


ban v. *1.明令禁止,取缔2.禁止某人做某事(或去某处等)[+sb from sth/from doing sth]例:He was banned from the meeting. 他被取消了出席会议的资格。n. 禁令[+ (on sth)](P1L1) buy up 买通,收买(P1L1)


v. 1.影响,涉及,牵涉(某人)例:Don?t interfere in what doesn?t concern you. 不要管与自己无关的事。2.[也作be concerned with]to be about something 与……有关;涉及例:The story concerns the prince?s efforts to rescue Pamina. 这故事讲的是王子奋力解救帕米娜。

3.让(某人)担忧[+sb];关注,认为(做某事)重要[+n.+to do]例:It concerns me that you no longer seem to care. 你似乎不再在乎,这令我担忧。She was concerned to write about situations that everybody could identify with. 她认为有必要写出让大家都能看得清楚的事态的本来面目。n. *1.(尤指许多人共同的)担心,忧虑[+ (about/for/over sth/sb)]例:There is growing concern about violence on television. 人们对电视上充斥暴力内容的忧虑日益加重。

2.关爱;关心例:parents? concern for their children 父母对子女的关爱

3.(对人、组织等)重要的事情;(某人)负责的事,有权知道的事例:What are your main concerns as a writer? 作为一名作家,你主要关注的是哪些问题?(P7L2)


n. a person of the type mentioned 人物;人士例:a leading figure in the music industry 音乐界一位主要人物(P5L3)


v. 1.包含;需要;使成为必然部份(或结果)例:Any investment involves an element of risk.任何投资都有一定的冒险成分。*2.if a situation, an event or an activity involves somebody, they take part in it or are affected by it影响到,牵涉例:There was a serious incident involving a group of youths. 有一起严重的事件涉及一群年轻人。3.(使)参加,加入;表明(某人参与了罪行等),使卷入[+ sb (in sth/in doing sth)]例:Parents should involve themselves in their child?s education. 父母应当参与孩子的教育。His confession involved a number of other politicians in the affair. 他的自白供出其他一些政治人物也卷入此事。(P1L1)

lay down 1.中断(工作);辞(职);放弃例:to lay down your office/duties 辞职;停止履行自己的职责*2.规定,制定(条例或原则)例:It is laid down that all candidates must submit three copies of their dissertation.根据规定所有的学位答辩人均须提交论文一式三份。3.积存某物例:If you eat too much, the surplus is laid down as fat. 要是吃得太多,过剩的营养就会堆积成为脂肪。(P5L2)

sentence n./v. 判决;宣判;判刑例:a jail/prison sentence判处监禁;to be sentenced to death/life imprisonment/three years in prison 被判死刑╱终身监禁╱三年徒刑(P7L1)


n. *1.审讯;审理;审判例:He?s on trial for murder. 他因涉嫌谋杀罪而受审。2.(对能力、质量、性能等的)试验,试用例:She agreed to employ me for a trial period. 她同意试用我一段时间。3.令人伤脑筋的事;惹麻烦的人;考验[+ (to sb)]例:the trials and tribulations of married life 婚姻生活的考验与磨练(P2L3)


n. *1.(陪审团的)裁定,裁决,裁断例:Has the jury reached a verdict? 陪审团作出裁定了吗?2.(经过检验或认真考虑后的)决定,结论,意见[+ (on sth/sb)]例:The panel will give their verdict on the latest video releases. 专题小组将就最近发行的录像提出他们的意见。(P7L3)

demonstration n. 1.示范,演示例:We were given a brief demonstration of the computer?s functions. 我们看了这种计算机各种功能的演示。2.证明,论证,说明例:a demonstration of the connection between the two sets of figures论证这两组数字间的联系*3.(感情、观点等的)表达,表露(11题)


v. *1.to promise to do something; to promise something will happen保证,保障,担保(承诺的事)2.to make something certain to happen 使必然发生;确保例:Tonight?s victory guarantees the team?s place in the final.今晚的胜利确保这个队能进入决赛。3.to be certain that something will happen 肯定……必然发生例:You can guarantee (that) the children will start being naughty as soon as they have to go to bed. 孩子一到上床睡觉时就不听话了。

n. 1.保证,担保;保修单,保用证书例:to give a guarantee of good behaviour 保证行为端正;The watch is still under guarantee. 这只手表仍在保修期内。2.something that makes something else certain to happen 起保证作用的事物例:Career success is no guarantee of happiness. 事业成功决不是幸福的保证。(20题)


v.*1.表明,清楚显示(尤指情感、态度或品质)[+ sth (in sth)]2.显现;使人注意到[+ itself (in sth)]例:The symptoms of the disease manifested themselves ten days later. 十天后,这种病的症状显现出来。a. 明显的;显而易见的例:The anger he felt is manifest in his paintings. 他的愤怒明显地表现在他的绘画之中。(8题)


v. 1.(尤指正式地在仪式上)颁发,授予例:The local MP will start the race and present the prizes. 当地议员将鸣枪开赛,并颁发奖品。*2.to show or offer something for other people to look at or consider提交,提出3.(以某种方式或角度)展现,显示例:The company has decided it must present a more modern image.公司已决定,必须展现出更加现代的形象。4.to cause something to happen or be experienced 使发生;使经历[+ sb with sth, +sth]例:Your request shouldn?t present us with any problems. 你的请求应该不会给我们造成任何问题。(8题) release[ri li:s]v. 1.释放,放出[+ sb/sth (from sth)];放开,松开,使自由移动(或飞翔、降落等)例:to release a prisoner/hostage 释放囚犯;10,000 balloons were released at the ceremony. 典礼上放飞了1 万个气球。2.发泄;宣泄(感情)例:She burst into tears, releasing all her pent up emotions. 她放声大哭,发泄出全部郁积起来的情感。3.解除(某人的职责、责任、合同等);解雇[+ sb (from sth)]例:The club is releasing some of its older players. 俱乐部正在解聘一些老队员。4.公布,发布,发行;开放,解禁例:The new building program will go ahead as soon as the government releases the funds. 政府一放开对资金的控制,新的建筑项目就动工。

n. 1.释放,获释;排放,泄漏,渗漏例:She can expect an early release from prison. 她有望早一点出狱。the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere 二氧化碳向大气层的排放*2.公开,发行;新发行的东西 3.解脱;轻松感例:a sense of release after the exam 考试后的解脱感(9题)

