


如何用英语写通知 通知一般用于上级对下级\组织对成员布置工作\传达事情及召集会议等。通知就其形 式而言,可分为书面通知和口头通知两种形式.对通知的考查侧重于对通知格式及通知正 文时态的应用等方面。写好一份通知,需要掌握下面三点: 一、通知的形式 通知有多种分类。从形式上可分为书面通知(written notice)和口头通知(an nouncement)。书面通知强调语句简练,用词贴切,用语书面化;而口头通知比较灵活简练,用词表达可 随便些,较为口语化。 二、通知的结构 通知一般由标题、正文和结尾三部分组成。标题部分包括常用标题语和发出通知的单位名称;正文包括事情、通知对象、要求、时间(有时还包括地点)等;结尾部分主要包括发 通知的具体日期。英文通知的格式一般是将NOTICE(每个字母都大写)写在通知正文上面 一行的正中间。发出通知的单位名称可以写在NOTICE上面,也可以写在通知正文的右 下角;发通知的日期一般写在通知正文的左下角。书面通知的格式如图所示: 三、通知的书写 1.发出通知的单位和对象在一般情况下用第三人称,如要求同学们按时到会,不说“We must to…”或“You should…”,而应写成:All the students are requested to be there on time. 2.在语言上,口头通知的句型应该做到口语化,多用简单句和祈使句,语言上尽可能 用精炼的文字表达明确的信息。通知中提及的事情都是计划要做的,时态多用将来时,语态多用被动式。 在句式上,常以“Boys and girls/Ladies and gentlemen”等作为称呼语。开头常用句式是“May I have your attention,please?/Attention,please./I've got some- thing important to say./I'm very glad to tell you that.../Please be quiet,everyone! I have something to say./I have some good news for you!/There will be a talk tomor row./The sports meeting will be held.../It has been dec ided that we'll pay a visit to…”,在通知结尾处常用句式“Please be there on time” 并以“That's all. Thank you”作为客套结束语。 3.书面通知常以布告形式张贴或写在布告牌、黑板上,把事情通知到有关人员等。为 醒目起见,标题的每个字母可以用大写(如NOTICE)。一开头需要交代说明何事(what)、 何地(where)、何时(when)、何人(who)。


英文工作证明范本 英文工作证明范本 样本1 To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that Ms. ××× has been working in ××× from ××× till now. Her current title is ××× in ××× Department. Ms. ××× has been entitled to a monthly salary RMB ×××. With quarterly bonus and annual bon us, her annual income is no lethan RMB ×××. For further enquires, please feel free to contact me at ×××or ×××. Sincerely yours, 样本2 October 31, 2006 To whom it may concern, This is to certify that xx-x,male born on July first, 1980 has been working in xx-x company as for two years. He started his job as a Merchandising

assitant with the salary of RMB 2000 per month working from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. He has performed his arduous tasks with a seriousness, a sense of responsibility. He was promoted to be an administrator/supervisior/manager with an appropriate raise. 开证明信的'单位名xx-xx 样本3 工作证明 (父母的工作证明也是下面的内容,根据自己的情况来改,主要说明收入的来源,数量,工作职责,等,注意一定要有抬头,抬头可以自己打印,彩色的最好,当然用单位现成的信纸也可以了,工作证明英文。) (抬头) ( 地址,电话,传真等) Certificate of Employment date:*** This is to certify that Mr. *** commenced to work with this company in August 1999 after having studied for four years in *** University. Mr. ***'s working experiences are as


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除英文版商务回复邀请函 篇一:邀请信及回复函英文写作 邀请信及回复 邀请信是写给合作伙伴,朋友或同事的信件。他与其他商务信件不同,一般而言邀请信往往是写给自己相对较熟悉的人,一般包括以下信息: 1.寒暄语言(视关系而定) 2.发出邀请 3.阐述活动或会议举行的时间,地点,以及与会的人物 4.再次提出邀请 5.结束语 1.words 1)invite邀请 2)formally正式地 3)sincerely真诚地 4)Lookforwardto-------盼望--------

