


Researchers have found we have an inbuilt ability to tell how intelligent a man is just by looking at them. The team from the Czech Republic found people were unable to perform the same deduction on women.


The team used static facial photographs of 40 men and 40 women to test the relationship between measured IQ, perceived intelligence, and facial shape.


Both men and women were able to accurately evaluate the intelligence of men by viewing facial photographs, they discovered.


The study, in the journal PLoS One, reports people tend to associate certain facial traits with high intelligence.


'Faces that are perceived as highly intelligent are rather prolonged with a broader distance between the eyes, a larger nose, a slight upturn to the corners of the mouth, and a sharper, pointing, less rounded chin.


'By contrast, the perception of lower intelligence is associated with broader, more rounded faces with eyes closer to each other, a shorter nose, declining corners of the mouth, and a rounded and massive chin.


'By contrast, we found no correlation between morphological traits and real intelligence measured with IQ test, either in men or women.



英语美文欣赏10 Melancholy Music Can Make Us Feel Better 听悲伤的歌会让心情变好 We've all turned to melancholy music to make us feel better at some point in our lives, but why does doubling down on the sadness help drag us out of the mire? 我们都曾在生命中的某些时刻通过听悲伤的歌来让自己好受一些,但是为什么更多的悲伤反而会让我们走出低谷呢? A new study sheds light on what's going on inside our brains when we match our music to our feels, and it looks like sad music can be enjoyable - rather than simply depressing - because it triggers positive memories that can help to lift our mood. 一项新的研究阐明了当我们将所听的音乐与心中感受配对的时候我们大脑里到底发生了什么。其结果显示:悲伤的音乐也能带来愉悦(而非简单地令人低落),因为它能通过触发积极的回忆来使我们的心情变好。 Psychologist Adrian North from Curtin University in Australia says there are two groups of possible explanations for why we enjoy listening to sad music like this: one from social psychology, and one from cognitive neuroscience. 澳大利亚科廷大学的心理学家阿德里安·诺斯说,对于我们为什么这么享受悲伤的歌曲这一点,有两派可能的解释:一派来自社会心理学,一派来自认知神经科学。 In terms of social psychology, one way of thinking about this is that we feel better about ourselves if we focus on someone who's doing even worse, a well-known process known as downward social comparison. Everything's going to be okay, because this person is having an even worse day than you are. 从社会心理学这一派来讲,有一种思路是:当我们把注意力集中在一个比我们过得还惨的人身上时,我们会觉得好受些,这个过程就是著名的下行社会比较。一切都会好起来的,因为这个人比你过得更惨。 Another hypothesis from social psychology is that people like to listen to music that mirrors the tone of their current life circumstances – the songs act as a sort of tuning fork for our own situations, and they resonate with us. 社会心理学这一派的另一个假说是:人们喜欢听那些能反映自己现在生活境况基调的音乐,这些歌对于我们的境况来讲起到了类似音叉的作用,他们与我们产生了共鸣。 You Don’t Lack Reason But Action 你不缺道理,缺的是行动力 If you ask me what are the things that people should not do no matter how, the


经典英语美文欣赏80篇(适用于成人) 英语美文欣赏80篇 01-The Love of Beauty 英语美文欣赏80篇 02-The Happy Door 英语美文欣赏80篇 03-Born to Win 英语美文欣赏80篇 04-Work and Pleasure 英语美文欣赏80篇 05-Mirror,Mirror-What do I See 英语美文欣赏80篇 06-On Motes and Beams 英语美文欣赏80篇 07-An October Sunrise 英语美文欣赏80篇 08-To be or not to be 英语美文欣赏80篇 09-Gettysburg address 英语美文欣赏80篇10-First Inaugural Address

