


















出国留学的介绍信 出国留学的介绍信 出国留学的介绍信一 To Whom It May Concern: As the Dean of Stonewell College, I have had the pleasure of knowing Hannah Smith for the last four years. She has been a tremendous student and an asset to our school. I would like to take this opportunity to recommend Hannah for your graduate program. I feel confident that she will continue to succeed in her studies. Hannah is a dedicated student and thus far her grades have been exemplary. In class, she has proven to be a take-charge person who is able to successfully develop plans and implement them. Hannah has also assisted us in our admissions office. She has successfully demonstrated leadership ability by counseling new and prospective students. Her advice has been a great help to these students, many of whom have taken time to share their comments with me regarding her pleasant and encouraging attitude. It is for these reasons that I offer high recommendations for Hannah without reservation. Her drive and abilities will truly be an asset to your establishment. If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Roger Fleming Dean of Stonewell College 。


一般的单位介绍信模板 介绍信是机关团体、企事业单位派人到其他单位联系工作、了解情况或参加各种社会活动时用的函件。一个优秀的单位介绍信包括哪些内容?下面是小编为你带来的一般的单位介绍信,一起来看一看吧。 xx市学生事务中心: 兹有我单位(单位名称) 经办人员 (身份证号码: ),前往你处办理_____年xx市用人单位需求信息登记凭证事宜,请接洽! 用人单位:xxx (盖章) xx年 x月 x日 一、介绍信的概念 介绍信是介绍派出人员的身份和任务的专用信件。 二、介绍信的作用 1.介绍信主要用于联系工作、洽谈业务、参加会议、了解情况时的自我说明。 2.对于持信人而言,介绍信具有介绍、证明双重作用。 三、介绍信的种类 介绍信有两种形式:一种是便函式的介绍信,一种是带存根的介绍信。

四、介绍信的结构和写法 (一)便函式介绍信。 用一般的公文信纸书写。包括标题、称谓、正文、结尾、单位名称和日期、附注几部分。 1.标题 在第一行居中写“介绍信”三个字。 2.称谓 另起一行,顶格写收信单位名称或个人姓名,姓名后加“同志”、“先生”、“女士”等称呼,再加冒号。 3.正文 另起一行,开头空两格写正文,一般不分段。一般要写清楚: (1)派遣人员的姓名、人数、身份、职务、职称等; (2)说明所要联系的工作、接洽的事项等; (3)对收信单位或个人的希望、要求等,如“请接洽”等。 4.结尾 写上表示致敬或者祝愿的话,如“此致敬礼”等。 5.单位名称和日期

6.附注 注明介绍信的有效期限,具体天数用大写。 在正文的右下方写明派遣单位的名称和介绍信的开出日期,并加盖公章。日期写在单位名称下方。 (二)带存根的介绍信。 这种介绍信有固定的格式,一般由存根、间缝、本文三部分组成。 1.存根 存根部分由标题(介绍信)、介绍信编号、正文、开出时间等组成。存根由出具单位留存备查。 2.间缝 间缝部分写介绍编号,应与存根部分的编号一致。还要加盖出具单位的公章。 3.正文 本文部分基本与便函式介绍人相同,只是有的要标题下再注明介绍信编号。 五、介绍信的写作要求 1.接洽事宜要写得具体、简明。 2.要注明使用介绍信的有效期限,天数要大写。 3.字迹要工整,不能随意涂改。


出国留学介绍信范本 篇一:出国留学介绍信范本 to whom it may concern: as the dean of stonewell college, i have had the pleasure of knowing hannah smith for the last four years. she has been a tremendous student and an asset to our school. i would like to take this opportunity to recommend hannah for your graduate program. i feel confident that she will continue to succeed in her studies. hannah is a dedicated student and thus far her grades have been exemplary. in class, she has proven to be a take-charge person who is able to successfully develop plans and implement them. hannah has also assisted us in our admissions office. she has successfully demonstrated leadership ability by counseling new and prospective students. her advice has been a great help to these students, many of whom have taken time to share their comments with me regarding her pleasant and encouraging attitude. it is for these reasons that i offer high recommendations for hannah without reservation. her drive and abilities will truly be an asset to your establishment. if you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me. sincerely, roger fleming dean of stonewell college 。

