

2-1Old macdonald’s letter farm

Old macdonaled had a farm,ABCDE

Letters,letters in the hay FGHIJ


Pigs and ducks and bumblebess


ABCDEFG,letters I can sing

HIJKLMN ,soon I’ll learn to read


Learn your letter names with me

The animals like to read

Cows and horse in their stalls sing their letter names Chichens clunk the alphabet-learning is their game From ABC to XYZ learn them and you’ll succeed

Old macdonald guarantees-learning is the key

Old macdonaled had a farm,ABCDE

Letters,letters in the hay FGHIJ


Pigs and ducks and bumblebess


2-2 Ten in the bed

There were ten in the bed and the little on said

Roll over roll over

So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were nine in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll over

So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were eight in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll over

So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were seven in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll over

So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were six in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll over

So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were five in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll over

So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were four in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll over

So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were three in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll over

So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were two in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll over

So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were one in the bed and the little on said

Roll over roll over

Good night

2-3 Five little skunks

Five little skunks went out with me on a picnic one fine day.

We were looking for a shadyspot to eat and a nice little place to play.

But,when I saw people running and I looked around, I was quite surprised to see-

There were only four little skunks walking along with me.

One, Two, Three, four....

Four little skunks went out with me on a picnic one fine day.

We were looking for a shadyspot to eat and a nice little place to play.

But,when I saw people running and I looked around, I was quite surprised to see-

There were only three little skunks walking along with me.

One, Two, Three, oh.....

Three little skunks went out with me on a picnic one fine day.

We were looking for a shadyspot to eat and a nice little place to play.

But,when I saw people running and I looked around, I was quite surprised to see-

There were only two little skunks walking along with me.

One, Two, oh, oh.....

Two little skunks went out with me on a picnic one fine day.

We were looking for a shadyspot to eat and a nice little place to play.

But,when I saw people running and I looked around, I was quite surprised to see-

There was only one little skunks walking along with me.

One, oh, oh, oh.....

One little skunk went out with me on a picnic one fine day.

We were looking for a shady spot to eat and a nice little place to play.

But,when I saw people running and I looked around, I was quite surprised to see-

There were no more little skunks walking along with me.

There were no more little skunks walking along with me.

Well, now, the people were gone ad the park was empty.

It was quite a sight to see.

The five little skunks-they had disappeared.

There was no one left but me.

But, then I heard a funny noise and when I looked around, much to my surprise- five little skunks were standing there right before my very eyes! One, two, three,four, five little skunks went out with me on a picnic one fine day.

We were looking for a shady spot to eat and a nice little place to play.

Well, we found a shady spot and we all sat down underneath a big old tree. And we had a picnic that day, the five little skunks and me!

And we had a picnic that day, the five little skunks and me!

2-4 The farmer in the dell

The farmer in the dell(dell: 有树木的小谷地)

The farmer in the dell

Hi-ho, the derry-o(derry:民谣,歌谣)

The farmer in the dell

The farmer takes a wife

The farmer takes a wife

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The farmer takes a wife

The wife takes a child

The wife takes a child

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The wife takes a child

The child takes the dog

The child takes the dog

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The child takes the dog

The dog takes the cats

The dog takes the cats

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The dog takes the cats

The cat takes the rats

The cat takes the rats

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The cat takes the rats(rat: 鼠)

The farmer in the dell

The farmer in the dell

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The farmer in the dell

The farmer takes a wife

The farmer takes a wife

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The farmer takes a wife

2-5 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS On the first day of Christmas My true love gave to me:

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the second day of Christmas My true love gave to me:

Two turtle doves and

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the third day of Christmas

My true love gave to me:

Three french hens

Two turtle doves and

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the forth day of Christmas

My true love gave to me:

Four calling birds

Three french hens

Two turtle doves and

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the fifth day of Christmas

My true love gave to me:

Five golden rings

Four calling birds

Three french hens

Two turtle doves and

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the sixth day of Christmas, My true love gave to me:

Six geese a-laying

Five golden rings

Four calling birds

Three french hens

Two turtle doves and

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the seventh day of Christmas, My true love gave to me:

Seven swans a-swimming

Five golden rings

Four calling birds

Three french hens

Two turtle doves and

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the eight day of Christmas, My true love gave to me: Eight maids a-milking

Seven swans a-swimming

Six geese a-laying

Five golden rings

Four calling birds

Three french hens

Two turtle doves and

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the ninth day of Christmas, My true love gave to me:

Nine ladies dancing

Eight maids a-milking

Seven swans a-swimming

Six geese a-laying

Five golden rings

Four calling birds

Three french hens

Two turtle doves and

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the tenth day of Christmas, My true love gave to me:

Ten lords a-leaping

Eight maids a-milking

Seven swans a-swimming

Six geese a-laying

Five golden rings

Four calling birds

Three french hens

Two turtle doves and

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the eleventh day of Christmas, My true love gave to me:

Eleven pipers piping

Ten lords a-leaping

Nine ladies dancing

Eight maids a-milking

Seven swans a-swimming

Six geese a-laying

Five golden rings

Four calling birds

Three french hens

Two turtle doves and

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the Twelfth day of Christmas, My true love gave to me:

Twelve drummers drumming Eleven pipers piping

Ten lords a-leaping

Nine ladies dancing

Eight maids a-milking

Seven swans a-swimming

Six geese a-laying

Five golden rings

Four calling birds

Three french hens

Two turtle doves

and a partridge in a pear tree.

2-6 Up on the house top

Up on the housetop reindeer pause, out jumps good old Santa Claus.

Down through the chimney with lots of toys, all for the little ones, Christmas joys!

Ho! Ho! Ho! Who wouldn’t go?

Ho! Ho! Ho! Who wouldn’t go?

Up on the housetop, click,click,click,down through the chimney with good Saint Nick!

First comes the stocking of little Nell.

Oh,dear Santa, fill it well.