英语美文欣赏80篇11-American black bears 英语美文欣赏80篇 12-Coal-fired power plants 英语美文欣赏80篇 13-Statistics 英语美文欣赏80篇 14-Obtaining Fresh water from icebergs 英语美文欣赏80篇 15-The source of Energy 英语美文欣赏80篇 16-Vision 英语美文欣赏80篇 17-Folk Cultures 英语美文欣赏80篇 18-Bacteria 英语美文欣赏80篇 19-Sleep 英语美文欣赏80篇 20-Cells and Temperature 英语美文欣赏80篇21-Youth 英语美文欣赏80篇 22-Three Days to See 英语美文欣赏80篇 23-Companionship of Books 英语美文欣赏80篇24-If I Rest,I Rust 英语美文欣赏80篇 25-Ambition 英语美文欣赏80篇 26-What I have Lived for 英语美文欣赏80篇 27-When Love Beckons You 英语美文欣赏80篇 28-The Road to Success


>01 The Language of Music A painter hangs his or her finished picture on a wall, and everyone can see it. A composer writes a work, but no one can hear it until it is performed. Professional singers and players have great responsibilities, for the composer is utterly dependent on them. A student of music needs as long and as arduous a training to become a performer as a medical student needs to become a doctor. Most training is concerned with technique, for musicians have to have the muscular proficiency of an athlete or a ballet dancer. Singers practice breathing every day, as their vocal chords would be inadequate without controlled muscular support. String players practice moving the fingers of the left hand up and down, while drawing the bow to and fro with the right arm -- two entirely different movements. Singers and instrumentalists have to be able to get every note perfectly in tune. Pianists are spared this particular anxiety, for the notes are already there, waiting for them, and it is the piano tuner's responsibility to tune the instrument for them. But they have their own difficulties: the hammers that hit the strings have to be coaxed not to sound like percussion, and each overlapping tone has to sound clear. This problem of getting clear texture is one that confronts student conductors: they have to learn to know every note of the music and how it should sound, and they have to aim at controlling these sounds with fanatical but selfless authority. Technique is of no use unless it is combined with musical knowledge and understanding. Great artists are those who are so thoroughly at home in the language of music that they can enjoy performing works written in any century. 01 音乐的语言 画家将已完成的作品挂在墙上,每个人都可以观赏到。作曲家写完了一部作品,得由演奏者将其演奏出来,其他人才能得以欣赏。因为作曲家是如此完全地依赖于职业歌手和职业演奏者,所以职业歌手和职业演奏者肩上的担子可谓不轻。一名学音乐的学生要想成为一名演奏者,需要经受长期的、严格的训练,就象一名医科的学生要成为一名医生一样。绝大多数的训练是技巧性的。音乐家们控制肌肉的熟练程度,必须达到与运动员或巴蕾舞演员相当的水平。歌手们每天都练习吊嗓子,因为如果不能有效地控制肌肉的话,他们的声带将不能满足演唱的要求。弦乐器的演奏者练习的则是在左手的手指上下滑动的同时,用右手前后拉动琴弓--两个截然不同的动作。歌手和乐器演奏者必须使所有的音符完全相同协调。钢琴家们则不用操这份心,因为每个音符都已在那里等待着他们了。给钢琴调音是调音师的职责。但调音师们也有他们的难处:他们必须耐心地调理敲击琴弦的音锤,不能让音锤发出的声音象是打击乐器,而且每个交叠的音都必


