

Unit 5单元测试题





Pete Sparks was a sensitive (敏感的) boy. So sensitive that even his hair was ticklish (怕痒的). You only had to touch his hair a little bit and he would start laughing. When this ticklish laughter started, no one could make him stop.

Pete tried everything to control his ticklishness, but nothing worked. So he began to feel sad for being different.

One day in the street, he met a special clown. The clown was very old and could hardly walk, but when he saw Pete in tears, he went to cheer him up. It didn?t take long to make Pete laugh. Later Pete told him about his ticklish problem, and he asked the clown how such an old man could carry on being a clown.

“I have no one to take my place,” said the clown. “I have a very serious job to do.” Pete looked at him, surprised. “Come, I?ll show you,” said the cl own. So the clown took Pete to many hospitals full of children who were sick. As soon as they saw the clown, their faces changed completely and lit up with a smile. Their short while spent with the clown changed everything for them. That day was even more special, because in every show Pete?s laughter would end up with the kids lying on the floor, dying with laughter. When the visit came to an end, the old clown said to Pete, “Now do you see why I can?t retire (退休), even at my age?”

That was how Pete became a clown, and took the special old man?s place. From that day on, the fact that Pete was different actually made him happy, thanks to his special gift (天赋).

21. Pete wanted to change because he wanted to _____.

A. make a difference

B. just be a normal boy

C. make everyone happy

D. just be a special clown

22. The clown took Pete to the hospitals in order to _____.

A. treat his ticklishness

B. encourage him to be a clown

C. show him the meaning of his job

D. know whether Pete had told a lie

23. What does the story teach us?

A. Practice makes perfect.

B. Everyone is born useful.

C. Well begun is half done.

D. Where there is life, there is hope.


Reporter: Why did you start this new website for Alcott Middle School?

Sarah: Three months ago, my mom was complaining about how she never hears about the days our school ends early until after the fact. She works late and sometimes she has to ask our neighbor at the last minute to pick me up after school. It happened several times, and she was frustrat ed that there wasn?t better notification (通知) from the school.

Reporter: Didn?t your school already have a website with that information? Sarah: We had a website. But there wasn?t much information on it, and nobody was in charge of keeping it up to date (包含最新信息的). I asked my teacher if our class could update the school calendar. That seemed pretty easy.

Reporter: Was it?

Sarah: Yeah, and it was kind of fun. So then we asked the principal (校长) if we could redo the whole site. He said okay, so we went to work. We discovered websites that taught us how to make our site look better and added more hot links that people could click to get more information about a subject. We posted photos from basketball games. Our class even started a blog about what?s going on a t school. Then we persuaded the teachers to create their own pages.

Reporter: So what?s next?

Sarah: A few friends and I started a small Web design business. We?re asking other schools if they?ll employ (雇用) us to set up a site like the one we created. Reporter: Wow! That?s pretty enterprising (有事业心的) for a 13-year-old. Sarah: I guess so. But it doesn?t seem like work when you?re doing something you enjoy.

24. How did Sarah?s mom feel about her school three months ago?

A. Hopeful.

B. Thankful.

C. Dissatisfied.

D. Uninterested.

25. The underlined part “in charge of” is closest in meaning to _____.

A. in keeping with

B. in touch with

C. in need of

D. in control of

26. Sarah set up the new school website _____.

A. with the help of her teachers

B. by researching on other websites

C. in order to please her principal

D. to make her school more famous

27. What can we learn about Sarah?

A. She doesn?t like working at all.

B. She dreams of being a boss.

C. She enjoys what she does now.

D. She wants to make lots of money.


National Potato Day was back on Friday 23rd August 2013. Along with Bord Bia (Irish Food Board) and many other potato growers in Ireland, Keogh?s Farm brought you a day that was all about potatoes and showing love for our national vegetable.

Keogh?s invited the public to Spud Fest, which took place on Dubl in?s South King Street from 12 pm to 4 pm. This festival brought the farm to the city with potato performers, face painters, balloon modeling, music, tastings and plenty of other festival fun to celebrate the most delicious day of the year. There were lots of potatoes, of course.

