







A Bad Day

I had a very bad day yesterday. Everything went wrong. In the morning, my alarm clock didn't ring. So I woke up one hour late.I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast. Then I ran out of the house to catch the 8:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I was very unhappy because my teacher gets angry if anyone is late for class. I ran three miles to the school only to discover that it was Sunday.





a.骑车出发 b.到公园 c.捡垃圾

d.树标牌 e.向行人宣传 f.回家 g.感想




出发tostart out

捡垃圾to collect the rubbish

贴通知to put up notice

保护环境to protect the environment






急急忙忙in a hurry


to phone to the fire police station

扑灭to put out

英雄行为heroic deed

③下面一组图是Tom上学的路上所见到的不良现象,如常听人吵架生气。请你根据下面提示的内容写一篇题为“礼貌”的短文。(字数:100左右) 提示:





相处好to get along well with…

取得允许to ask for permission

踩脚to step on one's foot

敲门to knock at the door

坏行为rude behavior

坏脾气bad temper

因……争吵to quarrel about…





夫妻俩a couple

帮忙to give…a hand

照料to take care of

高度评价to praise highly for…

⑤请根据以下6幅图的内容写一篇题为“An Interesting Book”的短文。(字数:100左右)




坐在地上to sit on the floor


把……留在…… to leave…

吃惊to one's surprise

沉浸在……中to lose oneself in…





植树to plant trees

组织to be organized

挖洞to dig holes

使……直to keep…straight





态度冷淡to treat…coldly

承认to admit

借各种理由to give various excuses

拒绝要求to refuse one's request

批评to criticize

满意地with satisfaction

道别to say goodbye to somebody





回家路上on one's way home

拉下帽子to pull down one's hat

假装没看见to pretend not to see

吃惊地……to be surprised to

抓住小偷to catch the thief





钓鱼to go fishing

遇上大雨to be caught in a heavy rain

感冒to catch a cold

发烧to have a fever

⑩下列4幅图是介绍两青年男子在公园散步,开始彼此不认识,也没注意,后来突然发现后面有人要去占一个位子,赶紧走,坐上位子,另一位青年拿“Wet Paint”的牌子给他看。你想象一下坐上位子的人的感受,并根据以上叙述写一篇短文。(字数:100左右)


在公园散步to walk in the park

回头to turn round

为了……in order to

超前ahead of






决定做……to decide to…

上车to get on a bus

道别to say good-bye to…

挥手to wave to…



上学路上on one's way to school

过桥to walk across the bridge

往前走几步to step forward a few paces

领……人到……to take…to…



袭击to hit

遭受破坏to be seriously damaged

受……之苦to suffer from

响应号召to answer the call




“I want to thank them for the wheelchair. It is much better than my old one. Now I can move about more easily. I really feel grateful. Ask them if there is anything I can do for them. Oh, yes, tell them I just published a new painting, and I will mail a copy to them.”


比……好得多much better than…

感激to feel grateful

太高兴only too glad to

盼望to look forward to





解放前before liberation

轻视to be looked down upon

长大to grow up

受高等教育to receive a high education

取得成就to make great achievements

各个领域in every field




径直走to go straight


右拐to turn to right

在……拐角at the corner of

对面opposite to








为……出名to be famous for

一般说来generally speaking

增加to increase








真情sincere feelings

假发false hair


治愈to be cured

被吹掉to be blown

捡起to pick up



让座to offer a seat

白发the grey hair

坐满了人to be full of people

戴眼镜to wear glasses

拐杖a walking stick



炒菜to cook

首次for the first time


倒油to pour oil

在……帮助下with the help of

表扬to praise sb. for…







处于危险之中to be in danger

毫不犹豫without hesitation

安全地带safe place

带领部队to lead one's army

(23)请为下面一幅漫画配上英文说明。(字数:120左右) 提示:


Mr and Mrs Turners;