双语阅读文章汇总(一) 一、冰淇淋居然可以高温不化 Ice cream that doesn't melt! Japanese scientists create a recipe that includes a secret strawberry extract to keep the treat cool in warm weather 日本科学家发明了不会融化的冰激凌,还能在炎热的天气里保持凉爽的口感 Japanese scientists have come up with a cool solution to stop ice cream melting before you've had time to finish it. 近日,日本科学家们找到了防止冰激凌融化的好方法。 C (82.4 F) weather and still tas The ice cream retains its original shape in 28° tes 'cool',according to the report. 据报道,这种冰激凌在28度的温度中不仅不会融化,还能保持清凉的口感。 A strawberry extract stops the oil and water from separating so quickly whic h means the icecreams (pictured) stay frozen - even if you blow a hair dryer at them, reports suggest 报道称,冰淇淋不会融化是由于一种叫做草莓提取物的物质,它减缓了水油分离的速度,使得冰激凌即使是在吹风机的吹拂下依旧保持形状。 The company created the ice creams by accident. 这种冰激凌的产生完全是出于意外。 A pastry chef tried to use the strawberry extract to create a new kind of con fectionery in orderto use strawberries that were not the right shape to be sold . 甜点师本想用这种草莓提取物创造一种新型甜品,以试图把因品相不好而无法顺利出售的草 莓利用起来。 He realised the cream would solidify when put in contact with the strawberry extract. 他发现可以使用草莓提取物来减缓冰激凌融化的速度。


谈一场恋爱就像读一本新书 Starting a new book is a risk, just like falling in love. You have to commit to it. You open the pages knowing a little bit about it maybe, from the back or from a blurb on the front. But who knows, right? Those bits and pieces aren’t always right. 读一本新书恰似坠入爱河,是场冒险。你得全身心投入进去。翻开书页之时,从序言简介直至封底你或许都知之甚少。但谁又不是呢?字里行间的只言片语亦不总是正确。 Sometimes people advertise themselves as one thing and then when you get deep into it you realize that they’re something completely different. Either there was some good marketing attached to a terrible book, or the story was only explained in a superficial way and once you reach the middle of the book, you realize there’s so much more to this book than anyone could have ever told you. 有时候你会发现,人们自我推销时是一种形象,等你再深入了解后,他们又完全是另一种模样了。有时拙作却配有出色的市场推销,故事的叙述却流于表面,阅读过半后,你方才发觉:这本书真是出乎意料地妙不可言,这种感受只要靠自己去感悟! You start off slow. The story is beginning to unfold. You’re unsure. It’s a big commitment lugging this tome around. Maybe this book won’t be that great but you’ll feel guilty about putting it down. Maybe it’ll be so awful you’ll keep hate-reading or just set it down immediately and never pick it up again. Or maybe you’ll come back to it some night, drunk or lonely — needing something to fill the time, but it won’t be any better than it was when you first started reading it. 你慢慢翻页,故事开始缓慢展开,而你却依旧心存犹疑。阅读这样的巨著需要百分之百的投入。或许它并不是你想象中的伟大的作品,奈何半途弃读会使你觉得不安。又或许,故事真的很烂,你要么咬牙苦读下去,要么立刻放弃束之高阁。抑或某个酒醉或孤寂的夜晚,你又重新捡起这本书来——但只为打发时光。不管怎样,它并没有比你初次阅读时好多少。


