lot of plants and animals will disappear from the world. In a lot of places the new farmland will soon look like the old deserts. Crops will not grow there. It will not rain very often, and the weather will get very hot. Perhaps the climate of the world will change. This will be dangerous for everyone in the world. That is why we must take care of our forests. (1)、The passage mainly tells us about the importance of taking care of plants. A:T B:F (2)、Forests are homes for different kinds of animals. A:T B:F (3)、The need for more wood and more land help to protect our forests. A:T B:F (4)、We'll have more and greater forests in 20 or 30 years in some people's view. A:T B:F (5)、The writer thinks it necessary to protect the forests. A:T B:F