Extreme Joy Begets Sorrow


乐极生悲extreme joy begets sorrow

给……买……to buy…for…

放手with one's hands off


加速to speed up


受伤to get hurt

陷入悲伤中to go into deep sorrow




to do exercises and physical training

拔河have a tug-of-war match 出乎意料地unexpectedly


输了比赛to lose a match


2018届高考英语书面表达解析及写作技巧 2018-08-10英语:高考书面表达解析及写作技巧一、解读书面表达书面表达是一个综合性题目,要求考生根据所给图画、图表、提纲(或者开放性)等,运用所学知识将提示信息组成句子,句子连成段,段连成篇。 它不断要求考生有丰富的语言语法知识,而且有较强的语言表达能力和逻辑思维能力。 它也是一种融形式、文体、交际三位于一体的试题,所考查内容都体现在表达和传递信息的交流能力,因此,书面表达有交流性、实用性、合理性等特点。 近几年来高考书面表达正在一步步地向考试要考语言运用能力这一方向改进,并采用了新的评分标准,因此要求考生语言的准确性和得体性,注重上、下文连贯,注重表达方式多样化。 新的评分标准提倡考生使用高级词汇和复杂句式,运用过渡性词汇增强文章连贯性。 如果考生在表达中只是运用了简单句,虽然表达了要求的信息,那么得分也不会高。 因此,近几年高考要求考生掌握词汇要丰富,句式表达要复杂,适当地使用情感性语言。 二、各种题型的应试对策1图画作文要求考生首先仔细观察,读懂图意,抓住要点,按图片顺序编拟提纲,同时要注意图片所给的时

间、背景等相关信息,确定写作的人称、时态和语态。 在写作时还要适当地使用一些关联词、过渡句来加工润色,使文章层次清楚、通顺畅达。 这种作文的难点在于要求考生能自己编拟出合适的要点,并且表达上要连贯。 2图表作文要求考生能分析把握该图表要表达的内容,确定主题,然后从图表中归纳出相应要点来写作。 这种作文能有效考查考生的篇章结构组织能力,要求写作具有逻辑性。 3提纲作文要求考生首先将所给出的要点进行组织,按照一定的逻辑顺序用明白、恰当、得体的语言来表达;要尽量消除汉语式的英文表达。 这种作文切忌逐字逐句汉译英,使得文章支离破碎,不忍卒读。 相对来说,这种作文难度相对较小。 4(半)开放性作文要求考生能根据相当简短的提示来写作;或者要求续写一段文字,或者写出你的感想等等。 这种形式为考生张扬个性提供了空间,答案不唯一,淋漓尽致地考查了考生发散思维和创新思维能力。 它还可能包括改写、缩写等其他形式。 近年来不少自主命题省(市)的高考试题有向(半)开放性过渡的趋势。


高考英语专题系列-高考英语作文高分万能句子高考英语作文高分万能句子 天津卷常用句型 提出主题 There is a widespread concern overthe issue that… The topic of(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. …has attracted extensive(广泛的)attention of the society. There is no consensus (一致) of opinion among people as to the view of… 展开 Firstly…secondly(besides)…thirdly(finally) For one thing…for another…what's more… On one hand…on the other hand…moreover… 转折 On the contrary… however, a coin has two sides… You can't take your cake and eatit. 自己的看法 In my opinion As far as I am concerned From my point of view, With reference to my standpoint , 喊口号 I think / I firmly support… Only through…can we… 说明事物现状(一句带过) Nowadays, there is a widespreadconcern over (the issue that)作文题目. In fact, there are both advantagesand disadvantages in 题目议题. 事物本身的优缺点 Its advantages can be seen as follows…


看图作文类 写作指导 在做看图作文时,首先要学会看图。这种图画一般在平面上通过线条、色彩、明暗等艺术手段,创造出人们可以直接感觉到的视觉形象和空间形象,来反映生活,来表达作者的某种思想倾向、某种爱憎和他们对现实的评价。 学生在做这类题时,必须根据画面,恰当地运用所学的词句表达一个完整的故事。要审清题意,看懂画面所表达的意思,紧扣主题。防止因对画面的错误理解而走题。有些画面上附有提示,注意仔细参阅,正确使用。 精选范文 你有过不顺利的一天吗?下面四幅图就是有关张红不顺利的一天。 A Bad Day I had a very bad day yesterday. Everything went wrong. In the morning, my alarm clock didn't ring. So I woke up one hour late.I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast. Then I ran out of the house to catch the 8:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I was very unhappy because my teacher gets angry if anyone is late for class. I ran three miles to the school only to discover that it was Sunday. 练习 ①初春的一天,你们班组织了一次保护环境、清理废弃物的活动。请用英语把图中的事写成日记。