英语美文欣赏64 勇敢面对自己内心的敌人 We are not born with courage, but neither are we born with fear. Maybe some of our fears are brought on by your own experiences, by what someone has told you, by what you've read in the papers. Some fears are valid, like walking alone in a bad part of town at two o'clock in the morning. But once you learn to avoid that situation, you won't need to live in fear of it. 我们的勇气并不是与生俱来的,我们的恐惧也不是。也许有些恐惧来自你 的亲身经历,别人告诉你的故事,或你在报纸上读到的东西。有些恐惧可以理解,例如在凌晨两点独自走在城里不安全的地段。但是一旦你学会避免那种情 况,你就不必生活在恐惧之中。 Fears, even the most basic ones, can totally destroy our ambitions. Fear can destroy fortunes. Fear can destroy relationships. Fear, if left unchecked, can destroy our lives. Fear is one of the many enemies lurking inside us. 恐惧,哪怕是最基本的恐惧,也可能彻底粉碎我们的抱负。恐惧可能摧毁 财富,也可能摧毁一段感情。如果不加以控制,恐惧还可能摧毁我们的生活。 恐惧是潜伏于我们内心的众多敌人之一。 Let me tell you about five of the other enemies we face from within. The first enemy that you've got to destroy before it destroys you is indifference. What a tragic disease this is! "Ho-hum, let it slide. I'll just drift along." Here's one problem with drifting: you can't drift your way to the top of the mountain. 让我来告诉你我们面临的其他五个内在敌人。第一个你要在它袭击你之前 将其击败的敌人是冷漠。打着哈欠说:"随它去吧,我就随波逐流吧。"这是多 么可悲的疾病啊!随波逐流的问题是:你不可能漂流到山顶去。 The second enemy we face is indecision. Indecision is the thief of opportunity and enterprise. It will steal your chances for a better future. Take a sword to this enemy. 我们面临的第二个敌人是优柔寡断。它是窃取机会和事业的贼,它还会偷 去你实现更美好未来的机会。向这个敌人出剑吧! The third enemy inside is doubt. Sure, there's room for healthy skepticism. You can't believe everything. But you also can't let doubt take over. Many people doubt the past, doubt the future, doubt each other, doubt the government, doubt the possibilities and doubt the opportunities. Worse of all, they doubt themselves. I'm telling you, doubt will destroy your life and your chances of success. It will empty both your bank account and your heart. Doubt is an enemy. Go after it. Get rid of it. 第三个内在的敌人是怀疑。当然,正常的怀疑还是有一席之地的,你不能


【晨读英语美文100篇】晨读英语美文中英对照版英语晨读365 116 Virtue 美德 Sweet day,so cool,so calm,so bright! 甜美的白昼,如此凉爽、安宁、明媚! The bridal of the earth and sky- 天地间完美的匹配----- The dew shall weep thy fall to-night; 今宵的露珠儿将为你的消逝而落泪; For thou must die. 因为你必须离去。 Sweet rose,whose hue angry and brave, 美丽的玫瑰,色泽红润艳丽, Bids the rash gazer wipe his eye, 令匆匆而过的人拭目而视,Thy root is ever in its grave, 你的根永远扎在坟墓里, And thou must die. 而你必须消逝。 Sweet spring,full of sweet days and roses, 美妙的春天,充满了美好的日子和芳香的玫瑰, A box where sweets compacted lie, 如一支芬芳满溢的盒子, My music shows ye have your closes, 我的音乐表明你们也有终止, And all must die, 万物都得消逝。 Only a sweet and virtuous soul, 唯有美好而正直的心灵, Like season'd timber,never gives; 犹如干燥备用的木料,永

不走样; But though the whole world turn to coal, 纵然整个世界变为灰烬, Then chiefly lives. 它依然流光溢彩。 英语晨读365 115 Equipment 装备 Figure it out for yourself, my lad. You have got all that the great have had: two arms, two legs, two hands, two eyes, and a brain to use if you'd be wise. With this equipment they all began, so start for the top and say" I can". Look them over the wise and the great. They take their food from a common plate. With similar knives and forks they use; with similar laces they tie their shoes. The world considers them brave and smart, but you know--- you have got all they had when they made their start. You can triumph and come to skill; you can be great if you only will. You are well equipped for the fight you choose you have arms and legs and brains to use. And people who have risen, great deeds to do started their lives with no more than you. You are the handicap you must face. You are the one who must choose your place. You must say where you want to go, and how much you will study the truth to know. God has equipped you for life, but he lets you decide what you want to be.