Keogh?s along with the support of Bord Bia called on everyone to enjoy at least one potato on National Potato Day. Potatoes are naturally low in fat, a great source of vitamins and minerals and are a great way to support local Irish homegrown produce and businesses.

Tom Keogh, General Manager of Keogh?s Farm said, “We can?t believe we were getting ready for our third year of National Potato Day. When we dreamt the idea up in 2011, we had no idea it would attract so many people. Since the first National Potato Day we have received nothing but interest in potatoes at home and all over the world.

“Ireland is now recognized as one of the finest producers of top quality vegetables, with the potato leading the field. We are happy that Bord Bia have joined us this year to bring all our fellow potato producers together and join forces to promote (提升) the enjoyment of the potato. We are hoping National Potato Day is a day to encourage everyone to love potatoes!”

28. According to the text, Spud Fest _____.

A. was open to everyone

B. lasted about five hours

C. sold different vegetables

D. was held in the countryside

29. What did Tom Keogh think of the first National Potato Day?

A. It was world-famous.

B. It was rather terrible.

C. It was very worthless.

D. It was quite successful.

30. The text is mainly to introduce _____.

A. a popular vegetable

B. a well-known capital

C. an interesting festival

D. a famous potato grower


More than 30,000 people went to the White House on Monday for the 136th Easter Egg Roll (复活节滚彩蛋). President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama held the event by inviting thousands of kids to color and look for eggs. The theme of the day was “Hop Into Healthy, Swing Into Shape.” It was part of the First Lady?s“Let?s Move!” program to reduce obesity rates (肥胖率) among American kids. Mrs. Obama spoke to young reporters about her goal to get children to eat right and keep moving.

“We are working to make sure that kids born today grow up healthy, learn how to have balanced meals, and get more physical activity into their lives,” she said.

Mrs. Obama said she wants children across the nation to understand that “exercise isn?t just hard work, it?s play. If you?re running around with your dog, you?re getting exercise. If you walk up the stairs, that?s exercise. But if you?re sitting in front of the TV or on a computer game, you?re not exercising.”

The First Lady said that for kids who have balanced meals most of the time, having a special snack, like chocolate, will not hurt. “And if you are active, you can

splurge (挥霍) a little more,” she said. Mrs. Obama?s favorite “splurge food” is French fries. But she balances her splurging by exercising almost every day. She loves to play tennis and she practices yoga.

“A lot of kids look up to athletes, and I think it?s important for athletes to share their good habits,” Mrs. Obama said. “Kids aren?t just going to wake up and be LeBron James. He?s practicing and eating right and working out and training. Our athletes can be really good messengers to kids who look up to them — they can say to kids, …If you really want to be like me, then you really do need to eat your vegetables.?”

31. The purpose of the “Let?s Move!” program is to _____.

A. help kids keep healthy

B. train more young reporters

C. encourage kids to eat more eggs

D. invite kids to visit the White House

32. In Mrs. Obama?s opinion, exercise _____.

A. can be fun to do

B. means hard work

C. should be done outdoors

D. requires special equipment

33. “Splurge food” is allowed to be eaten when _____.

A. you don?t hurt yourself

B. you have a special snack

C. you never eat French fries

D. you eat right and stay active

34. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. All kids want to be LeBron James.

B. It is very easy to form good habits.

C. Athletes can set a good example for kids.

D. Kids like the messages the athletes give them.

35. In which part of a newspaper will the text most probably appear?

A. Business.

B. Health.

C. Culture.

D. Education.



Every year on May 5, people in Japan celebrate a festival known as Children?s Day or Tango no Sekku. 36 It is a national holiday for both boys and girls in Japan.

Although it is not known exactly when this day started to be celebrated, it probably began as a festival for boys around 600 AD. People flew flags shaped like a fish called a carp (鲤鱼). The carp is a powerful swimmer. 37 Each boy had his own flag, and the oldest boy had the biggest flag. People still fly carp flags today. But in 1948, the government made this day a national holiday to celebrate the happiness of all children and to express thanks toward mothers.

38 They perform in traditional Japanese plays and eat special food. They also take hot baths in water that has the leaves of iris (鸢尾) plants in it. 39 But the children in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, get something extra special. 40 There is a torch relay (火炬接力) and races for kids and their parents. So before you?re too old, plan a trip to Japan to celebrate Child ren?s Day, and have fun being a kid!

A. The flags were passed down to the other boys.

B. This is why the festival is called Tango no Sekku.

C. Children in Japan do many things on Children?s Day.

D. These leaves are said to be good for a person?s health.

E. They take part in the Kids? Olympics on Children?s Day.

F. This festival celebrates the happiness of children across the country.

G. So it became a symbol of boys growing up to be healthy and strong.




The wagon train (马车队) had been traveling for weeks now. Emily was getting tired — tired of not having a comfortable bed to sleep in or a 41 home. She was also 42 because there was never anything fun for a girl her age to do. Mama promised it wouldn?t be too much longer, 43 the trip seemed to take forever.

Then, one day, a rabbit caught Emily?s eye. Maybe she could 44 it, and then she?d have a pet! Emily ran after the rabbit into the woods behind the wagon s, but

it 45 . Emily looked for it, and at last she 46 . She turned to go back,

but 47 looked familiar (熟悉的). She started in one direction, but it was the wrong 48 . Emily tried another direction, but soon found that that was 49 , too.

Emily was 50 . What if she couldn?t 51 the wagons? What if they didn?t realize she was 52 and just kept moving farther and farther away from her? What if some dangerous animal attacked her?

Emily sat on the ground and started to cry ... but wait ... did she hear 53 ? She stood up and ran toward them. As she got 54 , she recognized Mama?s voice and the voices of some of the men from the 55 . Then she could see them. Emily ran

as 56 as she could, right into Mama?s 57 arms.

Mama carried Emily back to their wagon and put her to bed. Emily was 58 that she was home. 59 was wherever Mama was. She?d never 60 about being bored again.

41. A. big B. new

C. real

D. special

42. A. afraid B. nervous

C. lazy

D. bored

C. but

D. or

44. A. dress B. kill

C. buy

D. catch

45. A. waited B. arrived

C. stopped

D. disappeared

46. A. calmed down B. gave up

C. set off

D. came in

47. A. everything B. nothing

C. something

D. anything

48. A. gate B. answer

C. way

D. plan

49. A. dangerous B. strange

C. impolite

D. wrong

50. A. frightened B. excited

C. moved

D. surprised

51. A. afford B. remember

C. mend

D. find

52. A. asleep B. busy

C. tired

D. missing

53. A. songs B. shouts

C. cheers

D. noises

54. A. farther B. away

C. closer

D. inside

55. A. forest B. train

C. station

D. zoo

56. A. safely B. easily

C. quickly

D. slowly

57. A. falling B. welcoming

C. crossed

D. broken

C. angry

D. proud

59. A. Promise B. Trip

C. Home

D. Love

60. A. hear B. complain

C. care

D. know





Alice: Harriet Tubman and John Brown came from different backgrounds (背景), but both of 61. ________ fought against slavery (奴隶制度). Sarah, can you tell me a little bit more about their backgrounds?

Sarah: Tubman was a black woman, 62. ________ was born as a little slave girl in 1820. She grew up as a slave and 63. ________ (escape) to the North in 1849. Alice: What about John Brown?

Sarah: John Brown was 64. ________ white, born in 1800. He believed that slavery was a bad thing.

Alice: Was 65. ________ a strange thing for John Brown to make friends with black people in the 1840s?

Sarah: Yes, because at that time many people in America still believed 66. ________ black people and white people were not equal.

Alice: In 1850 a law was made to forbid people 67. ________ (help) runaway slaves. Why was that?

Sarah: What happened at first was that slaves would try to escape. Of course, there were people, such as John Brown, who would help the slaves 68. ________ trouble, so the government made the law.

Alice: Why would somebody like John Brown help runaway slaves?

Sarah: One of the reasons might be that he had many black friends. You could expect that he would perhaps be turned 69. ________ for help or even offer his help, because he already believed that slavery was 70. ________ (fair).



