
Unit 8 Daydream A Little做点白日梦
Do you ever daydream? If so, what do you daydream about?
Are daydreams a waste of time?
Can daydreaming ever lead to fame and fortune?
What do you think is the meaning of the word “daydream”?
Is daydreaming a good thing or a bad thing? Why?
pleasant, dreamlike, thoughts, waking hours;
hostile(敌意的), scold (责备), criticism, a waste of time, an escape from real life/ its duties, meaningless;
do much good to people/useful/ benefits, mental health, relaxation, intellectual growth (智力发展), concentration, achieve the desired goals (实现既定的目标), creativity.

Task 1: Read paragraph 1-3 to answer the questions:
How was daydreaming generally looked upon until recently?
What used to be the common attitude towards night dreaming?
What happens if a person is not allowed to dream in his sleep?
Task 2: Read paragraph 4-7 to find out the benefits of daydreaming and try to
answer the question: In what way were Henry J. Kaiser, Florence
Nightingale and Thomas Edison alike?
Task 3: Read paragraph 8-10 to find out the topic sentence.
Task 4: Read paragraph 11-12 to find out the procedure of creative daydreaming.
Task 5: Read paragraph 13-14 to answer the question:
Is daydreaming all you have to do in order to attain your desired goals?
What difference can daydreaming make if combined with hard work?
Why is it worthwhile to set aside a few minutes each day for daydreaming?
ps:看了一遍貌似没啥重要的 额。随便 看看吧
