Issue 分类总结 领导者

Issue 分类总结 领导者
Issue 分类总结 领导者


70"In any profession—business, politics, education, government—those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership."

Position: Limiting the term of leadership is an effective way to prevent corruption and lack of initiatives.

A. When leaders have no fear of losing their power, they tend to abuse their power.

B. A new leadership usually has greater initiative and would bring in new ideas.

C. However, in private areas such as business it might not be so necessary to limit the term of leadership.

1.though creativity is emphasized ubiquitously in study, business, research, and thought, we should adopt is selectively. things always have many rejections in its application, and is not always on the right track. In the transformation of the leadership, efficiency of the enterprises will surely deteriorate and profit will decrease. It is a big challenge for any enterprises. In case the transform fails, it is disastrous to the enterprise.

3.if such trend permeate in the society, there are bound to be irretrievable loss and destruction.

4.we should adopt the creativity selectively, tailoring it to our flavor and condition.

Position: The surest way to success for all enterprises should be anaylized respectively instead of just considering the revitalization of leadership as the only channel.

1, Leaders in power in various fields have their strongs and wesknesses. Those who accumulate experience and prosper and even gain public suppot or those who benefit the society in their utmost, deserve respect and promotion.

2, The success of an enterprise is decided by many factors such as economical environment, political stability and international relationships.

3, Although an revitalization of leadership does bring some benefits , it is only one , not necessarily right , channel.

4, From a broad point of view, we can reasonably plan for the future and success of an enterprise.

(1)to great existence, if one cannot see the concrete example that the aging and ossifying leadship will undermine the profession patently and greatly, one can deduce i t from the general principle. for example. so some thing shoule be done, some rule institute, some example set.

(2)but new leadship not mean to permute the preceding wholely, beside supplant the original one there are still divergent approach to attain such goal,such as . on the other hand, why it must 5 years that the origin one have to step down? longer or shorter? how about 8 or 10

(3) and remaim the preceding leadship can conserve the stable in the main policy and the sequence. it will disturb the proper rhymer, and it would demand more or less quite

a long time to put all the worlk in the right place.

(4)according all the outline it is immeience to remedy and prevent the leadship ossify and age, but we can adop a more moderate way.


1. Those in power for several years are generally old and their physical conditions become worse and worse. It's unwise to be still in power if they are likely less capable to deal with mass of matters.

2. Another problem also should be considered: young and talent people who are excellent enough to fit the position don't have the opportunities to make achievements if the old are still rooted.

3. However, power men have much more experience than those young. They often represent their surprisingly wise and diplomatic capabilities when dealing with tough problems, which rare happens on young men.

4. The credit, repute and public support are also considerable factors. New leadership are less experienced and need a comparative long period to be adapted to the society.

1. beginning

2.1 a person in a position too long will either get tired of his work, or make misdeed. Need new one bring vigor into the profession. absolute power leads to absolute depravation

2.2 give change to those who are more compatible for the job.

2.3 period for tenure of the office should take discretion.

3. to get a better result, it is better to let leaders abdicate.

Protean as the world represents and situation changes continuously, after a relative stable period, leaders should abdicate and new one is required to supple the vacant position.

Protean as the world represents and situation changes continuously, after a relative stable period, leaders should abdicate and new one is required to supple the vacant position.

When one is appointed to a new department, ambitious and aggressive as he/she is, the ardour fills in heart of the one’s, earnest he/she will be and the spirit will i nfect others. Thus, a benign vogue is formed which boost the group to go in an exiting cycle. With the zeal vanishing, as the leader is too familiar with his/her work and with the different types relationship built, it is hard to keep disinterest for the leader. Inevitable, discontent will come out and internal contradictory will emerge thus efficiency will descend. The result what I have stated is just refer to those who are decent, for leaders

who can’t deny snare situation will be more serious. A famous aphorism that absolute power leads to absolute depravation repeals shortness of leaders staying long in a profession from this aspect.

Meanwhile, even the leader keeps rectitude and he/she was competent with his occupation, however, if the leader stays in the profession infinitely, other one who in the beginning years was not as excellent as the leader, in the later years has been keeping on trying and now is more suitable for the position has no chance to be promote. It is not equal for the more diligent person and also contradicts Market economic laws which require optimize allocation of resource, including labor resource. In the antithesis, if the leader can assume more important assignment, and if he/she is confined in the limited circle, also it is a waste of gifts of the leader and it is unfair for him/her.

T o reach the most effective for all the member of society and make full use of resource, leaders should abdicate when expiration of his/her term in office falls according to relevant laws that corresponding economic rules. Length of the period for the leader in the position should be decided in concrete circumstance, arbitrarily circumscribe it to 5 years will court trouble in the later years, some such as manager of a small company should be substituted in less than 5 years while the presidential election should be hold 4 years a time at least to ensure stability of the country.

Definitely, system of leader replacement should be built and advantages of it are obvious. Only through this form, can all people enjoy equal citizen right and the society can create the most value. Thus, keeping on executing this policy in any profession—business, politics, education, government—is impeachable and rational.

As a frequently discussed issue in the enterprise,the abdication of elder leader and subsequently accession of new bellwether have been an spiny problem and thus give rise of an enduring debate. Which viewpoint should we hold out? Answer of this question depends on our overall and reasonble analysis and understanding in this issue. That is, if the old leader should resign and let the new bellwether take the post thoroughly rely on the definite situation that happens. That is,the different condition may give birth to fully disparate and even opposite result. I will provide the concrete and detailed analysis as the following.

On the one hand,we first should pay attention to the possible benefit from the abdication of old leader. For instance,the accession of new leader instead of old may brings new idea ,spirit,method and regulation ,which subsequently mybe contribute to the development and pefection of the enterprise. For instance, many famous company ,such as IBM,MICROSOFT,and INTEL,ever got into the plight due to mismanagement ,or corruption,or erroneous policy. These corporation finally replace the leader with the new bellwether in order to get rid of the quandary and revive. As a result,mostly the company make a resurgence and even burgeon for a long time, which

primarily result from the fresh and correct idea , system and practice brought by new leader. Therefore,from these cases,we naturally get a illumination that in a troublesome and even formidable situation,appointing a new leader may be a reasonble and effectual measure for reviving the enterprise.