Text 1词汇注释

amateur n. 业余人士例:a gifted amateur 一个有天赋的业余人士(P2L1)

an increasing accumulation of 不断积累的(P1L1)

a response to the problem 这个问题的应对之策(P1L1)

complex a. 复杂的例:a complex system 一个复杂的系统(P2L5)

constitute v. 组成例:We must redefine what constitutes a family. 我们必须重新定义是什么


expansion n. 扩展例:the rapid expansion of cities城市的快速扩展(24题)

handle v. 处理例:He doesn?t handle stress very well. 他不能很好地处理压力。(P1L2) incorporate v. 结合例:Our original proposals were not incorporated in the new legislation. 我们最初的提议并没有结合新的立法。(P3L5)

widespread a.广泛的例:the widespread use of chemicals in agriculture 化学物质在农业中的广泛运用(P3L8)

clear cut

a. definite and easy to see or identify明确的;明显的;易辨认的例:There is no clear cut answer to this question. 对这个问题没有确切的答案。(P2L1)



n. 含义,内涵,隐含意义例:The word …professional? has connotations of skill and excellence. Professional这个词隐含着技艺和专长的意思。字根not意为to mark“标示”,如:note n. 符号,笔记v. 注意,加注解(P2L2)

【记】构词:con (一起)+not(标记)+ ation(名词后缀);(标示在一起)含义differentiation

n. 区别,不同;differentiate v. 辨别,区别(事物或人之间的不同),构成差别,使有不同;differ v. (在质量、特征等上)不同于,不一样,有区别。(P3L11)

【记】构词:dif (分开)+fer(搬运)+ ent(形容词后缀)+iate(动词后缀)+ ion(名词后缀);(一个个分别搬运)区别


n. the fact of being the most important person or thing首要,至高无上例:a belief in the primacy of the family 家庭至上论;primary a.首要的,主要的;初步的,初级的;(词根prim 意为“第一,首要” 如:premier a. 首要的n. 首相,国务总理)(P3L2)

【记】构词:prim(首先的)+ acy(名词后缀)


n. (统称)读者,读者人数;( ship用以构成名词的后缀,表示1.“状态,性质,品质”,如:friendship 友谊;2.“地位,资格,职位”,如:citizenship 公民资格,professorship 教授职位;

3.“技艺,技能”,如:musicianship 音乐技艺;

4.the group of“集体”,如:membership 全体成员)(P3L10)

【记】构词:reader(读者)+ ship(名词后缀)


vt. 1.to think sth or have an opinion about sth认为,以为例:Do you reckon they ll get married? 你认为他们会结婚吗?*2.to think that sb or sth is a particular kind of person or thing看作,认为是例:I reckon him among my friends.我把他看作我的朋友。3.to expect to do sth料想,预计,指望(后接动词不定式)例:We reckon to finish by ten. 我们预计十点钟结束。4.to calculate an amount, a number,etc.估算,计算例:My pay is reckoned from the first day of the month.我的工资从每月的第一天算起。(P4L3)



n. 1.(某些体育比赛)裁判,裁判员2.介绍人,推荐人3.a person who is asked to settle a disagreement仲裁员;调解人例:to act as a referee between the parties involved 充当相关各方的调解人4.a person who reads and checks the quality of a technical article before it is published

(专业性文章) 审阅人,鉴定专家

vi.&vt.担任裁判,裁判vt. *审阅,鉴定(专业性文章)(P3L8)

【记】联想:refer(参考)+ ee(名词后缀);(意见值得参考的人)裁判


n. 专业化specialize v. 专攻,专门研究,使专用于(~in);specialized a. 专门的,专科的(P1L1) 【记】派生:special(专门的)+ize(动词后缀)+ation(名词后缀);(使专门成一派的)专业化split

vt.&vi. 1.(由于意见严重分歧而)(使)分裂(后跟介词over/on)例:The party split over segregation.该党在种族隔离问题上分歧严重。*2.(使)分开(成几部分)例:At the end of the bridge the expressway split into two roads.这条高速公路在桥的尽头分成两条路。

vi. 1.to leave sb and stop having a relationship with them断绝关系,分手(后跟介词with/from)例:Jackie s splitting up with her boyfriend.杰姬要和男友分手了。 2.to leave quickly迅速离去,仓皇离开例:They grabbed her purse and split.他们抢了她的钱包后逃之夭夭。

n. 1.(组织团体内部的)分裂,分歧2.the part of sth you receive when sth, esp. money, is shared (尤指钱的)一份,份额例:a three way/four way,etc.split 3人/4人等均分的一份3.(撕坏的)裂口,裂缝(P1L2)


in one s own right

凭本身的权利(能力、实力或资格)例:She sings with a rock band, but she is also a jazz musician in her own right. 她随一支摇滚乐队演唱,但她本身也是爵士乐歌手。(P3L4) reflect on

*1.to think carefully about sth仔细考虑例:Take some time to reflect on your future plans.抽点时间仔细考虑你未来的计划。2.to influence people s opinion of sb or sth, esp. in a bad way给人们对……的评价造成(尤指不利的)影响例:an economic record that reflects badly on government policy给政府政策带来很坏影响的经济记录(P3L5)

under way

已经开始,在进行中例:Preparations are well under way. 准备工作已顺利展开。(P4L1)


1.Nevertheless, the word “amateur” does carry a connotation that the person concerned is not fully integrated into the scientific community and, in particular, may not fully share its values.

注释:主干谓语动词does carry部分的does表强调“确实如此”;concerned作定语修饰person 一词,译为“涉及到的人”。


2.The trend was naturally most obvious in those areas of science based especially on a mathematical or laboratory training, and can be illustrated in terms of the development of geology in the United Kingdom.

注释:in those areas of 意为“在……领域”;based on sth 意为“以……为基础的”;in terms of 意为“以……观点/方式,就……而说”。


3.A comparison of British geological publications over the last century and a half reveals not simply an increasing emphasis on the primacy of research, but also a changing definition of what

constitutes an acceptable research paper.