英语美文欣赏50 Run Through the Rain 雨中奔跑 She had been shopping with her Mom in Wal-Mart. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful brown haired, freckle-faced image of innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the Earth, it has no time to flow down the spout. 她和妈妈刚在沃尔玛结束购物。这个天真的小女孩应该6岁大了,头发是 美丽的棕色,脸上有雀斑。外面下着倾盆大雨。雨水溢满了檐槽,来不及排走,就迫不及待地涌涨上地面。 We all stood there under the awning and just inside the door of the Wal-Mart. We all waited, some patiently, others irritated, because nature messed up their hurried day. I am always mesmerized by rainfall. I get lost in the sound and sight of the heavens w ashing away the dirt and dust of the world. Memories of running, splashing so carefree as a child come pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries of my day. 我们都站在沃尔玛门口的遮篷下。大家都在等待,有人很耐心,有人很烦 躁,因为老天在给他们本已忙碌的一天添乱。雨天总引起我的遐思。我出神地 听着、看着老天冲刷洗涤这世界的污垢和尘埃,孩时无忧无虑地在雨中奔跑玩 水的记忆汹涌而至,暂时缓解了我一天的焦虑。 Her voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in, "Mom, let's run through the rain." she said. 小女孩甜美的声音打破了这令人昏昏欲睡的气氛,“妈妈,我们在雨里跑吧。”她说。 "What?" Mom asked. “什么?”母亲问。 "Let's run through the rain!" She repeated. “我们在雨里跑吧,”她重复。 "No, honey. We'll wait until it slows down a bit." Mom replied. “不,亲爱的,我们等雨小一点再走。”母亲回答说。 This young child waited about another minute and repeated: "Mom, let's run through the rain." 过了一会小女孩又说:“妈妈,我们跑出去吧。” "We'll get soaked if we do." Mom said. “这样的话我们会湿透的。”母亲说。 "No, we won't, Mom. That's not what you said this morning," the young girl said as she tugged at her Mom's arm."


双语中英广播稿多篇 篇一 A:Dearteachersandstudents,goodafternoon. B:敬爱的老师亲爱的同学们大家下午好 A:WeletoEnglishBaragain. B:欢迎再次来到“英语吧” A:HelloboysandgirlsI’m…IefromClass…Grade…大家好我是来自于…年…班的… B:HieveryoneI’m…IefromClass…Grade…大家好我是来自于…年…班的…A:GoodafternoonB B:GoodafternoonA A:Howareyou? B:Fine,thanks.Howareyou? A:I’mfine.Thankyou. B:同学们我们已经学过了许多有关动作的单词不知道大家是否还印象深刻呢现在让我们一起复习一下吧! Walk走swim游泳jump跳dance跳舞sing唱歌catch抓接住run跑skip跳绳skate滑冰skiing滑雪(一人读英文单词一人读出中文译意) A:复习了那么多动作的单词我都想起来跑跑跳跳了呢 B:说到运动sports你都知道些体育项目的表达呢今天的EnglishBar栏目你就给同学们绍一些体育项目的表达吧

A:Apieceofcake.小意思.Letmetellyou.让我来告诉大家 Race,race赛跑;divingdiving跳水;volleyball,volleyball 排球;basketball,basketball篮球;soccer,soccer足球;tabletennis,tabletennis乒乓球;longjump,longjump跳远;cycling,cycling自行车;boxing,boxing拳击;shooting,shooting 射击;weightlifting,weightlifting举重 B:Youaresogreat你真棒!大家都听到了请同学们再跟我说一遍Readafterme,please.Race,race赛跑;divingdiving跳水;volleyball,volleyball排球;basketball,basketball篮球;soccer,soccer足球;tabletennis,tabletennis乒乓球;longjump,longjump跳远;cycling,cycling自行车;boxing,boxing 拳击;shooting,shooting射击;weightlifting,weightlifting举重 A:B,这么多体育项目你最喜欢一个呢What’syourfavoritesport? B:en…Myfavoritesportistabletennis.我最喜欢的体育运动是乒乓球你呢Howaboutyou? A:Myfavoritesportislongjump.我最喜欢的体育运动是跳远Tobehonest,Iamgoodatlongjump.说实话我很擅长跳远呢 B:Really?Ilikelongjump,too.真的我也喜欢跳远有时间我们来比一比吧!


