

九年级英语试卷 第1页(共12页)

九年级英语试卷 第2页(共12页)


第I 卷 选择题(共80分)


A )在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的A 、

B 、

C 三幅图画。找

出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。 1.




A. B. C.

B )下面你将听到十组对话,每组对话后都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的

A 、

B 、

C 三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。 5. What’s wrong with the man? A. He has a headache. B. He has a stomachache. C. He has a fever. 6. Which country did the man travel to last month?

A. China.

B. Australia.

C. America.

7. What fruit are they going to take for the picnic? A. Apples. B. Pears.

C. Oranges and strawberries. 8. What does the man think of the lecture?

A. Too long.

B. Helpful but boring.

C. Helpful and interesting. 9. Which bill has just arrived? A. The gas bill. B. The electricity bill. C. The water bill. 10. Where does the conversation most likely take place?

A. In the hospital.

B. In the bus station.

C. In the street.

11. How does Ben keep in touch with his primary school friends?

A. By making phone calls.

B. By going out with them.

C. By sending messages.

12. Where does the dialogue probably take place?

A. In a plane.

B. On a bus.

C. On a train. 13. When is the library open? A. Tuesday morning. B. Friday morning.

C. Saturday Morning. 14. How long will Mary and Joan stay in America altogether?

A. About two weeks.

B. About three weeks.

C. About four weeks.

C )听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C


听下面一段材料,回答第15至第17题。 15. How many languages has the man learned to speak? A. One. B. Two.

C. Three.

16. Why did the man give up Chinese halfway? A. The grammar is too difficult. B. He doesn’t have enough time.

C. The Chinese characters are difficult to practice. 17. Where does the man work? A. In a company.

B. In a school.

C. In a hospital.

听下面一段材料,回答第18至第20题。 18. What is mainly talked about in the passage? A. How to keep healthy. B. How to deal with the problems. C. How to do with hobbies.

九年级英语试卷 第3页(共12页) 九年级英语试卷 第4页(共12页)

19. How can the students organize their time? A. Asking a teacher for advice. B. Making a list of things ahead. C. Sharing the things with parents.

20. What should students do when they are laughed at? A. Be happy and feel comfortable. B. Think about the things that are bad. C. Pay no attention.


从下列每小题所给的ABCD 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 21. —Who is _____ girl reading under the tree?

—She is Liu Mei. She wrote _____ unusual book about the school life. A. a; the

B. the; a

C. the; an

D. a; an

22. —Have you got any _____ on what to do with the old clothes? —Maybe we can send them to the poor people. A. tests

B. suggestions

C. instructions

D. signs

23. Annie won the first prize in the maths competition. She must be proud of _____. A. her

B. himself

C. herself

D. myself

24. He always _____ some excuses for his wrong actions. No one likes him. A. looks up

B. puts up

C. wakes up

D. makes up

25. I didn ’t mean to trouble Mike yesterday. It was pouring with rain so I _____ his offer of a lift.

A. refused

B. accepted

C. allowed

D. treated

26. You _____ cross the road when the traffic lights are red. A. can

B. must

C. needn ’t

D. mustn ’t

27. —I called you just now, but nobody answered. —Oh, I_____ when the bell rang. A. am cooking dinner B. was cooking dinner C. cooked dinner

D. cook dinner

28. This picture _____ by my cousin last year. A. draws

B. drew

C. is drawn

D. was drawn

29. Jane has become much_____ than before. She can express herself in public now. A. brave

B. braver

C. lazy

D. lazier

30. No one can be successful _____ hard work. A. through

B. for

C. without

D. with

31. The traffic signs warn people _____ after drinking. A. to drive

B. not to drive

C. driving

D. don’t drive

32. —What did he ask just now? —He wondered _____.

A. if they would meet at the school gate

B. when would they start

C. that they would take some food

D. how they will get there

33. I ’m going to introduce more friends to Paul _____ he can have more chances to practise his Chinese. A. after

B. while

C. so that

D. as soon as

34. The soup tastes _____ because it ’s too salty. I put salt into it too _____ in a hurry. A. terribly; carefully B. terrible; carefully C. terrible; carelessly

D. terribly; carelessly

35. —I had a pleasant trip last week.


