






专业班级机械设计制造及其自动化 08级本科(6)班

学号 200833467 院(系)机械工程学院


完成时间2012年 5 月 16 日






通过GPS使用提高非公路卡车安全(Dagdelen和涅托- 维加,科罗拉多矿业学院)








引入一种导航系统、三坑里装有150万立方米的挖掘机翻土,表土显示0.99%的平均overdig和underdig 0.93%。安装GPS指导的挖掘机挖的搬到12坑钱的表土达320万立方米,显示平均3.86%的overdig和1.82%的underdig。减少overdig 足以支付系统在几个月。随后Thiess安装指导系统的其他三个挖掘机在网站中。



贾扬特·雷在一年处理30万立方米的矿井覆(采矿作业过程中产生的废旧产品),约10亿吨的煤炭色调。它有15个容量范围从8到14立方米,85吨容量的50辆卡车和30 辆卡车120吨的卡车挖掘机的车队。OITDS系统涵盖整个挖掘机和卡车车队。该系统的概念在1999年和2002年9月实施。最好是在这本书中扩展。

GPS推土机机指导(APS 2003年3月)的利益纳入矿山机械GPS导航系统的主








Authors: Jack Caldwell


This review describes the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) in Mining including Mine and Ore Body Exploration, Development, Production, Closure, Reclamation, and Mine Title Application in British Columbia. The review also examines and evaluates web sites that specialize in GPS Technology, Mine Application of GPS, GPS Equipment Suppliers, and Consultants providing services in mining-related GPS Applications.


Improving Safety of Off-Highway Trucks through GPS (Dagdelen and Nieto-Vega, Colorado School of Mines) Fatalities among equipment operators in open pit mines can be reduced if GPS technology is incorporated in their machines. Currently, GPS is becoming a standard component in truck dispatch systems and field surveying. Especially in large open pit mines, pit and dump maps are being made in real time and can be transferred directly to the on-board computers of the trucks. With differential GPS equipment on board, one can quickly determine exact coordinates of a given truck with accuracy of less than a meter and evaluate whether a given truck is dangerously close to the dumping edge of a waste dump. Fatal accidents related to dumping tasks are occurring in significant numbers.

Applications for GPS on Shovels and Excavators (Seymour, C.) With high precision guidance systems for shovel and excavator buckets, the following benefits are also enumerated:

1. Accurate selective mining of mineralized horizons

2. Accurately finding the low wall batter line in coal stripping operations, thus reducing overdig, or lost coal

3. Accurate representation of hazardous areas, such as loaded blast areas or areas underlain by old underground workings

4. Creating more even benches, thus reducing

truck cycle times and wear and tear on trucks

and reducing dozer and grader time on benches

A case in point is the Collinsville Coal Mine,

owned by Xstrata Coal and operated by Thiess

Contractors in northern Queensland.

Following the introduction of a guidance system, three pits containing 1.5 million cubic meters of excavator-dug overburden showed an average overdig of 0.99% and underdig of 0.93%. Overburden which was moved in 12 pits dug prior to the installation of GPS guidance amounted to 3.2 million cubic meters and showed an average 3.86% of overdig and 1.82% of underdig. The reduction in overdig was sufficient to pay for the systems within a few months. Thiess subsequently installed guidance systems on the three other excavators at the site.

The Role of High Precision GPS Machine Guidance in Mining (Seymour and Williams, 2003) GPS technology can now locate the bucket of a shovel or the blade of a dozer to within 50 mm. Other positive outcomes include precise selective mining, even when the ore is visually indistinguishable from waste; tracking grade and tonnage of every ore parcel through the mine;

real-time productivity monitoring; detailed post-accident safety analysis; and tracking the movements of every piece of equipment.

GPS-based Machine Guidance in the Mining Industry (Seymour, 2003)

The Jayant mine handles 30 million cubic meters of mine overburden (the waste product generated during mining operations) and around 10 million tones of coal in a year. It has a fleet of 15 excavators with a capacity ranging from eight to 14 cubic meters, 50 trucks of 85-tonne capacity and 30 trucks of 120-tonne capacity. The OITDS system covers the entire fleet of excavators and trucks. This system was conceptualized in 1999 and was implemented in September 2002. It is best expanded upon in this book .

Benefits of GPS Machine Guidance on Dozers (APS, March 2003) There are two major benefits for incorporating GPS guidance systems on mining machines:

a) Information generated can help the operator to locate the orebody vs. the position of the machine or the location of dumping sites.

b) Information can be sent back to the control centre in real time to assess what the machine has done, which increases productivity and quality on a real-time basis as well.

