


Paper 1

I. Fill in the blanks.

1. A person who is employed to take care of children for a specific length of time while the parents are out is called a __________________.

2. A family composed of a father, mother and two children is considered as the ________ family.

3. The coffee without cream or sugar is called ___________ coffee.

4. Only the _______________ has the right to interpret the constitution.

5. In the 1960’s the _____________ appeared among young people, such as living together before marriage.

6.The balance is always kept among the three branches of the power of the government and this is called the “ system of __________ and Balance”.

7. Americans have great admiration for the __________________man.

8.In American history ______________ presidents have been assassinated.

9. In the U.S. the chief function of ___________________ is to make laws.

10. The Democratic Party grew out of the ________________________.

11. The famous _______________ National Park is located in the northwestern part of Wyoming.

12.The western part of the central plain is also called the ___________________.

13. ___________ is the second largest city in population in the U.S.

14. __________ is the smallest state in size and the most densely populated place of the U.S.A.

15. The first English colony was __________________________.

16.Lexington Fire was the _____________ of the War of Independence.

17. The Constitution of ________ established the dictatorship of the America bourgeoisie, big capitalists and big slave owners.

18. There are four grades in universities. They are freshman, ___________, junior and


19. About _____________ of all the colleges and universities are private.

20. Gilbert Stuart is considered America’s first great __________________.

II. Choose the best answer.

1. Thanksgiving day is originated in _______________.

A. England

B. America

C. Scotland

D. Canada

2. The largest Protestant group in America is known as ________________.

A. the Latter Day Saints

B. Baptists

C. Methodists

D. Quakers

3.Marriage in America is considered ________________.

A. more important to the parents

B. a pure religious affair

C. rather burdensome

D. a pure individual mater

4. “ The senior citizens” i n the social centers refer to ___________.

A. high officials

B. professors

C. presidents

D. old people

5. Dining customs include the following except ___________.

A. being polite to ladies

B. not staying too long after dinner

C. being punctual

D. using both hands

6. Halloween is a _____________.

A. summer festival

B. night time festival

C. sweethearts holiday

D. pilgrims holiday

7. Urban Hermits refer to __________.

A. people who live in the remote places

B. people who live in mountains and forests.

C. shopping-bag ladies in big cities

D. anyone who lives in anywhere

8.Americans like the following attitudes except _____________.

A. informality

B. frankness

C. equality

D. personal dignity

9. Sometimes two couples go out together. This is known as ____________.

A. steady dating

B. casual dating

C. double dating

D. blind dating

10. White-collar workers ____________.

A. have higher reputation

B. get higher

C. may earn less than blue-collar workers

D. both A and B

11.The black people usually have a ________ family and 1/3 of which are controlled by women.

A. nucleus

B. big

C. loose

D. middle-sized

12. The political system of the U. S. A. is based on the following except _______.

A. federalism

B. the constitutional monarchy

C. the separation of powers

D. respect for the constitution and the rule of law

13. The U. S. Federal Government is composed of the following except ________.

A. the legislative

B. the standing committee

C. the judicial

D. the executive

14. The number of Congressmen from each state varies depending on _________.

A. the size of the area

B. the size of the population

C. the judicial

D. the wealth

15. The tenure of office of federal judges is _______ years long.

A. for life

B. 5

C. 8

D. 10

16. The Great Salt Lake lies in northern _________________.

A. Idaho

B. Arizona

C. Nevada

D. Utah

17. About __________ of the world’s annual agricultural exports come from the Unites States.

A. half

B. one third

C. two thirds

D. one fourth

18.The highest mountain in the U.S. is Mount _____________.

A. Appalachian

B. McKinley

C. Rocky

D. Alaska

19. Detroit is famous for the production of _____________.

A. automobile

B. timber

C. bamboo

D. bike

20. The City St. Louis in America is called the gateway towards the ____________.

A. East

B. West

C. Northeast

D. Southwest

21. The pamphlet “ Common Sense” was written by ___________.

A. Thomas Elva Edison

B. Thomas Paine

C. Thomas Jefferson

D. Thomas More

22.The Second President John Adam adopted a high-handed policy which was called________.

A. the “ Intolerance Acts”

B. Un-American Activities

C. the Sedition Act

D. Cold War

23. In 1844 the U.S. forced the Chinese Government to sign the first unequal treaty of


A. Wangxia

B. Nanjing

C. Tianjin


24.The Articles of Confederation was accepted by all the _________ states in ___________.

A. 50...1781 B. 13...1781 C. 13...1787 D. 50 (1787)

25. Altogether _______ countries became involved in or were dragged into World War


A. thirty-three

B. thirty-eight

C. twenty-nine

D. twenty-eight

26. The city name “ Philadelphia ” means _________.

A. brotherly love

B. fishing pit

C. philosophy

D. big apple

27. In elementary schools, courses for children include the following except _________.

A. reading, writing

B. social courses

C. foreign languages

D. science, art and music

28.The American teachers’ pay and prestige are _________ in comparison with the

general standard of living.

A. high

B. low

C. almost the same

D. ok

29. __________ belonged to the Lost Generation.

