


试卷总分:100 得分:100

一、单选题 (共 30 道试题,共 60 分)

1.The attitude of the author revealed in the article named “Exploding Tourism Eroding China’s Riches” is__







A.be fall in trouble

B.to destroy or wear sth away gradually

C.attack abruptly


3.Schools attempt to gain an advantage in alumni giving; electivity; SATs and

A.the latest decision

https://www.360docs.net/doc/579304499.html,te decision

C.early decision




A.dangerous aggression

B.work hard



5.brunt .

A.the main impact or force

B.help sb

C.never refuse others



A.well dressed

B.ragged, torn.



7.The purpose of Moriarty’s Saltwater Fella is -----.

A.arouse Australian people’s attention to the condition of Aborigines

B.encourage young Aborigines to achieve success

C.above all



《英美报刊选读》 一、教学目的 通过本课程的学习,使学员对英美报刊有一个清晰的了解,认识英美报刊语言、文体、词汇、语法等基本特点,掌握英美报刊阅读的基本知识及技巧,为独立阅读英美报刊打下良好的基础。 二、教材特点 与该课程旧教材(第1版)相比,本教材具有以下特点: 1.为使学生改变以往依赖教师和英汉词典的学习习惯,培养他们独自排解疑难词语的能力,编者不但向他们推荐工具书,并教授他们使用方法;为使他们能加深对词汇的记忆,还介绍词法和重要词根及词缀。 2.为使学生掌握必要的新闻词语和扩大词汇量,本书在“新闻词语解说”中尽量结合课文,讲透疑难词语。此外还列出一些与这些词语或课文内容有关的课外词汇。 3.为使学生掌握必要的读报知识,本书在“背景知识”中尽量结合课文,介绍重要的并时常见诸报端的人物、党派和组织机构等,并举例说明其重要性。 4.为使学生对新闻写作有一个大致的认识,加深对课文的理解,编者较系统地说明标题的若干特点,对新闻体裁的分类、导语和写作特点及常语等做了简介。 三、教学内容 《英美报刊选读》为省开课程。 1.授课内容:重点为第1、3、4、5、6、8、13、15、17、19、20、21、24、28、30课(共15课),其它内容主要供自学。 2.课时安排: a) 学员自学:2学时/周,共30学时学完15课。 b)面授辅导:4学时/次,共4次。每学时辅导一课,最后一学时复习。 3.作业:共四次,在湖北电大网站英语本科网页上下载,课后完成,交辅导教师批改,评分,作为平时成绩的主要依据。学员完成作业后,可浏览网页上的“答案及详解”,以加深理解,检查自己掌握的情况 四、教学建议 教师授课时应以学生为中心,鼓励学生自己去探索和获取知识。在上课时,可要求学生先回答每课后的练习题——Questions,使他们基本了解课文的主要内容。然后,再逐段或跳跃式选段对学生需要掌握的内容、新闻词语和背景知识进行阅读和问答式方式讲解。如果备课充分,学生的英语水平又高,教员可采用美英教员教授母语的方法,抛开课本或讲义,只讲有关课文的重点词语、背景知识和写作手法等。这样,学生除预习外,课后还要结合教员


东师20春VV现代远程学习概论>>作业答案 一、单选题共10题,30分 1、对远程学生来说,非学习性上网不包括()。 A阅读新闻 B玩游戏 C浏览课程论坛 D和陌生人聊天 正确答案是:C 2、对于协作学习,下列说法正确的是()。 A协作学习有助于激发学生的学习动机,减轻学习压力 B协作学习只能用到传统的教育形式中 C协作学习只是对人际交往能力比较强的学生有帮助 D和学习差的同学组成小组会浪费很多时间,得不偿失 正确答案是:A 3、课程作业的最后完成时间是() A选课期间必须完成 B预约前必须完成 C每次课程考试开始前1日24时前 D考试结束后的一周之内必须完成 正确答案是:C 4、我们《远程学习导引》的课件是一种基于计算机网络的流媒体和超文本构成的教学课件,它图、文、声并茂,同时有老师讲课图象(无视频版本除外)和声音播放,这种课件叫做()。 A CAI课件 B IP课件 C VOD课件 D直播课堂