注释:并列连词not only...but also连接两个并列宾语emphasis和definition,宾语后都接有介词短语做定语。


4.Thus, in the nineteenth century, local geological studies represented worthwhile research in their own right; but, in the twentieth century, local studies have increasingly become acceptable to professionals only if they incorporate, and reflect on, the wider geological picture.



5.The overall result has been to make entrance to professional geological journals harder for amateurs, a result that has been reinforced by the widespread introduction of refereeing, first by national journals in the nineteenth century and then by several local geological journals in the twentieth century.

注释:make sth harder for sb意为“使某事对于某人来说更难了”;referee原义为“当裁判,裁决”,句中意为“(出版)评审制度”。


1.Family planning can be seen as a response to the problem of the excessive population growth. 计划生育可被视为对人口过度增长这个问题的应对之策。(Para.1句①)

2.The trend was naturally most obvious in those areas of alternative resources, and can be illustrated in terms of the development of wind power. 这一趋势在可替代能源这个领域里自然表现得最为突出,风能的发展可以说明这一趋势。(Para.2句④)

3.Although the process of globalization was already well under way during the late of twentieth century, its full consequences may be delayed until the late of 21 century. 虽然全球化进程在20世纪早己形成,但是它的效果却延迟到21世纪才充分显示出来。(Para.4句①)

4.In personal growth generally, however, college life must be reckoned as the crucial period for identifying one?s life direction. 然而,从个人成长这个整体来看,大学生活应该被视为决定个人生活方向的关键时期。(Para.4句②)

Text 2词汇注释

be left behind 落伍(P2L4)

be netted together 加入互联网(P2L5)

better off 富裕(P4L10)

combat v. 战胜例:combat inflation 战胜通货膨胀(P2L7)

commercialize v. 使……商业化例:Christmas has become so commercialized. 圣诞节已经变得商业化了。(P2L2)

finance v. 为……提供资金例:The concerts are financed by the Arts Council.这场音乐会由艺术委员会出资。(P4L7)

invasion n. 侵犯例:invasion of privacy 对隐私的侵犯(P4L3)

lecture about 关于……的演讲(P1L2)

prejudice n. 偏见例:Women still face prejudice in the workplace. 妇女仍然面临着工作场合中的偏见。(P4L2)

take (full) advantage of (充分)使用(P4L1,P4L13)

technological a. 技术的例:technological advance 技术进步(P2L1)

universalize v. 普及例:universalize nine year compulsory education 普及九年义务教育(P2L2)

visible a. 显而易见的例:a visible change 一个显而易见的变化(P1L3)


n. 1.入口,通道,进入(后跟介词to) *2.opportunity or right to enter a place, use sth or approach sb (进入某地方,使用某物或接近某人的)机会或权利例:get access to confidential information 得到接触秘密情报的机会

vt. 1.to find information, esp. on a computer获取(尤指电脑数据)2.to reach, enter or use sth 到达,进入,使用例:The loft can be accessed by a ladder.搭梯子可以上阁楼。(P2L4)


anti colonial

a. 反殖民主义的;colonial a.殖民的,殖民地的(P4L1)

【记】构词:anti (反抗)+colonial(殖民的);类似构词:antibody 抗生素,antislavery 反奴隶制


n. 1. 分开;分割例:the division between public and private life 把公众生活和私生活分开2.分配;分担;分享例:the division of power between church and state 教会与国家之间的权力分配*3. 分歧,分裂例:the works of healing the divisions within society 弥合社会内部分歧的工作4.(机构、公司等的)部,部门例:I work in the Computer Services Division. 我在电脑维修部工作。(P1L1)

【记】构词:divide(分开)+ ion(名词后缀)


a. 赤贫的,贫乏的,贫瘠的;impoverish 使贫穷;(词根pover意为“贫穷”;im 前缀,in 的变化形式,加在以b, m, p开头的单词前,1.用于构成形容词、副词或名词,表示“不,非,无,相反” 例:immoral a. 不道德的;2.用以构成动词,表示“使置于某状况中”,如:imbrown 着褐色, 使成淡黑)(P4L1)

【记】构词:im(使处于某种状态中)+pover(贫穷)+ ish(动词后缀)+ ed(形容词后缀);(使处于贫困中的)赤贫的


n. 基础设施(如运输、通讯、银行制度等),基础结构;(infra 前缀,表示“下,低”,如:infrared红外线,infrasound亚音速)(P4L3)



vi. 1.(尤指阴森森地)隐约出现,耸现(常后跟副词或介词)例:A tall figure loomed up out of the mist. 一个高大的人影从雾中隐隐出现。*2.(问题或困难)降临,逼近,临近例:An economic crisis is looming on the horizon. 一场经济危机就要来临。(P1L3)


[短语搭配]loom large显得重要,令人担忧,很难回避例:Fear of failure loomed large in his mind. 对失败的担忧沉重地压在他的心头。


n. 主权(国家),最高统治权,最高权威;词根reign意为“统治, 支配”(sove 前缀,super 的变化形式,表示above, over“上,上方,超,超越”,如:superimpose v. 置于……之上; ty 用以构成抽象名词的后缀,表示“性质,状态,程度”,如:certainty 确实,确信,cruelty残忍,残酷;sovereign n.国王,女王,君主,元首a.权力至高无上的,具有独立主权的)(P4L3) 【记】构词:sover(相当于super在……上)+reign(统治)+ ty(名词后缀);(高高在上统治的)最高统治权

digital divide

数字化分界;digital a. 数字的,信息的;divide n. 分界线,分水岭,差异(P1L1)

in the interest(s) of sth

in order to help or achieve sth为了例:In the interest(s) of safety, smoking is forbidden. 禁止吸烟,以策安全。(P2L2)

get over

*1.to deal with or gain control of sth解决,克服,控制例:She can t get over her shyness.她无法克服羞怯心理。 2.to return to your usual state of health, happiness,etc.after an illness, a shock,etc.从疾病或震惊等中恢复常态例:He was disappointed at not getting the job, but he ll get over it. 他没得到这份工作非常失望,不过他会想得开的。3.to make sth clear to sb向(某人)讲清某事,让(某人)明白某事例:He didn t really get his m eaning over to the audience. 他未能真正把他的意思向听众讲清楚。(P4L1)

with respect to sth

至于,关于,就……而言例:The two groups were similar with respect to income and status. 这两组在收入和社会地位方面是相似的。(P4L2)

lie down


2.to give up 认输,屈服(P4L11)


1.As the Internet becomes more and more commercialized, it is in the interest of business to universalize access——after all, the more people online, the more potential customers there are.