A. Ernest Hemingway

B. Walt Whitman

C. Tennessee Williams

D. Washington Irving

30.The most popular sport in America is ________________.

A. baseball

B. basketball

C. football

D. skiing

III. Make a judgment (T or F).

1. In America about 1/3 of the universities and colleges is private. _______

2. Hawthorne is a famous American writer in romantic fiction. ______

3.The most influential newspapers are New Y ork Time, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times. ______

4. The famous novel “The Old Man and the Sea” by Mrs Stowe around a great and universal hatred for slavery. _____

5. It was president Nixon who moved toward improving relations with China. ______

6. Pearl Harbor is the base of the Atlantic Fleet of the U.S.A. ________

7. Mount Mekinley lies in the Alaska Range. ________

8. The first ten amendments added to the constitution in 1791 was called the Bill of Rights. __________

9. The two main parties are the Democratic and Anti-Federalist Parties. _______

10. V alentine’s Day falls in February 14th. ________

IV. Define the following terms.

1. Death V alley

2. Uncle Tom’s Cabin

3. Harvard University

4. the Teheran Conference

5. Impeachment

V.Answer the following questions.

1. Tell something about Martin Luther King.

2. What is the significance of the American War of Independence?

3. How does a bill become a law?

Paper 2

I.Fill in the blanks.

1. The rate of divorce in America ranks ____________ in the world.

2. Today over _________ percent of all married women are active in community affairs.

3. A _____________ is a kind of sandwich made with ground beef that is fried and

put into a bun.

4. The official presidential residence is the _______________.

5. _______________ is the only way in which the president can legally be removed from office.

6. To the east of America lies the ______________ Ocean.

7. The two main tributaries of the ________________ River are the Missouri River and the Ohio River.

8. The five Great lakes lie between the boundary of __________ and the United States.

9. The largest state, __________ is famous for its glacier, waterfalls and ripples.

10.There rises the tendency of shifting the center of industries from the

____________ to the Southwest.

11.The famous ____________ is known as the financial center, the symbol of the

American monopoly capitalism.

12. _____________ is the center of theaters in America.

13. It was ____________________who first discovered the America in 1492.

14. The ___________ policy went into effect by the spring of 1947 when Truman Doctrine came forth.

15. The Confederate Union of America consisted of __________________ southern states.

16. The ___________- Program was successfully carried out in 1969 and two American astronauts landed on the moon.

17. The outstanding leader of the Civil Rights Movement was ____________________.

18. ___________________ uprising in 1859 helped the outbreak of the Civil War.

19. The best novel written by Theodore Dreiser is “ _________________”.

20. The novel “ Martin Eden ” was written by ______________.

II.Choose the best choice.

1. The popular kind of family in America is ________________ family.

A. nucleus

B. loose

C. large

D. blend

2.Americans like the following attitudes except ____________.

A. informality

B. personal dignity

C. equality

D. frankness

3. “ The senior citizens” in the social centers refer to ___________.

A. high officials

B. professors

C. presidents

D. old people

4.The popular foods in America include the following except _______________.

A. hamburgers

B. hot dogs

C. bread

D. rice

5.People can usually get cheap meals in the following except ________________.

A. snack bars

B. cafeterias

C. big restaurants

D. coffee shops

6. Halloween is a _____________.

A. summer festival

B. night time festival.

C. sweethearts holiday

D. pilgrims holiday

7. The black people usually have a ________ family and 1/3 of which are controlled by women.

A. nucleus

B. big

C. loose

D. middle-sized

8.The Judicial Branch is headed by ____________.

A. the Supreme Court

B. Congress

C. President

D. Judges

9.The general election in America is held every __________ years.

A. 5

B. 4

C. 6

D. 3

10. The number of Congressmen from each state varies depending on _________.

A. the size of the area

B. the size of the population

C. the judicial

D. the wealth

11. The Democratic Party of America was founded in ________.

A. 1845

B. 1828

C. 1787

D. 1804

12. __________ part is the most densely populated region in America.

A. The southern

B. The northeastern

C. The western

D. The Eastern

13.The Great Salt Lake lies in northern _________________.

A. Idaho

B. Arizona

C. Nevada

D. Utah

14. The two largest Chinatowns are locate in the following cities except_________.

A. New Y ork

B. San Francisco

C. Miami

D. Chicago

15. The world’s largest freshwater lake is Lake ______________.

A. Superior

B. Ontario

C. Victoria

D. Erie

16. The world-famous Niagara Falls lie between Lakes of _______.

A.Erie and Michigan

B. Erie and Ontario

B. C. Superior and Haron D. Michigan and Haron

17. The City St. Louis in America is called the gateway towards the ____________.

A. East

B. West

C. Northeast

D. Southwest

18. ___________ is famous for many stores and shops.

A. Wall Street

B. Broadway

C. Fifth Avenue

D. New Y ork

19. In ______ people can find the historical spot, the Independence National

Historical Park.

A. Philadelphia

B. St. Louis

C. San Francisco

D. Washington

20. The following states are among the first thirteen colonies except ___________.

A. Maryland

B. South Carolina

C. Delaware

D. Colorado

21._____________ was the first man who sailed round the earth.