2.sentencesstructure 1)howImissyou! 2)Ihaven’tseenyouforalongtime! 3)what’sgoingon? 4)Iformallyinvitesb.tosomeplace. 5)Thismeeting/activitywillbeheldat-----in-----------. 6)wereallyhopethatyoucouldcome. 7)Lookingforwardtoyourcoming. 8)pleasewritetomeandtellmewhetheryouwillcomeornot. 9)Yourssincerely, Keypoints: Layout:左收右寄下日期,落款位于右下脚 邀请信的回复信是对合作伙伴,朋友或同事的邀请的回复。一般包括以下信息: 1.首先对邀请表示感谢 2.明确告诉对方能不能去 3.如果不能前往一定要说明原因并道歉 4.结束语 1.words:

1)pleased/obliged/glad/happy 2)participation 3)apologize 2.sentencestructure 1)Thankyouforyourletteron----------- 2)Iamsogladtoacceptyourinvitation. 4)IamafraidthatIamimpossibletocome. 5)Iapologizeformyabsencefromthemeeting/party. 6)wishyouhaveagoodtime. 篇二:商务邀请信和回复正文 商务邀请信 DongqiangLiu,ceoRobertcorporation37xueyuanRoadhaidi anDistrictbeijingpRchinaJuly29,20XX mr.williamwatson76brooklynAvenuenewYork9,n.Y.u.s.A. Dearwatson: Robertcompany,asoneofyourdistributorsinchina,hasbee ngreatprogressinginpromotingcooperation. pleaseusethisinvitationlettertoapplyforyourVIsAtoch


在后一种形式中,必需要使用逗号。 信头的写法有缩进式和齐头式。信头不能越过信纸中间而写到信纸的左上面。另外需要注意的是,一般信头每行末不用标点符号,但每行中间应用的标点不可少,城区名和邮政编码之间,日月和年份之间要用逗号隔开。信头一般不要写得太高,信头的上面要留些空白。 缩进式每行开头向右缩进一两个字母(下一行开头较上一行的开头向右移一至两个字母的位置);齐头式左边对齐排列,如下所示: 缩进式 Wang Ming Dept. of Chemical Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116023 Liaoning Province P. R. China 齐头式 Wang Ming Dept. of Chemical Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116023 Liaoning Province P. R. China 2. 信内地址(Inside Address) 信内地址要写出收信人的姓名和地址。给比较生疏的亲友的信和公事信件要写出信内地址,而熟悉朋友省去这一步骤。信内地址写出在日期下一两行的左上角,第一行写收信人的称呼姓名,写出地址。从小到大写出,分缩进式和齐头式两种。例如: 缩进式

The President Oxford University England 齐头式 Jiang Bin 64Heping Road Beijing P.R.China 3.称呼(Salutation) 称呼是对收信人的称谓。在信内地址下一两行处顶格写起,自成一行。末尾用逗号或冒号。 (1)当给一位熟悉的人写信时用Dear 或是My Dear。 (2)当给一位你不知婚否的女性写信时,用Ms.…,这是指"…女士"。 (3)在给不熟悉的人写信时,用Dear sir, Dear Madam, Dear sirs, Gentleman 4正文(Body of Letter) 正文是一封信的主体部分。通常在称呼的下一行写出。正文也可采用齐头式或缩进式的方法。齐头式是反映每段开头一行和后面行并齐。缩进式是指每段的第一行向右缩进几个字母。信笺讲究简洁、效率。开头几句简单地寒暄后就步入正题,在结尾处要有祝愿和敬语。 常用的开头语有:


英语证明的格式及范文 英语证明书种类很多,有工作经历证明、工作经验证明、病情证明、留学生经济担保书、学业成绩证明书等等,是用来证明一个人的身份、学历、婚姻状况、身体情况等或某一件事情的真实情况。证明信的写法通常也采用一般信件格式,但多省掉收信人的姓名、地址和结束用语。称呼多用“T Wh I My Cnen”意即“有关负责人”,但此项也可省略。写证明书要求言简意赅。 英文证明的格式 American Embassy To whom it may concerned, We hereby confirmed that Mr.(你的名字)is a staff of our company. He has worked in our company for more than (5) years till present and will continue his obligation after he come back at YYY/ZZZ.(你回国的年月日) Any question regarding his working history please do not hesitate to contact us at fax number____, tel number______. Best regards, (你经理的名字)

(你公司的名字)————此处盖章。 20XX/01/14 尊敬的:Esteemed (Esteemed American Embassy) 特此证明:I hereby to guarantee/ Hereby Certificated 此致敬礼:Sincerely 或者Best regards(后面加逗号) 职业证明书:Profession Certificate 希望有所帮助! 英文证明书范文 医生证明书 Ds Ceifie June 18, This is eify h he pien, M Ts, le, ged 41, s died in u hspil n June 9, , f suffeing f ue ppendiiis Afe iedie pein nd en dys f een, he hs g plee evey nd ill be dishged n June 19, I is suggesed h he es f ne eek he befe esuing his k Jk Hpkins Sugen-in-hge


英文邀请函及回复范文 邀请函包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、聚会、婚礼等各种邀请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规的格式(formal correspondence;一种是非正式格式(informal correspondence)。 邀请信一定要将邀请的时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场合写清楚,不能使接信人存在任何疑虑。 例如:“I’d like you and Bob to come to Luncheon next Friday.”这句话中所指的是哪个星期五并不明确,所以应加上具体日期, “I’d like you and Bob to come to luncheon next Friday, May the fifth.” 1. 邀请朋友共进午餐Inviting a friend to informal luncheon Dear [Zhang Ying]: Will you come to luncheon on [Friday, May the fifth], at [twelve o’clock]? My niece [Mary] is visiting us and I think you will enjoy meeting her. She is a charming, very pretty girl … and very good company! [John and Jane] will be here, and perhaps we can [give a dance] after luncheon. Do say you’ll come! Affectionately yours, Li Ming 亲爱的[张营]: 您能在[5月5日星期五中午12点钟] 来吃午饭吗? 我侄女[玛丽]正在我们家中作客,我想您会乐于见到她的。她是个漂亮而聪明的女孩子,……同她在一起是很使人高兴的![约翰和简]也到这里来,也许在饭后我们能[开个舞会],说好,一定得来呀! 2. 邀请朋友同他们不认识的人一起共进晚餐Inviting friends to supper with the strangers Dear [Susan]: I know you are interested in [oil painting], so I’m sure you’ll be interested in [Mr. and Mrs. Lin dun]! They are coming here to supper [next Sunday night, October the twelfth], and we’d like you and [Walter] to come, too. [Mr. and Mrs. Lin Dun] are that very charming couple we met in [London] last summer. They have a wonderful collection of [oil paintings of various stages]; and I understand that Mr. Lin Dun is quite an authority on [oil painting]. I’m sure you and Walter will thoroughly enjoy and evening in their company. We’re planning supper at six; that will give us a nice long evening to talk. If I don’t hear from you before then, I’ll be expecting you on the [twelfth]! Affectionately yours, Li Ming 亲爱的[苏珊]: 我知道您对[油画]是有兴趣的,所以我相信您对林顿夫妇也会感兴趣。他们将在[10月12日(下星期日)]来吃饭,我们很希望您和瓦尔特也能同来。


英文通知范文 英文通知范文1 notice attention, please. i have an announcement to make. we are going to visit the history museum this saturday. we are going to meet at the school gate at eight in the morning. please bring a notebook with you and make some notes. we will have a discussion about it in the class meeting next monday. please come on time. that’s all. 英文通知范文2 Directions: The Students’ Union of your department is planning a Chinese Speaking Contest. Write an announcement which covers the following information: 1) the purpose of the contest, 2) time and place of the contest, 3) what is required of the candidates, 4) details of the judges and awards. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the end of the announcement. Chinese Speaking Contest February 3, 20xx To improve students’ ability to speak Chinese and