正确答案是:B 5、关于文件夹评价”,下列说法不正确的是()< A是一种基于学生的学习行为的评价; B是终结性评价的一种方式; C可用于自我评价、学生相互评价、教师评价; D是基于过程评价的一种重要方法; 正确答案是:B 6、学生在阅读印刷材料时记下的笔记称为()。 A阅读笔记 B听课笔记 C小组讨论笔记 D复习笔记 正确答案是:A 7、现代远程学习的自主性特点体现在()。 A以教师为中心 B以课堂为中心 C以学生为中心 D以学习小组为中心 正确答案是:C 8、()是远程学习者在正式开始课程学习前的资源。 A导学资源 B复习资源 C效果检测资源 D拓展资源 正确答案是:A 9、在众多的网络学习资源中,能够提供在线检索、阅读、下载图书或期刊杂志的是()


06级英语专业《最新英美报刊选读》课程提纲 [日期:2008-02-28] 来源:作者:王法昌[字体:大中小] 一、课程目标: 根据教育部最新颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》对高等学校非英语专 业本科毕业生的阅读能力所提出的三个层次的要求,本课程目标为:经过本课程的学 习,使学生符合其中的较高要求和更能高要求,即学生在阅读理解能力上要能基本读 懂英语国家大众性报纸杂志的一般性题材的文章,阅读速度为每分钟70个词。 二、教学内容: 本课程使用的教材是由中国人民大学出版社出版的《最新英美报刊选读》。根据高职的学制,学生在第三个学期内学完本册,主要教学内容如下: 1、课堂教学内容:本教材按文章内容分为12个单元,共计48篇,文章字数大都在600-900字以内。各单元内容分别为:焦点透视、社会人生、文教医疗、财政经济、政治体制、科技军事、世界报道、观念信仰、家庭生活、艺术青春、环境保护、体育运动。每篇文章包括导读、正文、生词、难点注释、背景知识、新闻知识、阅读理解及热点思考八部分。导读部分言简意赅,易于引起读者的兴趣和共鸣;生词表列出了文中四级后的词汇(即《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》中较高要求和更高要求的词汇),同时注有词性和音标,并有双语解释,便于学生自学;难点注释内容翔实丰富,既能提高语言能力,又能拓宽阅读视野;背景知识用汉语介绍了文章相关历史事件和社会热点问题,便于理解和掌握文章的内容;新闻知识介绍了英美报刊的语言特点和新闻常识;阅读理解题和热点讨论题有利于帮助读者提高理解能力和思辨能力。 在授课过程中,教师可适当增加中国报刊、英美文学、西方风俗文化、日常交际用语等的知识,以扩大学习者知识面、开阔其视野,加深其对外部世界的了解,从而借鉴和吸收外国文化精华,提高其文化素养。 2、实践内容:定期收听英语发射台广播的英语节目,并于每学期举行一次阅读测试、两次听力测试,同时筛选、指导学生参加口语演讲竞赛、英语戏剧俱乐部、英语戏剧表演等。 3、教学重点:前期侧重听力训练、英语会话、语法、词汇等;后期重点 在修辞、翻译、写作、练习题等方面;听、说、读、写、译贯穿始终。 三、课程教材:


报刊选读20春在线作业1-0004 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、单选题(共30 道试题,共60 分) 1.The attitude of the author revealed in the article named “Exploding Tourism Eroding China’s Riches” is__ A.nostalgia B.critical C.pessimistic D.optimistic 答案:B 2.erode A.be fall in trouble B.to destroy or wear sth away gradually C.attack abruptly 答案:B 3.Schools attempt to gain an advantage in alumni giving; electivity; SATs and https://www.360docs.net/doc/579304499.html,te decision B.early decision C.decision D.the latest decision 答案:B 4.viciousness A.dangerous aggression B.work hard https://www.360docs.net/doc/579304499.html,bine 答案:A 5.brunt . A.the main impact or force B.help sb C.never refuse others 答案:A 6.tattered. A.well dressed B.ragged, torn. C.fashionable 答案:B 7.The purpose of Moriarty’s Saltwater Fella is -----. A.arouse Australian people’s attention to the condition of Aborigines


东师《政治学概论》15秋在线作业2满分答案(3) 政治学概论15秋在线作业2 一、单选题(共10道试题,共30分。) 1.民族问题在当代国际政治生活中的集中表现是() A. 地区民族冲突 B. 民族压迫 C. 殖民掠夺 D. 帝国主义战争 正确答案:A满分:3分得分:3 2.垄断资本家为维护其资本的私人占有制采取的最主要的政治手段是() A. 缓和阶级对抗 政治学概论试题及答案 B. 制定福利政策 C. 加强对无产阶级的剥削 D. 控制国家政权 正确答案:D满分:3分得分:3 3.提出主权在民的政治思想家是() A. 马基雅维里 B. 霍布斯 C. 布丹 D. 卢梭 正确答案:D满分:3分得分:3 4.提出政治文化包括政治体系文化、政治过程文化与政策文化的西方政治学者是() A. 路辛派伊 B. 亨廷顿 C. 丹尼尔贝尔 D. G阿尔蒙德 正确答案:D满分:3分得分:3 5.认为任何人都不可能是道德完人,要求通过法律来制约权力的政治文化是() A. 空想型政治文化 B. 现实型政治文化 C. 协调型政治文化 D. 理想型政治文化 正确答案:B满分:3分得分:3 6.民族问题的性质和内容发展、变化的主要原因是() A. 生产的发展 B. 革命和政权的发展、变化 C. 民族同化 D. 民族融合 正确答案:B满分:3分得分:3 7.奴隶制国家和封建制国家中处于权力结构最高地位的是() A. 立法权

B. 司法权 C. 行政权 D. 监察权 正确答案:C满分:3分得分:3 8.从性质上说,资本主义国家民主统治方式的根本目的是() A. 实现政治权利和过程的平等 B. 对无产阶级和劳动人民专政 C. 提高社会福利 D. 保障公民的政 正确答案:B满分:3分得分:3 9.社会政治总问题的核心是() A. 人口问题 B. 民族问题 C. 社会生产问题 D. 革命和政权问题 正确答案:D满分:3分得分:3 10.社会主义时期产生民族问题的主要根源是() A. 剥削制度 B. 宗教信仰 C. 阶级压迫 D. 各民族事实上的不平等 正确答案:D满分:3分得分:3 二、多选题(共10道试题,共30分。)得分:30 1.阿尔蒙德把政治文化分为三个方面的内容() A. B. 政治关系文化 C. 政治过程文化 D. 政策文化 E. 顺从型文化 F. 参与型文化 正确答案:ABC满分:3分得分:3 2.民主的含义包含哪些内容: A. 民主是国家形式,是国家形态的一种” B. 民主是指公民管理国家的权利,反映公民与政权的关系 C. 民主是指统治阶级实行统治的方法,也叫管理国家的方法,即国家的政治统治形式 D. 民主是指国家活动的原则 E. 民主就是承认少数服从多数的国家 正确答案:ABCDE满分:3分得分:3 3.总统的主要作用() A. 最高统治者 B. 最高立法者 C. 行政首脑 D. 国防和外交政策的首脑 E. 制定、修改、废止法律


应 用 文 实 践 作 业 院系:外国语 学号:110000000 姓名:xxxxxx 班级:11级英语x班

China Arrests Former Security Czar in Major Political Purge Dec. 6, 2014 From “Time” China's former Politburo Standing Committee Member Zhou Yongkang attends the closing ceremony of the National People's Congress (NPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, March 14, 2012. Jason Lee—Reuters Zhou Yongkang faces serious corruption charges Chinese authorities arrested the nation‘s former security czar Zhou Yongkang, once considered the most feared man in China, just before midnight on Dec. 5–the first ever arrest of a member of the nation‘s ruling Politburo Standing Committee, retired or sitting. The 72-year-old Zhou was also expelled from the Chinese Communist Party. Zhou‘s suspected rapsheet is extensive, according to Xinhua, the Chinese state newswire: ―The [party‘s] investigation found that Zhou seriously violated the Party‘s political, organizational and confidentiality discipline. He took advantage of his posts to seek profits for others and accepted huge bribes personally and through his family, the statement said. He abused his power to help relatives, mistresses and friends make huge profits from operating businesses, resulting in serious losses of state-owned assets. Zhou leaked the Party‘s and country‘s secrets. He seriously violated self-disciplinary regulations and accepted a large amount of money and properties personally and through his family. Zhou committed adultery with a number of women and traded his power for sex and money.‖ For months, the noose had been tightening around Zhou, who retired from the Standing Committee in 2012 due to age limits. Dozens of his known associates and underlings were arrested in three of his previous spheres of influence: the nat ion‘s domestic security apparatus, which received more official funding than the Chinese military did; the highly lucrative state-owned oil industry; and the populous province of Sichuan. Zhou‘s family members, including his wife, brother and son, have bee n detained. Last year, Bo Xilai, a former Zhou political acolyte and ex-chief of Chongqing municipality, was sentenced to life imprisonment for corruption and other crimes. Over the summer, the party had placed Zhou under formal investigation for ―serious disciplinary violations,‖ a codeword for corruption. It was quite the comedown for a man who once controlled the nation‘s panopticon state security machine. Since taking office in 2012, China‘s President Xi Jinping has unleashed an anti-graft campaign that has resulted in thousands of arrests of government officials. Xi famously promised to nab both ―tigers and flies,‖ high-ranking leaders and the lowliest of communist cadres. And there was no mightier tiger than Zhou. Zhou will almost certainly be convicted, if past political investigations are any indication. But it‘s still going to take a lot more than midnight announcements to convince a skeptical public that graft won‘t flourish in China‘s future.


I.Read the following short passages and choose the best answer. (20 % ) Passage 1 GENEVA-A 38-year-old Spanish man briefly hijacked 抢劫a French airliner on Majorca Sunday and threatened to blow it up to protest 抗议France's plans to resume nuclear testing, then surrendered in投降放弃Geneva without a struggle after releasing 298 passengers and crew. An official at Geneva's Cointrin Airport described the man as unbalanced. a .A Spanish man hijacked a French airline to protest France's nuclear testing. b. A Spanish man who had threatened to blow up a French airline surrendered in Geneva. c. A Spanish man who had hijacked a French airline surrendered in Geneva. Passage 2 TOKYO-When Compaq Computers康帕电脑and Dell Computer invaded 进入the Japanese market three years age with personal computers selling for half the price of the local varieties当地品种, rival竞争对手Japanese companies braced for trouble准备应付动乱. But instead of killing the Japanese personal computer industry, the American onslaught猛攻liberated 放纵it. Proceed by what is known as the “Compaq Shock康帕冲击,” Japanese manufacturers have become fiercer competitors, cutting their prices drastically. The result has been a boom in sales that is benefiting the Japanese manufacturers as much as the Americans. a. American and Japanese computer companies compete to win the Japanese market. b. “Compaq Shock,” has benefited Japanese market. c. Fierce competition between American and Japanese computer companies has helped the computer sales boom in Japan. Passage 3 PARIS-A bomb 炸弹exploded at a crowded street market in Paris near the Place de la Bastille Sunday morning, leaving four people slightly hurt. The police said that the bomb, packed into a pressure cooker and hidden in a bag under a vegetable stand, did not cause greater damage because of a malfunction.功能失常But the incident clearly left a deep impact on Government


(单选题)1: From the article we know the most popular open-air cinema is at ___________. A: Bryant Park B: Brooklyn Bridge C: Central Park D: Socrates Sculpture Park 正确答案: A (单选题)2: On average , a person with an undergraduate degree now earns almost _____as much as someone with only a high school diploma, up from 1.5 in 1975. A: once B: twice C: three times D: four times 正确答案: B (单选题)3: mural. A: a type of music B: an artist C: painting done on a wall 正确答案: C (单选题)4: sever A: to put or keep apart B: work hard C: combine 正确答案: A (单选题)5: ____ is a spokeswoman for the American Association of Health Plans. A: Gerald D. Kleczka B: John Dl Dingell C: Susan M. Pisano D: Stephanie Sue Stein 正确答案: C (单选题)6: Where did the investment in Wales come from? A: U.S.A B: Japan C: France D: Germany 正确答案: B (单选题)7: applicant A: person who applies for job


东师《预算会计》15秋在线作业1满分答案(2) 预算会计15秋在线作业1 一、单选题(共20道试题,共40分。) 1.()是指事业单位经批准用财政补助收入以外的资金安排自筹基本建设,其所筹集并转存建设银行的资金。 A. 对附属单位补助 B. 上缴上级支出 C. 专款支出 D. 结转自筹基建 正确答案:D满分:2分得分:2 2.行政单位会计报表按其反映的经济内容分为:资产负债表、经费支出明细表、收入支出总表和()。 A. 月报 预算会计试题及答案 B. 季报 C. 基本数字表 D. 年报 正确答案:C满分:2分得分:2 3.()是指事业单位从主管部门和上级单位取得的非财政补助收入。 A. 财政补助收入 B. 上级补助收入 C. 事业收入 D. 经营收入 正确答案:B满分:2分得分:2 4.资产负债表的平衡公式是()。 A. 资产-负债=净资产 B. 收入-支出=结余 C. 资产=负债+净资产+收入-支出 D. 资产+支出=负债+净资产+收入 正确答案:D满分:2分得分:2 5.()是用以记录与货币资金收付无关的转账业务的凭证,是由会计人员根据审核无误的转账业务的原始凭证编制的,作为登记有关总账、明细账的依据。 A. 付款凭证 B. 原始凭证 C. 转账凭证 D. 收款凭证 正确答案:C满分:2分得分:2 6.()是用来记录货币资金收款业务的凭证,它是会计人员根据审核无误的原始凭证填制的。 A. 原始凭证 B. 付款凭证 C. 转账凭证 D. 收款凭证 正确答案:D满分:2分得分:2

7.()是按照经济业务发生时间的先后顺序,逐日逐笔登记的账簿。 A. 序时账簿 B. 分类账簿 C. 备查账簿 D. 三栏式账簿 正确答案:A满分:2分得分:2 8.“固定基金”属于()账户。 A. 资产类 B. 负债类 C. 净资产类 D. 收入类 正确答案:C满分:2分得分:2 9.()是指单位用财政补助收入之外的收入对附属单位补助发生的支出。 A. 对附属单位补助 B. 经营支出 C. 事业支出 D. 结转自筹基建 正确答案:A满分:2分得分:2 10.事业单位经过财政部门批准出售报废、毁损固定资产残值所取得的收入,按规定应计入()帐户。 A. 事业支出 B. 专用基金 C. 其他收入 D. 固定基金 正确答案:B满分:2分得分:2 11.()是对预算会计核算对象按其经济内容所作的具体分类。 A. 会计要素 B. 会计科目 C. 账户 D. 借贷记账法 正确答案:B满分:2分得分:2 12.行政单位()是行政单位承担的能以货币计量、需以各项资产偿付的债务。 A. 资产 B. 负债 C. 净资产 D. 收入 正确答案:B满分:2分得分:2 13.年终转入经营结余贷方的有()。 A. 财政补助收入 B. 经营收入 C. 附属单位缴款 D. 事业收入 正确答案:B满分:2分得分:2 14.财政部门对单位的各项预算拨款的年度截止期为()。


《英美报刊选读》答 案

《英美报刊选读》 一、教学目的 通过本课程的学习,使学员对英美报刊有一个清晰的了解,认识英美报刊语言、文体、词汇、语法等基本特点,掌握英美报刊阅读的基本知识及技巧,为独立阅读英美报刊打下良好的基础。 二、教材特点 与该课程旧教材(第1版)相比,本教材具有以下特点: 1.为使学生改变以往依赖教师和英汉词典的学习习惯,培养他们独自排解疑难词语的能力,编者不但向他们推荐工具书,并教授他们使用方法;为使他们能加深对词汇的记忆,还介绍词法和重要词根及词缀。 2.为使学生掌握必要的新闻词语和扩大词汇量,本书在“新闻词语解说”中尽量结合课文,讲透疑难词语。此外还列出一些与这些词语或课文内容有关的课外词汇。 3.为使学生掌握必要的读报知识,本书在“背景知识”中尽量结合课文,介绍重要的并时常见诸报端的人物、党派和组织机构等,并举例说明其重要性。 4.为使学生对新闻写作有一个大致的认识,加深对课文的理解,编者较系统地说明标题的若干特点,对新闻体裁的分类、导语和写作特点及常语等做了简介。 三、教学内容 《英美报刊选读》为省开课程。 1.授课内容:重点为第1、3、4、5、6、8、13、15、17、19、20、21、24、28、30课(共15课),其它内容主要供自学。 2.课时安排: a) 学员自学:2学时/周,共30学时学完15课。 b)面授辅导:4学时/次,共4次。每学时辅导一课,最后一学时复习。 3.作业:共四次,在湖北电大网站英语本科网页上下载,课后完成,交辅导教师批改,评分,作为平时成绩的主要依据。学员完成作业后,可浏览网页上的“答案及详解”,以加深理解,检查自己掌握的情况