A. John Cabot

B. Magellan

C. Balboa

D. Cartier

22.The colonial life can be described as the following except ______________.

A. simple

B. easy

C. rough

D. hard

23.The first American president from the Republic Party was _____________.

A. Abraham Lincoln

B. Andrew Johnson

C. Thomas Jefferson

D. George Washington.

24.In 1913 Presi dent ________ issued the “ Fourteen Points”.

A. Woodrow Wilson

B. William H. Taft

C. Theodore Roosevelt

D. Warren G. Harding

25. The frequent emergence of the economic crisis in the U.S.A. led to the following disastrous effects except _________.

A. inflation

B. the rise of prices

C. the decrease of population

D. the decrease of the purchasing capacity

26. In 1945 a conference was held in ________ to found the United Nations.

A. San Francisco

B. Chicago

C. New Y ork

D. Washington

27. The library in _________ was the first private library in the U.S.A.

A. Harvard College

B. Y ale College

C. College of New Y ork


28. It was the _________ immigrants in the mid-19th century who introduced skiing into the United States.

A. Scandinavian

B. Dutch

C. French

D. England

29.One hundred and one American people won the Nobel Prize after _________.


B. Civil War


D. the Independent War

30. The Father of American literature was ________________.

A. Mark Twain

B. Washington Irving

C. Walt Whitman

D. Jack London

III.True or False questions.

1. VOA has 16 broadcasting stations, sending news to the whole world in 40 languages day and night. ______

2. Hawthorne’s best novel is “The Scarlet Letter”. _______

3. The First World War was a destructive ear and an anti-fascist war. _________

4. “I know not what course others may take, but for me give me liberty or give me death”. This was said by Patrick Henry. _______

5. The history of the U.S. is generally agreed to have began in 1607. _______

6. The United States is situated in the South and Central part of North America.


7. Rhode Island is the second largest state in America. _______

8. Most of the inhabitants in the U.S. are of Asian origin. ________

9. There are 435 voting members in the House of Representatives. ________

10. The first president who was assassinated was John Kennedy. _______ IV.Explain the following terms.

1. Niagara Falls

2. the Boston Tea Party

3. Franklin D. Rossevelt

4. Reader’s Digest

5. Winner-take-all

V. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What do you know about the five Great Lakes?

2. C omment the Constitution of 1787.

3. Tell the main functions of the three branches of the government.


The United Kingdom I. Multiple Choice 1. The was “the greatest progressive revolution that mankind had so far experienced, a time which called for giants and produced giants—giants in power of thought, passion, and character, in universality and learning”(Engels). a. Renaissance b. Industrial Revolution c. Reformation d. Bourgeois Revolution 2. is regarded as the first English Prime Minster. a.D uke of Willington b.William Gladstone c.Benjamin Disraeli d.Sir Robert Walpole 3. The official head of Parliament is . a. the Prime Minister b. the Monarch c. the Speaker d. the Chancellor 4. The present sovereign of Britain is . a. Elizabeth I b. Elizabeth II

c. Elizabeth III d. Edward II 5. is a day to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. a. Christmas b. Good Friday c. Easter Monday d. Boxing Day 6. published his book On the Origin of Species which caused a stir in Victorian times. a. Adam Smith b. Charles Darwin c. Thomas More d. Francis Bacon 7. The largest section of Great Britain is . a. Scotland b. Wales c. England d. Northern Ireland 8. The Lake District is well known for . a. its wild and beautiful scenery b. its varied lakes c. the Lake Poets


第7章工业革命、美国独立战争和法国革命 7.1 复习笔记 I. The American Revolution II. The French Revolution III. Prerequisites for the Industrial Revolution IV. The Industrial Revolution and Its Consequences 1. The Industrial Revolution 2. Its Consequences I. The American Revolution (美国独立战争) 1. The Navigation Acts (passed in 1651) were intended to increase the prosperity of English merchants and ship builders. 1651年通过了《航海条例》,有利于英国商人和轮船制造者的发展。 2. The process (过程) ①The war broke out in April 1775. ②In October, 1777, the American army won a great battle at Saratoga, which was a turning point. ③By the Treaty of Paris in 1783, Britain recognized the independence of the United States.

①战争开始于1775年4月。 ②1777年10月,美国军队取得萨拉托加大捷,这是美国独立战争的转折点。 ③1783年《巴黎和约》,英国承认了美国的独立。 II. The French Revolution (法国革命) 1. The French Revolution broke out in 1789 and Thomas Paine published “The Rights of Man”. 2. In 1793 Britain became the chief leader of a military alliance with Austria and Prussia against revolutionary France. 3. The allies met at the Congress of Vienna and fought for the spoils of victory. England obtained Ceylon, the-Cape of Good Hope, and a number of Spanish, Dutch and French colonies. 1. 1789年,法国革命爆发,潘恩发表《人权宣言》。 2. 1793年,英国联合澳大利亚和普鲁士,反对法国革命。 3. 盟国在维也纳分赃会议上瓜分胜利品。英国得到锡兰,好望角,以及西班牙,荷兰和法国的殖民地。 III. Prerequisites for the Industrial Revolution (工业革命的必要条件) 1. The conditions for the Industrial Revolution : ①the accumulation of capital; ②the development of capitalist farming and the appearance of a labor reserve; ③the expansion of markets, domestic and foreign. 2. Britain’s population grew fast in this period and the people were skilled in


