现代大学英语3 Unit 1 Your College Life 词汇精讲

现代大学英语3 Unit 1 Your College Life 词汇精讲
现代大学英语3 Unit 1 Your College Life 词汇精讲

Unit 1 Your College Life


n.+hood: a particular state, or period in someone's life

childhood (=the period when you are a child)

fatherhood (=the state of being a father)

affirm: to state publicly that something is true

I dare affirm that the tomato will be very expensive.

We gave them an opportunity to express their feelings, to affirm themselves. approve

(1)to think that someone or something is good, right, or suitable

He seemed to approve of my choice.

I don’t approve of children wearing makeup.

Exercise: 他不同意我今年离校。

(2)to give official agreement or permission to something

These chemicals were only approved for use in animal foods. (transitive often passive)

approval n.

antonym: disapproval




attitudinal adj.

attitude n.: attitude to/towards sth; positive/negative attitude

His attitude towards women really scares me.

a positive attitude to life

ethical: connected with beliefs and principles about what is right and wrong

ethical standards 道德/伦理标准

ethic: a general principle or belief that affects the way people behave 道德体系,行为准则,伦理work ethic 工作守则

ethics: a set of principles that people use to decide what is right and what is wrong medical ethics 医德

professional ethics 职业道德


functional furniture/buildings functionalism

a fully functional hospital

a functional disorder

function: n./v.

He functioned as ambassador.

The hospital functioned normally.

contribute v. contribution n.

They say they would like to contribute more to charity, but money is tight this year. Medical negligence was said to have contributed to her death.

He contributes regularly to the sports magazine.

He is a regular contributor to the magazine.

counsel v./n

She has spent five years counselling rape victims. (to counsel sb.)

He counselled them to give up the plan. (to counsel sb. to do sth.)

Most experts counsel caution in such cases. (to counsel sth.)

a counsel of despair

a counsel of perfection


financial/economic/political crisis

the current crisis in the farming industry

We admit that the nursing profession is in crisis.

a mid-life crisis

endeavor v./n.

We always endeavor to please our customers.

We will make every endeavor to find the two boys.

endow v.

①to give a large amount of money

to endow a scholarship/program/project

②to equip or supply with a talent or quality

Nature endowed her with a beautiful voice.

She was endowed with both good looks and brains.

endowment n.

He is a man of great endowments.

Word formation: v.+ment=n.

resent v.

to feel bitter or angry about sth, especially because you feel it is unfair

I strongly/deeply/bitterly resented her criticism. (resent sth.)

The children resented the new woman in their father’s lif e. (resent sb.)

He bitterly resented being treated like a child. (resent doing sth.)

resentment: n. an angry unhappy feeling you have when you think you have been treated unfairly or without enough respect

The boy has felt/borne/harbored a deep-seated resentment towards/against his step-mother.

synonyms: anger, hatred, indignation, rage

excessive: adj. much more than is reasonable or necessary; extreme

Excessive drinking is harmful to your health.

Crops were destroyed by the excessive rainfall.

excessively adv.

excess n.

An excess of fat in one’s diet can lead to heart disease.

feminine: having the qualities or appearance considered to be typical of women; connected with women

feminine institution



genetic: connected with genes


genetically modified food

heighten: to become stronger or increase

interest/tension/feeling heightens

~en: v. to make or become

blacken, strengthen, widen, sadden, lengthen


He’s inherited his father’s nose.

He inherited these paintings from his father.

inheritance n.

heritage: the art, buildings, traditions, and beliefs that a society considers important to its history and culture

cultural/musical/national heritage

inhibit v.

Recording the meeting may inhibit people from expressing their real views.

An unhappy family life may inhibit children’s learning.

inhibition n.

The whole point about dancing is to stop thinking and lose all your inhibitions. interact v.

Teachers have a limited amount of time to interact with each child.

The immune system interacts with the nervous system.

interaction n.

word formation: inter/intra

inter: between; from one to another

international, internet, interstate, intermarriage

intra: within sth.

intranet, intrastate, intranational

internalize v.

internal: adj.: connected with the inside of sth./your body

the internal structure of the building

internal organ

The medicine is for internal use.

antonym: external

the external walls

her external appearance

word formation:~ize

internationalize, industrialize, Americaniz e, internalize, externalize…

option n.: a choice you can make in a particular situation

The government has two options: to reduce spending or to increase taxes.