Give her a dolly that laughs and cries, one that can open and shut its eyes! Ho! Ho! Ho! Who wouldn’t go?

Ho! Ho! Ho! Who wouldn’t go?

Up on the housetop, click,click,click,down through the chimney with good Saint Nick!

Look in the stocking of little will.

Oh, just see what a glorious fill!

Here is a hammer with lots of tacks,

Whistle and ball anda whip that cracks!

Ho! Ho! Ho! Who wouldn’t go?

Ho! Ho! Ho! Who wouldn’t go?

Up on the housetop, click,click,click,down through the chimney with good Saint

2-7 Five trick-or-treaters

Five Little children went Trick-or-Treating one night.

The first one said, “I’ll lead and shine my light.”

The third one said, “I think I’d like to run.”

The fourth one said, “Wait up. I’m coming too!”

So five Trick-or-Treaters went to the door and yelled...


2-8 When I go trick or treating

When I go out to trick-or-treat, I take my dad with me.

Far when I hear the screams and moans next to my dad I’ll be.

The ghosts and pumpkins I like best with their friendly eyes.

The withces on their broomsticks give me a real surprise.

But dad is always there to say.. “It’s just Halloween Fun.”

Until we saw Miss McFearsome’s house...and we both decided to run!


关于未闻花名的唯美句子 关于未闻花名的唯美句子 愿时光能缓。愿故人不散 花就算凋零了只剩下淡淡的香味,也会向着太阳散发出香气。 就像木炭本是木头变来的,虽然变了样子,不过一想起以前是木头是就会燃烧起来哦。 某一天你会出现在我梦里看不见。你的心里无尽思念花瓣若隐若现。我会怕慢慢走进那一瞬间。但花尽飘零散尽又不见。 某一天在梦里梦见月光下的地点。你的影子盘旋在我身边。我思念花与泪的那一瞬间。在不知不觉消失你眼前。 “芽间,找到你了!”“芽间……被找到了呢” 我祈祷,当我热泪盈眶时,仍能遇见你。 面码:我的愿望是看见会哭的你,后渐渐离开 躲避在那无人街角的烛光。在辉映梦里抓不住的那一瞬间。有谁会知道你在哪里遇见它摘起抚过面。月光倒影湖面上的侧脸。你仿佛倒影在我脑海容入心田。轻轻看见你的眼中划过泪随着风已成线。啊多希望你的眼泪诉说着你的心里一直都在牵挂。啊多希望你的眼泪变成花伴随着她。花瓣飞成画泪水在牵挂蝴蝶在传达。诉说着梦的点点。心那样近魂牵梦萦却海角天边。 雾霾会遮住你前进的方向,只见你的双手在你眼前摆动。你停住了脚步,不再寻找,说明你已经哭了。 某一天在梦里梦见月光下的地点。你的影子盘旋在我身

边。我思念花与泪的那一瞬间在不知不觉消失你眼前。某一天你会出现在我梦里看不见。你的心里无尽思念花瓣若隐若现。我会怕慢慢走近那一瞬间但花自飘零散尽又不见。花在飞舞中泪却在缠绵。花在飞舞中泪却涧成线。 某一天你会出现在我梦里看不见。你的心里无尽思念花瓣若隐若现。我会怕慢慢走近那一瞬间。但花自飘零散尽又不见。花在飞舞中泪却在缠绵。花舞花落泪花哭花瓣飞花开为谁谢。为你身不由己为你舍弃回忆泪水滴花瓣在飞你的心在何方。花不停飞舞问问我的心思念着吗。


倚殿阴森奇树双 yi2 din6 yem1 sem1 kéi4 xu6 sêng1 明珠万颗映花黄 ming4 ju1 man6 fo2 ying2 fa1 wong4 如此断肠花烛夜 yu4 qi2 dün6 cêng4 fa1 zug1 yé6 不须侍女伴身旁下去 bed1 sêu1 xi6 nêu5 bun6 sen1 pong4 ha6 hêu3 落花满天蔽月光借一杯附荐凤台上 log6 fa1 mun5 tin1 bei3 yud6 gwong1 zé3 yed1 bui1 fu6 jin3 fung6 toi4 sêng56 帝女花带泪上香愿丧生回谢爹娘 dei3 nêu5 fa1 dai3 lêu6 sêng56 hêng1 yun6 song1/song3 seng1/sang1 wui4 zé6 dé1 nêng4 偷偷看偷偷望佢带泪带泪暗悲伤 teo1 teo1 hon3 teo1 teo1 mong6 kêu5 dai3 lêu6 dai3 lêu6 em3 béi1 sêng1 我半带惊惶怕驸马惜鸾凤配 ngo5 bun3 dai3 ging1 wong4 pa3 駙ma5 xig1 lün4 fung6 pui3 不甘殉爱伴我临泉壤 bed1 gem1 sên1 oi3 bun6 ngo5 lem4 qun4 yêng6 寸心盼望能同合葬鸳鸯侣相偎傍 qun3 sem1 pan3 mong6 neng4 tung4 heb6 zong3 yun1 yêng1 lêu5 sêng13 wui1 bong6 泉台上再设新房 qun4 toi4 sêng56 zoi3 qid3 sen1 fong4 地府阴司里再觅那平阳门巷 déi6 fu2 yem1 xi1 lêu5 zoi3 mig6 na5 ping4 yêng4 mun4 hong6/hong2 唉惜花者甘殉葬 ei1 xig1 fa1 zé2 gem1 sên1 zong3 花烛夜难为驸马饮砒霜 fa1 zug1 yé6 nan6 wei46 駙ma5 yem2 péi1 sêng1 江山悲灾劫感先帝恩千丈 gong1 san1 béi1 zoi1 gib3 gem2 xin1 dei3 yen1 qin1 zêng6 与妻双双叩问帝安 yu5 cei1 sêng1 sêng1 keo3 men6 dei3 on1 唉盼得花烛共谐白发 ei1 pan3 deg1 fa1 zug1 gung6 hai4 bag6 fad3 谁个愿看花烛翻血浪 sêu4 go3 yun6 hon3 fa1 zug1 fan1 hüd3 long6 唉我误君累你同埋蒘网 ei1 ngo5 ng6 gwen1 lêu5 néi5 tung4 mai4 蒘mong5 好应尽礼揖花烛深深拜 hou2 ying13 zên6 lei5 yeb1 fa1 zug1 sem1 sem1 bai3 再合卺交杯墓穴作新房 zoi3 heb6 巹gao1 bui1 mou6 yud6 zog3 sen1 fong4 待千秋歌赞注驸马在灵牌上 doi6 qin1 ceo1 go1 zan3 ju3 駙ma5 zoi6 ling4 pai4 sêng56