美国概况及风土人情 首先要想做好美国项目就要了解目的国家的历史,政治经济,文化背景,风土人情等。相对于中国具有上下5000年的古老历史文明,美国作为一个新兴的资本主义国家,拥有的历史并不算漫长。 美国历史 最早可以追溯到15世纪左右,那时的美国本土居住着大量的土著印第安人。并没有被近现代文明社会所发现,直至意大利人航海家哥伦布发现了北美洲大陆,在1492-1502,十年间,哥伦布在西班牙的资助下四次横渡大西洋,达到美洲大陆。可以说;是哥伦布把欧洲的现代文明带到了美洲大陆。自从哥伦布发现了现代文明后, 在1776年7月 4日,反对英国殖民者的军队在费城召开了第二次大陆会议,组成“大陆军”,由乔治。华盛顿任总司令,并通过了《独立宣言》,那么这一天就被成为美国历史上最著名的“独立日” 1783年9月3日,独立战争结束。美国成为美洲首个独立国家。” 1787年制定联邦宪法。 1788年乔治。华盛顿当选为第一任总统。

美国地图: 美国位于北美洲中部:东濒大西洋,西滨太平洋,北靠加拿大,南接墨西哥及墨西哥湾。除美国简称USA,US,是由50个州和华盛顿哥伦比亚特区组成的联邦共和立宪制国家。 面积与人口: 美国国土面积世界第四;第一俄罗斯,第二加拿大,第三中国,大约为962.9万平方公里陆地面积915万平方公里,内陆水域面积为20万平方公里,五大湖中美国主权部分约为17万平方公里。河口,港湾,内海等沿海水域面积约10万平方公里。 美国人口约3.1 亿人,数量为世界第三。第一是中国,第二是印度,以白人为主,但有大量的移民人口。 主要城市 华盛顿:纽约所担任的职能仅限于经济范围内,而美国的首都华盛顿是纯粹的政治中心。区别于中国的首都北京所具有的政治经济文化中心的职能所不同的,美国的很多城市都具有单一的职能性。举例来讲美国的首都华盛顿只是政治中心,全程华盛顿D.C。最著名的景点就是美国的国会大厦,白宫,以及白宫正对面的华盛顿纪念碑。 美国的纽约不仅具有金融中心这一特点,同时他也是灾难的中心。他的出名也许会因为股市的反弹一夜暴富,也许会因为911的撞击事件而失去生命。 纽约市The city of New York 金融,文化,艺术的中心 纽约市是美国最大及人口最多的城市,也是全世界最大的都会区之一。 纽约在商业和金融的方面发挥巨大的影响力。该市有曼哈顿区,皇后区,布鲁克林区,布朗克斯区,斯塔腾岛五个区。 纽约市是美国第一大港,同时也是世界第四大都会区,仅次于东京,首尔,墨西哥城。 历史事件:2001年9月11日,911事件,恐怖分子劫持四架飞机,两架分别撞向两座世界贸易中心,一架撞向五角大楼,造成3000人死亡。 洛杉矶City of Los Angeles 洛杉矶是美国第二大城市,仅次于纽约,拥有巨大影响力的国际化大都市。 洛杉矶人口是加州最多的,超过400万人口,仅次于纽约。 大学有;加州理工学院,加州大学洛杉矶分校,南加州大学,洛杉矶加利福尼亚州立大学 旧金山 San Francisco


美国留学名校塔夫斯大学 塔夫斯大学建于1852年,校址在马萨诸塞州的梅德福,是一所综合性私立大学,现有学生8000多人。塔夫斯大学的办学原则是以质取胜、注重革新。从学生录取、教师的教学到学术研究、教学和科研设施的建立以及对教师的业绩评估等,塔夫斯大学都设立了严格的质量标准,并因其出色的教学和研究而享誉世界。塔夫斯大学有四大办学理念:全球主义、知识型公民、跨学科研究及可持续性发展。塔布斯的学生自学校第一天,就踏上追求自己人生目标的路上。 塔夫斯大学Tufts University院系设置 塔夫斯大学建有环境斯管理研究所、生物技术研究中心、电子和光学技术研究中心等科研机构和文学院、杰克森学院、工程学院、文理学院、营养科学与政策学院、弗雷切尔法学院、外交学院、医学院、牙医学院、兽医学院、生物医学院等十多个学院,设有数十个学科专业,其中部分可以授予硕士、博士学位。 所有学科中医科、牙科、法律、外交、职业治疗学等最为着名,国际关系、政治学科、生物、戏剧、儿童研究、英语和工程类专业也相当不错。20世纪80年代中期,校方运用募捐得来的一笔款项,兴建了一座营养研究中心、两座工程实验室、一所科学中心、和一座电脑设计实验室,使该校理工方面的实力大大增强。 塔夫斯大学Tufts University专业课程 历史、英语、亚洲学、天文学、生物医药工程系统、生工、生物学、化学、化学物理、美国研究、人类学、应用物理、考古学、建筑学、艺术史、经济学、城市事务研究、特殊教育学、公共政策分析、心理卫生护理、神学、西班牙语言文学、生物分子学、材料工程、国际商业、欧洲研究、东亚研究、认知心理学、化工、细胞分子生物学、中文、医学、音乐、戏剧、数学、管理学、管理信息系统、法律、拉丁语、电子通讯、土木工程、人类学、生物化学、天文物理学、环境学、法语、地理、工商管理、化学、古典语言文学、计算机科学、教育学、工程、环境科学、德语、历史、意大利语、心理学、比较宗教学、俄语、社会学、葡萄牙语言文学、建筑学等。 塔夫斯大学Tufts University牙医学院:塔夫斯牙医学院认为,在培育拥有分析能力和对前所未有剧增的知识基础和快速的科技改变有探索精神的专业人士时,研究教学和临床必须要齐头并行,不可或缺。本学院之精神是对病人进行整体考量:不仅应用科学来执业,并且也以关心来医疗人类疾病和寻找其病因。 专业:牙科植体学(Implant Dentistry)口腔公共卫生及社区服务课程(Oral Public Health and Community Service Program)细胞、组织及器官研究(Histology: Study of Cells, Tissues and Organs)临床前之全副义齿补缀(Preclinical Complete Denture Prosthodontics)老人牙医学(Geriatric Dentistry)医药学I (Medicine I)


