


Your co mpa ny is go ing to atte nd a trade fa ir in the U S, and yo u are re quire d to discuss wha t should be done a s prepa ratio ns in a dva nce.

A: W ell, you s ee, ou r co mp an y is goin g to attend a tr ad e f air in th e US.

B: Yeah, s ounds ex c it ing. S inc e we'v e n ev er done th at b efor e, we need to h av e good p rep arat ions for th e tr ip in ad vanc e.

A: You're r ight. Th e f irs t th ing to do is of cours e to make tr avel and ac co mmodat ion arr ang ements, s u ch as choos ing an air lin e of fer ing good s er v ic es and th e f light of th e r ig ht t ime s o th at we c an arr ang e things well and in an effect ive way.

B: Th is c an b e done b y mak in g s ev er al phon e calls. And we h ave to mak e adv an c e r es er v at ion with a loc al hotel s o that th e p eop le for the t rad e f air can hav e a p lac e to s tay i mmed iat ely after th ey ar r iv e in the count ry.

A: W ith ear ly book ing, we may ev en en joy s ome d is cou nts. And it's better to choos e a hot el near the tr ade f air. Th at c an s av e th e t ime traveling th er e.

B: Or we c an arr ang e b efor eh and to h ir e a c ar f rom a lo cal c ar rent al co mpany.

A:In add it ion, it wou ld b e us ef u l to kno w about s ome bus in es s cus toms in the US, in c lud ing co mmon ly acc ept ed b us ines s p ract ices, ways of do ing bus in es s, and laws and r egu lat ions, et c.

B:Yeah, es pec ially thos e d if ferent f ro m ours. Say, d iff er ent id eas about pun ctu alit y. I h eard th at in t he Un it ed St ates, peop le t end to be v er y t ime-cons c ious. B ein g lat e wou ld b e cons id er ed poor et iqu ette.

A:Als o in Ch ina, bus in es s trans act ions ar e often con c lud ed b y treat ing bus in es s p artn ers to lav is h d inn ers and g iv ing th em ex pens ive g ifts, I'm afr aid th ey s eldom do it th is way in th e W es t or in the US.

B:I was told that in W es tern cou ntr ies, peop le attach mu ch import an ce to fo rmal agr eement an d contr acts with d etailed ter ms and cond it ions. They nev er f eel co mfort ab le with v erb al agr eements. In Ch in a, however, bus in es s is often con c lud ed s imp ly by v erb al agr eement.

A: W e s hould als o learn about bus in es s cus toms s u ch as th e dif ferent s ys tems of meas ur ement. For ins t an ce, we us e th e d ay/ month/ year s ys tem for d at ing wh ile th e US us e month/ d ay/ y ear s ys tem. And th er e ar e man y oth er d iff er en ces inc lud ing top ics ac c eptab le in conv ers at ion.

B: A ls o, C h in es e bus ines s men tend to hav e bus in es s n egot iat ions in a r ath er ind ir ect mann er, wh ile Amer ic an bus in es s men h ave a mor e d ir ect s ty le.Our p eop le s hou ld b e mad e to und ers tand all thes e d iff er en ces.

A: But how to f ind out about all th is?

B:I th in k there ar e man y ways to f ind out about thes e befo re th e trip, s ay, we c an go to the Internet, r ead s ome r eferenc e books or get t ips fro m ex per ienc ed co lleagu es and c lients.

A: Thos e cou ld be eff ect ive ways. L et's g et them done.


Discuss w ha t a co mpa ny sho uld do to re ta in its sta ff. A: You s ee, in the p as t y ear on e of our c lients k ept los ing s taff and

s uffer ed a heavy los s. They worr y a lot an d turn to us. Hav e you got an y cons tru ct ive s ugges t ions?

B: Yes. Our c lient s hou ld f irs t ex amin e th eir s taff r ecru it ing. Th er e mus t b e s ometh ing wrong with t heir r ecru it in g pr act ic e.

A: W hy?

B:You kno w,k eep ing s taff tur nov er low b eg ins with h ir ing s taff members who ar e a good mat ch for th e pr act ic e and th e pos it ion. So it c an b e b en ef ic ial for th e c lient co mp any to c hange its id ea fro m "attract ing and r et ain ing th e b es t emp lo y ees" to "attr act ing and recru it ing th e s u itab le emp lo y ees."

A:Good id ea! By r ec ru it ing th e app ropr iate new s t aff,our c lient builds the emp lo yees' co m mit ment and r et ent ion will nec es s ar ily follo w.

B: Ex act ly.

A: Then ho w to recru it the r ight s taff is c ruc ial to our c lient.

B:Yes.To r ecru it the appropr iat e n ew h ires,it's import ant to adv ert is e the job vac an cy in th e n ews p ap ers and mag azines targ et ing at th e id eal c and id ates.

A: To ens ure that a c and idat e's s k ills match the job, it's als o import ant to limit the co nd it ions and r equ irements of c and id at es on the job ad vert is ement.

B:Y es.Bes id es,it's b etter fo r ou r c lient to condu ct thorough ref er en ce ch ecks and f ind out wh y a c and id ate left a pr ev io us job. A:Yeah, t hat's impo rtant. St ill there ar e oth er contr ibut ab le factors that our c lient s hould cons ider, s uc h as prov id ing in for mat io n of the c urr ent s t ate of th eir futu re work env iron ment, offer ing s taff with p roper tr ain ing, t alk ing to s t aff memb ers and s olv ing p rob lems as they emerg e.A ll th es e c an be import ant in keep ing s taff turno ver lo w.

B: You ar e r ight. Fu rther mor e, th e c lient co mp an y s hou ld s tr iv e to prov id e s up er ior lead ers h ip in th eir pr ac t ic e,s uch as k eep ing commun icat ion lin es open, per iod ic ally t ak ing t ime to ex amine th e wor kp lac e f rom the emp lo yee's p ers pect ive, and cont inu ally s eek ing to imp rov e it.

A: Yeah, that will h elp to c reat e and maint ain a p lac e wh er e peop le want to wor k and s tay. In add it ion, g iv ing the emp lo yees a s ens e of empower ment s hou ld not b e ignor ed.

B: For ex amp le?

A: Such as pro v id ing a br eath ing s pac e to t ak e r is ks, to us e th eir own bes t judg ment, and to b e ac countab le for the d ec is ions they'v e made et c.

B: Yeah, th at s ur ely works.

BEC 商务英语中级口语考试问答实例3

Time Manag e men t

A: Mary, don't you think that our company is kind of out of control these days? B: Yeah. I do think so. It seems that everything is in disorder here in our company these days.

A: Then, what is the reason?

B: Well in my opinion, obviously, it must have something to do with poor time management.

A: You mean poor time management has caused all these problems. Why do you think so? B :You know, when time is not well planned within a company, people usually do not allocate blocks of time to specified tasks. That is, they do not have a definite idea of when they should complete a certain task. And...

A: And, sorry to interrupt you, I think they often neglect the ordering of priorities. What I mean is that certain tasks need our prior attention. But in our company every task is treated on an equal basis, even if it is something urgent. Don't you think so?

B: That's the point. So time should be planned according to the importance of the tasks we need to deal with.

A: What do you think we can do so that time is managed effectively here in our company? B: You mean what procedures we can adopt to ensure that time is managed effectively?

A: Sure. We have been asked to put forward some suggestions for improving the situation, right?

B: Exactly. I think we've got a lot to do. The first thing we should do is that we should make all the staff members realize how important effective time management is to our company.

Your comp an y h as fou nd th at in eff ect iv e t ime man agement is on e of the major prob lem ar eas throughout t he wor kfor c e. You h av e been as k ed to p ut for ward s ome s ugg es t ions for improv ing th e s itu at ion.

Dis cus s and dec id e tog ether:

● W hy poor time man ag ement c an b eco me a major p rob lem in comp an ies ● W hat proced ur es cou ld b e adopt ed to ens ur e th at time is man aged eff ect iv ely

A:Yes, I do think it is of great importance. We can give all the staff instruction in time management, especially those in managerial positions.

