The brief introduction of National Road 318(318国道英文简介)

The brief introduction of National Road 318(318国道英文简介)
The brief introduction of National Road 318(318国道英文简介)

The brief introduction of National Road 318

——written by LiGang,19th Jan,2014 China National Road 318 (G318) runs from Shanghai to Zhangmu on the China-Nepal border. It is 5,476 kilometers in length and runs west from Shanghai towards Zhejiang, Anhui, Hubei, Chongqing, Sichuan, and ends in Tibet of China. You can visit the mouth of the Yangtze River in Shanghai, what a large and great international city it is. There are so many Commercial, Finance, Banking, Manufacturing firms here, and thousands of companies and something like that. You can watching the tide of QianTang River, then go down to the west to enjoy the beauty of West Lake in Hangzhou, See the beauty of Taihu at the junction of Zhejiang province and Jiangsu province. Meanwhile you will meet the Mount Huangshan Scenic Area which is the one of the greatest beautiful scenery where is located in Huangshan city in Anhui province, behind Huangshan you will encounter Jingting Mountain in Xuanzhou city, then you will see the Jiuhua Mountain in Chizhou city, Jiuhua Mountain is a very famous summer resort place to go. You will see the Tianzhu Mountain in Anqing city which is not too far away from the Hubei Province, if you go ahead to the west along National Road 318 it is the birthplace of Huangmei Opera in Huaining in Anhui Province. Huangmei opera is the Beijing Opera's origin and it is a very important traditional culture and art of China. You can also visit Lushan Mountain in Jiujiang city and Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province which are distance to the National Road 318 nearly. Yuexi is the next city which is located in the west to the Anqing city.

Then you come into Hubei Province, you can visit the Wujiashan National Forest Park in Yingshan county of Huanggang city, the main scenic area of Dabie Mountain is located in the park, this is the birthplace of Bisheng, who is the first inventor of the movable-type printing. Go down to the west is Wuhan city; there are so many beautiful and charming scenic area in this city. Such as the Tower of Yellow Crane, East Lake which is the largest urban lake of all the cities in China. And you can go to the Wuhan University to watch the great sakura's beauty. Wuhan welcomes you! The next station is XianTao city; you can taste the Mianyang Three Steams here. Yes, the Mianyang Three Steams is delicious and yummy to everyone; it is made of steamed farm livestock, fresh vegetables and marine lives. Then you can visit Yueyang city for the beautiful Dongting Lake and the Yueyang Tower, which are located 140km to the south of Xiantao. Jingzhou lies to the west of Xiantao, the history of which is more than 3000 years old. And there are places of interest. The next station is Three Gorges nearby Yichang city. Then is Enshi, which is famous as "Back yard Garden of China". Then you will encounter the Changyang Qingjiang Gallery, it is the five-A Class Scenic Area of China.

The next station is the municipality of Chongqing and Chongqing is on the east of Sicuan Province. You can visit Mount Emei in Emeishan city, Memorial Temple to Military Marquise Zhuge Liang in Chengdu city, and great many places of interesting in Sicuan. After Sicuan, you enter Tibet in China. You will encounter uncounterable mountains more than 4000 meters here. Finally, you, the Lucky Warrior and the bravest guy in the world, arrive in Lhasa which is the most mysterious city with infinite fascination. You have the right to cross the Himalayas to the China-Nepal border which is the end of the China National Road 318.