Reference letter 出国留学 英文推荐信 范文4

Reference letter 05/5/20XX To Whom It May Concern, It’s my pleasure to recommend XXX for admission to XXX University. I am XXXX, an associate professor at University of XXXX. I came to know XXXX when she was my student of Chemistry. The course comprised some basic and advanced knowledge of organic chemistry. XXX distinguished herself by working really hard and her huge curiosity on the mistery behind the experimental phenomenon. I would rank her as one of my most favorite students due to her endless thinking and curiosity. Overall, XXX is highly intelligent and has good analytical skills. She is now working in a project on some Anti-tumor traditional Chinese medicine. She did a lot of preparatory work and read a lot of papers to support her study. She made a really good cooperation with her teammate, who is another student of mine. XXX has excellent communication skills. Everytime when there is any teamwork, even when being in troubles, she can always organize things well and have the tasks done perfectly. She is a lady with great chariness


篇一:介绍信模板 介绍信 安徽省工商行政管理局: 兹介绍,等名同志(身份证号:),前往贵处联系办理企业工商管理变更公告事宜,敬请接洽并予以协助。 此致敬礼 单位(公章) xxxx年x月xx日 带存根的印刷式介绍信 介绍信(存根) 字第××号 兹介绍××同志×人前往××××联系××××××××××××。××××年×月×日。 ……………………………第……………………………号…………………………… 介绍信 字第××号 ×××: 兹介绍××等同志×人,前往你处联系××××××××××××,请予接洽并给予协助。 此致敬礼 ×××(公章) (有效期××天) ××××年×月×日 单位介绍信 附:学校/单位介绍信模版 介绍信 北京大学中国经济研究中心: 兹介绍我单位到你处申请经济学双学位学习,请予以接洽。 该同学(同志)遵纪守法,无犯罪记录。我单位对此事表示支持。此致 敬礼 ×××××× 年月日 (加盖公章) 机关事业单位工资转移介绍信 [ ]介字第号 机关事业单位工作人员工资介绍信(存根) 编号: 机关事业单位工作人员工资介绍信 编号:

事业单位工作人员介绍信存根 (单位字号)介〔2007〕第号 : 兹介绍等名同志到你处工作,请接洽。 事业单位工作人员介绍信 (单位字号)介〔2007〕第号 : 兹介绍等名同志到你处工作,请接 洽。 (附名单) 2007年月日 西华师范大学数学与信息学院 学生专业实习介绍信 _______________________________单位: 我院各专业已进入社会实习阶段,专业实习对于提高学生业务能力和综合素质具有重要作用。兹介绍我院____________________________专业学生____________________________________________________前来贵单位实习,请予以大力支持,并给予指导和严格管理。 感谢贵单位支持我校的学生专业实习工作。此致 敬礼! 西华师范大学数学与信息学院 年月日 --------------------------------------------------- 实习单位回执 西华师范大学数学与信息学院: 我单位已同意贵院学生______________________________________前来进 行专业实习,实习时间从年月日至年月日。实习结束后,我们将按照我单位的工作要求和贵校有关专业实习的要求对该生进行考评。 此致 敬礼! 单位地址: 联系部门:联系人电话:实习单位(公章)年月日 篇二:介绍信模板[较全] 介绍信 政介字号 : 兹介绍同志(系 ),前往贵处联系此致敬礼 事宜,敬请接洽并予以协助。 单位(公章) 年月 日 带存根的印刷式介绍信 介绍信(存根)


出国留学导师推荐信范文 1 To whom it may Concern, I am writing this letter to attest to Paul’s skills in language and public relations. In the four years I have known him, I have been consistently impressed with his ability not only to negotiate complex ideas in other languages, but also to relate these things in a personable, conscientious fashion. His manner in these cases is both professional and personal, two qualities which I find particularly valuable in a professional setting. He has personally helped me in professional negotiation for everything from train tickets to contract information, and I have always been able to count on him. I first met Paul in school, where he was a student at the university at which I taught. He was well-known to most of the westerners in town, who could call from different universities to ask for his help. Sometimes this help involved translation of professional documents, and sometimes it involved personal help in making phone calls. Many of these westerners continue to call him today, even though they live quite far away from him, because they have come to trust him very much. From this foundation in public relations Paul has found positions in variousprofessional capacities and has been highly-valued in each place. He is generally the sort of employee a company finds most valuable in its dealings with both foreign and domestic clients. He puts people at their ease with his language ability and manner, both of which communicate to people that they can relax and simply communicate. I would highly recommend Paul as an employee. His experience and manner are rare and very valuable. Robert Moore Mentor 出国留学导师推荐信范文 2 Dear Colleagues: MS. XXX requested a letter of reference from me to support her application for graduate studies at your university. As her research adviser when she was a graduate student in my school of science Beijing University of Chemical Technology, I am pleased to comply with her request. I have known Ms. Zhang since 2003, when she was admitted as a Master of Science candidate into the school. As her research adviser, I directed her research and found her a promising youthradiating with intelligence and creativity. During her first year, she got a very good record in major courses and earned good scores major and general GPA 3.3. She particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies such as Quantum Chemistry and Theory of Electrochemistry. During the following two years, Ms. Zhang worked on a computational theory study of inorganic functional materials project for his degree thesis “Theoretical Study of Electronic Structures of Several Representative Metal Element in the Hydrotalcite Slabs”. To make the theory model meet the actual materials, she faced down many practical problems, such as building reasonable module of inorganic materials, and