《捧一束鲜花献给你》教学设计 课题《捧一束鲜花献给你》 课型:新授唱歌课 课时:第一课时 教具:录音机、钢琴 设计思路:通过谈话跟学生联络感情,通过节奏练习解决难点,使歌曲能顺利地掌握。 教材分析:《捧一束鲜花献给你》创作于1999年,作品表达了老师的感激之情。要求学生运用已有的音乐知识分析音乐作品的特点,设计不同的演唱方式。通过深情的歌声表达对教师的感激之情。 【教学内容】 唱歌《捧一束鲜花献给你》 【教学目标】 学习歌曲《捧一束鲜花献给你》,体会和表现音乐作品中积极健康的音乐风格,运用深情的歌声表达对老师的感激之情。引导学生运用已有的音乐知识分析音乐作品的特点,设计不同的演唱方式。

【教学重点难点】难点是歌曲中的前半拍的休止节奏把握好,以及切分音节奏的掌握。重点通过歌曲体会和表现音乐作品中积极健康的音乐风格,运用深情的歌声表达对老师的感激之情【解决方法】难点的解决通过学歌去之前的节奏练习来单独练习。 【教学方法】引导法、教授法 【教学过程】 1、导入 播放音乐--歌曲《每当我走过老师的窗前》。 师:六年的小学生活即将结束,谈谈你们印象最深刻的一件事情或者一个人。 设计意图:通过谈话让学生触景生情,为更好的理解歌曲做铺垫 2、新授内容 (1)初听歌曲《捧一束鲜花献给你》。歌曲表现了什么内容? (2)再听:歌曲中你最喜欢哪个部分? 节奏练习:1)0X XX X.X XX 0XX XX X- 2)XX X X X XXX XX XXX X-

设计意图:歌曲的难点练习巩固好后学生能很快掌握歌曲的节奏和旋律。 3、学唱歌曲 (1)根据学生情况,或小组学习、或教师教唱、或学生试唱歌谱、或利用课堂乐器演奏旋律等等。 (2)教师应注意把握歌曲的几个重点:切分音的准确、休止符的掌握。歌曲的高潮部分最后,注意演唱方法,不要喊唱,注意保护学生在变声期的用嗓卫生。 4、分析、处理歌曲 引导学生运用已有的音乐知识分析音乐作品的特点,完成教科书上的两个问题。 高潮部分,音区处在高音区,旋律的起伏比较大,表达了学生对老师的一片感激之情。 (1)初听歌曲《捧一束鲜花献给你》。歌曲表现了什么内容? (2)再听:歌曲中你最喜欢哪个部分? 设计意图:让学生根据自己的理解说出歌曲的处理方式,演唱起来更容易记住。 教学小结:



安妮花磨出我的英文耳朵4歌词 4-1-big rock candy mountain In the big rock candy mountain there’s a land that’s fair and bright. Where the goodies grow on bushes and you sleep out every night, Where friends are around us and the sun shine every day. Oh, I’m bound to go where there isn’t any snow, Where the rain doesn’t fall and the wind doesn’t blow In the Big Rock Candy Mountain! Oh, the buzzin’of the bees in the peppermint trees Round the soda water fountains, Where the lemonade springs and the bluebird s ings In the Big Rock Candy Mountain! In the big rock candy mountain there’s a land that’s fair and bright. Where the goodies grow on bushes and you sleep out every night, Where friends are around us and the sun shine every day. Oh, I’m bound to go where there isn’t any snow, Where the rain doesn’t fall and the wind doesn’t blow In the Big Rock Candy Mountain! Oh, the buzzin’of the bees in the peppermint trees Round the soda water fountains, Where the lemonade springs and the bluebird sings In the Big Rock Candy Mountain! In the big rock candy mountain there’s a land that’s fair and bright. Where the goodies grow on bushes and you sleep out every night, Where friends are around us and the sun shine every day. Oh, I’m bound to go where there isn’t any snow, Where the rain doesn’t fall and the wind doesn’t blow In the Big Rock Candy Mountain! Oh, the buzzin’of the bees in the peppermint trees Round the soda water fountains,

磨出我的英文耳朵 D1 歌词

磨出我的英文耳朵歌词参考 : Track 1 Five little monkeys jumping on the bed “It’s time for bed, “said mama. So five little monkeys washed their faces, Brushed their teeth, and put their pi’s on. They kissed their mama and said, “Good night.”But guess what happened then… Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” Four little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” Three little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” Two little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”


未闻花名经典语录 那个季节所绽放的花的名字叫什么来着?小小的摸上去的话有一点点刺痛 花就算凋零了只剩下淡淡的香味,也会向着太阳散发出香气。 渐渐地那朵花的香味变也会变淡,我们也会长大成熟,不过呢,那朵花,一定会在某处继续绽放。是呢,我们会一直一直,实现那朵花的愿望。 1、今天有美术课。课堂上一男生问:“老师,画图没有铅笔,是借一只还是直接拿马克笔画?” 老师(某中年妇女)答道:“随你的大小便吧。” 2、“男同学站在我左边,女同学站在我右边,其他人原地不动。”结果他就没动。 3、有一天外面下大雨,老师满脸雨水的走进教室,在讲桌前不知道找些什么东西,找了一会儿问前排的同学:“我擦纸的脸呢?” 4、线段a是线段b的一半,那么线段b是线段a的多少呢?(全班皆静,等候高论。一会儿后)线段b就是线段a 的——两段(昏倒)。 5、初中,某数学老师讲方程变换,在讲台上袖子一挽大声喝道:“同学们注意,我要变形了!” 6、一同学在下面闹,又是某老师说:“你给我站到黑

