

中原工学院信息商务学院《物流专业英语》课程论文工商管理专业 101 班级


姓名韩栓铭学号 201004014133 二О一三年六月二日

Basic methods of inventory control


One of the most important aspects of logistics concerns questions related to inventory. The amount of inventory that should be held and its location within a company’s logistics structure is vital in order to meet customer service requirements and expectations. But,there,is,potentially,a large cost associated with holding inventory. It is vital to get right this balance of service versus cost. This part sets out to explore the basic concepts behind the inventory holding decision,as well as the basic method of inventory control.

Keyword:Logistics,inventory control,Inventory management method. The significance of inventory control

Inventory Control (Inventory Control) is a manufacturing or service production, management of the whole process a variety of items, finished goods and other resources to manage and control, it reserves to maintain a reasonable level in the economy. Inventory control inventory control is the use of methods to get higher profitable business tool.

The main function of inventory control are: to ensure the production, management requirements under the premise that stocks always kept at a reasonable level; master inventory dynamics, timely, appropriate proposed order to avoid excess reserve or out of stock; reduce inventory space occupied, reducing the total cost of inventory; inventory control of

funds used to accelerate cash flow.

Inventory management control methods

●The classification of inventory management - ABC classification

management approach

ABC classification management approach is to inventory divided by the degree of importance of particular importance to inventory (A class of stock), the general importance of inventory (B class stock) and unimportant inventory (C Class inventory) three level, and then for different level of management and control, respectively. ABC classification management method consists of two steps: First, how to classify, the second is how to manage. In the ABC classification of inventory is followed business strategy is based on different levels of the different inventory management and control.

●CV A Management Act

CV A (Critical Value Analysis) Management Act is the key factor analysis. The basic idea is to inventory in accordance with the key into 3-5 categories, namely:

(1) the highest priority - this is the key to hard materials, not out of stock.

(2) a higher priority - This refers to the operating activities of the foundation material, allow the occasional out of stock.

(3) Medium priority - mostly the more important of these materials, allowing a reasonable range of stock.

(4) a lower priority - operators of these supplies required, but substitutability is high, allowing stock.

●the procurement EOQ model - to determine the number of orders

That the number of enterprises per order is directly related to inventory levels and the size of the total cost of inventory, so companies have to expect to find a number of orders when the inventory is its total production of the smallest EOQ model can meet this requirement. By balancing the procurement is the purchase cost and storage warehousing costs, determining an optimal order quantity to achieve the lowest total inventory costs. EOQ model according to need and order, the arrival time intervals to determine whether the conditions in the state can be divided into the model and determine the conditions under probabilistic model.

●inventory management

Supply chain management procurement and timely procurement, also called JIT procurement are ultimately want to achieve enterprise supplies the "zero inventory" management in order to ensure that the material supply and product distribution smoothly and achieve business benefits maximized.

"Zero inventory" management is the material storage optimization theory that warehouse management theory in practice in the use of it does not mean that all enterprises of raw materials, semi-finished product inventory is zero, but rather to ensure the smooth progress of production

and operation activities of conditions, using a variety of scientific management methods, a reasonable calculation of inventory and effective control, as a way to reduce inventory levels. Zero inventory does not mean not to reserve and without reserve, that some do not set up a separate operating entity and stockpiles of materials does not mean that other forms of storage activities canceled.

The Methods to achieve zero inventory enterprises are: display production management, order production methods, punctual procurement, collaborative subcontracting, bailment way, production processes synchronization mode, tap mode, no inventory reserves and supply chain and distribution methods.


Inventory control should be related to the company's financial operations objectives, in particular operational cash flow by optimizing the entire demand and supply chain management processes (Supply Chain Management Processes, DSCMP), a reasonable set of ERP control strategy, supported by appropriate information processing tools, tools to achieve to ensure timely delivery of the premise, reduceing inventory and obsolescence, the risk of devaluation. In this sense, the physical inventory control just to achieve our financial goals as a means of controlling the entire inventory or just a necessary part; from the perspective of organizational functions, physical warehouse inventory control is mainly

the responsibility of management, the broad inventory control should be the entire demand and supply chain management, and the whole company's responsibility.

The problems arising from excessive inventory: Increase storage space and inventory storage costs, thereby increasing the cost of the product; take up a lot of liquidity, resulting in sluggish capital, not only increased the burden of loan interest, etc., and will also affect the time value of money and the opportunity revenue; finished products and raw materials caused tangible and intangible loss; caused a lot of idle corporate resources, affecting their rational allocation and optimization; mask production, management of the whole process various contradictions and problems, is not conducive to enterprises to improve their management level.