A. Oh, that’s very kind of you

B. I’m glad to hear that

C. Congratulations

D. It’s a pleasure



One evening, I went out for a walk on the path near my house with my husband. On my finger was a very special ring with a diamond (钻石) that my grandmother gave me for my 23rd birthday. At the end of the path, when I looked down at it again and found the diamond was

36 . I started back along the path hurriedly 37 the tiny stone. In my heart, I knew it seemed impossible for me to find it. The path was very long and 38 with leaves. As I sear ched the ground, crying and upset, I met an old lady. “What’s the matter, love ?” She asked

kindly. I 39 about the missing diamond and showed her my ring. She said, “That’s going to be hard to find. Tell me what, love, I walk along this path every da y, I’ll keep my eyes 40 for it.” I thanked her, 41 nothing, but still told her that we sometimes

walked our dog along the path if she might find something.

A few days later, my husband and I met the old lady on the path. “Guess what?” She said , “I found your diamond!” To our 42

, she’d found the tiny stone and was willing to hand

it back to me. “It was lucky that I found it.” When we 43 her with some money for her help, she 44 politely. I was deeply moved. She could have easily kept the diamond, or sold it, for it’s worth several thousand dollars, but she didn’t.

Every time I look at my ring and remind 45 that there’re kind and beautiful hearts in the world. I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to do something like that.

36. A. changing B. missing C. burning D. shining

37. A. looking for B. staring at C. running after D. taking away

38. A. fed B. filled C. covered D. taken

39. A. explained B. asked C. cared D. learned

40. A. active B. small C. close D. open

41. A. getting B. telling C. wondering D. expecting

42. A. attention B. sadness C. chance D. surprise

43. A. gave B. offered C. provided D. showed

44. A. refused B. received C. accepted D. confused

45. A. her B. him C. myself D. herself

四、阅读理解(共30分,每小题2 分)



Recently, I happened to hear a mother and a daughter in their last moments together at the airport as the daughter prepared to leave.

They hugged and the mother said “I love you and I wish you enough.” They kissed and the daughter left.

The mother walked over to the window where I sat. Standing there, I could see she was going to cry. I tried not to disturb her but she welcomed me by asking “Have you ever said goodbye to someone knowing it would be forever?”

“Yes,” I replied. “But may I know why this is the final goodbye?”

“I am ill and she lives so far away. It’s highly possible that the next trip back will be for my funeral(葬礼).” she said.

“When you were saying goodbye, I heard you say ‘I wish you enough’. May I ask what that means?”

“That’s a wish that has been handed down from past generations. My parents used to say it to everyone.” She paused for a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it in detail and she smiled even more.

“When we say ‘I wish you enough’, we want the other person to have a life full of just enough good things to be with them”. Then turning to me, she shared the following:“I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.”

“I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.”

46. Where did the story take place?

A. At the airport.

B. In the street.

C. On the farm.

D. At the bus station.

47. What did the mother mean by saying it was a “forever goodbye”?

A. She will never leave her daughter far away.

B. The goodbye will last forever in their hearts.

C. Her daughter has never said goodbye to her before.

D. She won’t get to see her daughter before her death.

48. Which of the following about “I wish you enough” is TRUE?

A. The woman couldn’t remember the details.

B. The woman’s parents used to say it to others.

C. It is used by children to show their love for their parents.

D. It is a secret wish shared by the woman and her daughter.

49. What do you think of the mother mentioned in the article?

A. Lazy and polite.

B. Rich and weak.

C. Kind and selfless.

D. Careless and kind.

50. What is the article mainly about?

A. How to see somebody off at the airport.

B. How the writer got to know the daughter.

C. How the writer got to know “I wish you enough”.

D. How to start a talk with a person you don’t know.


Four years ago, when Leonora Costi, an Italian photographer from Florence (佛罗伦萨), was reading a local newspaper, she came across an article about an abandoned(舍弃的) 14th-century villa(别墅) not far away. She thought it would be a good place to take photos and decided to go and visit the villa.

Costi was impressed by how dark and quiet the villa was. She started searching for more abandoned villas after her first trip. Sometimes, she searches the Internet; other times, she searches local newspapers to see if anyone is mentioning a villa. She gets information from her


九年级英语试卷 第7页(共12页)

九年级英语试卷 第8页(共12页)

fellow photographers who are interested in abandoned places, too. So far, she has explored more than 50 villas across northern and central Italy and taken many breathtaking photos.