板上去!”高难度埃 7、我初中老师讲题目喜欢投身其中:“我的底面半径是20CM,我的高是50CM,那么我……”下面有人说“是饭桶”,全班暴笑。 8、老师说某某真聪明,七窍通了六窍,那人正得意时补上一句,一窍不通 . 9、初中英语老师是个秃子,一天上课,他问同学:“What day is today?”(我的头是秃头?)同学想了一下,回答:“Yes。” 1.有信心不一定赢,没有信心一定会输(WXWX上) 2.不跟别人比,就跟自己比(MS现在很火哦) 3.坐前面欣赏风景,坐后面欣赏别人的口水(坐过山车时) 4.我会在鼓励与赞美中进步更快.我不会骄傲的 5.我现在偶像已经快超过实力了,我很担心,呵呵 6.娱乐新闻一条(当时这句话使我更加喜欢宝贝了) 7.别人不喜欢我是因为他们不了解我(对,了解你的人都会喜欢你) 8.张杰什么都会,张杰能力很强(经典) 9.(和娜娜PK蔡国庆的歌)赢的理由是-----首先我是个男的 10.那片蓝我已经不放在眼里了(哼,吓唬我们的标题党


安妮花磨出我的英文耳朵3歌词3-1 I've been working on the railroad I've been working on the railroad All the live long day I've been working on the railroad Just to pass the time away Can't you hear the whistle blowing Rise up so early in the morn Don't you hear the captian shouting Dinah, blow your horn Dinah, won't you blow Dinah, won't you blow Dinah, won't you blow your horn Dinah, won't you blow Dinah, won't you blow Dinah, won't you blow your horn Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah Someone's in the kitchen I know Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah Strumming on the old banjo Fee fie fiddle iiee o Fee fie fiddle iiee o Fee fie fiddle iiee o Strumming on the old banjo 3-2 The Bear Went Over The Mountain The bear went over the mountain The bear went over the mountain The bear went over the mountain To see what he could see To see what he could see To see what he could see The bear went over the mountain The other side of the mountain


宝贝对不起英文版歌词 篇一:宝贝对不起(英文版) 宝贝对不起(英文版) oh my baby oh my darling tell me what’re done won’t you tell me did i hurt you where it did go wrong love first time when i saw you i fell falling love with you girl the way you smile so sweety can’t stop to thinking of you baby can’t you see that my love it’s mill when it done the cold, baby don’t you know and i can’t let go,causei love you so don’t you leave me now,causei need you so baby i’msorry,please don’t leave me want you don’t do that now baby i’msorry,ifi hurt you give me one more chance love first time when i saw you i fell falling love with you girl the way you smile so sweety can’t stop to thinking of you

baby can’t you see that my love it’s mill when it done the cold, baby don’t you know and i can’t let go,causei love you so don’t you leave me now,causei need you so baby can’t you see that my love it’s mill when it done the cold, baby don’t you know and i can’t let go,causei love you so don’t you leave me now,causei need you so baby can’t you see that my love it’s mill when it done the cold, baby don’t you know and i can’t let go,causei love you so don’t you leave me now,causei need you so oh my baby oh my darling tell me what’re done won’t you tell me did i hurt you where it did go wrong baby i’m sorry,please don’t leveme,want you don’t do know baby i’msorry,ifihaurt you give me one more chance 篇二:宝贝对不起 宝贝对不起 宝贝对不起,不是不爱你。一千朵玫瑰给你,要你好好爱自己。真的不愿意,又让你哭泣。让我相信你会好好的。不必约定,也不会忘记。宝贝对不起,不是不痛你。我也不愿意,又让你伤心。雨下不


安妮花磨出我的英文耳朵4歌词 4-1-big rock candy mountain In the big rock candy mountain there’s a land that’s fair and bright. Where the goodies grow on bushes and you sleep out every night, Where friends are around us and the sun shine every day. Oh, I’m bound to go where there isn’t any snow, Where the rain doesn’t fall and the wind doesn’t blow In the Big Rock Candy Mountain! Oh, the buzzin’of the bees in the peppermint trees Round the soda water fountains, Where the lemonade springs and the bluebird sings In the Big Rock Candy Mountain! In the big rock candy mountain there’s a land that’s fair and bright. Where the goodies grow on bushes and you sleep out every night, Where friends are around us and the sun shine every day. Oh, I’m bound to go where there isn’t any snow, Where the rain doesn’t fall and the wind doesn’t blow In the Big Rock Candy Mountain! Oh, the buzzin’of the bees in the peppermint trees Round the soda water fountains, Where the lemonade springs and the bluebird sings In the Big Rock Candy Mountain! In the big rock candy mountain there’s a land that’s fair and bright. Where the goodies grow on bushes and you sleep out every night, Where friends are around us and the sun shine every day. Oh, I’m bound to go where there isn’t any snow, Where the rain doesn’t fall and the wind doesn’t blow In the Big Rock Candy Mountain! Oh, the buzzin’of the bees in the peppermint trees Round the soda water fountains,