最近,你校英文报开辟了Famous People专栏。请根据所给提示,写一篇英语短文,介绍著名的美国教育家、作家—海伦·凯勒(Helen Keller)。

注意: 1. 词数120左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


21-25 BCBCD 26-30 BCADC31-35 AADCB

36-40 FGCDE 41-45 CDCDD46-50 BBCDA

51-55 DDBCB 56-60 CBACB

61. them 62. who 63. escaped 64. a 65. it

66. that 67. to help 68. in 69. to 70. unfair

One possible version:

Helen Keller was born in Alabama in 1880 and died in 1968. When she was only 19 months old, she got a fever that left her blind and deaf. When she was seven years old, her parents invited a teacher to teach Helen. Helen quickly learned how to read and write, and began to speak at the age of 10. When she was 20, she went to college. With the help of her teacher, she got a bachelor?s degree four years later.

Helen Keller devoted her life to helping the disabled and wrote a number of inspiring books. She traveled to many countries to give lectures. She set a good example to all of us, especially the disabled.


人教版_高中英语必修一unit1_知识点总结 Survey n. 纵览,视察,测量v. 审视,视察,通盘考虑,调查 1. we stood on the top of the mountain and surveyed the countryside. 我们站在山顶上,眺望乡村? 2. a quick survey of the street showed that no one was about. 扫视街道, 空无一人? Add v. 增加 1. he added some wood to increase the fire. 他加了一些木柴,使火旺些? 2. if you add 4 to 5, you get 9. 四加五等于九? 3. add up all the money i owe you. 把我应付你的钱都加在一起? Upset a. 烦乱的,不高兴 v. 颠覆,推翻,扰乱,使心烦意乱,使不舒服 1. i'm always upset when i don't get any mail. 我接不到任何邮件时总是心烦意乱? 2. he has an upset stomach. 他胃不舒服? 3. the news quite upset him. 这消息使他心烦意乱? Ignore v. 不顾,不理,忽视 1. i said hello to her, but she ignored me completely! 我向她打招呼, 可她根本不理我! 2. i can't ignore his rudeness any longer. 他粗暴无礼, 我再也不能不闻不问了? Calm n. 平稳,风平浪静 a. 平静的,冷静的 v. 平静下来,镇静 1. it was a beautiful morning, calm and serene. 那是一个宁静?明媚的早晨? 2. you should keep calm even in face of danger. 即使面临危险,你也应当保持镇静? 3. have a brandy it'll help to calm you (down). 来点儿白兰地--能使你静下来? Calm down vt. 平静下来(镇定下来)

Unit5 单元测试卷

Unit 5 单元测试卷 (满分 120分) 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 得分_________ I. 单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) ( )1._______ a UFO. Look at_________ bright lights. A. Its, it’s B. It’s, its C. It’s,its’ D. It’s, it ( )2.The boy always reads with his eyes_________. A. close B. closing C. closed D. closes ( )3.It takes him an hour________ his homework every day. A. to do B. doing C. does D. do ( )https://www.360docs.net/doc/531837999.html,lie didn’t tell Andy_______. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything ( )5.The girl is______. She does everything________. A. careful, carefully B. carefully, careful C. careless, carefully D. careful, careless ( )6. Don’t make _______ in class. A. noisy B. nosily C. noise D. voice ( )7. Goldfish don’t know_________ to them three seconds ago. A. what happens B. what is happening C. what happen D. what happened ( )8. Are you _____ in these _____story books. A. interested, interesting B. interested, interested. C. interesting, interested D. interesting, interesting ( )9. Turn on the TV, and there is _________. A. important something B. important nothing C. something important D. nothing important ( )10. The exam is very easy, but I don’t think _______ can pass it. A. anybody B. everybody C. nobody D. somebody ( )11. Which of the following “ed” has the different pronunciations(发音) from the other three? A. answered B. listened C. danced D. played ( )12.______knows anything about him, because he never tells us _____ about him. A. Nobody, something B. Nobody, nothing C. Nobody, something D. Nobody, anything ( )13. ---Will you come to the party next Sunday? ---I will visit my grandparents in my hometown. A. I think so B. I’d like to C. I’m afraid not D. I’m afraid so ( )14. Cats sleep ______ the daytime and catch mice _____ night. A. in, at B. at, in C. in, in D. at, at ( )15. Each of the students ________ an English book. A. has B. have C. there is D. there are ( )16. Without ___________ a word, he left. A. saying B. talking C. speaking D. telling


