

秘书实务课程总结(Secretarial practice

course summary)

《秘书实务》是文秘及相关专业一门重要的专业基础课程,这门课程应用性强,如何写课程总结呢?下面我给大家介绍关于秘书实务课程总结的相关资料,希望对您有所帮助。("Secretarial Practice" is an important professional basic course for secretarial and related majors. This course is highly applicable. How to write a course summary? Below I will introduce you to the relevant information about the secretarial practice course summary, I hope it will be helpful to you .)

秘书实务课程总结篇一(Secretarial Practice Course Summary Part One)

在老师的指导和带领下,这个星期我们班开展了秘书实务的实训,一开始,我想不到老师会以什么样的形式来开展这个实训,我猜想老师也许就只是给我们讲讲课罢了,但想不到老师设计的形式如此新鲜活用,让我们在实践中学到了知识。这个实训由两部分组成,第一部分由方燕妹老师负责,第二部分由黄卫老师负责的。第一部分(Under the guidance and leadership of the teacher, this week our class carried out secretarial practice training. At the beginning, I couldn't think of what form the teacher would carry out this training. I guess the teacher might just give us lectures. But

it is unexpected that the form designed by the teacher is so fresh and flexible that we have learned knowledge in practice. This training consists of two parts, the first part is in charge of teacher Fang Yanmei, and the second part is in charge of teacher Huang Wei. first part)

前期:(Early stage:)

这一次的分组,我们摒弃了以往惯用的方法,例如按宿舍分,抽签等。老师引导我们采用了招聘的方式来分组:首先我们经过讨论从而确定每一组需要什么样的人才,按人数分七个组,组长自荐试产生,然后组长做一句话"广告"以此来吸引人才自组小组,以平等的方式让有意愿跟从该组长的同学也必须以一句话说服组长"招"你,然而最后招不招你的最终决定权在组长手里,就这样公平地完成了分组工作。这一次的分组联系到了我们所学的专业知识,无形中巩固了我们专业知识,又锻炼了我们的表达能力。分完组之后,我们经过一轮激烈地讨论后确定了组名和口号,配合着自己组设计的动作,展现了自己的特色。这一个环节同时锻炼了我们的想象力和文字水平。而且每一次讨论,老师都要求我们做会议记录,然后与各组分享、比较学习,还有老师的点评,这一个环节锻炼了我们的速记速度、文字水平和应用文写作。(For this grouping, we abandoned the usual methods, such as dividing by dormitory and drawing lots. The teacher guided us to use the recruitment method to group: First, we determined what kind of talents each group needs after discussion, divided

into seven groups according to the number of people, the group leader self-recommended, and then the group leader made a sentence "advertising". To attract talents to self-organize a group, students who are willing to follow the group leader must also persuade the group leader to "recruit" you in one sentence in an equal manner. However, the final decision on whether to recruit you is in the hands of the group leader. This completes the group work fairly. This time, the grouping is connected with the professional knowledge we have learned, which invisibly consolidated our professional knowledge and exercised our expressive skills. After dividing into groups, we determined the name and slogan of the group after a round of intense discussion, and showed our own characteristics in line with the actions designed by our group. This link exercised our imagination and writing skills at the same time. And for every discussion, the teacher asked us to make meeting minutes, and then shared with each group, compared learning, and the teacher's comments. This link exercised our shorthand speed, writing skills and practical writing.)

可见,我们每一个环节的实施都以锻炼我们的能力为主,让我们将听说与练习结合起来,在实践中学习知识。(It can be seen that our implementation of each link is mainly to exercise our abilities.

Let us combine listening and speaking with practice and learn knowledge in practice.)


我们进行了一个秘书情景的拍摄。我们根据目标、内容商量讨论后,写了一份方案。然后根据各个成员的特点分好角色,拟定脚本。我们把工作细分到了每一个人身上,为了避免突发事件的发生,我们考虑了一些注意事项,和想好了一些备用方案,在这一个环节里,我学会了,考虑问题要细心、周全。经过这次拍摄,向来粗心大意的我也渐渐变得细心了。(We filmed a secretary scene. After discussing and discussing the goals and content, we wrote a plan. Then divide the roles according to the characteristics of each member and draw up the script. We have subdivided our work into everyone. In order to avoid emergencies, we have considered some precautions and thought out some backup plans. In this link, I learned that we must be careful and thorough when considering issues. . After this shooting, I, who had always been careless, gradually became more careful.)


