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By Patrick Kingsland

Lloyd’s Register has developed a Virtual Reality (VR) Safety Simulator to help support training and knowledge transfer in the energy industry and illustrate the need for a continued focus on safety and risk assessment. Patrick Kingsland spoke to LR’s VP of Marketing and Communications, Peter Richards and Global Academy Training Manager, Luis De La Fuente, about how it works.

劳埃德船级社刚刚生产了一款VR安全模拟器来帮助能源工业的人才培训以及知识传送并且来例证在安全和风险评估方面的持续的关注点的需要,Patrick Kingsland对LR的市场与协商部的副总裁Peter Richards,全球学院的培训经理Luis De La Fuente进行了采访,来调查这个机器是怎样进行工作的

Patrick Kingsland: What are the key challenges the offshore industry faces today in terms of safety training?


Luis De La Fuente: The oil and gas industry is very cyclical. During downturns you have skilled people leaving and companies can be left with a knowledge gap with only a handful of experienced people. Challenging times often result in less training as training budgets get reduced or are transferred elsewhere. During boom periods you often get a sudden influx of new talent who are often less experienced. And some of the more skilled personnel who were let go during the downturn leave the industry and decide not to come back. This means you lose quite a bit of hands-on knowledge and experience. For us, the whole goal is to work out how to reduce that learning gap, and get a person to a competent, senior level in as short amount of time as possible.

Luis De La Fuente:油气行业发展具有明显的周期性,当产业处于低迷期时,经验丰富的员工离开了,之后公司可能面临着只有几个有经验员工的困境,即出现了知识鸿沟,艰难的时期由于培训经费的下降或挪用将会导致更少的(知识技能)培训。在行业的黄金时期,公司常常会有一批知识丰富但是缺乏经验的员工的涌入,并且那些在行业低迷期弃你而去的部分有经验的员工将会决定离开这个行业并且不再回来。这就意味着你的公司失去了一大批实打实的知识和经验储备。对于我们来说,我们的整体目标是弄明白怎样减小知识鸿沟,并且在尽可能短的时间里培养出有足够能力的能力更上一层的员工。

PK: How could virtual reality help reduce that learning gap in your opinion?


LF: Well one good way is to introduce as much theory as possible so that when staff get onto the job sites they are familiar with what they are doing. But you still have a gap there between theory and practice. With VR we can bring some of that hands-on practical experience into the classroom without necessarily having to put guys out there where it’s more dangerous.


Peter Richards:It’s about making the training environment more immersive so that you can really start to understand the potential hazards you are going to be exposed to. VR also provokes a reaction from individuals on the implication their actions will have in an offsho re environment. And because it’s interactive people are coming away from our VR experience and actually talking about safety training in a positive way. Bear in mind this is not a subject that generally generates that level of enthusiasm.

Peter Richards:VR设备让培训环境更加庞大,这样你可以真正开始理解你将要面临的潜在危险。VR也能引起人们的反应,让他们产生自己的行为将在一个海上施工环境当中进行。并且因为那些参与过VR培训的人将要远离自己的VR经验(并转化为实际经验),然后真正能肯定地说出安全培训的具体内容。(他们就会)将这项工作并不是逐渐使人产生激情(这一事实)牢记在心。

PK: How has VR technology improved over the past few years and where did you look for inspiration?


PR:I think we’re now at a stage where VR is at a tipping point. The technology has got a lot better and the cost has come down. It’s more viable to look at it as a realistic mainstream application as opposed to where I think we were four years ago when everybody was talking about virtual reality but it was really just an overgrown 3D video.