英美报刊选读论文 论英美报刊中的语言特色

英美报刊课程论文 Course Paper On the importance of the course of Selected Readings from American and British Newspapers and Magazines College:西南林业大学外国语学院 Specialty and Grade:10级英语2班 Number;20100351004 Name:严青为 Submitted time: 2012/10/16

Title: O n Linguistic Features of Financial Coverage in English News Publications Abstract:Based on first-hand examples characteristic of journalistic style, this, paper probes into the seven major linguistic features of financial coverage in English news publication. It adopts the view that the language used in financial news, whose primary function is to inform, is supposed to be specific, accurate and concise. Though sharing the common features of journalistic English in terms of writing style, financial coverage stands out for its own uniqueness. Key words:Financial news significance features English learning 1.The significance of the financial coverage Financial news is an important style of news report in modern time. With the development of technology and social level, people concentrate more on the economy. Financial news plays an increasing role in human?s daily life, and individuals are supposed to acquire the information and knowledge from it. The significance of the financial news can be classified into tow points. The improvement of English levels It is believed that reading is an essential way of learning English. Reading English newspapers can not only help the students increase knowledge, and helps develop students? ability of observation, understanding, thinking and judgment. English newspapers are attention to current events. The novel is very interesting. Reading English newspapers can effectively avoid out of touch with real life, helps to stimulate interest in learning English and to strengthen their confidence and motivation for learning English. At the same time also allows us to better understand the way of news features and news. Newspaper reading is not only used the simple and obvious words, popular language, illustrated, but also introduce learning methods and techniques of column, helping to improve the ability to actually use the language. 1.2 The enlargement of knowledge of Economy The main aim of news is to transfer information. Reading is the beginning. What we should do when we read is scope knowledge. It is crucial for us to get the effective information.Having read financial news, we have learnt that many governments and parties have taken effective and drastic measures to protect the country from the economic recession and step forwards to recovery. At the same time, we get to know some economic specialized terms, words such as Fluctuation, Recession, Stocks, Overheated, IMF (the International Monetary Fund), phrases and expressions such as the Adjustment of Industrial Structure, Wall Street, Regional economy. They are either specialized words or set phrases, which can help us with a better understanding of economy—related texts and enlarge our storage of the knowledge of economy.


东北师范大学报刊选读17秋在线作业1 一、单选题 1、A 2、B 3、C 4、D 5、C 一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1. From the article we know the most popular open-air cinema is at ___________.A. Bryant Park B. Brooklyn Bridge C. Central Park D. Socrates Sculpture Park 正确答案:A 2. The phrase---_____now means a situation in which there is only one thing to do .A. Hobson’s horse B. Hobson’s idea C. Hobson’s situation D. Hobson’s choice 正确答案:B 3. How many Scots favor some form of devolution from London?A. 20% B. 42% C. 78% D. 85% 正确答案:C 4. According to the media , Jordan _________.A. was too old to compete against younger players. B. was in a bad condition. C. was still able to score D. was still able to play dunks. 正确答案:D 5. salvageA. broken place; gap B. small piece of paper C. to save 正确答案:C 6. plight .A. work hard B. serious and difficult situation or condition C. crumbling 正确答案:B 7. sternA. superior intellectual, social, or economic status B. uncompromising C. an agent or a substitute 正确答案:B 8. interimA. hard work B. temporary C. work even harder 正确答案:B 9. Lana Staheli thinks that in order to get the marriage back on track, the couple


东师公共政策导论15秋在线作业2(3)满分答案 一、单选题(共15道试题,共30分。) 1.公共政策学发展的第二阶段的代表人物是()。 A. 林德布洛姆 B. 西蒙 C. 德洛尔 D. 戴伊 正确答案:B满分:2分 2.是指对政策系统有重要影响的各种经济要素的总和,主要由社会生产力和生产关系的发展状况构成,包括生产力的结构、性质和生产资料的所有制形式。 A. 地理环境 公共政策概论作业2 B. 经济环境 C. 社会环境 D. 文化环境 正确答案:B满分:2分 3.当原有政策由于内容繁杂,目标众多而影响政策效果时,比较有效的政策终结方式是() A. 分解 B. 合并 C. 缩减 D. 替代 正确答案:A满分:2分得分:2 4.旧的政策虽被替代,但是部分实际功能并没有被完全取消,而是合并到其他的政策内容中去的是政策的() A. 废止 B. 合并 C. 分解 D. 缩减 正确答案:B满分:2分得分:2 5.对于政策对象的理解,有狭义和广义之分。狭义的政策对象只指政策直接作用和影响的对象;而广义的政策对象除了直接政策对象外,还包括与政策执行效果有关联的间接() A. 政策方法 B. 政策对象 C. 政策过程 D. 政策主体 正确答案:B满分:2分 6.下列不属于模型的意义的是() A. 帮助人们理解和解释公共政策产生的原因 B. 认识和分析其产生的社会效果 C. 思考和预测其未来的发展 D. 模型就是现实世界的替代物 正确答案:D满分:2分 7.提出“公共政策是对全社会的价值作权威性分配”的是()。

