






形式:Campus-relatedIssue and Students’Attitude

此题目为综合口语部分的第一道题,分别有阅读,听力和口语三个部分组成,阅读为校方通知或者为学生的公开信,听力为学生对话讨论他们在学校里遇到的相关问题, 对校方通知或者



1. An announcement 大学校方通知,学校的规定(policy)/


2. An open letter 学生公开信, 学生针对某个问题的提议(proposal)


--Listening (学生讨论大约1分钟)




--Speaking (准备时间30秒,陈述时间60秒)



Question: The man/woman expresses his/her opinion of Reading Passage.State his/her opinion and explain the reason

he/she gives for holding this opinion.




1. 阅读材料为通知或布告,听力材料学生讨论的观点为同意

2. 阅读材料为通知或布告,听力材料学生讨论的观点为不同意

3. 阅读材料为学生公开信或提议,听力材料学生讨论的观点为同意

4. 阅读材料为学生公开信或提议,听力材料学生讨论的观点为不同意





一、r 音节

说到英美音差别,一般学生都会提到卷舌与不卷舌的区别,确实在美音中, 字母组合-er,-or, -ir, -ar, -our 中的r 也要发音,

而英式发音却只在其后紧跟元音的情况下才发音,例如:wrap,rough等。因此卷舌音成为美音的一大特色。例如: teacher, father, first, girl, worker, lord, car, park 等。

二,辅音/ t/ , / k/,/ l/

除了卷舌之外,辅音/ t/的读法也是美音和英音区别很明显的一个音。当/ t / 是重读音节的第一成分或紧跟在辅音后时, 英国英语和美国英语的发音是一致的, 如: atomic, retire, Tom, character, stop等。但是, 当这个音素出现在重读元音和非重读的元音之间时, 美国人的/ t / 又轻又快,听起来像是发得含糊不清

的/ d/,这也是美音t浊化的现象之一,有时就会感觉/ t / 和/ d/ 没有什么差别。例如; writer 和rider, latter 和ladder, whiter和wider。另外再列举一些单词, 其中的/ t / 听起来和/ d/区别不大: motor,operator,poverty,status,beauty,porter,meter,static,city,pretty,butter,flatter,motivate,bottle,article,artificial,better,letter,utter,later,theater,treaty,item,computer,headquarters,scatter.

当/ k/ 是重读音节的第一成分或后面紧邻辅音时, 英国英

语和美国英语的发音是一致的,如: kite, cold, worked, according, scan等。但是, 当这个音素出现在重读元音和非元音之间时, 美国人的/ k/ 又轻又快, 听起来像是/ g/,这是除了/ t/浊化现象外的又一个清辅音浊化现象。例如: worker, record, poker, joker, sucker, echo, America, soccer, ticket ,package等。

舌边音/ l/ 发音在美国英语和英国英语中有很大的差异。在英式发音中, 音素/ l/ 根据它的位置有两个不同的发音。一个是清晰/ l/ , 它出现在元音或者辅音/ j/ 前面, 发音时把舌尖抵上

齿龈, 舌身呈坡形下垂, 在like, believe, silly, leaf, million等词中

的/ l/ 为这种情况。另一个是模糊/ l/ , 它通常出现在辅音前面、词的末尾或自成音节时, 发音时舌尖抵上齿龈, 舌面中凹, 舌后升起, 呈两头高中间低的马鞍形,例如field, ball, table, middle 等

词中的/ l/ 。而在美式发音中, 不管/ l/ 在什么位置, 都发模糊/l/ 。


1. 在大多数情况下,字母a在英音中读[ɑ:],而在美音中转换成[?]。例如dance, chance,rather。但是也有特殊情况,如果元音/a/在字母r之前则任然念做[ɑ:],且要卷舌,例如farm, art.

2. 字母o 在英式发音中常发[?] , 在美式发音中, 一般读作「a] 。例如:gosh, Bottle, cop, fox, god, job, hot, hospital, knock, odd, olive, sock.