注释:be in the interest of sb to do sth表示“符合某人的利益”。句首as引导的状语从句表伴随,as可意为“随着……”。


2.And that is very good news because the Internet may well be the most powerful tool for combating world poverty that we?ve ever had.

注释:句中“may well+动词原形”结构相当于have good reason to,意为“理应,有足够的理由”。例:He may well be proud of his son. 他完全可以以自己的儿子为荣。该句子用这个结构来强调“网络完全可以成为最有力的工具来战胜世界贫困”。

翻译:这是非常好的消息,因为互联网完全可以成为我们战胜世界贫困最强有效的工具。3.To take advantage of this tool, some impoverished countries will have to get over their outdated anti colonial prejudices with respect to foreign inve stment.

注释:该句结构并不复杂,关键注意其中的几个介词短语的使用,get over克服,从……中恢复过来;with respect to,涉及、提到或关于某事物。主句前是to引导的目的状语从句。翻译:要想利用互联网这一工具,某些贫困国家必须克服对外国投资所持的过时了的反殖民主义偏见。

4.Countries that still think foreign investment is an invasion of their sovereignty might well study

the history of infrastructure (the basic structural foundations of a society) in the United States.

注释:“might/may (as) well +动词原形”结构常常用来建议或劝说某人采取某种活动,有时相当于had better,译为“还不如,不妨”。例:Students that still have some problem with this lesson might well ask me after class.(那些对这篇课文仍然有问题的同学不如课后再问一下我)。该句中作者建议那些抱有偏见的人不妨研究一下美国基础设施建设的历史。


5.The more foreign capital you have helping you build your Third Wave infrastructure, which today is an electronic infrastructure, the better off you?re going to be.

注释:该句主干部分中有一个比较级的固定结构the more...the more,表示“越……越……”。主干结构中插入了较长的后置定语,首先现在分词结构修饰capital,然后定语从句修饰Third Wave infrastructure。


1.A great deal of attention is being paid today to the research on alternative resources. 如今,人们正在高度重视对可替代能源的研究。(Para.1句①)

2.There are educational reasons to hope the immoral behaviors in the society will decrease. 一些教育上的因素使我们有理由相信社会的不文明现象会减少。(Para.2句①)

Text 3词汇注释

a set of 一套(P3L1)

backbone n. 主干、框架例:Farmers are the backbone of this community. 农民是这个团体的主干。(P3L3)

be deep into 深入进行(P1L2)

clash n. 碰撞例:culture clash 文化间的碰撞(P6L3)

contradictory a. 矛盾的例:The public is being fed contradictory messages about the economy. 公众被灌输的关于经济的信息互相矛盾。(30题)

【记】构词:contra (相反的)+dict(说)+ ory(形容词后缀);(说法相反的)互相矛盾disconnect n. 脱节例:the disconnect between the ordinary public and the concerns of politicians 普通大众和政客考虑的脱节(P4L1)

distrust n. 不信任例:deep distrust of journalists 对记者的极度不信任(P1L1)

explosive a. 容易引起激烈讨论的例:the explosive issue of uncontrolled immigration 容易引起激烈讨论的失控的移民(P7L1)

factual a. 事实的例:factual information 事实信息(P2L1)

go way deeper 有更深刻的根源(P3L1)

illuminating a. 有启发性的例:a very illuminating book 一本很有启发性的书(30题) 【记】构词:il (=in ,表方位)+lumen(光)+ ate(动词后缀)+ ing(形容词后缀);(照亮人内心的)有启发性的

plus prep. 以及例:There are numerous clubs, plus a casino. 这有许多俱乐部,以及娱乐场。(P4L3)

put down roots in 扎根于(P5L3)

puzzlement n. 迷惑例:She frowned in puzzlement. 她迷惑地皱了下眉。(P2L2)

ready made a. 现成的例:The rain gave us a ready made excuse to stay at home. 这场雨为呆


sad to say 遗憾的是(P2L1)

superficial a. 肤浅的例:Even a superficial inspection revealed serious flaws. 即使是肤浅的调查也揭示了严重的问题。(30题)

【记】构词:super(在……上)+fici(脸)+ al(形容词后缀);(停留在脸上的)表面的trustworthy a. 可信的例:a trustworthy person 值得信赖的人(30题)

turn out to be 结果是(P2L1)

upscale a. 高端的例:an upscale neighborhood 高端社区(P5L1)

vastly ad. 特别地例:vastly different opinions 特别不同的观点(P7L2)


a. 1.belonging to another country or race外国的,异族的例:an alien culture 异域文化*2.非常怪异的,陌生的,不合谐的,不友好的,格格不入的(常后跟介词to) 例:Army discipline was alien to him. 军纪使他很不适应。3.different or separated相异的,分开的,独立的(常后跟介词from) 4.外星人或生物的例:alien life forms外星球的生命形式

n. 1.(尤指尚未归化为某国公民的)外国人;外侨,侨民例:illegal aliens entering the country 非法侨民入境 2.外星人或生物(P4L2)



a. *1.按惯例的,因袭的,传统的例:use the conventional measures 用传统的计量方法2.(观点、行为)守旧的,传统的(有时含贬义)例:Her opinions are rather narrow and conventional.她的观点相当狭隘而且守旧。3.(esp. of weapons) not nuclear ones(尤指武器)常规的, 非核的


n.可信度,可靠性例:gain/lose credibility 赢得/失去可信性;credible a. 可信的,可靠的;credit n./v. 相信,信任,信赖(P1L3)

【记】构词:cred(相信)+ibil(形容词后缀ible的变形)+ ity(名词后缀);(值得相信的程度)可信度


n. 差异,多样性;diverse a.各不相同的,完全不同的,多种多样的(P7L5)

