



OX TIGER 错误!未找










Good news - your fortune will improve and remain stable this year. Lucky stars appear to accompany you throughout the year so your plans will work out well. All is peaceful at home, especially if you were born in 1928 - you'll be respected by your children and grandchildren. Young Dragons particularly these born in 1988, will achieve good academic results. The main exception are Dragons born in the year 1952 - there'll be a few ups and downs. You may be driven by emotions and be tempted to have an affair or gamble unwisely. Think long-term, and make wise choices.

WORK There will be a lot of opportunities for development for the first half of the year - take them seriously. It will be in your best interests to cooperate with people in the same trade as you do. If you are a young Dragon born in the year 1988, your teachers will take good care of you - but try to control your temper. The help of your classmates will be invaluable - if you get it, you will really shine this year.

MONEY A much better year than last year. Wage-earners born in 1964 may get promoted. Those born in 1952 should avoid gambling and risky investments. If you were born in 1940, beware of burglaries.

HEALTH Not too bad a year, in terms of health - especially if you were born in 1964. Dragons suffering from chronic illnesses can expect an unexpectedly swift recovery in their health. Youngsters should not indulge in too many wild and fun-seeking events.

LOVE and FAMILY Singles will find their popularity rising this year. Those born in the year 1976 will find their love lives blossoming and reaching greater heights. However, do not fall blindly in love - especially if you were born in 1940. Your relationships may get complicated, so choose your partners wisely. Born in 1964? You'll enjoy a happy family life this year. Compatible love partners : Monkey, Snake, Rooster, Pig

Not compatible in love: Dog

Compatible in business : Monkey, Snake, Rooster

Phew! A better year then the last. For those born in the year 1977, despite frequent obstacles in most endeavours, you can reach a new peak if you work hardwithout slacking and be flexible in accepting new situations. Bad relationships with peers - or with family members and neighbours, in the case of those born in 1941 - can have adverse effects on your financial fortune.

WORK This is not the right time to change jobs or pursue new careers. Be careful not to overspend or you may incur losses. You may also be under a lot of pressure. However, Snakes born in 1965 are the exception - your career appears to be well under control, and will reap rich rewards. Just keep business-related secrets to yourself as these secrets can develop into various career opportunities for you. Younger snakes born in 1989 lack concentration this year and may not want to study - but try to keep up with your schoolmates.

MONEY There will be a stable income this year. However, for those born in 1929, fortune is not ideal. There will be conflicts and arguments over money. If you were born in 1941, be careful of fire or burglaries at home.

HEALTH Overwork and high stress may cause insomnia and heart problems - especially for male snakes. Eat proper meals and exercise more - any exercises or treatments that help to relax your mind and body (like tai chi or aromatherapy) are of special benefit to you. Those bon in 1953 will enjoy a year of good health.

LOVE and FAMILY Married snakes have a fairly stable relationship and enjoy a close family life. And singles may meet their partners this year! However, you should remain calm generous - especially since there will be competitors in the game - or the romance will not work out.

Compatible love partners : Rooster, Dog, Ox

Not compatible in love : Pig

Compatible in business : Rooster

Good fortune is yours this lucky year. There may be difficulties in the beginning for those born in 1978, but things will turn out well in the end. Head-strong Horses can seem a bit arrogant sometimes. If you were born in 1966, don't act rashly. It's better to keep a low profile and build your base for the first six months - but by the end of the year your fortune will improve. Great news for those born in 1942 - this may be the year to put long-term plans into action, and make your dreams come true!

WORK It's a slow start but hard work and perseverance will help you overcome these temporary problems. Horses born in 1990 will do very well in studies this year. For those born in 1954, business will boom - but don't neglect advice from experts and those with experience.

MONEY Investments will reap profits for those born in 1942, but if you were born in 1930, finances are limited, so keep a careful rein on your spending. For those born in 1954, there may be potential financial loss toward the end of the year. Do not boast about your wealth, or you may be robbed.

HEALTH Horses tend to love junk food - and this year you will be very tempted to overeat or drink. Although your health will be generally good this year, try to eat more healthily - you may stop being a sleek Horse and become a plump pony! Those born in 1954 must watch your liquor intake.

LOVE and FAMILY Married hoses will enjoy a harmonious relationship - and if you were born in 1930 there may be a happy event in your family. Single Horses will have plenty of chances to meet new friends. If you were born in 1978, your love life will boom! This is a good year for single horses to get married.

Compatible love partners : Dog, Goat, Rooster

Not compatible in love : Monkey

Compatible in business : Rooster, Dog









This is a year of fortune for you. But there may still be a few tricky moments - particularly in relationships. Monkeys are always looking for new chances to shine, but be careful not to get too caught up with temporary success. Pride comes before a fall, so don't let your success get into your head. You need to stay sensible this year to do well. This is especially true for those born in 1980. You will do well in your studies, but avoid being too arrogant about your good grades.