Howeber ,Inventory of the problems arising from too small: cause degradation of service, affecting sales profits and corporate reputation; resulting in the production of raw materials or other material supply system, which can affect the normal production process; make ordering interval shortened, the number of orders increased, so order (production) costs; affect the balance of the production process and the assembly of complete sets.

The reasonable inventory control methods help sustainable development of enterprises, reducing capital occupied, improve

operational efficiency, enhance their market competitiveness.





库存控制(Inventory Control)是对制造业或服务业生产、经营全过程的各种物品,产成品以及其他资源进行管理和控制,使其储备保持在经济合理的水平上。库存控制是使用控制库存的方法,得到更高的盈利的商业手段。







CVA(Critical Value Analysis)管理法就是关键因素分析法。它的基本思想是把存货按照关键性分成3~5类,即:








库存控制应该是为了达到公司的财务运营目标,特别是现金流运作,通过优化整个需求与供应链管理流程(Supply Chain Management Processes,DSCMP),合理设置ERP控制策略,并辅之以相应的信息处理手段、工具,从而实现在保证及时交货的前提下,尽可能降低库存水平,减少库存积压与报废、贬值的风险。从这个意义上讲,实物库存控制仅仅是实现公司财务目标的一种手段,或者仅仅是整个库存控制的一个必要的环节;从组织功能的角度讲,实物库存控制主要是仓储管理部门的责任,而广义的库存控制应该是整个需求与供应链






第一节什么是物流管理 1.物流管理的定义 完成商业交易后物流将以最有效的成本方式以最有效的成本方式实行从供应商(卖方)到客户(买方)货物转运。这就是物流的定义。在转运过程中,像物流设施和设备(物流运输工具)之类的硬件是必要的,也需要信息控制和标准化管理。另外,来自政府和物流协会的支持应该到位。 物流的三个主要功能 (1)创造时间价值:同样的货物在不同的时间有不同的价值。货物常常在转运过程中处于滞留状态,用专业术语来说这被叫做物流储存。它创造货物的时间价值。 (2)创造场所价值:同样的货物在不同的场所可以被不同地定值。转运过程中增加的价值就是物流的场所价值。 (3)流通加工价值:有时物流创造流通加工价值,流通加工改变货物的长度、厚度和包装。正像流行说法,“分割成更小块”是最常见的流通加工形式。物流的大部分过程创造货物的附加值。 物流是一项新的商业领域,从传统阶段到现代阶段发展而来。这两个阶段间的主要不同点包括: (1) 现代物流采用集装箱运输技术。货物运输过程从包装开始,接着是运输、储存及配送。整个过程在物流标准下进行.基于物流600×400的基础模数,形成1,200×1,000的物流模数,并放大到2,591×2,438的尺寸—即集装箱高乘宽的尺寸。它也能被调整到适于铁运、汽运和船运的集装箱标准尺.寸。 电子数据交换全球定位 (2)信息技术对现代物流来说极其重要。条码,销售点,电子数据交换和全球 定位系统极大地提高了五六活动的效率和精确性。互联网更进一步促进了物流行业的市场开发、市场操作和管理。 2.物流管理的活动 (1)客户服务。客户服务被定义为:以客户至上为宗旨,以最可能低的成本整合、管理所有客户管理的交界面以取得最佳效果.客户服务将所有的物流活动连接在一起.客户是否能在适当的情景收到合适的产品将影响到其他操作活动。 (2)订单处理。订单处理可以比作人的躯体的中枢神经系统,激发配送过程并指导各种活动得以进行,以满意订货要求。订单处理活动可以被分解成三个种类。第一,操作部分,诸如订单录入与校定,生产计划运输方式的准备工作以及货物托运清单。第二,沟通部分,诸如订单修订,订货状况查询,跟踪,催促,错误修正以及产品信息寻求等。最后,信贷与托收部分,包括信贷核查和有效账户的处理和托收。 客户服务在订单处理的速度与精确性方面扮演一个重要角色。先进的系统能够减少订单下达与发货之间的时间。订单常常通过计算即系统来完成。先进的计算机系统虽然起初对公司来说很昂贵,但它能大大地提高业务的准确性和效率。通常,别的物流开支(库存,运输和仓储)的节约,或来自客户服务提升了的销售的增长,将证明这一系统提升了的成本是非常值得的。 (3)物流沟通要取得当今商务环境的成功,就需要复杂沟通体系的管理。有效的沟通应该存在于下面各项之间: (a)公司及其客户和供应商; (b)公司的主要运作,比如:市场,生产,物流,财务/会计; (c)与物流相关的活动,比如:客户服务,交通运输,仓储与保管,订单处理和库存控制。

物流专业英语 2套期末考试卷AB试卷模拟测试卷-带答案

模拟试卷A I. Match the special terms in Column B with the Chinese explanations in Column A (20 points , 2 points each ) A B ( )配送 A. warehousing ( )集装箱 B. picking ( )托盘 C. supply chain ( )订单处理 D. clean B/L ( )仓储 E. insurance ( )装卸 F. loading and unloading ( )拣选 G . container ( )保险 H. order processing ( )供应链 I. distribution ( )清洁提单 J. pallet II. Tell whether the following statements are True or False (10points, 1 point each ) ( ) 1. The third-party logistics is also called outsourcing or contract logistics. ( ) 2. Picking is conducted after orders are translated into picking slips in many instances. ( ) 3. Storage is a primary function of distribution center.. ( )4. Manufacturer is the executive agency that actually carries out the physical movement. ( )5. Inventory and facility costs increase as the number of facilities in a supply chain increases. ( ) 6. Warehousing costs are calculated in terms of the amount of cubic meters of space used. ( ) 7. Logistics is part of the supply chain process. ( ) 8. The supply chain network is designed to maximize each number ’s profit.. ( ) 9. Logistics can only bring tangible benefits to the users. ( )10. It ’s the end of distribution when you delivered the items to customers . III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(24 points, 4 points each ) 1. The exchange of business cards must be made properly. Business cards should be printed in English on one side and in your host ’s language on the other. When you present your card ,you do so with both hands. 2. Warehousing activities is an important link between the producer and the customer. Warehousing activities involve receiving, transfer, storage, picking, and shipping. Storage is a primary function of the warehouse. 3. It ’s not the end of distribution when you have delivered the dispatched items to customers. Because the items you delivered may not match the ones customers ordered, making the delivery coming to naught. 4. There are five transportation modes: rail, truck, air, water and pipeline. In addition, certain modal combination are available, including rail-truck, truck-water, truck-air, and rail-water. 5. This contract is made by and agreed between the Buyers and Sellers, whereby the Sellers agree to sell and the Buyers agree to buy the under mentioned commodity to the terms and conditions stipulated below. 班级: 姓名: 学号: 装订线


物流方面的英语专业术语、组织名称中英对照 第一节基本概念术语 1 article 物品 2 logistics 物流 3 logistics activity 物流活动 4 logistics operation 物流作业 5 logistics modulus 物流模数 6 logistics technology 物流技术 7 logistics cost 物流成本 8 logistics management 物流管理 9 logistics center 物流中心10 logistics network 物流网络11 logistics information 物流信息12 logistics enterprise 物流企业13 logistics documents 物流单证14 logistics alliance 物流联盟15 supply logistics 供应物流16 production logistics 生产物流17 distribution logistics 销售物流 18 returned logistics 回收物流 19 waste material logistics 废弃物物流 20 environmental logistics 绿色物流 21 internal logistics 企业物流22 external logistics 社会物流23 military logistics 军事物流24 international logistics 国际物流 25 Third Part Logistics (TPL) 第三方物流 26 customized logistics 定制物流27 virtual logistics 虚拟物流 28 value-added logistics service 增值物流服务 29 supply chain 供应链30 bar code 条码 31 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 电子数据交换 32 tangible loss 有形损耗33 intangible loss 无形损耗 二、物流作业术语 34 transportation 运输35 combined transport 联合运输36 throuth transport 直达运输37 transfer transport 中转运输 38 drop and pull transport 甩挂运输 39 containerized transport 集装运输 40 container transport 集装箱运输41 door-to-door 门到门42 door to cy 门到场43 door to cfs 门到站 44 Full Container Load (FCL) 整箱货 45 Less-than Container Load (LCL) 拼箱货46 storing 储存47 storage 保管48 article reserves 物品储存49 inventory 库存50 cycle stock 经常库存51 safety stock 安全库存52 inventory cycle time 库存周期