Specific GPS benefits for mine equipment include:

a) Dozers. Complete earth moving jobs can be done without the need for field survey pegging; sophisticated stripping design can be implemented that provides for the optimal efficient movement of material, with GPS guiding the operator as to where to move the material and how far to push it.

b) Drills. Information generated from drilling can be logged onto GPS systems on excavation equipment.

c) Hydraulic Excavators can be used to design grades on benches to determining the position of the excavator bucket. Also, the equipment can do selective mining especially where there is no distinguishing visual difference between ore and waste, especially in oxide gold operations.

Productivity gains will come from, among other things, elimination of mistakes and rework, elimination of field survey, high recovery and lower dilution of the valuable mineral, and added operators' confidence.






感系统和阀控负载敏感系统;按反馈控制信号类型可分为液压机械负载敏感系统和电液负载敏感系统;按系统的主控制阀中位的机能类型可分为开中心式负载敏感系统(opened center load sensing system,OLSS)和闭中心式负载敏感系统(closed center load sensing system,CLSS),不同的中位机能(开式、闭式)导致相应的不同形式的负载敏感控制系统。多执行器负载敏感系统的分流控制方法16 J包括:


优先式压力补偿的概念在1 969年由J.D.A11 ell提出,其具体方法是:对于一些即使在原动机转速很低或者负载很大的情况下,仍须达到最高速度的执行器(如液压动力转向等),为了确保其流量,需要给它较高的优先级,并允许在泵排量不足时各执行器按优先级由低到高的顺序依次降低速度。这种具有优先式压力补偿作用的阀,称为优先阀。但是在对具有优先式压力补偿的系统进行复合操作时,有可能产生优先级低的执行器停止工作的情况。为了使优先级低的执行器即使在泵的输出流量严重足的情况下也不会停止运动,有时还需要弱化这种压力补偿的优先级。这就需要采用可变节流口两端压差的压力补偿。



The adjustment control of the electronic integrated hydraulic control unit is designed according to common standards, their functions and specific tasks determined by the microprocessor control center and control. Usually microprocessor can store multiple sets of functions in the control scheme to adapt to the different structure and function of the control requirements, and transform the functions of the machine just swap the appropriate enforcement agency, select the appropriate form of control.

Excavator working hydraulic system is a complex electro-hydraulic system of a typical construction machinery, the variability of the mechanical structure parameters, the hydraulic system of highly nonlinear, and the whole system there are a large number of uncertain amount (uncertain parameters and uncertain non-linear model), makes the movement of the hydraulic excavator control has become a difficult task. Hydraulic excavator boom, arm and bucket symmetrical three hydraulic cylinders hydraulic cylinders used to control the proportional valve or servo valve more than equal to the orifice area gradient valve. Therefore, with symmetrical valve to control the asymmetric hydraulic cylinder, resulting in the inconsistency of the characteristics of the hydraulic cylinder piston in both directions. This directly affects the trajectory control method and accuracy; In addition, the hydraulic cylinder itself friction in the trajectory control of the bucket can not be ignored, and accurately the friction also has some difficulties. Some outside scholars using a nonlinear modeling method, and have achieved good results, but both the control system itself or its controller design process, in general more complex, a large part of the workload are concentrated in the control algorithm itself theoretical derivation and to implement the greater the difficulty, high cost, but also affect the reliability of the system, so they need a reasonable modeling of the


Over the past decade, the general trend of development of the hydraulic excavator is to improve the reliability and efficiency, reduce costs, continue to the development of large-scale miniaturization; focus on the power transmission system improvements to achieve energy efficient and expanding range of applications to achieve standardization, component to improve the reliability of the parts and the whole machine; due to the application of microelectronic technology, making automation, mechatronics, and intelligent to speed up the process; to adapt to different working conditions, not only can provide diesel engine The power can also provide electrical power; to extend the maintenance cycle, accelerating the progress of repairs and reduce maintenance costs; improve the mechanical operating performance, reduced vibration and noise, eliminate public hazards, better design and equipment cab.

Hydraulic excavator control system is posed by the engine, hydraulic pumps, multi-valve and actuator (hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic motors and other power system control system. Excavator hydraulic control system is flow control, negative flow control and load sensing systems the load sensing system for its energy-saving, high efficiency and life-long significant advantages to really develop in Europe in the 1980s, widely used in modern construction machinery. load sensing system is a pressure poor feedback, closed-loop system in the flow of instruction under the conditions of pump load pressure servo control load sensing system according to the type of control can be divided into a pump controlled load sensing system and the valve-regulated load sensing system; feedback control signal types can be divided into hydraulic The mechanical load sensing systems and electro-hydraulic load sensing system; bit in the system's main control valve function type can be divided into open-center load sensing system (opened center load sensing system, OLSS) and closed center load sensing system (closed center the load sensing system, CLSS), the median function (open, closed) resulted in a different form of the load sensing control system. diversion control methods and more sensitive system to perform a Load 16 J include:

(1) based on the priority pressure compensated shunt control

The concept of priority pressure compensated in 1969 by J. D. The

A11, ell, the specific method is still to achieve a maximum speed of the actuator (such as hydraulic power steering, etc.): For the case even in the prime mover speed is very low or loads, in order to ensure that its flow to it than the high priority, and allows each actuator in the pump displacement is insufficient according to the priority from low to high order to reduce the speed. Such a priority pressure compensated the role of valve, called the priority valve. Composite operating system with priority pressure compensated, it is possible to produce a low priority

execution to stop working. In order to lower priority execution does not stop even in the case of a serious foot pump output flow movement, and sometimes need to weaken the priority of this pressure compensation. This pressure differential pressure across the variable orifice compensation.

(2) compensation based on the split ratio adjustable pressure shunt method

In some machinery like hydraulic excavators need to make each actuator speed to maintain a certain ratio to ensure that the coordinated action of all actuators, can not be in the actuator attach priority. The output flow of the operation of the valve when the pump output flow is insufficient must be decreased proportionally, that is, to maintain the ratio between the operation amount of the operating valve (split ratio) unchanged. The orifice at both ends of the differential pressure setpoint does not require a fixed value, while only need to be equal to the pressure compensation, known as to shunt adjustable pressure compensation.


【1 9】Lee S U,Chang P H.Control of a heavy—duty robotic excavator using

time delay Control with integral sliding surface[J】.Control Engineering Practice,2002,10:697·71 1.

【20】Sung—Keun Kim,Jeffery S.Russell.Framework for an intelligent 43.


Injection Molding The basic concept of injection molding revolves around the ability of a thermoplastic material to be softened by heat and to harden when cooled .In most operations ,granular material (the plastic resin) is fed into one end of the cylinder (usually through a feeding device known as a hopper ),heated, and softened(plasticized or plasticized),forced out the other end of the cylinder, while it is still in the form of a melt, through a nozzle into a relatively cool mold held closed under pressure.Here,the melt cools and hardens until fully set-up. The mold is then opened, the piece ejected, and the sequence repeated. Thus, the significant elements of an injection molding machine become: 1) the way in which the melt is plasticized (softened) and forced into the mold (called the injection unit); 2) the system for opening the mold and closing it under pressure (called the clamping unit);3) the type of mold used;4) the machine controls. The part of an injection-molding machine, which converts a plastic material from a sold phase to homogeneous seni-liguid phase by raising its temperature .This unit maintains the material at a present temperature and force it through the injection unit nozzle into a mold .The plunger is a combination of the injection and plasticizing device in which a heating chamber is mounted between the plunger and mold. This chamber heats the plastic material by conduction .The plunger, on each stroke; pushes unbelted plastic material into the chamber, which in turn forces plastic melt at the front of the chamber out through the nozzle The part of an injection molding machine in which the mold is mounted, and which provides the motion and force to open and close the mold and to hold the mold close with force during injection .This unit can also provide other features necessary for the effective functioning of the molding operation .Moving


前言 在目前激烈的市场竞争中,产品投入市场的迟早往往是成败的关键。模具是高质量、高效率的产品生产工具,模具开发周期占整个产品开发周期的主要部分。因此客户对模具开发周期要求越来越短,不少客户把模具的交货期放在第一位置,然后才是质量和价格。因此,如何在保证质量、控制成本的前提下加工模具是值得认真考虑的问题。模具加工工艺是一项先进的制造工艺,已成为重要发展方向,在航空航天、汽车、机械等各行业得到越来越广泛的应用。模具加工技术,可以提高制造业的综合效益和竞争力。研究和建立模具工艺数据库,为生产企业提供迫切需要的高速切削加工数据,对推广高速切削加工技术具有非常重要的意义。本文的主要目标就是构建一个冲压模具工艺过程,将模具制造企业在实际生产中结合刀具、工件、机床与企业自身的实际情况积累得高速切削加工实例、工艺参数和经验等数据有选择地存储到高速切削数据库中,不但可以节省大量的人力、物力、财力,而且可以指导高速加工生产实践,达到提高加工效率,降低刀具费用,获得更高的经济效益。 1.冲压的概念、特点及应用 冲压是利用安装在冲压设备(主要是压力机)上的模具对材料施加压力,使其产生分离或塑性变形,从而获得所需零件(俗称冲压或冲压件)的一种压力加工方法。冲压通常是在常温下对材料进行冷变形加工,且主要采用板料来加工成所需零件,所以也叫冷冲压或板料冲压。冲压是材料压力加工或塑性加工的主要方法之一,隶属于材料成型工程术。 冲压所使用的模具称为冲压模具,简称冲模。冲模是将材料(金属或非金属)批量加工成所需冲件的专用工具。冲模在冲压中至关重要,没有符合要求的冲模,批量冲压生产就难以进行;没有先进的冲模,先进的冲压工艺就无法实现。冲压工艺与模具、冲压设备和冲压材料构成冲压加工的三要素,只有它们相互结合才能得出冲压件。 与机械加工及塑性加工的其它方法相比,冲压加工无论在技术方面还是经济方面都具有许多独特的优点,主要表现如下; (1) 冲压加工的生产效率高,且操作方便,易于实现机械化与自动化。这是