3. 字母i在英式发音中读[ai], 而在美式发音中有些念[i]或者[?]。例如:


Fragile [fr?d??l] [fr?d?a?l]

Mobile [f?tl] [f??ta?l]

4. 如果字母u 前面的辅音字母是s , 英国音仍读[ju ] , 美国音则读[?]。例如:


Consulate [kɑns?l?t] [k?nsj?l?t]

Peninsula [p?n?ns?l?] [p?n?nsj?l?]


美音使用者喜欢把单词的主重音放在最前面的音节上, 而英音的使用者则习惯于把主重音放在靠后的音节上。


‘address( n.) ad‘dress

‘cigarette ciga‘rette

‘research re‘search

‘resource re‘source

‘laboratory la‘boratory

‘vibrate vi‘brate

‘migrate mi‘g rate

‘donate do‘nate


ki‘lometer ‘kilometer

a‘dult ‘adult



托福口语要点解析及答题技巧 托福口语一共有6个task,分为独立口语和综合口语两大部分,独立口语主要是根据题目表达自己的观点,综合口语是对听力内容的概述和总结,下面就和大家分享托福口语要点解析及答题技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福口语要点解析及答题技巧 一. 托福口语要点解析 托福口语的6个task答题都有各自的要点,大家一定要注意。 在回答Task 1的时候要首先讲明主题句,然后列出三点理由,举一个例子论证即可,例子尽量具体。Task2要用主题句表明倾向,然后叙述两点理由,最后可以做一个总结句。Task3可以使用三段式模板,但是要注意把握时间,阅读段落和听力段落描述时间比例约为1:2。Task4先概括*段落大意,听力段落重点描述,如果阅读段落中有提到的内容,但在听力段落中没有提到,可以不说。Task5对于前半部分的问题描述可以使用模板快速回答,描述个人意见时可以选择一条或两条理由,只要描述足够充分就可以。Task6答题时最为重要的是描述清楚事情的起因和结果以及主要特征,描述过程中不要遗漏重点信息,也不要出现描述错误的情况。

二. 托福口语答题技巧 1. 语调轻松,不要像背书 托福口语考试是模仿交流的考试,所以一定不要给人一种你在背书的感觉。答题时要当成普通聊天,也可以加一些口头语,比如“you know”、“I mean”等等。这样的口头词语可以在你突然卡顿的时候,给你短暂的思考时间,也会让你的回答听起来更加流利和顺畅。回答期间尽量不要突然停住不说话,流利度很重要。 2. 内容丰满,自圆其说 口语答题时,一定要注意答案的丰满度,比如,举例论证的时候,一定要将例子表达完整。逻辑关系明确,如果分点回答,可以用“first,second,third”等词汇过渡,让自己的回答听起来条理清晰。答题时分论据一定要和自己的主题论据一致,能够自圆其说,切忌前后互不照应。 3. 平时多练习 托福口语的平时需要多练习,如果平时没有打好基础,那么考试中的技巧再好也是没有用的。另外,口语的练习离不开老师的指导,要及时根据老师的建议强化自己的薄弱环节。另外,平时多去用英语交流的场合练习口语。 托福口语素材之为什么我们爱看爱乐之城