【记】构词:di (表方向)+verse(转变)+ ity(名词后缀);(向不同方向转变的结果)多样性

head scratching

a. 令人困惑的,令人挠头的;来自动词短语scratch one s heads动脑筋,(对难题)冥思苦想例:The last question really had us scratching our heads.最后那个问题真让我们伤脑筋。scratch v. 抓,搔,挠,刮擦,划n.划痕,刮痕,划伤(P2L2)

【记】联想:head(头)+scratch(挠)+ ing(形容词后缀);(挠头的事情)令人困惑的


n. 1.(电器)插头2.(浴缸、洗涤槽的)塞子,栓

vt. *1.按通(电源),把(插头)插进(插座)(用~ sth in/into sth)文中是指像插头插入插座一样把每天发生的事件“套入”一个模式 2.(也作plug up) to fill or block a small hole把……塞住,堵塞例:plug the hole up 把洞堵上(P3L2)



n.调查表, 问卷(后跟介词on/about)(P4L3)

【记】构词:question(问题)+ aire(名词后缀);(承载问题的纸张)问卷


vt. *1.to give money to a sports event, theatre,etc.赞助,资助(体育比赛、演出等)例:sponsor a sports day for children in the area 赞助为本区儿童举办的运动会日2.赞助(某人的慈善募捐活动)

n. 1.赞助商,赞助公司2.担保人,保证人3.(新法案的)提案人;发起者,倡议者(P7L2) symposium

n. (复数symposiums/symposia)*1.专题研讨会,讨论会,专题报告会例:a symposium on neurological science神经科学研讨会2.专题论文集(P7L2)

【记】构词:sym(共同)+pos(放)+ium(表示场所);(大家放到一起讨论问题的场所)讨论会at random

without thinking or deciding in advance what is going to happen随意地,胡乱地,任意地例:The terrorists fired into the crowd at random. 恐怖分子胡乱地向人群开枪。(P4L4)

get round/around to

找时间做,开始考虑例:I hope to get round to answering your letter next week. 我希望下周能抽出时间给你回信。(P7L4)

template [′templit]n. 模式,样板(P3L2)


1.Sad to say, this project has turned out to be mostly low level findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes, combined with lots of head scratching puzzlement about what in the world those readers really want.

注释:in the world可用于加强语气,意为“究竟,到底”,如:Nothing in the world can save them now.现在什么也就不了他们。类似的结构还有:what/why/how,etc. on earth...?如:What on earth did you do that for?你做那事究竟为了什么?how/ what/ where,etc. the hell...?如:Where the hell have you been?你刚才到底上哪了?


2.Most journalists learn to see the world through a set of standard templates (patterns) into which they plug each day?s events. In other words, there is a conventional story line in the newsroom culture that provides a backbone and a ready made narrative structure for otherwise confusing news.

注释:这两句生动地介绍了新闻界的工作方式。两句各自含有一个定语从句。plug sth into sth 意为“塞入、插入”;story line指“叙述故事的线路、套路”;culture在这指“某群体或民族的风俗、人文现象、社会惯例”,例:enterprise culture企业文化。


3.Replies show that compared with other Americans, journalists are more likely to live in upscale neighborhoods, have maids, own Mercedeses, and trade stocks, and they?re less likely to go to church, do volunteer work, or put down roots in community.

注释:句子中are more likely to...和are less likely to...后分别跟了三个和四个不定式短语,前后对应,结构严谨,给人一种层次美。



4.If it did, it would open up its diversity program, now focused narrowly on race and gender, and look for reporters who differ broadly by outlook, values, education, and class.

注释:此句为虚拟语气,主要结构为:If it did, it would open up...and look for...。其中did代替前文提到的“注意那么多老主顾们所抱怨的文化与社会等级偏见”。


1.Why does the traffic problem get worse? The governors and experts are trying to answer this painful question. 为什么交通问题变得越来越严重?官员和专家正试图解答这个棘手的问题。(Para.1句①②)

2.But the sources of immoral behaviors go way deeper. 但不道德的行为有更深刻的根源。(Para.3句①)

3.There exists a social and cultural disconnect between foreigners and natives. 外国人和本地人之间存在着一种社会和文化方面的脱节。(Para.4句①)

Text 4词汇注释

a fast growing segment of 日益增大的份额(P2L3)

affiliate n. 分公司(P2L3)

【记】构词:af (=ad 表示方向)+fili(儿子)+ ate(名词后缀);(子公司)分公司

barrier n. 障碍例:Problems with childcare remain the biggest barrier to women succeeding at work. 照顾孩子的问题仍然是妇女职场成功的最大障碍。(P3L2)

【记】构词:barr(=bar横木)+ ier(=er,名词后缀)

come down 下降(P4L5)

create serious concerns over 使人们深切关注(P2L6)

gigantic a. 巨大的例:a gigantic skyscraper 巨大的摩天大楼(P5L3)

【记】构词:gigant(巨人)+ ic(形容词后缀)

go through 经历(P1L1)

massive a. 巨大的例:massive walls 巨大的墙(P3L1)

]n. 跨国公司(P2L5)

multinational [ m lti n n l

open up 对外开放(P2L4)

regulate v. 管理例:regulate the use of chemicals 管理化学药品的使用(P5L2)

shift v. 转换例:She shifted her gaze from me to Bobby. 她将眼光从我身上转移到鲍比身上。(P5L3)

surplus a. 过剩的例:Surplus cash can be invested. 过剩的现金可以用来投资。(34题) 【记】sur (=super在……上)+plus(更多)

sweep v. 席卷例:Thunderstorms swept the country. 暴风雨席卷了这个国家。(P1L2) uncontrollable a. 无法控制的例:uncontrollable urge 无法控制的愤怒(P1L4)

warn against sb 警告某人(P5L2)

watch v. 关注例:American companies are watching Japanese developments closely.美国公司密切关注日本的发展。(P5L1)


a.新兴的,新出现的例:emerging markets 新兴市场;emerge vi. 浮现,出现,显露,开始被人所知(P1L2)