英文版证明书格式 【篇一:英文证明的格式】 英文证明的格式 american embassy to whom it may concerned, we hereby confirmed that mr.(你的名字)is a staff of our company. he has worked in our company for more than (5) years till present and will continue his obligation after he come back at yyy/zzz.(你回国的年月日) any question regarding his working history please do not hesitate to contact us at fax number____, tel number______. best regards, (你经理的名字) (你公司的名字)————此处盖章。 2006/01/14 1.尊敬的:esteemed (esteemed american embassy) 2.特此证明:i hereby to guarantee/ hereby certificated 3.此致敬礼:sincerely 或者best regards(后面加逗号) 4.职业证明书:profession certificate 希望有所帮助! 【篇二:证书英文版】

证书翻译件格式要求:中英文放在一张a4纸上,即:上半页为英文翻译,下半页为证书的复印件。 以下为各类证书的英文翻译模板,大家对应下载后可以修改各自证书中相关的个人信息及获奖情况,字的大小可以调整一下,落款日期一定要与证书上的颁发日期一致。(温馨提示:各类奖学金证书翻译件办理费用均为8元一份,请按需挑选后办理。) 一、优秀毕业证书 1. 浙江省优秀毕业证书 certificate of honor mr. 姓名, you have been awarded the title of graduate with honor out of the graduates of zhejiang provincial institutions of higher learning. the educational office of zhejiang province june 20, 1999 2.学校优秀毕业证书1 certificate of honor this is to certify that mr. 姓名, a graduate of 1992, having studied in chemical engineering department with a speciality of polymer chemical engineering, has been awarded the title of graduate with honor in recognition of his outstanding performance during his eollment in the undergraduate program. lu yongxiang president of zhejiang university june 26, 1992 学校优秀毕业证书2 certificate of honor


英语邀请函回复范文带翻译 英语邀请函回复范文带翻译篇一 Dear : I have heard so much about from that I almost feel as though I knew him. I would certainly enjoy meeting his mother! But unfortunately I expect guests myself on ; and therefore cannot accept your invitation for luncheon on that day. It was thoughtful of you to invite me, and I am extremely sorry I cannot accept, I do hope you will ask me again some time! Sincerely yours, 亲爱的: 我已经从那里知道了许多关于的事,我好像已经认识他似的,能够去见他母亲我当然觉得十分荣幸! 但是很不凑巧:在我自己要招待客人,因此就不能接受您在那天的午宴邀请了。承您如此热情地相约,恰巧因事不能前往,深表歉意,但愿以后能再次荣获您的邀请。 英语邀请函回复范文带翻译篇二 Dear : It would give great pleasure to have your presence at a reception in honor of the Chinese delegation. The reception will be held in the , on . Cocktails will be served promptly at to be followed b dinner at . sincerely hope you can attend. Let know.


(一) 英文书信的组成部分 英文书信一般由六部分组成。即:信头(Heading)、信内地址(Inside Address), 称呼(Salutation),正文(Body of Letter)、结束语(Complimentary Close)、署名(Signature), 有时在书信后面还有附言(Postscript)、附件(Enclosure),这得视具体情况而定。下面将分别说明。 1. 信头(Heading) 信头是指写信人的地址和写信日期,一般写在或打在第一面信纸的右上角,先写地址再写日期,地址的写法是从小到大,先写门牌号、路号,再写区名、市名、省名,最后写国名。时间的写法对英国人和美国人而言是不同的。英国人习惯按日、月、年的顺序写, 而美国人习惯按月、日、年的顺序写。例如: 英式:1st October,1999 美式:October 1,1999 在使用前一种形式时,月和年之间的逗号可用可不用,但是在后一种形式中,必需要使用逗号。 信头的写法有缩进式和齐头式。缩进式每行开头向右缩进一两个字母;齐头式左边对齐排列,如下所示: 缩进式 Wang Ming Dept. of Chemical Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116023 Liaoning Province P. R. China 齐头式 Wang Ming Dept. of Chemical Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116023 Liaoning Province P. R. China 2. 信内地址(Inside Address) 信内地址要写出收信人的姓名和地址。一般给比较生疏的亲友的信和公事信件要写出信内地址,而熟悉朋友可以省去这一步骤。信内地址写出在日期下一两行的左上角,第一行写收信人的称呼姓名,然后写出地址。地质也是从小到大写出,分缩进式和齐头式两种。例如:缩进式 The President Oxford University England 齐头式 Jiang Bin