物流专业英语期中测试(一) I. Translate the following items into Chinese or English. (20points) 1. 原材料11. logistics channel 2. 产成品12. electronic data interchange 3. 战略管理13. direct procurement 4. 售后服务14. transport facilities 5. 条形码15. information flow 6. 利润率16. value-added services 7. 物资运送17. supply chain management 8. 通用产品代码18. warehousing 9. 电子商务19. multinational companie 10. 数据处理20. just-in-time delivery II. Tell whether the following stetements are Ttrue or Ffalse, marking an “A”for true statements and a “B”. for false ones. (10 points) ( ) 21. Logistics information management is defined as the information processing of collecting, reconciling, communicating, storage and utilizing of all the information generated from logistics operations. ( ) 22. A third-party logistics provider will be in a position to consolidate business from several companies and offer frequent pick-ups and deliveries, whereas in-house transportation can have the same function. ( ) 23. According to a narrow definition, logistics information means the information related to the logistics activities, such as transportation, storage, package, distribution processing


物流专业英语词汇大全-物流英语-物流专业英语-物 流英语词汇表 一、物流英语的145个专业词汇

二、常用物流英语50句 1.Modern logistics is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the world. 现代物流是世界上最富挑战性和最激动人心的工作。 2.Logistics is part of a supply chain. 物流是供应链的整体组成部分。 3.Logistics is anything but a newborn baby. 物流不是新鲜事。 4.Logistics is a unique global “pipeline”. 物流是独特的全球通道。 5.Logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and information. 物流所涉及的是物料和信息有效、快速的流动。 6.Logistics operation and management include packaging, warehousing, material handling, inventory control, transport, forecasting, strategic planning, customer service, etc.

物流操作和管理包括包装、仓储、物料搬运、库存控制、运输、预测、战略计划和客户服务等方面。 7.Logistics consists of warehousing, transportation, loading and unloading, handling, carrying, packaging, processing, distribution and logistics information. 物流由仓储、运输、装卸、搬运、包装、加工、配送和物流信息所组成。 8.Logistics may be divided into supply logistics, production logistics, distribution logistics, returned logistics and waste material logistics. 物流可以分成供应物流、生产物流、销售物流、回收物流和废弃物物流。 9.Logistics is now the last frontier for increasing benefits in industrial production.. 物流是当今工业生产增加利润的最后领域。 10.Logistics is unique, and it never stops! 物流是独特的,它从不停止。 11.Logistics performance is happening around the globe, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and fifty-two weeks a year. 物流运作一天24小时、一周7天、一年52星期在全球发生。 12.Logistics is concerned with getting products and services where they are needed and when they are desired. 物流所涉及的是在需要的时候和在需要的地方去的产品和服务的活动。 13.Logistics is the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.


物流专业英语试卷 一、Translation(30分) 1.Container transport 2.International freight forwarding agent 3.Order cycle time 4.Inventory turnover 5.Environmental logistics 6.Carrying cost 7.Material handling 8.Demand forecasting 9.Reverse logistics 10.Agile logistics 11.Third-party logistics 12.Initial investment 13.Warehouse facility 14.Material procurement 15.Point of consumption 16.多式联运 17.分销渠道 18.条码 19.订单处理 20.保税仓库 21.前置期 22.叉车 23.门到门 24.准时制物流 25.拣选 26.提货单 27.发货区 28.进口税 29.规模经济 30.供应链整合 二、Translate the sentences into Chinese(40分) 1、Customer service involves getting the right product to the right customer at the right place, in the right condition and at the right time, at the lowest total cost possible.


Exercises 1 Part I I Vocabulary exercises 1. B 2. C 3. D 4.B 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. B II Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below: 1.“Logistics” is a term, which originates from both the army and French. According to the French, the Baron of Jomini, who of Swiss origin who had served in Napoleon?s army before joining the Russians and who later founded the Military Academy of St. Petersburg, first used the term in the early 19th century. So in a military sense, the term …logistics? encompasses transport organization, army replenishments and material maintenance. 2.Logistics deals with satisfying the customer. This implies that management must first understand what those requirements are before a logistics strategy can be developed and implemented to meet them. As will be discussed in more detail later, customer service is the most important output of an organization?s logistics system. This focus on customer satisfaction will be emphasized through the text just as it should be in the firm. Part II I Vocabulary exercises 1. B 2. D 3. A 4.C 5. D 6.D 7.A 8.A 9.C 10. A II Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below: 1.Transportation refers to the physical movement of goods from a point of origin to a point of consumption and can involve raw materials being brought into the production process and/or finished goods being shipped out to the customer. 2.Since these inputs can have a direct impact on both the cost and quality of the final product/service offered to the consumer, this activity is vital to the overall success of the logistics effort. In addition, the move away from local sourcing in favor of global buying has complicated this entire process dramatically in recent years. Part III