On the other hand,as a complement,we must consider if the so-called reform by substituting old for new leader is certainly beneficial to the enterprise. In some cases,the plight of enterprise is not brought out by the leader,but some other factors. For instance, the government formulate a new economic policy which involves the product made by a company and contains some new terms disadvantageous to that company. Thus,for a long time,the sale of product is so

bad that gradually the enterprise falls into a predicament.So,how can we ascribe this to the leader? in turn,we all should realize it is not the responsibility of leader,but just a chance. In this situation,substituting the leader for new person

may be not a reasonble and effctual measure since it can't overcome the difficulty caused by the government. Besides this,other possibility may influence on the development of enterprise and sometimes lead to a predicament.

Through the detailed and objective analysis presented above,we here can make a conclusion that replacing the old leader with new is not always a suitable

and efficient measure for reviving the enterprise,which commonly depends on specific condition and situation.

We are enjoying a very bright future as fast advancing technology centers in a world in which society calling out increasingly loudly for change and creativity. Transmutation is valued more heavily than it has ever been. Affected by the beneficial change of the technology, people are applying change ubiquitously to thoughts, science, education and even leadership. While admitting that the urge for change is conducive to everything, I don’t think people’s extreme and indiscriminate application in leadership, demanding those in power should step down after five years, is not as wise and advisable as they do in science, though or education.

The reason contribute to people’s appeal to require anyone in power step down after five years is their presupposition that frequent change in leadership can bring the enterprise the precious merit: creativity. Creativity by nature means, the creative mind which can free our though from the trammel of tradition and bring refreshment to our ideas. However, it doesn’t follow that frequent change in anything—leadership included—is necessary and an insurance of creativity. Furthermore, creativity alone in itself is not sufficient and predominant in an efficient and outstanding leadership. There are other elements say clairvoyance, wisdom, persistence, honesty, morality which are more important, or at least as important as creativity. If too frequent the change of leadership was and too much emphasize laid upon creativity, the essences that listed above would be largely lost and the leadership centers in creativity would be surly in

unsteadiness. And wh at’s more, can anyone argue seriously that the change in leadership will definitely bring the enterprise a creative mind?

Further put, new things always have many rejections in its germinal application and are not always on the right track. Leadership is not the abnormality. In the transformation of the leadership, efficiency of the enterprises will be inevitably impaired and profit will decrease. In case the transform fails, it is disastrous and detrimental to the existence and development of the enterprise.

The end of the so-called frequent change and urge for revitalization is to pursue the prosperity of the enterprise. On condition that the extant leadership has contributed and is going to contribute more to the enterprise’s prosperous development, wh ere does the motive of change in leadership exist? Roosevelt, the 16th president of the U.S and the only one in history elected for 4 terms, can serve as the solid example to substantiate the point above. Why people granted him 4 four times of presidency, spanning 12 year that absolutely surpass the five years alleged by many people? Let’s get to fundamentals to see what he has done in his presidency: developed reforms and projects known as the New Deal which drag Americans out of the bog of economic recession; lead Americans to conquer the notorious fascism in the Second World War. It is due to his sagacious leadership that Americans granted him 4 four times of presidency and venerated him as the 3rd greatest president in history, ranking only after Washington and Lincoln. From this illustration we can see the traditional perspective of valuing the leadership is by its efficiency and contribution, not merely the presumably frequency alleged by many people.

In conclusion, the allege of people in leadership nowadays and indiscriminate change of leaders is preposterous and precarious to not only the enterprise but the society as a whole. The change for leadership should be evaluated comprehensively, including efficiency and contributions and wisdom and clairvoyance, not narrowly circumscribed in the so-called and alleged revitalization of creativity.


1. long-term leadership will lead to arrogance of the leader and rigidity of enterprise

2. by introducting periodic leadership and proper competitive mechanism, the enterprise can keep running lively

3. over-frequent changing of leader will distract the enterprise and bring instability

It’s emotionally natural that people incline to sticking to a successful and charismatic leader rather than to mercilessly replace him/her with a new one after a limited period of time. It turns out that, however, such good wishes do not promise precipitated results. Long-term leadership often leads to either the degrade of the enterprise or degeneration of the leader itself.

Unfortunate but true, there is no individual of this world flawless. Great success, fame and wealth, awe and respection from subordinates can all addle an initially wise and

cool-minded leader. The availability of long-term leadership makes things worse by granting these leaders sufficient time and power to abuse success. And the veneration and admiration from staff fail to warn leaders against self-righteousness before the whole thing goes out of control. Though sometimes things are not that bad, and the long-term leadership does to some extent manage to keep the enterprise in stability, it does not follow that the enterprise benefits from it anyway. Actually, the so-called stability is a veiled rigidity, which dominates with the inevitable limitation of its leader. Things are quite different when periodic leadership is introduced. By maintaining proper competative mechanism, the enterprise is always able to be repleted with fresh blood and new leading ideologies. Newly emerged leaders bring new way of leading and managing, and they are more likely to keep in better touch with time as well. In order to gain recognition and authority, new leaders tend to avoid the shortcomings of their predecessors and bring more welfare to staffs. On the other hand, staffs are also encouraged to work more actively for promotion. This compulsory shift in leadership effectively invigorates the enterprise and consequently drives it for bigger success. Five years’s period is proper for average leadership. Longer term will ossify the enterprise while shorter one may call it under instability. It takes time for new leaders to get familiar with position as well as the running of the enterprise, and their new ideas might not take effect as soon as employed. And the competition for leadership, if carried out too frequently, will also distract the enterprise from its routine jobs. It is hard to imagine that promising staffs can concentrate on their work for the enterprise rather than go all out for courting support from subordinates and appreciation from senirors. Anyway, enterprises differenciate from each other in nature and it is absurd to set an inflexible term to everyone of them categorically. The decision factors should include the average time for any new policy to take effect, evolution of the enterprise in society and so forth.

Neither absolute stability nor rash alternation will lead to the success of any enterprise. In order to keep relatively stable composition and at the same time preventing it from any rigidity, enterprises should work out proper term for leadership to ensure their success.