This was not the only option open to him.

keep/leave your options open: to wait before making a decision

I’m keeping all my options open for the moment.

optional adj.: that you can choose to do or have if you want to

optional courses

compulsory courses

peer: a person who is the same age or who has the same social status as you American children did less well than their peers in China.

Peer review system is being introduced to help teachers who are experiencing difficulty. (同行评估,同侪审查)

perceive v.

①to understand or think about something in a particular way

Even as a young woman she had been perceived as a future chief executive. (perceive sth/sb as sth)

Children who do badly in school tests often perceive themselves to be failures. (perceive sb/sth to be sth)

②to notice, see, or recognize sth.

During the break, the coach perceived a change in her players’ mood.

Cats are not able to perceive color.

I gradually perceive that culture and language cannot be separated.

perception n.

perceptive adj.

process v.

28, 000 applications for travel visas have still to be processed.

Data is processed as it is received.

processed meat

the food processing industry

project v.

The next edition of the book is projected for publication in March.

The unemployment rate is projected to fall.

The edges of the roof project outward and keep the rain away from the wall. Their wedding photos were projected on the screen.

a slide projector

The blast projected huge stones through the air.


theology theological

biology biological

mineral mineralogy

idea ideology

question v.

①to ask questions

②to have/express doubts

questionable: that can be questioned

unquestionable: that cannot be questioned


①a piece of furniture where you can hang your clothes

②the clothes that sb. has

winter/summer wardrobe


Lesson Ten Diogenes and Alexander I.Teaching Objectives: After learning this unit, students are supposed to: 1. get familiar with the rules of word formation ; 2. get familiar with some grammatical points; 3. retell the text as a whole; 4. have a thorough understanding of the whole text: Diogenes and Alexander 5. get a list of the new words and expressions and be able to use them freely in writing and daily conversation; II.Listening and speaking activities 1.Listen to the recording of the text and fill in the blanks about the main ideas of the article. 2. Talk about this passage with your friends ,and talk about what you think of Diogenes. III. Reading Comprehension and Language Activities 1. Pre-reading discussions: 1) What do you think of the person who lying on the street , shoeless, bearded, half-naked ? ? 2) Are you a cynic person?. 2. Background knowledge : 1) Cynic and Cynicism (愤世疾俗者与犬儒主义) : The Oxford English Dictionary describes a cynic as a person “ disposed to find fault “ and as one who “shows a disposition to disbelieve in the sincerity or goodness of human motives and actions, and is wont to express this by sneers and sarcasm.”In short ,the cynic is “a sneering fault-finder” The ancient school of Cynicism was founded in the fourth century BC by Antisthenes. The Cynics urged both men and women to follow a way of life in harmony with nature and to reject all unnecessary civilized luxuries. They also rejected all social conventions ,customs and laws. 2)Diogenes (第欧根尼) Diogenes was a famous Cynic philosopher living during the time of Plato ( the 4th century BC ). Having to flee from Sinope because of charges against him and his father for debasing the public coin , Diogenes went to Athens where he studied under comforts of civilized life , and lived an extremely ascetic lifestyle. Later on the captured by pirates and sold into slavery in Crete to Xeniades, who was so impressed by the philosopher that he made him the teacher of his children . He is said to have died of old age in the same year as Alexander the Great in 323 BC. 3. Text analysis: Part One (para.1-10) Description of Diogenes as a beggar, a philosopher and a missionary, his lifestyle and doctrine: Cynicism. Part Two (para.11-12) Description of Alexander the Conqueror, who was the greatest man of the time . Part Three(para.13-17) The dramatic encounter of the two , revealing that only these two men


当代大学德语1 单词测试 VORKURS 1 谁 这 白天 好 先生 妇女,太太,夫人 我 名叫,叫做 我的 名字 和 您 男人;丈夫 德语 用德语 请 黑板 这里 练习本 表 谢谢 汉语 书 图片 灯 纸 电脑 墙 手 VORKURS 2 早晨 晚上 怎样 很 也 完全,十分;相当 挺好,还好 再见 不 坏的 不错 还行,还好,还可以 这样原谅,宽恕 是 不 原谅,抱歉 铅笔 圆珠笔 房屋 公共汽车,大轿车 汽车 出租汽车 照片 VORKURS 3 从哪里 来 她 从……来 什么 教师 女教师 (中、小)学生 女学生 大学生 女大学生 照相机 光盘 他 是 那里 国际互联网,因特网 VORKURS 4 数,数字 零 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 十二 百 街,街道,公路