君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ)〖与你一起的夏天终结对未来的梦想〗 大(おお)きな希望(きぼう)忘(わす)れない〖那大大的希望无法忘怀〗 10年後(じゅうねんご)の8月(はちげつ)また出会(で?)えるのを信(しん)じて〖坚信着10年后的8月我们终会再会〗 最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…〖那无与伦比的回忆…〗 出会(で?)いはふっとした瞬间(しゅんかん)〖相遇是在瞬间的突然〗 帰(かえ)り道(みち)の交差点(こうさてん)で〖在回家的十字路口〗 声(こえ)をかけてくれたね「一绪(いっしょ)に帰(かえ)ろう」〖你对我说到「一起回去吧」〗仆(ぼく)は照(て)れくさそうに〖但我却感到害羞不已〗 カバン(かばん)で颜(かお)を隠(かく)しながら〖不由得举起书包遮住脸庞〗 本当(ほんとう)はとてもとても嬉(うれ)しかったよ〖其实我真的是非常非常高兴地哦〗 ??花火(はなび)が夜空(よぞら)きれいに咲(さ)いて〖啊烟花在夜空中绮丽的绽放开来〗ちょっとセツナク(せつなく)〖却稍微感到一点悲伤〗 ??风(かぜ)が时间(じかん)とともに流(なが)れる〖啊轻风与时间一起不断流逝〗 嬉(うれ)しくって楽(たの)しくって〖如此愉悦又如此高兴〗 冒険(ぼうけん)もいろいろしたね〖我们曾经的多少次冒险〗 二人(ふたり)の秘密(ひみつ)の基地(きち)の中(なか)〖都在这两人的秘密基地中〗 君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ)〖与你一起的夏天终结对未来的梦想〗 大(おお)きな希望(きぼう)忘(わす)れない〖那大大的希望无法忘怀〗 10年後(じゅうねんご)の8月(はちげつ)また出会(で?)えるのを信(しん)じて〖坚信着10年后的8月我们终会再会〗 君(きみ)が最後(さいご)まで心(こころ)から〖我知道你到最后为止〗 「?りがとう」叫(さけ)んでいたこと知(し)っていたよ〖都在心中不断呼喊着「谢谢你」〗涙(なみだ)をこらえて笑颜(えがお)でさよならせつないよね〖强忍泪水笑着对我道别又是多么的悲伤〗 最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…〖那无与伦比的回忆…〗 ??夏休(なつやす)みも?と少(すこ)しで终(お)わっちゃうから〖啊暑假余下的时间真的不多了呢〗 ??太阳(たいよう)と月(つき)仲良(なかよ)くして〖啊太阳与月亮看起来都是那么美〗悲(かな)しくって寂(さび)しくって〖如此悲伤又如此寂寞〗 喧哗(けんか)もいろいろしたね〖我们曾经的多少次吵架〗 二人(ふたり)の秘密(ひみつ)の基地(きち)の中(なか)〖都在这两人的秘密基地中〗 君(きみ)が最後(さいご)まで心(こころ)から〖我知道你到最后为止〗 「?りがとう」叫(さけ)んでいたこと知(し)っていたよ〖都在心中不断呼喊着「谢谢你」〗涙(なみだ)をこらえて笑颜(えがお)でさよならせつないよね〖强忍泪水笑着对我道别又是多么的悲伤〗


六年级下册音乐全册教案(人教版) 《第五单元歌剧之窗》 课时: 【教学内容】 欣赏《天边有颗闪亮的星》 学唱歌曲《杜鹃花》 【教学目标】 使学生了解歌剧《党的女儿》的剧情。 欣赏剧中玉梅的唱段《天边有颗闪亮的星》。 学唱最后一幕的唱段《杜鹃花》。 【教学过程】 导入 教师可在课前让学生查找有关歌剧《党的女儿》的剧情介绍。 师:你们在课前查找的歌剧《党的女儿》的资料,可以与同学们交流一下吗? 同学们交流课前查找的资料,老师补充。 欣赏歌曲 初次听赏歌曲。 听完后老师提出问题。

分别指的是青松\小花\闪亮的星师:歌剧中唱到的 什么? 复听歌曲 欣赏第五场和第六场的同名歌曲 分析总结歌曲在不同的场次出现时,为什么演唱形式会有所不同?这种不同对塑造人物形象、刻画人物有什么帮助? 学唱《杜鹃花》 欣赏歌曲《杜鹃花》 学生看谱在心里默唱 教师提醒学生注意,歌曲的节奏是5/4拍。 随录音小声哼唱。 全体学生有感情的演唱歌曲《杜鹃花》。 第二课时 【教学内容】 欣赏《卡门序曲》 【教学目标】 了解歌剧《卡门》的剧情。 欣赏管弦乐合奏《卡门序曲》。 【教学过程】 导入 教师可在课前让学生查找有关歌剧《卡门》的剧情介绍。欣赏管弦乐合奏《卡门序曲》。

教师出示主部主题,并引导学生欣赏主部主题。 教师出示插部主题并引导学生欣赏: 师:这段音乐有什么变化?表现了什么样的场景?学生回答,并随录音演唱插部的主题。 教师出示第二插部主题并引导学生欣赏: 完整欣赏管弦乐合奏《卡门序曲》。 为乐曲划分段落。] 欣赏歌剧中的其他选曲《斗牛士之歌》 教师简介歌曲背景。 欣赏这首歌曲的视频资料。 再次欣赏管弦乐合奏《卡门序曲》。 第三课时: 【教学内容】 欣赏《街头少年》 【教学目标】 欣赏童声合唱《街头少年》。 了解作曲家比才。 【教学过程】 导入 可由学生简介歌曲背景。 欣赏歌曲《街头少年》 出自完整听赏。


《彩云追月》明月究竟在哪方白昼自潜藏 夜晚露毫茫 光辉普照世间上漫照着平阳 又照着桥梁 皓影千家人共仰人立晚风月照中独散步长廊 月浸在池塘 欢欣充满了心上静听乐悠扬 越觉乐洋洋夜鸟高枝齐和唱 难逢今夕风光一片欢欣气象月照彩云上熏风轻掠 如入山荫心向往 如立明月旁 如上天堂 身飘摇荡 俯身遥望 世界上 海翻浪 千点光 飘飘泛泛海天在望 欣见明月逾清朗 《帝女花》 汪明荃:落花满天蔽月光 借一杯附荐凤台上 帝女花带泪上香 愿丧生回谢爹娘 我偷偷看偷偷望 他带泪带泪暗悲伤 我半带惊惶 怕驸马惜鸾凤配 不甘殉爱伴我临泉壤 郑少秋:寸心盼望能同合葬 鸳鸯侣相偎傍 泉台上再设新房 地府阴司里再觅那平阳门巷女:唉惜,花者甘殉葬 花烛夜难为驸马饮砒霜 郑少秋:江山悲灾劫 感先帝恩千丈 与妻双双叩问帝安 汪明荃:唉盼得,花烛共谐白发 我误君累你同埋葬 好应尽礼揖花烛深深拜 再合卺交杯墓穴作新房 待千秋歌赞注驸马在灵牌上郑少秋:将柳荫当做芙蓉帐 明朝驸马看新娘 夜半挑灯有心作窥妆 汪明荃:地老天荒情凤永配痴凰 愿与夫婿共拜相交杯举案 郑少秋:递过金杯慢咽轻尝 将砒霜带泪放落葡萄上 汪明荃:合欢与君醉梦乡 郑少秋:碰杯共到夜台上 汪明荃:百花冠替代殓装 郑少秋:驸马珈坟墓收藏 汪明荃:相拥抱 郑少秋:相偎傍 郑少秋/汪明荃:双枝有树透露帝女香郑少秋:帝女花 汪明荃:长伴有心郎

《分飞燕》 女:分飞万里隔千山 离泪似珠强忍欲坠凝在眼 我欲诉别离情无限 男:匆匆怎诉情无限 女:又怕情深一朝淡有浪爱海翻男:空嗟往事成梦幻 女:只怨誓盟永留在脑间 音讯你休疏懒 男:只怨欢情何太暂 转眼分离缘有限 我不会负情害你心灰冷 只你送君忍泪难 女:哎呀难难难 难舍分飞冷落怨恨有几番 男:心声托付鸿与雁 女:嘱咐话儿莫厌烦莫教人为你男女:怨孤单 男:只怨欢情何太暂 转眼分离缘有限 我不会负情害你心灰冷 只你送君忍泪难 女:哎呀难难难 难舍分飞冷落怨恨有几番 男:心声托付鸿与雁 女:嘱咐话儿莫厌烦 莫教人为你 男女:怨孤 《紫钗恨》 (男)紫玉钗寄情怀郎情妾意两无猜 (女)紫玉钗困情怀怨怨恩恩难分解呀 (男)地老天荒情不二紫钗能买不能卖 (女)紫玉钗惹愁怀不知是缘还是债(男)惜分钗隔天涯 离愁化恨终难解 (女)苦相思绕愁怀 怀人惊梦为紫钗啊 (男)合卺交杯情尤在紫钗宜典不宜卖 (女)哀紫钗费疑猜 君非负情侬死心亦快 (合)紫玉钗惹愁怀 不知是缘还是债

磨耳朵英语儿歌03.Down by the Bay

Down by the Bay Down by the Bay 到那海湾边 Where the watermelons grow, 西瓜生长的地方, Back to my home, 回家了 I dare not go, 我不敢去 For if I do, 如果我做 My mother will say, 我妈妈会说 "have you ever seen a snake baking a cake down by the bay.?" 你有看到一条蛇在海湾边吃蛋糕吗? Down by the bay. 到那海湾边 Where the watermelons grow, 西瓜生长的地方, Back to my home, 回家了 I dare not go, 我不敢去 For if I do, 如果我做 My mother will say, 我妈妈会说 Have you ever seen a frog walking his dog down by the bay?" 你有看到一只狐狸在海湾边遛狗吗? Down by the bay. 到那海湾边 Where the watermelons grow, 西瓜生长的地方, back to my home 回家了 I dar not to go, 我不敢去 For if I do, 如果我做 My mother will say, 我妈妈会说 Have you ever seen a mouse painting his house down by the bay?" 你有看到一只老鼠在海湾边粉刷房 子吗? Down by the bay. 到那海湾边 Where the watermelons grow, 西瓜生长的地方, Back to my home, 回家了 I dare not go, 我不敢去 For if I do, 如果我做 My mother will say, 1


未闻花名 君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の終(お)わり将来(しょうらい)の夢(ゆめ) 大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れない 10年後(じゅうねんご)の8月(はちがつ) また出会(であ)えるのを信(しん)じて 最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…… 出会(であ)いはふっとした瞬间(しゅんかん) 帰(かえ)り道(みち)の交差点(こうさてん)で 声(こえ)をかけてくれたね「一绪(いっしょ)に帰(かえ)ろう」 僕(ぼく)は照(て)れくさそうにカバンで颜(かお)を隠(かく)しながら 本当(ほんとう)はとてもとても嬉(うれ)しかったよ あぁ花火(はなび)が夜空(よぞら) きれいに咲(さ)いてちょっとセツナク あぁ風(かぜ)が時間(じかん)とともに流(なが)れる 嬉(うれ)しくって楽(たの)しくって 冒険(ぼうけん)もいろいろしたね 二人(ふたり)の秘密(ひみつ)の基地(きち)の中(なか) 君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の終(お)わり将来(しょうらい)の夢(ゆめ) 大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れない 10年後(じゅうねんご)の8月(はちがつ) また出会(であ)えるのを信(しん)じて 君(きみ)が最後(さいご)まで心(こころ)から 「ありがとう」叫(さけ)んでたこと知(し)ってたよ 涙(なみだ)をこらえて笑颜(えがお)でさようならせつないよね 最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…… あぁ夏休(なつやす)みもあと少(すこ)しで终(おわ)っちゃうから あぁ太陽(たいよう)と月(つき) 仲良(なかよ)くして悲(かな)しくって寂(さび)しくって喧哗(けんか)もいろいろしたね 二人(ふたり)の秘密(ひみつ)の基地(きち)の中(なか) 君(きみ)が最後(さいご)まで心(こころ)から 「ありがとう」叫(さけ)んでたこと知(し)ってたよ 涙(なみだ)をこらえて笑颜(えがお)でさようならせつないよね 最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…… 突然(とつぜん)の転校(てんこう)でどうしようもなく 手紙(てがみ) 書(か)くよ電話(でんわ)もするよ 忘(わす)れないでね僕(ぼく)のことを いつまでも二人(ふたり)の基地(きち)の中(なか) 君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の終(お)わりずっと話(はな)して 夕日(ゆうひ)を見(み)てから星(ほし)を眺(なが)め 君(きみ)の頬(ほほ)を流(なが)れた涙(なみだ)はずっと忘(わす)れない君(きみ)が最後(さいご)まで大(おお)きく手(て)を振(ふ)ってくれたこときっと忘(わす)れない だからこうして夢(ゆめ)の中(なか)でずっと永遠(えいえん)に… 君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の終(お)わり将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ) 大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れない 10年後(じゅうねんご)の8月(はちがつ) また出会(であ)えるのを信(しん)じて 君(きみ)が最后(さいご)まで心(こころ)から 「ありがとう」叫(さけ)んでたこと知(し)ってたよ 涙(なみだ)をこらえて笑颜(えがお)でさようならせつないよね 最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…… 最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を……