B: Right, or maybe we can run a few training programs for them. If necessary, we may even invite some experts in this field from outside to help us.

A: I agree. And perhaps another thing we can do is to make all the managers, or even every staff member, come up with a job description of their own. In this way, they can be pretty sure about what they are responsible for and what they are not.

B: Good idea. And I suggest that the top managers of our company should establish a set of rules as to what kind of jobs should be given priority to. In this way, we can make sure that important tasks are dealt with first.

A: I couldn't agree with you more.

B: So now we can come to the conclusion: firstly, our company should run a few training programs; secondly, every staff member should write a job description of his own.

A: That's it. I hope our boss will be satisfied with this.

B:He wills, I'm sure.

Choosing a Venue for Product Presentation选择举办产品展示会得地点

Your company is considering choosing a venue for product presentation. You?ve been asked to make recommendations about what basic requirements the venue has to meet. Discuss and decide: 你们俩所在公司正在考虑选择某个地点召开产品展示会。请你们俩对该地点需符合什么基本要求提出建议。讨论并决定:

What facilities the venue should provide该地点需提供什么样的场地和设备

Where the venue should be located 该地点需坐落在哪个位置

A: Well, you know our company is going to organize a product presentation and needs to choose a venue. What basic requirements do you think the venue has to meet?

B: I think there are some facilities that we cannot do without. You know, for a product presentation, the purpose is to give information and to arouse the audience?s interest to buy the product, so a lecture-hall like auditorium would be desirable.

A:Do you mean the kind of halls with the tiers of seats rising one above another?

B: Exactly. It is expected that there will be a lot of people coming, so we have to consider the layout of the presentation room. A lecture-hall like auditorium is good for concentration.

A: You?re right. It should not be a U-shaped room for seminars or a round-table room for discussion.

B: And the room has to be equipped with basic presentation facilities, such as flip charts, equipment for using PowerPoint effectively, microphones, white board and OHP, etc, so as to better publicize and promote the product to all prospective customers.

A:Speaking of microphones, we?d better ask for a wireless lapel mike. With that, the presenter can move about the platform to make the atmosphere livelier. B: Even with all the facilities ready, ample preparations should be done before the presentation to ensure that nothing goes wrong even when the PC crashes and the projection system fails to work.

A:Another important thing is location of the venue. We?d better choose a starred hotel with a complete range of conference facilities.

B: I agree. A starred hotel gives a certain status to the presentation.

A: Yeah. It is likely to be associated with reliability and professio nalism, which can leave a better impression on people attending the presentation.

B: And the hotel should be nicely located at the center of the city with good transport connections. In that way, more people will come.

A: And more people will know about the product.

A: 你知道我们公司将要选择一个地点来举行产品展示会。你认为什么样的地点能满足基本需求?

B: 我认为与有许多必须提供的设施。你知道为了产品展示,目的是提供信息让观众产生购买产品的兴趣,因此像礼堂这种演讲大厅是必不可少的。



A: 是的。不应是为研讨会或者圆桌会议讨论用的U型房间。


A: 发言用的麦克风,我们最好要求无线佩戴式话筒。用这种话筒,演讲者可以在演讲台上移动使气氛更加生动。





B: 而且酒店应该坐落在市中心地处便利的地区具备良好的交通。这样一来,更多的人回来参加。


C and id ate A: It is th e f irs t t ime fo r our co mp an y to att end a t rad e fair in Par is. So we h ave to do a lot of p rep ar at ions b efo re we s et off. Do you th ink s o?

C and id ate B: I? m of ex act ly t he s ame idea. F irs tly, I th in k we mus t arr ang e an appropr iat e s chedu le. For ex amp le, we s hou ld arr iv e a day ear lier to g iv e us t ime to adjus t and ac c limat ize.

C and id ate A: I ag ree ent ir ely. As we kno w, tr av el f at igu e, c limat ic ch ang es, jet lag, fo reig n food, et c. will all h ave g reat eff ect on us.

C and id ate B: Yes. And t hen we s hou ld book air t ic k ets and r es erv e ac co mmodat ions in adv an c e.

C and id ate A: Yes. I th in k we s hou ld cont act th e tr avel ag ent bec aus e it c an off er v ar iet y of cho ices and d is count.

C and id at e B: That?s jus t wh at I was th in k ing. Then, we mus t remind every p art ic ip ant th at cu lt ur al d iff er en c es c an c aus e a lot of mis und ers tand ings and even br eak a deal.So th ey s hou ld learn mor e about F rench cu ltur e.

C and id ate A: C an you p ut th ings into the pers pect iv e?

C and id ate B: For ins tan c e, s h ak ing h ands with everyon e pr es ent, in v it ing your cus tomers to lun ch r ather th an d inn er, avo id ing talk ing bus in es s over the main cours e, etc. are all bas ic bus in es s cus toms th at our part ic ipants s hou ld bear in mind.

C and id ate A: I go along with you about th at. I t h in k we c an inv it e French p eop le to give every p art ic ip ant lectur e to help them familiar ize with Fr en ch cu ltu re.

C and id ate B: Ok, th at?s ag reed. I?ll pr es ent our ideas to th e bo ard of d ir ectors. Nic e t alk ing wit h you.

C and id ate A: O ur C o mp a ny is o rg a niz ing a p re s s co nfe re nce to la unch o ur la te s t mo d e l. W e mus t ma ke ca re ful p la nning a nd co ns id e ra te a rra ng e me nts to e ns ure the mo s t s a tis fy ing o utco me.

C and id ate B:T rue e no ug h. I th ink the f irs t thing w e s ho uld ta ke into co ns id e ra tio n is the p e o p le w e s ha ll in vite to the p re s s co nfe re nce. W ha t a re yo ur v ie w s o n this?

C and id ate A:As I s e e it,w e s ho uld ta rg e t mo s t i mp o rta nt mo to ring ma g a z ine s, na tio na l p a p e rs, ma jo r re g io na l p a p e rs a nd f re e la nce jo urna l is ts, e tc.

C and id ate B: Tha t?s a g o o d p o int. W he n the p ub lic re a d s p o s itive thing s in the ir fa vo r ite ma g a z ine o r ne w s p a pe r, the y a re the jo urna l is ts?o w n co mme nts a nd the re fo re mu ch mo re p o w e rful tha n a d ve rt is ing b e ca us e the y a re n?t in flue nce d b y the o rg a niz a t io n.

C and id ate A: Ye s. So, o ur g o a l is to co mmun ica te the q ua lity a nd i ma g e o f o ur ca rs to the mo to ring p re s s.

C and id ate B:The n,ho w a b o ut the info r ma t io n ne e d e d in the p re s s co nfe re nce. W o uld yo u co mme nt o n th is p o int?

C and id ate A: I think w e s ho uld ma ke s ure tha t p re s s info r ma tio n p a cks a re a cce s s ib le to e ve ryo ne p re s e nt.

C and id ate B: I w o nd e r i f yo u co u ld e xp la in it in mo re d e ta i l.

C and id ate A: s ure. The info r ma t io n p a cks in c lud e, fo r e xa mp le, b ro chure s a b o ut s pe cif ica tio ns o f o ur a d va nce d ca rs, the mo s t a ttra cti ve p ic ture s re fle ct ing the mo d e rn i ma g e o f o ur ca rs, e tc.

C and id ate B:I a g re e e ntire ly. W ha t?s mo re, I th ink w e lco me info r ma tio n a nd itine ra r ie s fo r g ue s ts s ho uld a ls o b e p re p a re d in a d va nce.

C and id ate A: O h, e xa ctl y.

Cutting Departmental Costs

Wang: You know our departmental costs have risen a lot recently.

Zhang: Yes, I think we are exceeding our budget.

Wang: What do you think are the reasons?

Zhang: I think there are many reasons for this. You know last month we run a series of promotion campaigns. That's a lot of money, isn't it?

Wang: Yes, but I think we spent too much on that. I mean we could have spent less. Zhang: Uh Um?

Wang: You know we have been traveling a lot around the country. And most of us travel by air.

Zhang: You mean some of the travels are not necessary.

