

Japan (English: Japan) is the island in the eastern part of Asia, from Hokkaido, honshu, shikoku, and kyushu, four large islands and more than 6900 islands. Japan's name means "sunrise". Japan's population of 120 million, the nation, and family as gm in Japanese language.

Japan is a very pay attention to the etiquette of country, Say "hello" is basically a bow. because the economy developed, where the environment after many years of hard work is very good。

Japan is one of the famous tourist destinations in the world,such as: Mount Fuji, the highest peak in Japan.Tokyo tower: Tokyo tower is the tallest of the Japanese tower, located in the city, built in 1958. It is a replica of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, 333 meters high, the tower as the pyramid, with yellow, white, red three colors.

Japanese people are more serious, serious.the people there quality is high。Japan's festival mainly include national holiday and traditional folk festivals. Compare distinctive episodes and cherry https://www.360docs.net/doc/5510035169.html,ing-of-age day - the second Monday of January 。On this day all young age are dressed up to go to the adult ceremony.Sakura offering - on March 15, march cherry blossoms in full bloom, the Japanese people think cherry

blossom has the elegance, stiffness, delicate and pretty simple and independent spirit. They put the cherry blossoms as a symbol of the industrious, brave and wisdom.




Mount Fuji, the highest peak in Japan.



Tokyo tower: Tokyo tower is the tallest of the Japanese tower, located in the city, built in 1958. It is a replica of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, 333 meters high, the tower as the pyramid, with yellow, white, red three colors.


Jin Ge temple: former secretary saionji purge the villa, built in the 14th century, before the temple in jinghu pool as the center of the garden, luxuriant Jin Ge reflected in jinghu pool, is one of the representative landscape of Kyoto.

阿苏火山:东大寺、严岛神社、平安神宫(祭奉桓武天皇和孝明天皇,京都必游景点之一。)、那智瀑布、清水寺、东寻坊、樱岛、姬路城。Ashu volcano: temple, yan island shrine, peace palace (offering huan wu emperor and xiao Ming emperor, Kyoto must-see attractions.) , nachi waterfall, water temple, east lane, sakura island, himeji city.

成人节—每年一月的第二个星期一 1948年定为国家节日。按日本法律规定:20岁为成年。这一天凡年满20岁的青年都身着盛装去参加成人庆祝仪式。并以这一天为人生的新起点,开始具备履行法律的权利和义务。

Coming-of-age day - the second Monday of January each year as a national holiday in 1948. According to Japanese law: for adult at the age of 20. On this day all young age are dressed up to go to the adult ceremony. And to this day as a new starting point

of life, began to have the legal rights and obligations.


Sakura offering - on March 15, march cherry blossoms in full bloom, the Japanese people think cherry blossom has the elegance, stiffness, delicate and pretty simple and independent spirit. They put the cherry blossoms as a symbol of the industrious, brave and wisdom. Usually people choose to travel at this time in Japan, cherry blossoms, is also a praise of nature, loosen body and mind to a great moment.


『日本文化概論』の試験問題 一、次の_の部分にもっとも適切なものを入れてくだい。 (毎_は2点、全部30点) 1、日本文化の基本的な特徴は_と_。 2、_が『十七条憲法』を発布した。 3、日本は_年に始まる大化の改新をした。 4、平安初期の『三筆』の_、_、_が日本書道史上代表的な人物である。 5、日本は710年に遷都した_も794年に遷都した_も、長安をモデルにして作った都である。 6、_のルソーの『社会契約論』を翻訳、解説した『民約訳解』が広く読まれ、東洋のルソーと呼 ばれた。 7、804年、_が入唐して天台宗を学び、翌年帰国して_を拠点に天台宗を説き広めた。 8、日本陽明学は反体制と_の特色がある。 9、普通、_、伊藤仁斎、_は日本古学派の三人の代表者と見なされている。 二、次のセンテンスを判断し正しいものに○、違っている ものに×をつけなさい。(10点) 1、中国との交流の中で大規模に系統的に中国文化を吸収したのは、推古天皇の時期であった。()