六年级毕业联欢会主持词 开始篇 (合)敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们:大家好! A:我们带着满怀的希望, B:我们带着美好的憧憬, C :我们带着相聚的喜悦, D:我们带着离别的惆怅, 合:今天,我们共济一堂,度过这个美好而难忘的时光。 合:让我们打开心灵的门窗, A:用舞姿, B:用歌声, C :用掌声, D:用笑语, 合:用我们最美好的姿态,为即将分别的我们送上最真诚、最深厚的祝福! A:实验小学六五班毕业联欢会 合:现一一在一一开一一始一一 第一部分欢聚一堂 A:六年前我们怀着彩色梦想,走进母校的校园, B:六年间我们一起学习,一起玩耍,共同成长, C :也曾闹过别扭,也曾和好如初, D:亲爱的同学,鲜花曾告诉我你怎样走过。 A :大地知道你心中的每一个角落。 B :同样的感受给了我们同样的渴望。 C:同样的欢乐给了我们同一首歌。 D :请大家齐唱《同一首歌》。 第二部分感谢老师 A:老师是辛勤的园丁,

B:我们是茁壮成长的幼苗, C :我们点点滴滴的进步都是老师智慧和汗水的结晶。 D:在这即将离别的时刻,让我们以一颗感恩之心向老师道别。 A:全体起立一一行少先队队礼 请跟着我说,“老师辛苦了!我们永远爱您!老师辛苦了!我们永远感谢您!老师辛苦了!我们会永远记住您!” 请坐下一一 A:今天我们欢聚一堂,每个人心中都有千言万语。下面,我们来倾听同学代表我们表达自己的心声。 A:接下来,欢迎冯老师为我们送上珍贵的毕业赠言。 A:非常感谢冯老师,我们不能辜负冯老师对我们的期望。 A:今天,我们最最亲爱的王老师也来到我们中间,大家掌声有请王老师给我们讲话。 A:谢谢王老师! A :记得从前,阳光灿烂。那时我们还小,是陈岑老师教我们学习,陪我们游戏。在我的心 中,陈岑老师是最美最可爱的人。有请陈岑老师给大家讲话。 A:感谢陈岑老师! A:(最后),欢迎张老师为我们送上真挚的毕业赠言。 A:感谢张老师,我们会谨记您的教导,一路前行。 A :、有请学生代表上台。 A、为我们可亲可敬的老师们献上最美的鲜花。 (下面请听小诗朗诵《捧一束鲜花献给你》) 第三部分同学情深 A:弹指一挥间,六年的小学生活就要结束了, B:我们不会忘记老师,我们不会忘记朋友。 不久的将来,我们要走进新的校园。请听《明天会更好》。 A:我们的联欢会就要结束了。 B、在此,送上我们的祝福: C :祝福老师青春常在! D :祝福同学前程似锦! 合:祝福母校桃李满天下!


英语启蒙:磨耳朵要不要抠单词 时学校给的那些小诗歌则完全找不到感觉。原因在哪里?也是因为输入的种类不同。孩子脑子里从来没有存储过的类型,直接让他输出,这是不可能的,所谓种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。所以,想让孩子将来能输出什么,就要让孩子先有这些语音信号的积累。更多孩子,一直按照中式英语的路子学习。结果就是,通过各种听力教材积累了很多的单词和句型,但是听力理解能力上不去,听不懂英语故事,原版书读不出来。这样下去,即使进行了专门的口语训练,也会因为听力理解能力的欠缺而无法提升。语感的问题涉及到大脑的机理,我不是专家,不敢妄加解释。但是从安妮和小宝的情况看,他们从小就一直坚持听那些当时根本听不懂意思的儿歌甚至脱口秀,最后的结果就是,日积月累,他们很容易听得懂长句的歌词,并且还能够自主地模仿。也就是说,孩子即使没有理解快速的语音资料的中文意思,但是通过大量的听,他的辨音能力提高了,就能够把语音中的元素区分开来。这也可以解释为什么同样去找外教上课,有的孩子很快就能输出,有的孩子很久都没有办法输出。说到底,是英语泛听量的问题。同样,孩子看动画片也是这个道理。有些成人说,动画片那么快,我都看不懂,问他什么意思,他更说不出来,这是不是无效输入呢?也许,从这部片子来看,孩子没有完全明白。但是,我们会发现一个有趣的现象,那就是如果看了一段时间动画片之后,回头再听一些慢速的儿歌,孩子会觉得很容易,能轻松地唱出来了。这时候就有人说了,虽然孩子不需要看明白,可是我的孩子看到难度大的动画片就不愿意看,说听不懂。那怎么办呢?这其实就是孩子的中文思维在起作用。越大的孩子,对情节理解要求越高,对中文思维也越依赖。