A. 哈罗德拉斯维尔 B. 伍德罗威尔逊 C. 戴维伊斯顿 D. 托马斯戴伊 正确答案:C满分:2分得分:2 8.政策的核心取向是() A. 功能取向 B. 过程取向 C. 结构取向 D. 目标取向 正确答案:D满分:2分得分:2 9.()可以被简单界定为直接或间接地参与政策制定过程的个人、团体或组织。 A. 社会组织 B. 政策主体 C. 政策客体 D. 政策环境 正确答案:B满分:2分得分:2 10.象征性议程的问题多集中于() A. 经济领域 B. 价值领域 C. 学术领域 D. 政治领域 正确答案:B满分:2分 11.理性模型可以帮助政策分析者()。 A. 理智 B. 理性 C. 情感 D. 有限理性 正确答案:B满分:2分 12.从广义角度而言,公共政策的合法性是指()。 A. 公共政策符合宪法 B. 公共政策符合法律 C. 公共政策符合行政规章 D. 公众对公共政策的认可与接受 正确答案:D满分:2分得分:2 13.从范围上讲,基本政策要么覆盖全国,要么覆盖整个领域,其影响面是非常大的。这体现了基本政策的()特征。 A. 层次性 B. 广泛性 C. 稳定性 D. 权威性 正确答案:B满分:2分 14.在我国国家机关体系中居于首要地位的是()。 A. 国家行政机关


Unit2 Gender Issues Men turn to jobs women usually do 1.HOUSTON - Over the last decade, American men of all backgrounds have begun flocking to fields such as teaching, nursing and waiting tables that have long been the province of women. 2."The way I look at it is that anything, basically, that a woman can do, a guy can do," said Miguel Alquicira, who graduated from high school when construction and manufacturing jobs were scarce and became a dental assistant. 3.The trend began well before the crash,and appears to be driven by a variety of factors, including financial concerns, quality-of-life issues and a gradual erosion of g ender stereotypes. 4.In interviews, about two dozen men played down the economic considerations, saying that the stigma associated with choosing such jobs had faded, and that the jobs were appealing not just because they offered stable employment, but because they were more satisfying. 5."I.T. is just killing viruses and clearing paper jams all day," said Scott Kearney, 43, who tried information technology and other fields before becoming a nurse in the pediatric intensive care unit at Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston. 6.An analysis of United States census data by The New York Times shows that from 2000 to 2010, occupations that are more than 70 percent female accounted for almost a third of all job growth for men, double the share of the previous decade. 7.That does not mean that men are displacing women - those same jobs accounted for almost two-thirds of women's job growth. But in Texas, for example, the number of men who are registered nurses nearly doubled in that time period. 8.The shift includes low-wage jobs as well. Nationally, two-thirds more men were bank tellers, almost twice as many were receptionists and two-thirds more were waiting tables in 2010 than a decade earlier. 9.Even more striking is the type of men who are making the shift. From 1970 to 1990, according to a study by Mary Gatta, senior scholar at Wider Opportunities for Women, an organization based in Washington, D.C., and Patricia A. Roos, a sociologist at Rutgers University in New Jersey, men who took so-called pink-collar jobs tended to be foreign-born, non-English speakers with low education levels. 10.Now, though, the trend has spread among men of nearly all races and ages, more than a third of whom have a college degree. In fact, the shift is most pronounced among young, white, college-educated men like Charles Reed, a sixth-grade math teacher at Patrick Henry Middle School in Houston. 11.Mr. Reed, 25, intended to go to law school after a