单位生活垃圾分类工作总结 为贯彻落实《市机管局等部门关于进一步推进本市党政机关等公共机构单位生活垃圾分类工作的通知》,扎实推进生活垃圾分类处置工作,进一步发挥党政机关公共机构在生活垃圾分类工作中的示范引领作用,结合创城工作,全面落实好生活垃圾分类工作。 一、宣传动员,营造氛围 1.围绕弘扬中华传统美德,立足回应社会关切,集中开展倡导绿色生活、反对铺张浪费,实施垃圾分类、促进资源回收的宣传教育,引导崇尚自然简约的生活方式,增强生态道德意识,培养积极向上向善的良好风气。 2.充分利用局域网、短信平台、微信群等宣传工具,加强对垃圾分类的宣传介绍,普及垃圾分类知识。 3.建立生活垃圾分类处置的常态化、长效化机制,从自己做起、从身边做起、从点滴做起,减少一次性用品的使用,从源头实现生活垃圾减量,养成主动分类、自觉投放的行为习惯,在全所形成垃圾分类人人有责、人人尽力、人人作为的良好氛围。 二、主要措施 1.日常教育引导。将生活垃圾分类教育作为培训的重要内容,持续开展主题宣传,定期开展教育培训,组织参加生活垃圾分类知识测试,做到人人知晓分类。并通过党员活动,引导工作人员进行垃圾正确投放。将生活垃圾分类融入日常管理之中,作为日常行为规范,引导人人参与践行,让生活垃圾分类成为绿色生活方式。 2.完善分类设施。积极筹措资金,购置垃圾分类所需设备

设施,设置可回收物、有害垃圾、湿垃圾、干垃圾存放容器,容器颜色、标识做到规范清晰,存放区域标识清晰。每个办公室、楼层廊道设置各类垃圾存放容器,并张贴宣传海报进行垃圾分类宣传,引导正确投放垃圾。 3.实施分类投放。按垃圾分类目录要求,以及具体规定,将生活垃圾中的可回收物、有害垃圾、湿垃圾、干垃圾分别投放至对应的收集容器。要求保洁员做到清楚垃圾分类的要求,分类容器摆放规范,内容物分类正确。 4.实施分类收运。对收集到的垃圾进行统一清运,做好各类垃圾物流去向及台账工作。 5.倡导绿色办公。积极推行无纸化办公,全面实施纸张双面打印,提倡重复使用,推行可更换笔芯的中性笔,减少一次性物品使用。落实厉行节约反对食品浪费的号召,实施光盘行动,减少餐厨垃圾产生。 三、下一步工作 在积极推进垃圾分类工作的同时,我单位将对实施垃圾分类情况进行不定期分析,鼓励大家广泛参与,积极提出好的思路、方法。对实施过程中行之有效的经验和好的做法,及时加以总结和宣传推广,努力营造浓厚的氛围,形成强大的合力,进一步做好垃圾分类工作。


篇一:xx乡党员积分管理情况汇报 xxx党员积分管理工作开展 情况汇报 一、全乡活动整体开展情况 全乡共有村级党组织32个,参与农村党员积分管理党员802人,按照党员情况分类,其中村组干部党员218人,普通党员255人,流动党员190人,年老体弱党员139人,第一季度共计申请加分项424项,经支部审议、乡机关各部门反馈、党员大会评定后共计确认加分项390项。按照县委组织部要求,我乡在召开评定会前及时通知市、县驻村指导员到村参会,其中市直单位三个,县直部门帮扶单位11个。 二、具体工作作法 一是狠抓组织领导。乡党委把农村党员积分管理工作作为2015年基层党建工作的重要抓手,做到书记亲自抓,班子成员按照各自联系村具体抓,各村支部书记持续深入抓,在全乡上下形成齐抓共管,层层抓落实的工作格局。二是狠抓舆论宣传。全乡通过以会代训、刷写固定标语、制作版面、印制流程图等形式,进一步提高党员干部的感性认识,并根据党员积分情况和日常表现,着力发现、挖掘、培育优秀党员,并加以宣传报道,在全乡上下党员之间营造“创先争优”“比学赶超”的浓厚氛围。三是严格申报程序。我乡在遵照县委实施方案明确加分项目四个方面30项内容,扣分项目20项内容基础上,结合本乡实际,突出当前重点工作,新增加加分事项10项,扣分事项减少2项,我们按照量化管理原则,将贡献加分、违规扣分事项进一步细化,使其更具操作性和实施性。四是强化督导指导。在工作中建立工作例会制度,每月召开一次工作例会,以办展为单位听取党员积分管理工作汇报,研究下步推进措施,把该项工作纳入各村、各部门责任目标考核,一月一督导,一季度一考评,表先督后。 三、存在问题 由于本季度是积分管理工作的第一次具体实践,在实施过程中也存在着具体考核措施有待完善、考核结果运用成效不明显等问题:对优秀党员的奖励措施还未具体落实,对不合格党员的惩罚措施力度相对较轻、起不到足够的警示作用,对流动党员的管理还不够完善、不能充分发挥流动党员的作用。 四、下步改进措施 在下一步工作中,我们将在考核结果运用上下功夫,不断完善工作措施,加大表彰奖励力度,积极探索,把党员积分制管理工作作为优化优秀党员先锋模范作用的平台、处置不合格党员的重要载体,以及进一步推进党员积分制管理工作的突破口。篇二:徐家堰村党员积分制管理情况汇报1 徐家堰村党支部“党员积分制管理”工作情况汇报 我村位于凯河镇党委政府驻地约1.5公里处,芦跃路途经本村驻地。全村共44名共产党员、其中女党员6名,预备党员1名,设6个党小组,覆盖六个村民小组,总户数227户,总人口850人,农业户人数:800余人、总耕地面积733亩,人均耕地0.7亩,全村以种养、植劳务输出为主,是个典型丘陵农业村。 在有些人眼中,党建是个“虚功”,党建被狭义地理解为“三会一课”、思想建设,在社会转型的今天、如何加强农村基层党员的教育与管理可以说是一个值得探讨的课题......而在我村,党建是项“见实效、真受益”的工作,我村在凯河镇率先探索出“党员积分管理”制度,用“积分”体现党员实绩,让党员不再是“干与不干一个样,干好干坏一个样”,切实破解农村党建工作中,党员管理难、组织难、作用发挥难等问题,做出了一篇“虚功实效”的大文章,在党员中掀起了一股带头干事创业的热潮。自2012年以来,我村党支部在基层组织建设中,在原来“党员评星”的基础上不断探索加强农村党员管理的有效途径,经过反复调研讨论决定以实施“党员积分制管理”为突破点来破解基层党建管理方面的难题,目前取得了初


