



( )1. NOW the air in OUr town is ____________ t han it USed to be. SOmething must be done to keep it.

A. Very good

B. much better

C. a Iittle bad D? even WOrSe ( )What are you going to give your mother for her birthday?

?一I'm not sure. BUt I'll buy her _________ ?

A. SOmething SPeCial

B. anything SPeCial

C. SPeCial SOmething D? SPeCial anything

( )3. MS Wang is an excellent teacher. ____________ i n OUr ClaSS IOVeS her.

A. SOmeOne

B. NO One

C. EVeryOne D? AnyOne

( )4. NOw, everyone, PleaSe turn to Page ___________ and IOOk at the __________ PiCtUre?

A. TWelVe z fifth

B. Twelfth, fifth

C. Twelve, five

D. Twelfth, five ( )5. SaIIy is OnIy 5 years old, but She Can __________ ?

A. PIay the CardS

B. PIay ViOIin

C. PIay the CheSS D? PIay tennis

( )6. BreakfaSt is __________ m eal Of the day. It PrOVideS US With energy after a IOng night WithOUt food ?

A. important

B. more important

C. the most important D? Very important

( )WhiCh kind Of COmPUterS are __________ , desktops Or laptops?

■一LaPtOPS z I think.

A. good

B. better

C. best

D. the best ( )8. Linda ________ a n artist When She WaS 20 years old. SinCe then, She has done a IOt Of different jobs.

A. WOrkS as

B. WOrked to be

C. WOrked as D? did

( )What did you do before being a writer?

■一I _____ i n a bookstore and SeIl books?

A. am USed to WOrk

B. am USed to WOrking

C. USed to WOrk D? USed to WOrking

( )10. A IOng time ago, PeOPIe made marks On StiCkS and bones to COUnt _____________ animals

they had ?

A ? anUmberOf

C. the amOUnt Of

D ? a Iarge amount Of

)11. We Will have a holiday ________ ?

A. in two day's time

B. in two days' time

C. after two day's time D ? after two days' time )12. JUdy WriteS _____ t han his classmates.

)13? The Wine ______ grapes ?

A. are made in

B. is made Of

C. is make from

D. is made from

)14. The naughty boy admitted ________ the Window ?

)15. The man can not WOrk and he _________ his family.

)16. ______ U SefUl ______ US to Iearn a (Oreign language.

)17?-一Did you read ________ in today's newspaper?

—Yes, BUt there isn't __________ in it.

A. anything important, anything important

B. SOmething interesting, anything important

C. anything interesting, anything important

D. SOmething interesting, SOmething important

)19. — WOUld you Iike _________ to eat?

??? PleaSe give me ___ noOdIeS ? I feel a Iittle hungry

A. anything, SOme B ? SOmething, SOme C. nothing, SOme D ? everything, any

)18 ? HeIell WaS the Wmiler Of the____________ race. We Were ProUd Of he 匚

A. IOO-InetreS

B. 100-metre me?,e meh ,es

)20. My brother has COlleCted eight ___________ StamPS from all OVer the WOrld ?

A. thousands

B. hundreds

C. hundred D ? thousand Of

)21. EaCh Of the StUdentS has to keep a _________ diary every day ?

A. two ? hundred ? WOrd

B. two- hundreds- WOrd

C. two- hundreds- WOrdS

D. two-hUndred ? WOrdS

)22? Near ______ Ofthe earth ___________ COVered by Sea ?

)23. — When is NatiOnal Day?— IfS On ____________ .

B. the number of A. as CarefUl

B. more CarefUIly

C. much CarefUIly

D. more CarefUl

A. broke

B. break

C. breaking

D. to break

A. is USefUl for

B. is helpful to

C. is essential for

D. is dependent On

A. ThiS Z Of

B. That ? for

C. It ? for

D. ItS Z Of

A. three fourth, is C.

three fourth, are B. three fourths, is D. three fourths, are

A. TUeSday

B. the SeCOnd day

C. SePtember IO th

D. OCtOber I St

)24. If you do it again _________ , I believe you won't make SO many mistakes next time.

