




教学重点:“语法填空” 解题技巧



1. 感知(Experiencing)

给学生一篇选自Shenzhen Daily的文章,让他们先尝试或体验“语法填空”题的设计,希望他们能从中悟出一些该题型的特点和注意事项。

Passage A

Two separate accidents in Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region killed at least 26 people Saturday. One accident was a blast at a coal mine while the other occurred when an oil tank under construction exploded.

The mine blast occurred early Saturday in Muquan City near the regional capital of Urumqi, killing 14 miners whose bodies could not be found until late in the day.

Another six men working near the mine entrance suffered burns but were not in danger.

T emperatures of up to 1,000 degrees Celsius prevented rescuers from entering the mine, but crews finally reached the dead miners through an emergency tunnel some six hours after the explosion.

At least 12 workers were killed when an oil tank under construction exploded Saturday night in a district of Karamay Cith, about 260 kilometers from Urumqi. The storage tank was being cleaned by the workers when the explosion occurred.


Passage A

Two separate accidents in Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region killed at least 26 people Saturday. One accident was a blast at a coal mine while the ________ occurred when an oil tank under _______ exploded.

The mine blast occurred early Saturday in Muquan City near the regional capital of Urumqi, killing 14 miners ______ bodies could not be found until late in the day.

Another six men __________(work) near the mine entrance suffered burns _________ were not in danger.

Temperatures of up to 1,000 degrees Celsius prevented __________(rescue) from entering the mine, but crews finally reached the dead miners

through _________ emergency tunnel some six hours

after the explosion.

At least 12 workers were killed _________ an oil tank under construction exploded Saturday night in a district of Karamay Cith, about 260 kilometers _________ Urumqi. The storage tank ____________(clean) by the workers when the explosion occurred.

2. 学习(Learning)


1) “语法填空”题的构成?

150-180 字的短文


2-3 个空给出参考词汇,7-8个空不给参考词汇

2) “语法填空”题考什么?


3) “语法填空”题的主要考点有哪些?









3. 运用(Practicing)


给学生两篇同样选自Shenzhen Daily的新闻报道,分组设计“语法填空”,一、二大组完成B篇,三、四大组完成C篇。鼓励学生大胆设计,明确告诉学生每个人的设计不存在正确与错误之分,只有怎样设计才更合理之说。

Passage B

SIX resident students died in a village in North China’s Shanxi Province and the exact cause of their deaths was not yet known, officials said yesterday.

The officials said the six boarders, two boys and four girls, from Nanyao Village Primary School, Puxian County, died Monday evening.

Food poisoning was initially suspected. Police later ruled out food poisoning as the cause of the deaths.

Investigators found traces of a lethal(致命的) poison in their vomit but needed more tests to determine what the poison was.

The six pupils aged between 6-10 were found sick at around 8:30 p.m. Monday and died before they were sent to hospital at 9:40 p.m.

Because they became violently ill it was first thought they had died of food poisoning. The possibility was ruled out after analysis of their vomit, Yang Zhiping, Party chief of Puxian, said.

Police are carrying further tests and Yang refused to provide any other details or clues on how the children may have died.

The other five students in the tiny school of 11 pupils were transferred to a nearby school the next day.

Passage C

Chinese officials and young people gave presentations on Snenzhen’s bid to h ost the 26th Universiade(世界大学生运动会) to the evaluation (评估) team from the International University Sports Federation (FISU) yesterday.

The presentations were made by Central, provincial and municipal government officials as well as two young people. A feature film on the city’s bid was also shown.

Shenzhen can bring special values to the Universiade, said Zhang Xinsheng, vice education

minister and president of Federation of University Sports of China (FUSC).

Zhang said FISU represents youth, dynamism (活力) and the future, coinciding(一致) with the spirit of Shenzhen, a city of 26 years, with residents’ average age of 26 and a promising future. Also the city’s reform and openness has a special significance for FISU, an organization seeking reform after 50 years of successful development.

Shenzhen’s bid can be regarded as one made by Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macao together, Zhang said. We work through solidarity (团结), which is also the spirit of sport and FISU’s philosophy, he said.



Passage B

SIX resident students died in a village in North China’s Shanxi Province and the exact cause of their deaths was not yet known, officials said yesterday.

The officials said the six boarders, two boys and four ________, from Nanyao Village Primary School, Puxian County, died Monday evening.

Food poisoning was initially suspected. Police later ruled out food poisoning as the ___________ of the deaths.

Investigators found traces of a lethal(致命的) poison in their vomit ________ needed more tests to determine _________ the poison was.

The six pupils ________(age) between 6-10 were found sick at around 8:30 p.m. Monday and died before they were sent to hospital at 9:40 p.m.