安徽 假设你是李华。美国一所友好学校准备与你们学校共同创办一份中学生英文 刊物,该校格林先生来信询问有关情况。请你给他写封回信,主要内容如下: 表示赞成。 提出你喜欢的栏目。 简要说明理由。 注意: 1.词数100左右。 2.信的开头和结尾已为你写好。 3.适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 4.参考词汇:栏目一column ﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡ June 8 Dear Mr. Green, I am very excited to learn that we are going to start a magazine together.______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Yours faithfully Li Hua June 8 Dear Mr. Green, I am very excited to learn that we are going to start a magazine together. It is indeed a wonderful idea and everyone hopes for its success. I would like the magazine to have three columns : News, Teachers' Advice and Students' V oice. From the News column we can learn about what is going on in both of our schools. In Teachers' Advice, our teachers can give us such help as we may not be able to get in the classroom. Students' V oice will allow us to freely express our thoughts and feelings about our lives and studies. I believe that this magazine will surely strengthen our ties, and I am looking forward to reading it. Yours faithfully, Li Hua 北京 第一节情景作文(20分) 假设你是李华,要给英国笔友Harry写封信,介绍你班两位同学精选班长的 过程。请按下图顺序描述。 注意:1.信的开头已为你写好。 2.词数不少于60. 提示词:竞选班长monitor election


干货——高考英语书面表达高分套路(后附范文) 高考日益临近,大家准备好迎战了吗?最近大家看到关于写作的内容比较多呢,但是你会发现侧重的角度不同。今天小编也针对高考写作给大家准备了不可多得的好东西,掌握这些,让你对高考写作胜券在握,还不快来抢先收藏?别忘了,好东西大家一定要记得分享啊。 ◆开头段:四大内容(1、问候;2、自我介绍;3、写信缘由;4、写信目的。); ?中间段:具体问题(主题句) +具体分析(拓展句); ?结尾段:客套话。 ◆开头段: 1、问候。 How are you doing? / How is everything going? 2、自我介绍。 由于我们在考场上的身份几乎每年都是李华,李华的个人情况是可以由自己设定。如:I am Li Hua, a 17-year-old boy studying in … senior high school. / I am Li Hua, who ... 我们可以用上一些能给阅卷老师留下深刻印象的词汇,如:hardworking, diligent, optimistic, positive, helpful, take part in … competition, won the … prize in… competition, worked as a volunteer …等等。 3、写信缘由。 I heard that ... / My teacher told me ... / I am informed that ... / I learned that ... / I read in your newspaper / website that ... / You said in your last letter that ... 4、写信目的。 最常见书信/ 电邮的“写信目的”的最佳表述: 自荐信:Now, I am writing to apply for the job / position. 感谢信:Now, I am writing to show / express my deep gratitude to you. 邀请信:Now, I am writing to invite you to ... (as our guest / judge / instructor). 建议信:Now, I am writing to give you a hand / some suggestions that may help you. 求助信:Now, I am writing to ask you for help / to do me a favor. 道歉信:Now, I am writing to show / express my sincere apology to you.


【2013江苏连云港】书面表达(满分20分) 76. 每个人都拥有梦想,而实现梦想需要行动。请你根据所给图片写一篇题为“Take action to realize our dreams”的英语短文。你的短文应包括以下内容: (1) 描述图片内容,如情景、人物(Frank)、动作等;并简要表达你的观点; (2) 谈谈你的梦想,及人员和实现。 注意: (1) 词数90左右,短文首段已经给出,不计入总词数; (2) 文中不得提及考生所在学校及自己的姓名。 Take action to realize our dreams All of ue have dreams, but how can we realize our dreams? 【答案】 Take action to realize our dreams All of us have dreams, but how can we realize our dreams? Frank wanted to be a doctor in the future when he was 15 years old. But he only lay in bed and daydreamed instead of realizing it. Now he is already 60 years old, he is still dreaming to be a teacher. So, he will never realize his dream. I have a dream, too. I want to be a teacher in the future. From now on, I will study hard and try to learn every subject well. If I can be a teacher, I will teach my students well and put all my effort into education. I believe that my dream will surely come true only if I do my best. (95 words) 【2013四川宜宾】第三节:写作(共1题,计12分) 最近媒体对“中国式过马路”这一现象进行了尖锐的批评,请你以一个中学生的角色,写一篇短文,对“中国式过马路”这一现象加以评述。 注意:1. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和学校名称。 2. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。字数:80词左右,不可逐字翻译。