名师支招:新托福口语Task 3-6 完全攻略:征服新托福口语Task 3 “To succeed academically in English-speaking colleges and universities,students need to be able to combine all their English-language skills- in reading,listening,and speaking…”,所以在新托福口语task3中考生们首先遭遇了先读,再听,后说相结合的考试形式,虽然内容为较易理解的校园生活场景,但环环相扣的考试环节加上严格紧张的时间限制,不免给备考带来了种种压力。在本文中,笔者将根据Task 3 各个环节中经常出现的误区和问题进行探讨,并给出相应的解决方案,以助托福准考生们一臂之力。 一.怎样“读”? 误区:阅读部分考察“记忆”能力 相对于托福考试的阅读部分,Task3中只有75-100字的简短阅读材料简直是小巫见大巫。可正是因为这样,却偏偏激发了好多考生的“完美主义”心态,想要把所有内容统统记下,结果因小失大,笔记中过多的细节淹没了重点信息。其实Task3中阅读资料的真正作用是为听力提供背景,唯一的价值是告诉考生接下来的对话中两人谈论的政策或计划等是什么,所以不应浪费时间记过多细节。 支招:笔记中只需要notice/message/proposal (key words) + reasons(keywords)。其中关于政策的关键词多半出现在题目以及文章的前两行,而通过一些明显的“信号”也可以轻松找到给出理由的关键词。例如:(Official Guide P213)announcement 关键词位于第一行“increase tuition”,而通过“but itis necessary to increase them now for several reasons”和“we havealso…”可以找到并列关系的两组理由关键词“more students,additionalprofessors”和“laboratoryfacilities”。所以笔记可记做:学费(tuition)↑,学生(students)+,老师(professors)+,实验设备(labfacilities)+(可根据习惯中英符号相结合)。二.怎样“听”? 误区1:对话中的两个人都听 我们都知道在最终的口语表达中只需陈述其中一个人的态度及理由,所以两个说话者的信息都听无疑只会分散精力,并且另一个人所描述的信息也可能会被考生误引入到最后的口语表达中,违背题目要求给出错误信息。 支招:找出主角(leading speaker),只听一人 在听力对话一开始的时候不要着急记笔记,这样很容易无法分清主次。先把两个人的分别一句话听完,基本就可以分清主角和次角,因为,主角往往会持有很强烈的支持或反对态度,确定下主次以后,就可以专注只听一个人并记笔记了。误区2:听力对话考察“听写”能力 有的考生曾经抱怨说自己的笔记都快赶上听力原文了,可是分数却不尽如人意。其实这又是“完美主义”心态在作怪了。考生总是不放心,对话中的每一个细节列举都不放过,结果在口语表达时内容冗长,却依然会遗漏重点信息,而这正是Task3丢分的主要原因之一。托福口语考察的是抓住重点的能力,并不是考生的书写速度。 支招:笔记只需要记主角所给出的态度(赞成/反对)+reasons(key words) 在听力对话中寻找关键信息,快速识别信号词或信号句就显得更为重要,这是听力的必备技巧之一。例如在(Official GuideP214-215),我们可以看到“But I can see why”,“ And the other thing is ”,“I’mdoing OK, but the facilities here are so limited.”这些明显的信号句所引出的关键信息,所以笔记可记为:many students(班级+),hard get personalattention (关注?),not job(工作难),facilities?equipment ?(设备?)out of date(过时) 三.怎样“说”? 误区:语速要快,尤其是在时间快结束时,这样才会多提供信息防止丢分。 考生在时间来不及时慌慌张张讲得飞快,是因为想把笔记中的内容讲完,但在托福考官看来“how clearly and coherentlyyou convey information is as important as how much information youconvey”(表达的清晰与连贯和表达内容的多少是一样重要的),仓促作答一定顾不得清晰与连贯,所以这样的表现往往会失分。 支招:备考时采用“计时录音”的方法进行练习。 如果平时练习时就有时间的概念,那么考试时对口语表达的内容长短就比较有把握了,练习越多,就越胸有成竹。这个


2019年TPO20托福口语Task3原文及参考答案 TPO20口语Task3题目: Energy costs reach sky-high levels Heating prices, and the university’s heating bills, reached record-high levels this year. In an effort to reduce heating costs, the university plans to lower the temperature in all classroom buildings on weekends and on weekdays after five P.M., when the day’s classes have officially ended. Because classes will not be in session at these times, the reduced hear should have no negative impact on students and their studies. The university considers it essential that the cost-saving measures not interfere with student activities. ConversationNow listen to two students discussing the article. Woman: What on earth is the university thinking? Man: Huh? What do you mean? Woman:Well, those buildings aren’t just used for classes. That’s where my evening st udy group usually meets. Man:Oh, of course, that’s true. But you could go to the library instead. Woman: Yeah, but the library only has a few rooms that people can use for group meetings which is why classrooms are so convenient. But now, if it’s wint er and cold, where can we go?


