


homogeneous 同质homo + gene +ous(<> heterogeneous)^ homosexual,heterosexual mainstream 主流主流

dialect 方言(v.s. accent)

discrepancy 差别

misconception 误解(mis + concept + ion)= misunderstanding

barrier 障碍(物)~ bar,= barricade

discrimination 区别,歧视racial/sexual discrimination? discriminate (+against)

hierarchy 级别制度heir + arch(govern) + y

insularity 岛国性质(? insular,^island)British industry has often been criticized for its linguistic insularity.

microcosm 小天地micro + cosm(os)

nostalgia = homesickness

patriot 爱国者(<> traitor)à patriotic,patriotism

compatriot 同胞同胞com + patriot

vernacular 本地,本国本地话,本国话the vernacular languages of India

Hispanic An American whose first language was Spanish

immigration 移入~ immigrant,immigratev.s. emigration (~ emigrant,emigrate)

antipodes Any two places or regions on diametrically opposite sides of the Earth“from North America to the Antipodes”

permeate 渗入,弥漫Smoke permeated the house.

entrepreneur 公司家(~ enterprise)à entrepreneurship

practitioner 开业者,从业者praction(practice) + er

celebrity a famous person= luminary,VIP

proxy 代理人

anecdote 轶事(à anecdotal)

notoriety 恶名(? notorious)

counterpart 相应人,对等物Who’s George Bush’s counterpart in China?^ counterculture,counterbalance

peer 同等人凝视,窥视(~ peep)

subordinate 下级下级<> superior

tactics 战术,技巧v.s. strategy (战略,方略)marketing strategy v.s. selling tactics nuance a subtle difference in meaning

benchmarking 类比分析

punctual 准时,守时(à punctuality)

absenteeism 旷工absent à absentee à absenteeism

flextime 弹性工作时间flex(flexible) + time

harass 骚扰(à harassment)Mary said that Gary had sexually harassed her.

redundancy 冗余,冗员network redundancy

downsize 裁人(~ lay off)

ballot 投票(= vote)

impartial 不偏不倚(<> partial)

lobby 大堂(n.) 游说(v.)

shortlist (BE) a list of applicants who have been deemed suitable and from which the successful person will be chosen à (v.)

equilibrium 平衡,均衡

questionnaire 调查表,问卷

quantitative 定量(<> qualitative)

contingency 偶尔性,偶尔事件

incur 招致incur debts/hatred/dangerv.s. occur,concur,recur

ethical 伦理,符合伦理~ ethics,<> unethical

dubious 疑惑,可疑(~ doubt)People were dubious about the result.

manifestation 显示,证明(? manifest)

subtitle 字幕,副标题(sub + title)^ subsidiary,submarine,subway (BE:underground,tube),suburb(~ downtown,uptown,outskirts)

dubbing 配音录制

vogue 潮流^ chic

bizarre 奇异v.s. weird (怪异)

mediocre 平庸

dietitian 饮食学家(~ diet)

connoisseur 行家,鉴赏家^ entrée,a la carte


molecule 分子à molecular

cell à cellular

amino à amino acids (氨基酸)

protein 蛋白质

enzyme 酶(proteins that are produced by cells and act as catalysts in specific biochemical reactions)

catalyst 催化剂

chlorophyll 叶绿素“chloro-”:Cl

photosynthesis 光合伙用(photo + synthesis)à photosynthetic

botany 植物学(<> zoology)à botanist,botanical

flora 植物群

fauna 动物群

bacterium bacteria (pl.) 细菌

fungus fungi (pl.) 真菌

algae alga (pl.) 海藻

herb à herbal:~ teaà herbicide (^ insecticide,pesticide)

carnation 康乃馨à reincarnation

fade 凋落,褪色

organism 机体,组织? organ

arthropod 节肢动物v.s. anthropoid (↓)

reptile 爬行动物

amphibian 两栖动物

mammal 哺乳动物(? mamma!)

primate 灵长目动物

evolution 进化(? evolve)

anthropoid 类人猿(“anthrop”:humankind)~ anthropology,philanthropyv.s. ape,gorilla,chimpanzee

gene 基因^ DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)~ genome (基因组)

genetics 遗传学(à genetical)

helix 螺旋,螺旋壮物… analyze every single gene within the double helix of humanity’s DNA

identical 同一~ identity (à ID card)^ clone

mutation 突变gene mutationà mutable,immutable,mutant

predator 捕食者(<> prey)

embryo 胚胎à embryonic (萌芽)

roe 鱼子>>> caviar (鱼子酱)

tadpole 蝌蚪>>> frog,toad (^ told)

caterpillar 毛毛虫(cater + pillar)The American Company:Caterpillar (CAT) grasshopper 蚱蜢,蝗虫(= locust)grass + hopper,^ bellhop

cricket 蟋蟀(另)板球

butterfly v.s. moth^ dragonfly,firefly

pollen 花粉传粉à pollinate,pollination

hive 蜂房>>> honey,^ concoction

larva larvae (pl.) 幼虫v.s. lava

pupa 蛹à pupate

penguin 企鹅v.s. dolphin (海豚)

raccoon 浣熊v.s. kangaroo (袋鼠)

hibernate 冬眠(=hole up)

torpid 麻木,蛰伏v.s. torpedo (鱼雷)

cerebral (大)脑

hemisphere 半球(hemi + sphere)

cortex 脑皮层

migraine 偏头疼? migrant

somatic 躯体

limb 四肢upper/lower limb

anatomy 解剖,剖析

paralyze 使瘫痪(=incapacitate,immobilize)

artery 动脉(<> vein)

gland 腺体

pancreas 胰

hormone 荷尔蒙,激素

cholesterol 胆固醇