请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。 Cleanliness is important to academic success at one Chinese university where compulsory labor is part of a program designed to award class credits while teaching students with proper moral values. During winter, the sky is still dark at 6:30 a.m. when the first-year students in Trade and Management College in Zhengzhou begin sweeping the 165-acre campus and it can take up to an hour. Mr. Sun, the university official, said labor is good for building character and promotes “the spirit of hard work.”Some students also claim that they are always proud of the clean campus. They never litter because they've been through the labor and understand that they should respect the fruits of labor of others. Some students, however, are against it because they feel the demands of the cleaning program are a distraction. Some often show up late and hungry to their morning classes after rushing to sweep the campus and clean their rooms. 【写作内容】 1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要。 2. 用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括:(1) 支持或反对这个学校的做法;(2) 用2~3个理由或论据支撑你的观点。 【写作要求】 1. 可以支持文中任一观点,但必须提供理由或论据。 2. 阐述观点或提供论据时,不能直接引用原文语句。 3. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 4. 不必写标题。 【评分标准】 内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。 支持: One university in Zhengzhou designs a program where students must clean the campus every day and relates it to class credits. Some people support the program while others do not.(30) Generally, I am in favor of the practice. To begin with, through their effort, students provide a clean and comfortable environment, which, as a result, is an assurance of their successful academic life. Moreover, cleaning and labor can not only serve to build students' character but also contribute positively to students developing healthy routines and good sanitation habits. Last but not least, by enjoying the fruits of others' labor, students will develop the awareness of gratitude and regard labor as a matter of honor. In short, carrying out the cleaning program is crucial. The significance for students of participating in it means more than academic success. It is part of moral education and benefits students as well as the campus. (120) 反对: It is required by one university in Zhengzhou that students should clean the campus every morning to achieve class credits. Opinions on the practice vary widely from person to person.(30) I am strongly opposed to the practice for the following reasons. First of all, cleaning tends to take up too much time, which becomes a distraction for students and discourages them from focusing on their academic performances. Then, students can be encouraged to maintain clean living areas but it's unreasonable to relate the cleaning with the academic credits. As students, they should put more efforts into their studies to achieve class credits instead of sweeping the campus. Furthermore, though someone claims labor can contribute to developing the spirit of hard work, it should by no means be achieved through daily floor-sweeping. In conclusion, there is no sense in students sweeping the campus, for it benefits neither their character nor study.(120)

中考英语试题分类汇编:书面表达 精讲二、看图作文

(2019江苏盐城市)五、书面表达(共1题,计20分) 学校将举办英语写作比赛。请根据所给提示,以“Gettingalongwellwithothers”为题,写一篇参赛短文。 注意事项: 1.词数:100词左右(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数); 2.文中不能出现真实姓名、校名等信息; 3.文章必须包含所提供的主要信息,并作适当发挥。 Gettingalongwellwithothers. Noonecanlivewithoutkeepinginwithothers.Therefore,it’simpo rtantforustolearnhowto_____ _______________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ Onepossibleversion: Gettingalongwellwithothers. Noonecanlivewithoutkeepinginwithothers.Therefore,it’simportantforus tolearnhowtogetalongw ellwithothers.Weshouldbekindandfriendlyenoughtoothers,sowecanmakemorefriends.Wecansharejo yandsadnesswithourfriends.Ifwearefree,wecandovolunteerworktohelpourneighbours.Athome,wesh ouldcommunicatemorewithourparents.Theyareourclosestpeopleintheworld.Atschool,weshouldresp ectourteachers.Theyarelikebothourparentsandfriends.Gettingalongwellwithothersisveryimportant.I fwecangetalongwellwithothers,wewillenjoyourselveseverydayandsucceedwhenwedoanything. (2019浙江杭州)第二节:书面表达(共1小题,满分15分) 请查看你校英语节安排表(Schedule),给外教老师Dave写一封80词左右的电子邮件,告知他调整的内容并给出你认为恰当的理由。


高考英语书面表达写作 指导记叙文 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

高考英语书面表达写作指导——记叙文 记叙文(或:叙述文Narration)包括人物介绍、故事、游记、报道、典故、日记等。看图作文也多属于这一类。 记叙文应特别注意: 1、六要素:人物、时间、地点、事件发生的原因、经过和结果。人物和事件是叙述的主体。记叙时要把这些要素交待清楚,使人了解事情的来龙去脉。 2、叙述方式:顺叙、倒叙、插叙等。顺叙,是英语写作最常用的叙述方式。 ①顺叙:按事件发生、发展的顺序或时间顺序进行叙述。 ②倒叙:把事情的结局或某个突出的片段提到前面叙述,然后再按照事情的顺 序叙述下去。 ③插叙:在叙述过程中,由于某种需要,暂时把叙述的线索中断一下,插入有 关的另一叙述。 ④夹叙夹议:一方面叙述事情,一方面对这件事情加以分析或评论。 一般叙述的线索可分为以下几种: ①以时间为线索,按时间的顺序来展开。 ②以地点为线索,以地点的转移为顺序来展开。 ③以事件发展的过程为线索,或以人物出现的先后次序来展开。 ④以事物的象征意义为线索来展开。 ⑤以人物的思想行为及认知的过程为线索来展开。 3、人称:基本上采用第一人称或第三人称作为叙述的主体。 用第一人称叙述主观色彩较浓,显得亲切,便于表达细腻的思想感情; 用第三人称叙述,便于超越时空限制,能比较真实地、客观地叙述一件事情的全过程。 人称要通篇一致,不要在行文中更换人称。 4、时态的一致:叙事时表过去的事件和行为,用一般过去时,兼用别的过去时态(过去完成时、过去进行时和过去进来时)。必要时也用现在时态。叙述经常性的事情时,以一般现在时为主。总之,下笔前一定要统观全局,确定好时态 基点。 2


高考英语书面表达佳句及高分范文 告知信结构 2019年全国II卷 假定你是校排球队队长李华。请写封邮件告知你的队友Chris球队近期将参加比赛 内容包括: 1. 比赛信息; 2. 赛前准备; 3. 表达期待。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

『佳句赏析』 ?描述写信背景、目的的佳句 ?A fierce volleyball match will take place in our school stadium on the first Sunday of next month. ?As the captain of our school volleyball team, I'm writing to invite you to participate in our game. ?I'm writing to let you know that we will have a volleyball competition next month. ?描述赛前准备的佳句 ?For good performance for the competition, we must make full preparations and practice hard. ?As a member of the team, proper preparations on your part will be appreciated. ?So starting tomorrow, we all need to train for 2 hours after school every day. In addition, we should avoid getting hurt during the training. ?描述诚邀参赛、表达期望的佳句 ?Knowing that you're excellent prayer, I really hope you can be the member of our team. ?With you on our team, we have every hope of defeating them. ?Only if you join our team will we be the strongest team that we can win this fierce match. ?With you participating, we will win the competition. 2019年全国 I 卷 假定你是李华,暑期在伦敦学习,得知当地美术馆要举办中国画展览。请写一封信申请做志愿者,内容包括: 1. 写信目的; 2. 个人优势; 3. 能做的事情。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;


高考英语看图写作方法 2006-04-23 看图写话是NMET书面表达经常采用的形式,它是一种检查学生观察理解能力及运用语言能力的形式。考生必须根据所示图片或图片组,恰当地运用所学的词句表达一个完整的故事,近年NMET书面表达均采用图画提示的书面表达形式,要求考生根据图画所表现的内容写一篇100字左右的短文。那么,如何根据图画的内容,运用正确的语言和规定的.篇幅来写好这类文章呢? 1.确定图画的内容要点 碰上这类试题,考生首先应仔细审题,看懂图片所表达的意思,根据图画内容整理出几个要点,再根据这些要点决定要采用的语言形式。如NMET 2000的高考试题中,书面表达部分题目是这样的:假设你是李华,在美国探亲,2000年2月8日清晨,你目击了一起交通事故。警察局让你写一份材料,报告当时所见情况,请根据图画写出报告,词数100左右,结尾已为你写好。 根据图画确定的内容要点是: (1)2000年2月8日发生了一起交通事故 (2)我走在公园路 (3)一位老人从街的另一边公园里出来 (4)一辆黄车开过来在公园路转弯 (5)黄车撞倒了老人并向西开跑 (6)我记住了车牌号是AC864,并送老人去医院 2. 直截了当,开门见山 开门见山就是文章写什么,开头就说什么,直截了当,尽快入题,不要拐弯抹角,拖泥带水,如NMET 98,写的是参观农场,开头就是:Today we visited a farm. 3.10句话左右组成文章 书面表达要求用100词左右写出含六个要点左右的短文,所以从近几年的高考英语答案看,一般都以10个句子组成一篇文章。若用较少于8句话来表达,则句子容易复杂冗长,容易失控;若用多于10句话来表述,则句子零乱与琐碎,文章缺乏整体感。