【记】构词:e (出来)+merge(浸没)+ ing(形容词后缀);(从浸没中出来)显现hyperactive [

a. 极其活跃的(P1L2)

【记】构词:hyper (用以构成形容词或名词,表示“过度,过多”)+active(活跃的);同根词如:hypercritical a. 吹毛求疵的,hypertension n. 高血压,过度紧张

megamerger n. 大型合并(P5L2)

【记】构词:mega 构成名词的前缀,意为1.“大,强”,如:megacity 特大城市;2.“百万”,如:megawatt 百万瓦特


n. 1. (有组织的)活动,行动例:a rescue/security operation 营救/安全行动*2. (包括许多部分的)企业,公司;(工商业)活动,业务例:the firm s banking operations overseas 这家公司的国外银行业务3. 运转,运行,操作例:Operation of the device is extremely simple.这个装置的操作非常简单。(P3L3)


n. 1. 度假胜地,(休闲或娱乐)常去的地方例:This restaurant is my favorite resort.这饭馆是我最爱去的地方。2.求助、求援;求助的人或事物(后跟介词to)例:as a last resort/in the last resort(一切都失败后)作为最后的手段

vi.采取,诉诸(不好的事物)(以求成功或解决问题)例:Sally resorted to stealing when her money ran out.萨利的钱用完了就去偷窃。(P5L3)



vt.1.构成……的真正起因例:Social problems and poverty underlie much of the crime.社会问题和贫困是当今许多犯罪的根本原因。*2.to form the basis of sb s actions, a theory,etc.; account for构成(某人行动、理论等)的基础,作(某事物)的说明或解释例:These ideas underlie much of his work. 他的作品大部分都是以这些主题思想为基础。

vt.&vi. lie or exist beneath sth位于或存在于(某物)之下(P3L1)



a. 未被胜过的,未被超出的,非常卓越的surpass v. 超过,胜过,优于;surcharge v./n. 超载,索取额外费用(P1L2)

【记】构词:un (表否定)+sur (=above, over超过,超出;在……之上)+pass(通过)+ ed(形容词后缀);(没有被超过的)非常卓越的


vt. 1.目击,亲眼看见(尤指罪行或事故发生)*2.to be the time, place, organization,etc. in which particular events take place是发生(某事件)的时间、地点、组织等;经历,见证例:The 1980s witnessed increasing unemployment throughout Europe. 20世纪80年代是全欧洲失业日益加剧的年代。3.to be a sign or proof of sth是……的迹象,为……的证据例:Your actions witness your guilt. 你的行动足以证明你有罪。



break sth up

*1.拆开,打散,分成小部分例:The ship was broken up for scrap metal. 船被拆散成为废铁。

2.to end a relationship, a company,etc. 结束(关系等),关闭(公司等) 例:They decided to break up the partnership. 他们决定拆伙。

3.to make people leave sth or stop doing sth(尤指用武力)迫

使放弃(某事) 例:Police were called in to break up the fight. 有人叫来了警察制止打斗。(P4L3) take sth on/upon oneself

1.当作自己的责任;承担(责任等)例:The man took it on himself to see that the packages were delivered. 那人承担了确保包裹发送出去的责任。*

2.assume wrongfully or without permission as a right or privilege擅自作主,越权承担例:You should not have taken it upon yourself to accept the invitation for the whole group. 你不该自作主张代表全组接受邀请。(P5L5) detrimental a. 不利的,有害的(be ~to)(P3L4)

infringement n. 违反,侵害(P5L4)

scanty a. 缺乏的,不足的(P4L1)


1.International affiliates account for a fast growing segment of production in economies that open up and welcome foreign investment.

注释:affiliates指世界各地的分公司;account for意为“是……的原因”、“导致,引起”或“占……比例”;economies用的是复数形式,指的是“(就经济体制而言)国家;经济制度”。


2.This phenomenon has created serious concerns over the role of smaller economic firms, of national businessmen and over the ultimate stability of the world economy.

注释:该句运用两层并列形式的结构has created serious concerns over...and over....,达到较强的语境效果。


3.I believe that the most important forces behind the massive M&A wave are the same that underlie the globalization process: falling transportation and communication costs, lower trade and investment barriers and enlarged markets that require enlarged operations capable of meeting customers? demands.

注释:该句主干是I believe that加上一个较长的宾语从句。冒号后的成分一般是起解释的作用,这里对forces列举。forces behind和underlie意思相同,都表达“造成……的原因”。


4.Yet it is hard to imagine that the merger of a few oil firms today could re create the same threats to competition that were feared nearly a century ago in the U. S., when the Standard Oil trust was broken up.

注释:Standard Oil trust指美国石油托拉斯,它同现在的微软公司一样,因为有垄断之嫌而被迫解体。


1.China is going through the biggest wave of economic structure adjustment. 中国正在经历一场有史以来最大的经济结构调整潮。(Para.1句①)

2.This phenomenon has created serious concerns over the role of family education and over the healthy growth of children. 这种现象使得人们深切关注家庭教育的作用,以及孩子的健康成长。(Para.2句⑥)

Text 5词汇注释

adventurous a. 冒险的例:a very adventurous cook 一个敢于冒险的厨师(40题)advocate v./n. 拥护(者)例:a passionate advocate 热情的拥护者;Heart specialists strongly advocate low cholesterol diets. 心脏专家十分拥护低胆固醇的饮食。(P2L3,P3L4) block v. 阻碍例:block imports of cheap tobacco阻碍廉价烟草的进口(P1L2)

breed a new area 孕育了新领域(P4L3)

compel v. 强迫例:The law will compel employers to provide health insurance. 法律将强迫雇主提供健康保险。(37题)

disgraced a. 失势的例: disgraced governor 失势的州长(P1L3)

doctrine n. 教义例:traditional doctrines 传统教义(P3L2)

【记】构词:doct(教)+ ine(名词后缀)

equivalent n. 等价物例:He had drunk the equivalent of 15 whiskies. 他喝了相当于15杯威士忌的酒。(P4L7)