编号,号,号码 门牌号码 邮编 城市 电话 电话号码 手机 手机号码 您的 地址 拿,取 座位;广场 哪里,在什么地方 住 现在 在……里 大学 有 他的 她的 慢 当然 还 一次 公司 高等学校 国家 帽,礼帽 角落 VORKURS 5 房间 教室 一个 上课,授课 椅子 桌子 地图 报纸 门 窗户 问,提问 眼镜 袋,书包 说 人们 原谅问题 英语 知道 正确的 电子邮件 用字母拼出 你的 你 点;句号;正点 再见,回见 VORKURS 6 给……看 家庭 全家福 商人 女商人 劳动,工作 日耳曼学 日耳曼学学者 日耳曼学女学者 (口译)译员 女译员 他们 生活 职业 医生 女医生 孩子 多大年纪 老的 年;年龄,岁 儿子 女儿 已经 上大学;攻读;研究 姐妹 兄弟 医学 父亲 母亲 父母 不再 技术员 女技术员 女秘书 年龄


MoreWork on the Text Ⅱ Vocabulary 1. Translate. (P14 1 From English into Chinese. (1学校教职员工 (10青春期 (2政治上的成熟 (11种族偏见 (3成长过程中的变化 (12每天工作日程 (4认同危机 (13伦理道德观念 (5恋爱关系 (14处理日常生活的能力 (6遗传工程 (15历史背景 (7学术生活 (16异性 (8偶然事件 (17感情上的支持 (9民族认同 (18生活方式 2 From Chinese into English. (1 to pursue an education (10 to drag one's feet (2 to acquire knowledge (11 to evaluate the result (3 to handle the case (12 to process knowledge (4 to define the word (13 to perform one's duty (5 to select one's major (14 to narrow the gap

(6 to resent the treatment (15 to expand business (7 to establish their identity (16 to expect better results (8 to frustrate the students (17 to assemble cars (9 to declare war (18 to present facts 2. Give synonyms and antonyms of the following. (P15 1 Give synonyms. (1 objective, purpose, end (7 choice (2 to happen (8 to choose/to pick or pick out (3 to increase/to enlarge/to grow/to develop (9 main/chief/principal/leading (4 to try/to attempt/to make an effort (10 belief (5 clear (11 strong feeling (6 magazine (12 to get/to gain/to obtain 2 Give antonyms. (1 masculine (9 to exclude (2 immature (10 disapproval (3 independence (11 mistrust/distrust


Lesson one Y our College Year 教学目的:了解作者及相关的背景知识 通过对本文的学习,使学生对大学生活有一个全面、正确地认识,全面了解自己,更好地适应 大学生活 掌握语言点 教学重点及难点: 重点——对文章内容的充分理解与掌握 难点——几个专业词汇的理解“developmental changes”、“identity crisis”、“psychological independence”、“internalizing religious faith” 教学内容:1.作者及背景简介 2.课文讲解及语言点 3.课堂讨论 4.语法学习:the way sb doesd sth. Ways of expressing the object Determiners 5.练习及作业 基本要求:1.学生在课前应预习课文,并完成pre-class work 中的作业 2.通过课堂讲解使学生理解文章内容,并对自己的大学生活有一个清晰地认识 3.认真完成课后作业 教学方法:加强互动,通过提问了解学生的预习情况。以师生互动方式讲授课文,练习以学生为主,教师侧重解决重点及检查学生的完成情况。 时间分配:8节课一个单元 I. Introduction A. About the text This is a text about what students will experience in their “college years”. It is addressed to college students in the United States. But with some modifications, what the author says here will also make perfect sense to our students. College life is both exciting and frustrating experience. It is clear that young adulthood is an extremely important period in our life. Not everyone knows how to handle their sudden independence or freedom. There are also those who take their newly found independence to mean that they can do anything they want. B.About the author Dr. Bob H artman is a children’s story-teller and part-time pastor. He was born in Pittsburgh, the United States, and moved to England in the summer of 2000. II. Warming-up exercises 1. What are my goals for the college years? 2. Do you find it easy to relate to the opposite sex? Do you agree with the author that stressful as it is, it is nevertheless one of the most important goals we must achieve during school years? III. Detailed study of the text 1.(Para. 1)“Has it ever occurred to you that your professors and other school personnel have certain goals for your growth and maturity during your college years? Has it ever dawned on you that certain developmental changes will occur in your life as you move from adolescence to young adulthood?” A. Draw the student’s att ention to the difference between Chinese and English in expressing this idea: In Chinese, the subject is usually a personal pronoun, whereas in English, the anticipatory “it” is used. More examples: It never occurred to me that wealth could ruin a person’s life. 我从来没想到财富能毁灭一个人的一生。 It suddenly dawned on us that high savings rate may not be a good thing. 我们突然想到高的存款利率未必是件好事。 It gradually began to dawn on the economists that the problem was not overproduction, but under-consumption. 经济学家们逐渐认识到,问题不是生产过剩而是消费过低。 B. developmental changes:


高中英语必修 3 单词表Unit1 发生take place, 美;美人beauty, 收获;收割harvest, 庆祝celebration, 狩猎者hunter, (使)饿死starve, 起源;起因origin, 虔诚的religious, △季节的seasonal, 祖先ancestor, △坟墓grave, △熏香incense, 纪念in memory of, 墨西哥Mexico, 节日;盛宴feast, △头脑skull, 骨头bone, 万圣节Halloween, 信任;信仰belief, 盛装;装饰dress up, 诡计;欺骗trick, 开玩笑play a trick on, 诗人poet, 到来arrival, 获得gain, 独立;自主independence, 独立的independent, 搜集’聚集gather, 农业;农学agriculture, 农业的agricultural, 奖品;授予award, △产品produce, 雄禽;公鸡rooster, 赞美;羡慕admire, 精力充沛的energetic, 期望look forward to, △月亮的lunar, 复活节Easter, △游行;阅兵parade, 昼夜day and night,


衣服 基督徒clothing △樱桃Christian △花;开花cherry, 好像blossom, 玩得开心as though, 习惯;风俗have fun with, 世界性的custom, 愚人;傻的worldwide, △必要性fool, 许可necessity, △预言;预告permission, △样子;时尚prediction, 停放fashion, 停车场parking, △情人节parking lot, 出现;到场Valentine ’s Day, 守信用turn up, 屏息keep one ’s word, 道歉;辩白hold one’s breath, 淹没;溺死apologize, 悲哀drown, 明显的sadness, 擦;揩obvious, △编织wipe, △牧群weave, △银河herd, △喜鹊the Milky Way, 哭泣magpie, △广播员weep, 出发announcer, 提醒set off, 使?想起remind, 原谅remind ?of ?, Unit2forgive 日常饮食diet, △意大利面spaghetti, 坚果nut, △肌肉muscle, △保护的protective, 豆bean, 豌豆pea, 黄瓜cucumber, 高中英语必修3单词表第2页(共2页)


Michael Welzenbach 1. When I was 12 years old, my family moved to England, the fourth major move in my short life. My father’s government job demanded that he go overseas every few years, so I was used to wrenching myself away from friends. 2. We rented an 18th-century farmhouse in Berkshire. Nearby were ancient castles and churches. Loving nature, however, I was most delighted by the endless patchwork of farms and woodland that surrounded our house. In the deep woods that verged against our back fence, a network of paths led almost everywhere, and pheasants rocketed off into the dense laurels ahead as you walked. 3. I spent most of my time roaming the woods and fields alone, playing Robin Hood, daydreaming, collecting bugs and bird-watching. It was heaven for a boy —but a lonely heaven. Keeping to myself was my way of not forming attachments that I would only have to abandon