写作指导 (3) 看图作文 看图作文也叫做图画式作文,是一种常见的高考题型。它是指根据图画所提供的信息写一篇短文,或叙述一件事,或通过几幅相关的图画说明某个问题或得出某个结论。一般性图画式作文都包含六个要点:时间、地点、人物、事件、过程、结果。这些要点往往是缺一不可的,否则整篇文章就不完整。 看图作文要求考生将画面所包含的有效信息直接运用英语思维转换成英语语言文字,再根据这些要点谋篇布局。 一、看图作文的考查特点 1.命制思路特点 看图作文的主要考查特点是生动、形象、直观、图文并茂。它要求行文时做到:主题明确,即文章能概括图画所反映的中心思想;图文一致,即文章能体现图画中所反映的主要内容。 2.能力表现特点 看图作文要求考生具有敏锐的观察力,丰富的想像力、严谨的逻辑思维能力、冷静的分析能力,以及最终将以上能力综合体现出来的良好的书面表达能力。 3.语言表达特点 表达准确,过渡自然。看图作文行文时要注意词汇与句型的精心选择,准确表达。表达过程中要注意图画信息的连接方式,尤其要注意句与句,段与段之间的

意思连贯。为此,考生应学会灵活使用连接词、指示代词等,适当地根据自己的需要和文章的进展调整信息出现的顺序。 二、看图作文的写作步骤 1.仔细审题,确定要点 2.紧扣要点,组句成篇 3.表达准确,过渡自然 4.规范书写,检查润色 美国中学生Jeff将要到你所在的红星中学学习中文,经协商安排住在你家。假设你是李华,请给Jeff写一封信,按照下图顺序介绍他来中国后的生活安排。 注意:1.信的开头和结尾已为你写好; 2.词数不少于60。

Dear Jeff, My name is Li Hua.I’m from Beijing Hongxing Middle School.I’m very happy to learn that you’re going to stay with my family while you’re in Beijing. ___________________________________________________________________ _____ Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 案例分析⊙ 1.认真审题,确定人称和时态 通过阅读题目,我们可以确定:此文的体裁是说明文,须用第一人称,时态主要用一般现在时,同时,也可适当使用一般将来时。 2.挖掘材料,列出要点和提纲 要认真观察每幅图片,同时还要注意参考词汇、图中所给的文字提示,准确而全面地理解图片大意。通过观察图片,我们可以知道这是一篇介绍“红星中学学习生活以及Jeff寄宿房间的布局”的说明文。此题可以归纳出以下四个要点:(1)寄宿你家以及房间的布局;(2)从你家到红星中学的距离以及上学的方式;(3)学生食堂;(4)课后娱乐活动。 根据要点,拟出以下提纲:


假定你是李华,希望通过外籍教师peter找一个英语笔友。请写一封短信,描述一下你理想中笔友的条件,并说明为什么选这样的笔友。具体条件包括: 1.年龄; 2.性别; 3.爱好(旅游、运动、宠物等)。 注意:1.词数100 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头语已为你写好。 dear peter, i am writing to ask whether you are able to do me a favor. best regards, li hua dear peter, i'm writing to ask whether you are able to do me a favor. i look forward to hearing from you soon. best regards, li hua 【全国ii】 1.地点:距白山入口处500米; 2.房间及价格:单人间(共20间); 100元/天;双人间(共15间); 150元/天;热水淋浴; 3.餐饮:餐厅(中、西餐),咖啡厅(茶、咖啡); 4.游泳池:全天免费开放; 5.欢迎预定。 注意: 1.词数100左右,开头语已为你写好; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 ******************************************** baishan mountain hotel is now open for business. baishan mountain hotel is now open for business. our hotel stands 500 meters away from the entrance to baishan mountain. it has 20 single rooms and 15 double rooms, all with hot showers. a single room is 100 yuan and a double room 150 yuan for one night. you are advised to book in advance. the hotel serves three meals a day and there are chinese food and western food for you to choose from. you can also enjoy yourself at the café drinking tea or coffee in the evening. we also have a swimming pool, which is open all day and free of charge.