英文通知范文格式 书面通知 是英语作文的一种常见类型。下面是小编帮大家整理的英文通知范文格式, 希望大家喜欢。 书面通知的英语作文格式要求 1.通知的标志:标志一般要醒目,多用 Notice 作标题。 2.出通知的单位和时间:一般分别位于正文的右下角和右上角。不过,这两项有时可以省略。 3.通知的正文:要写明所做事情的具体时间、地点、概括性内容、出席对象 及有关注意事项。 4.通知的对象:一般用第三人称,但如果带有称呼语,则用第二人称来表示。 5.通知的文体:注意用词贴切,语句简洁。 通知的英文格式范文 ( 一 ) An English Evening to Be Held Notice It is our great desire to improve our English studies to a new stage 。So an English evening is going to be held in our school meeting-hall from 8:00 to 10:00 p。m。 next Friday 。 You will enjoy English stories,songs,poemsand short plays at the evening 。 Mr and Mrs Green from the USAworking in our school,together with their children,will be invited to our evening 。 They will give us wonderful performances。 All the teachers and students are welcome to attend our English evening 。 We hope all of you will like the performances。 Student's Union Nov。 16 , 1998 通知的英文格式范文 ( 二 ) Dear classmates, I ’ve something to tell you. The school League Committee has decided to organize a volunteer activity for the League membersthis weekend---to do general cleaning at the railway station . All the League members are


英文版证明书 【篇一:英文版各种证明的写法】 英语:各种证明书的写法要求言简意赅 证明书种类很多,有工作经历证明、工作经验证明、病情证明、留 学生经济担保书、学业成绩证明书等等,是用来证明一个人的身份、学历、婚姻状况、身体情况等或某一件事情的真实情况。证明信的 写法通常也采用一般信件格式,但多省掉收信人的姓名、地址和结 束用语。称呼多用“to whom it may concern”意即“有关负责人”, 但此项也可省略。写证明书要求言简意赅。 医生证明书 doctors certificate june. 18, 2000 this is to certify that the patient, mr. tomas, male, aged 41, was admitted into our hospital on june. 9, 2000, for suffering from acute appendicitis. after immediate operation and ten days of treatment, he has got complete recovery and will be discharged on june. 19, 2000. it is suggested that he rest for one week at home before resuming his work. jack hopkins surgeon-in-charge 医生证明书 2000年6月18日 兹证明病人托马斯先生,男,41岁,因患急性阑尾炎,于2000年 6月9日住院。经立即施行手术和十天治疗后,现已痊愈,将于 2000年6月19日出院。建议在家休息一个星期后再上班工作。 公证书 certificate (90)lu zi, no. 1130 this is to certificate that mr. zhao qiangwen holds a diploma issued to him in july, 1980 by shandong university (diploma no. 064)and that we have carefully checked the seal of the university and the signature by president zhou yong sen. jinan notary public office shangdong province the peoples republic of china notary: wang fang