施也说明我们的准备是正确的。还有一个明智的准备就是:排插。因为我们是第5组拍摄的,我们考虑到轮到我们时,那相机可能没电了,所以我们准备了三个排插,在这里排插真的给我们帮了好大的忙。这些都说明了,考虑问题时一定要周到详细,要未雨绸缪,这样才能够提高工作效率。(On the day of shooting, according to the normal schedule, our group should be shot at noon, but in order to make the shot better, we decided to start rehearsal at 8 o'clock in the morning. In the rehearsal time after time, we continue to discover and solve problems. With our efforts, every time is better than every time. Since the shooting time of each group is limited, in order to save time and avoid the problem of the machine affecting our shooting, we also prepared another camera, and the following implementation also shows that our preparations are correct of. Another wise preparation is: power strips. Because we were shooting in the fifth group, we considered that when it was our turn, the camera might be out of power, so we prepared three power strips, and the power strips here really helped us a lot. All this shows that when considering issues, we must be thorough and detailed, and plan ahead, so as to improve work efficiency.)

总的来说,整个拍摄过程是很成功的,而这个成功是来自充分的准备,具体细致的分工,队员的团结合作。(In general, the entire

shooting process was very successful, and this success comes from full preparation, specific and meticulous division of labor, and the unity and cooperation of the team members.)后期:(Later period:)

拍摄整理好后,接下来就是每一个小组展现作品的时候了。一开始,老师为我们各小组的方案做了详细的点评,听了老师的点评,我才知道,自以为完美的方案,原来还存在那么多的问题。我们的专业知识,文字水平还有待提高,想问题还不够具体。(After the shooting is organized, it is time for each group to show their work. At the beginning, the teacher made detailed comments on the plans of our groups. After listening to the teacher's comments, I realized that there were still so many problems in the perfect plan. Our professional knowledge and writing level need to be improved. I think the problem is not specific enough.)

每一个组的方案都有着自己的特色与不足,如果能够取长补短那就会更完美。可见,互相交流讨论是一个很好的学习方法。(Each group's plan has its own characteristics and shortcomings, if it can learn from each other, it will be more perfect. It can be seen that communicating and discussing with each other is a good learning method.)


间后,每一小组都按规定开始视频的讲解,同时老师还要求我们挑出每一小组的毛病,我想老师这也是为我们的秘书证考试做准备,这样一来,让我们对秘书工作得到更深的了解。最后老师的点评引领我们进入了更深一层的思考。(Then come down and play the video. This time, the teacher gave us the time to arrange, which gave us another time management exercise. It can be seen that the teacher is very hardworking! After setting the time, each group will start the video explanation according to the regulations, and the teacher We also asked us to single out the faults of each group. I think the teacher is also preparing for our secretarial certificate exam, so that we can get a deeper understanding of secretarial work. Finally, the teacher's comments led us to a deeper level of thinking.)

第二部分(the second part)

这一部分的实训内容主要为资料的收集。依然按小组为单位开展工作。大体的流程为:首先,我们抽取一个题目;然后围着主题设计一份调查问卷,进行调查;最后根据调查的结果作一个总结和反馈。(The training content of this part is mainly about data collection. Work is still carried out in groups. The general process is: first, we extract a topic; then design a questionnaire around the topic and conduct a survey; finally, make a summary and feedback based on the results of the survey.)

了解了流程后,我们小组便展开了激烈的讨论,将工作落实到每一个细节,分好工作后,我们便密锣紧鼓地展开工作。我们的课题是:对本专业课程设置的看法和建议。经过我们小组的讨论,考虑到环境和一些客观因素的影响,我们决定将范围定为同学、老师、网上三个方面进行调查。(After understanding the process, our group started a heated discussion and implemented the work to every detail. After the work was divided, we started the work intensively. Our subject is: opinions and suggestions on the curriculum of this major. After discussion in our group, taking into account the environment and some objective factors, we decided to set the scope of investigation in three areas: classmates, teachers, and online.)