Wang: Exactly. You know, some of the face-to-face talks may simply be replaced by email communication.

Zhang: There's a lot in what you've said. I think we should make full use of our modern facilities and save some expensive travels.

Wang: Not only that. I think modern facilities, like computers, should be made full use of within the company, too. I mean a lot of money could have been saved,if we had done that.

Zhang: What do you mean?

Wang: You see, each month we spend a good lot of money on office supplies like print paper.

Zhang: Yes, some of the managers always ask for printouts instead of retrieving information from the computer system.

Wang: Especially those senior managers, who are usually older than others. They are simply not accustomed to the advanced computer system.

Zhang: And young people are also responsible for the increase in costs, too. You know many of them often keep their computers on for the whole night.

Wang: And very often they forget to turn off lights when they leave their offices. Zhang: So, something must be done before things become any worse.

Wang: Right. I think we should offer some incentives to those who save costs in their jobs.

Zhang: Like what?

Wang: Like a quarterly award for them.

Zhang: And personally I see an absolute need for a training course for our staff members.

Wang: On computers?

Zhang: Yeah. So that they can make better use of them. And in this way, I believe we'll be able to bring down our costs.

Corporate Image

Wang: You know we are going to run a series of activities for the local community. Zhang: Yes, just to improve our corporate image. But what do you think we can do for the community?

Wang: I think we can do something for the needy people.

Zhang: You mean we can contribute to the local community charity.

Wang: Exactly. And apart from that, I think we could sponsor a few programmes of entertainment.

Zhang: Like an orchestra or a singing performance or something?

Wang: Yeah. And I think we should also do something for the primary pupils. You know how important they are nowadays.

Zhang: Yeah. We may provide them with some school things.

Wang: You mean school things they can buy anywhere or those made to our special order?

Zhang: I think we can have them made to our order, with our name or logo on them. Wang: All these shall benefit us in many ways.

Zhang: Yes. Obviously, they help establish a favorable corporate image. Wang: Yes, more people in the community will come to see us as a company willing to help them.

Zhang: Yeah, and in this way our customer base shall be reinforced and expanded.

Foreign Trade Mission

Zhang: You know a foreign trade mission from the USA is coming to visit our country early next month.

Wang: Yeah. I was told that one week ago. And we are supposed to give a talk to them about our company.

Zhang: What do you think should be included in the talk?

Wang: Naturally, we should brief them on the track record of our company. Zhang: You mean to emphasize that our company has a long history of more than 100 years old.

Wang: Not only that. We should let them know that we have been very successful in our line of business.

Zhang: Do you think we should let them know that we are a leading exporter of Silk Garments in East China?

Wang: Exactly. I think we can give out some pamphlets about our company before the talk.

Zhang: Good idea. But mind you, do not bare everything about us at the meeting.

I mean there's certainly a lot that we have to keep as a secret.

Wang: You mean marketing intelligence.

Zhang: Sort of. I mean there is no need for us to tell them how our products are priced. And also our detailed plan to expand into overseas markets.

Wang: I know what you mean. Well, what types of social activities do you think we can provide for them after the talk.

Zhang: I think we can show them around one of our main manufacturers.

Wang: A factory tour?

Zhang: Exactly.

Wang: And we may invite them to a dinner at a restaurant nearby.

Zhang: That's what we usually do. I don't think we need to make this trade mission an exception.

Staff Turnover

The managing Director of your company is keen to reduce the number of staff leaving after a short time. You have been asked to suggest ways of encouraging staff to stay

in the company

Discuss, and decide together:

What kinds of incentives might help to retain staff

How to ensure that staff satisfaction is maintained

Follow-up questions:

What benefit does having a stable workforce bring to a company?

What are the most common reasons why people change companies?

Is it a disadvantage for a job applicant to have a history of changing jobs?

Do you think people wilchange jobs more frequently or less frequently?

Wilit become more important for an employee to have a wide range of skills in the future?

Market Research

Your company is considering introducing a new product and wants to assess the market potential. You have been asked to suggest ways of doing this.

Discuss, and decide together:

What kinds of information would be usefuto obtain

How to decide whether to go ahead with the product

Follow-up questions:

Is market research essentiawhen introducing a new product?

What kinds of products or services is market research most usefufor?

How accurately do you think consumers respond to marketing questionnaires?

In what ways can companies influence consumer opinion?

How necessary is it for a company to diversify production?

Product Recall

Your company has discovered a design fault in a new product and needs to recalthis product from customers. You have been asked to make recommendations about the best way to handle this incident.

Discuss, and decide together

What would be the most effective method of informing customers of the product recall How to ensure the company's reputation remains undamaged by the incident Follow-up questions:

How can attitudes to a company change if one of their products has to be recalled

because of a problem over quality?

What else can have a negative effect on consumers' attitudes to a company?What measures can companies introduce to avoid the need for product recalls?

Is quality always the most important consideration for consumers when purchasing a product?

How can companies succeed in developing brand loyalty?

Sales Conferences

The export sector of your company is expanding, and plans are being discussed for holding annuaconferences for overseas agents. You have been asked to make recommendations for the proposal.

Discuss, and decide together:

What the benefits of annuaconferences would be for the participants

What the content of the conferences could be

Follow-up questions:

Should companies which send overseas agents to conferences be consulted about the content?

What kinds of data should be provided for agents at this kind of conference?What would be an effective way of following up the conference?

How might sales strategies and products vary from one country or region to another?How important is networking in the modern business world?

Project Abroad

Your company is proposing to send a team of staff abroad for six months to set up an office and train locaemployees. You have been asked to make recommendations for the project.


Stage One

Interlocutor: Good morning. My name is John Smith, and this is my colleague, Mary Clinton. And your names are Li Hua and Wang Wei?

Li: Yeah

Wang: Yeah

Interlocutor: Thank you. Now, first of all, we'd like to know something about each of you. Mr. Li, can you tell me about yourself?

Li: My pleasure. As you know, my name is Li Hua. I'm from Jiangsu province.

I'm now studying in Suzhou University. And I'm majoring in international trade there.

Interlocutor: Thank you. Mr Li. Now Mr. Wang, can you tell me about your ambitions?

Wang: Yes. I am now a student with Suzhou University majoring in business administration. I hope I can get my MBA and join a world-famous multinational company. And after I have had enough experience, I am going to start a company of my own.

Interlocutor: Thank you, Mr. Wang. And Mr. Li, could you tell me about your ambitions?

Li: A big question for me indeed. I've never thought about it, but I bet I'll work towards a CEO of a big multinational corporation. That's my goal in life. And that's why I am spending so much time on English, business English in particular.

Interlocutor: Mr. Li, you said you're spending a lot of time on business English.

Do you think business English is difficult to learn?

Li: Not exactly, though it may be difficult at the initial stage. The thing is that you need to have some business knowledge before you start to learn business English.

Interlocutor: How about you, Mr. Wang? Is it difficult for you?

Wang: Not really. You know, I like English very much, and my major is business administration. So I have always found business English very interesting.

Stage Two

The importance of having a good CV

Well, in my opinion, you can never underestimate the importance of having a good CV. In the majority of cases, your CV is the employer's first impression of you, your first chance to impress your potential employer, let's say. It is the

essential illustration of your suitability for the job, showing how your skills and experience match your employer's requirements.

But more than that, it shows your ability to summarize, prioritize and present information effectively, essential skills in today's job market. It also shows your linguistic and communicative abilities.

Even though employers these days use a variety of selection techniques, such as analyzing your handwriting, a good CV is still the single most important part of any application.

Stage Three

Time Management

Your company has found that ineffective time management is one of the major problem areas throughout the workforce. You have been asked to put forward some suggestions for improving the situation.

Discuss, and decide together:

------why poor time management can become a major problem in companies

------what procedures could be adopted to ensure that time is managed effectively.

Zhang: Hi, Ms Wang, you know, our company is sort of out of control these days.

Don't you think so?

Wang: Yeah. Everything seems to be in disorder here in our company. And that obviously has a lot to do with poor time management.

Zhang: You mean poor time management has caused all these problems. Why?