Costi is not just taking photos of abandoned villas for fun. Most of the villas she has v isited were abandoned because their owners couldn’t pay for the high taxes or maintenance (维修) costs. Costi hopes to draw attention to those hidden treasures by taking photos of them so that people who can afford the costs may try to restore(恢复) them. Some villas were recently restored after she shared their photos online. They have got new owners, too.

Costi says it is like traveling back to a moment frozen in time when she enters an abandoned place. She loves the feeling and will continue to discover the b eauty of Italy’s abandoned villas.

51. What impressed Costi most about the first abandoned villa she visited? A. Its darkness and quietness. B. Its quietness and beauty. C. Its darkness and grandness. D. Its beauty and grandness.

52. How does Costi find those abandoned villas? A. She searches the Internet. B. She searches local newspapers.

C. She gets information from other photographers.

D. All of the above.

53. How many villas has Costi visited so far? A. More than 30.

B. More than 40.

C. More than 50.

D. More than 60.

54. Why does Costi take photos of those abandoned villas? A. Because she loves villas. B. Because she wants to have fun.

C. Because her fellow photographers take photos of abandoned places, too.

D. Because she hopes people can restore those villas after seeing their photos. 55. Which of the following statements is Not true? A. Costi is an Italian photographer.

B. The villas Costi has visited are located across southern and central Italy.

C. Some abandoned villas have got new owners.

D. Many people abandoned their villas because they could not afford the high taxes or maintenance costs.


Most people around the world are right-handed. This also seems to be true in history. In 1997, scientists studied works of art made at different times from 1500 B. C. to the 1950s. Most of the people shown in these works are right-handed, so scientists guessed that right-handedness has been common throughout history. Today, only between 10 percent and 15 percent of the world ’s population is left-handed.

Why are there more right-handed people than left-handed ones? Scientists now know that each of a person ’s two hands has its own jobs. For most people, the left hand is used to find things or hold things. The right hand is used to work with things. This is because the two sides of the brain do different kinds of work. The right side of the brain, which makes a person’s hands and eyes work together, controls the left hand. The left side of the brain, which controls the right hand, is the center for thinking and solving problems. These findings explain why many artists are left-handed. Studies have also found that left-handedness is twice as common among artists as among people doing other jobs.

No one really knows what makes a person become right-handed instead of left-handed. Scientists have found that almost 40 percent of people become left-handed because part of their brain was damaged when they were born. However, this doesn ’t happen to everyone, so scientists guess that there must be other reasons why people become left-handed. One idea is that people usually get right-handedness from their parents. If a person does not receive the gene(基因) for right-handedness, he/she may become either right-handed or left-handed according to the chance and the people they work or live with.

Though right-handedness is more common than left-handedness, people no longer think left-handed people are strange or unusual. A long time ago, left-handed children were made to use their right hands like other children, but today most children can choose.

56. After studying works of art made at different times in history, the scientists found _____. A. the history of art began in 1500 B.C.

B. the creation of works of art ended in the 1950s.

C. most people shown in the works of art were right-handed.

D. most people shown in the works of art were left-handed. 57. How many people in the world are left-handed now? A. Less than one sixth of the world’s population. B. More than a half of the world ’s population. C. About 40 percent of the world ’s population. D. Over 50 percent of the world ’

s population.

九年级英语试卷 第9页(共12页) 九年级英语试卷 第10页(共12页)

58. _____ is the center for thinking and solving problems. A. The right side of the brain B. The left side of the brain C. The right hand

D. The left hand

59. According to the passage, which of the following is Not true? A. No one really knows what makes a person become right-handed. B. Left-handed people are cleverer than right-handed people. C. Today children are not made to use their right hands all the time.

D. Scientists think there must be some reasons why people become left-handed. 60. Which could be the best title for this passage? A. Scientists, new inventions. B Left-handed people. C. Which hand.

D. The left brain.

五、补全对话 (共5分,每小题1分)

A: Morning, Tina. Did you enjoy your holiday in the country last week? B: Yes, I really had a lot of fun there. A: Great! 61 B: With some of my friends. A: 62 In a hotel?