教育类: 第1组:通才VS专才 (6,14,96,116) A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college. 在进行大学教育以前,国家应该要求所有的学生学习统一的国家课程。 (13,46,70,102,112,140) Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study. 大学应该要求每个学生选修自己专业以外的各种学科。 (24,29,52) The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones. 教育的最佳方式是赞扬积极的行为,忽视消极的行为。 37 Society should identify those children who have special talents and provide training for them at an early age to develop their talents. 社会应该甄别那些天资聪颖的孩子,并且年幼的时候就开始提供训练培养它们的才能。 54 In order to become well-rounded individuals, all college students should be required to take courses in which they read poetry, novels, mythology, and other types of imaginative literature. 为了成为全面发展的个体,应该要求所有的大学生选择可以阅读诗歌、小说、神话等想象力文学的课程。 (82,97,100,124) Colleges and universities should require their students to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country. 学院或大学应该要求学生在国外至少留学一个学期。 142 Claim: Colleges and universities should specify all required courses and eliminate elective courses in order to provide clear guidance for students. Reason: College students—like people in general—prefer to follow directions rather than make their own decisions. 结论:为了给学生提供一个明确的方向,学院和大学应该指定所有的必修课程,移除选修课程。 原因:和大众一样,大学生更喜欢按部就班,不喜欢自己做决定。


生活垃圾分类工作总结范文 生活垃圾分类工作总结范 生活垃圾分类工作总结 为进一步深入推进X镇城乡环境综合治理工作,提升环境治理水平,实现农村生活垃圾“减量化、无害化、资源化”治理,从根本上解决农村垃圾“出口”问题,为经济社会发展营造良好生态环境,根据xx市《关于城乡生活垃圾分类工作实施意见》,一年来,X镇农村生活垃圾分类工作经精心组织,落实投入,成效显著。现将工作总结如下: 一、提高认识,加强领导 镇党委政府高度重视城乡环境综合整治工作,生活垃圾分类工作纳入镇重点工作。镇各办所目标工作季度推进专题会向镇主要领导汇报工作开展情况。分类工作由开展此项工作的村支部书记亲自负责,落实相关设施设备的修建安装,宣传氛围的营造和分类有偿回收。 二、广泛宣传,营造氛围 一是召开镇、村、农户三级动员会、交心谈心会等,宣传动员,讲解、学习垃圾分类的内容、意义、目的,安排各村、各办所相关工作。二是结合我镇实际,利用现有资源,如广播、宣传车、宣传栏、“快乐星期六”等多种形式、多种方式搭建宣传平台,生动宣传讲解垃圾分类相关内容。三是镇城管办牵头,各村协作,定期进行入户宣传,为全镇村人员发放《实施垃圾分类创建绿色家园》等宣传单及宣传手册X余份,并认真做好解释、宣传教育工作。 三、整治有力,措施得当 今年8月,组织镇村干部、保洁公司、小区业委会、点位居民召开农垃前端分类工作现场会。通过召开现场会采取相应的措施,教育引导村民了解垃圾分类的基本要求,掌握垃圾分类的基本方法,养成垃圾分类的良好习惯。此外,通过集中培训、现场讲解示范、建立激励机制等措施,使环卫人员懂得如何对不同垃圾进行收集、回收和处理。尤其是在集中处理的地方,进一步规范工作流程和操作规程,严防“分散污染”变成“集中污染”。在废旧电池和医疗垃圾的回收处


党员排查总结报告 党员排查总结报告 篇一:XX党员组织关系梳理排查工作情况报告XX 党员组织关系梳理排查工作情况报告 全面梳理党员在册情况和缴纳党费、参加组织生活情况,加强基层党组织建设。下面是为大家搜集整理的XX公司培训学习心得体会,希望对大家有所帮助! 据省市区委工作部署,为切实贯彻落实中央和省市区委关于全面从严治党、严格党员日常教育管理监督的具体要求,现就在全镇开展党员组织关系排查工作情况汇报如下: 一、领导重视,及时部署 11月19日下午,办党总支部书记胡春雷就召集总支委和机关第 一、第二支部各支委传达学习了直组字〔XX〕57号、直组字〔XX〕58号、直组字〔XX〕59号三份文件,深刻领会文件精神,明确目标任务,指定专人,限定期限,要求自下而上、层层开展党员组织关系梳理排查工作,总支与各支部的梳理排查报表统计数据要相吻合,确保不走过场,落到实处。 二、逐项对照,认真自查

一查所属党员实有数。经查人防办党总支共有在册党员32人:其机关一支部现有在职正式党员9人,在职预备党员1人,无退休老党员;机关二支部现有在职正式党员8人,退休老党员14人(原有15人,XX年7月28日因病去世1人),无预备党员。二查流动党员实有数、是否建立流动党员管理台账。经查总支在职党员都在职在岗,退休 老党员无长期离皋在外地滞留情况,且电话联系正常,无失联党员。各支部也未接收外来挂名党员,故不存有流动党员现象。因此未建立流动党员管理台账。三查支部党员身份信息真实性、是否按程序发展党员、是否有党员身份造假情况。各支部通过查阅党员人事档案和户口本、身份证,核实了所有党员的身份信息、入党时间、转正时间及党员档案存放情况。总支所有党员身份信息真实可信,党员发展程序符合规定,无党员身份造假情况。四查XX年以来党员组织关系转接是否符合规定、是否存在有口袋党员情况。经查XX 年1月1日至XX年10月30日期间,2个支部通过总支共转入党员3人、转出党员3人,所有转入、转出党员组织关系均符合规定,无口袋党员现象。通过自查的情况看,市人防办党总支部能严格按照上级党组织的要求,认真做好对党员组织关系的管理工作,很好地发挥出基层党组织的战斗堡垒作用和共产党员先锋模范作用,为推进人防工作又好又快发展创造良好环境奠定了坚实的思想和组织基础。