单元综合测评一 Unit 1Friendship (时间:100分钟满分:120分) 温馨提示:1.第Ⅰ卷答案写在答题卡上,第Ⅱ卷书写在试卷上;交卷前请核对班级、姓名、考号。2.本场考试时间为100分钟,注意把握好答题时间。3.认真审题,仔细作答,永远不要以粗心为借口原谅自己。 第Ⅰ卷选择题部分(共80分) 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:单项填空(共20 小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 1.________ all the figures to see how much they ________. A.Add; add up to B.Add up; add up to C.Add up; add up D.Add; add to 解析:考查固定搭配。add up把……加起来;add up to加起来总共是。 答案:B 2.—What's the matter with Rod? —I think he's still ________ that we forgot his birthday. A.unfair B.stubborn C.reliable D.upset 解析:答句句意:我想他还在因为我们忘记了他的生日而不高兴。upset难过的,符合题意。 答案:D 3.—So you didn't say “hello” to him last night? —Well, I stopped and smiled when I saw him, but he ________ me and walked on. A.ignored B.refused C.denied D.missed 解析:考查动词辨析。ignore不理会;refuse拒绝;deny否定;miss错过,想念。 答案:A 4.Don't be nervous! Keep ________ even when you are in the face of danger. A.still B.calm C.silent D.quiet


北师大版高二英语必修五单元测试题及答案全套 单元质量检测(一)Unit 13People (时间:100分钟满分:120分) Ⅰ.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A My little brother and sister were always saying that I was bossy (爱发号施令的). And it wasn't until I met a very bossy person that I understood how they felt! My school was holding a fundraiser (募捐活动) called the Spring Fling Fair, and everyone was going to help out. I was pretty excited about it. There were lots of committees to choose from, and I chose games and activities, which sounded like fun. But every time we got together, a guy named Peter did the same thing. He never seemed to realize that he was part of a team with three other people. At last, it was the day of the Spring Fling Fair, and we were all running around getting ready. “You need to make the horseshoes sign hang straighter,” Peter commanded. “Would you please do it yourself?”I said. “I'm kind of busy organizing the prizes.” “There are too many pink balloons on the wall,”Peter complained. “You should add more blue ones.” “Feel free to go ahead and add them,” Mike said. The best (or maybe the worst) example of Peter's bossiness happened when the Spring Fling Fair finally started. A cute little girl was fishing for a prize, and Peter grabbed (抢夺) the fishing pole right out of her hands! “You're holding it all wrong,” he told her. “Do it like this!” This little girl looked up at Peter, took a big breath, and said, “That may be the right way for you to do it, but it's not the right way for me.” And that was probably the best thing this little girl could have said. The good part of this experience is that it helped me understand how my brother and sister felt when I told them what to do and didn't stop to be polite or consider their feelings. Now I try to be more patient and less bossy, and we get along much better. 1.On the day of the Spring Fling Fair, Peter ________. A.had a great time B.kept giving orders C.was chosen as the leader D.was running around getting ready 2.When being bossed around by her schoolmate, the author ________. A.asked others to do the work B.did what she was told C.refused to obey