__________大学 2012~2013学年第____学期 《物流专业英语》考试试卷 参考答案 A 卷□ 题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 阅卷人签字 分 数 I. 术语翻译(本大题共15个小题,每小题1分,共15分) (一)英译汉部分 1) ex-factory price 出厂价 2) retail price 零售价 3) direct purchase 直接采购,直接购买 4) movements of goods/product 商品/产品的流转 5) supply chain 供应链 6) flow and storage of goods 商品的流动及储存 7) availability of goods 商品的现货性 (二)汉译英部分 8) 提单,提货单bill of lading 9) 询问答复式交易query-response transaction 10) 技术数据交换technical data interchange 11) 不可储存性non-storability 12) 带空座位出发depart with empty seats 姓名 学号 班级 座位号 考试说明。 1、本试卷为闭卷考试 2、试卷中所有试题的答案均写在答题纸上 3、总分:100分,考试时间:120分钟

13)剩余能量(运能)excess capacity 14)交货通知单delivery notification 15)周转储备rotation reserves II.完成下列句子(本大题共15个小题,每小题1分,共15分) 16)Logistics, in a narrow sense, is the _______________________(商品的高效流动与存 储). (efficient flow and storage of goods) 17)There are two types of primary activities concerning the production of products: ____________________(生产与流通) . (production and distribution) 18)Production is the act or process of converting raw materials into _______________________(半成品或成品) ready for sale/delivery. (semi-finished goods or finished goods) 19)Distribution is _______________________(行动或过程) of moving goods/product (semi-finished or finished) to various locations/customers. (the act or process) 20)E-business, or e-commerce, refers to the processing of business transactions _______________________(通过电子方式)and with digitalized data. (via electronic means) 21)It is estimated that 25% of business in China is now _______________________(基于 电子商务的)and with steady growth. (e-based) 22)Any one transaction in e-business contains a number of primary “flows”, namely _______________________(信息流、商流、金流和物料流). (flows of information, business, finance and goods) 23)There can be some major steps common for a product to travel from _______________________(订单接收) to delivery to the user. (receipt of order) 24)Other factors, such as the sales profit _______________________ (在整个物流链) also have an impact on the processes. (in the whole logistics link) 25)There are various modes of transportation and choice of the most feasible mode can be made as per the specific situation and _______________________(经营者的个体需要). (the o perator’s individual needs) 26)Distribution is a _______________________(物流终端递送服务)in which goods move from supplier to user within a relatively fixed distance and time span. (logistics end delivery service) 27)Distribution focuses on customer satisfaction and aims at _______________________ (降低成本). (cost reduction) 28)Its operation is often centralized and integrated _______________________ (在特定 的覆盖区域内). (within a specific cover area) 29)Transport is _______________________(干线运输)between two points/places,


物流专业英语综合练习题(一) 班级学号姓名 一、英汉互译(20分): 1、bar code 2、automatic warehouse 3、distribution logistics 4、economic order quantity 5、internal logistics 6、intangible assets 7、core business 8、return on investment 9、supply chain management 10、distribution center 二、翻译句子(40分): 1、Natural kraft paper is preferred in many protective packaging applications due to its versatility, great strength, low cost, high tear resistance and superior bursting strength. 2、It has certain supply capacity of Chinese-built equipment, but there are still some deficiencies, such as the level of automation is low and producing scale is small and the cost is high. 3、We must lay stress on reducing consumption, increasing benefit, paying attention to environmental protecting and catching up with international advanced technology. 4、Consumer goods must be packed suitably and attractively to reinforce company’s image in the market. 5、A transport lane refers to movements between origin and destination points. 6、Transport is responsible for a substantial number of jobs in the national economies. 7、Maersk logistics(马士基物流公司)provides customized solutions for integrated supply chain management, warehousing and distribution, and sea and airfreight transport in the international logistics market. 8、There are three basic financial statements which are the end products of financial accounting: Balance sheet, Income statement and the statement of Cash Flows. 9、Assets are economic resources that are owned by a business and are expected to benefit future operations. 10、The balance sheet consists of a listing of the assets, the liabilities and the owner’s equity of a business. 三、翻译下列对话(40分): Dialogue 1 A:I have now received our assessor’s report with reference to your claim. B: Are you ready to pay compensation? A:I’m afraid we can’t accept liability in this case. B: look, the turbine engines were put on board in perfect condition. Now, they are broken and the goods are covered against all risks. A:I agree. But here is our assessor’s report. It states that the captain of the vessel with a comment on cracks in the packing of the machinery. B:But what have those cracks to do with the breakage of the machines?