GRE ISSUE 正式分类表,终于出炉了

EDUCATION Choosing the fields of study Topics ?Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed. ?Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers. ?Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study in which jobs are plentiful. ?College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field. ?Some people believe that college students should consider only their own talents and interests when choosing a field of study. Others believe that college students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field. ?College students should be encouraged to pursue subjects that interest them rather than the courses that seem most likely to lead to jobs. ?College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field. ?Claim: When planning courses, educators should take into account the interests and suggestions of their students. Reason: Students are more motivated to learn when they are interested in what they are studying. Samples ?Should educators provide students with a set of ideas or with job preparation? (GRE CAT Answers P.88) ?Are people free to choose a career? (GRE CAT Answers P.101) ?Should education devote itself to enriching our personal lives? (GRE CAT Answers P.173) ? The same national curriculum


生活垃圾分类工作总结 1江源镇开展生活垃圾分类处置的工作总结 按照市委、市政府的统一部署,根据市城管局生活垃圾分类处置工作要求,为达到城乡环境洁齐美,江源镇认真扎实开展生活垃圾分类处置工作。现就此项工作开展情况总结如下: 一、明确指导思想和目标任务 以开展城乡环境综合治理和提升城乡居民文明行为为切入点,坚持“政府主导、全民参与”的原则,对可回收垃圾、不可回收垃圾实施源头分类,并对垃圾收集房(桶)、果屑箱等垃圾收集设施进行有效改造,从根本上解决农村垃圾面源污染,推动城乡环境综合治理向纵深开展,进一步深化“三个延伸”专项治理行动,全面提高城乡环境质量,实现生活垃圾处理“减量化、资源化、无害化”。 二、加强组织领导 首先,成立了江源镇生活垃圾分类处置工作领导小组,各村成立了相应的工作领导小组,层层建立了保洁员队伍。其次,镇党委、政府召开了相关城乡环境综合治理的专题会议,落实工作任务,严格考核办法。再次,落实了监督队伍,负责辖区城乡环境卫生监督检查。 三、科学规划,合理布点

进一步完善垃圾收集房(桶)、中转房、果屑箱等生活垃圾收集设施。农村生活垃圾收集房(桶点)每村不少于10座或每组1座,场镇、集中居住区道路两侧果屑箱设置间距按主要街道25-50m/个,交通干道80-100m/个。改造后的垃圾收集房应达到两道门、两个投放口、一个公示栏的标准,在一个投放口标明“可回收垃圾”,在另一个投放口标明“不可回收垃圾”标识。3—5个垃圾桶为一个桶点,在每个垃圾桶上分别标明“可回收垃圾”或“不可回收垃圾”标识。收集房面积较小不能分隔的,可新建或扩建,也可在收集房侧增设垃圾桶并标明“可回收垃圾”或“不可回收垃圾”标识。果屑箱设置应为双桶,分别标明“可回收垃圾”或“不可回收垃圾”。 四、分步实施、强力推进 按“统一规划、分步实施”的原则,积极探索生活垃圾分类收集,实行源头减量,为资源化利用、无害化处理奠定基础。20XX年我镇全面开展垃圾分类收集投放工作,从2月初启动,4月份开始全面实施,共分为两批次实施,实施步骤如下: (一)宣传动员阶段(2月初-2月底)完成垃圾分类收集设施的设计方案、人员培训、宣传动员。实施好生活垃圾分类收集和处理工作,关键在基层,基础在群众。采取张贴宣传标语、召开群众工作会等形式进行宣传发动,及时将实


xxxxxx局党支部分类定级 工作总结 xxxxxx局党支部在县委党总支的领导下,始终坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,以加强党的执政能力建设和创先争优、五个基本七个体系建设为主线,牢牢把握“服务中心、强化队伍”这一主题,不断加强支部建设,并取得了显著成效。党支部按照“关于做好基层党组织分类定级工作的通知”要求,根据“机关事业单位基层党组织分类定级评分表”进行自查,综合自评为“好”其结果具体如下:一、合理设置程序规范---争创基本组织好我支部有30名中共党员。支部组织严格换届制度,规范程序。通过民主推荐,本届支部由霍忠宏任支部书记,强雅丽任支部副书记兼任纪检委员,杨政涛任组织委员,李杰、曹明任宣传委员。长期以来,我支部在单位总支的领导下,坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全面落实科学发展观,以“责任?优秀”打造“高效?优质”的教育特色,求真务实,开拓进取,努力争创,取得了较突出的成绩。二、增强党性身正为范---争创党员队伍好我支部结合学习实践科学发展观,“党员干部受教育,身体力行先垂范”的总要求,坚持抓支部党员队伍建设。通过以党员队伍的先进性,带动干部齐心协力谋发展。 (一)加强学习。支部把党员的学习摆在十分重要的位置。长期以来,单位注重创建学习型组织,打造书香支部,在支部内大兴读书学习之风。近年,为认真开展科学发展观的学习实践活动,我们组织支部党员着重学习了《科学发展观学习读本》、《论党的群众工作——重要论述摘编》、胡书记“七一讲话和纪念辛亥革命100周年大会上的讲话”、《中共中央关于深化文化体制改革推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣若干重大问题的决定》等理论,还


2019推行垃圾分类工作总结范文【五篇】 随着经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的日益提高,垃圾排放量与日俱增,对环境的压力越来越大,我们每天都在制造垃圾,如废纸、塑料、废电池、果皮等,这些垃圾绝大部分是可回收利用的资源。所以关于开展垃圾分类的工作总结报告,小编准备了以下文章内容,希望对你有所帮助。 开展垃圾分类的工作总结报告【1】 为减少城市垃圾处理压力,缓解垃圾围城危机,提高居民素质和环保意识,提升居民进行垃圾分类的能力,落实我社区垃圾分类工作。本月,结合广州市开展“爱护环境”主题月的实际情况,我社区开展了垃圾分类宣传活动,活动情况小结如下。 一、积极宣传,让居民更了解垃圾分类 本次活动在周末进行,许多休息的居民都来到球场参与我们的活动。活动现场多了一些对垃圾分类不太了解的居民。为此,我们准备了垃圾分类的宣传资料,免费派发给居民群众。 8:50,活动开始了。首先是垃圾分类宣传和垃圾分类实操演示社区垃圾分类活动总结及小结社区垃圾分类活动总结及小结。我们要求居民打开垃圾分类宣传折页,看着宣传资料,我工作人员告诉居民垃圾分类分为可回收垃圾、厨余垃圾、有害垃圾和其他垃圾四类,然后告诉居民每类垃圾对应垃圾桶的颜色,各类垃圾的代表物品,应该如何进行分类和回收等知识。然后各类垃圾都进行了一次分类实操。宣传“爱护环境”的重要性,要求居民“爱护环境”,进行垃圾分类。 9:00,垃圾分类有奖游戏开始了。在垃圾分类实操游戏的摊位上,小朋友比较积极,他们把刚刚学习到的知识学以致用,在家长的陪同下,有序地进行了垃圾分类实践。在垃圾分类有奖问答的摊位上,老人家比较敢兴趣,因为涉及的知识面比较广,所以老人家不懂的就按自己的知识和习惯猜答案。但是垃圾分类是一项带有专业性的内容,我工作人员引导居民详细阅读垃圾分类宣传单张,在单张内容里面寻找答案。因此,许多居民群众都详细阅读了垃圾分类宣传单,特别在好学的小朋友的带动下,部分老人家也认真阅读了垃圾分类宣传单张,居民对垃圾分类有了更深的了解。