Wang: When time is not well planned within a company, they usually do not allocate blocks of time to specified tasks. They do not have a definite idea of when they should complete a certain task. And …

Zhang: And I think they often neglect the ordering of priorities. I mean certain tasks need our prior attention. But in our company every task is treated on an equal basis, even if it is a very urgent task.

Wang: That's the point. So time should be planned according to the importance of the tasks we need to deal with.

Zhang: So what do you think we can do so that time is managed effectively here in our company?

Wang: You mean what procedures we can adopt?

Zhang: Sure. That's what our boss is asking us to do. Right?

Wang: Right. I think we've got a lot to do. First, we should make all the staff members realize how important effective time management is to our company.

Zhang: Yes, I think we can give them instruction in time management, especially those in supervisory positions.

Wang: Right, perhaps we can run a few training programs for them. If need, we may invite some experts from outside to help us.

Zhang: Another thing we can do is to make all the managers, or even every staff member, come up with a job description of their own. In this way, they can be pretty sure about what they are responsible for and what they are not.

Wang: Yes, that's a good idea. And I think, the top managers of our company should come up with a set of rules as to what kind of jobs should be given priority to. In this way, we can make sure that important tasks are dealt with first.

Zhang: Good idea. So to sum up, our company should run a few train programs, and every staff member should write a job description of their own.

Wang: And rules should be made as to what kind of job should be given priority to.

PART 2: Mini-presentation

A: What is impor tant w he n se lec ting app licants fo r a jo b?

●Working e xp er ien ce

●Pe rson al q u alitie s

Samp le 1

I choos e top ic A-wh at is important wh en s e lect ing app lic ants for

a job. As to th is top ic, as f ar as I am con cern ed, there ar e 3 th ings to cons id er.

F irs t, I th in k work ing ex p er ien ce is very impo rtant wh en s elect ing app lic ants. App lic ants who h ave alr ead y h ad t he wor k ex per ien c e in th e r elev ant f ields will learn th e n ew job eas ier and quic ker. An d it will als o s av e th e co mp any a lot of tr ain ing f ees if th e app lic ant h as r elated ex p er ien ce.

S econd, we mus t cons ider th e pers on al qu alit ies of th e app lic ants, s u ch as p ers on ality and health. Co mp an ies t end to emp loy peop le whos e ch ar acter f its a s pec ial job. For ex amp le, cons u lt ing co mp an y t ends to emp loy app licant who is an alyt ic al and knowledg eab le, but adv ert is ing agents lik e th eir emp lo y ees to b e en erg et ic an d c reat ive.

Th ird, I b eliev e langu ag e is of gr eat import an c e wh en s elect ing app lic ants. Nowad ays, we do bus in es s with p eop le fro m all ov er th e wor ld. A lways we b uy goods fro m A fr ic a, and s ell our electron ic product to Europe; a foreign langu ag e es pec ially Eng lis h is n eed ed if th e co mpany w ants to ex pand to th e wo r ld. App lic ants who c an s peak o ne or mor e foreign langu ages will h av e a b etter ch an c e to get th e job.

Samp le 2

As we all kno w,the cr iter ia us ed b y HR p rofes s ion als in s creen ing and s elect ing app lic ants nor mally in c lud e s u ch f acto rs as wor k ing ex per ienc e, pers onal qu alit ies an d co mmu n ic at ive s k ills.

F irs t ly, we p ay a lot of attent ion to wor k ing ex per ienc e of th e app lic ant. A p ers on with a s olid r ecord of r elated ex p er ien c e is mor e lik ely to f it in with a n ew co mp an y.Therefore h e o r s h e c an b e trus ted to fu lf ill th e tas ks and s o lve th e p rob lems in a mor e profes s ional and compet ent way.

In add it ion to th is, we als o look at the p ers on al qu alit ies of the app lic ant. Does h e o r s h e h as int egr it y,pers everanc e o r …can do?s pir it? Su re ly any o rgan izat ion c an benef it fro m the reliab ilit y, devot ion an d enthus iam of its emp loy ees.

F in ally, good commun icat iv e s k ills s u ch as interpers onal s k ills and team s p ir it ar e als o becoming an import ant pr econd it io n in s elect ing q ualif ied emp loy ees.

B: What is important when preparing for a job interview?

?Stud y ing the job ad ve rtise men t

?F ind in g ou t abou t the co mp an y

Befor e you go for an interv iew, you mus t mak e pr ep ar at ions s o as to f ace th e int er v iewer with mo re con f id enc e.Th ey in c lud e s tudy ing th e job ad vert is ement,f ind ing o ut about th e co mp an y, prep ar ing yo u ps y cho log ically, etc.

F irs t ly, you s hou ld s tud y th e job ad vert is ement carefu lly s o that you c an matc h you r knowledg e,s k ills and ab ilit ies with th e s pec if ic at ions r equ ir ed for the pos t. You mus t as s ure th e int er v iewer th at you h av e all th e qu alif ic at ions req u ir ed, s o you ar e the r ight s ort of p ers on th ey are look ing for.

Second ly, you s hou ld kno w more about the compan y, s u ch as its p rof ile, s tru ctur e,ex is t ing prob lems,r equ irements, c amp aigns and f utur e p lans. As a Ch ines e s ay ing goes: “kno w th e oppon ent and know yours elf, and you c an f ight a h u ndr ed b att les without defeat.”

F in ally,you s hou ld als o pr ep ar e yours elf ps y cho log ically and this will help you co mb at s tr es s. R eh ears ing the inter v iew wit h your fr iends, for ex amp le, is a good r elax at ion ex erc is e th at c an ins t all conf id en ce in you.

1. What is important when planning a presentation(出席会议最重要的是什么?)

Practicing beforehand 事前练习

Researching the topic对发言题目进行深入研究

When planning a presentation, it?s important to research the topic. By doing so, you can have access to more information and details about the topic, better understand the topic, and gather more supporting idea to make your presentation convincing and impressive.

Another important thing to do is to practice beforehand, like looking over your notes, practicing what you?re going to say, and trying to feel you really want to share your subject with your audience. It?s an effective way to be familiar with what you?re to talk about and to get a f eel of speaking to the public. That can

help you free from nervousness or stage fright caused by lack of experience in public speaking. You can be more confident and give a better performance. Dressing properly is also important. The clothes you wear are what gets the audience?s attention first and will have a significant impact on how people feel about you and what you are saying to them. 准备发言的时候,对发言题目深入研究很重要。通过深入研究,你可以获得更多关于主题的详细信息,更加了解主题,并且获得更多支持的想法来使你的演讲有说服力,令人印象深刻。




What is important when preparing for a presentation to new staff? Information included 所含信息

Facilities needed 所需设施

In preparing for a presentation of a company to new staff, information included is very important. I think it should cover a brief profile of the company, including its history, its organizational structure, business scope and achievements over the years, etc. This can be followed by some basic information about the company?s major markets and goals and a target, which is important to ge t the new staff better, understand their jobs and tasks. And finally, the presentation should tell something about the safety regulations of the company.

To ensure the success of the presentation, some facilities are needed, such as OHP, the microphone and PowerPoint that work. They can help to make details more clearly expressed and the presentation more impressive to the new staff. In addition, the environment of the presentation is also important. The place should be nicely decorated to give the new employees a feeling of being welcome and a sense of being part of a large team. 准备为新员工做演讲的时候,所包含的信息非常重要。我认为应该包括公司简介,诸如其历史、组织结构、业务范围以及过去一年所取得的成果等等。这可以包括一些关于公司主要目标市场的基本信息,这对于让新员工更好的了解他们的工作以及任务很重要。最后,演讲内容应包括公司安全法规的内容。为了确保演讲的成功,需要一些设施比如投影仪,麦克风以及幻灯片演示,这些设施能够有助于更清晰的表达细节也能使新员工更加印象深刻。


What is important when Organizing a product demonstration ?组织产品展示会需考虑哪些要点?

Presenter 演讲人

Audience 听众

When organizing a product demonstration, the person who gives the presentation is the most important. A good presenter knows what his audience wants and is able to demonstrate in a clear, concise, accurate and honest way to grab their attention, to get them to see what is really good and superior about the product. This can arouse their interest to buy which is what the demonstration aims at.