英文原文出自《Advanced Technology Libraries》2008年第5期 Robot Robot is a type of mechantronics equipment which synthesizes the last research achievement of engine and precision engine, micro-electronics and computer, automation control and drive, sensor and message dispose and artificial intelligence and so on. With the development of economic and the demand for automation control, robot technology is developed quickly and all types of the robots products are come into being. The practicality use of robot products not only solves the problems which are difficult to operate for human being, but also advances the industrial automation program. At present, the research and development of robot involves several kinds of technology and the robot system configuration is so complex that the cost at large is high which to a certain extent limit the robot abroad use. To development economic practicality and high reliability robot system will be value to robot social application and economy development. With the rapid progress with the control economy and expanding of the modern cities, the let of sewage is increasing quickly: With the development of modern technology and the enhancement of consciousness about environment reserve, more and more people realized the importance and urgent of sewage disposal. Active bacteria method is an effective technique for sewage disposal,The lacunaris plastic is an effective basement for active bacteria adhesion for sewage disposal. The abundance requirement for lacunaris plastic makes it is a consequent for the plastic producing with automation and high productivity. Therefore, it is very necessary to design a manipulator that can automatically fulfill the plastic holding. With the analysis of the problems in the design of the plastic holding manipulator and synthesizing the robot research and development condition in recent years, a economic scheme is concluded on the basis of the analysis of mechanical configuration, transform system, drive device and control system and guided by the idea of the characteristic and complex of mechanical configuration,


Hand Column Type Power Machine Follow with our country the rapid development of industrial production, rapidly enhance level of automation, implementation artifacts of handling, steering, transmission or toil for welding gun, spraing gun, spanner and other tools for processing, assembly operations for example automation, should cause the attention of people more and more. Industrial robot is an important branch of industrial robots. It features can be programmed to perform tasks in a variety of expectations, in both structure and performance advantages of their own people and machines, in particular, reflects the people's intelligence and adaptability. The accuracy of robot operations and a variety of environments the ability to complete the work in the field of national economy and there are broad prospects for development. With the development of industrial automation, there has been CNCmachining center, it is in reducing labor intensity, while greatly improved labor productivity. However, the upper and lower commonin CNCmachining processes material, usually still use manual or traditional relay-controlled semi-automatic device. The former time-consuming and labor intensive, inefficient; the latter due to design complexity, require more relays, wiring complexity, vulnerability to body vibration interference, while the existence of poor reliability, fault more maintenance problems and other issues. Programmable Logic Controller PLC-controlled robot control system for materials up and down movement is simple, circuit design is reasonable, with a strong anti-jamming capability, ensuring the system's reliability, reduced maintenance rate, and improve work efficiency. Robot technology related to mechanics, mechanics, electrical hydraulic technology, automatic control technology, sensor technology and computer technology and other fields of science, is a cross-disciplinary integrated technology. Current industrial approaches to robot arm control treat each joint of the robot arm as a simple joint servomechanism. The servomechanism approach models the varying dynamics of a manipulator inadequately because it neglects the motion and configuration of the whole arm mechanism. These changes in the parameters of the controlled system sometimes are significant enough to render conventional feedback control strategies ineffective. The result is reduced servo response speed and damping, limiting the precision and speed of the end-effecter and making it appropriate only for limited-precision tasks. Manipulators controlled in this manner move at slow speeds with unnecessary vibrations. Any significant performance gain in this and other areas of robot arm control require the consideration of more efficient dynamic models, sophisticated control approaches, and the use of dedicated computer architectures and parallel processing techniques. Manipulator institutional form is simple, strong professionalism, only as a loading device for a machine tools, special-purpose manipulator is attached to this machine.