WORK Try not to be reckless and make decisions on impulse. Think before you act, and learn to respond rather than react. If you're an employee, it's best to fulfill your duties well and avoid making risky moves. Those born in 1968 will have obstacles in business, so you must work hard to achieve your goals. Born in 1956? Moving or working in other cities will bring you success.

MONEY For those born in 1932, this is a year of good fortune. Investments you made sometime ago remain stable and profitable, but avoid engaging in risky business activities, or you may lose money. If you were born in 1944, your hard work will turn bad luck to good - but be careful of spending more than you have.

HEALTH Little Monkeys born in the year 1992 may encounter health problems. Generally , monkeys are highly emotional and will catch minor illnesses easily. Extra vitamin dosage will keep the germs at bay. Those born in 1944 may suffer from vexation and nervousness. Keep an open mind - don’t let stress wear you down. If you were born in 1932, take a health exam to make sure your liver and lungs are working well.


Monkeys born in 1932 will be loved and respected by family. There may be troubled waters in love relationships for monkeys born in 1956. Married people may have arguments with partners over minor issues - especially if you were born in 1980 (try not to be arrogant during arguments, it may only make matters worse!). Singles should get out and enjoy lots of social activities. Don't let first impressions get in the way - look beneath the surface and you may find your perfect partner.

Compatible love partners : Rat, Dragon, Snake

Not compatible in love : Tiger

Compatible in business : Dragon

The road ahead is filled with unexpected twists and turns. There appears to be an unlucky star over Roosters this year - the Tai Sui star. At times a project which is close to completion may be hindered at the last minute, with something needing to be changed. If you're a married female Rooster, the domestic routine may get you down this year. Those born in 1969 should beware of rumours - they can cause business failures. The best thing you can do is to stay calm and make time to de-stress by doing your own thing". Try a relaxing new hobby. Spend time with friends - and above all, stop worrying. One in a thousand roosters will have a fantastically successful year. Could you be that one?

WORK The road ahead is rugged. For those born in 1945, it may seem that often wishes don't come true. But keep calm and stick to your goal, and there will be good results later in the year. Be very careful if you were born in 1933 - people may take advantage of you. But working overseas appears to be promising for Roosters this year.

MONEY This is not a good time for high risk business or gambling. For those born in 1957, you may get cheated if you are not careful, so be on your guard. Don't take risks against the law.

HEALTH Those born in 1921 may experience a series of minor aches and pains. Eat and rest well. All Roosters should beware of traffic accidents (especially if you were born in 1981). Roosters also need to watch out for accidents that involve water and fire.

LOVE and FAMILY If you're a single female Rooster, you'll have a flock of admirers after you this year. Enjoy yourself by all means, but be careful not to let people take advantage of you. The relationships may seem hot at first, but they'll only fizzle out if you take things for granted. Married Roosters may feel a bit bored and irritated by their partners. Make the extra effort to care for each other and be considerate so as to prvent further disagreements. Compatible love partners : Dragon, Ox, Snake

Not compatible in love : Rabbit

Compatible in business : Snake, Dragon, Ox


Steady, stable fortune lies ahead - especially if you're a female Dog. Married women will play a large part in keeping their family stable and harmonious. Single female Dogs will be admired at work - they'll also have plenty of new boyfriends and may even meet Mr Right (especially if you were born in 1970 or 1958). At work, male and female Dogs will find progress slow but steady. But those born in 1922 will not be as lucky. They should be on the alert for possible cheats, burglary and property losses at the end of the year.

WORK Businessmen will enjoy better prospects this year. It will be beneficial to your career if you are able to change with the times, and adapt to new situations. Be open to new ideas and suggestions. Work conscientiously, and you can achieve good results. Those born in 1982 will do well in studies. Avoid arguing with your schoolmates and friends. Work looks good for Dogs born in 1970.

MONEY You will have better income this year. However, avoid spending money lavishly, and do not expect too much easy money" from unusual sources. Those born in1934 must be careful with your money or you will suffer losses. Dogs born in 1946 will get some good returns from investments.

HEALTH Health is below average. You may feel tired - especially if you were born in 1946. Rest and exercise more, and you will feel better. If you were born in 1982, give that rock-climbing holiday a miss - your stars show you may fall from a high place this year. Those born in 1922 ought to beware of liver and heart problems.

LOVE and FAMILY This is a lucky year in terms of relationships for those born in 1958. Married couples will enjoy a great year of marriage. Singles will have plenty of opportunities to meet new friends, and may even have a hard time deciding on a right partner! Compatible love partners : Horse, Tiger, Rabbit

Not compatible in love : Dragon

Compatible in business : Tiger, Horse









Yippee! Rats will have a very lucky and prosperous year. You may even enjoy magnificent career prospects, especially if you were born in 1948 (there may be a promotion ahead). All Rats - especially female Rats - looks like they'll be able to overcome all obstacles and push their way through to fame and fortune. If you're a married female Rat, you'll really be able to help your husband in his job this year. You'll do even better if you ask for help from others. Rats do best when they're in a crowd.


WORK There will be many opportunities for you to outperform others and show your talent, especially If you were born in 1948. This is a lucky year career-wise for Rats born in 1960 as well. Everything will go according to plan, and your dreams will be fulfilled - if you put aside your pride to ask for the help of others and heed advice given to you. If you were born in 1984, your teachers may be amazed at your witty and clever remarks! Stay humble (especially male Rats) - no one wants to help an arrogant Rat!

MONEY The only down side to your year is your financial fortune. Because you are doing so well at work (and in love), you’ll be tempted to spend, spend, spend! Try to control this impulse think ahead and save for the future. Rats born in 1936 should keep your eyes on the budget, or risk financial loss. For Rats this year, short-term investments are more profitable than long-term ones.

HEALTH Any sustained illnesses will have a chance of recovery. Rats should watch what they eat and pay special care to the liver and kidneys, particularly those born in 1924 or 1972.

LOVE and FAMILY Married couples will enjoy a close and happy married life. Single Rats, especially those born in 1960 and 1972, will have lots of admirers - and the end of the year (near 2000) is a good time for you to get married. But don't rush - it's better to marry the right person later than to marry the wrong person sooner, but forever. If you were born in 1924, you may feel lonely sometimes. Don't be shy about being friendly to family and pals - they'll enjoy your company.

Compatible love partners : Ox, Dragon, Monkey

Not compatible in love : Horse

Compatible in business : Dragon, Ox


It a good thing Ox are stubborn - you'll need to overcome quite a few obstacles this year, especially if you were born in 1961. It's better to wait for the right time than to rush into things. Take good care of the family and enjoy the support they give you this year - it will help you to brave the storms. Your friends will be a pillar of strength for you in your time of stress. Look to the older generation to bring luck to you by listening to what they tell you, especially if you were born in 1937.

WORK Be extra careful when cutting a deal in business. Don't push too hard against other people and keep yourself away from gossip. There will be obstacles in the careers of those born in 1937, so it's best to stay where you are, as this is not a good year for moving career-wise. New friends will bring luck to those born in 1949.

MONEY Not a great year - except for those born in 1925, who will have a smooth flow of fortune. Remember not to gamble and avoid giving out loans, or you may run short of money. Ox born in 1937 should avoid moving or construction. And don't listen to rumours if you were born in 1925 - you don't need the grief they may bring!

HEALTH You need to take care of yourself this year - it's not the right time to take up sky-diving or motor-racing. Beware of stomach or intestine-related problems. Pay attention to personal safety and possible injury. Younger Ox should take care of their older family members.

LOVE and FAMILY Single Ox may enjoy a flourishing love life (especially if you were born in 1973), but you'll have to go through some sorrows first. You should be honest and sincere in order to win your lover's heart. Married persons will not be so lucky, as you will quarrel with your partners easily. Learn to speak peace rather than justice.

Compatible love partner : Rooster, Snake, Rat

Not compatible on love : Goat, Rabbit

Compatible in business : Rooster


Fortune looks quite good this year. There may not be any excitement or progress in the first half of the year, but things will look up in the second half - especially if you were born in 1974. Young tigers will do well in studies - but don't be over-anxious to start new love affairs. Wait for the right person - they'll come at the right time. Female Tigers have stronger fortune this year and you'll celebrate many happy events in your family. Go with the flow where relationships are concerned and pick the right time to ask for favours.

WORK A smooth year for Tiger businessmen and students (especially those born in 1926, 1938 and 1986).You will make steady progress if you plan every step of the way carefully. For those born in 1962, everything will run smoothly, and you may achieve outstanding results. But avoid long working hours.

MONEY A promising profit from regular income, but do not expect too much from other sources of gain. For those born in 1950, be extra careful, as you could be easily cheated. Tigers born in 1938 must avoid gambling - spend your money on your loved ones instead.

HEALTH If you have been sick, lots of rest and water will help you recover faster. If you are going overseas, take extra precautions with your health and personal safety, especially if you were born in 1938. Health isn't that great for Tigers born in 1986.

LOVE and FAMILY Single Tigers will have plenty of romance. If you were born in 1974, you may even meet your future spouse. Those born in 1926 should try to understand that the younger generations have different ways of doing things compared to the past.

Compatible love partners : Horse, Dog, Pig

Not compatible in love : Monkey

Compatible in business : Horse


Why do we smile when we see a baby? Perhaps it's because we see someone

without all the defensive layers, someone whose smile for us we know to be

fully genuine and without guile. And that baby-soul inside us smiles wistfully in recognition.