The audience is also very important. They have to be prospective customers or people who are interested in the product. Their participation and interaction can be helpful to the success of the demonstration. It has to be decided first who is the target audience and then according to the result, send out the invitation letters to the right people before the demonstration.

It is also important to offer free samples to attract more people and let them know more about the product. 组织产品展示的时候,演讲者是最重要的。一个优秀的演讲者了解观众所需而且能够用清晰、简明、准确和诚实的方式来展示以吸引大家注意,让观众看到真正优秀和高端的产品。这样可以引起观众的购买兴趣以达到展示的目的。



1.How to ma inta in custo me r intere st in a co mpa ny’s

pro ducts ?

As is kno wn to all, it is v er y important for a co mpany to maint ain cus tomer interes t in their prod ucts. I th in k a co mpan y s hou ld try ev er y pos s ib le way to r etain its c urr ent cus tomers.

F irs t, it s hou ld always make s ur e th at it pro v id es its cus tomers with qu alit y goods an d after-s ales s erv ic e. S econd, it s hou ld lay enough emph as is on the f eedb ack fro m its cur rent cus tomers and tak e p rompt act ion to t ak e c ar e of t heir n eeds an d d eman ds. Th ird, if pos s ib le it may pro v id e s o me in cent iv es to its o ld c us tomers. For ex amp le, it c an gr ant a c ert ain d is cou nt to them if th eir pur ch as es reac h a c ert ain amount.Apart fro m all th es e, a co mp an y s hou ld des ign s tr ateg ies to attr act n ew cus tomers and c reat e tr ans act ions with th em,to ex pand th eir cus tomer b as e, s o to s peak.Th es e s trateg ies in c lud e p rod uct d iv ers if ic at ion and upgr ad ing.

A ll in all, a co mpany s hou ld try its ut mos t to k eep its cu rr ent cus tomers s at is f ied with its p roducts and s erv ic es, and at th e s ame

time it s hou ld s tay ah ead of th e mark et through produ ct and p r ic ing s trateg ies.

2. How to f ill a ke y va cancy?

In or der to fill a key v acanc y, a co mp an y will us ually fo llow th e s ame s t and ard p roc edur e.

It will b eg in b y produ c ing an ac cur ate job d es cr ipt ion of what it wou ld like th e s uc c es s ful c and id ate to do. Fro m th is, it c an th en produc e a prof ile of th is id eal cand id ate, wh ich is a lis t of s k ills, ex per ien c e, attr ib utes and s o on.

Hav ing produ c ed th is prof ile, the co mp an y mus t then dec id e on the b es t r ecru it ment method to c aptur e a can d id ate wit h th is prof ile. This might be an intern al adv ert is ement o r an ex t ern al adv ert is ement in a news p aper, on th e Int ern et s ay, ev en an ag enc y or per haps a headhu nter.

Hav ing d ec id ed on the b es t r ec ru it ment method, th e adv ert is ements ar e th en p laced or th e headhu nter cont act ed an d a lis t of c and idat es will be th en d rawn up to be put th rough th e comp an y?s r ec ru it ment pro ces s es. Th is might be interv iews, ps ycho metr ic t es ts or even h and-wr it ing an alys is. T h is will th en produc e th e id eal cand id ate for th e co mpany.

The co mp an y will th en h av e to n egot iate ter ms with th is cand id ate and, hopef u lly, t h is will r es u lt in ter ms wh ich ar e both afford ab le for th e co mp an y and attr act iv e enoug h to get the cand id ate th ey want.

3、Car eer Pl anni ng: how to assess the car eer oppo rtuni ti es provi ded by di ffer ent typ es of compani es

C are er P lann ing

Even aft er a job is off er ed and ac cepted, career dec is ions mus t be mad e. On-the-job ex per ienc e may aff ect the d es ired p ath. As pir in g to ach iev e a pos it ion abo v e the pr es ent pos it ion is natu ral. The p lann ed c ar eer path to that pos it ion may in vo lv e eit her a s er ies of promot ions with in t he f ir m or s witc h ing to a d if ferent f ir m. W hile plann ing a career path is a us ef u l mot ivator, th e p lans s hou ld b e ac h iev ab le. If ev er yone p lann ed to b e p res id ent of a co mp an y, mos t plans wou ld not b e ach iev ed. Th is c an c aus e fr us trat ion. A pref er ab le career p ath wou ld inc lude s hort-ter m goals, s inc e s ome ult imat e goals may take t wenty y ears or long er. T he us e of s hort-term goals c an r ein for ce conf idenc e as goals ar e ach iev ed.

C are er Dev e lop men t

The importance of acquiring a range of skills throughout your career. It is import ant a p ers on to h av e a ran ge of s k ills in th e cours e of h is career d ev elop ment. W hen h e has a r ang e of s k ills, h e is obv io us ly

mor e co mp et it ive th an t hos e who don?t and therefor e h as mor e ch anc es of pro mot ion. And it will b e eas ier for h im to f ind a job outs ide h is co mpany if he is not s at is f ied with h is pr es ent job. In add it ion, a p ers on wit h a ran ge of s k ills is mo re likely to wor k h is way up to th e top of th e corpor ate ladder.

4、Huma n Re so ur ce s: how to pro vide effe ctive suppor t for new me mber s of staff

Train ing: Th e import an ce of a cont inuous progr ammer o f s taff train ing with in a co mp an y

Staff M an age men t: ho w to ach iev e and maintain h ig h mot iv at ion among a wor kfor ce

Motiv ating E mp loy ee s: Emp loy ees ten d to be mor e s at is f ied with their jobs if they are pro v ided co mp ens at ion th at is aligned with their p erfo r man c e, job s ecu r ity, a f lex ib le work s ch edu le, and emp loy ee invo lvement progr ams.F ir ms s hou ld off er job s ec ur it y, comp ens at ion th at is t ied to emp lo y ee p erfo rman c e,mor e f lex ib le wor k s c hed u les, and more emp loy ee invo lv ement prog rams. To th e ex tent th at job s at is fact ion c an mot iv at e emp loy ees to improv e their perfor man ce, f ir ms may b e ab le to a h igh er p roduct ion lev el b y prov id in g gr eater job s at is f act ion.

5、Marketing Research

Man ag ers c an not always wait for infor mat ion to arr iv e in b its and p ieces f rom t he mar k et ing int ellig en c e s ys tem. They oft en requ ire for mal s tud ies of s p ec if ic s ituat io ns. For ex amp le, Tos h ib a wants to k now how many and wh at k inds of p eop le or co mp an ies will buy its new s up erf as t laptop comp uter. Or B ar at Co lleg e in L ak e Fores t, Illino is, n eeds to kno w wh at per c entag e of its targ et mark et has h eard of B ar at, ho w t hey h eard, wh at th ey k now, and how they feel about Barat. In s u ch s itu at ions,th e mar ket ing intelligenc e s ys tem will not pro v ide th e det ailed info rmat ion n eeded. Manag ers will need mar k et ing res earc h.

W e def in e mar k et ing r es ear ch as the s ys temat ic d es ign, co llect ion, analys is, and repo rt ing of d at a and f ind ings r elev ant to a s pec if ic mark et ing s itu at ion fac in g an org an iz at ion.Ev er y mar ket er n eeds res earc h.Mark et ing r es ear ch ers eng ag e in a wid e var iety of act iv it ies,r ang ing fro m mar k et potent ial and mark et s har e s tudies, to as s es s ments of cus to mer s at is fact ion and purch as e b ehav ior, to s tud ies of p r ic ing,d is tr ibut ion, and promot ion act iv it ies.