Unit Five Nelson Mandela---a modern hero 词汇学案Words and Expressions Ⅰ.根据要求写出下列单词 1.写出下列单词的词义及反义词 1)mean ___________ ( 反) _________ 2)devote _________(形) _________ 3)unkind __________ ( 反) ________ 4) selfless_________(反) _________ 5)legal ________ ( 反) ________ 6)fair ________(反) _________ 2.构词法 A. 连线组成新的单词 B.构词法 1 hard a hearted 1 hope ____________ (形) 2 warm b going 2 equal _____________(副) 3 easy c working 3 self _____________(反) 4 suit d quake 4 friend _____________ (形) 5 over e coat 5 lazy ______________(名) 6 earth f case 6 free ______________(名) 7 head g line 7 reliable __________(动) 8 out h book 8 active __________(副) 9 man I kind 9 devote ______________ (形) 10 pass j line 3.写出短语 1. 失业_____________________ 2.事实上__________________ 3. 在危难,痛苦中__________________ 4.求助于,致力于______________ 5. 丧失勇气或信心__________________ 6. 当权;上台_________________ 7. 设立,建立______________________ 8. 被判处_____________________ 4. 重要单词短语讲解 1.quality n. 质量,品质, 性质 quantity量,数量,大量 【典型例句】 This new model is of high quality and is not expensive either. I prefer quality to quantity. Kindness is his best quality. 『过关练习1』 1) This shirt is made of cloth of a poor ____________ A. quality B. feature C. quantity D. characteristic 用quality 和quantity的正确形式填空。 2)Vicky has all the ___________ of a good manager 3) The photos are of poor _____________. 4) Tom drank a small _________of water. 2.willing be willing to do =be ready to do sth._____________________ 【典型例句】 Are you willing to help Are you willing to accept responsibility?你愿意承担责任吗? 【类比延伸】 1)willing 指对于别人的建议和要求迅速并高兴的同意。如: The first requisite of a good citizen is that he shall be able and willing to pull his weight. 成为一个好公民的第一个要求事他能够并且乐意努力做好其分内的工作。 2)voluntary指没有强迫,自愿选择的活动。 She is a voluntary worker at the hospital.她是这家医院义务服务的。 『过关练习2』 1) I _____ that I have hurt her , but that’s not my real meaning A. willing to admit B. am willing to admit C. am willing to admitting D. willing to admitting 3. fight 1)vi. 打仗;战斗(常与with/ against连用);打架,争论 2)n. 战斗;打架;争论 【典型例句】 People often have to fight for their liberty. 人们往往不得不为自由而战 We must fight the government’s education policy. (比喻)我们必须同政府得教育方针进行斗争。 The two boys had a flight. 【拓展】 fight +n. 与……..作战/ 打架 fight for 为了……..而作战 fight against 与…….作战/斗争 fight with 与…作战/与…并肩作战 fight about/over 因…….而争吵/打斗 用上面的短语填空 1)They told the workers to their rights.


Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? 单元基础水平测试题(试题总分100分测试时间45分钟)姓名:得分: 一. 单项选择(每小题2分,共40分) ( )1. —Ann, your blouse______ very beautiful. —Thank you. A. feels B. sounds C. looks D. tastes ( )2. The hotel where I stayed during the summer vacation is famous ______ its good service. A. at B. for C. in D. from ( )3. Jill still went to school ______ she was ill yesterday. A. even though B. no matter C. as long as D. so that ( )4. There’s a hole in his ______, so we can see two of his fingers. A. cap B. glove C. jeans D. blouse ( )5. Mr. Smith is ______ known as a good doctor in the village, so he is busy treating his patients every day. A. easily B. hardly C. wisely D. widely ( )6. — Where did Jane go just now? — I don’t know. When I asked her, she tried to avoid______ me. Answered B. answering C. answer D. to answer ( )7. Helen thinks ______ difficult to climb to the top of the mountain in an hour. A. that B. this C. one D. it ( )8. Our desks are made ______ wood, and paper is made ______ wood, too. A. of; of B. from; from C. from; of D. of; from ( )9. —I went to the Weifang International Kite Festival. —______. What did you see there? A. Have a good trip B. You’re right C. Sounds interesting D. Good luck ( ) by the boss at the end of each month.