第7章美国文学 7.1 复习笔记 I. A General Introduction II. Fiction III. Poetry IV. Drama I. A General Introduction (简要介绍) 1. The history of American literature is comparatively short, roughly about 200 years. 美国文学的历史很短,大约200年。 2. Many famous writers have earned great fame in the world, such as Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, Theodore Dreiser, and Ernest Hemingway. 很多著名作家已赫然立于世界文坛之上。例如惠特曼、马克·吐温、西奥多·德莱赛和欧内斯特·海明威。 II. Fiction (小说) 1. America did not have its fiction until Washington Irving. 美国的小说从华盛顿·欧文开始。

2. American contemporary literature has continued to undergo healthy development in producing new forms and new language. 美国的现代文学继续健康发展,不断涌现出新的形式和新的语言。 3. In 1990s, American literature takes much newer directions and varieties in quality. 20世纪90年代,美国文学呈现出很多新的趋势和种类。 4. There appeared some famous fiction writers in American literature. 美国文学史上出现了很多著名的小说家。 (1) Washington Irving (1783—1859) (华盛顿·欧文) ①Regarded as the “father of American literature”, Washington Irving was the first American to achieve international literary reputation. ②His most famous story “Rip Van Winkle”helps Irving earn great fame in the literary world. ①华盛顿·欧文是第一个在国际上享有盛誉的美国作家,被称为“美国文学之父”。 ②他最著名的故事是“瑞普·凡·温克尔”,使欧文在文学界获得很高的名望。 (2) Nathaniel Hawthorne(1804—1864) (纳撒尼尔·霍桑) ①Hawthorne is a famous American writer in romantic fiction and a pioneer in psychological description. ②His most famous novel is The Scarlet Letter. ①霍桑是美国浪漫主义小说的著名作家,也是心理描写方面的先驱。 ②他最著名的小说是《红字》。 (3) Mark Twain(1835—1910) (马克·吐温)


英语专业考研英美概况自测题(一) British Survey Test Part I Geography 1. The total area of the U.K. is _____. A. 211,440 B. 244,110 C. 241,410 D. 242,534 2. England occupies the _____ portion of the U.K. A. northern B. eastern C. southern 3. The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is _____. A. Northern Ireland B. England C. Scotland 4. _____ is on the western prominence between the Bristol Channel and the Dee estuary. A. Wales B. Scotland C. England 5. Wales was effectively united with England in the _____ century. A. 14th B. 15th C. 16th 6. By the Act of Union of _____ Scotland and the kingdom of England and Wales were constitutionally joined as the Kingdom of Britain. A. 1707 B. 1921 C. 1801 7. Physiographically Britain may be divided into _____ provinces. A. 13 B. 12 C. 14 8. Mt. Ben Nevis stands in _____. A. the Scottish Highlands B. Wales C. England 9. The main rivers parting in Britain runs from _____. A. north to south B. south to north C. east to west 10. Cheviot hills lie along the border between _____ and England. A. Scotland B. Wales C. Vale of Eden 11. The longest river in Britain is _____. A. Severn B. Clyde C. Bann 12. London is situated on the River of _____. A. Parret B. Thames C. Spey 13. Edinburgh is the capital of _____. A. England B. Scotland C. Wales 14. The rivers flowing into the _____ are mainly short. A. North Sea B. English Channel C. Dee estuary 15. Mt. Snowdon stands in _____. A. Scotland B. Wales C. England 16. The source of the important River Thames is in the _____. A. Cotswolds B. Oxford Clay C. Pennines 17. About _____ of the water requirements are obtained from underground sources. A. 50% B. 38% C. 42% 18. Gaelic is mainly spoken in _____. A. Scotland B. England C. Northern Ireland 19. The Bank of England was nationalized in _____. A. 1964 B. 1946 C. 1694


America The Founding of Colonies殖民地的建立 First Inhabitants:American Indians Discovery of the New World: 1492 Christopher Columbus →the discoverer of America (Italian)Spanish Queen’ s support 1501-2 Amerigo Vespucci →the new land was name after him as America. reached the mouth of Amazon River America—the New World Europe—the Old World 13 colonies: New England Colonies: Mid Atlantic Colonies: Southern Colonies: Massachusetts →(2nd colony,1620)New York Maryland New Hampshire Pennsylvania Virginia →(1st colony,1607)Rhode Island Delaware North Carolina Connecticut South Carolina Georgia →(the last colony,1733)New England Region(6个): Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont 建立原因: Virginia, 1607 Virginia Company For foreign expansion as a way of easing religious dispute and economic distress in England 105 men (no women) Jamestown in honor of the king Massachusetts In 1620 102 Puritans (“Pilgrim Fathers”), in Mayflower, from Plymouth in England to America First in Plymouth (today’s Massachusetts); and then Boston Seek religious freedom Mayflower Compact <五月花号公约>:self-government Hardships when arrived the help of the Indians Thanksgiving Day to thank the Indians and the God for protection The next three colonies Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire Reasons: 1. religious disputes and struggles in Massachusetts intensified 2. more immigrants


https://www.360docs.net/doc/5215376155.html,/index100310.asp 留学美国五步走 一.了解美国 1. 美国概况 美国本土东濒大西洋,西临太平洋,北靠加拿大,南接墨西哥及墨西哥湾。其首都为华盛顿(哥伦比亚特区)。美国源自于1776年从英国统治下脱离而出的北美殖民地,13州的殖民地代表们一同发表了《美国独立宣言》,在经历艰苦的独立战争后,于1783年与英国签订了巴黎协约,从此受到世界各国的承认。 2.美国的政治 美国是现存历史最悠久的宪政立宪共和国,有世界上最早并仍在运作的成文《宪法》。在《宪法》授权下,政府通过国会运作代议民主制。政府分为三级架构:联邦、州和地方政府。三级政府中的官员由选民进行不记名投票选举产生,或者由民选官员任命。行政长官和立法机构官员从单一选区多数制选举产生,司法系统和内阁官员由行政长官任命并经立法机构批准产生。在某些州,司法系统官员也通过多数制选举产生。 联邦政府本身有三个分支,互相制约和平衡: 立法机关:即国会,由众议院和参议院两部分组成; 行政机关:即总统,总统提名和参议院批准的内阁官员及其下属,负责行使基于联邦法律的治理权; 司法机关:即最高法院和较低级别的联邦法院,法官由总统提名并参议院批准。 美国国会实行两院立法体制。众议院设435个席位代表各自的国会选区,任期2年。众议院席位根据人口分布,每10年重新划分一次,每个州最少都会分配到1个众议院席位:目前有7个州只有1个议席,人口最多的加利福尼亚州则有高达53个议席。而无论人口众寡,每个州在参议院都有2个席位,加起来共一百席,任期6年;每隔2年,重选三分之一的参议员。 在联邦体制内,州与联邦政府的关系很复杂。根据美国法律,各州是主权实体。然而,在美国内战和“德克萨斯对怀特案”建立的规则是,州无权脱离联邦;根据宪法,也无外交权。美国联邦法律在经过宪法授权的领域要高于各州所制订的不同的法律,但是联邦政府的权力只能在宪法规定的范围之内行使;所有未授予联邦政府的权力由州政府和人民自行保留。 美国宪法以及权利法案等一系列修正案致力维护公民自由:包括言论、宗教信仰和出版自由;接受公正审判的权利;拥有和携带武器的权利;选举和财产权。虽然美国所珍视的西方意识形态追求人权,在具体实践中也有争议:直到1964年《民权法案》才立法禁止种族歧视。一般而言,州内事务的主导权完全在各州政府手中。这包括了内部通讯;关于财产、工业、商业以及公共设施的法规;州的相关法律,诸如死刑;以及州内部的工作情况。很多州立的法律在各州之间都十分相似。在还有一些领域中州的管辖权与联邦政府的管辖权有重叠。美国的联邦和州政府主要有两个政党竞争:共和党和民主党。一些小党的参选人有时也有可能当选。中间偏右的共和党通常在社会议题上属于社会保守派、在经济议题上属于古典自由主义。中间偏左的民主党通常在社会议题上属于自由派、在经济议题上属于进步主义。美国人一般会倾向支持两党中的其中一个,不过一些人也会支持独立的小政党和候选人,包括了自由党、绿党、改革党等。除了2001至2002年由民主党在参议院暂时占多数外,共和党自从1994年以来一直保持在两院的多数优势,目前的总统乔治?沃克?布什属于共和党籍,而在2006年中期选举后,情况又有了新的变化,民主党取代共和党成为参众两院的多数党。 3.美国的经济及科学和科技


英美概况考试重点复习材料(英国部分) 英美概况考试重点复习材料(英国部分) Chapter 1第一章 Land and People 英国的国土与人民 I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts 英国的不同名称及其各组成部分 1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England. 地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。 2. Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。 3. The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones.不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。 4. Three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wale大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。