Because they became violently ill it was first thought they had died of food poisoning. ________ possibility was ruled out __________ analysis of their vomit, Yang Zhiping, Party chief of Puxian, said.

Police are carrying __________(far) tests and Yang refused to provide any other details or clues on how the children may ___________(die).

The other five students in the tiny school of 11 pupils __________(transfer) to a nearby school the next day.

Passage C

Chinese officials and young people gave presentations on Shenzhen’s ________ to host the 26th Universiade(世界大学生运动会) to the evaluation(评估)team from the International University Sports Federation (FISU) yesterday.

The presentations_______(make) by Central, provincial and municipal government officials as _____ as two young people. A feature film on the city’s bid was also shown.

Shenzhen can bring special __________(valuable) to the Universiade, said Zhang Xinsheng, vice education minister and president of Federation of University Sports of China(FUSC).

Zhang said FISU represents youth, dynamism (活力) and the future, coinciding(一致) with the spirit of Shenzhen, a city of 26 years, _________ residents’ average age of 26 and a ________(promise) future. Also the city’s reform and openness has a special significance for FISU, ________ organization seeking reform after 50

years of successful development.

Shenzhen’s bid can be regarded ________ one made by Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macao __________, Zhang said. We work through solidarity(团结), ________ is also the spirit of sport and FISU’s philosophy, he said.



1) What abilities should we have while filling in blanks?

a. reading comprehension, context understanding

b. sentence structure analysis

c. grammar analysis

d. being aware of the main test points

2) What should we pay attention to?

a. 对于连词、介词、关系代词、关系副词等,不仅要理解它们的意思,还要熟记它们,在考试时能准确、快速地提取它们;

b. 对于动词,要掌握常用的时态、语态和非谓语动词的用法;

c. 对于句子,要能够看出结构,发现从句,然后选择正确的连接词;

d. 对于单词,不仅要牢记其意义和拼写,还要掌握基本的词形转换。

3) Do remember: Each sentence is not separated or isolated in a passage, so be sure to focus on the grammatical rules in the context in the order of passage- sentence - word while doing it!


1)What are you good at?

2)What are you weak in?

3)What are your problems?


What have you learned today?


1) Practice designing.

More than 220 people were killed in the fire which destroyed the Capital Building on February 4th 1974. The building was finished only a few

months before the fire; it was Sao Paulo’s newest building. All the 25 floors of the office building were completely destroyed. The fire also destroyed cars which belonged to people who worked in the building.

Over 500 people were working in the building when the fire broke out on the 11th floor. No one knows how the fire started. Perhaps it was started by an electrical fire in the ceiling of one of the offices. Office workers tried to put out the fire, but it was impossible to control it. Soon the whole floor was on fire and it was impossible for people on the floors above to escape.

2) Fill in the blanks.

They are no longer children. But they are not ______ yet. They express themselves with their own music, clothes and language.

There are more than 35 million Americans ________ the ages of 13 and 19. they are the nation’s teenagers, ________(have) the


of a child in the body of an adult. They want to be free and _________(depend), and many of them disagree with their parents about how _________ freedom they should have. They don’t like to tell _________ is happening around them to their parents.

Today American teenagers spend a lot of money buying records, clothes and electronic devices. They also spend a lot on entertainment. Last year teenagers spent 100 thousand million dollars. The

NEW YORK TIMES says that was even one and a half times ________ than their parents spent on those things. Where do these teenagers ________ all this money? Some of them have got _________ jobs, helping to look after children or working at fast food places after school. As students, they can’t work full-time. Instead, many of them don’t have jobs and just receive money from their parents. They might get as mush as 20 dollars a week. Generally, they ________ (permit) to spend this money in any way they choose.


















务实高效,精细管理,追求卓越。年级有一支善打硬仗、敢打硬仗优秀的教师队伍,在我们这支 59 人的教师队伍中,特级教师1人高级教师23 人,硕士研究生2 人,考入北大、数学竞赛一等奖、师德标兵、省市学科带头人等。他们经验丰富,实力雄厚,还有强烈的奉献精神、敬业精神。毫不夸张地讲,我们这一届高三老师的配备是龙岗区最好的!三是我们自身。每个人有巨大的潜能没有开发。潜能是人类最大而又开发得最少的宝藏!普通人只开发了他蕴藏能力的1/10,与应当取得的成就相比较,我们不过是半醒着的。科学家发现,人类贮存在脑内的能力大得惊人,人平常只发挥了极小部分的大脑功能。要是人类能够发挥一大半的大脑功能,那么可以轻易地学会40 种语言、背诵整本百科全书,拿12 个博士学位。




爱因斯坦是举世公认的20 世纪科学巨匠。他死后,对他的大脑进行了科学研究。结果表明,他的大脑无论是体积、重量,构造或细胞组织,与同龄的其他任何人一样,没有区别。