2019年TPO22托福口语Task3原文及参考答案 TPO22口语Task3题目: University Announces Change in Campus Tour Guides Traditionally, staff members from the admissions office have led the campus tours for secondary-school students who are considering attending the university. Beginningnext semester, however, current students will lead these guided walks around the campus instead. “The staff of the admissions office no longer have time to lead the campus tours. We need to focus our resources on our other responsibilities,” explain Christine Tanner, the director of admissions.“Furthermore, we feel that current students will offer unique and valuable insight to our visitors during these campus tours.” Conversation Now listen to two students discussing the article. Man: So, what do you think of this? Woman:Well, I think it’s a good idea, necessary, too. Man: Why is that? Woman:Well, you know, I’ve actually been up to the admissions office a couple of times, like, to pick up some information for a friend, you know, and every time I’ve ever been there, wow, you can tell they’re really busy. Man: Oh, really.

托福口语TPO 解析

托福口语T P O解析 Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】

托福真题第一套 Q1: Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer. 解题思路一:重要性来自于书的内容 TS: General Introduction of the book (Name, author, time you read the book) Give a simple account of the book. Key Word: Important -Interesting: draws you in. -knowledge you have learnt -enlightenment you have gained Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE Sample Response: 3 months ago, I read a book called The Five People You Meet in Heaven written by Mitch Albom. It recounts the life and death of a simple yet dignified old man, Eddie. After dying in a accident trying to save a little girl in an amusement park, Eddie finds himself in heaven where he encounters five people who have significantly affected his life. The 5 lessons Eddie learnt about brotherhood, sacrifice, forgiveness, love and purpose of life have also enlightened me. That book changed my


托福综合口语TASK2各类实用模板分 享 托福口语和写作一样,都是属于需要考生自己组织语言来进行表达输出的考试题型。今天给大家带来了托福综合口语TASK2各类实用模板分享,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 【精选素材】托福综合口语TASK2各类实用模板分享 托福综合口语TASK2备考模版 1、“The school has implemented a new policy that ... due to ... . And the man/woman holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that ... . And the second one is based on the fact that ... .” 2、From the reading material, we know that (the college) is going to ... Obviously, the man/woman in the conversation thinks that this is a great/bad idea, due to the following reasons..

One reason is that……. Another is,……. (万一有时间)So thats all the reasons s/he has to form that opinion. (尽量记,听为主) 3、The man/woman’s opinion about STH is that……. (选择方案型:听选择的原因。1.Firstly, the man/woman states that…….2.And then he/she states that…….) (提出建议型:听建议的利弊。1.Firstly, the man/woman talks about the positive aspect of this issue. He/she states that…….2.On the other hand, the man/man also talks about the negative aspect of this question. He/she points out that…….) 4、阅读引用部分的模版 (1) In the readingmaterial, (2) There is a/anannouncement/message/notice/proposal about ..记下的关键词) (3) The university/college is going to..(稍稍展开下) (4) In the listeningmaterial, two students discussabout the..填入关键词) 听力中人物表达观点的模版:


口语第三题,这部分的考试是基于阅读和听力的基础。具体介绍如下: 形式:阅读+听力+应答 阅读: 时间: 40秒至45秒 阅读内容:校园生活话题(75至100words) (大学的政策,规定或者办事程序,大学的计划,校园设施或校园内生活质量)听力: 时间:60s至80s 内容:话题同阅读,说话者会针对相关话题持鲜明观点,观点分支持反对两种 作答: 依据阅读和听力材料说明学生的观点和学生所给出的理由,考生不需要说明自己的观点!考察的关系:阅读和听力中综合信息的能力:听力必然和阅读相关;答题必须与听力相关,必须清楚听力和阅读之间的关系 时间:准备时间:30s; 陈述时间:60s TIPS:注意逻辑组织:OGP216:开始可以表明说话者的观点 agree or disagree,然后陈述理由。回答尽可能完整。 备考TIPS: 1、阅读的时候要注意记录主题和支撑的观点 2、听力的部分主要记清楚主要人物的观点,以及他支持或反对的理由 3、结构一定要清楚,要用计时软件,多锻炼几次才能在规定时间内把要点说全说清楚。