Unit 1 一. 单项填空 1.--- Mary’s got crazy and has been sent to the mental hospital. Did you tell her boss about that? --- Yes, but I _____ her husband first. A. should have told B. shouldn’t have told C. must have told D. needn’t have told 2.There was ______ time _____ Chinese used foreign oil. A. a; when B. a; while C. /; when D. /; while 3.It was because of bad weather __________ the football match had to be put off. A. so B. so that C. why D. that 4. --- Look! The telephone is broken. Someone damaged it ________ purpose. ---That may be right. But perhaps it was broken _________ accident. A. on; by B. by; by C. on; on D. by; on 5. What great trouble we had ___________ where his house was. A. in finding B. to find C. find D. found 6.Some students have trouble _____ grammar while others have difficulty______ new words. A. in; remember B. for; to remember C. on; remembering D. with; remembering 7. I cannot spend ________ money on the car which is ________ expensive for me. A. too much; much too B. far too; too much C. much too; too much D. too many; much too 8. catch the first bus, he got up very early this morning. A. In order to B. In order that C. So as to D. So that 9. There are altogether 6 people in the room, the baby________. A. include B. including C. included D. to include 10. The manager of the factory told us that very little ______ was made of the waste material in the past. A. cost B. value C. use D. matter 11. There is no ______ swimming-pool in this school and the students often go to swim ______. A. indoors; outdoors B. indoor; outdoor C. indoor; outdoors D. indoor; indoors 12. It is the first time that I _______ this kind of moon cake. A. enjoyed B. have enjoyed C. enjoy D. enjoying 13. When was it _____ your mother showed you around the West Lake ? A. until B. if C. which D. that 14. In the reading room, we found her _______ at a desk, with her attention ______ on a book. A. sitting; fixing B. to sit; fixed C. seating; fixing D. seated; fixed 15. I’m glad you’ve come; I am _______ telephoning you. A. at the point of B. to the point of C. on the point of D. in the point of 二:完型 You Did More Than Carry My Books Mark was waking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. Mark 16 down and helped the boy pick up these articles. _17 they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of them for him. As they walked Mark _18 the boy’s name was Bill, that he 19 computer games, baseball and history, that he was having a lot of _20 with his other subjects and that he had just broken 21 with his girlfriend. 1


模块五第五单元测验试卷 第一部分:听力(略) 第二部分:语言知识和语言运用: I. 语言结构:(15) Last Sunday I (21) (see) the worst storm in years. It came suddenly in the mid-afternoon and lasted more than three hours. At first, the sky grew dark all of a sudden. (22) (介词) minutes, forks of lightning forced (23) (冠词) way into the sky. Then it was followed by the boom-boom-boom of thunder. A very strong wind blew into my room. My valuable notes, lying on my desk in the room, (24) (fly) high into the air. I jumped up to catch them but (25) (luck) a few sheets sailed out of the open window. As I ran out of to get the notes, big drops of rain began to fall. (26) (连词) I ran back into the house, the rain began to pour in waves. I fought to close the windows. I did it (27) (连词) was wet all over. I dried myself with a towel. Then I heard a sudden loud sound from the back of the house. I ran out of the room to find out (28) (引导词) it was. A tree was broken. Part of its big branch lay across the floor. The table was (29) (短语动词) pieces. (30) (代词) would take a lot of work rebuild it. However, we were thankful that nobody was hurt.


三一文库(https://www.360docs.net/doc/531837999.html,)/工作总结 英语必修一unit5知识点总结 1.Agreatpersonisasomeonewhodevoteshis/herlifetohelpingothers. 伟人是把自己的生命奉献给帮助别人的人。 (Hestartedtostudyecologyanddecidedtodevotehiswholelifetothescie nce.他开始研究生态学,并决心将他的一生献身于这门科学。Hedevotedhimselfentirelytomusic.他将一生奉献给了音乐。) 2.fightagainst对抗,反对,与……作斗争 Weareallbrothersinthesamefightagainstinjustice.在共同反对非正义行为的斗争中,我们都是同志. Peopleoftenhavetofightfortheirliberty.人们往往不得不为自由而战。

Heandhiswifearealwaysfightingaboutwhowilltakeafterthechildren.他与他妻子总是在为由谁来照看孩子而吵架。 3.HeworkedselflesslyinChinaasadoctorandsavedmanyChinesesoldie rs.作为一个医生他无私地在中国工作,并且拯救了很多中国战士。 4.Hestronglybelievedinthethreeprinci ples:nationalism;people’sright s;people’slivelihood.他主张三民主义:民主、民权、民生。 5.befreefrom免于,不受 Ajudgemustbefreefromprejudice.法官必须不抱成见。 6.inapeacefulway以和平的方式 7.beinprison入狱,在狱中服刑intheprison在监狱 8.thesame…as…和……一样 9.thefirstmantolandonthemoon第一个登上月球的人 10.ThetimewhenIfirstmethimwasaverydifficultperiodofmylife.第一次见到他的时候是在我一生中非常艰难的时期。(定语从句)