(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) 冷冲模具使用寿命的影响及对策 冲压模具概述 冲压模具--在冷冲压加工中,将材料(金属或非金属)加工成零件(或半成品)的一种特殊工艺装备,称为冷冲压模具(俗称冷冲模)。冲压--是在室温下,利用安装在压力机上的模具对材料施加压力,使其产生分离或塑性变形,从而获得所需零件的一种压力加工方法。 冲压模具的形式很多,一般可按以下几个主要特征分类: 1?根据工艺性质分类 (1)冲裁模沿封闭或敞开的轮廓线使材料产生分离的模具。如落料模、冲孔模、切断模、切口模、切边模、剖切模等。 (2)弯曲模使板料毛坯或其他坯料沿着直线(弯曲线)产生弯曲变形,从而获得一定角度和形状的工件的模具。 (3)拉深模是把板料毛坯制成开口空心件,或使空心件进一步改变形状和尺寸的模具。 (4)成形模是将毛坯或半成品工件按图凸、凹模的形状直接复制成形,而材料本身仅产生局部塑性变形的模具。如胀形模、缩口模、扩口模、起伏成形模、翻边模、整形模等。2?根据工序组合程度分类 (1)单工序模在压力机的一次行程中,只完成一道冲压工序的模具。 (2)复合模只有一个工位,在压力机的一次行程中,在同一工位上同时完成两道或两道以上冲压工序的模具。 (3)级进模(也称连续模) 在毛坯的送进方向上,具有两个或更多的工位,在压力机的一次行程中,在不同的工位上逐次完成两道或两道以上冲压工序的模具。 冲冷冲模全称为冷冲压模具。 冷冲压模具是一种应用于模具行业冷冲压模具及其配件所需高性能结构陶瓷材料的制备方法,高性能陶瓷模具及其配件材料由氧化锆、氧化钇粉中加铝、错元素构成,制备工艺是将氧化锆溶液、氧化钇溶液、氧化错溶液、氧化铝溶液按一定比例混合配成母液,滴入碳酸氢铵,采用共沉淀方法合成模具及其配件陶瓷材料所需的原材料,反应生成的沉淀经滤水、干燥,煅烧得到高性能陶瓷模具及其配件材料超微粉,再经过成型、烧结、精加工,便得到高性能陶瓷模具及其配件材料。本发明的优点是本发明制成的冷冲压模具及其配件使用寿命长,在冲压过程中未出现模具及其配件与冲压件产生粘结现象,冲压件表面光滑、无毛刺,完全可以替代传统高速钢、钨钢材料。 冷冲模具主要零件冷冲模具是冲压加工的主要工艺装备,冲压制件就是靠上、下模具的相对运动来完成的。 加工时由于上、下模具之间不断地分合,如果操作工人的手指不断进入或停留在模具闭合区,便会对其人身安全带来严重威胁。 1


机械设计理论 机械设计是一门通过设计新产品或者改进老产品来满足人类需求的应用技术科学。它涉及工程技术的各个领域,主要研究产品的尺寸、形状和详细结构的基本构思,还要研究产品在制造、销售和使用等方面的问题。 进行各种机械设计工作的人员通常被称为设计人员或者机械设计工程师。机械设计是一项创造性的工作。设计工程师不仅在工作上要有创造性,还必须在机械制图、运动学、工程材料、材料力学和机械制造工艺学等方面具有深厚的基础知识。如前所诉,机械设计的目的是生产能够满足人类需求的产品。发明、发现和科技知识本身并不一定能给人类带来好处,只有当它们被应用在产品上才能产生效益。因而,应该认识到在一个特定的产品进行设计之前,必须先确定人们是否需要这种产品。 应当把机械设计看成是机械设计人员运用创造性的才能进行产品设计、系统分析和制定产品的制造工艺学的一个良机。掌握工程基础知识要比熟记一些数据和公式更为重要。仅仅使用数据和公式是不足以在一个好的设计中做出所需的全部决定的。另一方面,应该认真精确的进行所有运算。例如,即使将一个小数点的位置放错,也会使正确的设计变成错误的。 一个好的设计人员应该勇于提出新的想法,而且愿意承担一定的风险,当新的方法不适用时,就使用原来的方法。因此,设计人员必须要有耐心,因为所花费的时间和努力并不能保证带来成功。一个全新的设计,要求屏弃许多陈旧的,为人们所熟知的方法。由于许多人墨守成规,这样做并不是一件容易的事。一位机械设计师应该不断地探索改进现有的产品的方法,在此过程中应该认真选择原有的、经过验证的设计原理,将其与未经过验证的新观念结合起来。 新设计本身会有许多缺陷和未能预料的问题发生,只有当这些缺陷和问题被解决之后,才能体现出新产品的优越性。因此,一个性能优越的产品诞生的同时,也伴随着较高的风险。应该强调的是,如果设计本身不要求采用全新的方法,就没有必要仅仅为了变革的目的而采用新方法。 在设计的初始阶段,应该允许设计人员充分发挥创造性,不受各种约束。即使产生了许多不切实际的想法,也会在设计的早期,即绘制图纸之前被改正掉。只有这样,才不致于堵塞创新的思路。通常,要提出几套设计方案,然后加以比较。很有可能在最后选定的方案中,采用了某些未被接受的方案中的一些想法。