备考模版: 注:模版只是参考,请同学们自己总结 1、“The school has implemented a new policy that……due to……And the man/woman holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement. The first reason she/he gives is that…… And the second one is based on the fact that……" 2、From the reading material,we know that (the college)is going to……Obviously,the man/woman in the conversation thinks that this is a great/bad idea,due to the following reasons.。 One reason is that…… Another is…… (万一有时间)So that‘s all the reasons s/he has to form that opinion. (尽量记,听为主) 3、The man/woman’s opinion about STH is that…… (选择方案型:听选择的原因。 1.Firstly,the man/woman states that…… 2.And then he/she states that……) (提出建议型:听建议的利弊。 1.Firstly,the man/woman talks about the positive aspect of t his issue. He/she states that…… 2.On the other hand,the man/man also talks about the negative aspect of this question. He/she points out that……) 4、阅读引用部分的模版 (1)In the readingmaterial, (2)There is a/anannouncement/message/notice/proposal about ****(填入记下的关键词) (3)The university/college is going to****(稍稍展开下) (4)In the listeningmaterial,two students discussabout the***(填入关键词) 听力中人物表达观点的模版: (1)The man/woman is against/supporting the*** (2)He or she feels unhappy/less satisfied about***


新托福口语考试Task 1模版 Personally, I would have to say that, um, the person that I admire most / a valuable possession I want to talk about / the place I would most like to go is ______________. And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that, you know, ____________________.What’s more, ____________________. So that’s why ____________________. 新托福口语考试Task 2模版 Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that, um, ____________________.The first reason that I wanna say is that____________________. More importantly, ____________________. So, uh, that’s why I choose ____________________ for the two reasons listed above. 新托福口语考试Task 3模版 The school has implemented a new policy that________________due to ____________________. And the man/woman holds a positive / negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that____________________. And the second one is based on the fact that____________________. Therefore, s/he agrees/disagrees with that opinion. 新托福口语考试Task 4模版 In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory that____________________. To reinforce the theory, the professor gave two examples / reasons in his speech. The first one is that____________________. The other one is that____________________.

托福口语TPO 1解析

托福真题第一套 Q1: Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer. 解题思路一:重要性来自于书的内容 ●TS: General Introduction of the book (Name, author, time you read the book) ●Give a simple account of the book. ●Key Word: Important -Interesting: draws you in. -knowledge you have learnt -enlightenment you have gained ●Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE ●Sample Response: 3 months ago, I read a book called The Five People You Meet in Heaven written by Mitch Albom. It recounts the life and death of a simple yet dignified old man, Eddie. After dying in a accident trying to save a little girl in an amusement park, Eddie finds himself in heaven where he encounters five people who have significantly affected his life. The 5 lessons Eddie learnt about brotherhood, sacrifice, forgiveness, love and purpose of life have also enlightened me. That book changed my attitude towards life and death. It taught me to cherish life more than ever. 解题思路二:重要性来自于书的意义 ●TS: General Introduction of the book (Name of the book, how/where did you get the book) ●Give a simple account of the process of getting the book. ●Key Word: Important -It was a souvenir given by an important person -It was very difficult to get the book (e.g. Limited edition) -You got the book from a special event as a reward. ●Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE ●Sample Response On my book shelf, there is a hard-covered book-Hamlet-that I have been treasured for years.It was given to me as a reward for my progress in Language Arts course by my high school English teacher Mr Cave. In my 10th grade, I developed a special interest in classical literature. I was crazy about Shakespeare’s play despite my weak English foundation/the lack of English proficiency. Over the 2 years, I have studied hard and improved my Language Arts’ grade from a C to an A. Therefore, my Mr Cave gave me this book in my graduation day and told me to keep my interest in classical literature. This book is very significant to me because it has become the motivation for my pursuit in English Literature in University.