经过队友们的努力,我们设计好了调差问卷,接着就是调查过程了,说服被调查者为我们填写这份问卷这个过程就考察了我们的表达能力。调查完毕后,我们的总点工作就在于总结和反馈了,反馈的形式包括口头和书面的,书面的总结我们会加上图表,因为考虑到图表更直观,更清楚。(After the efforts of our teammates, we designed the difference adjustment questionnaire, followed by the survey process. The process of persuading the surveyed person to fill out the questionnaire for us examined our ability to express. After the investigation is completed, our main point of work is to summarize and feedback. The forms of feedback

include oral and written. We will add charts to the written summary because we consider that the charts are more intuitive and clearer.)

在这一部分,我们主要学会了信息的收集,而在信息收集的过程中,我还提高了表达能力,加强了资料整理的能力。(In this part, we mainly learned the collection of information, and in the process of information collection, I also improved my expression skills and strengthened my ability to organize data.)

在整一个秘书实务实训过程中,老师让我们自己动脑、动手,让我们主动地去学习。在实训的过程中,我们不但加深了专业知识的学习,还锻炼了我们的综合能力。在此次实训中,我看到了我的不足,在以后的学习中,我应该努力提高的有以下几点:(In the whole secretarial practical training process, the teacher let us use our own brains and hands, and let us learn actively. In the process of training, we not only deepened the learning of professional knowledge, but also exercised our comprehensive ability. In this training, I saw my shortcomings. In the future study, I should strive to improve the following points:)1.努力学好专业知识。(1. Work hard to learn professional knowledge.)

2.考虑问题要细心,做事要有耐心,学会未雨绸缪。(2. Consider

problems carefully, be patient in doing things, and learn to plan ahead.)

3. 主动融入集体,处理好各方面的关系,加强沟通。(3. Actively integrate into the collective, handle all aspects of the relationship, and strengthen communication.)

4. 加强检查,及时整改。(4. Strengthen inspections and make timely corrections.)

5.提高语言表达能力。(5. Improve language skills.)

6.提高文字写作水平。(6. Improve the level of writing.)

7.加强创新精神。(7. Strengthen the spirit of innovation.)

秘书实务课程总结篇二(Secretarial Practice Course Summary Part 2)

在方燕妹老师、谢国伟老师和周莹萍老师指导下,我们圆满地完成了两周的《秘书实务》实训课。虽然两周的《秘书实务》实训课时间短,但是课程任务较繁重,相当充实收益匪浅,其中课程包括秘书资格考证的四五级录像题目练习及讲解、DV机使用及视频剪辑、制作情景模拟视频和信息能力综合训练等相关知识的学习。这些课程让我们将理论与实践结合起来,当场学习及时实操的方法,感觉有较好的学习效果,现有几点实训小结。(Under the guidance of Teachers Fang Yanmei, Xie Guowei and Zhou Yingping, we successfully completed the two-week "Secretary Practice" training course. Although the two-week "Secretarial Practice" training course is short,

the tasks of the course are arduous, and the benefits are quite substantial. The courses include practice and explanation of the 4th and 5th levels of the secretarial qualification examination, DV machine use and video editing and production. Study of related knowledge such as scene simulation video and comprehensive training of information ability. These courses allow us to combine theory with practice, learn the methods of real-time practice on the spot, and feel that there is a good learning effect. There are several practical training summaries.)

一、我们进行了一次头脑风暴,自己的观点获得肯定,发现自己还是不错的,以及能力的提高需要锻炼和指导。(1. We had a brainstorming session, our views were affirmed, and we found that we were still good, and we needed exercise and guidance to improve our abilities.)



的项目分配到每个人,针对各自项目提出1~2个情景,最后筛选出最切实际的三个情景—秘书在会议前的资料准备及会后的总结整理、协调两个部门因车费报销的矛盾和收发文件及文件登记工作。课堂上有老师和同学对(At the beginning of the practical training course, I practiced and explained the secretarial qualification test of level 4 and 5 video questions. It gave us a preliminary understanding of these questions and a review of the secretarial practical knowledge learned this semester, and I was able to reach the basics of the teacher The requirement is to be able to find more than 8 points, but in the future, it is necessary to strengthen the simplicity of language expression and the practice of finding hidden and accurate points in the situation. These videos also laid the foundation for our next scenario simulation video. Then we formed a group and started discussing what three scenarios should be produced around the secretarial affairs. We expressed our own opinions and it was a little confused. Therefore, we decided to assign the projects learned this semester to everyone, propose 1 to 2 scenarios for each project, and finally screened out the three most practical scenarios—the secretary’s preparation of materials before the meeting and summary after the meeting , Coordinating the conflicts between the two departments due to

the reimbursement of car fares and the receiving and sending of documents and document registration. There are teachers and classmates in class)