现代大学英语听力2 教案

《现代大学英语》 听力2课程教案 授课时间:2014-2015第二学期 授课班级:英1243 授课人:何林

Unit 1 教案 【Task 1】 Warm up Exercises: A. 1) She wanted to see St. Paul’s Cathedral. 2) She was so surprised because she saw so many Englishmen who looked alike. 3) They were all wearing dark suits and bowler hats, carrying umbrellas and newspapers. 4) Because she had often read about them and seen photographs of them, who all looked as if they were wearing a uniform. 5) No, he didn’t. 6) He used the English saying “It takes all kinds to make a world” to prove his opinion. B. If all the seas were one sea, what a great sea it would be! And if all the trees were one tree, what a great tree it would be! And if this tree were to fall in the sea, what a great splash there would be! 【Teaching materials】 Yesterday morning Gretel went to the City of London. She wanted to see St. Paul's Cathedral. She was surprised to see so many Englishmen who looked alike. They were all wearing dark suits and bowler hats. They were all carrying umbrellas and newspapers. When she returned home she asked Mr clark about these strange creatures. "They must be typical English gentlemen," she said." I have often read about them and seen photographs of them. They all look as if they are wearing a uniform. Does the typical English gentleman still exist?" Mr. Clark laughed. "I've never thought about it," he answered." It's true that many of the men who work in the City of London still wear bowler hate and I suppose they are typical Englishmen. But look at this." Mr. Clark picked up a magazine and pointed at a photo of a young man. "He's just as typical, perhaps. It seems as if there is no such thing as a 'typical' Englishman. Do you know the English saying 'It takes all kinds to make a world'? That's true of all countries-including England." “Oh, just like the poem ‘If All the Seas Were One Sea’,”Gretel began to hum happily. If all the seas were one sea, what a great sea that would be! If all the trees were one tree, what a great tree that would be! And if this tree were to fall in the sea, what a great splash that would be!” Task 2 【Teaching materials】 A. 1) people were much busier 2) colder than England; minus thirty degrees; last longer 3) much more mountainous; much higher and much more rocky; more beautiful 4) tend to be more crowded 5) the houses; smaller


必修3 Unit 1 take place 发生 beauty n. 美;美人 harvest n. & vt. & vi. 收获;收割 celebration n. 庆祝;祝贺 hunter n. 狩猎者;猎人 starve vi. & vt. (使)饿死;饿得要死 origin n. 起源;由来;起因 religious adj. 宗教上的;信奉宗教的;虔诚的 △seasonal adj. 季节的;季节性的 ancestor n. 祖先;祖宗 △Obon n. (日本)盂兰盆节 △grave n. 坟墓;墓地 △incense n. 熏香;熏香的烟 in memory of 纪念;追念 Mexico n. 墨西哥(拉丁美洲国家) feast n. 节日;盛宴 △skull n. 头脑;头骨 bone n. 骨;骨头 △Halloween n. 万圣节前夕;诸圣日前夕 belief n. 信任;信心;信仰 dress up 盛装;打扮;装饰 trick n. 诡计;恶作剧;窍门 vt. 欺骗;诈骗 play a trick on 搞恶作剧;诈骗;开玩笑 poet n. 诗人 △Columbus Day 哥伦布日 arrival n. 到来;到达;到达者 △Christopher Columbus 克利斯朵夫?哥伦布(意大利航海家)gain vt.获得;得到 independence n. 独立;自主 independent adj. 独立的;自主的 gather vt. & vi. & n. 搜集;集合;聚集 agriculture n. 农业;农艺;农学 agricultural adj. 农业的;农艺的


当代大学德语3 Lektion 1 Text 1 das Erstsemester,-刚上大学第一学期的新生 der Wahnsinn疯狂;荒谬 sich an/melden登记,报名、 der Eindruck, ..e印象 die Jagd,-en打猎,狩猎;追求 die Jagd nach追求某物 undefinierbar讲不清楚的,说不出的 die Sauce/So?e,-n调味汁,酱汁 wohl也许,大概 eher倒不如说是,更确切地说 mahlen (+A)碾,磨 Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst. 先到者先磨。(意指:先来者有优先权) das Rohr,-e管,管道 das Heizungsrohr, -e暖气管 bestrafen +A处罚,惩罚 das Proseminar,-e (大学)初级专题研究课 nicken点头 hüpfen跳,蹦 hyperaktiv过于活跃的,多动症的 die Masse,-n大量,大宗;群众,大众 die Massenuniversit?t,-en学生人数众多的大学der Assistent,-en助手,助教 die Assistentin,-nen女助手,女助教 das Papier,-e文件,文稿,草稿 das Mikrofon,-e话筒,麦克风 willkommen受欢迎的 jn herzlich willkommen hei?en衷心欢迎某人einen Witz rei?en说笑话 irgendwie不知怎么地,用某种方式(或方法) der Gang, ..e行走,走路;通道,过道 sachlich实事求是的,客观的 begeistert兴奋的,激动的 der Bürokrat,-en官僚主义者,拘泥于各种规定的极为死板的人 der Eingang, ..e入口 der Haupteingang, ..e大门,主要入口irgendwann在某一个时候 immerhin毕竟,无论如何 Text 2 der Club/Klub,-s社团,俱乐部 das Mitglied, -er成员 die Not贫困,困苦 betreuen +A照管,照料 der Autismus自闭症 leiden +an Dat患有(某种疾病) psychisch心理上的 die St?rung,-en打搅,打扰;障碍,紊乱 unf?hig没有能力的,无能力的 das Stipendium, Stipendien奖学金 sozial社会的;有关社会福利的,公益的leisten +A完成,做;履行,提供 der Horizont地平线;视野,眼界 hinaus/sehen往外看,往外瞧 die Wirklichkeit现实,真实 gut充足的,十足的(指一段时间或路程等) die Provinz,-en省 das Verh?ltnis, -se情况,社会情况<常用复数> sto?en +auf Akk遇到 die Armut贫穷,贫困 die Ungerechtigkeit,-en不公平,不公正的事reichen够,足够;达到,伸展 der Verein,-e社团,协会 der Ackerbau耕作,农艺 die Bildung教育,教养 sich beziehen +auf Akk涉及,针对konfuzianisch孔子的;儒家的 taoistisch (auch: daoistisch)道教的 der Bauer, -n农民 das Getreide谷物,庄稼,粮食 an/bauen +A种植,栽培 die Tradition,-en传统,风俗 pflegen +A看护,照料;保护,维护 die Insel,-n岛,岛屿 voraus/fahren(乘车)先走一步 die Unterkunft住处 die Verpflegung膳食,伙食 aus/kommen +mit Dat够用,足够 die Minderheit,-en少数民族 die Religion,-en宗教 die Gebr?uche (Pl.)风俗,习惯 die Umgebung, -e周围,郊区,附近 der Brauch, ..e风俗,习惯 die Umwelt(自然及生态)环境 das Umweltproblem, -e环境问题 die Verschmutzung,-en污染


