


- accusatory, accusation suggesting that you think sb has done sth wrong.


- admired, admiration respecting sb for what they are or for what they have done 钦佩的

e.g. I have great admiration for her as a writer.

- amazed, amazement very surprised 大为惊奇

e.g. I was amazed at her knowledge of French literature.

- ambivalent, ambivalence having or showing both good and bad feelings about sth/sb.


e.g. many people feel some ambivalence towards television and its effect on our lives. - amused, amusement thinking that sb/sth is funny, so that you smile or laugh. 觉得好笑的

e.g. we were all amused at his stories.

- analytical using a logical method of thinking about sth in order to understand it, especially by looking at all the parts separately. 分析的

e.g. she has a clear and analytical mind.

- anxious, anxiety feeling worried or nervous 忧虑的

e.g. parents are naturally anxious for their children.

- apathetic, apathy showing no interest or enthusiasm 冷漠的,无动于衷的

e.g. the illness made her apathetic and unwilling to meet people.

- apologetic, apology feeling or showing that you are sorry for doing sth wrong or for causing a problem. 道歉的,愧疚的

e.g. they are very apologetic about the trouble they’d caused.

- appreciative, appreciation feeling or showing that you are grateful for sth.


e.g. the company was very appreciative of my effort.

- apprehensive, apprehension worried or frightened that sth unpleasant may happen.


e.g. she was deeply apprehensive about something might go wrong.

- arrogant, arrogance behaving in a proud, unpleasant way, showing little thought for other people. 傲慢的

- autonomous, autonomy (of a person) able to do things and make decisions without help from anyone else.

- awe feeling of respect and slight fear; feeling of being very impressed by sth/sb. 敬畏- baffled, bafflement confused completely. 困惑的

e.g. I am baffled why she hasn’t called.

- bemused, bemusement showing that you are confused and unable to think clearly.


e.g. a bemused expression

- bewildered, bewilderment feeling confused because there are too many things to choose from or because sth is difficult to understand. 困惑的

e.g. she was totally bewildered by his sudden change of mood.

- bitter, bitterness (of a person) feeling angry and unhappy because you feel you have been treated unfairly. 愤愤不平的

e.g. she is very bitter about losing her job.

- callous, callousness not caring other people’s feeling or suffering. 冷酷无情的

e.g. a callous disregard for the feelings of others.

- calm not excited, nervous or upset 镇静的

e.g. it is important to keep calm in an emergency.

- cautious, cautiousness being careful about what you say or do, especially to avoid danger or mistakes; not taking any risks. 小心谨慎的

e.g. they expressed cautious optimism about the solution to the crisis.

- cavalier not caring enough about sth important or about the feelings of other people.


e.g. The government takes a cavalier attitude to the problems of prison overcrowding. - circumspect, circumspection thinking very carefully about sth before doing it, because there may be risks involved. 小心谨慎的

- combative ready and willing to fight or argue 好斗的

- concerned, concern a feeling of worry, especially one that is shared by many people.


e.g. he didn’t seem in the least concerned for her safety.

- condescending, condescend behaving as though you are more important and more intelligent that other people. 表现出优越感的,居高临下的

e.g. he has a condescending attitude towards women.

- confused, confusion unable to think clearly or to understand what is happening or what sb is saying. 糊涂的

e.g. people are confused about all the different labels on food these days.

- contemptuous, contempt feeling or showing that you have on respect for sb/sth. 蔑视的

e.g. you are contemptuous of everything I do.

- conversational not formal; as used in conversation. 非正式的

e.g. a casual and conversational tone

- convinced, conviction completely sure about sth. 坚信的

e.g. I am convinced that he is innocent.

- critical 1, expressing disapproval of sb/sth and saying what you think is bad about them. 批评的2, involving making fair, careful judgments about the good and bad qualities of sb/sth. 判断公正(审慎)的

e.g. 1, Tom’s parents were highly critical of the school.