(1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section.英格兰位于大不列颠岛南部,是最大,人口最稠密的地区。 (2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh 苏格兰位于大不列颠的北部。它有三大自然区:北部高地,中部低地及南部山陵。首府:爱丁堡。 (3) Wales is in the west of Great Britain. Capital: Cardiff 威尔士位于大不列颠的西部。首府:加的夫 (4) Northern Ireland is the fourth region of the UK. Capital: Belfast.北爱尔兰是英国第四个区域。首府:贝尔法斯特。 5. The monwealth (of nations) is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. It was founded in 1931, and has about 50 member countries until 1991. 英联邦是独立的前英国殖民地组成的自由联合体。它成立于1931 年,至1990年止已有约50个成员国。 Chapter 2 第二章 The Origins of a Nation (5000BC-1066)英国的起源(公元前5000年—1066年)


(1)地理概况: 美利坚合众国(United States of America) 从大西洋到太平洋,几乎横跨整个北美洲大陆,面积仅次于俄罗斯、加拿大和中华人民共和国,排名第四。它的领土还包括北极边缘的阿拉斯加以及远在太平洋赤道地区的夏威夷。美国广大土地上包含各种自然景观。从佛罗里达温暖的海滩到阿拉斯加寒冷的北国地带;从中西部平坦广阔的大草原到终年为冰雪覆盖的落矶山脉,其中尤其享誉全球的是壮观的大峡谷、伟大的密西西比河,及声如雷鸣的尼加拉大瀑布。 (2)山河湖海: 美国本土位于北美洲南部,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,北接加拿大,南靠墨西哥及墨西哥湾。全境由东向西可分为五个地理区:东南部沿岸平原分大西洋沿岸平原和墨西哥沿岸平原两部分。这一地带海拔在200 米以下,多数由河川冲积而成,特别是密西西比河三角洲,乃是世界上最大的三角洲,土质油黑,土壤肥沃。河口附近有一些沼泽地。位于这一地理区的佛罗里达半岛是美国最大的半岛。 阿帕拉契山脉位于大西洋沿岸平原西侧,基本与海岸平行,长约2300 多公里,一般海拔1000 ~1500 米,由几条平行山脉组成。内地平原呈倒三角形,北起漫长的美国与加拿大边界,南达大西洋沿岸平原的格兰德河一带。西部山系由西部两条山脉所组成,东边为落矶山脉,西边为内华达山脉和喀斯喀特山脉,乃旧褶曲运动后的产物。内华达山脉的惠特尼峰海拔4418 米,为美国大陆最高点,喀斯喀特山脉的雷尼尔山海拔4392 米,仅次于惠特尼峰。西部山间高原由科罗拉多高原、怀俄明高原、哥伦比亚高原与大峡谷组成,为美国西部地质构造最复杂的地区。大峡谷位于亚利桑那州西北部,由一系列迂回曲折、错综复杂的山峡和深谷组成,气势雄伟,岩壁陡峭,为世界上罕见的自然景观。美国河流湖泊众多,水系复杂,从总体上可分为三大水系:凡位于落矶山以东,注入大西洋的河流都称为大西洋水系,主要有密西西比河、康乃迪克河和哈得森河。其中密西西比河全长6020 公里,居世界第三位。凡注入太平洋的河流称太平洋水系,主要有科罗拉多河、哥伦比亚河、育空河等。北美洲中东部的大湖群,包括苏必略湖、密西根湖、休伦湖、伊利湖和安大略湖,总面积24.5 万平方公里,为世界最大的淡水水域,素有“北美地中海”之称,其中密西根湖属美国,其余四湖为美国和加拿大共有。苏必略湖为世界最大的淡水湖,面积在世界湖泊中仅次于里海而居世界第二位。 (3)气候天气: 美国的气候大部分地区属温带和亚热带气候,仅佛罗里达半岛南端属热带。阿拉斯加州位于北纬60 至70 度之间,属北极圈内的寒冷气候区;夏威夷州位于北回归线以南,属热带气候区。但由于美国幅员辽阔,地形复杂,各地气候差异较大,大体可分为五个气候区。东北部沿海的温带气候区,因受拉布拉多寒流和北方冷空气的影响,冬季寒冷, 1 月份平均温度为-6℃左右,夏季温和多雨,7 月份平均温度为16℃左右,年平均降雨量为1000 公厘左右。东南部亚热带气候区,因受墨西哥湾暖流的影响,气候温暖湿润, 1 月份平均温度为16℃,7 月份平均温度为24 ~27℃,年平均降雨量为1500 公厘。中央平原的大陆性气候区呈大陆性气候特征,冬季寒冷,1 月份平均温度为-14℃左右,夏季炎热,


college中文.doc San Mateo Community College District 圣马特奥大学学区 International Students 国际学生 Deadlines 申请截止日 *2012年秋季班,美国境外申请截止期:2012年4月15日 美国境内申请截止期:2012年7月1日 開課:2012年8月 *2013年春季班,国境外申请截止期:2012年10月15日 美国境内申请截止期:2012年12月1日 開課:2013年1月 If you do not have a valid F1 visa then you need to follow the deadlines from outside the country. 注:如果您没有有效的F1签证,那么你的申请要按照美国境外的截止日期。 聖馬特奧大學學區三所分校: 肯尔那达学院 Ca?ada College 4200 Farm Hill Blvd. Redwood City, CA 94061 USA Ca?ada Main Site 肯尔那达学院主网页 Ca?ada International Site 肯尔那达学院国际网页 Ca?ada Map 肯尔那达学院地图 圣马特奥学院 College of San Mateo 1700 W. Hillsdale Boulevard San Mateo, CA 94402-3784 USA CSM Main Site 圣马特奥学院主网页