Unit5单元测试题 一、连一连,并读一读。 mine ours his hers whose yours theirs 他们的谁的我的你的她的他的我们的 二,选出正确的选项,再读一读。 ( ) 1.(正在)吃 A. eating B. eat C. it ( ) 2. (正在)跳 A. running B. jumping C. swimming ( ) 3. (正在)玩耍 A. drinking B. play C. playing ( ) 4. 她的 A. hers B. she C. his ( ) 5. 喝(水) A. drink B. drinking C. sleep 三、看图片,选句子。根据图片内容在方框中选出正确的句子标号,并将代表答案的字母A、B、C、D、填在横线上。 A. Look! That is his dog. B. Whose rulers are these ? C. It’s their dog. D. Zip’s cat is so cute. E. This is her phone . F. Whose storybooks are these? G. John is jumping. H. Who is singing ? I. Look !Zoom is eating watermelon. J. It is drinking water. 1.________ 2._______ 3.________ 4.________ 5._________ 6.________ 7._______ 8._______ 9.______ 10._______ 四、快乐二选一,然后在读一读。 1. The blue pencil is __________ (my,mine ) 2. This is not my dog .It’s _________ ( she , hers) 3. –Whose picture are these ? --They are _________( we ,ours)


必修5 Module 2单元测试题 第I卷 第二部分语言知识(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列各题,从每小题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 1. — How was your trip to Guizhou last week, Li Tao? —____________. Our car broke down on the road. What’s worse, we were caught in a heavy rain. B. I think so A. It couldn’t be better C. I don’t care D. It was a nightmare 2. Early in the morning, all the soldiers ____________ their own positions, waiting for the general to come. A. held up B. took up C. put up D. set up 3. He is looking for a(n) ____________ place to live and he has had enough of moving again and again these years. A. available B. permanent C. essential D. temporary 4. Nowadays, as the Internet is combined deeply with education, online learning apps have been widely ____________ by students in our country. A. compared B. respected C. adopted D. directed 5. One of the greatest difficulties in exploring the far side of the Moon is that it stops all radio ____________, making it impossible to communicate with the Earth. A. requests B. missions C. contracts D. signals 6. ____________ your demand, I’d like to share some information about the ban on setting off fireworks in our city during the Spring Festival. A. In addition to B. In exchange for C. In response to D. In preparation for 7. —We should at least try our best before giving up. —____________! We should give it a try! A. You said it B. You name it C. Don’t mention that D. Leave me alone 8. Nervous and anxious, Zahra wondered whether her brother ____________ her what she was expecting. A. brought B. has brought C. had brought D. was bringing 9. ____________ I say trying to persuade Edward to help us is no easy task, I don’t think th can’t be done. A. As B. Once C. While D. After 10. The teacher required at the first class meeting that every student ____________ make a


必修一unit5基础知识点训练题 一、单项填空 1.In order to compete with others,the restaurant should improve the________of its service. A. quantity B. quality C. value D. reward 2.Although he is very old,he is still very________in all kinds of social activities. A. calm B. active C. slow D. weak 3.They________themselves to their country and worked hard day and night without any complaint(抱怨). A. buried B. focused C. devoted D. celebrated 4.—Would you like some cakes? —Well,I'd like to have a few.________,I have already had my dinner. A. In spite of B. Regardless of C. As a result D. As a matter of fact 5.He doubted whether she would be________to the task,which made her upset. A. equal

B. similar C. familiar D. willing 6.When he left________college,he got a job as________reporter in a newspaper office. A. /;a B. /;the C. a;the D. the;the 7.The girl is going to________her father to give up smoking by sending him a letter. A. persuade B. suggest C. allow D. sentence 8.The rude language and________in the program shocked the audience. A. insurance B. violence C. schedule D. challenge 9.I'll never forget the beautiful place ________we had lots of happy days. A. where B. that C. when D. which 10.Paul________the Internet to find out the shortest bus route to Peking University. A. turned down B. turned off