2, students are encouraged to develop critical thinking instead of accepting

everything they are told without questioning it.

- curious, curiosity having a strong desire to know about sth. 好奇的

e.g. I was curious to find out what he had said.

- cynical, cynicism 1, believing that people only do things to help themselves rather than for good or honest reason. 愤世嫉俗的2, not caring that sth might hurt other people, if there is some advantage for you 见利忘义的

e.g. 1,a cynical view

2, a cynical disregard for the safety of others

- deceitful, deceit behaving in a dishonest way by telling lies and making people believe things that are not true. 骗人的

e.g. everyone was involved in this web of deceit.

- decisive able to decide sth quickly and with confidence. 坚决的,果断的

e.g. the government must take decisive action on gun control.

- defeated not able to understand sth. 困惑的

e.g. I am completely defeated by the instruction manual.

- defensive, defensiveness behaving in a way that shows that you feel that people are criticizing you. 戒备的,怀有戒心的

e.g. don’t ask him about his plans—he just gets defensive.

- deference, deferential behavior that show that you respect sb/sth. 尊重

e.g. The flags were lowered out of deference to the bereaved family.

- defiant, defiance openly refusing to obey sth/sb, sometimes in an aggressive way. 公然违抗的

e.g. the terrorists sent a defiant message to the government.

- dejected, dejection unhappy and disappointed. 沮丧的,情绪低落的

e.g. she looked so dejected when she lost the game.

- delighted, delight very pleased. 高兴的

e.g. I was delighted that you could stay.

- despondent, despondency sad, without much hope. 沮丧的,失望的

e.g. she was becoming increasingly despondent about the way things were going.

- didactic (disapproving) telling people things rather than letting them find out for themselves. 说教的,好教训人的

- diffident, diffidence not having much confidence in yourself; not wanting to talk about yourself. 缺乏自信的,羞怯的

e.g. a diffident manner

- disappointed, disappointment upset because sth you hoped for has not happened or been as good, successful, etc, as you expected. 失望的

e.g. they were bitterly disappointed at the result of the game.

- disapproving, disapproval showing that you do not approve of sb/sth. 不赞成的,不


e.g. a disapproving glance

- disbelieving, disbelief not believing that sth is true or that sb is telling the truth. 怀疑的

e.g. a disbelieving smile

- discerning, discernment able to show good judgment about the quality of sb/sth. 有识别力的,有洞察力的

e.g. he shows great discernment in his choice of friends.

- disdainful, disdain having or showing the feeling that sb/sth is not good enough to deserve your respect or attention. 鄙视的

e.g. she’s always been disdainful of people who haven’t been to college.

- disillusioned, disillusionment disappointed because the person you admire or the idea you believed to be good and true now seems without value. 大失所望的,幻想破灭的

e.g. I soon became disillusioned with the job.

- dismayed, dismay feeling shocked and disappointed. 诧异的,惊愕的

e.g. he was dismayed at the change in his old friend.

- dismissive showing that you do not believe a person or thing to be important or worth considering. 轻蔑的

e.g. a dismissive gesture

- displeased, displeasure feeling upset, annoyed or not satisfied. 恼怒的

e.g. are you displeased with my work?

- distrust a feeling of not being able to trust sb/sth. 怀疑

e.g. they looked at each other with distrust.

- dread a feeling of great fear about sth that might or will happen in the future. 恐惧

e.g. the prospect of growing old fills me with dread.

- eager very interested and excited by sth that is going to happen or about sth that you want to do. 热切的,渴望的

e.g. she is eager for her parents’ approval.

- earnest very serious and sincere. 认真的,真诚的

e.g. despite his eager effort, he could not find a job.

- ecstatic, ecstasy very happy, excited and enthusiastic; feeling or showing great enthusiasm. 狂喜的;热情极高的

e.g. she was ecstatic about her new job.

- elated, elation very happy and excited because of sth good has happened, or will happen. 兴高采烈的

e.g. I was elated by the prospect of the new job ahead.

- embarrassed, embarrassment (of a person or their behavior) shy, awkward or ashamed, especially in a social situation. 窘迫的,尴尬的

e.g. he felt embarrassed at being the center of attention.

- empathy the ability to understand another person’s feelings, experience, etc. 同感;共鸣;同情

e.g. empathy for other people’s situation

- endearing, endearment causing people to feel affection. 惹人喜爱的

e.g. an endearing habit

- envious, envy wanting to be in the same situation as sb else; wanting sth that sb else has 羡慕的,忌妒的

e.g. everyone is so envious of her.

- evasive, evasion not willing to give clear answers to a question. 推脱的,推诿的

e.g. she was evasive about why she had not been at home that night.

- evenhanded completely fair, especially when dealing with different groups of people.


e.g. he had an even-handed approach to the negotiations.

- exasperated, exasperation extremely annoyed, especially if you cannot do anything to improve the situation. 恼怒的

e.g. she was becoming exasperated with all the questions they were asking.

- excited, excitement feeling or showing happiness and enthusiasm. 激动的,兴奋的

e.g. the children were excited about opening their presents.

- facetious, facetiousness trying to appear amusing and intelligent at a time when other people do not think it is appropriate, and when it would be better to be serious.


e.g. stop being facetious; this is serious.

- fascination, fascinated the state of being very attracted to and interested in sb/sth.


e.g. the public’s enduring fascination with the Royal Family.

- fearful, fear nervous and afraid 担心的

e.g. she was fearful that she would fail.

- flippant showing that you do not take sth as seriously as other people think you should.


- foreboding s strong feeling that sth unpleasant or dangerous is going to happen. (对不详或危险事情的)强烈预感

e.g. she had a sense of foreboding that the news would be bad.

- frank honest and direct in what you say, sometimes in a way that other people might not like. 坦率的

e.g. a frank admission of guilt.

- frantic unable to control your emotions because you are extremely frightened or worried about sth. (由于担心或恐惧)无法控制感情的,发狂的

e.g. let’s go back. your parents must be getting frantic by now.

- frustrated, frustration feeling annoyed and impatient because you cannot do or achieve what you want. 懊丧的,沮丧的

e.g. they felt frustrated at the lack of progress.

- furious, fury very angry. 狂怒的

e.g. she was so furious with herself for letting things get so out of control.

- gratitude the feeling of being grateful and wanting to express your thanks.


e.g. he smiled at them with gratitude.

- guarded (of a person or a remark they make) careful; not showing feelings or giving much information. 谨慎的;不明确表态的

e.g. you should be more guarded in what you say to the reporters.

- humble showing you do not think that you are as important as other people. 谦逊的

e.g. be humble enough to learn from your mistakes.

- impartial, impartiality not supporting one person or group more than another. 公正的;中立的

e.g. to give impartial advices

- impetuous, impetuosity acting or done quickly and without thinking carefully about the results. 鲁莽的,轻率的

e.g. an impetuous decision

- impressed feeling admiration for sb/sth. 钦佩的,有好印象的

e.g. she was impressed with the painting.

- indignant, indignation feeling or showing anger and surprise because you think that you think is unfair or unreasonable. 愤慨的,义愤的

e.g. she was very indignant at the way she had been treated.

- inquisitive (disapproving) asking too many questions and trying to find out about what other people doing. 过分打听私事的

- intrigue very interested in sth/sb and wanting to know more about it/them. 着迷的,好奇的

e.g. I am intrigued to know what you thought of the movie.

- ironic, irony showing that you really mean the opposite of what you are saying. 讽刺的,反语的

e.g. an ironic comment

- irreverent, irreverence (disapproving) not showing respect to sb/sth that other people usually respect. 不敬的,不恭的

e.g. an irreverent attitude to tradition

- irritated, irritation annoyed or angry 烦恼的,恼怒的

e.g. she was getting more and more irritated at his comments.

- isolated, isolation (of a person) without much contact with other people. 孤独的

e.g. I felt very isolated in my job.

- laudatory, laud expressing praise or admiration. 称赞的

- mistrustful, mistrust having no confidence in sb/sth because you think they may be harmful. 猜疑的

e.g. she has a deep mistrust of strangers.

- na?ve (disapproving) lacking experience of life, knowledge or good judgment and willing to believe that people always tell you the truth. 缺乏经验的,幼稚的

e.g. to be politically naive

- neutral, neutrality 1, not supporting or helping either side in a disagreement, competition, etc. 中立的,无倾向性的2, deliberately not expressing any strong feeling.


e.g. 1, journalists are supposed to be politically neutral.

2, is there a neutral word for “terrorist”?

- nonchalant, nonchalance behaving in a calm and relaxed way; giving an impression that you are not feeling any anxiety. 若无其事的,漠不关心的

e.g. “it will be fine,” she replied with a nonchalant shrug.

- nostalgic, nostalgia having a feeling of sadness mixed with pleasure and affection when you think of happy times in the past. 怀旧的,念旧的

e.g. I feel quite nostalgic for the place where I grew up.

- open-minded, open-mindedness willing to listen to, think about or accept different ideas. 愿意考虑不同意见的,思想开明的

e.g. an open-minded attitude

- optimistic, optimism expecting good things to happen or sth to be successful;

showing this feeling. 乐观的,抱乐观看法的

e.g. they are cautiously optimistic that reforms will take place.

- outraged, outrage having a strong feeling of shock and anger. 愤怒的

e.g. he was outraged at the way he had been treated.

- passionate having or showing strong feelings of enthusiasm for sth of belief in sth. 热诚的

e.g. a passionate interest in music.

- pensive thinking deeply about sth, especially because you are sad or worried. 沉思的,忧伤的

e.g. a pensive mood

- pessimistic, pessimism expecting bad things to happen or sth not to be successful,

showing this 悲观的

e.g. a pessimistic view of life

- pompous (disapproving) showing that you think you are more important than other people, especially by using long and formal word. 言辞浮夸的

- pragmatic, pragmatism solving problems in a practical and sensible way rather than by having fixed ideas or theories. 实用的,务实的

e.g. a pragmatic approach to management problems

- puzzled, puzzlement unable to understand sth or the reason for sth. 困惑的

e.g. he looked puzzled so I repeated the question.

- relieved, relief feeling happy because sth unpleasant has stopped or has not happened; showing this. 感到宽慰的,放心的

e.g. I am just relieved that nobody was hurt.

- remiss not giving enough care and attention 疏忽的,懈怠的

e.g. she had clearly been remiss in her duty.

- repentant, repentance feeling or showing that you are sorry for sth wrong that you have done. 后悔的

e.g. she was not in the least repentant.

- resentful, resent feeling bitter or angry about sth that you think is unfair. 气愤的,愤慨的

e.g. she was resentful at having been left out of the team.

- resigned, resignation being willing to calmly accept sth unpleasant or difficult that you cannot change. 逆来顺受的,顺从的

e.g. a resigned sigh

- restrained, restraint showing calm control rather than emotion. 克制的,有节制的

e.g. he exercised considerable restraint in ignoring the results.

- reverential, reverence full of respect or admiration 充满敬意的,恭敬的

e.g. his name was always mentioned in almost reverential tones.

- sarcastic, sarcasm using words that are the opposite of what you mean in order to be unpleasant to sb or to make fun of them. 讽刺的,挖苦的

e.g. a sarcastic tone

- sardonic (disapproving) showing that you think that you are better than other people and do not take them seriously. 轻蔑的

e.g. a sardonic comment

- scholarly connected with academic study. 学术性的

- self-confident, self-confidence having confidence in yourself and your ability. 自信的

e.g. a self-confident child

- self-congratulatory, self-congratulation (disapproving) showing that you think you have done sth very well and are pleased with yourself. 自鸣得意的,沾沾自喜的

- self-conscious, self-consciousness nervous or embarrassed about your appearance or what other people think of you. (因顾虑自己外表或表现)局促不安的,不自然的

e.g. he’s always been self-conscious about being so short.

- self-effacing, self-effacement not wanting to attract attention to yourself or your ability.


e.g. in spite of her success, she remains self-effacing and reserved.

- self-processed, self-procession able to remain calm and confident in a difficult situation. 镇定的

e.g. she always seems so calm and self-processed.

- sentimental, sentiment (disapproving) producing emotions such as pity, romantic love or sadness, which may be too strong or not appropriate; feeling these emotions too much. (失之过度或不恰当地)伤感的,多愁善感的

e.g. her book is honest without being sentimental.

- serene, serenity calm and peaceful 宁静安详的

e.g. a lake, still and serene in the sunlight

- severe, severity not kind or sympathetic and showing disapproval of sb/sth. 严厉的,苛刻的

e.g. she was a severe woman who seldom smiled.

- shame the feeling of guilt, sadness and embarrassment that you have when you know that sth you have done is wrong or stupid. 羞耻,惭愧

e.g. she could not live with the shame of other people knowing the truth.

- shocked, shock 1, feeling surprised and upset 震惊的2, feeling offended or disgust by bad language, immoral behavior, etc. 气愤的,厌恶的

e.g. 1, we were all shocked at the news of his death.

2. we were shocked by her outrageous words.

- shrewd, shrewdness clever at understanding and making judgments about a situation 精明的,有眼光的

e.g. she has a shrewd judge of character.

- sincere, sincerity showing or saying what you really think of feel. 真诚的,坦率的

e.g. please accept out sincere thanks.

- skeptical, skepticism having doubt that a claim or statement is true or that sth will happen. 怀疑的

e.g. I am skeptical about his chances of wining.

- sullen, sullenness (disapproving) silent and bad-tempered, either on a particular occasion or because it is part of your character. 闷闷不乐的,郁郁寡欢的

e.g. Bob looked pale and sullen.

- surprised, surprise a feeling caused by sth happening suddenly or unexpectedly. 惊讶的,感到意外的

e.g. I was surprised at how quickly she agreed.

- suspicious, suspicion feeling that sb has done sth wrong, illegal or dishonest, without having any proof. 感觉可疑的

e.g. they began suspicious of his behavior and contacted the police.

- tempered feeling less severe because of adding sth that has the opposite effect. 缓和的,温和的

e.g. justice must be tempered with mercy.

- tentative, tentativeness not behaving or done with confidence. 踌躇的,犹豫不决的

e.g. a tentative nod

- uncertain, uncertainty feeling doubt about sth, not sure. 无把握的,犹豫的

e.g. they are both uncertain about what to do.

- unconcerned, unconcern not worried or anxious about sth because you feel it does not affect you or is not important. 冷淡的,漫不经心的

e.g. he drove on, apparently unconcerned about the noise the engine is making.

- unrestrained, unrestraint not controlled. 无节制的,放纵的

- weary, weariness no longer interested in or enthusiastic about sth. 不在感兴趣,感到不耐烦

e.g. students soon grow weary of listening to a parade of historical facts.

- whimsical, whimsy unusual and not serious in a way that is either amusing or annoying. 异想天开的,滑稽的

e.g. to have a whimsical sense of humor

- wistful, wistfulness thinking sadly about sth that you would like to have, especially sth in the past that you can no longer have. 伤感的,(对已不可能发生之事)徒然神往的

e.g. a wistful tone

- wry, wryness amusing in an ironic way. 挖苦的,讽刺的