A co mp any c an con duct mark et ing r es ear ch in its o wn res earc h


关于商务英语的情景对话 对代理请求的回应 401. As the volume of business concluded by you is not big enough, we won t consider the question of agency. 鉴于贵方去年成交的数额不大我方不会考虑代理的问题。 402. We think it premature for us to discuss the question of agency at present stage. 我方认为现阶段讨论代理的问题对我方来说还为时过早。 403. The time is not yet mature to discussion of agency. 讨论代理的时间还不成熟。 404. We would like to say that this initial stage contract between us, both side do not understand each other very well, so there seems to be no sufficient bases for us to negotiate agency. 我方想要说的是在我们履行合同的初期双方的相互了解还不够因此我们讨论代理的条件还不太具备。 405. I am afraid that this is not good time yet to push the sales of our product in your market. 恐怕现在还不是在贵方市场上推销我方产品的时机。

406. We do not think the time is right for the discussion of the question of e_clusive agency. 我们认为讨论独家代理问题的时机尚不成熟。 407. We regret to say that since there is so far no transaction concluded between us, we have to decline your quest for agency. 由于我们双方迄今未成达任何交易很遗憾我方不得不拒绝贵方申请代理的要求。 408. The question of agency is still under consideration and we hope you will continue your effort to push the sale of our product at present stage. 代理的问题还在考虑中我方希望在现阶段贵方还要继续努力推销我方的产品。 409. We shall not consider pointing you as our sole agent until your sales record justify our doing so. 待你们的销售成绩足以表明可以委托你方独家代理时我们才会考虑此事。 410. Shall we discuss the matter of agency when your market condition turns better 我们是否等到中方市场情况好转时再来谈代理的事情好吗 代理条件和要求


商务英语情景对话 A: seller B: buyer A: Hello, welcome to XX company, I’m the (职位). These are my Colleague , Miss … and Miss …. B: Hi, nice to meet you. I’m the (职位),from XX company,(城市,国家) A: Nice to see you, too. Here is our catalogue for your reference. Is there anything particular you’re interested in? B: Well, I’m interested in your golden delicious apple. A: You have a good judgment. Golden delicious apple is famous as its first class quality, rich juice, and sweet sour taste. It’s also produced from Shandong province which has a good reputation of apples. B: well, I’m very impressed .May I have some idea of your price? A: Sure, USD 2000 per ton, CIF Newyork.(

B: Your price for golden delicious apple at USD 2000 per ton is on the high side, I can’t accept it. A: You must be aware that the price of golden delicious apple has been increasing since last year. It is fixed according to the upward trend in the international market price. B: But your price is much higher than the market price .Thailand gives a much lower price. A: The quality of this kind of golden delicious apple is much better. I can quote you on apple of quality and the price will definitely be lower. Our price varies according to the quality. B: What i mean is that your price is higher than of the same quality .It will be hard for us to persuade our clients to accept such a price .And as I known, many suppliers are in fact cutting the price trying to get a large market share. A: But our product can deal with the competition .You can see that we have already got many orders and more are coming. It shows that our product and price are acceptable


商务英语BEC中级常用英语口语汇总 ●从起床到出门 早晨好! Good morning. Good morning, John. (早晨好,约翰。) Good morning, mom. (早晨好,妈妈。) 闹钟响了吗? Did the alarm clock go off? *go off是闹钟“响”的意思。 Did the alarm clock buzz? Did the alarm clock ring? 该起床了! It's time to get up! It's time to get up! (该起床了!) I don't wanna get up. (我真不想起。) It's time to wake up! It's time to get out of bed. It's time to get ready. 快点儿起床! Get up soon. Get up soon. (快点儿起床!) I don't want to. (我真不想起。) 你醒了吗? Are you awake? *get up是动词,表示“起床”、“起”的动作。awake是形容词,表示“醒了”、“没睡”的状态。

Are you awake? (你醒了吗?) I am now. (我刚醒。) 你不舒服吗? Are you feeling sick? Are you feeling sick? (你不舒服吗?) No, I'm just tired. (没有,只是有点儿累。) 睡得好吗? Did you sleep well? Did you sleep well? (睡得好吗?) Yes, I slept very well. (嗯,睡得挺好。) Did you sleep well? (睡得好吗?) No, I couldn't fall asleep. (哪儿啊,几乎没睡着。)能帮我关掉闹钟吗? Would you turn off the alarm clock? Please turn off the alarm clock. (请把闹钟关了。) 你终于起来了。 You finally got up. You finally got up. (你终于起来了。) I'm still sleepy. (我还困着呢!) 今天是个好天! It's a nice day! It's a nice day! (今天是个好天!) It sure is. (是不错啊。)


《商务英语口语900句》 出版发行:广东世界图书出版公司 ISBN 7-5062-6878-7/H.0471 中国加入WTO以后,急需培养一大批既懂得国际经贸知识,又熟练掌握商务英语的人才。为了让更多的经贸人员尽快适应我国对外贸易迅速发展的经济形势,我们编写了《商务英语口语900句》一书。 本书市作者对自己多年商贸英语教学实践和商务世纪现场谈判经验的总结,涉及范围全面,内容充实,语言规范、景点,适用面广,实用性强,可以说不但是一本理想的商务口语培训教材,也是一本非常实用的对外经贸业务人员的必备工作手册。 本书共由30各单元组成,每个单元设计了20-40个句子不等,其中有30或40 个句子的单元又分成了两个部分,以减轻学员在学习时的心理负担。 本书同时配有长期在中国从事英语口语教学的美国口语教师配音的cd,以便学院边听边学,帮助他们尽快掌握商务英语会话的各种技巧,同时也可以提高自己的语音语调水平。 目录: Unit 1 希望与要求 Unit 2 产品介绍 Unit 3 业务范围介绍 Unit 4 承诺 Unit 5 询盘 Unit 6 报盘 Unit 7 还盘 Unit 8 对还盘的反应 Unit 9 要求优惠 Unit 10 给予优惠 Unit 11 双方让步 Unit 12 订货及确认 Unit 13 请求代理并说明代理理由和代理能力 Unit 14 对代理请求的回应 Unit 15 代理条件和要求 Unit 16 合同 Unit 17 卖方对支付方式的要求 Unit 18 买方的支付方式 Unit 19 保险 Unit 20 对包装的建议及要求 Unit 21 告知客户包装所用材料、方式及其质量保证 Unit 22 货运通知 Unit 23 货运要求及答复


目录 Day today Office日常事务 1 Faxes传真 2 Telephone Calls电话 3 Making Telephone Appointments电话预约 4 Memos备忘录 5 Business Correspondence商业信函 6 Placing an Order下订单 Office Talk办公室谈话 7 Coworkers同事 8 Bosses老板 9 Brainstorming集体讨论 10 Commuting乘公交车上下班 11 The Working Lunch工作午餐 Business Trip商务旅行 12 International Business Travel国际商务旅行 13 Dressing for Business商务着装 14 Hotel Situations旅馆情景 15 Negotiating the Subway乘地铁 Client Reception接待客户 16 Receiving Clients接待客户 17 Entertaining Clients招待客户 18 Accommodating Foreign Clients接待国外客户 19 Factory Tours参观工厂 Business Communization商务交流 20 Personal Introductions个人介绍 21 Small Talks聊天 22 Delivering Bad News传达坏消息 23 Polite Questions礼貌提问 24 Farewells道别 Negotiation谈判 25 Clarifying the Stakes说明利害关系 26 Making Concessions做出让步 27 Discussing the Bottom Line讨论底线 28 Accepting and Confirming接受和确认29 Hard Bargainers VS Soft Bargainers强硬的对手和温和的对手 Company Organization公司结构 30 CEO执行总裁 31 Stockholders股东 32 Board of Directors董事会 33 Managerial Staff管理人员 34 Labor Staff普通员工 Meetings and Interviews会议和面谈 35 Executing Meetings开会 36 Performance Reviews业绩评估 37 Agendas会议议程 38 Making Requests提出要求 Presentations业务陈述 39 Preparation and Developing Your Topic准备和展话题 40 Introductions and Beginnings介绍和开头 41 Making Transitions in the Present ation陈述中的过渡 42 Conclusions结论 提问阶段Data数据处理 44 Trends趋势 45 Systems制度 46 Scheduling日程安排 47 SWOT An山sis态势分析 48 Statistical Reports数据统计报告 Technology技术 49 Ema il电子邮件 50 Computer Technology计算机技术 51 Running an Inte rn et Business网上做生意 52 Electronic Gadgets数码产品 53 Web based Marketing网上营销 Financial Topics财务话题 54 Costing成本