2013高考英语书面表达总复习 写作指导 (2) 漫画类作文 第一段:描述图画(Part 1 Describe the picture) 1. The picture is talking about/shows… 2. The picture shows a common phenomenon. 3. The picture describes an interesting phenomenon. 4. In the picture, there are…/…is (are) doing… 5. The picture abov e is about … 6. …Let’s look at the picture above/first. 第二段:解释,说明和分析图片 (Part 2 Interpret the picture) 1. It seems very ridiculous that…However, this kind of story is performed everywhere. 2. The picture shows that…It is the exact reflection of… 3. The picture indicat e that we… 4. Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that… 第三段:给出自己的看法和想法以及解决问题的办法 (Part 3 Give your opinions) 1. I think/believe that 2. As far as I’m concerned, 3. In my opinion, 4. From my point of view, 5. …should… 6. It is better/advisable to… 7. I consider it necessary… 写作模板: As is vividly shown in the picture/pictures(drawing/drawings) above, 图画的内容 。The picture/pictures(drawing/drawings)tells/tell us that 这个图片的大致反映的意思。 The implied meaning of the picture(注意,同上进行单复数的处理) should be taken into account seriously. First/To begin with, 揭示涵义/原因/结果1,Second/What ’s more, 揭示涵义/原因/结果2。 Last but not least/Finally, 揭示涵义/愿意/结果3(如果有的话)。And the social problem(如果是现象的话可以用phenomenon) has arisen the great concern/care of our whole society/world/all the people. In my view / point of view (or As for me), We should take some measures as follows to deal with the problems followed in the picture. First, we should 具体的措施1. And then we have to / must 具体的措施 . 上图描绘的是现在人类面临的窘境。请你根据对下面这 幅漫画的理解用英语写一篇短文,描述这种现象,说明 其产生的原因及后果,并发表你的看法。 开头已给出。 Nowadays, human beings are faced with an embarrassing situation. In the cartoon, we can see a man talking to a paper bird kept in his cage and beside him is a vast




高考英语书面表达写作指导(上)附模拟试题 命题方式和内容 书面表达是目前高考英语中唯一的主观性试题,书面表达的质量,很大程度上反映了考生的英语水平,也是高考成败的一个重要砝码。高考写作主要命题方式为看图作文、示意图、简表、提纲等;体裁主要有记叙文、应用文和说明文。近年来,议论文的命题比重越来越大。 书面表达答题分类指导 (一)记叙文 记叙文是以记人叙事为主要内容,以叙述为主要表达方式的文体。在高考英语书面表达中,记人和记事常常是相互联系的。记叙文包括人物介绍、故事、游记、报道、典故、日记等。看图作文也多属于这一类。除第前面提到的外,记叙文还应特别注意: 1、六要素(人物、时间、地点、事件、原因和结果)完整;人物和事件是叙述的主体。 2、清楚明白,情节完整;但不要过分发挥,以防言多必失。 3、时态是一个值得注意的现象。通常事件发生的时间是确定时态的关键。表过去的事件和行为,用一般过去时,兼用别的过去时态,必要时也用现在时态。叙述经常性的事情时,以一般现在时为主。总之,下笔前一定要统观全局,确定好时态基点。例如(重庆卷‘04):

假设你是图1中的男孩,请根据以下图画提供的情节线索,以Sharing Housework为题,用英文叙述你帮妈妈做家务的经过及感想。 注意:1.书面表达必须包括图画所表现的主要内容,可适当增减细节,使其连贯、完整; 2.词数:100左右。 One day, I was going to play football as usual when I saw Mum was washing c lothes. She looked so aged and tired. “It’s too hard for Mum to deal with the h ousework.” So I decided t o stay to help Mum wash the clothes instead of playin g football. A moment later, Ming Ming came and asked me to play football with h im, but I refused him. I went on with my work until I finished washing all the clo thes. I was tired out, but looking at the clothes on the rope and thinking of the words with which Mum praised me, I felt very comfortable. It’s our duty to help parents do some housework, I think. (二)议论文 议论文以议论为主要表达方式,在书面表达中很常见。论点、论据和论证是议论文缺一不可的三要素。在议论文中,作者先就某一问题或现象提出自己的观点,然后辅之以相关的论据,并在此基础上作逻辑和理论上的论证,这是全文的主要部分,最结得出结