2、日本は隋唐文化を吸収するとき、中国の科挙制も取り入れた。() 3、飛脚は江戸時代信書、金銀、貨物などの送達を業と押してひろめした者。() 4、最澄が天台宗を、空海が真言宗を中国大陸から学び新しい日本的な仏教として広めている。 () 5、江戸幕府が1612年に禁教令を出したけど、明治政府が1873年に禁教令を解いた。()三、次に問題を答えなさい。(30点) 1、日本文化がよく外来文化を吸収し得た理由としていくつかの要因が挙げてください。 2、日本家族内で兄弟の間『本家』と『分家』は中国の兄弟関係と同じですか。 3、日本の年功序列制について自分の考えを書きなさい。 四、論述(30点) 1、日本企業の特色の一つの終身雇用の利弊を述べてください。 2、日本の儒学、中国の儒学とは異なる。認識論の面と論理面から述べてください。


世界各国著名景点名称 ?Asia 亚洲 ?The Himalayas 喜马拉雅山 ?Great Wall, China 中国长城 ?Forbidden City, Beijing, China 北京故宫 ?Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山 ?Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵 ?Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 ?Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛 ?Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠 ?Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙 ?Crocodile Farm, Thailand 泰国北榄鳄鱼湖 ?Pattaya Beach, Thailand 泰国芭堤雅海滩 ?Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 ?Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂 ?Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山 ?Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵 ?Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 ?Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛 ?Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠 ?Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙 ?Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 ?Africa 非洲 ?Suez Canal, Egypt 埃及苏伊士运河 ?Aswan High Dam, Egypt 埃及阿斯旺水坝 ?Pyramids, Egypt 埃及金字塔 ?The Nile, Egypt 埃及尼罗河 ?Nairobi National Park, Kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园?Cape of Good Hope, South Africa 南非好望角


关于日本樱花的唯美句子 本文是关于关于日本樱花的唯美句子,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 关于日本樱花的唯美句子 一到日本,每个角落都可以看见粉红色、白色的樱花树,每隔几米便有一株。在这个樱花盛开的季节,许多地方更成了一个樱花海,当清风吹过,樱花便纷纷散落,像是下了一场纷纷扬扬的小雪。 飘落的樱花仿佛舞着的精灵,划过人的发梢,绕着人的衣角,香了风,也香了人衣裳。校园的樱花开了,那紧锁的心扉,是否还敞开着,按响三月的门铃,樱花微微一笑,将我锁在春雨的季节里。再见樱花,又是在雨中。那日,雨蕴春意,飘飘洒洒,珞珈山也就显得格外的空灵。在樱园,在樱花大道上,满是撑着伞赏花的人。而我却瘦瘦的站在热闹的人群之外,心境如同这雨中的樱花,出奇的宁静与平和。不太久远的梦想。总能在这样的时刻,随着一片片雨,滑过樱花的边际,款步在我灵魂的阡陌。樱花,在纷纷的雨中。雨中的樱花,却在我们不经意的时候,宁静成一种深刻的纪念,是的,在珞珈山的日子,当是我们最幸运的时光,心怀最纯洁的愿望。片片樱花在风中婀娜着,那飘零的红晕依然含情脉脉,此番良景,如若再来上花间一壶酒,便全应了那句咏樱诗了,诗曰:“婀娜拔香拂酒壶,惟有春风独自扶。”三月,正是繁花盛开的季节,所以,就让我们走进三月,一起去赏一赏那最美丽,最有代表性的“花仙子”春天最喜欢的花是樱花。常常在一夜之间,迅猛地开放。突如其来,势不可挡。然后在风中坠落。没有任何留恋。日本人称之为花吹雪。“花如樱美,人若武士威”,日本情怀的春樱花,此时点火蔓延;无论你喜爱含苞欲滴、绽放五分,还是独爱展颜七分、倾力奔放,不容否认,燃烧热切的粉粉樱色,一生终该相见一次。每当临近樱花绽放的时节,走过樱花树下,人们总会满心期待地望望樱树枝头,这变成日本人的春天习俗之一。体会了这般的心情,每当樱花枝头上饱满的花苞绽放吐蕊,或白或粉红的花瓣为街道染上一层新妆的时候,散步在街道上都显的脚步轻松、心情愉快。日本栽植着为数众多的樱花树;处处是让您心神舒畅、悠然忘归的赏樱好地方,赏樱名胜遍布其中。淡淡的月光如从天泻下的水银,肆无忌惮地拥抱着艳艳的樱花,分明是它用过了力,凄艳地还在淌着鲜血。记


