




1. What is the man doing?

A. Making a call.

B. Having lunch.

C. Reading a newspaper.

2. How much time does John spend jumping rope?

A. 30 minutes.

B. 45 minutes.

C. 75 minutes.

3. Where are the speakers probably?

A. At the store.

B. In the man's.

C. In the classroom.

4. What does the man mean?

A. He wants some more steak.

B. He is really angry.

C. He is full.

5. What does the man enjoy doing?

A. Writing books.

B. Reading books.

C. Going to the movies.




6. Where is the woman going?

A. The train station.

B. The luggage room.

C. The airport.,

7. How much are tickets at the ticket booth?

A. More expensive than those on the train.

B. Less expensive than those on the train.

C. The same price as those on the train.


8. How long has the man been on a diet?

A. For 2 months.

B. For 3 months.

C. For 4 months.

9. What did the trainer tell the man to do?

A. Change his eating habits,

B. Exercise every morning.

C. Slow his pace of life.


10. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Recycling.

B. Books about waste treatment.

C. School assignments.

11. Who might be the woman?

A. A researcher.

B. A writer.

C. A student.

12. What will the speakers do together?

A. Go to some recycling centers to do a survey.

B. Read about waste treatment.

C. Write papers about waste treatment.

听第9段材料,回答第1 3至1 6题。

13. Who is Bergman?

A. A writer.

B. An actor.

C. A filmmaker.

14. What is most surprising to the man?

A. The kinds of' films the woman likes.

B. The common interests they share.

C. The classic conflict in horror movies.

15. What kind of music does the man assume the woman likes?

A. Classical music.

B. Country music.

C. Heavy metal.

16. What does the man like to watch when he is tired?

A. Horror movies.

B. Comedies.

C. Action movies.

听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。

17. What kind of damage was caused to the houses in the city?

A. The roofs were destroyed.

B. Gas lines were cut.

C. They were completely flooded.

18. On which street did trees become uprooted and smash into cars?

A. Green Street.

B. Main Street.

C. White street.

19. What do we know about the bus accident?

A. The bus ran into a tree.

B. No one was injured.

C. The bus was taking students home.

20. What will the weather be like tomorrow?

A. Stormy.

B. Clear

C. Cloudy.


21. ---Aren’t they going to have a lesson today?

---No, they’ve just had_____.

A. one

B. some

C. any

D. none

22. Mr Smith apologized _____ the children ______ the lady _______ what they had done.

A. for; to; to

B. to; to; for

C. for; to; for

D. to; for; for

23.As we all know, it was ____that resulted in the terrible car accident.

A. because to her carelessness

B. because she was careless

C. her being careless

D. she was so careless

24.On receiving a phone call from his wife ____ she had a fall, Mr. Gordon immediately rushed home from office.

A. says

B. said

C. saying

D. to say

25.Maybe if I ____ science, and not literature then, I would be able to give you more help.

A. studied

B. would study

C. had studied

D. was studying

26. ——How are your recent trip to Sichuan?

——I’ve never had ____one before.

A. a pleasant

B. a more pleasant

C. most pleasant

D. the most pleasant

27. Some people are worrying about the possibility ____ mobile phones could be responsible for

a range of illnesses, from rashes to brain tumors.

A. that

B. why

C. how

D. whether

28.With real estate(房地产) ____ in economy, a lot of rich farmland had to ____ new houses

and offices in the county.

A. leading the way; make way for

B. led the way; made the way

C. to lead the way; be made the way for

D. leading way; be made the way for

29. ——What do you suggest is the best treatment for a bad cough?

——____ a doctor. There can be many causes of a bad cough, some not serious, others life-threatening.


B. See

C. Having seen

D. Seen

30.Standing on the platform, Professor Li kept silent for a moment, ____ on the audience below.

A. her eyes fixed

B. and her eyes fixed

C. and her eyes fixing

D. her eyes fixing

31.Between the two parts of the concert is a break, ____ the audience can buy ice-cream.

A. when

B. where

C. that

D. which

32. What is most obvious in this book are all those details of daily living which make Mrs.

Richard____ common..