我们方案提出疑问和建议,最终敲定三个情景,分别是秘书会前指导新的办公室秘书布置会议室、协调两个部门因车费报销的矛盾和收发文件及文件登记工作,其中第二情景由我提出能够得到老师认可,感到非常高兴,有时怯于表达自己观点而认为自己很差劲,这次提升了我的自信心。(Our plan raised questions and suggestions, and finally finalized three scenarios, namely, instructing the new office secretary to arrange the meeting room before the secretary’s meeting, coordinating the contradiction between the two departments due to the fare reimbursement, sending and receiving documents and document registration. I am very happy to be recognized by my teacher. Sometimes I am afraid of expressing my views and think that I am bad. This time, my self-confidence has been improved.)

二、情景模拟的视频制作不仅要求我们充分做好幕后工作,还要考验我们的团队精神和认真对待的态度。(2. Scene simulation video production not only requires us to do a good job behind the scenes, but also tests our team spirit and serious attitude.)课后我们井然有序开展工作,写脚本、制作文件登记表格、排练和打印一些资料。我们商定时间进行排练,排练时虽然各有自己的意见,

有争执,但每个成员都以小组利益为先不断磨合、商量。由谢国伟老师讲解DV机使用知识,每个小组成员认真听讲,负责拍摄的同学再上台使用一遍不懂就问。重要一环—拍摄。虽然那天气温十几度,但同学们还是穿着正装来到拍摄现场,忍受着风寒直到拍摄完毕。我在我们小组里是负责拍摄,一开始进行一轮模拟拍摄时就发现场地有限机器难以移动。我在正式拍摄时就遇到机器没有移到适合位置致使拍摄效果差、演员笑场和光线等问题,而我的拍摄技巧不过关,当时只能尽量选取好角度,排除一些不良因素。(After class, we worked in an orderly manner, writing scripts, making document registration forms, rehearsing and printing some materials. We agreed on a time to rehearse. Although each member had his or her own opinions and disputes during the rehearsal, each member kept working on and discussing the interests of the group. Teacher Xie Guowei explained the knowledge of DV machine use. Each team member listened carefully, and the students who were in charge of shooting came to the stage to use it again. An important part-shooting. Although the temperature was more than ten degrees that day, the students came to the shooting site in formal clothes and endured the wind and cold until the shooting was over. I was in charge of shooting in our group. When I started a round of simulation shooting, I found that the space was limited and the machines were difficult to move.

During the formal shooting, I encountered problems such as the poor shooting effect, the actor's laughter, and the light when the machine was not moved to the proper position. My shooting skills were not good enough. At that time, I could only choose

a good angle as much as possible to eliminate some bad factors.)

三、也许结果不尽我们所想的,但我们享受了过程。(3. Maybe the result is not what we thought, but we enjoyed the process.)虽然视频经过后期的剪辑还是没有达到我们预想的效果,但我们在制作视频前前后后的工作中收获知识、体验了秘书工作,又回应了秘书资格考证的录像题目加深了对其的认识。我们也观(Although the video did not achieve the desired effect after the post-editing process, we gained knowledge and experienced secretarial work in the work before and after making the video, and responded to the video title of the secretary qualification examination to deepen our understanding. We also watch)

看其他小组的作品,汲取他们好的经验,其他小组成员也给我们提出不足之处如秘书工作的疏漏、场景摆设、拍摄技巧等。老师点评我们的视频,因我们对脚本不熟悉在模拟时没能把将书面语言转化为口头语言,表演者表现得不自然。希望我们以后有类似的机会再接再厉,做得更好,而我也要再深入学习DV机使用和拍摄技术。(Look at the works of other groups and learn from their good experience. Other group members also pointed out shortcomings for us, such

as omissions in secretarial work, setting up, and shooting skills. The teacher commented on our video because we were not familiar with the script and failed to convert the written language into spoken language during the simulation. The performers acted unnaturally. I hope we will have similar opportunities in the future to make persistent efforts and do better, and I will also learn more about the use of DV cameras and shooting techniques.)