【记】构词:equi(相等的)+val(价值)+ ent(形容词后缀);(价值相等的)等价物materialistic lifestyle 物质化的生活方式(P4L1)

personal recognition of sth 对……的个人意识(P6L3)

preach v. 宣扬例:a politician preaching the virtues of a free market 一名宣扬自由市场优势的政客(P2L3)

recycle v. 循环使用例:recycled paper 可循环的纸(P4L5)

【记】re (再)+cycle(圈);(圈是循环的线)再循环

resignation from 辞职(P3L1)

sth occur to sb 某人意识到某事(P1L1)

strain n. 紧张例:Did you find the job a strain ? 你发现这份工作很有压力吗?(P3L5) term v. 被称为例:Roosevelt termed himself and his policies …liberal?. 罗斯福将他自己和他的政策称为“自由主意的”。(P4L3)

well established trend 明确趋势(P4L1)


n. 反消费主义(anti 前缀,意为“反,抗”; ism后缀,意为“……主义”, 如:antiwar反战的,materialism唯物主义,adventurism冒险主义)(P4L3)

【记】anti(反对)+consumer(消费者)+ ism(……主义);(反对与消费者相关的理论)反消费主义


v. 原意指减低汽车的档,这里指“放慢生活节奏”。文中出现的downshifting是它的动名词形式,downshifter指的是选择这种生活的人;这个词的构词法是:表示方向的副词+动词=动词,类似的还有:downgrade降级,降至,贬低,upgrade 提高,升级(P2L2)



a. 1.侧面的,旁边的*2.同水平或同级别的职位,工作,关系等例:Employees can expect lateral moves to different departments to gain experience. 员工期望平级调动到其他部门获取经验。(P1L2)

【记】构词:later(面)+ al(形容词后缀);(一个面的)侧面的


(又作mythic)a. 1.of or relating to myth神话的,与神话有关的*2.imaginary or fictitious假想的,虚构的;myth n. 神话,虚构的故事,荒诞的说法(P6L2)

【记】构词:myth(神话)+ ical(形容词后缀);(与神话相关的)虚构的


n. 1.政治;政治事务(或活动)*2.matters concerned with getting or using power within a particular group or organization (贬义)权术,钩心斗角例:the internal politics of the legal profession 法律界内部的钩心斗角3.(个人的) 政治观点,政见,政治信仰例:His politics are extreme.他的政治观点偏激。(P3L5)


n. 1.(事物的)外形,轮廓;(人的)侧面,侧像 2.人物简介,传略;(某地方的)概况例:an employee profile of everyone working for the company每个雇员的简介*3.the amount of attention sb/sth has from the public; degree of exposure to public notice受公众注意的程度,对公众暴露的程度例:keep a low/high profile保持低姿态/引人注目

vt. 写……的传略、概况例:The new editor was profiled in the Sunday paper.星期天的报纸登载了这位新主编的简历。(P1L3)

【记】构词:pro (向前)+file(线条);(呈现在眼前的线条)轮廓


vt. *1.to make sb decide to do sth; to cause sth to happen促使,使下决心(做一直想做的事情);引起,激起例:It prompted me to do sth about getting a new job.这促使我要设法找一份新工作。2.to help a speaker who pauses, by suggesting how to continue为(说话者)提示,提醒例:She was too nervous to speak and had to be prompted.她紧张得说不出话来,只好听人提示。a. 1.迅速的;立刻的;及时的例:prompt delivery of your purchases你所购买物品的及时投送2.(人)准时的例:Lunch is at two. Try to be prompt.两点钟吃午饭,要尽量准时。(P1L3) 【记】形近:敦促(prompt)对方许下诺言(promise)


n. *1.(因劳动力过剩而造成的)裁员,解雇2.多余,冗余例:Natural language is characterized by redundancy.自然语言的特点就是啰唆。redundant a. 多余的,过剩的(P5L1)

【记】构词:re (再)+dund(=und波浪)+ ancy(名词后缀);(不断起伏波动而溢出的)多余


n. 1.尖端,尖儿,端例:the tips of your fingers 手指尖*2.a small piece of advice about sth practical指点,实用的提示(后跟介词on/for) 例:handy tips for buying a computer 购买电脑几点有用的提示3.(在餐厅用餐等时付的)小费,小账(P4L5)



n. 1.蔬菜2.植物人*3.a person who has a boring life生活单调乏味的人例:Since losing my job I ve felt like a vegetable. 失业以来我感到百无聊赖。(P6L2)



①副词+过去分词=复合形容词,例:much public ized多次公开宣称的,well established 稳定存在的,well informed消息灵通的,much needed非常需要的;

②动词+副词=复合名词,例:build up增大,put off推迟,get together联欢会,check up 检查;

③动词+名词=复合名词,例:cling film(粘附+薄膜)保鲜膜,catch phrase名言,流行口号,carry cot 手提式婴儿床,hit list 打击对象的名单。

settle for sth

to accept sth that is not completely satisfactory but is the best that is available 勉强接受例:In

the end they had to settle for a draw. 最后,他们只好接受平局的结果。(P2L4)

quality time


drop out

1.不参与,退出,脱离例:drop out of active politics 不再积极参政


3. (因对传统的道德观和价值观不再抱幻想而)退出习俗社会,逃避现实;dropout n. 辍学者;退学者;拒绝传统社会的人(P4L7)

juggle v. 勉力使平衡,尽力应付(P3L2)


1.When I decided to quit my full time employment it never occurred to me that I might become a part of a new international trend.

注释:it occurred to sb that...意为“某人突然想到某事”,其中it为形式主语,真正的主语是后面that引导的主语从句。“When...it never occurred to me that...”结构可以表达在过去某个时间里没法预料到后来要发生的事情。例:Nobody can really expect his future. When Steven Doglas worked as a salesman in a shoes shop of a small town, it never occ urred to him that he might become a superstar three years later. 没有人能真正预见到自己的未来。当斯蒂文·道格拉斯在小城的一家鞋店当售货员时,他从来没想到三年后自己会成为超级明星。


2.A lateral move that hurt my pride and blocked my professional progress prompted me to abandon my relatively high profile career although, in the manner of a disgraced government minister, I covered my exit by claiming “I wanted to spend more time with my family”.