机械手外文翻译 修改版

密级 分类号 编号 成绩 本科生毕业设计 (论文) 外文翻译 原文标题Simple Manipulator And The Control Of It 译文标题简易机械手及控制 作者所在系别机械工程系 作者所在专业xxxxx 作者所在班级xxxxxxxx 作者姓名xxxx 作者学号xxxxxx 指导教师姓名xxxxxx 指导教师职称副教授 完成时间2012 年02 月 北华航天工业学院教务处制

译文标题简易机械手及控制 原文标题 Simple Manipulator And The Control Of It 作者机电之家译名JDZJ国籍中国 原文出处机电之家 中文译文: 简易机械手及控制 随着社会生产不断进步和人们生活节奏不断加快,人们对生产效率也不断提出新要求。由于微电子技术和计算软、硬件技术的迅猛发展和现代控制理论的不断完善,使机械手技术快速发展,其中气动机械手系统由于其介质来源简便以及不污染环境、组件价格低廉、维修方便和系统安全可靠等特点,已渗透到工业领域的各个部门,在工业发展中占有重要地位。本文讲述的气动机械手有气控机械手、XY轴丝杠组、转盘机构、旋转基座等机械部分组成。主要作用是完成机械部件的搬运工作,能放置在各种不同的生产线或物流流水线中,使零件搬运、货物运输更快捷、便利。 一.四轴联动简易机械手的结构及动作过程 机械手结构如下图1所示,有气控机械手(1)、XY轴丝杠组(2)、转盘机构(3)、旋转基座(4)等组成。 图1.机械手结构 其运动控制方式为:(1)由伺服电机驱动可旋转角度为360°的气控机械手(有光电传感器确定起始0点);(2)由步进电机驱动丝杠组件使机械手沿X、Y轴移动(有x、y轴限位开关);(3)可回旋360°的转盘机构能带动机械手及丝杠组自由旋转(其电气拖动部分由直流电动机、光电编码器、接近开关等组成);(4)旋转基座主要支撑以上3部分;(5)气控机械手的张合由气压控制(充气时机械手抓紧,放气时机械手松开)。 其工作过程为:当货物到达时,机械手系统开始动作;步进电机控制开始向下


济南大学泉城学院 毕业设计外文资料翻译 题目现代快速经济制造模具技术 专业机械制造及其自动化 班级专升本1302班 学生刘计良 学号2013040156 指导教师刘彦 二〇一五年三月十六日

Int J Adv Manuf Technol ,(2011) 53:1–10DOI 10.1007/s00170-010-2796-y Modular design applied to beverage-container injection molds Ming-Shyan Huang & Ming-Kai Hsu Received: 16 March 2010 / Accepted: 15 June 2010 / Published online: 25 June 2010 # Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010 Modular design applied to beverage-container injection molds The Abstract: This work applies modular design concepts to designating beverage-container injection molds. This study aims to develop a method of controlling costs and time in relation to mold development, and also to improve product design. This investigation comprises two parts: functional-ity coding, and establishing a standard operation procedure, specifically designed for beverage-container injection mold design and manufacturing. First, the injection mold is divided into several modules, each with a specific function. Each module is further divided into several structural units possessing sub-function or sub-sub-function. Next, dimen-sions and specifications of each unit are standardized and a compatible interface is constructed linking relevant units. This work employs a cup-shaped beverage container to experimentally assess the performance of the modular design approach. The experimental results indicate that the modular design approach to manufacturing injection molds shortens development time by 36% and reduces costs by 19 23% compared with the conventional ap-proach. Meanwhile, the information on