四、深一层学习信息工作知识,与不同做事风格的人一起共事需要耐心和不断沟通来达到一个平衡点。(4. In-depth study of information work knowledge, working with people with different styles of work requires patience and continuous communication to achieve a balance.)


多次筛选和整理有用的资料而且还需另加一些关乎主题必要的问题,从而使问卷题目更加完整全面。令我印象最深的是,负责问卷设计的我们几个同学不断地擦出火花,也正因我们提出各自看法并倾听其做法的原因,取精去粕才整理和加工成一份较完善的问卷,我们也(The final training content is the comprehensive information ability training given to us by Teacher Yingping Zhou. The teacher asked us to complete a subject survey to strengthen the information processing ability. During the survey process, it involves information collection, sorting, transmission, utilization, feedback and storage procedures, and systematically apply the learned information work knowledge to the reality and deepen the understanding. Awareness of information work. First, the teacher will guide us in the procedures of conducting research work, that is, each group discusses and determines the research theme, then the group leader assigns specific tasks, and finally the group makes a report (showing the research situation). The subject of our group's research is the concept of love, marriage, and sex among college students in Guangdong Province. We used online questionnaires to learn about Guangdong college students' views on love, marriage and sex. I am specifically responsible for designing the questionnaire, mainly collecting data

through the Internet. There is a wide range of relevant information on the Internet, so it is necessary to screen and sort out useful information many times and also need to add some necessary questions related to the topic, so as to make the questionnaire more complete and comprehensive. What impressed me the most was that several of our classmates in charge of the questionnaire design kept sparking. It is precisely because we put forward our own opinions and listened to their practices, we took the essence and dross to organize and process a more complete questionnaire. We also)

就在实操中提高信息工作处理能力。(Improve information processing capabilities in practice.)

《秘书实务》实训结束了,我们回顾和强化了学过的知识,学习到新知识,也发现我们在这些方面的不足之处,在往后时间针对不足的地方加以学习锻炼,争取更进一步(The "Secretarial Practice" training is over. We reviewed and strengthened the knowledge we have learned, learned new knowledge, and found our shortcomings in these aspects. We will study and exercise in the future for the shortcomings to strive for further progress.)

秘书实务课程总结篇三(Secretarial Practice Course Summary Chapter 3)

秘书实务的课程已经告一段落,这学期我们已经学到作为文秘人员对于该具备的写作素质,演讲技能,团队合作能力都有训练。近年来计算机已广泛应用于社会生活的方方面面,无纸办公的潮流已势不可挡。利用先进的计算机技术来处理文件,管理实务既方便又能提高效率,从这个层面上对秘书人员计算机水平及相关连的办公设备熟练操作提出了切实的要求。(The secretarial practice course has come to an end. This semester we have learned that as a secretary, we have training in writing quality, speaking skills, and teamwork ability that we should have. In recent years, computers have been widely used in all aspects of social life, and the trend of paperless office has become unstoppable. Using advanced computer technology to process documents, management practices are both convenient and efficient. From this level, it puts forward practical requirements for the secretarial staff's computer skills and the proficient operation of related office equipment.)


考的新课题具有重要的现实意义。(With the establishment and gradual improvement of my country's market economy system, the society's basic requirements for secretarial personnel have undergone fundamental changes. Compared with traditional secretaries, secretarial work is very different in content, form and means. The quality and requirements of secretarial work determine that secretarial workers must have a strong sense of professionalism and a high sense of responsibility, high professional quality and professional ethics. To become high-quality secretarial talents, professional students must constantly update their ideas and master new ideas to meet the requirements of the ever-changing and evolving information age, and it has important practical significance to regard this as a new topic for our thinking.)

长期以来,高等学校在秘书素质与能力培养模式上比较单一化,往往把秘书培养目标粗略定位在职业人才角色,或只注重专业技能,突出技巧训练,而忽略了综合素质的提高。在素质提高方面不是结合自身特点,而是追求简单模式。因此必须在培养方式上进行切实的探索和改革。(For a long time, colleges and universities have been relatively simplistic in the quality and ability training of secretaries. They often set the goal of secretary training roughly in the role of professional talents, or only focus on