A. more CarefUl

B. much CarefUl

C. more CarefUIly

D. much CarefUlly

)25? ThOUgh the Player is OVer thirty, he Can StiII run _________ SOme young PIayerS?

A. as fast as

B. SO fast as

C. much fast as

D. more faster than

)26. — Why don't you Iike Winter in Beijing?

??? BeCaUSe it is ______ Winter is GUangZhOu.

A. as COId as

B. much COlder than

C. not SO CoId as D? not COlder than ()27. — What do you think Of the film SO YOUng directed (导演)by ZhaO Wei?

■一Wonderful. I think it's _____________ than the Other films about youth(年轻人)in


A. the best

B. the WOrSt

C. much better D? much WOrSe

( )28?…WOUld you Iike to tell me _____________ important news?

??? Sorry, but I don't Want to tell you ___________ news today.

A. SOme Z SOme

B. some, any

C. any, any D? any, SOme

( )29. HiS mother __________ him StOrieS Whe n he WaS you ng.

A. WaS USed to tell

B. is USed to telling

C. USed to tell D? USed to telling

( )30. She gave me __________ money SO that I COUld buy __________ food?

A. a few, SOme

B. a Iittle Z any

C. a Iittle Z SOme

D. IittIe z a Iittle

( )air in GUangzhou is getting much ________________?

A. Clean

B. the Clean

C. Cleaner D? more Clean

)Children are PIaying games and __________ are talking happily?

A. OtherS

B. the OtherS

C. the Other Other

),do you enjoy PIaying _________ piano?

Ilike Playing ________ CheSS?

A. the√

B.∕,the c. the, the D.∕z /

)don't Iike the COIOUr Of this dress, even though it's _________________ ?

A. the CheaPer B? CheaP CheaP

)king Ordered his men ___________ CheCking the gates before they left.

C. to CheCk D? to CheCking

)36. If he_______ the game tomorrow, he WiIl get a gold medal.

A. Will Win C. WinS D. WOn

)37. MUm allows me ________ COmPUter games _____________ SatUrday night.

pla?at B. to play,on Jn D? Play Z On

)38. He ____ to GUangzhou in Z he _________ as a manager in the COmPany

,works B. Came Z WOrked

C. Came? HaS WOrked come,WOrked

)39. SatUrday is __________ d ay Of a Week?

” B. the SeVen C. SeVenth D? the SeVenth

)40. WheneVer you feel ________ Z remember to CalI me inStead Of Staying at home _________

A. alone, alone

B. Ionely, IOnely C? alone, IOnely D? Ionel? alone

)41. SOPhia IOOkS _______ a s She grows up.

A. more beautiful and more beautiful

B. more and more beautiful

C. more beautifully and more beautifully

D. more and more beautifully )42. StUdentS Wear

SChOOl UnifOrmS at SChOOL We ______________________________ break the rule.

A. ShOUlCI, OUght to

B. should, OUght not to

C. OUghi ShOUldr√t D ? OUght to, ShOUld

)43? When I have enough mone? I Want to buy a Iarge new house _______________ ?

A. On myself

B. to myself

C. to my OWn

D. Of my OWn )44. Don't forget to ______________ all the IightS and fans When you IeaVe the classroom. A. turn On B. turn Off C. turn UP )45. Mr. Smith SPeakS FrenCh ___________ EngliSh ? A. as good as B. both C. as WeIl as

the house, but he denied B. to break into, SteaIing

C. breaki ng dow r‰ to Steal

D ? breaki ng in to, SteaIing )47. WeIl try OUr best __________ OUt___________ g et On Well With OUr new neighbours.

A. to find, how to

B. finding, how Can We

C. to find, how Can We D ? finding, how to

)48.HOW COUld you make the IittIe baby StOP crying?

______ m aking funny faces. )49. - Where is Tony? It's his turn to Clean the ClaSSrOOm ?

一 He ___________ t he SChOOl Iibrary ?

A. has gone to

B. has been to

C. have been in D ? Went to

)50. KObe IikeS PIaying _________ basketball On the PlaygrOUnd Very much.