机械类外文翻译 塑料注塑模具浇口优化 摘要:用单注塑模具浇口位置的优化方法,本文论述。该闸门优化设计的目的是最大限度地减少注塑件翘曲变形,翘曲,是因为对大多数注塑成型质量问题的关键,而这是受了很大的部分浇口位置。特征翘曲定义为最大位移的功能表面到表面的特征描述零件翘曲预测长度比。结合的优化与数值模拟技术,以找出最佳浇口位置,其中模拟armealing算法用于搜索最优。最后,通过实例讨论的文件,它可以得出结论,该方法是有效的。 注塑模具、浇口位臵、优化、特征翘曲变形关键词: 简介 塑料注射成型是一种广泛使用的,但非常复杂的生产的塑料产品,尤其是具有高生产的要求,严密性,以及大量的各种复杂形状的有效方法。质量ofinjection 成型零件是塑料材料,零件几何形状,模具结构和工艺条件的函数。注塑模具的一个最重要的部分主要是以下三个组件集:蛀牙,盖茨和亚军,和冷却系统。拉米夫定、Seow(2000)、金和拉米夫定(2002) 通过改变部分的尼斯达到平衡的腔壁厚度。在平衡型腔充填过程提供了一种均匀分布压力和透射电镜,可以极大地减少高温的翘曲变形的部分~但仅仅是腔平衡的一个重要影响因素的一部分。cially Espe,部分有其功能上的要求,其厚度通常不应该变化。 pointview注塑模具设计的重点是一门的大小和位臵,以及流道系统的大小和布局。大门的大小和转轮布局通常被认定为常量。相对而言,浇口位臵与水口大小布局也更加灵活,可以根据不同的零件的质量。 李和吉姆(姚开屏,1996a)称利用优化流道和尺寸来平衡多流道系统为multiple 注射系统。转轮平衡被形容为入口压力的差异为一多型腔模具用相同的蛀牙,也存


机械手设计英文参考文 献原文翻译 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

翻译人:王墨墨山东科技大学 文献题目:Automated Calibration of Robot Coordinates for Reconfigurable Assembly Systems 翻译正文如下: 针对可重构装配系统的机器人协调性的自动校准 T.艾利,Y.米达,H.菊地,M.雪松 日本东京大学,机械研究院,精密工程部 摘要 为了实现流水工作线更高的可重构性,以必要设备如机器人的快速插入插出为研究目的。当一种新的设备被装配到流水工作线时,应使其具备校准系统。该研究使用两台电荷耦合摄像机,基于直接线性变换法,致力于研究一种相对位置/相对方位的自动化校准系统。摄像机被随机放置,然后对每一个机械手执行一组动作。通过摄像机检测机械手动作,就能捕捉到两台机器人的相对位置。最佳的结果精度为均方根值毫米。 关键词: 装配,校准,机器人 1 介绍 21世纪新的制造系统需要具备新的生产能力,如可重用性,可拓展性,敏捷性以及可重构性 [1]。系统配置的低成本转变,能够使系统应对可预见的以及不可预见的市场波动。关于组装系统,许多研究者提出了分散的方法来实现可重构性[2][3]。他们中的大多数都是基于主体的系统,主体逐一协同以建立一种新的

配置。然而,协同只是目的的一部分。在现实生产系统中,例如工作空间这类物理问题应当被有效解决。 为了实现更高的可重构性,一些研究人员不顾昂贵的造价,开发出了特殊的均匀单元[4][5][6]。作者为装配单元提出了一种自律分散型机器人系统,包含多样化的传统设备[7][8]。该系统可以从一个系统添加/删除装配设备,亦或是添加/删除装配设备到另一个系统;它通过协同作用,合理地解决了工作空间的冲突问题。我们可以把该功能称为“插入与生产”。 表1:合作所需的调节和量度 在重构过程中,校准的装配机器人是非常重要的。这是因为,需要用它们来测量相关主体的特征,以便在物理主体之间建立良好的协作关系。这一调整必须要达到表1中所列到的多种标准要求。受力单元和方向的调整是不可避免的,以便使良好的协同控制得以实现。从几何标准上看,位置校准是最基本的部分。一般来说,校准被理解为“绝对”,即,关于特定的领域框架;或者“相对”,即,关于另一个机器人的基本框架。后者被称为“机器人之间的校准”。 个体机器人的校准已被广泛研究过了。例如,运动参数的识别就非常受欢迎。然而,很少有对机器人之间校准的研究。玉木等人是用一种基于标记的方法,在一个可重构的装配单元内,校准机器人桌子和移动机械手之间的相互位置/方向联系。波尼兹和夏发表了一种校准方法。该方法通过两个机械手的机械接触来实现,实验非常耗时,并要求特别小心地操作。