注释:lateral move指“平级的工作调动”;cover原指“掩蔽,遮盖”,可用比喻用法,如:He laughed to cover his nervousness.他哈哈大笑以掩饰他紧张的心情。


3.My experiment in what the Americans term “downshifting” has turned my tired excuse into an absolute reality.

注释:该句子中tired excuse一语双关,其含义之一是表示“老掉牙的借口”;含义之二是使用了英语中的一种修辞格,叫“转移形容词”,即形容词形式上修饰事物,实际上用来修饰人所具有的某种品质、性质或状况。这种修辞格的使用使句子具有修辞效果,简洁而地道。类似的用法有:sleepless night(不眠之夜),wise decision(明智的决定),respectful distance(敬而远之),word by painful word(一字一字吃力地),smiling words(微笑着交谈)。因此,tired excuse也可以指作者声称“累了想陪陪家人”这个辞职的借口。


4.I have been transformed from a passionate advocate of the philosophy of “having it all”, preached by Linda Kelsey for the past seven years in the pages of She magazine, into a woman who is happy to settle for a bit of everything.

注释:该句子的特点是定语修饰成分较多。句子主干是I have been transformed from a advocate...into a woman...,advocate后接of短语做定语,可译为“…获得一切?哲学的倡导者”,woman后接who引导的定语从句做定语,译为“很容易心满意足的女人”。preached by...分词结构用做philosophy的定语,可译为“琳达·凯茜过去七年中在《她》这本杂志中宣称的哲学”。

having it all指“拥有一切”,是一种享乐主义;settle for a bit of everything中的settle意为“安静下来,定下心来”,整个短语指“什么都只要一点”,即“很容易满足”。


5.I have discovered, as perhaps Kelsey will after her much publicized resignation from the editorship of She after a build up of stress, that abandoning the doctrine of “juggling your life”, and making the alternative move into “downshifting” brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status.

注释:该句子结构较复杂,有多重结构。其中宾语从句中的主语由并列的动名词结构构成,谓语为bring sth with sth的结构,由于宾语过长,把with短语提前了。as引导的方式状语从句,放在了主句的谓语have discovered与that引导的宾语从句之间,造成动宾之间的分割。为了避免重复,as引导的从句中省略了与主句相同的谓语动词discover,其完整形式是as perhaps Kelsey will (discover) after...。Juggling one s life中juggle原意为“耍把戏”,短语里借用它暗含的“忙个不停”的意思,表示“忙忙碌碌地生活”。


6.While in America the trend started as a reaction to the economic decline—after the mass redundancies caused by downsizing in the late 80s—and is still linked to the politics of thrift, in Britain, at least among the middle class downshifters of my acquaintance, we have different reasons for seeking to simplify our lives.

注释:该句子的特点是并列连词while连接两个分句形成对照;破折号之间的插入语是前一分句的时间状语;逗号间的插入语at least among...是后一分句的状语。


7.For the women of my generation who were urged to keep juggling through the 80s, downshifting in the mid 90s is not so much a search for the mythical good life—growing your own organic vegetables, and risking turning into one—as a personal recognition of your limitations.

注释:该句子的主干中含有一个具有比较意义的结构downshifting is not so much a search...as a personal recognition(与其说是追求,不如说是个人认识)。


1.In the world, the move away from using traditional resources to utilizing alternative resources is

a well established trend. 在世界范围内,从使用传统能源转向使用可替代能源已成明确趋势。(Para.4句①)

2.While the trend of staying at home on holidays started as a reaction to pressures in daily life, we have different reasons for seeking to simplify our lives. 这种放假宅在家的趋势一开始是对生活压力所做出的一种反应,而我们寻求简化生活的原由却不尽相同。(Para.5)


calendar n. 日历(P4L2)

chat shows 脱口秀(P2L1)

come into use 开始被使用(P4L4)

equipped with 配备(P2L2)

futurologist n. 未来学家(P3L1)

【记】futur(未来的)+ ology(学科)+ ist(名词后缀);(研究未来的人)未来学家lifelike a. 栩栩如生的例:a very lifelike statue 一个栩栩如生的雕像(P6L5)

schedule v. 计划例:Meetings are scheduled to take place all over the country. 会议计划在全国各地召开。(P3L1)

virtual a. 虚拟的例:virtual world 虚拟世界(P1L2)

accelerate v. 加速例:accelerate the rate of economic growth 加快经济增长的速度(P3L3)

【记】构词:ac (=ad,表示方向)+celer(加速)+ ate(动词后缀)

artificial a. 人工的例:artificial flowers 人工花(P4L4)

boom n. 剧增、经济景气例:a sudden boom in the housing market 房地产市场突然变景气了(P6L4)

disable v. 使……停止运行例:The virus will disable your computer. 病毒会使你的电脑停止运行。(P2L2)

piece together 汇集(P4L1)


a. 感官的,感觉上的例:sensory stimuli感官刺激;sense n. (视觉、听觉等)感觉官能,感觉,判断力,意义(P1L2)

【记】构词:sense(感觉)+ ory(形容词后缀)


vt. *1.模仿,模拟例:a machine that simulates conditions in space一台模拟太空状况的机器2.假装,伪装例:We tried to simulate surprise.我们假装吃惊。(P5L2)

【记】构词:simul(类似)+ ate(动词后缀);(表现的与别人类似)模仿


a. 合成的,人造的例:synthetic fabrics like nylon尼龙等人造纤维;synthesis n.合成(物),综合(体)(P6L5)

【记】构词:syn(共同的)+thet(=thes放置)+ ic(形容词后缀);(放在一起)合成的

pick up

1.拾起,拿起例:pick up the phone拿起话筒

2.(偶然、无意地)获得(收益、知识、消息等)例:pick up a tip from my mother 从妈妈那学到一个窍门*

3.接收(讯号),收听(广播等)例:pick up the BBC World Service 接收英国广播公司国际广播节目

4.(情况等)好转,改进例:Trade is picking up nicely.生意很有起色。(P5L2)

droid n. 机器人(P6L6)

holodeck n. 全息舱;holo意为“全,完全”,如:holocamera全息摄影机,hologram 全息摄影,全息图(P1L1)

surveillance n. 监视, 监督(P6L4)