商务英语场景对话 Ms. Anna ,Jack(Dialogue 1),Merry ,Jack(Dialogue2),Shelley ,Ms.Vivian,Mr.Jackson. Dialogue 1 Ms. Anna:Hello,this is Batina Fation Company,Kelley Anna speaking. Jack:Hello,this is jack from James Trading Company.May I speak to Ms.Shelley. Ms. Anna:Oh,I am afraid she is not here now.She has went to Shanghai on business yesterday. Jack:Oh,it is a pity,When will she come back? Ms. Anna:Maybe tomorrow.Would you like to leave a message to her? Jack:Ok,Iam Jack Robin, J a c k R o b I n,from James Trading Company.Our company wants to promote two monthly sportswears to your Company.Including men’s and women’s clothes.I’d like to talk with Ms.Sheylley face to face. Ms. Anna:Ok. Jack Robin, from James Trading Company.I will pass on your message to Ms Shelley. Jack:Great,it’s very kind of you,I will keep waiting for the response.Goodbye Mr. Smith. Ms. Anna:Goodbye!


BEC中级口语 第一讲 Ⅰ Presentation Example PART 2: Mini-presentation A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…? Selecting applicants for a job W orking experience P ersonal qualities Sample 1 I choose topic A-what is important when selecting applicants for a job. As to this topic, as far as I am concerned, there are 3 things to consider. First, I think working experience is very important when selecting applicants. Applicants who have already had the work experience in the relevant fields will learn the new job easier and quicker. And it will also save the company a lot of training fees if the applicant has related experience. Second, we must consider the personal qualities of the applicants, such as personality and health. Companies tend to employ people whose character fits a special job. For example, consulting company tends to employ applicant who is analytical and knowledgeable, but advertising agents like their employees to be energetic and creative. Third, I believe language is of great importance when selecting applicants. Nowadays, we do business with people from all over the world. Always we buy goods from Africa, and sell our electronic product to Europe; a foreign language especially English is needed if the company wants to expand to the world. Applicants who can speak one or more foreign languages will have a better chance to get the job. Sample 2 As we all know, the criteria used by HR professionals in screening and selecting applicants normally include such factors as working experience, personal qualities and communicative skills. Firstly, we pay a lot of attention to working experience of the applicant. A person with a solid record of related experience is more likely to fit in with a new company. Therefore he or she can be trusted to fulfill the tasks and solve the problems in a more professional and competent way. In addition to this, we also look at the personal qualities of the applicant. Does he or she has integrity, perseverance or ‘can do’spirit? Surely any organization can benefit from the reliability, devotion and enthusiam of its employees. Finally, good communicative skills such as interpersonal skills and team spirit are also becoming an important precondition in selecting qualified employees. B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…? Preparing for a job interview S tudying the job advertisement Finding out about the company Before you go for an interview, you must make preparations so as to face the interviewer with more confidence. They include studying the job advertisement, finding out about the company, preparing yourself psychologically, etc.


绿色是买家,黑色是卖家 It’good that we’ve settled on the questions of price ,quantity and packaging. Shall we discuss terms of payment now. Good idea, let’s get down to business. According to our usual pratice. We would like make the payment by L/C. actually an L/C provides us with guaranteed payment from bank. You know the international monetary market is unstable recently. But as our order is quite substantial this time, our exchange quota is insufficient. After so many years of business with us, will you kindly make your payment terms easier for us this time. I’d like you to have confidence in us. What term do you suggest? I wonder if you accept payment by D/P . you know ,it will involve great expense to open an L/C with a bank in our country. moreover, it allows large profit margin for both sides. That sound reasonable. Well, I think we can make an exception for you. I’ll accept you last proposal . but my company required the D/P at sight . Do you think that will be ok for you? That’s all right with us. And you can rest assured, it will all go through OK. `


新产品推荐 林先生:These are our new models. 这些是我们的新产品. 李小姐: What are their strong points? 有什么优点? 林先生: There's a lot to be said for them. In the first place.they are more durable than any similar ones on the market. 优点很多.首先.它们比市场上任何类似产品更耐用. 李小姐: Why does it take longer to wear out than the others? 为什么它比其他产品耐用呢? 林先生: The yarn is carefully selected for quality and woven very tightly in this fabric. 这纱的质量是经过精心挑选的.而且质地织得很紧密. 李小姐: Can you leave these samples with us? 可以把样品留下来吗? 林先生: How long do you want to keep them? 你要留多久? 李小姐: About three days. 大约三天. 林先生:

That's all right 好吧 In the telephone Daisy: Is Tom there? Tom 在吗? Gates: He’s not here right now. 他现在不在这里 Daisy: Do you know when he will be back? 你知道他什么时候会回来吗? Gates: He should be back in 20 minutes. 他应该二十分钟内会回来。 Daisy: Can I leave a message? 我可以留个话? Gates: Yes. Go ahead, please. 可以, 请继续。 Daisy: When he comes back, can you have him call me at (206) 5551212? 他回来后, 能不能让他打 (206) 5551212 这个号码给我?


剑桥BEC真题中级第三辑口语解析 (Part-2-Mini-Presentation)

第三辑Test 1 Topic A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……? Trying to attract new staff ●Competitive wages ●Company reputation 【思路点拨】 主题要点原因 Trying to attract new staff 已 给 要 点 Competitive wages 竞 争力的价格 Determination 决定因 素 Company reputation 公司声誉 Belief 信念 补 充 要 点 Career opportunity 职业发展前景 Self-development 个人 发展 Working environment 工作环境 Stimulus 诱因 【词汇&短语】 招聘recruitment 合作精神,团队精神team spirit 根据…….调整tailor to 灵活福利flexible benefits 受聘后的福利待遇employment packages 求职者job seeker 目标群target group 职位空缺job vacancies

准雇员potential employee 【句型点击】 ●表示提出建议 Let’s….. Why not……? I suggest that we…… My advice would be……. ●对观点不予评价 I don’t know what to say. I can’t say I have any views on…… It’s not something I have considered a lot, I’m afraid. ●要求重复 Pardon? What did you say just now? Do you mind say it again? 【参考范例】 When it comes to attacking new staff for your organization, effective recruitment strategies and techniques contribute to successful appointment. Employment packages should be tailored to draw attention of the potential employees. Offering an attractive competitive wages with flexible benefits would be a determining factor in hunting new talents. A company’s reputation is a mong its most important and valuable assets, which is essential to attracting and retaining

商务英语电话对话business english for phone call

商务英语对话:与老外打电话完整对话(一) A: Stone Corp. Hi, Mary speaking. 隐四通公司, 您好,我是Mary。 B: Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr. Hunter, please. 你好,我想找Hunter先生。 A: May I ask who is calling, please? 请问您是哪位? B: My name is Herbert Wood of IBM Computer Company. 我是IBM电脑公司的Herbert Wood. A: Thank you, Mr. Wood. One moment, please… (into PBX) Mr. Hunter, Mr. Wood of IBM Computer Company is on the line. 谢谢,Wood先生,请稍等。(打内线电话)Hunter先生,IBM电脑公司的Wood先生找您。 C: Can you find out what he wants? 你可以问他有什么事吗? A: Yes, Mr. Hunter. (to caller) I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr. Wood. Mr. Hunter is rather busy right now and would like to know what you wish to speak to him about. 好的,Hunter先生。(对来电者说)对不起Wood先生,让您久等了。Hunter先生现在非常忙,他想知道你有什么事对他说。 B: Yes, I want to buy some computer software and talk about developing some other software. I don’t know whether he is interested in that or not? 是的,我想买一些计算机软件,另外再谈一谈开发一些其它的软件。我不知道他是否有兴趣。 A: I see. Thank you very much, Mr. Wood. Would you wait a moment, please? (to PBX) Mr Hunter, Mr. Wood wants to buy some computer software. 我明白了,非常感谢,Wood先生。请你等一下好吗?(打内线电话)Hunter先生,Wood 先生想买一些计算机软件。 C: I see. Put him on line two.好的,请转到2号线。 A: Yes, Mr. Hunter. (To caller) Mr. Wood, I’m very sorry to have kept you waiting. I’ll put you through to Mr. Hunter. 好的,Hunter先生。(对来电者)Wood先生,不好意思让你久等了,我把你的电话接给Hunter先生。 A: Good afternoon, Sales Department. May I help you? 下午好,销售部,我能帮你什么忙吗? B: Could I speak to Mr. Bush, please? 可以和Bush先生说话吗? A: I’ll see if he is available. Who shall I say is calling, please? 我要看一看他是否在。请问我得告诉他谁打来的? B: John Smith. A: Hold the line, please. Mr. Bush is in a meeting with the Managing Director at the moment, I’m afraid. Can I help you? 请别挂机,Bush先生正在和总经理开会,我可以帮你忙吗? B: Well, I want to discuss with him the new contract we signed last week. 好的,我想跟他