英文邀请函及回复范文_邀请函 1. 邀请朋友共进午餐Inviting a friend to informal luncheon Dear : Will you come to luncheon on , at ? My niece is visiting us and I think you will enjoy meeting her. She is a charming, very pretty girl … and very good company! will be here, and perhaps we can after luncheon. Do say you’ll come! Affectionately yours, Li Ming 亲爱的: 您能在来吃午饭吗? 我侄女正在我们家中作客,我想您会乐于见到她的。她是个漂亮而聪明的女孩子,……同她在一起是很使人高兴的!也到这里来,也许在饭后我们能,说好,一定得来呀! 2. 邀请朋友同他们不认识的人一起共进晚餐Inviting friends to supper with the strangers Dear : I know you are interested in , so I’m sure you’ll be interested in ! They are coming here to supper , and we’d like you and to come, too. are that very charming couple we met in last summer. They have a wonderful collection of ; and I understand that Mr. Lin Dun is quite an authority on . I’m sure you and Walter will thoroughly enjoy and evening in their company. We’re planning supper at six; that will give us a nice long evening to talk. If I don’t hear from you before then, I’ll be expecting you on the ! Affectionately yours, Li Ming 亲爱的: 我知道您对是有兴趣的,所以我相信您对林顿夫妇也会感兴趣。他们将在来吃饭,我们很希望您和瓦尔特也能同来。 是那么好的一对夫妻。我们是去年夏天在认识的。他们集有。我知道,林顿先生在研究方面是颇有权威的。我深信,那天晚上您和瓦尔特同他们在一起,一定会很愉快。 我们准备在6点钟吃晚饭,这样就能有较长的时间闲谈。如果事前接不到您的回信,我就指望你们那天到来。 3. 邀请来家中小住及周末聚会An invitation for a house and weekend party Dear : I hope haven’t any plan for the weekend of as we’d like you to spend it with us at . It’s simply beautiful here now, with everything in bloom! I think we can promise some good fishing this year. The fish are biting better than ever! So bring your fishing clothes; and be s ure to bring your tennis things, too, because are coming and I’m sure you’ll want to get out on the courts with them. There’s a very good train ; I’ve marked it in red on the timetable. It gets you here about


英文书信格式及范文 一、英文书信的结构 二、书信作文的出题形式和写作要领 三、书信作文练习及其参考范文 书信是重要的交际工具。英文书信分为两大类:公务信件和私人信件。公务信件是单位与单位或单位与个人之间来往的书信,可能是推荐信、求职信、入学申请书、邀请信,或询问、答复、反映意见(如投诉信)等的信件。私人信件是指亲戚朋友之间的通信。这两类书信各有自己的格式。一般说来,私人信件不拘形式,信文多用手写,也可打印;公务信件要求比较严格,必须遵循一定的格式,信文一定要打印。 第一节英文书信的结构 英文书信一般由以下六部分组成:信头、信内地址、称呼、正文、结尾、签名。 1. 信头(Heading) 信头是指写信人的地址和写信日期,一般写在或打在第一面信纸的右上角,先写地址再写日期,地址的写法是从小到大,先写门牌号、路号,再写区名、市名、省名,最后写国名。时间的写法对英国人和美国人而言是不同的。英国人习惯按日、月、年的顺序写, 而美国人习惯按月、日、年的顺序写。例如: 英式:1st October,1999

美式:October 1,1999 在英式时,月和年之间的逗号可用可不用,但是在美式中,必需要使用逗号。 1. 信头的写法有缩进式(Indented Form)和齐头式(Block Form) 缩进式每行开头向右缩进一两个字母;齐头式左边对齐排列,如下所示: 缩进式 Wang Ming Dept. of Chemical Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116023 Liaoning Province P. R. China 齐头式 Wang Ming Dept. of Chemical Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116023 Liaoning Province P. R. China 2. 信内地址(Inside Address) 信内地址要写出收信人的姓名和地址。一般给比较生疏的亲友的信和公事信件要写出信内地址,而熟悉朋友可以省去这一步骤。信内地址写出在日期下一两行的左上