武大樱花英文导游词 在武汉许多自然风光和宗教圣地都依山傍水而建,而作为我们武汉当之无愧的最高学府,地处珞珈山下,东湖之畔,蕴育在山水之间,武汉大学无疑是世上最美的校园之一。接下来是为您整理的武大樱花英文导游词,希望对您有所帮助。 Dear friends, we travel today is to go to Wuhan University to see cherry blossoms, so before I first introduce the Wuhan University and the prestigious Wuda sakura. It has already been mentioned to you that Wuhan is a city of water and mountains and rivers. In Wuhan, many natural scenery and religious shrines are built, and as the highest institution of our Wuhan fully deserve, located in Luojia mountain, East Lake lake, breeds in the landscape, the campus of Wuhan University is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful in the world. Apart from the whole scenery, the school itself is also a landscape, which is rarely seen in China. It is first decided by the first class characters. The predecessor of Wuhan University was founded in 1893 the viceroy Zhang Zhidong Ziqiang institute. Renamed as dialect school in 1902, after the revolution of 1911, the northern government established the national Wuchang higher normal school on the basis of dialect school in 1913. Renamed as the national


附件二 图书分类号: 密级: 毕业论文(设计) 日本人与樱花 姓名 学号 专业 指导教师 年月日

摘要 樱花原产自中国,在日本落地生根,因其浓烈绚烂、气势宏大又有骤然凋零的凄美而受到日本人的喜爱。经过近千年的发展,樱花已经融入了日本人生活的点点滴滴,每年樱花花开时节形成的樱前线浪潮更是日本人的一场狂欢。樱花在日本早已不仅仅只是一道风景,更是一种象征乃至一种精神。樱花的集合之美象征着日本国民的团体精神,樱花的凋零之美真是日本武士道精神的完美诠释,也解读了日本人“物哀”的审美意识。花开时,心系团队,绚烂精彩;花落时,果断干脆,作为个体的内敛、作为团体的张扬,这是樱花的性格,也是日本人的民族精神。本文解读了樱花对日本生活和文化的影响,以此来拓展我们对日本美学与文化的认识。 关键词:樱花;日本;文化;精神

目录 引言 (2) 1樱花前线和举国赏樱 (2) 2樱花和社会生活 (3) 3樱花与日本文化 (3) 3.1集体意识 (3) 3.2武士道精神 (4) 3.3“物哀”的审美意识 (5) 结束语 (5) 致谢 (6) 参考文献 (6)

引言 樱花盛开在让人心旷神怡的初春。骤开骤落。因为是一起开放,一树树的樱花像一团团粉红的云,灿烂夺口。凋谢的时候也很壮烈干脆,不污不染。一朵樱花并不起眼,但放眼望去满树的樱花却蔚为壮观,让人感受到的是无与伦比的华丽和迫力。樱花盛开的时候可以沿着樱花前线从九州一直到北海道观赏竞相绽放的樱花。谢世时节,满树的樱花纷纷飘落,像是阵阵花雨,美不胜收,成为日本最独特的风景线[1]。 樱花原产自中国,在日本落地生根,与日本的地理气候、文化风土相吻合,成为成为大和民族的象征,以此日本也被誉为“樱花之国”。樱花对日本人来说是春的象征,日语中的“樱时”,意思就是“春天的时节”。当四月来临,樱花从气温高些的南方向北方逐渐盛开时,真的是“深红浅紫从争发,雪白鹅黄也斗开”,可称得上是“重重叠叠上瑶台,几度呼童扫不开”。日本人对樱花的喜爱有上千年的历史,作为日本国花的樱花,不同于代表日本皇室的菊花,它代表着整个日本民族,体现了日本民族基本的性格特点,深受日本民众的宠爱。应该说全世界没有哪个民族像日本人那样爱樱花,甚至也没有任何国家爱一种植物达到日本人爱樱花一样的痴迷和疯狂。在日本,樱花已经成为一种文化,这种文化是生活,是精神,是信仰。 1樱花前线和举国赏樱 由于地理与气候的原因,每年的3月至6月,樱花从最南端的冲绳,一直开到北海道。最北端的稚内市,樱花盛开季节已经是6月底,比冲绳要晚3个月。把樱花开花时期相同的地区用线连接起来,宛如气象图的前线,所以樱花由南向北开放的锋线被称为樱花前线。在日本一到3月左右,电视、广播电台、报纸等新闻媒体在预报天气的情况的同时,也要发布预测樱花开花的消息。待到樱花烂漫时,人们便迫不急待地倾巢而出,遍赏樱花,乐此而不疲。而几天后,人们又为片片樱花的凋零而惋惜,也会为那落花流水的壮烈之美而心醉。可以说世界上还没有任何一个国家的民族会因为一种花的盛开而举国上下沸腾不已 每年的3月15日至4月15日,是日本政府规定的“樱花节”。每年这个时候,皇室和内阁总理都要在皇家花园奉行盛大的“观樱会”,宴请并表彰各行各业的优秀人士。一般的企事业单位,不管工作多忙,都会放假半天,或提早下班,并为员工们准备好各


日本所有地名的英文(法文同) 东京地区 东京TOKYO 六本木ROPPONGI 新宿SHINJUKU 原宿HARAJUKU 银座GINZA 涩谷SHIBUYA 上野UNEO 池袋IKEBUKURO 浅草ASAKUSA 赤阪AKASAKA 东京附近 日光nikko 热川atagawa 镰仓kamakura 河津kawazu 那须nasu 河津七泷kawazu nanadaru 江之岛enoshima 下田shimoda 热海atami 下贺茂shimogamo 伊东ito 三岛mishima 小室山komuroyama 韭山nirayama 川奈kawana 伊豆长冈izu nagaoka 伊豆高原izu kogen 箱根hakone 一碧湖ippeki 富士山fujiyama 东北地区 青森aomori 松岛matsushima 八甲田山hakkoda-san 牡鹿半岛oshika-hanto 十和田湖towada-ko 山寺yamadear 弘前hirosaki 最上峡mogami-kyo 角馆kakunodate 酒田sakata 田泽湖tazawa-ko 鹤冈tsuruoka 盛冈morika 出羽三山dewa sanzan 八幡平hachimantai 会津若松aizu wakamatsu 平泉hiraizumi 猪苗代inawashiro 仙台sendai 磐梯山bandai-san 秋保温泉akiu onsen 磐梯高原bandai kogen 作并温泉sakunami onsen 喜多方kitakata 本州中部 名古屋nagoya 上高地kamikochi 犬山inuyama 乘鞍高原norikura kogen 明治村meiji-mura 信浓大町shinano omachi 高山takayama 立山黑部tateyama kurobe 古川furukawa 仁科三湖nishina-sanko 长野nagano 白马八方hakuba


日本文化概述 日本独特的地理条件和悠久的历史,孕育了别具一格的日本文化。樱花、和服、俳句与武士、清酒、神道教构成了传统日本的两个方面——菊与刀。在日本有著名的"三道",即日本民间的茶道、花道、书道。 中国传入日本的格斗运动。空手道不使用任何武器、仅使用拳和脚,与其它格斗运动相比,是一种相 当具有实战意义的运动形式。 合气道原来只是一种用于练习“形式”的运动,其基本理念是对于力量不采用力量进行对抗。与柔道和空手道等运动相比,没有粗野感的合气道作为一种精神锻炼和健身运动,很受老年人和女性的欢迎。 书道,提起书法,相信不少人会认为它是中国独有的一门艺术。其实,书法在日本不仅盛行,更是人们修行养性的方式之一。古代日本人称书法叫「入木道」或「笔道」,直到江户时代(十七世纪),才出现「书道」这个名词。在日本,用毛笔写汉字而盛行书法,应当是在佛教传入之后。僧侣和佛教徒模仿中国,用 毛笔抄录经 能剧是日本的传统戏剧,也是世界上现存的最古老的戏剧之一。能剧源于古代舞蹈戏剧形式和12世纪或13世纪在日本的神社和寺院举行的各种节庆戏剧。“能”具有才能或技能的意义。演员通过面部表情和形体动作暗示故事的本质,而不是把它表现出来。现在这一剧种在日本仍具有顽强的生命力。 寿司是以生鱼片【刺身(さしみ)】、生虾、生鱼粉等为原料,配以精白米饭、醋、海鲜、辣根等,捏成饭团后食用的一种食物。寿司的种类很多,不下数百种,各地区的寿司也有不同的特点。大多数是先用米饭加醋调制,再包卷鱼、肉、蛋类,加以紫菜或豆皮。吃生鱼寿司时,饮日本绿茶或清酒,别有一番风 味。 日本文化史 日本文化有无自己的根?回答是肯定的。尽管日本文化在其形成和发展中,始终以到如得的外来文化为媒介,但它毕竟尽有自己的根。日本文化如同一棵树,它的根深扎于日本国的风土上。若究其缘起,则可上溯到公元前数千年的绳纹时代。“绳纹文化与后来的弥生文化、古坟文化,是日本原出文化的三个时期。” 日本历史始于石器的出现,绳纹时代即是日本的石器时代。考古发掘出的那个时期的陶器表面带有丰富多彩的草绳模样,史称绳纹陶器。绳纹陶器历史久远,外观渐趋复杂,花纹日益丰富多彩,说明其时陶器工艺的成熟以及石器加工的发达。尽管当时日本已经处于新石器时代,但因岛国的地理位置,致使当时欧亚大陆的先进文化未能进入日本。绳纹人群居坚穴,仍以捕鱼、狩猎、采集为生,不知农耕。生产力的滞后,亦使其当时社会滞留在母系氏族公社阶段。巫术支配人们的原始社会生活,也支配着人们的精神生 活。 大约在公元前2世纪至公元3世纪,日本历史进入弥生时代。考古学家在东京都文京区弥生町发掘出不同绳纹陶器的新式陶器,史称弥生陶器,史称弥生文化。弥生陶器器形简单,花纹也不繁杂,与绳纹陶器迥然不同,反映出一种新的审美情趣。一般认为,弥生陶器是从海外输入的,即可能是从大陆迁入的民族带去了新的弥生文化。新的文化虽然战胜原有的绳纹文化而成为日本文化的主流,但外来人终被原住居民所同化,日本民族并未因之而断续。弥生时代的生产力有了很大的提高,这是因为先进的大陆文明经由朝鲜半岛传到了日本,促经日本很快进入以稻作农耕经济为主的农耕社会,石器时代进入了铁器时代。弥生人从事农耕,种植粮食,共同劳动逐渐形成大的村落,父系社会制度取代了母系制度,阶级差别、政治支配关系也逐渐形成。当时,自然崇拜和巫术迷信依然支配着人们的精神生活,特别是农耕祭祀活动盛行, 成为弥生文化的一大特征。 从公元三四世纪到六七世纪,以畿内为中心,全国各地建造了许多以前方后圆坟为代表的高冢古坟,标志着日本由弥生文化进入古坟文化的时代。古坟的建筑需要征集大批劳动力,坟内陪葬有镜、剑、勾玉等精致工艺品,象征着死者生前拥有强大权力。这与一般民众死后的简易安葬形成鲜明对照,说明强大的专制集权已经形成,即以畿内为中心的大和国终于在5世纪初统一了日本。这个时期,日本从大陆不仅源源不断地输入物质文明,而且开始导入大陆的精神文明。一方面,移居日本的汉人和朝鲜人即所谓“归化人”


世界各国著名景点名称 Asia 亚洲 The Himalayas 喜马拉雅山 Great Wall, China 中国长城 Forbidden City, Beijing, China 北京故宫 Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山 Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵 Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛 Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙 Crocodile Farm, Thailand 泰国北榄鳄鱼湖 Pattaya Beach, Thailand 泰国芭堤雅海滩Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山 Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵 Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛 Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙 Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 Africa 非洲 Suez Canal, Egypt 埃及苏伊士运河 Aswan High Dam, Egypt 埃及阿斯旺水坝Pyramids, Egypt 埃及金字塔 The Nile, Egypt 埃及尼罗河 Nairobi National Park, Kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园 Cape of Good Hope, South Africa 南非好望角Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠


日本文化概况复习资料 一、日本的地理 1.日本位为亚洲大陆东边,被太平洋所包围。和大陆之间由浅的大陆架连接。主要由北海道,本州,四国,九州组成。 2.★日本所处的位置不会卷入大陆的政治变动中,相反具有吸收大陆文化的有利地形。因此日本建国以来即保持固有的文化,又吸收外来文化融合成自己独有的文化。 3.日本国土面积:38万平方公里。人口:1亿2628万人。人口多分布在太平洋沿海平原。人口在100万人以上的城市有11个。 4.东京总人口:1158万人,位居世界第5位。东京位于日本中部。平均气温:1 5.3摄氏度。 5.★日本列岛位于环太平洋上,火山活动也很活跃。所以经常发生地震。 6.日本两大地震:1923年关东大地震。1995年阪神大地震。 7.★日本气候温暖,各地域温差很大,四季变化明显。由于这种气候特征造成夏秋季雨和台风都很大。 8.日本阿尔卑斯山位于本州的中部,高3000米(最高的山是富士山3776米)。日本有60个活火山。 9.日本人喜欢的话是樱花。樱花季节从冲绳开始北上。因此如果北上旅行的话三个月都可以观赏到樱花。 10.日本的主要道路分为:国道,都道府县道,高速汽车道,市町村道。 11.日本的国土按照地方分为:北海道,东北,关东,中部,近畿,中国,四国,九州,冲绳。 日本按照行政分为:1都,1道,2府,43个县。 二,日本历史 12. 日本历史时代可以划分为古代、中世、近世、近代 古代:(一万年前—纪元后11世纪):绳文时代,弥生时代,古坟时代,奈良时代,平安时代。 中世:(12世纪—16世纪):镰仓时代,室町时代, 近世:(16世纪—-19世纪):安土/桃山时代,江户时代 近代:(19世纪后半—1945年) 13.绳文时代,人们居住在竖穴中,大多以捕猎,打鱼,采集为生。 14.三世纪开始种稻子。中稻技术对农耕社会产生了生产增长,产生贫富差距,农村共同体变为政治集团,划时代的社会变化。 15. 弥生时代使用种稻和金属器使用技术。 16. 在4世纪中期左右产生了大和政权。 17. 日本历史上4世纪中期左右第一次发动了对外侵略。 18. 前方后圆坟:古坟的一种。后面是圆形前方是方形。后面圆中是埋葬遗


SAKURA Cherry blossoms are indigenous to many East Asian states including Japan, Korea, and China. Japan has a wide variety of cherry blossoms: well over 200 cultivars can be found there. Flower viewing "Hanami"花見is the Japanese traditional custom of enjoying the beauty of flowers, "flower" in this case almost always meaning cherry blossoms or ume blossoms. From the end of March to early May, sakura bloom all over Japan. The blossom forecast (桜前線, sakurazensen, literally cherry blossom front) is announced each year by the weather bureau, and is watched carefully by those planning hanami as the blossoms only last a week or two. In modern-day Japan, hanami mostly consists of having an outdoor party beneath the sakura during daytime or at night. Hanami at night is called yozakura (夜桜, literally night sakura). In many places such as Ueno Park temporary paper lanterns are hung for the purpose of yozakura. A more ancient form of hanami also exists in Japan, which is enjoying the plum blossoms (梅ume) instead. This kind of hanami is popular among older people, because they are more calm than the sakura parties, which usually involve younger people and can sometimes be very crowded and noisy. History The practice of hanami is many centuries old. The custom is said to have started during the Nara Period (710–794) when it was ume(梅:うめ) blossoms that people admired in the beginning. But by the Heian Period (794–1185), sakura came to attract more attention and hanami was synonymous with sakura. From then on, in tanka and haiku, "flowers" meant "sakura." Hanami was first used as a term analogous to cherry blossom viewing in the Heian era novel Tale of Genji. Whilst a wisteria viewing party was also described, from this point on the terms "hanami" and "flower party" were only used to describe cherry blossom viewing. Sakura originally was used to divine that year's harvest as well as announce the rice-planting season. People believed in kami inside the trees and made offerings. Afterwards, they partook of the offering with sake. Emperor Saga of the Heian Period adopted this practice, and held flower-viewing parties with sake and feasts underneath the blossoming boughs of sakura trees in the Imperial Court in Kyoto. Poems would be written praising the delicate flowers, which were seen as a metaphor for life itself, luminous and beautiful yet fleeting and ephemeral. This was said to be the origin of hanami in Japan. The custom was originally limited to the elite of the Imperial Court, but soon spread to samurai society and, by the Edo period, to the common people as well. Tokugawa Yoshimune planted areas of cherry blossom trees to encourage this. Under the sakura trees, people had lunch and drank sake in cheerful feasts. Today, the Japanese people continue the tradition of hanami, gathering in great numbers


日本一到春天,即变成一个樱花世界。虽说樱花年年开,没有多大惊喜,不过当置身在一片粉红花海之中,载歌载舞又饮又食时,的确是乐趣无穷,难怪日本人对于“花见”(赏樱)总是乐此不疲。日本是狭长的岛国,南北气候差异很大,樱花由温暖的日本列岛南端向北方依次开放,樱花开放犹如锋面雨,因此形成一条由南向北推进的“樱花前线”。 英语美文:It may surprise you to read this, but I do not actually miss living in Japan that much generally, except for my family and the food. My home territory there is the greater Tokyo area, and while Tokyo is a great metropolis, it’s also unbearably congested and you are living on top of other people all the time. To borrow a term used for another place in the world, generally speaking it’s a nice place to visit, but I’m not sure (given a choice) that I’d want to live there. But there are certain times of the year when I do wish I were there, and right now is one of them. It’s cherry blossom time. Cherry blossom trees are so ubiquitous all throughout Japan, that they are used as an official measure of the changing of seasons. There is something called the sakura zensen or the cherry blossom front, which tracks the blossoming time of cherry trees thr oughout the country. (It’s so official that it even appears in elementary school geography books along with other weather maps.) One thing that Japanese people repeat all the time is that Japan is unique because it has four distinct seasons. The implication is that no other place on earth does! This isn’t quite true of course, but I do think that the Japanese culture has a deep appreciation for the changes of the seasons. One of these appreciative rituals is o-hanami or hanami. Groups of people congregate on mats under the most picturesque clumps of cherry blossom trees with bento lunches and have a good party. A lot of sake is usually involved. Since certain places in Tokyo are so popular for o-hanami gatherings, it is traditionally the job of the lowliest grunt in the office to go out early in the morning to the place where his bosses want to party later on that evening with a mat and stake out a choice spot under the trees. He’d then have to sit there all day. Families go out for o-hanami too, sans the sake usually, though there might be a small bottle or two (or beer) for Dad. Mom would wake up early to make lots and lots of onigiri, and the whole family sets off in their car or on the train to appreciate the blossoms. Eating cherry blossoms and leaves The trees that produce those beautiful pink flowers are different from the ones that produce cherries, but in Japan parts of the flowering tree are still eaten. The leaves are salted and wrapped around a mochi that is dyed a pale pink; this sweet is called sakuramochi. This is one of my favorite wagashi (traditional Japanese sweets) because the subtle salty-sourness of the pickled cherry leaves counteracts the sweetness nicely. The flowers themselves are eaten too, salted and pickled in clear


日本文化概览感想 TYYGROUP system office room 【TYYUA16H-TYY-TYYYUA8Q8-

日本文化概览课程感想 我在大三第一学期幸运地选上了日本文化概览这门课程,三年来上了许多的人文通识课程,像这样内容新颖、形式多样、气氛愉悦的课却不多。在今年能够选到这门课,我感到非常幸运和期待。 日本中心给人感觉是一幢很古朴幽静的小楼,进门需要换鞋,室内布置干净,就像日本文化给人的感觉简单也富有内涵,追求返朴归真。一学期的课程包含了日本文化的各个方面,包括日本大学、和食、旅游、产业等,都富有鲜明的日本民族特色。并且文化课程的每个授课老师都非常地尽职尽责,有自己独特的风格,比如茶道课的老师优雅从容端庄有礼,福岛旅游业宣传的老师风趣幽默充满热情。茶道体验和包装文化都让我们亲身实践学习,感觉特别新颖有趣。每节课的内容都很丰富且富有日本特色,而最让我印象深刻的还是茶道体验课。 日本茶道是在日本一种仪式化的、为客人奉茶之事,原称为“茶汤”。茶道规矩用具都非常的繁琐,在日本茶道中,客人和主人都按照特定的步骤和规矩办事,茶具、动作、火候、衣着要求都十分严格,日本茶道的精神还延伸囊括到茶室内外的布置,书画品鉴及饮茶的陶器,都是茶道的重点。老师演示时身着日本传统和服,在茶室中为我们做示范。待我们入座后,老师煮开水、取茶粉、冲茶,依次为我们奉上茶点。而学生必须按规定女生跪坐,男生盘腿,恭敬接茶后轻品慢饮,茶味清香、微苦,一饮而尽,唇齿

留香。整个过程中,无论是老师还是茶道志愿者,她们的每一个动作,每一道程序都是端庄而不失亲切,有条不紊十分优雅有礼,并热情地让我们免费品尝了和果子。我觉得日本茶道这种从容的气质很值得我们欣赏学习。在如今的快节奏生活状态下,更要培养一种从容的气质,不管在何种场合,如果能够保持从容不迫、顺应自然的态度,那面任何事情都能应付自如。我觉得老师教给我们的不仅日本的文化知识,更加用自身行动为我们展示了日本传统人文素养。 日本产业对于细节的讲究在产品包装课上让我深有体会,日本企业文化是一种精神,是他们在长期的经营活动中形成的。无论是纸质的优良,毛边的处理还是丝带的系法都精确到毫厘,老师们也都耐心的为我们解释、示范,一对一地教学。每一步都注重细节处理,让人感觉他们是真正的为顾客考虑,处处讲究细致却又节俭,不会浪费用料。反观现在我们周围的一些铺张浪费、偷工减料现象,他们真的是有值得我们学习的地方。 通过这次日本文化概览课的学习,获得了许多有意义的收获,多了解一下各个国家的风土人情,拓宽一些知识面,也对提高自身素养有所帮助。我想此次的学习知识初步触及了日本文化的冰山一角,也让我对日本文化产生了浓厚的兴趣,希望以后能有机会去到日本旅游,进一步亲身感受日本文化。


Fujiyama “Mountain are the beginning and the end of all natural scenery.”------John Ruskin(British author) Exactly, Wherever you appreciate the natural scenery, you would not get the wonderful scenery if there were no mountains.Today, I will introduce a famous mountain to you, it is Fujiyama in Japan. Fujiyama is the highest mountain in japan. It also is a volcano and it has never erupted since 1707, but it also has low percentage to erupt. There are hundreds and thousands kind plants on the mountains. The summit of Fujiyama has always been covered by ice. So we could not travel there all year. If you want to go there, you ought to plan the time in July or August. Do you know that Fujiyama could be impacted by time and climate then it would emerge different scenery? When the sun rise and full, the summit looks like s big diamond to shine. There are also some another reasons to let Japanese have been respecting Fujiyama very much. At 22nd June 2013, it was selected to the World Heritage List in Phnom Penh. I think people should visit Fujiyama at least once in their lifetime. It is a really beautiful place fabulously.

美国与日本动漫的特征 英文介绍

Part.1 AMERICAN ANIMATED FILM On American animated film, I want to talk about its typical example—Disney. Today’s Disney cartoon remains its precious advantages and becomes more mature. They usually have following features First, they usually have complicated plots and profound purport. Second, they mostly end with happy ending, which cater to the needs of the audience. They are almost without any violent and bloody scene as well. Above all, the contents do conform to moral norms. Character is one of the most important elements of the animated film, Disney Company is good at figures design. Characters are lively and imaginative. People in cartoons are close to reality, as animals or m onsters are exaggerated, lovely and interesting. According to this, Disney has succeeded in making many classic animated stars. Music is also a highlight in the film. It sounds beautiful and infectious. In addition to what has been mentioned above, high digital technology should not be ignored. Americans use their advantage of high-tech to make the image more and more perfect. Part2. JAPANESE ANIMATION Now we turn to Japanese animation. Japanese animation has clear categories for different ages, children teenagers or adults. Here we mainly say something about animations which close to us. Japanese animations are mostly adapted from comics. Similar to American animated film, Japanese animation also has fine images and good characters. And its characters’ information is more detailed. We can know