托福口语Task3的考试时间及内容 在托福口语考试中,从第三题开始就进入了综合口语的部分。这部分考生除了要用口语表达出来,同时还有阅读和听力的内容,并且时间上也不是太多。考生想要在这部分考生出好的成绩,那么对于托福口语的答题技巧以及考试内容就要有一个清晰的了解,这样才能从容应对题目。下面就跟小编一起来学习一下吧。 》》》点击查看:托福口语评分标准 托福口语第三题阅读: 时间:40秒至45秒 阅读内容:校园生活话题 (75至100words)(大学的政策,规定或者办事程序,大学的计划,校园设施或校园内生活质量)。 托福口语第三题听力: 时间:60s至80s。 内容:话题同阅读,说话者会针对相关话题持鲜明观点,观点分支持反对两种。 托福口语第三题作答: 依据阅读和听力材料说明学生的观点和学生所给出的理由,考生不需要说明自己的观点。 考察的关系:阅读和听力中综合信息的能力:听力必然和阅读相关;答题必须与听力相关,必须清楚听力和阅读之间的关系; 准备时间:30s;陈述时间:60s。 托福口语第三题备考TIPS: 1、阅读的时候要注意记录主题和支撑的观点 2、听力的部分主要记清楚主要人物的观点,以及他支持或反对的理由 3、结构一定要清楚,要用计时软件,多锻炼几次才能在规定时间内把要点说全说清楚。 托福口语第三题备考模版: 注:模版只是参考,请同学们自己总结 1、The school has implemented a new policy that ... due to ... . And the man/woman holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement.


三立教育https://www.360docs.net/doc/537794464.html, 托福口语TASK4实用技巧与模版 托福口语TASK 4是托福综合口语部分的第二道题,包含阅读和听力材料,相比于校园场景的TASK3,更偏学术范畴。为了帮助大家更好的备考这一题型,小站君为各位分享一个简要版托福口语TASK 4的模版和一些实用技巧,希望对大家托福口语提分有帮助。 简要版托福口语第四题模板: In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory that____________________. To reinforce the theory, the professor gave two examples / reasons in his speech. The first one is that____________________. The other one is that____________________. And that’s the two examples / reasons the speaker presented to explain his/her idea. (The conclusion is optional. ) 托福口语第四题技巧考察ablity of combining the main information of the reading with that of what you heared.考察方式就是阅读一篇短文。用文中的主要观点勾勒出文章的梗概,使用梗概对短文。 托福口语第四题技巧 1.Task4并不要求你发表自己的观点,而且也不要求你必须具备听力或者阅读材料中所涉及的相关学术领域的专业知识,只需要合理地结合两部分给出的信息,然后依据这些信息进行充分有效地回答! 2.审题技巧: 带着一个“概念是什么,现象是什么”的问题用35秒看完短文,然后用10S的时间,用2句话总结出短文所介绍的概念或现象(尽量用短文中的词汇)。 听段子的时候,带着“老师用什么例子来进行说明”这个问题去听。要听结构(1+2),还要听例子中涉及到的3个基本要素(实验对象,实验过程,实验结果)。其中,实验过程要详细。 以上就是关于托福口语TASK 4的一些技巧和模版,大家在实际备考中要注意合理应用,按部就班提升自己的托福口语水平。


托福口语:Task3的解题技巧 Task 3 是公告/讨论题,也叫报告题(report)。它包含三个步骤: 首先是阅读电脑屏幕上的一个小段落(长度为75-100词,时间是40-45秒); 然后是听两个人(有时是一个人)讨论阅读中涉及的话题,其中一个人对阅读中的话题表达了强烈的看法; 根据阅读部分与听力部分回答问题:陈述对话中一个人的意见,并阐述这个人持这一意见的理由。 回答的准备时间是30秒,正式回答时间是60秒。阅读段落与听听力时必须做笔记。 准备阶段 与Task 1 和Task 2 (独立任务)有所不同,Task 3 (以及Task 4、Task 5 和Task 6---综合任务)的成败更加取决于笔记的质量。对于Task 3 而言,笔记内容包含阅读小段落的笔记与听力部分的笔记。阅读小段落(回答时不会再出现于屏幕上)的笔记需要边阅读边记,即在阅读时注意其中的要点: 1. 建议(计划或改变)是什么; 2. 建议包含什么内容; 3. 提出建议的两大理由。