英汉双语作文我要更加学英语I shall Study English Harder and Harder It was fine today.I was pleased that I did well in today’sEnglishexam. This reminded me of many things. Nearly three years have passed since I began learning English. In the beginning. I was very interested in English. I like reading English. When I was in Grade One, I read loudly “a-b-c—”. Now I read the dialogue and texts. Often, I read and act with my classmates. I can recite the dialogues and the texts in the workbook. I am always trying my best to speak English both in and after class. After class I often read English Weekly, It is a wonderful paper. In it there are riddles, humorous stories, jokes, and so on. I have learned “spring is green. Summer is bright. Autumn is yellow. Winter is white.” I also, know the proverbs “One is never too old to learn.” “Nothingis impossible to a willing man.”And in this way I have improved my English. My English teacher said," The man who laughs last laughs best."SoI'll study English harder and harder. 我要更加努力地学习英语。 今天天气很好。我很高兴今天的英语考试考得很好。这使我想起许多事情。 我学英语已经快三年了。刚开始。我对英语很感兴趣。我喜欢读英语。当我在一年级的时候,我大声地读“A-B-C”。现在我读对话和课文。我经常和同学一起读书和表演。我能背诵练习册上的对话和课文。我总是尽力在课里和课后讲英语。 课后我经常看英语周报,这是一篇精彩的论文。里面有谜语、幽默故事、笑话等。我学会了:春天是绿色的。夏天是明亮的。秋天是黄色的。冬天是白色的。“我也知道谚语“人要活到老学到老。”“没有什么是不可能的一个愿意的人。”这样,我提高了我的英语。


双语阅读文章汇总(一)一、冰淇淋居然可以高温不化Ice cream that doesn't melt! Japanese scientists create a recipe that includes a secret strawberry extract to keep the treat cool in warm weather 日本科学家发明了不会融化的冰激凌,还能在炎热的天气里保持凉爽的口感 Japanese scientists have come up with a cool solution to stop ice cream melting before you've had time to finish it. 近日,日本科学家们找到了防止冰激凌融化的好方法。 The ice cream retains its original shape in 28°C (82.4 F) weather and still tastes 'cool',according to the report. 据报道,这种冰激凌在28度的温度中不仅不会融化,还能保持清凉的口感。 A strawberry extract stops the oil and water from separating so quickly which means the icecreams (pictured) stay frozen - even if you blow a hair dryer at them, reports suggest 报道称,冰淇淋不会融化是由于一种叫做草莓提取物的物质,它减缓了水油分离的速度,使得冰 激凌即使是在吹风机的吹拂下依旧保持形状。 The company created the ice creams by accident. 这种冰激凌的产生完全是出于意外。 A pastry chef tried to use the strawberry extract to create a new kind of confectionery in orderto use strawberries that were not the right shape to be sold. 甜点师本想用这种草莓提取物创造一种新型甜品,以试图把因品相不好而无法顺利出售的草莓利用起来。 He realised the cream would solidify when put in contact with the strawberry extract. 他发现可以使用草莓提取物来减缓冰激凌融化的速度。 1 / 16 The ice creams (pictured), which are only for sale in parts of Japan, first hit stores in Kanazawain April before rolling out in Osaka and Tokyo 不目前,这种冰激凌已经在日本金泽当地开始销售,预计之后会把业务拓展到东京和大阪。过要是想在其他国家吃到这种冰激凌,恐怕还需要一段时间二、做个成年人有哪些好处No one can tell me what to do. 没人能对我指手画脚。Well, except mom. …除了我妈妈。嗯No one except my mom can tell me what to do. 除了我妈妈没人能对我指手画脚。And maybe, girlfriend. 可能我女朋友可以。No one except my mom and my girlfriend can tell me what to do. 除了我妈妈和女朋友没人能对我指手画脚。Well, my manager as well. …老板也可以。嗯No one except my mom, my girlfriend and my manager can tell me what to do. 除了我妈妈、女朋友和老板没人能对我指手画脚。Also, the bank. 还有银行。No one except my mom, my girlfriend, my manager and my bank can tell