GRE Issue 主体逻辑归类总结 Issue 题目逻辑公式全集

Issue 题目逻辑公式全集

目录 一、主题逻辑:N>M (3) 二、主题逻辑:N 对 M 有影响 (6) 三、主题逻辑:N 应该对 M 做某事 (10) 四、主体逻辑:N 应该做 M (12) 五、主体逻辑:N 是 M (16)

高频题目总结 一、主题逻辑:N>M 常见拆分方式:领域拆分 N 和M 哪个重要,有两种处理方式: 1.N 和M 不一样大,N or M 随便选一个进行领域拆分 2.N = M 很多题目中,都是我们应该做N 还是做M?一旦涉及到了这种两难的选择,就是在论证N 和M 到底谁好,就是变相的比大小 1.觉得好写,我们就直接比出N 和M 的大小 2.觉得不好写,我们就求证N=M 科技类题目 64. The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds. 科技类题目我们一般不拆machine 和technology,所以这道题目我们拆human mind。 我们有情感、能力但是机器没有

社会类题目 4. Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could. 丑闻和演说家哪个更有用呢?我们需要在不同领域对丑闻和演说家进行比较哦 19. Governments should focus on solving the immediate problems of today rather than on trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future. 眼前的问题和未来的问题哪个重要呢(可以一样重要,也可以其中一个更重要) 在不同领域,对眼前和未来的问题进行比较 43./89. The increasingly rapid pace of life today causes more problems than it solves. 快节奏的生活到底是解决的问题多,还是处理的问题多(要在不同领域进行比较哦) 33./109. As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and mysterious. 知识让事情更容易理解,还是复杂呢? 在不同的领域比较知识的力量(心理,疾病、历史等都可以) 28./85./113./120./121./127./145. The surest indicator of a great nation is represented not by the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but by the general welfare of its people. A of B 中,B 是主体,对great nation 下定义(伟大的国家还有国际责任) 领导人的成就和福利待遇谁更重要(N=M 比较好写,但是如果大家会,N>M 也可以哦) 27. In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important contributions. 领域拆分,在不同领域,将新人和专家进行比较 93. Unfortunately, in contemporary society, creating an appealing image has become more important than the reality or truth behind that image. 不同领域,到底是表象重要,还是本质重要 105./106./126. Claim: Imagination is a more valuable asset than experience.


2020年开展垃圾分类的工作总结报告【五 篇】 开展垃圾分类的工作总结报告【1】 按照市委、市政府的统一部署,根据市城管局生活垃圾分类处置工作要求,为达到城乡环境洁齐美,江源镇认真扎实开展生活垃圾分类处置工作。现就此项工作开展情况总结如下: 一、明确指导思想和目标任务 以开展城乡环境综合治理和提升城乡居民文明行为为切入点,坚持“政府主导、全民参与”的原则,对可回收垃圾、不可回收垃圾实施源头分类,并对垃圾收集房(桶)、果屑箱等垃圾收集设施进行有效改造,从根本上解决农村垃圾面源污染,推动城乡环境综合治理向纵深开展,进一步深化“三个延伸”专项治理行动,全面提高城乡环境质量,实现生活垃圾处理“减量化、资源化、无害化”。 二、加强组织领导 首先,成立了江源镇生活垃圾分类处置工作领导小组,各村成立了相应的工作领导小组,层层建立了保洁员队伍。其次,镇党委、政府召开了相关城乡环境综合治理的专题会议,落实工作任务,严格考核办法。再次,落实了监督队伍,负责辖区城乡环境卫生监督检查。 三、科学规划,合理布点 进一步完善垃圾收集房(桶)、中转房、果屑箱等生活垃圾收 集设施。农村生活垃圾收集房(桶点)每村不少于10座或每组1座,场镇、集中居住区道路两侧果屑箱设置间距按主要街道25-50m/个,交通干道80-100m/个。改造后的垃圾收集房应达到两道门、两个投放口、一个公示栏的标准,在一个投放口标明“可回收垃圾”,在另一个投放口标明“不可回收垃圾”标识。3—5个垃圾桶为一个桶点,在每个垃圾桶上分别标明“可回收垃圾”或“不可回收垃圾”标识。收集房面积较小不能分隔的,可新建或扩建,也可在收集房侧增设垃圾桶并标明“可


党员教育工作总结 篇一:某某县党员教育培训工作总结 **县党员教育培训工作总结 近年来,**县以党的十八大、十八届三中、四中全会精神为 指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,把党员教育作为党的建设的先 导性、基础性、战略性工程来抓,突出党性教育、能力培育主题,坚持以人为本、务求实效原则,不断创新培训模式,创新培训内容,取得良好成效,为推进全县绿色崛起,跨越赶超提供坚实的 组织保障和人才保障。 一、主要经验做法 (一)强化科学理论武装,增强党员教育的导向性。 1、坚持用党的理论创新成果教育党员干部。各级党组织都建 立了中国特色社会主义理论体系学习和理想信念教育“一把手” 负总责、一级抓一级、层层分解任务的责任体系,完善了领导干 部述学、评学、督学和理论学习考核激励等配套制度,实现了理 论学习常态化。县委班子采取集中学习、座谈研讨、专题讲座、 表态发言等形式,先后组织了20多次中心组学习活动,有效提升 了各级党员干部的理论素养、战略思维水平。 2、坚持以党性教育强化党员干部理想信念和宗旨意识。通过 开展不同主题的学习实践活动、领导干部带头讲党课等方式,使 党性教育具体化、常态化。坚持把“一把手”上党课作为加强党