出国留学推荐信中文范文 出国留学推荐信中文范文 如何写工作/学校推荐信 1、题目:Recommendation Letter 2、称谓:Dear sir or madam/ To whom it may concern/ Dear colleagues 3、正文:分段讲述其要点 第一段:推荐人相关信息及推荐人与推荐学生的关系。 第二段:推荐人相关工作信息、工作经验及工作经验、社会活动、所授奖励证书等。 第三段:领导讲述申请人的工作学习态度、评价高低,最终要突出申请人综合素质的优势。 第四段:对留学国家的学术和环境表示肯定,推荐公司表示大力支持。 第五段:对学校的考虑表示感谢。 4、内容:主申请人可准备2-3封推荐信,可以是和自己关系较好的老师、教授,若有工作实习经验,可以提供单位领导的推荐信。 5、落款:推荐人姓名、职务、工作单位全名、联系方式、时间。 6、信封:使用有单位抬头的信笺写推荐信,落款写上推荐人姓名、职位并签字,装入信封后,在封口处签推荐人姓名。

范例:企业实习出国留学推荐信范文 尊敬的先生或女士: 您好,我是**,**会计师事务所副所长、合伙人。美国蒙东那大学工商管理学硕士。 得知我公司优秀实习生**准备出国深造,我感到非常高兴和无比欣慰。在我看来这样一个上进的年轻人应该接受良好的教育拥有更辉煌的未来。因此,我很荣幸向贵学校强烈推荐这位优秀青年。 **曾在大三的时候来我公司实习。在八周的实习期间里,**给我留下了非常好的印象。为了能学习更多的会计专业知识,她主动承担了更多的工作,像正式员工一样主动留下来加班。并且不论工作难度高低,她都能尽心尽力地做好,这样的敬业精神实属难得。尽管工作经验相对匮乏,但是从不服输的她一刻也不放弃学习的机会,利于闲暇时间大量阅读参考有关业务的书籍,虚心向其他员工请教。此外,他会计基础 牢固,核心课程平均成绩良好,加之学习能力较强,因此实习期间她已能较好地掌握会计的一些基本业务,而这又进一步使她对会计有了更深的领悟,渐渐地,她开始精通各项业务,并取得一定成绩。对此她并没有满足更没有骄傲自大。相反,遇到难题,她仍然虚心与她的老师交流讨论直到找出解决方案为止。**天工作日,她共参与包括**有限公司等3家公司服务的项目。在参与撰写资产、审计报告时,她思路清晰、有较强的逻辑性;在独立完成一部分工作的同时,能较好地与老师沟通、合作,并能提一些有深度的问题,得到了大家的一


出国留学介绍信英文 2020-04-25 出国留学介绍信英文1 I am pleased to write this letter for my former student Miss Nan Li,who graduated from this College with an L.B.degree in June 1978.Miss Li was admitted to the Department of Law of this College in 1974 through highly competitive entrance examination whi ch is conducted annually and is open to the whole nation.Even in such aselective group.Miss Li made herself distinguished.As professor and dean of the College,I have access to her records of academic work and moral conduct,In her fourth year study,I instructed her in Anglo-American Laws on Trespass.Sowe arehave known her quite well.Miss Li’’s performance,like that in many other courses she taken,was excellent with asuperior grade of 86 for the first semester,and 84 for the second semester. In our university and in other university here,80 is considered"A",the highest level.As far aswe areknow,Miss Li wishes to continue her study in Law for an advanced degree.I am sure she has had sufficient prerequisite knowledge for the subject and certainly has the ability to undertake the study.I recommend Miss Li without reservation and shall appreciate your favorable consideration of her application. 出国留学介绍信英文2 At the request of Mr.Xizhen Chen,my former student in the Department of Computer Science,Beijing Univ.of Sciences,I am glad to write this letter furnishing my uation ofhis academic aptitude for your reference.Mr.Chen is interested in your graduate program in Computer Science.I came to know him in September 1987 when Mr.Chen enrolled in my class on FORTRANwe areV Programming,a three semesters’’course.In the class he was one of the most outstanding students.At the semester final he earned ahigh grade of 81,which should be"A"according to our grading system.I also ound him good at other studies.After the class,he had personal talks with me several times. He indicated agreat interest in computer hardware,In my opinion,Mr.Chen has apotential in Computer Science,which can be


关于机关单位的介绍信范本 机关单位的介绍信范文一 证明兹有我单位XXX同志前往贵处,全权处理XX事宜,请予接洽为盼!XXX 单位(公章)年月日证明我单位XXX,XX年参加工作,性别:年龄:职务:工资收入: 特此证明XX 单位(公章) 年月日 机关单位的介绍信范文二 XX公司: 兹介绍XX同志(壹人)身份证号______________前来你处联系 ______________事宜。请接洽。

(有效期X天) XX年X月X日 机关单位的介绍信范文三 XXX单位(管理档案处的全称): 兹有XXX(人名)的档案属于贵单位管理,现因本公司招聘XXX(人名)到本公司任职,签订正式劳动合同XX(数字)年,从XX(日期)起生效,在此期间,本公司(XXX)(公司名)将负责管理该员工的档案,负责该员工与档案有关的各项事宜。(注:本公司为XXXX,具有保存档案资质)特此申请批准提档。 此致 XXXXX公司 负责人:XXX X年X月X日 (盖上法人章) 延伸阅读

一、介绍信的概念 介绍信是介绍派出人员的身份和任务的专用信件。 二、介绍信的作用 1.介绍信主要是用来联系工作、洽谈业务、参加会议、了解具体本职情况时候的自我解释与说明。 2.对于持信人而言,介绍信具有介绍、证明双重作用。 三、介绍信的种类 一般的介绍信主要有两种形式:一种是便函式的介绍信,一种是带存根的介绍信。 四、介绍信的结构和写法 (一)便函式介绍信。 用一般的公文信纸书写。包括标题、称谓、正文、结尾、单位名称和日期、附注几部分。 1.标题

在第一行居中写介绍信三个字。 2.称谓 另起一行,顶格写收信单位名称或个人姓名,姓名后加同志、先生、女士等称呼,再加冒号。 3.正文 另起一行,开头空两格写正文,一般不分段。一般要写清楚:(1)派遣人员的姓名、人数、身份、职务、职称等。(2)说明所要联系的工作、接洽的事项等。(3)对收信单位或个人的希望、要求等,如请接洽等。 4.结尾 写上表示致敬或者祝愿的话,如此致敬礼等。 5.单位名称和日期 6.附注 注明介绍信的有效期限,具体天数用大写。 在正文的右下方写明派遣单位的名称和介绍信的开出日期,并加盖公章。日期写在单位名称下方。


出国留学介绍信范文3篇Model letter of introduction to study abroad 编订:JinTai College

出国留学介绍信范文3篇 前言:介绍信是用来介绍联系接洽事宜的一种应用文体,是机关团体、企事业单位派人到其他单位联系工作、了解情况或参加各种社会活动 时用的函件,具有介绍、证明的双重作用。使用介绍信,可以使对方 了解来人的身份和目的,以便得到对方的信任和支持。本文档根据介 绍信内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:出国留学介绍信范文 2、篇章2:出国留学介绍信范文 3、篇章3:出国留学介绍信范文 篇章1:出国留学介绍信范文 to whom it may concern: as the dean of stonewell college, i have had the pleasure of knowing hannah smith for the last four years. she has been a tremendous student and an asset to our school. i would like to take this opportunity to recommend hannah for

your graduate program. i feel confident that she will continue to succeed in her studies. hannah is a dedicated student and thus far her grades have been exemplary. in class, she has proven to be a take-charge person who is able to successfully develop plans and implement them. hannah has also assisted us in our admissions office. she has successfully demonstrated leadership ability by counseling new and prospective students. her advice has been a great help to these students, many of whom have taken time to share their comments with me regarding her pleasant and encouraging attitude. it is for these reasons that i offer high recommendations for hannah without reservation. her drive and abilities will truly be an asset to your establishment. if you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me. sincerely, roger fleming dean of stonewell college 。 篇章2:出国留学介绍信范文【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】


Dear Professor: I understand that XXX is applying for admission to your Postgraduate Master’s Program, and has requested that I write this letter of recommendation for her. I have known XXX as a resourceful and goal-oriented individual ever since she attended my Instrumental Analysis course(score:84) in her fourth academic semester. She often raised thought-provoking questions during the course lectures. Thus,it is natural that I like discussing with this young girl and enjoy becoming more familiar with her and her aspirations. In her sixth academic semester, she took my course of Electrochemical Analysis(score:89).The more I get to know her, the more I find she is talented at chemistry. With her outstanding talent and solid background in chemistry, she also did quite well in most of her other courses during her undergraduate study. I feel strongly that XXX’s unusual talents and abilities will stand her in good stead for a quality chemistry education, and your university will provide the best opportunities for her. While at XXX University, XXX had excellent performances in all subjects of her studies and demonstrated great potential, but she is more than a knowledgable bookworm;she is an outstanding leader. She is not only the President of the Student Union in the College of Chemistry, but also the Minister of Commonweal Department of Students’ Association Union of XXX University. She is adept in speech and debate, which give her great capabilities for expression, abstract reasoning,and cooperation. She als o took part in and organised many extracurricular activities, such as “Dream Fly”Party of College of Chemistry and Chemical Knowledge Contest of XXX University. We at XXX University see an optimistic, highly independent,and easy-going character in XXX, with highly unusual determination. She is not to be defeated by any difficulties. She believes that , with hard work, she can achieve anything she wants. I think her confidence in herself is well grounded in her track record. Judging by what I know of her, I think XXX is fully qualified to pursue a Master’s degree in your program. Therefore,I recommend her with much enthusiasm and I shall greatly appreciate your favorably consideration for her application for admission. Sincerely. 亲爱的教授:


介绍信是把自方的同事或业务关系介绍给对方,进行联系和沟通的常用信函。那么你知道出国留学的介绍信是怎么写的吗?下面小编整理了出国留学的介绍信,供你参考。 出国留学的介绍信范文一 To Whom It May Concern: As the Dean of Stonewell College, I have had the pleasure of knowing Hannah Smith for the last four years. She has been a tremendous student and an asset to our school. I would like to take this opportunity to recommend Hannah for your graduate program. I feel confident that she will continue to succeed in her studies. Hannah is a dedicated student and thus far her grades have been exemplary. In class, she has proven to be a take-charge person who is able to successfully develop plans and implement them. Hannah has also assisted us in our admissions office. She has successfully demonstrated leadership ability by counseling new and prospective students. Her advice has been a great help to these students, many of whom have taken time to share their comments with me regarding her pleasant and encouraging attitude. It is for these reasons that I offer high recommendations for Hannah without reservation. Her drive and abilities will truly be an asset to your establishment. If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Roger Fleming Dean of Stonewell College 。 出国留学的介绍信范文二 At the request of Chen,my former student in the Department of Computer Science,Beijing Sciences,I am glad to write this letter furnishing my uation ofhis academic aptitude for your is interested in your graduate program in Computer came to know him in September 1987 when enrolled in my class on FORTRAN IV Programming,a three the class he was one of the most outstanding the semester final he earned ahigh grade of 81,which should beAaccording to our grading also ound him good at other the class,he had personal talks with me several times. 出国留学的介绍信范文三 I am pleased to write this letter for my former student Miss Nan Li,who graduated from this College with an in June Li was admitted to the Department of Law of this College in 1974 through highly competitive entrance examination whi ch is conducted annually and is open to the whole in such aselective Li made herself professor and dean of the College,I have access to her records of academic work and moral conduct,In her fourth year study,I instructed her in Anglo-American Laws on Ihave known her quite Lis performance,like that in many other courses she taken,was excellent with asuperior grade of 86 for the first semester,and 84 for the second semester. In our university and in other university here,80 is consideredA,the highest far as Iknow,Miss Li wishes to continue her study in Law for an advanced am sure she has had sufficient prerequisite knowledge for the subject and certainly has the ability to undertake the recommend Miss Li without reservation and shall appreciate your favorable consideration of her application. 出国留学的介绍信范文四 Dear Colleagues: As a teacher in Department of Biology, Nankai University, a leading university in China, I am very pleased to take this opportunity to recommend one of my favorite students to your PhD