A. nothing but

B. anything but

C. above all

D. rather than

33. Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isn’t much help when it

______ shopping and eating.

A. refers to

B. speaks of C focuses on D. comes to

34. You never imagine what trouble I have ______ this paper in my house.

A. finding

B. found

C. to find

D. for finding

35. While watching television, _____.

A. the doorbell rang

B. the doorbell rings

C. we heard the doorbell ring

D. we heard the doorbell rings

36. —Have you ever visited the West Lake ?

—Yes. When I was at university in Hangzhou, I_______it twice.

A. had visited

B. visit

C. have visited

D. visited

37.Global warming is becoming more and more serious, so not only ____by the government, but everyone should do their best to slow down.

A. measures should be taken

B. should measures be taken

C. measures should take

D. should measures take

38.With the great efforts of Chinese scientists ,many people believe it won’t be long

________Chinese astronauts land on the moon.

A. until

B. since

C. before

D. when

39.Pop music is such an important part of society_______ has even influenced our language.

A. that

B. which

C. where

D. as

40.——What did the police find on the beach?

——In the sands _________.

A. buried the stolen diamonds

B. the stolen diamonds buried

C. are the stolen diamonds buried

D. were the stolen diamonds buried


The weather has a lot to do with our life. For one thing, our crops 41 on it. They will

42 if it is too dry or too wet. So men have long hoped to find a way to get 43 of it.

But their efforts have up to now produced little 44 .

Though it is true that 45 can change the weather, nor can anybody 46 control it, we have learned many things about it from 47 and through study. We have found that certain signs 48 when there is going to be any big change in the weather. If we 49 the signs correctly, we can tell what the most important changes in the 50 will be. This way of telling what the weather will be like on the 51 day or two is called “weather forecast”.

People in all countries have for many years 52 the weather and tried to make weather 53 . The following are some of their findings.

Sometimes distant 54 such as hills and tall trees seem to be very clear and near. This is a sign of much water vapor(蒸汽),which shows that 55 will probably come.

When distant 56 , such as the noise from far-off trains, are heard very clear, then wet and stormy weather is on the way.

If you see a rainbow during 57 weather, this is a sign that it will 58 and become fine. Such rainbows always come in the evening. However, if a rainbow appears in the morning, then you can take it that rainy weather will continue. If the stars twinkle clearly at night, then fair weather will probably continue.

And then many people feel in their 59 the coming of wet weather. Their joints(关节)or their old wounds ache, which always tells 60 it is going to rain.

Most of the above sayings have been made by people who have used their eyes and brains, and they proved to be very useful in forecasting the weather.

41.A. depend B. send C. land D. take

42. A. excite B. suffer C. surprise D. move

43. A. rid B. hold C. control D. view

44. A. money B. causes C. results D. crops

45. A. all B. anyone C. someone D. no one

46. A. completely B. hardly C. difficultly D. easily

47. A .reports B. experience C. knowledge D. books

48. A. continue B. come C. appear D. go

49. A. look at B. tell C. read D. know

50. A. water B. cloud C. sky D. weather

51. A. special B. common C. following D. ordinary

52. A. studied B. read C. learned D. told

53. A. heard B. forecast C. known D. understood

54. A. wind B. clouds C. objects D. houses

55. A. moon B. star C. sun D. rain

56. A. objects B. sounds C. voices D. noise

57. A. cloudy B. windy C. rainy D. sunny

58. A. be fine B. be dark C. clear up D. be snowy

59. A. foot B. hand C. body D. bones

60. A. them B. us C. her D. him



Feng Xiaogang stroke box office gold again.

The Chinese director’s film, Aftershock, has pulled in more than 160 million Yuan($23.6 million) at the box office in China since it was screened three days ago, according to a report from Xinhua news agency. That total doesn’t include the takings from the 14 giant IMAX screens on which the film is screening around the country.

The movie, about a family that was torn apart by the 1976 Tangshan earthquake and reunited years later in the aftermath of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, is on its way to become the biggest box office hit for a Chinese movie in the national market. It also means the movie, which was produced by leading Chinese studio HuayiBrothers, is close to taking back its budget(预算)of about $25 million.

Aftershock surpassed the 100-million-yuan mark in three days, faster than the previous record-holder: It took The Founding of a Republic, a movie with an all-star cast celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, three and a half days to hit100 million Yuan, according to the Xinhua report. That movie went on to earn a total national box-office of 420 million Yuan, the highest for a Chinese movie.

However, Aftershock has a long way to go before reaching the all-time box office leader in China. That honor goes to Hollywood’s 3-D film, Avatar, which pulled in more than $200million in China, according to SARFT(广电总局).

Feng’s film, 2008’s romantic comedy If You Are the One, earned about 350 million Yuan, a box office record at the time. The 52-year-old director recently told The Wall Street Journal in an interview that his commercial successes have brought him some pressure about continuing the trend.

Aftershock is Imax’s first non-Hollywood major studio film, and the first of three Chinese-language films that IMAX and Huayi plan to release.

61. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “aftermath” in Paragraph 3?

A. A catastrophe.

B. An unhappy experience.

C. A consequence of a disaster.

D. Great sufferings.

62. What can you know from the fourth paragraph?

A. Aftershock has pulled in 100 million Yuan in total.

B. The film The Founding of a Republic is directed by Feng Xiaogang.

C. Aftershock has got the highest box office in the world.

D. The Founding of a Republic once got the highest box office in Chinese movies.

63. According to Paragraph 2 and the last paragraph, what do you know about IMAX?

A. IMAX is a kind of special giant screen.

B. IMAX has screened some Chinese films in China.

C. IMAX is a famous international director.

D. IMAX is the first non-Hollywood major studio film.

64. Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Aftershock is a great film directed by Feng Xiaogang.

B. If You Are the One once set a box office record of Chinese movies.

C. The Founding of a Republic is a success.

D. Avatar made in China has got the highest box office.

65. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Aftershock is a Great Film Directed by Feng Xiaogang

B. Aftershock, the First of Three Chinese-language Films to Be Released

C. Aftershock Breaks Box Office Record

D. Aftershock—a Non—Hollywood Studio Film


The largest concern of many rich people is how to leave money to their children.

How much is too much? How can they be prepared? What is the best age to receive money?

Yu Pengnian, a famous Chinese bussinessman, has some wise words for this. Mr Yu, announced that he is giving away the last $500million of his wealth to his charitalbe foundation (慈善基金). When he was asked whether his children are angry ablut the donations, his response was “They were not against this idea, at least not in public.”

Yet Mr Yu’s greatest answer came when he was asked the question again by the Globe Mail. Mr Yu’s response was “If my children are competent, they don’t need my money. If they’re not, leaving them a lot of money is only doing them harm.”

In another word, leaving children lots of money is like telling them you do n’t think they can make a living on their own. Many wealthy parents focus on preventing their children from failing. But in doing so, they take away their children’s joys of self-made success.

Mr Yu is an 88-year-old man, but he has his own way of dealing with his wealth. He says he is concerned about charity because he was born in a poor family and he started out as a street seller in Hong Kong.

66. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “competent” in Paragraph4?

A. Ignorant

B. Silly

C. Affordable

D. Capable

67. What can be inferred according to the 5th paragraph?

A. Few wealthy parents prevent their children from achieving success by themselves.

B. Most wealthy parents leave their money to their children when they pass away.

C. Wealthy parents feel puzzled about the question whether to leave their money to their children.

D. Many wealthy parents prevent their children from making a success.

68. Which statement about Y u Pengnian is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Yu Pengnian is a famous Chinese businessman.

B. Mr Yu is giving away the last $500 million of his wealth to his charitable foundation.

C. Yu Pengnian has his own way of dealing with his wealth.

D. Yu is puzzled about the problem whether to leave his money to his children.

69. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. the largest concern of many rich people is how to leave money to their children.

B. Yu Pengnian, a famous Chinese businessman, has some wise words.

C. Leaving the children lots of money is like telling them you don’t think they can make a living on their own.

D. Everybody has a different view of money.


Most of what I really need to know about how to live, and what to do, and how to be, I learned in kindergarten.

These are the things I learned: Share everything. Don’t hit people. Put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don’t take things that aren’t yours. Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody. Wash your hands before you eat. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you. Live a balanced life. Take a nap every afternoon. When you go out, watch traffic, hold hands and stay together. Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the plastic cup. The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we all like that.

Goldfish and white mice and even the little seed in the plastic cup—they all die. So do we.

And then remember the book about Dick and Jane and the first word you learned, the biggest word of all: LOOK. Everything you need to know is somewhere in it.

Think of what a better world it would be if we all-the whole world—had cookies and milk at about 3 o’clock every afternoon and then lay down with our blankets for a nap.

70. According to the author, most of what the author learned is from______.

A. middle school

B. his garden

C. kindergarten

D. graduate school

71. Which of the following is NOT likely to be learned?

A. When he does something wrong, he should make an apology.

B. Stay up late to prepare for exams.

C. Sleep for some time after lunch.

D. Do cleaning whenever necessary.

72. If we all had cookies and milk at about 3 o’clock every afternoon and then had a nap, ______.

A. the world would become more wonderful

B. we would have good policies

C. we would learn more from kindergarten

D. all people would stay healthier, work harder and achieve more


For centuries, the body's blood has been linked closely with the emotions.People who show no human emotions or feelings, are said to be cold-blooded killer.For example, the police are searching for a cold-blooded killer.He seems to kill for no reason, and no emotion, as if taking someone's life as nothing.

Cold can affect other parts of the body.The expression "get cold feet" has nothing to do with cold or your feet.The expression means being afraid to do something you have decided to do.For example, you agree to be president of an organization.But then you learn that all the other officers have resigned, and all the work of the organizations will be your responsibility.You are likely to get cold feet about being president when you understand the situation.

The expression "give someone the cold shoulder" probably comes from the physical act of turning your back toward someone, instead of speaking to him face to face.You may give a cold shoulder to a friend who has not kept a promise he made to you.Or, to someone who has lied about you to others.

A cold fish is not a fish.It is a person.But it is a person who is unfriendly, unemotional and shows no love or warmth.A cold fish does not offer much of himself to anyone.Someone who

is a cold fish could be cold-hearted.Now a cold-hearted person is someone who has no sympathy.Several popular songs in recent years were about cold-hearted men or cold-hearted women who, without feelings, broke the hearts of their lovers.

"Out in the cold" means not getting something that everybody else got.A person might say that everybody but him got a pay r ise――he was left out in the cold.And it is not a pleasant place to be.

73.There are ______ expressions related to cold that are mentioned in the passage.A.3 B.4 C.6 D.7

74.When you refuse to speak to a man and treat him in a distant way, you may express by "____ __".

A.I give him the cold shoulder B.I think he is a cold-blooded man

C.I think he is a cold fish D.I'm likely to get cold feet

75.If Sue shows absolutely no reaction to those awful pictures of starving children in Africa, you will say _______.

A.she is a cold-blooded killer B.she gets cold feet

C.she is a cold fish D.she is out in the cold



In the north of China, there lies a 6,700-kilometer-long ancient wall. It is now well known as the Great Wall of China. It starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in the west and ends at the Shanhaiguan Pass of Hebei Province in the east. As one of the Eight Wonders in the world, the Great Wall of China has become a symbol of the Chinese nation and its culture.

There are lots of beautiful legends(传说) and stories about the Great Wall and its construction. Those that happened during its construction are rich enough, such as Meng Jiangnv's story and the legend of the Jiayuguan Pass. Meng Jiangnv's story is the most famous and most widely spread of all the legends about the Great Wall, The story happened during the Qin Dynasty. It tells of how Meng Jiangnv's bitter weeping made a section of the Great Wall collapse. Meng Jiangnv's husband Fan Qiliang was caught by federal officials and sent to build the Great Wall. Meng Jiangnu heard nothing about him after his departure, so she set out to look for him. Unfortunately, by the time she reached the Great Wall, she discovered that her husband had already died. Hearing the bad news, she cried her heart out. Her howling caused a part of the Great Wall to collapse. This story indicates that the Great Wall is the production of tens of thousands of Chinese people.

Another legend about the Jiayuguan Pass tells of a workman named Yi Kaizhan in the Ming Dynasty who was good at arithmetic, He calculated that it would need 99,999 bricks to build the Jiayuguan Pass. The supervisor(篮督人) did not believe him and said if he miscalculated even

by one brick, then all the workmen would be punished to do hard work for three years. After the completion of the project, one brick was left behind the Xiwong city gate. The supervisor was happy at the sight of the brick and ready to punish them. However, Yi Kaizhan said seriously that the brick was put there by a supernatural being to fix the wall. To move it would cause the collapse of the wall. Therefore the brick was kept there. It can still be found there today on the tower of the Jiayuguan Pass.

Beautiful stories and legends about the Great Wall help to keep alive Chinese history and

culture. In each dynasty after the building of the Great Wall, many more stories were created and spread.



76_____________ 81____________________

77_____________ 82____________________

78_____________ 83____________________

79_____________ 84____________________

80_____________ 85____________________


86.Thomas Edison was fired from his first two jobs ____ _____ ______ ________.(因无法胜任)

87.He _____ ________ ________(相信)himself,and eventually he _____(的确) succeed.

88.______they _______ ______ ________(放弃梦想),they wouldn’t have achieved their success.

89.Without the Internet ,these people would have fewer avenues to meet people.

==If____ ____ _____ _____the Internet, these people would have fewer avenues to meet people.

90.The huge amount of false information on the Internet _______ ______ ______(日渐成为) a problem every day.

91._____ _____ ______ (轻按键盘) of a button or the _____(点击) of a mouse, a student will find abundant information on the Internet.

92.Them claim that _____ ______ ________(上网) is _____ ______ ______(浪费) time.

93. As acupuncture developed, the simple bian stones were replaced by stone needles. ==______ ______ ________ ______ acupuncture, the simple bian stones were replaced by stone needles.

94._____ ______ _____ _______ _______(由于……广泛使用) of penicillin, many lives were saved during the war.

95.If you continue to behave like this, you’ll have to _______ ________(对…负责) your behaviour.



1---5 CACCB 6---10 CBBAA 11---15 CBCAC 16---20 BACBB


21---25 ACCCC 26---30 BAAAA 31---35 ABDAC 36---40 DBCDD


41.A. depend on/ upon 意为“取决于;依赖于”,符合题意。

42.B. 本句意为“气候太干或太湿都会影响它们生长。”suffer表示“遭受……之苦;不适”。

43.C. get control of 意为“控制”。本句意为“千百年来人们一直希望能找到一种方法控制天气。”

44.C. 人们想控制天气的努力一直没有什么结果。

45.D. 谁也不能人为地改变天气。

46.A. completely意为“完全地,彻底地”。

47.B. 人们预测未来天气主要是凭经验和研究。

48.C. 本句意为“天气将要有大变化时会出现一些自然征兆。”

49.C. read 表示“看懂,读懂”天气。look at 表示具体的“看”;tell意为“告知”

50.D. 本文主要讲天气,下句与本句对应。

51.C. following 表示“下面的;未来的;接着而来的”。

52.A. 人们长期以来对天气进行研究,以便能准确预测天气。

53.B. 本句为make sth-done结构;forecast的过去分词为forecast。

54.C. 根据下文中的hill, tree可知,此处主要讲某些物体。

55.D. 根据常识,空气中水汽大,湿度高是雨天的特征。

56.B. sound表示自然界的一切声响;voice指人的声音。

57.C. 下雨天看见彩虹,一般表示天气将要转晴。

58.C. clear up 表示天气的“放晴,转晴”,相当于be fine。

59.D. 天要下雨时,有些人的骨头会酸痛。

60.A. 根据上文people 和their可知。


61----65 CDADC 66----69 DBDA 70---72 CBA 73---75 CCD


76.introduction 77.Location 78.Ending 79.Among 80.learning/ knowing 81.broke 82.figured/worked https://www.360docs.net/doc/579921300.html,pleted 84.punished 85.moved


1.for lack of competence

2.was confident in; did

3.Had abandoned their dreams

4.If it were not for

5.becomes more of

6.with the touch;click

7.surfing the Internet ; a waste of

8.With the development of

9.Due to the widespread use

10.answer for