B: No. We camped in a mountain village. And we cooked our meals over an open fire. A: Sounds wonderful. How was the weather there?

B: 63 When we took a walk in the countryside, we met some villagers and had tea with them. A: 64

B: Yes. I will bring you some pictures tomorrow. By the way, what did you do last weekend? A: 65

B: Wow, pretty cool. I believe you had a great time, too.

第II 卷 非选择题(共40分)


根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。 66. 收到你的来信太好了,但是恐怕我不能来。

It’s great to _______ _______ you, but I’m afraid I can’t come. 67. 当我们中国人遇到客人时,经常握手和微笑。

We Chinese often _______ _______ and smile when we meet visitors. 68. 我们老师也和我们一起参加训练。

Our teacher also _______ _______ in the training with us. 69. 莉莉又陷入麻烦了。

Lily was _______ _______ again.

70. 为了保护野生动物,政府正在设立许多自然公园。

In order to protect wild animals, the government is_______ _______ lots of nature parks. 七、任务型阅读(共5分,每小题1分)


Teaching computer classes with no computers

A teacher from Ghana (加纳) has received worldwide praise after people saw a photo showing him teaching students how to use Microsoft Word on a blackboard.

Richard Appiah Akoto teaches computer classes at a middle school in rural Ghana. However, there are no computers at the school. To solve the problem, Akoto tries to draw computer screenshots (屏幕截图) onto the blackboard with colored chalk. He spends about 30 minutes making these drawings. He draws every detail and feature (特征) of the software, including all the tools and the scroll bars(滚动条). To make room for the next class, these

drawings are erased when the computer class is over. Therefore, Akoto has to draw new screenshots every time.

Akoto has taught computer class for six years and this is not the first time he has taught his students with drawings on the blackboard. He has taught his students how to turn on and off a computer and create a folder(文件夹) in the same way.

Akoto was happy when one of his students got an “A” in the national exam on computer skills last year. He says he loves his students, and this is why he needs to do everything that will make them understand what he is teaching.

九年级英语试卷 第11页(共12页) 九年级英语试卷 第12页(共12页)

71. Richard Appiah Akoto is _______.

72. Akoto draws computer screenshots on the blackboard because _______. 73. It takes Akoto _______ to make these drawings every time.

74. The first time Akoto taught his students with drawings on the blackboard is that _______. 75. According to the passage, _______ made Akoto happy last year. 八、综合填空(共10分,每小题1分)

阅读下面的短文,根据每个空格中所给的词首字母填入适当的词,使短文意思完整。 It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. It hadn ’t rained in almost a month. The crops were dying. Cows had stopped giving milk. If it didn ’t rain soon, we would l 76 everything. On this day, I witnessed(目睹) a miracle.

I was p 77 lunch when I saw my six-year-old son, Billy, walking very slowly towards the woods. Minutes later he came running out again, towards the house. Soon after, I saw him walking towards the woods again. This went on for an hour. Finally, I walked out of the house and f 78 him quietly.

Billy cupped both hands in front of him as he walked. He was careful not to spill the water he carried. Branches slapped (拍) his face b 79 he kept walking into the woods. Then I saw an a 80 sight. Several large deer stood in front of him. Bill walked r 81 up to them. I saw a tiny baby deer lying on the ground, obviously suffering from heavy loss of water. It lifted its head with great e 82 to drink the water in my boy ’s hands.

When the baby deer drank all the water, Billy ran back to the house. He opened the tap and a small trickle(涓涓细流) came out. He knelt(跪下) on the ground ,letting the drips(水滴) slowly fill up his “cup .”

Now I understood what was going on. The week before, he tried giving water to our horses but I told him not to w 83 water. Now when he stood up and turned around, I was there in front of him. His eyes were f 84 with tears.“I’ m not wasting i t,” he said.

I joined him with a small pot of water from the kitchen. I let him walk to the baby deer a 85 while I stood at the edge of the woods. As tears rolled down my face, they were suddenly joined by another drops … and more drops … as if the sky itself was weeping.


86. 近年来,一些家长为了让孩子取得更加优异的学习成绩,不惜花重金在假期将孩子送


In recent years, some parents have been sending their children to different kinds of training classes during their holidays in order to improve their studies. But as a student myself, I think this may create some problems.