性教育的有效手段,县委书记带头讲党课、县委常委轮流讲党课。各级领导干部结合每年一个主题教育实践活动,先后以“以人为本、执政为民”、创先争优、干部作风 建设年、“三学习”、“三提升”、“三自六不让”、加强 基层建设年、“三增一做”等活动为主题,讲党课80多次,党员 干部理想信念和宗旨意识得到明显加强。 3、坚持发扬理论联系实际的马克思主义学风。大力实施干部 队伍素质提升工程,以“推动科学发展、加强社会管理”为主题,采取严格制度学、党课推动学、讨论交流学、实地参观学、专家 辅导学、对照先进学等“六学”措施,对全县乡科级干部、后备 干部、中层干部、村干部、大学生村官进行全面集中轮训。有计 划地组织优秀党员干部到扶贫攻坚、护林防火、两会安保、群众 工作等中心工作一线拉练,作为培养锻炼干部的实践课堂,切实 提高了各级领导干部的综合素质和服务发展的能力。 (二)创新教育培训思路,增强党员教育的实效性。 1、加强培训基地建设,构建县、乡、村三级培训网络体系。 县委把党员经常性教育工作纳入县、乡两级基层党建工作责任目 标体系,强化培训基地为主的配套设施建设。县委组织部整合劳动、扶贫、财政等多方资源,建起了集教育培训、实践操作为一 体的农村干部培训基地,在农家旅游产业聚集的某某村建立了农 家旅游服务培训中心。整合乡镇党校及农村闲置场地及现代远程 教育设施,建起了乡级农村干部培训分校;整合村级活动场所和


推进公共机构生活垃圾分类工作总结 今年以来,为贯彻落实县委县政府关于公共机构生活垃圾分类工作相关文件精神,县农机局多重举措积极开展公共机构生活垃圾分类工作,充分发挥示范引领作用。现将有关情况总结如下: 一、开展的主要工作 一是制定实施方案,明确目标措施。成立农机局生活垃圾分类及减量工作领导小组,由主要负责人任组长,局分管同志为副组长,明确了办公室副主任作为垃圾分类工作具体经办人员;方案同时明确实施范围、目标任务、分类要求和具体措施等,牢固树立“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”的发展理念,推进本局公共机构生活垃圾强制分类高质量、高效率、可持续发展。 二是发放公共机构生活垃圾分类倡议书。以“举手之劳小动作,破解环境大难题”为主题,倡导广大干部职工学习掌握垃圾分类政策知识当好宣传员、养成保持低碳环保生活习惯当好引导员、积极维护垃圾分类成果当好督导员。 三是开设宣传专栏。在办公楼主要出入口张贴垃圾分类宣传海报,以图文并茂的形式进行垃圾分类宣传,营造“垃圾分类,从我做起”的良好氛围。 四是投放生活垃圾分类垃圾桶。专门订制分类垃圾桶,投放在办公大楼出入口、办公室、会议室、卫生间等场所,共计投放

约40只。 二、存在不足 截至目前,我局已与环卫处签约,实现餐厨垃圾、其他垃圾定时定点、直收直运、日产日清,全体人员能够按照相关要求进行垃圾分类投放,生活垃圾资源化、减量化、无害化处理的氛围基本形成,应当说取得了一定成效,但是与群众期望达到的效果还有不小差距,一定程度上存在群众中消极抵触不愿分、感到麻烦懒得分、被动应付随性分、了解不够不会分等情况,特别是前来办事人员随手扔垃圾现象比较普遍,说明垃圾分类知识的普及程度还有待提高。 三、下一步打算 一是进一步加大宣传引导力度。继续深入开展业务培训机形式多样的宣传教育活动,在机关内部营造良好的垃圾分类减量氛围,同时扩大宣传范围,在机关院内醒目位置张贴有关垃圾分类减量知识海报,引导办事人员共同遵守垃圾分类规定。 二是进一步加大检查督查力度。在容器标识、颜色、宣传氛围布置、台账等方面进行查漏补缺,针对少数职工参与垃圾分类的主动性不足、分类投放质量较差的情况,及时进行检查通报,并采取问责等刚性措施。 三是进一步加强信息报送工作。主动与主管部门加强沟通联


***ISSUE题目类型分类*** 一、概括性陈述类: 1、直接表明立场并给出论据进行阐述:94 2, 6-9, 11, 13-17, 20-22, 24-28, 30-34, 36, 39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 49, 51, 54, 55, 59-61, 63-68, 70-72, 74-76, 81, 84-89, 92-94, 96-104, 106-117, 119-127, 130, 132, 134-136, 2、对概括性陈述进行解释后,表明立场并给出论据进行阐述:7 4, 32, 56, 58, 77, 79, 83, 3、对概括性陈述的正确性或有效性进行判断,给出论据进行阐述:7 12, 18, 35, 38, 52, 57, 80, 4、特殊问法类型:6 29: 进行解释后,判断是否值得遵循,同2类 50: 判断是否是有效的方法,如果不是应该采取那些其他的方法? 53: 从客户角度论述“用户友好”和“用户不友好” 73: 判断是否是好的建议,给出论据进行阐述,同1类 62, 82:同1类 二、两类进行比较类:23 3, 5, 10, 19, 23, 37, 40, 43, 46, 48, 69, 78, 90, 95, 105, 118, 128, 129, 131, 133, 138-140, 三、“是否”做某事类:2 1, 137 ***ISSUE题目专题分类*** 一、Environmental Protection & Energy Protection: 6 1、responsibility for preserving the natural environment: 13 responsibility for preventing environmental damage: 47 2、the way to preserve environment: 41 3、the response to suspected environmental hazards: (1) in light of company: 42 (2) in light of government: 92 4、energy protection and international corporation: 2 二、Architecture: 4 1、architecture as the reflections of societal values and attitudes: 16, 83, 97, 2、the historic value of older buildings: 78 三、Mass media, Information, and Entertainment: 5 1、whether the growth of mass media is good or not: 139 2、how to obtain the information efficiently and wisely: 108 3、the restriction: (1) censorship of radio and TV programs: 1 (2) regulate children's access to adult material on the internet: 15 4、whether popular entertainment is overly influenced by commercial interests: 54