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原文 Treating and the modern mould make high speed One, summarizes 1 the present situation that the mould makes at present and trend The mould is important handicraft equipment , occupies decisive position in industrid departments such as consumer goods , electrical equipment electron , automobile , aircraft fabrication. The mould is important handicraft equipment , occupies decisive position in industrid departments such as consumer goods , electrical equipment electron , automobile , aircraft fabrication. Industrial product part rough process 75%, the finish machining 50% and plastic part 90% will be completed from the mould. The Chinese mould market demand already reaches scale of 500 hundred million yuan at present. The automobile mould , the annual growth rate covering piece of mould especially will exceed 20 %; Also prompt building material mould development , various heterotype material the mould , wall surface and floor mould become new mould growth point , plastic doors and windows and plastic drain-pipe increase to exceeding 30 by in the upcoming several years %; The home appliance mould annual growth rate will exceed 10 %; The IT industry year increases % speed equally exceeding 20 , the need to the mould accounts for 20 of mould marketplace %.2004 annual Chinese machine tools implements industry output value will continue to increase. Our country mould fabrication market potential is enormous. The basis data counts , in recent years, our country mould year gross output value reaches 3 billion U. S. dollar , entrance exceeds 1 billion U. S. dollar, exceed 100 million U. S. dollar outlet. Increase by from 25% to increase to 2005 50% of 1995. The expert foretells that abroad: Asia portion being occupied by in mould fabrication in the whole world, will from 25% to increase to 2005 50% of 1995.


近几年,我厂和英国、西班牙的几个公司有业务往来,外商传真发来的图纸都是英文标注,平时阅看有一定的困难。下面把我们积累的几点看英文图纸的经验与同行们交流。 1标题栏 英文工程图纸的右下边是标题栏(相当于我们的标题栏和部分技术要求),其中有图纸名称(TILE)、设计者(DRAWN)、审查者(CHECKED)、材料(MATERIAL)、日期(DATE)、比例(SCALE)、热处理(HEAT TREATMENT)和其它一些要求,如: 1)TOLERANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIAL 未注公差。 2)DIMS IN mm UNLESS STATED 如不做特殊要求以毫米为单位。 3)ANGULAR TOLERANCE±1°角度公差±1°。 4)DIMS TOLERANCE±0.1未注尺寸公差±0.1。 5)SURFACE FINISH 3.2 UNLESS STATED未注粗糙度3.2。 2常见尺寸的标注及要求 2.1孔(HOLE)如: (1)毛坯孔:3"DIAO+1CORE 芯子3"0+1; (2)加工孔:1"DIA1"; (3)锪孔:锪孔(注C'BORE=COUNTER BORE锪底面孔); (4)铰孔:1"/4 DIA REAM铰孔1"/4; (5)螺纹孔的标注一般要表示出螺纹的直径,每英寸牙数(螺矩)、螺纹种类、精度等级、钻深、攻深,方向等。如: 例1.6 HOLES EQUI-SPACED ON 5"DIA (6孔均布在5圆周上(EQUI-SPACED=EQUALLY SPACED均布) DRILL 1"DIATHRO' 钻1"通孔(THRO'=THROUGH通) C/SINK22×6DEEP 沉孔22×6 例2.TAP7"/8-14UNF-3BTHRO' 攻统一标准细牙螺纹,每英寸14牙,精度等级3B级 (注UNF=UNIFIED FINE THREAD美国标准细牙螺纹) 1"DRILL 1"/4-20 UNC-3 THD7"/8 DEEP 4HOLES NOT BREAK THRO钻 1"孔,攻1"/4美国粗牙螺纹,每英寸20牙,攻深7"/8,4孔不准钻通(UNC=UCIFIED COARSE THREAD 美国标准粗牙螺纹)


外文出处:《Manufacturing Engineering and Technology—Machining》 附件1:外文原文 Manipulator Robot developed in recent decades as high-tech automated production equipment. I ndustrial robot is an important branch of industrial robots. It features can be program med to perform tasks in a variety of expectations, in both structure and performance a dvantages of their own people and machines, in particular, reflects the people's intellig ence and adaptability. The accuracy of robot operations and a variety of environments the ability to complete the work in the field of national economy and there are broad p rospects for development. With the development of industrial automation, there has be en CNC machining center, it is in reducing labor intensity, while greatly improved lab or productivity. However, the upper and lower common in CNC machining processes material, usually still use manual or traditional relay-controlled semi-automatic device . The former time-consuming and labor intensive, inefficient; the latter due to design c omplexity, require more relays, wiring complexity, vulnerability to body vibration inte rference, while the existence of poor reliability, fault more maintenance problems and other issues. Programmable Logic Controller PLC-controlled robot control system for materials up and down movement is simple, circuit design is reasonable, with a stron g anti-jamming capability, ensuring the system's reliability, reduced maintenance rate, and improve work efficiency. Robot technology related to mechanics, mechanics, elec trical hydraulic technology, automatic control technology, sensor technology and com puter technology and other fields of science, is a cross-disciplinary integrated technol ogy. First, an overview of industrial manipulator Robot is a kind of positioning control can be automated and can be re-programmed to change in multi-functional machine, which has multiple degrees of freedom can be used to carry an object in order to complete the work in different environments. Low wages in China, plastic products industry, although still a labor-intensive, mechanical hand use has become increasingly popular. Electronics and automotive industries that