A. the

B. ?

C. an

D. a

)_ did you get home from OUr SChOOI?

------ T ake a bus.


B. Where

C. What

D. When

)52? The Wine _________ grapes ?

A. is made by

B. is made Of

C. is made With

D. is made from ( )53? The IittIe girl ___________ in the ClaSSrOOm a moment ago, but now She is in the

Iibrary ?

A. StUdied

B. is StUclying C ? StUdieS D ? Will StUdy

)54. We USUaIIy USe QQtO keep in touch ____________ OUr friends.

A. from

B. Of

C. With

D. to

)55? Lady Gaga is as __________ as JUStin Bieber.


B. much

C. the most POPUlar D ? more POPUIar

)56. --------WOUld you Iike ___________ to eat?

D. turn down

D. as WeIl

)46. DaVid admitted ___________ A. to break dowr‰ to Steal anything. A. With B. In

D. FOr

Yes, Kd Iike SOme cookies.

A. anything

B. everything

C. nothing

()57. We Can the new WOrd in the dictiOnary.

A. IoOk UP

B. IOOk after

C. look for

D. IOOk at

)58? ----- HOW many PeOPle are there in this factory.


A. SeVen hundred

B. SeVen hundreds

C. SeVen hundreds Of

D. SeVen hundred Of

( )59 ? I bought a new COmPUter IaSt SUn day .It me OVer $5,000.

A. SPent C. took

)nUmber Of teachers in OUr SChOOl 500 and a number Of them WOmen teachers.

A. is; are

B. are;is

C. am; are

61. DOeS he PrOmiSe the SeCret for me?

keep B. to keeping C. keeping


I. lt"s dark now. PIeaSe turn On the I ___________ ?

you decided to S ______________ your car? Γd Iike to buy it.

3. A Car has four W _______ and an eggine. They make a Car run fast?

4.1 don't Want to have POrk tonight. Can We have fish i _______________ , Mum?

,s not a IOng d __________ from here to the SeaSide z SO We Can WaIk there?

6. WhiCh is ____________ (far) from your COUntry Z AUStralia, USA Or UK?

7. SteVe JObS WaS a great AmeriCan ______________ (invent). He made OUr IiVeS more convenient.

8. After taking this medicine” he even _______________ (bad).

9. We all IOOk forward to ________________ (develop) a new machine to help do all the

housework at home?

10. You're a great _____________ (music) and I hope you Will Create more beautiful music?

II. The T-Shirt COStS 5z000 yuan. That is too e _______________ !

12. DO readers Iike the article about the i _________________ Of the teleph one, AIeXa nder Graham Bell?

13. Amy W ____________ first PriZe in the English Singing COmPetitiOn.

14. He told a f ______________ joke and everyOne IaUghed?

15. FiVe years Iateo the SmaIl WOrkShOP d ______________ into a big factory.

16. My grandma asked me to read the i ________________ for her. She Wanted to know how many times She ShOUId take the medicine a day?

17. When She SaW a big mouse On her desk, She Cried _______________ (突然)

18. If I Want to Write fast, I must Iearn to _________________ (打字)?

19. All the ______________ (乘客)should get Off the bus When they reach the bus stop.

20. DriVerS Cannot drive their CarS at a _________________ (速度)Of more than 60 kilometres an hour inSide GUangZhOU City.

21. AIbert EinStein WaS b ______ On 14 MarCh 1879 in Germany.

22. Ted doesn't feel Well today, SO Jim WiIl go to the meeting i __________ ?

23. There WaS an accident near OUr SChOOl yesterday. Luckily, n _______ WaS hurt.

24. lt"s f _____ to Play football With SO many friends.

25. In the early 19th C _________ z the first trains began to Carry PeOPle

26. YOU don't need to Pay for her ticket. Children Under five Can entre the Park for

f _________ .