物流管理logistics management 客户服务customer service 物资搬运material handling 零配件和服务支持parts and service support 工厂及仓库选址factory and warehouse site selection 存货管理inventory management 订单处理order processing 需求预测demand forecasting 退货处理return goods handling 逆向物流reverse logistics 产出点point of origin 消费点point of consumption 物流成本logistics cost 销售损失lost sales 退货处理成本cost of return goods handling 潜在的销售potential sales 运输成本transportation cost 进货渠道inbound channel 出货渠道outbound channel 订单处理成本order processing cost 需求预测deman forecast 销售沟通distribution communications 电子数据交换系统electronic data interchange (EDI) 卫星数据传输satellite data transmission 条码bar coding 内部成本internal cost 外部成本external cost 订单传输order transmittal 订单输入order entry 批量成本lot quantity cost 缺货stock-out 库存成本inventory carrying/ holding cost 资金成本capital cost 仓储空间成本storage space cost 风险成本risk cost 供应链supply chain 供应链管理supply chain management 核心能力core competency 人力资源human resources 供应链整合supply chain integration 物资采购material procurement 最终用户end customer 货物流product flow 信息流information flow


1 商丘职业技术学院 2011-2012学年度第一学期期末考试 《 物流专业英语 》试题(A) 经贸 系 物流工程专业 09 年级 (考生将答案写在答题纸上,否则无效) 题号 I II III IV V VI VII Total 得分 得分 评卷人 1、原材料 11、density of storage 2、存货管理 12、work in process 3、供应链管理 13、pipe transportation 4、在途物资 14、Global Positioning System 5、客户服务 15、direct procurement 6、脱销 16、broad definition 7、零售商 17、Universal Product Code 8、国内生产总值 18、competitive advantage 9、规模经济 19、the third-party logistics 10、工业(外部)包装 20、multinational company 得分 评卷人 ( )1. The third-party logistics is also called outsourcing or contract logistics. ( ) 2. The future of third-party logistics is in the midst of rapid global expansion. ( ) 3. Each supply chain has the same way of management. ( )4. Wholesalers are companies that stock inventory and sell in small quantities to the general public. ( )5. Packaging encloses and protects the products ,and also makes the physical handling of the product much easier. ( ) 6. Warehousing costs are calculated in terms of the amount of cubic meters of space used. ( ) 7. Storage is a primary function of warehouse. ( ) 8. Managers with good negotiating skills and strong relationships with clients can save their organizations large sum of money relative to their competitors. ( ) 9. Logistics can only bring tangible benefits to the users. ( )10. Procurement deals with the buying of goods and services that keep the organization functioning. 得分 评卷人 packaging sufficient potential available transmission updated automated containment inventory retailer 1. __________ focuses on protecting the product while it is being shipped and stored. 2. These reasons are not ___________to justify the ban. 3. First we need to identify actual and ____________ problems. 4. Several cars are ______________ within this price range. 5. We now interrupt our normal ______________ to bring you a special news flash. 6. After the goods are accepted for storage, the inventory records should be ______________. 7. Distribution centers are ____________warehouses with material handling systems under the control of a central computer 8. ______________ is the function of packing products into boxes or other containers. 9. The sale of goods in large quantities , is usually for resale by a ___________. 10.The logistics process adds value by moving ____________ when and where needed. 得分 评卷人 I. Translate the following into Chinese or English.(20points ) 姓名 年级 专业 班级 学号 座号 ………………………………密………………………………封…………………………………线………………………………… III. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.(20 points ) 姓名 年级 09级 专业物流工程 班级 《1》 班 学号 09025300座号 ………………………………密………………………………封…………………………………线………………………………… IV . Match the words with their exact definition. (10 points ) II. Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the knowledge you have learned. (10 points)