对于听力部分,首先要注意的是哪个人对阅读中的建议发表了强烈的看法。如果无法确定,可以大致记一下男女,即记录哪个要点出自哪个人。其次,要记录这个人持这一看法的两大理由。这一点比较好判断,因为这两大理由与阅读中提出建议的两大理由直接相关。 其次,在准备回答时,要弄清楚到底是问对话中哪个人的看法。问男人的看法,还是问女人的看法。这一点马虎不得。 最后,可以在笔记上划出要讲的内容。因为时间关系,可能无法根据笔记另列提纲,可以在笔记上画出问题中所提出的那个人的看法与两大理由。 阅读部分原文: Housing Renovations Planned Over the last ten years, the number of Central College students living on campus in dormitories has decreased by twenty percent in an effort to counteract the trend, the college has announced a plan to renovate its on-campus housing. The renovation will take two years, and the will include improvement to the bathroom, lighting, and heating in the dormitories. “a lot of people are moving off campus because the dorms aren’t in great shape,”explained the college president. “By renovation the dorms, we can make them more appealing than off-campus housing, and more students will choose to remain campus.” 笔记(划线部分是考生要说的内容)


托福口语评分解析 一、Generalization:内容论述方面 对于Generalization方面的评估,考官要求考生的答题内容逻辑清晰,问题回答较为完整,论述较为充分。同时,在论述过程中观点明确;论证有条理。能够在答题过程中注意时间的把控,是论述更为详尽和完整。 二、Topic Development:学术能力方面 对于Topic Development方面的评估,考官更注重考生有没有是否处理好考试中的话题,是否具备讨论与话题相关信息的能力。在口语考试的后面四个Tasks,评估教师还要就考生是否具备对话题的Synthesize和Summarize的能力进行评估。Synthesize 的主要意思是to form by bining parts of elements,考生要做的是根据考试中出现的信息,形成自己对事情的看法。Summarize 的主要意思是to prehensively and briefly abstract the topic, 考生需要做的是全面,简短的总结考试中出现的场景或学术lectures中的要点并能最终表述出来。 三、Delivery:语言表达能力方面 Delivery也就是考生的语言表达能力,也就是主要对于考试在整体表达能力上评估。考生的英语表述是否清楚、流畅,并且在整个口语考试过程之中,在整体上考生的口语的表现是否具备整体上的一致性和可理解性。强调的是一致性指的是:首先是考

生在口语考试的过程中,口语整体的上表现水平。其次是考生在语言层面上对话题的阐述具有一致性。也就是考生的口语具备连贯性和逻辑性。 四、Language Use:用词的准确性 评估教师主要关于语言的准确性方面对考生的回答进行评估,如语法及语言使用准确性方面等等。也就是说在口语的表达过程中,词汇细节部分是否有细小的错误,都是应该要注意的。 攻克托福口语最后四题听力不可忽视 在托福口语的备考过程中,需要考察的不仅仅是个人口语的表达能力。在托福口语的最后四题中,对于听力能力也是有着很大的考验。那么,在关注托福口语最后四题的过程中,我们还应注意哪些问题呢下面就为大家详细分解一下。 用听读材料中的具体信息作答 这其实就是在考查学生是否具备了对先前读到、听到的材料进行快速归纳、总结、融合,然后再用口语复述的能力。很多考生反映,最不适应的题型就是口语先听后说部分。这最不适应反映出了考生对新托福的新题型产生了严重的水土不服。 新托福与旧托福相比较,增加了口语和综合能力测试,对阅读和写作占优势的多数考生来说,新托福放倒一批考生也在情理之中。 切不可忽略了阅读和听力


2019年TPO3托福口语Task3原文及参考答案 TPO3口语Task3题目: Passage Hot Breakfasts Eliminated Beginning next month, Dining Services will no longer serve hot breakfast foods at university dining halls. Instead, students will be offered a wide assortment of cold breakfast items in the morning. These cold breakfast foods, such as breads, fruit, and yogurt, are healthier than many of the hot breakfast items that we will stop serving, so health- conscious students should welcome this change. Students will benefit in another way as well, because limiting the breakfast selection to cold food items will save money and allow us to keep our meal plans affordable. Conversation Now listen to two students discussing the announcement. Woman:Do you believe any of this? It’s ridiculous. Man: What do you mean? It is important to eat healthy foods. Woman: Sure it is! But they are saying a yogurt is better for you than an omelet or than hot cereal? I mean, whether something is hot or cold, that shouldn’t be the issue. Let’s say maybe on a really cold morning, in that case, which is going to be better for you, a bowl of cold cereal or a nice warm omelet? It’s obvious. There’s no question.