现代大学英语精读第3册教案 CONTEMPORARY COLLEGE ENGLISH---BOOK 3 The title of teaching: UNIT 1 Your College Years Period of the teaching: 10 classes Objectives: 1. To expand basic vocabulary and expressions 2. To appreciate the theme of the text 3. To know about some background information about Eric H Erickson‘s Developmental Stages. 4. To review the grammatical knowledge about the conjunction while and to learn to use parallelism. Key points: 1. Language study and expressions 2. Background information 3. Word Building: de-, pro-, -ject, -volve, -ogy. 4. Paraphrases of difficult sentences Difficult points: 1. ways of expressing the object 2. Writing devices: antithesis 3. The corresponding information about the text Methods of teaching: 1. Interactive teaching method 2. Communicative Teaching method 1


现代大学英语精读教案 Revised final draft November 26, 2020

U n i t1H a l f a d a y 教学目的 1. 了解作者及其背景知识; 2.熟悉本文使用的写作手法; 3.掌握修辞疑问句、倒装句等修辞手法; 4.熟练掌握三类构词法; 5.通过深刻理解文章内涵,培养学生社会洞察力和相关的讨论能力,同时掌握文中的核心语言点。 教学内容 1. 热身 2.作者 教育与背景 主要着作 创作观 3.作品赏析 结构分析 如何赏析文学作品 扩展式讨论 4.写作技巧 省略疑问句和修辞疑问句 倒装句 “with”独立结构 5.语言理解 长难句解析 核心词汇学习 band, convince, daze, exert, intricate, observe, overlook, rank, revolve, startle, uviverse, vary 介词练习 构词法:-tion; -volve; -ly 6.课堂讨论 7.练与讲 教学重点 1. 文学作品的赏析; 2.文学中的修辞手法――省略疑问句和修辞疑问句;倒装句;“with”独立结构 3.构词法:前缀 教学方法结合实际吸收各种教学法(讲授、问答、讨论、模仿、练习、多媒体使用)的优点。 教学手段用投影仪播放PowerPoint课件及板书;群发电子邮件布置课堂资料和课后作业(或其来源)。 ⅠAbout the author ★ Naguib Mahfouz was born on the 11th Dec. 1911 in an old quarter of Cairo, the youngest son of a merchant. (mummies and pyramids / sphinx 狮身人面)