CSM International Site 圣马特奥学院国际网页 CSM Map/Virtual Tour 圣马特奥学院地图和网上遊览 斯凯兰学院 Skyline College 3300 College Dr. San Bruno, CA 94066 ?USA Skyline Main Site 斯凯兰学院主网页 Skyline International Site 斯凯兰学院国际网页 Skyline Map 斯凯兰学院地图 2年在圣马特奥总院 + 2年在全美各个4年制大学(包括直升美國名校) = 学士学位低学费,高品质教学包括转入:加州大学各校 小班上课,一对一的关注加州州立大学各校 有利的学习环境私立艺术大学 闻名全球的地点长春藤名校 绝佳的升入四年制大学良机及很多全美各地的大学 为什么选择肯尔那达学院、圣马特奥学院或斯凯兰学院? 学费:相当公立大学学费的1/5,私立大学的1/10 *有荣誉课程*转换学分,成绩合格保送4年制大学*许多著名校友*丰富的历史 *非常有利学习的环境*转入优良大学的良机 *屡获殊荣的教师*设有超过100个专业的课程 *优良的服务为后盾,以帮助学生成功*一对一的关注


American Survey Test 地理 1. The _____ part of America consists of high plateaus and mountains formed by the Great Cordillera Range. A. eastern B. western C. northeastern 2. In eastern _____ lies Death Valley, 85 metres below sea level. A. California B. Utah C. Arizona 3. In the west of the _____ lie the Colorado Plateaus and the Columbia Plateaus. A. Rocky Mountain B. Coast Range C. Cascades Mountains 4. The _____ lies between the Colorado Plateaus and Columbia Plateaus A. Great Basin B. Colorado Valley C. Great Plains 5. The famous Yellowstone National Park is situated in northwestern part of _____. A. California B. Arizona C. Wyoming 6. The world-known Colorado Valley lies in northern _____, which is cut by the Colorado River. A. Arizona B. Utah C. Montana 7. Among the five Great Lakes, only _____ is wholly within the United States. A. Erie B. Superior C. Michigan 8. Only the climate in the southern part of _____ is tropical. A. Florida B. Georgia C. Virginia 9. Washington, the capital of the US, is on the _____ river. A. Potomac B. Delaware C. St. Laurence 10. The width of the Niagara Fall is about _____ metres and the drop average _____ metres. A. 1650, 50 B. 1240, 49 C. 1540, 49 11. _____ part is the most densely populated region in America. A. The southern B. The northeastern C. The western 12. The Great Salt Lake lies in northern _____. A. Idaho B. Arizona C. Nevada D. Utah 13. _____ has been called the “cradle of American Liberty”. A. Philadelphia B. Plymouth C. Boston 14. About _____ of the world’s annual agricultural products come from the United States. A. half B. one third C. two thirds 15. The highest mountain in the U.S. is Mount _____. A. Appalachian B. Mekinley C. Rocky 16. Mount Mekinley lies in the _____ Range. A. Sierra Nevada B. Cascades C. Alaska 17. The two largest Chinatowns are located in the following cities except _____. A. New York B. San Francisco C. Miami 18. The world’s largest freshwater lake is Lake _____. A. Superior B. Ontario C. Victoria 19. The world-famous Niagara Falls lie between lakes of _____. A. Erie and Michigan B. Erie and Ontario C. Superior and Haron 20. _____ of the America’s territory is covered with forests. A. 1/4 B. 1/5 C. 1/3


《英美概况》习题集——张奎武版 英国部分 Part I Geography I. Multiple Choice 1. The total area of the U.K. is _____. A. 211,440 B. 244,110 C. 241,410 D. 242,534 2. England occupies the _____ portion of the U.K. A. northern B. eastern C. southern 3. The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is _____. A. Northern Ireland B. England C. Scotland 4. _____ is on the western prominence between the Bristol Channel and the Dee estuary. A. Wales B. Scotland C. England 5. Wales was effectively united with England in the _____ century. A. 14th B. 15th C. 16th 6. By the Act of Union of _____ Scotland and the kingdom of England and Wales were constitutionally joined as the Kingdom of Britain. A. 1707 B. 1921 C. 1801 7. Psysiographically Britain may be divided into _____ provinces. A. 13 B. 12 C. 14 8. Mt. Ben Nevis stands in _____. A. the Scottish Highlands B. Wales C. England 9. The main rivers parting in Britain runs from _____. A. north to south B. south to north C. east to west 10. Cheviot hills lie along the border between _____ and England. A. Scotland B. Wales C. Vale of Eden 11. The longest river in Britain is _____. A. Severn B. Clyde