商务英语情景对话:Punctuality “商务英语”是商务和英语的结合,商务英语交流总是带着一定的目的并要达成一定的结果。因此演练一下商务英语情景对话很有必要。今天凯撒国际英语的小编就带给大家一些商务英语会谈常见的情景对话,这样让你在职场中的任何情况都能应对自如,表现越来越出色。 Ann: 陈豪在美国公司已经工作了一段时间。今天老板要找他谈话。老板找谈话会有什么事呢?陈豪心里有点不安,所以急着去请教美籍华人Mary。 (Office ambience) 陈:(很着急地)Hey, Mary,快,我有事问你。 M:What's the matter? 陈: 老板的秘书通知我老板过一会要找我谈话,可说的话我没听懂,说是为了什么punc...punc... 那个词我不知道... M: Punctual? 陈:对,有点像,不过那个词最后的音好像是什么ty 来了。 M:Punctuality? 陈:Yes, yes. Punctuality. Punctuality是什么意思呀?哟,不好了,时间到了,我得去了。 (Sound of knocking on the door; opening the door) Mr. Jones: Mr. Chen, it has been brought to my attention that you are frequently late for meetings. I want you to know that punctuality is important in American business and in our company too. C: Sorry, Mr. Jones, I am not sure I understand. What exactly do you mean by punc... punctuality? Mr. Jones: Punctuality simply means being on time. If a meeting is scheduled for one o'clock, everyone is expected to be in the meeting room and ready to start. C: (自语:噢,开会要准时!) Mr. Jones, now I understand. I'll be on time for meetings from now on. Ms. Jones: Good. (Sound of pushing chairs and walking) M: 嗨,陈豪,刚才我要告诉你punctuality就是准时,你匆忙走了,大概没有听见。哎,老板找你干什么呀? C:他批评我开会不准时。他不懂,可我又没法和老板争。你知道有的时候我专心工作忘了时间! M. 那不行,上星期开会讨论财务,可数据全在你手上。你不到,会没法开。There's no way to have the meeting without you,所以你浪费了大家的时间。Being late is a sign of disrespect。 C: 我不是有意没礼貌,有的时候是没法控制的。那天我刚要去开会,电话铃响了。 M:That's simple. Don't answer it。打电话的人要是有重要事情他会留言。你开完会可以打回电。



Day today Office日常事务 1 Faxes传真 2 Telephone Calls电话 3 Making Telephone Appointments电话预约 4 Memos备忘录 5 Business Correspondence商业信函 6 Placing an Order下订单 Office Talk办公室谈话 7 Coworkers同事 8 Bosses老板 9 Brainstorming集体讨论 10 Commuting乘公交车上下班 11 The Working Lunch工作午餐 Business Trip商务旅行 12 International Business Travel国际商务旅行 13 Dressing for Business商务着装 14 Hotel Situations旅馆情景 15 Negotiating the Subway乘地铁 Client Reception接待客户 16 Receiving Clients接待客户 17 Entertaining Clients招待客户

18 Accommodating Foreign Clients接待国外客户 19 Factory Tours参观工厂 Business Communization商务交流 20 Personal Introductions个人介绍 21 Small Talks聊天 22 Delivering Bad News传达坏消息 23 Polite Questions礼貌提问 24 Farewells道别 Negotiation谈判 25 Clarifying the Stakes说明利害关系 26 Making Concessions做出让步 27 Discussing the Bottom Line讨论底线 28 Accepting and Confirming接受和确认 29 Hard Bargainers VS Soft Bargainers强硬的对手和温和的对手 Company Organization公司结构 30 CEO执行总裁 31 Stockholders股东 32 Board of Directors董事会 33 Managerial Staff管理人员 34 Labor Staff普通员工 Meetings and Interviews会议和面谈


BEC中级口语考试:基础篇 1.1第一部分考试形式 (Test format of Part 1) 在第一部分考试中,考官就考生的个人情况或工作、学习情况向其提问,考生作答。然后考官再提问,考生再作答。考官一般会对每个考生进行两轮提问,每一轮三至四个问题,随后转向另一名考生,在两名考生间交替进行,直到规定时满为止,一般大约3 分钟。 这部分考试的特点是:话题涵盖的范围一般比较简单、浅显,不会超出日常会话的范畴,而且大部分话题都比较类似,是由主考官从剑桥大学考试委员会印发的Question List上随机挑选的。考前的充分准备足以保证考生应付大多数问题。而且在第一部分考核过程中,考官提问的问句大部分都是简单句,一般不超过15个单词,清晰易懂。 1.2应试建议 (Tips on how to cope with Part 1) (1)Greet upon entering the exam room. 进入考场后,考生应当充满自信,自然大方地向考官问候致意。话不需多,但自然、新切的问候语,可以给考官留下良好的第一印象。常用的问候语包括: Good morning, sir / miss / madam. Good afternoon, sir / miss / madam. Nice to meet you. (注:有两位男老师在场,可以称呼gentlemen. 有两位女老师在场,可以称呼misses. 有一位男老师和一位女老师在场,可以干脆免去后面的敬呼语,或直接采纳上面第三种问候方式,以免去敬呼语太长、太繁琐的尴尬。Madam 一般用于明显很年长的女教师,否则改用miss,因为女性对年龄认可度比较敏感。) (2)Relax yourself, yet do avoid over relaxing yourself. 大部分考生都有过这样的经历:平时跟同伴一起练口语的时候说得挺流畅的,但一到课堂上回答老师问题时,或是一进入口语考试房间时,所有头脑中的思路都不翼而飞,头脑一片空白。因此,在很多情况下,口语考试表现不好并不是口语水平问题,而是过分紧张导致的发挥失常。因此,平时试着让自己多练练紧张时放松的能力,对于克服进入考场后突然情绪紧张导致的发挥失常很有帮助。 (3)Familiarize yourself with the pronunciation and intonation of the interlocutor and the other candidate. 由于考生来自不同的地域,很多方音重的考生在说英语的时候也同样如此,这在很大程度上会影响其他同一考场的考生的理解和反应。考官尽管发音准确,但因为不熟悉他(她)的语音语调,也有可能造成误解。因此,进入考场后,要尽快熟悉他们的语音语调及语速,以免由于误听导致反应错误。 (4)Be precise in understanding the questions. 考官的提问也好,同伴的问题也好,没听清的情况下切不可盲目作答,一定要问清楚问题是什么。考生要清楚的一点是,BEC口语考试是“口语”考试,而非听力考试,也许没听清对方的问题会影响你的分数,而在没听清问题的情况下盲目作答而导致答非所问,更会真正丢分。在以往的考试中,有些考生由于事先针对第一部分做了充分的准备,因此在考官提问的时候没有全神贯注,而是凭着准备过的问题想当然,背诵事先准备好的答案。这种错误是极不应该的,不仅会给考官留下作弊(cheating )的不良印象,还会由于听力水平不佳而被扣分。要求对方重述问题的常用句型包括: Pardon, please? I beg your pardon? Sorry, could you please say that again? I’m sorry, but I didn’t quite catch you. Would you please repeat what you’ve