英语双语美文三篇 英语双语美文(1) Not a simple dress 不凡的连衣裙 “Do you like my dress?"she asked of a passing stranger."My mommy made it just for me."She said with a tear in her eye. "你喜欢我的连衣裙吗?“她问一位正走过她身边的陌生人。”我妈妈专给我做的。”她说道,眼里冒出了泪珠。 "Well,I think it's very pretty,so tell me little one,why are you crying?" “嗯,我认为你的裙子真漂亮。告诉我,小姑娘,你为什么哭呢?” With a quiver in her voice the little girl answered."After Mommy made me this dress,she had to go away." 小姑娘声音有些颤抖,回答道:“我妈妈给我做完这条裙子后就不得不离开了。” "Well,now,"said the lady,"with a little girl like you waiting for her,I'm sure she'll be right back." “哦,是这样,”陌生的女士说,“有你这样一个小姑娘等着她,我敢肯定她很快就会回来的。” "No Ma'am ,you don't understand,"said the child through her tears,"my daddy said she's up in heaven now with Grandfather."


9 13德国法院批准欧洲纾困基金German backing for ESM fund lifts stocks Risk assets enjoyed another positive session after Germany’s highest court gave the go-ahead for Europe’s new bailout fund, removing a significant obstacle to efforts to resolve the region’s debt crisis. 德国最高法院批准欧洲新纾困基金,消除了解决欧债危机道路上的一大障碍,带动风险资产经历又一个价格上 涨的交易日。 But the initial wave of buying that followed the news – which sent European stocks to a 14-month high and the euro to a four-month peak above $1.29 – subsequently showed signs of fizzling out as the grim economic reality facing the region continued to cast a shadow over the markets. 但是,由于欧元区严峻的经济现实继续给市场蒙上阴影,上述消息传出后的最初一波买入潮——将欧洲股市推高至14个月高位,亦将欧元汇率推高至1欧元兑1.29美元的四个月高位——随 后显示消退迹象。 Nevertheless, there was a palpable sense of relief at the decision by Germany’s constitutional court to reject a petition to prevent the country from signing up to the European Stability Mechanism, the region’s permanent financial rescue fund. 然而,对于德国宪法法院驳回有关阻止该国参与欧洲稳定机制(ESM)的请愿的判决,各方明显松了一口气。ESM 是欧元区永久性的金融救助基金。 The court imposed conditions that were less onerous than many had feared. 法院提出的条件不如很多人此前担心的那么苛刻。 The news came less than a week after the European Central Bank triggered a strong risk rally after announcing plans for unlimited purchases of eurozone countries’ short-term bonds – a programme dubbed outright monetary transactions (OMT). 不到一周前,欧洲央行(ECB)曾引发一轮强劲的风险资产涨势。当时该机构宣布相关计划,拟无限度购买欧元区国家的短期债券,该计划称为“直接货 币交易”(OMT)。 “We think this [court ruling] could prove to be a turning point for the debt crisis,”said Frank ?land Hanse n, senior economist at Danske Bank. “我们认为这(法庭裁决)有望成为欧债危机的转折点,”丹麦丹斯克银行(Danske Bank)高级经济学家弗兰克?厄兰德?汉森(Frank ?land Hansen)表 示。 “The ESM and the ECB’s OMT are seen as a reliable and sufficient safety net. If investors see no need to test the safety net, the ECB may never even have to activate the OMT programme. The ball is now in Spain’s and Italy’s courts. “ESM和欧洲央行的OMT被视为可靠且充足的安全网。如果投资者看不到有必要去考验这个安全网,欧洲央行可能永远都不需要启动OMT计划。现在球在西班牙和意大利脚下。