First of all,





第I 卷选择题(共80分)


1~5 BCBAA 6~10 BCCCA 11~15 BCABB 16~20 CABBC


21~25 CBCDB 26~30 DBDBC 31~35 BACCB


36~40 BACAD 41~45 DDCAC

四、阅读理解(共30分,每小题2 分)

46~50 ADBCC 51~55 ADCDB 56~60 CABBC


61~65 BEACG

第II 卷非选择题(共40分)


66. hear from 67. shake hands 68. takes part/took part

69. in trouble 70. setting up


71. a computer teacher (from Ghana)

72. there are no computers at the school

73. about 30 minutes

74. he taught his students how to turn on and off a computer and create a folder

75. one of his students getting an “A” in the national exam on computer skills


76. lose 77. preparing 78. followed 79. but 80. amazing

81. right 82. effort 83. waste 84. filled 85. alone


86. In recent years, some parents have been sending their children to different kinds of training classes during their holidays in order to improve their studies. But as a student myself, I think this may create some problems.

First of all, parents may just waste their money on these classes, because students often feel bored in these classes. The classes focus on subjects that they aren’t interested in.

Secondly, a lot of time is wasted as well. It not only harms students’ normal studies, but also creates a lot of pressure for them.

Lastly, taking so many classes might make students hate studying. They might even want to quit school entirely.

I think we should have enough spare time to relax and do other things that we enjoy, such as playing sports or watching movies.



1. My teacher wears glasses and she has a long hair.

2. Tom often plays the piano in the evening. And he will enter the competition next Friday.

3. Hamburgers are unhealthy food. We shouldn’t eat them.

4. Jim’s father took away the computer from him.



5. W: You look a little pale. Are you OK?

M: I feel terrible. I have a headache.

6. W: I hear you went to visit the Great Wall last month, didn’t you?

M: No, I went to visit the Sydney Opera House.

7. M: What fruit shall we get for the picnic, Lily?

W: Why don’t we get some oranges and strawberries?

M: That sounds good.

8. W: The lecture given by the professor is very helpful to us.

M: I agree. Although it’s a bit long, it’s quite interesting.

9. M: Is that the electricity bill?

W: No. It’s the water bill.

10. W: Next, please!


M: Could you tell me where Dr. Green’s office is?

W: OK! Go straight and turn left. Room A108 is his office.

11.W: How do you keep in touch with your primary school friends, Ben?

M: Compared with making phone calls or chatting online, we prefer going out together now and then.

12.W: Look at that big field of cotton. And there, it’s a beautiful farm!

M: You can always enjoy the view along the wa y when you go by train. It’s nice, isn’t it? 13. W: Hello. The City Library.

M: Yes. What are your hours, please?

W: Monday to Thursday we are open from 8:30 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. and we’re open at 2:00 p. m. on Saturdays and Sundays.

M: You’re closed on Fridays, aren’t you?

W: Yes.

14. W: I have just come back from America.

M: Did you meet Mary and Joan? They’ve gone there on business.

W: Yes, I happened to meet them. They had already stayed there for two weeks when I came back.

M: Are they coming back soon?

W: Yes, they said they would return after a week.

C)听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。


W: Having visited so many different countries, you must be able to speak several different languages.

M: I wish I could, but French and English are the only ones I have ever learned to speak.

W: Have you ever tried Chinese?

M: Yes, but I gave up halfway. The Chinese characters are too difficult to practice.

W: How about Japanese?

M: The Japanese grammar is so difficult.

W: Do you like travelling?

M: No, I don’t , but I have to. I work in the company.


Many teenagers have problems that worry them. Some do not learn their school subject well. Some are good at learning and do well in exams, but they are doing so poorly in sports that their classmates call them bookworms. The good news is that there are some simple ways to deal with these problems.

First, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and doing exercise are very important. How can we be happy if we are not fit?

Secondly, for school work, planning ahead can help. Making a list of things you need to do and planning when to do them can help students organize their time. If you are weak in a subject, studying hard and asking a teacher for advice can help.

Third, students should pay no attention to people who laugh at them. Instead, they should think about the things that are good.

Then students should also make enough time for their hobbies. Playing sports, reading and seeing films also help them feel comfortable.

Finally, it is good for teenagers to share their problems with their friends and parents.