27. COUld I i ___________ SOme friends to my birthday Party Z mum?

28. EVeryOne has gone away and the SqUare is rather e _______________ and quiet now.

29. The IaW gives every C ____________ t he equal right to VOte?

30.1 Can h ____________ See the IetterS On the blackboard Clearly WithOUt Wearing glasses?

31. They C _______________ the SUCCeSS Of the War With a Party that night?

32. The Iady WaS quite angry and r _________________ to anSWer that rude question.

33. Don't make any StUPid m _________________ Iike this, OK?

34. EVen though the COmPetitiOn WaS about to begin, nobody IOOked n _______________________ at all.

35. The POliCeman C _____________ the suspect's ID nUmberS Very CarefUlly.

36. WhiCh team W _______ the game, ClaSS One Or ClaSS two?

37. She WaS b ________ in France, but her Parents are English?

38. ROSe got the first P ________ at the CheSS COmPetitiOn?

39. It z S WrOng to C ________ others' homework? We ShOUId do it by OUrSelVeS?

40. YOU Can CrOSS the road When the t ________ IightS are green.

41. GraPeS USUalIy S ________ at a high PriCe in winter.

42. is a Very f _________ actor. HiS films Often make US IaUgh a lot.

AmeriCans' eyes, GOd C __________ the WOrId?

__________ WantS to make friends With Jim z SO he is Very Sad?

45. He USed to W __________ as a Cleaner in a hospital.


1. 我会听从你的建议,那对我非常有帮助。

I Will ___________________________________ ? That Z S Very helpful to me.

2. 如果我们不保护老虎,终有一夭它们会灭绝。

If We don't PrOteCt the tiger; they WiII ______________________ One day.

3. 你不应该总是依靠父母。

YOU ShOUIclr√t always_______________________________ y our Parents.

4. 与老朋友保持联系很重要。It's important to _____________________________________ With OUr Old friends.

5. 著名作家莫言出生于农村。

MO Yan, a famous WriteG ___________________________ in the COUntrYSide?

6. 杰克向哥哥挑战打一

JaCk ___________ his brother ____________ a game Of tennis.

7. 格林家没有怀特家扔掉那么多的纸制品。

The Green didn't throw away ______________________________________ as the White.

8. 在老师和他谈话之前,他没有认识到自己的错误。

He _________________________________________ h is mistake before the teacher talked to hm.

9. 最后,他查处了那个男孩在那次的交通事故里发生了什么事。

FinaIM he _____________________________ What _____________________________ the boy 泊the traffic accident.

10. 我们期待着再次见到你。

We are __________________________________________________________ you again.

11. 我想知道是什么阻止了她来这里。

I WOnder What __________________________________________________________ here.

12. 你们彼此用邮件联系吗?

DO you _____________________________________________ W ith each Other by email?

13. 我的卧室和厨房一般大。

My bedroom is ____________________________________________ the kitchen.

14. 此外,你必须会讲日语。

___________________________ , you must be able to SPeak JaPaneSe?

15. 无论你去哪里,请与我保持联系。

WhereVer you go ,please ________________________________________ me.

16. 这个故事不如那个有趣。

ThiS StOry is not __________________________ t hat one.

17. 很多青少年依赖他们的父母。

Many teenagers ____________________ their Parents.

18. 你能告诉我如何到达东风电影院吗?

Can you tell me ________________________________ to the DongfengCinema?

19. 昨天大雨阻止了我们踢足

The heavy rain ___________ US ____________________ f ootball yesterday.

20. 王老师对历史有很深的了解.

Mr. Wang has great __________________ history.

21. 他有早起的习惯.

He ______ the _______ Of ________ UP early.

22 ?听到这个消息后;(也不再生我的气了?

He WaS __________________________ With me.

23. 更重要的是,电脑比人算得快的多.

_________________ , COmPUterS CalCUIate much faster than human beings. 24. 她昨晚呆在家里,没有出去散步。

She Stayed at home __________________________________ O Ut for a walk. 25. 万物靠太阳生长。

AIl the things ______________________ the SUn to grow up.

26. 我期待着雨你再次见面。

I ___________________________________________ you again.

27. 随着气温的变化,恐龙灭绝了。

With the Change Of the climate, all the dinoSaUrS _________________________ ?28. 莎士比亚是世界上最伟大的作家之一。

ShakeSPeare is _________ Of _____________________________ jn the world.