Unit 1 1、发生 2、美;美人 3、收获;收割 4、庆祝;祝贺 5、狩猎者;猎人 6、(使)饿死;饿得要死 7、起源;由来;起因 8、宗教上的;信奉宗教的;虔诚的 9、季节的;季节性的 10、祖先;祖宗 11、(日本)盂兰盆节 12、坟墓;墓地 13、熏香;熏香的烟 14、纪念;追念 15、墨西哥(拉丁美洲国家) 16、节日;盛宴 17、头脑;头骨 18、骨;骨头 19、万圣节前夕;诸圣日前夕 20、信任;信心;信仰 21、盛装;打扮;装饰 22、诡计;恶作剧;窍门欺骗;诈骗 23、搞恶作剧;诈骗;开玩笑 24、诗人 25、哥伦布日 26、到来;到达;到达者 27、克利斯朵夫·哥伦布 28、获得;得到 29、独立;自主 30、独立的;自主的 31、搜集;集合;聚集 32、农业;农艺;农学 33、农业的;农艺的 34、奖;奖品授予;判定 35、产品;(尤指)农产品 36、雄禽;公鸡 37、赞美;钦佩;羡慕 38、充满活力的;精力充沛的;积极的 39、期望;期待;盼望 40、狂欢节;(四旬斋前的)饮宴狂欢;嘉年华(会) 41、月的;月亮的;阴历的 42、 (耶稣)复活节 43、游行;阅兵;检阅 44、日夜;昼夜;整天 45、衣服

46、基督徒;信徒 基督教的;信基督教的 47、耶稣 48、樱桃;樱桃树 49、花开花 50、好像 51、玩得开心 52、习惯;风俗 53、遍及全世界的;世界性的 54、玫瑰花蕾 55、愚人;白痴;受骗者 干傻事;开玩笑傻的 56、必要性;需要 57、许可;允许 58、预言;预报;预告 59、样子;方式;时尚 60、特立尼达岛 61、卡拉(女名) 62、哈利(男名) 63、(汽车等)停放 64、停车场 65、圣瓦伦廷节;人节 66、出现;到场 67、守信用;履行诺言 68、屏息;屏气 69、道歉;辩白 70、淹没;溺死;淹死 71、悲哀,悲伤 72、明显的;显而易见的 73、擦;揩;擦去 74、(使)迂回 75、牧群;兽群 76、银河 77、喜鹊 78、哭泣;流泪哭;哭泣 79、广播员;告知者;报幕员 80、出发;动身;使爆炸 81、提醒;使想起 82、使……想起…… 83、原谅;恕 Unit 2 84、日常饮食节食 85、意大利式细面条 86、坚果;果仁 87、肌肉;(食用)瘦肉 88、给予保护的;保护的

paraphrase excercise现代大学英语第3册

Study the following sentences carefully and then paraphrase them in English: Unit One Your College Years 1.… identity is determined by genetic endowment (what is inherited from parents), shaped by environment, and influenced by chance events. (2) Who we are is determined by three things: first, our genes, or what our parents have given us, our legacy; second, environment, and third, luck or opportunities. 2.These religious, moral, and ethical values that are set during the college years often last a lifetime. (7) These values that are established during the college years often last a lifetime. It is believed that our character or basic moral principles are formulated during this period of time. 3.These are exciting times yet frustrating times. Probably nothing can make students feel lower or higher emotionally than the way they are relating to whomever they are having a romantic relationship with. It is difficult for a college student to make a clear role of being a man or a woman in the future because they feel excited and confused about their sexual roles. They may feel happy and unhappy, without much hope for the future. 4.Probably nothing can make students feel lower or higher emotionally than the way they are relating to whomever they are having a romantic relationship with. (5) When students are in a romantic relationship with the opposite sex, they are most likely to feel unhappy or happy emotionally. 5.It may be heightened by their choice to purse a college education. (3) If they choose to continue their education, they will face an even more serious struggle between the desire to be independent and the need to depend on the financial support of their parents. 6.While students are going through an identity crisis, they are becoming independent from their parents yet are probably still very dependent on them. This independence/dependence struggle is very much part of the later adolescence stage. They have been away from their parents and become independent, but somehow they can not be completely independent from their parents because they still need their parents to provide the money to support their life and study. Unit 3 A Dill Pickle 1.She shivered, hearing the boatman's song break out again loud and tragic, and seeing… She was very sensitive to art and music and she felt excited as the man was describing the beautiful picture. 2.… although at the time that letter nearly finished my life. I found… and I couldn't help laughing as I read it. To write such a break-up letter was very difficult for Vera. The letter reminded them of the heart-broken feeling and it finished both the man and the woman. But he trivialized the letter, and even mocked the letter, which hurt Vera deeply.