生活垃圾分类工作总结5篇 生活垃圾分类工作总结(5篇) 工作总结一 1、提高环保意识,树立分类观念 有人预计,在不久的将来,城市之间的间隔可能不再是绿色的田野,而是恶臭的垃圾。垃圾问题,是世界性的,我校利用了一切可利用的渠道,对学生进行垃圾分类知识的宣传。通过校园广播、橱窗校园网络等形式,广泛开展垃圾分类的宣传、教育和倡导工作,阐明 垃圾对社会生活造成的严重危害,宣传垃圾分类的重要意义,呼吁学生的积极参与。同时 教会学生垃圾分类的知识,使学生进行垃圾分类逐渐成为自觉和习惯性行为。 2、各班加强宣传培训,普及分类方法。 各班采用不同形式:如学生上网查资料、图片,或进行调查、采访等搜集资料,然后 利用校会、午间等时间,在班里进行交流,相互受教育,让学生学会分类垃圾;养成在室 内分类的习惯;对分类工作做得好的班级进行表扬奖励,树立典型, 3、介绍经验,强化推广 开展垃圾分类实践活动,培养环境行为习惯良好习惯的养成需要一个漫长的过程,光 靠纸上谈兵恐怕很难见效。所以我校建议各班根据学生实际,开展各类垃圾分类实践活动。如将活动延伸至家庭,调查自家生活垃圾构成情况,并作合理分类;将垃圾分类活动与综 合实践活动相结合,合作办手抄报等。形式多样的活动促进垃圾分类知识在学生心中的内化,潜移默化地影响着他们的行为。 4、制定措施,落实到位。 学校设置分类垃圾筒:垃圾筒上贴上:可回收物、其他垃圾、有害垃圾、餐厨垃圾。 并且通过广播宣传,告诉学生在扔垃圾的时候分类投进不同的桶里,学校保洁人员在清理 垃圾的时候,再分别进行处置。并且鼓励各班设置可回收垃圾袋或垃圾箱,将本班的可回 收物品分类存放,比如我校学生每天喝完的瓶子,喝完后放进纸箱内,定期卖给废品收费站。所得费用可以作为本班班费,为同学们买奖品等。这样,既做到了环保,又使同学们 树立了节约意识,还体验到了其中的乐趣。 “垃圾分类,举手之劳,功在当代,利在千秋”。校园垃圾分类可大幅度地减少垃圾 增加带来的污染、节约垃圾无害化处理费用,有利于进行资源再利用。在校园中开展垃圾 分类回收利用的活动,不但可以使资源循环再利用、节省资源,还可以培养学生环境保护 的意识。普及垃圾分类知识,提高全民环保意识,全面推广和落实完善的垃圾分类处理政策,建设一个绿色、和谐、美丽、节约型的校园。不仅要让垃圾分类在校园扎根,还要让 小手牵大手,营造全民参与的良好氛围。工作总结二


解说词 尊敬的覃部长,尊敬的各位领导、各位同志: 下面由我向大家解说平桂管理区的创新工作情况。我们的题目是《创新分类动态管理模式破解农村党员管理难题》 第一张:饼状图 平桂管理区共有6991名农村党员。近年来,我们针对农村党员管理难的问题,采取分类动态管理的办法,将农村党员划分为在职党员、无职党员、流动党员、困难党员和预备党员5个群体,分别实施不同的管理模式,增强了针对性和实效性。 第二张:一览表 我们建立管理区、乡镇两级农村党员信息台帐,随时更新数据,及时掌握情况。并以行政村为单位,将各类农村党员的基本信息建卡上墙,每季度更新一次,做到底子清、情况明。 第三张:在职党员实行“责任式”考核管理 对在村级组织任职的在职党员,我们采取“责任式”考核管理方式:一是每年由乡镇党委与在职党员签订工作目标责任书。二是根据责任目标,由在职党员进行公开承诺,接受党员群众监督。三是年终对在职党员进行年度考评,并将考评结果与绩效挂钩。有效解决了在职党员因岗位目标不明确、管理考评不到位而产生的工作积极性不高、责任落实不到位的问题。 第四张:无职党员实行“定岗式”引导管理 对未在村级组织任职的无职党员存在作用发挥无平台、效果不明显的问题,我们通过设岗定责的方法,强化了这一群体的教育管

理。一是根据农村实际需要,科学设置岗位,使大多数无职党员都能发挥一技之长。二是采取组织推荐和个人认领相结合的方式,保证无职党员每人有一个或多个有利于发挥个人特长的岗位。三是根据各个岗位的职责要求,引导无职党员自觉履行义务,使广大无职党员“有职有责,有岗有位,有位有为”。 第五张:流动党员实行“服务式”跟踪管理 针对长期在外务工的流动党员“去向掌握难、教育管理难、作用发挥难”的问题,我们探索推行“服务式”管理模式。一是为每名流动党员建立联系卡,确保农村流动党员“离乡离土不离组织”;二是建立健全“定期联系制、定期通报制、贴心服务制”,要求每名在职党员联系一名流动党员,规定“每月一次联系、每季一次走访、每年一次座谈”的定期联系制度,及时通报党务村务情况,做到“隔山隔水不隔管理”。三是要求流动党员围绕“引进或创办一个项目、提供一条致富信息、传授一项实用技术、带出带好一批就业人员”等内容作出公开承诺,有效地发挥了流动党员的作用。 第六张:困难党员实行“关爱式”帮扶管理 对农村70岁以上老党员、病残或因意外返贫的困难党员发挥作用难的问题,我们探索了以“两免一补”制度为重点的党内关爱机制。一是建立党内关爱基金,每年为年满70周岁的老党员进行免费体检、免费购买新农合保险;对年满70周岁且党龄满40年的老党员每人每年定补600元。二是加大重大节日慰问力度。2009年以来,共计发放慰问专项资金47.4万元,慰问困难党员2103人次。三是开展“党员扶残温暖同行”工程,去年共送出17万元帮扶资金,对100多名贫困残疾党员进行创业帮扶。 第七张:预备党员实行“全程式”培养管理