KI米你都那资哝哦哇里小啦一哝悠眉 奥GI那KI帮哦望死泪奶 九恩年够哝哈吉嘎子马达得啊路哝奥新恩机得 赛一够哦哝奥猫一得奥 得哇一哈呼都西大寻感恩 卡诶里迷七哝搞撒旦恩得 口诶嘎给得哭雷达雷你 一休倪开楼哦~~ 波古哇得雷柯撒搜~你嘎吧得卡哦奥卡古西呐嘎啦。宏都你头得某头得某无泪西嘎大呦 啊~哈那hie嘎呦搜啦 KI雷一你撒一得 求都塞子那股~ 啊~卡SE嘎基感都头陌你那嘎雷路 无路西哭得他哝西古得 哦~给陌一楼一楼西大内~ 呼大力哝 HIE迷资哝 KI基那嘎~ KI米你都那资哝哦哇里小啦哝悠眉 奥GI那KI帮哦望死泪奶 九年够恩哝哈吉嘎子马达得哇路哝奥新啊机得 KI迷嘎赛口马得口够楼哇嘎啦啊力嘎都 撒给恩那口都西恩大呦~ 那迷大哦口啦诶得诶嘎奥得赛呦那啦SEI子那呦内~ 赛一够哦哝~奥猫一得哦~ 啊~那字呀死迷猫奥都西够西得奥哇桥嘎啦 啊~太要都子GI 那嘎呦哭西得~ 卡那西哭得撒比西古得 跟一嘎陌一楼一楼西大内~ 呼大力哝 HIE迷资哝 KI基哝那嘎~ KI迷嘎赛口马得口够哇嘎啦啊力嘎都 撒给恩那口都西恩大呦~ 那迷大哦口啦给恩大奥得赛呦那啦SEI子那呦内~ 赛一够哦哝奥猫一得奥~ 都~子塞恩~哝得~恩口哦~内都西呦哦那股~ 忒嘎迷卡古呦电恩哇某死路呦~ 忘死雷奶得内波古哝口(XX)沟奥 一字妈得猫胡大力哝 KI基哝那嘎 KI迷都那字哝哇里字都哈那西得

又HI哦迷得嘎啦好西奥那嘎没 KI迷哝好哦呐嘎雷达那迷大好子兜忘死雷奶一 KI迷嘎赛口马得奥GI哭得奥呼得哦哭雷达够都KI都望死雷奶一大嘎啦口哦西得呦没哝纳嘎得子兜诶恩你~ KI米你都那资哝哦哇里小啦一哝悠眉 奥GI那KI帮哦望死泪奶 九恩年够哝哈吉嘎子马达得哇路哝奥新恩机得 KI迷嘎赛口马得口够哇嘎啦啊力嘎都 撒给恩那口都西恩大呦~ 那迷大哦口啦诶得诶嘎奥得赛呦那啦SEI子那呦内~ 赛一够哦哝奥猫一得奥~


<帝女花>全剧戏词 <帝女花>全剧戏词 2007-09-07 01:48:51| 分类:默认分类| 标签:|字号大中小订阅 《帝女花》故事讲述明末思宗长女长平公主年方十五,因奉帝命选婿,下嫁太傅之子周世显,无奈闯王李自成攻入京城,皇城遂破,崇祯手刃众皇女后自缢。长平公主未至气绝,被周钟救返藏于家中。后来清军灭了闯军,于北京立国。长平公主知悉周钟欲向清朝投降,幸得周钟之女瑞兰及老尼姑之助,冒替已故女尼慧清,避居庵中。世显偶至,遇上扮作女尼的长平公主,大为惊愕,几番试探下,长平重认世显。然而此事为清帝知悉,勒令周钟威迫利诱他们一同返宫。夫妻二人为求清帝善葬崇祯,释放皇弟,遂佯装返宫,并在乾清宫前连理树下交拜,然后双双自杀殉国。 第一场树盟(昭仁宫主什边柳荫上介台口滚花下句)凤彩门前灯千盏,扫尽深宫半月愁。愁云战雾罩南天,偏是凤台设下求凰酒。(白榄)前年父王喻礼部,替王姐长平择配偶。祇求身出官宦家,年华双十人俊秀 。凤台千尺谁能攀,凤台枉设葡萄酒。有个周世显,才锦绣。

礼部选之应凤徵,今夕凤台新试酒。环 佩声传凤来仪,等闲谁敢轻咳嗽。 (长平宫主小曲醉酒唱上)红牙低声奏,冷香侵凤楼,甘自寂寞看韶华溜。空对月夜岁老烧金兽,更 添一段愁。求凰宴,莫设凤台难从浊裏求。若是无缘怎生将就。 (昭仁白)拜见王姐。 (长平微笑白)昭仁二妹,我地姐妹之间应叙伦常,少行宫礼叻。 (昭仁天真介口古)王姐,礼部选来一个你唔岩,两个又唔岩,王姐你独赏孤芳,恐怕终难寻偶。 (长平笑介口古)唉二妹,我本无求偶之心,怎奈父王佢催粧有意,我话其实都系多馀既唧,正是千 军容易得,一婿最难求。(半羞介白)内侍臣,与哀家传。(侍臣台口传旨介白)遵旨。呔,宫主有命,周世显朝见。(周锺伴周世显宫门打引上介) (世显台口诗白)孔雀灯开五凤楼。轻袍暖帽锦貂裘。敏捷当如曹子健,潇洒当如秦少游。(欲入介) (周锺一手拖世显另场白)喂,咪行住...咪行住...(滚花下句)喂...帝女花都不比宫墙柳,长平慧 质殊少有,君王有事必与帝女谋,你三生有幸得向裙前叩,切记凤台应对莫轻浮。难得云英今夕会裴