英文通知书格式 【篇一:英语通知的格式】 英语通知的格式 假如你是校学生会主席,请你以校学生会的名义写一份书面通知。notice boys and girls, our school will have a meeting on the playground at 3:00 p. m. on june 18th. the meeting is about being (keeping)away from net bars and refusing unhealthy publications. well visit a picture show about healthy knowledge after the meeting. please get there on time with your chairs. that s all. thank you. the students union 例文一 notice attention, please. i have an announcement to make. we are going to visit the history museum this saturday. we are going to meet at the school gate at eight in the morning. please bring a notebook with you and make some notes. we will have a discussion about it in the class meeting next monday. please come on time. thats all.例文一点评 这是一份口头通知,介绍了这个星期六有一次参观活动,即参观历史博物馆。集合地点是学校大门口,出发时间是上午8:00。要求随身带上笔记本(notebook)并做笔记,以准备下个星期一班会课讨论(discussion)。请准时参加。 例文二 notice our class will go to the red star farm to help the farmers to pick the apples to morrow morning. we ll meet outside the school gate at 6:30 tomorrow morning and will go to the farm by bus. we 1! have lunch on the farm. you d better put on your old clothes. please get to school on time tomorrow morning. the headmasters office 例文二点评 这是关于明天去农场劳动的书面通知,所以大部分句子用一般将来时。这份通知从行文上看,通知的三大部分一应俱全。如标题部分

商务英语培训知识 情况说明报告英文范文

什么是说明报告? 说明报告是用简明扼要的语言,恰如其分地介绍产品或服务的实际情况。它不同于产品说明书,也不同于产品广告,所以不能用过于渲染的词语,更不能夸大其词。 首先,总体介绍产品或服务的名称、用途及总体特征;然后,描述产品或服务的详细特征及用途,这是说明报告的主要部分;最后,介绍使用中的一些注意事项。 情况说明报告英文范文 关于ABC视频电话的说明报告 交与:销售部门全体员工 提交人:露西?宙斯,营销经理助理 日期:2009年6月2日 产品描述 ABC公司推出了其最新的产品ABC视频电话。该设备能让使用者在同朋友、家人或同事打电话时看见对方。它体积很小,外形美观,对于居家、办公或商务旅行都比较理想。易于安装,并且不需要昂贵的维护费用。只需一部按键式电话,既不需要电脑也不需要任何特殊软件。操作简单,同拨打普通电话无异。 主要特色 *全息视频:有了它,对方的姿势和而部表情变化都能看到。具有可调节的图片设定功能,能得到高质量的图片和清晰的画而。 *预览模式:在被别人看到之前,使用者可以提前看到自己在画面中的样子。?屏蔽模式:这个功能很重要,它可以在隐藏画面的同时保持通话。 使用方法 可参看附带的产品说明书。商务英语培训 注意事项 ?使用者要确保跟其通话的人也安装了该产品系列中的某一型号的视频电话。 ?因为该产品没有外接视频输入设备,所以不要同外接视频相机一起使用。 情况说明报告英文范文【译文】

Introduction Report on ABC Videophone To: Staff in Sales Department From: Lucy Joes, Assistant to Marketing Manager Date: June 2, 2009 Overview of the product: The ABC Corporation has launched its latest brand-new product — the ABC Videophone. This set makes it possible for you to see the faces when you call your friends, family or colleagues. It’s small and elegant and ideal for the home, for the office and for the business trip. It,s easy to install and there is no need for expensive maintenance. All you need is a touch-tone phone, and neither a computer nor any special software is required. It’s also very easy to use, as easy as making any normal telephone call. Main features: ?Full color motion: With this, you can see the other person’s gestures and changes of expression. You can get excellent picture quality and an amazingly clear image is guaranteed by the adjustable picture setting. ?A preview mode: This means that you can see what you look like before the others see you. ?A privacy mode: It’s an important treat which means that you can block the image while keeping the voice connected. How to use: See the attached Product Introduction. Attentions: ?Make sure that the person you call also has one of the series of our videophones. ?Do not use an external video camera with the ABC Videophone, for it does not have an external video input. BEC考试报名 情况说明报告英文范文写作提示: 注意说明报告中的用词要短小精悍,言简意赅,以期达到事半功倍的效果;如果过多使用一些华丽的辞藻、大话或空话,会失去说明报告应具有的严谨性和客观性,也不利于为读者留下深刻的印象,试比较:
