


I. Error correction (30%)

The following passage contains FIFTEEN errors. Each line contains a maximum of one error. In each case, only one word is involved. You should correct it in the following way:

For a wrong word,underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank

provided at the end of the line.

For a missing word,mark the position of the missing word with a “A” sign and write the

word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of

the line.

For an unnecessary word, cross out the unnecessary word with a slash “/” and put the word in

the blank provided at the end of the line.


When A art museum wants a new exhibit,[1] an

It never buys things in finished form and hangs them on the wall.[2] never When a natural history museum wants an exhibition, it must often build it.[3] exhibit

Memory processes by that people and other organisms encode, store, and retrieve[1] ___ information. Encoding refers to the initial perception and registration of information.

Storage is the retention of encoded information over time. Retrieval refers to the pro-

cesses involved using stored information. Whenever people successfully recall a [2] former experience, they must have encoded, stored, and retrieved information about the [3]______ experience. Conversely, memory failure-for example, forgetting an important fact—reflects a breakdown in one of these stages of memory.

Memory is critical to humans and all living organisms. Practically all of our daily[4]_______ activities—talking, understanding, reading, socializing—depend on our having learned and stored information about our environments. Memory allows us to retrieve events

from the distant past or from moments before. It enables us to learn new skills and to [5] form habits. Without the ability to access past experiences or information, we would be unable to comprehend language, recognize our friends and family members, find our way to home, or even tie a shoe. Life would be a series of disconnected experiences,[6]

each one new and unfamiliar. Without any sort of memory, humans will quickly perish.[7]_______

Philosophers, psychologists, writers, and other thinkers have long been fascinated by memory. The following are among their questions: How does the brain store memories?

Why do people remember some bits of information but not others? Can people improve

their memories? What is the capacity for memory? Memory also is frequently a subject [8]______ of controversy because of questions about its accuracy. An eyewitness’s memory of a

crime can play a crucial role in determining a suspect’s guilt or innocence. However, psychologists agree that people do not always recall events like they actually happened,[9]______


考核对象:函授本(专)科国际贸易专业专业考试时间:90分钟 班级:学号:姓名:成绩: 一.选择题(在下列每题的备选答案中选出一个或几个正确答案填在括号内,每题1.5分,共30分) 01、关于国际贸易惯例的说法中错误的是()。 A、在合同中作出的规定必须与惯例的解释相符否则无效。 B、当合同中对某一问题未作出规定时,可以参照有关贸易惯例。 C、惯例是由国际组织制定的,对合同的当事人具有强制的约束力。 D、当事人如果明确规定采纳有关惯例时,该惯例具有约束力。 02、《2000通则》中的贸易术语不涉及的内容是()。 A、交货地点 B、费用划分 C、所有权转移 D、风险转移 03、根据《2000通则》的解释,“运费付至指定目的地”是指()。 A、CFR B、CIF C、CPT D、CIP 04、采用FOB条件成交时,卖方欲不负担装船费用,可采用()。 A、FOB Liner Terms B、FOB Stowed C、FOB Trimmed D、FOB ST 05、根据《2000通则》的解释,FOB、CFR和 CIF的共同点表现为()。 A、交货地点都是在装运港 B、均适用于水上运输方式 C、风险划分都是以船舷为界 D、买卖双方承担的责任义务相同 06、按照国际保险市场上的一般习惯,如果出口商办理保险,保险金额是以发票的()价格为基数, 再加上适当的保险加成计算得出的。 A、FOB B、CFR C、CIF D、FAS 07、根据《2000通则》的解释,下列贸易术语中,仅适用于水上运输方式的贸易术语是()。 A、EXW B、FAS C、DES D、DEQ 08、买卖大宗货物并采用()方式时,为了加快装卸速度,通常在合同中规定滞期速遣条款。 A、班轮运输 B、定程租船 C、定期租船 D、光船租船 09、包装条款一般包括()。 A、包装材料 B、包装方式 C、包装标志 D、包装费用 10、为了统一解释提单背面条款的内容,国际上先后签署的国际公约有()。 A、海牙规则 B、维斯比规则 C、汉堡规则 D、国际货约 11、根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的规定,如果卖方所交货物的数量大于合同数量,则买方可以 ()。 A、收取全部货物 B、拒收全部货物 C、仅收取合同数量的货物 D、收取合同数量的货物以及多交部分中的一部分。 12、保护人身安全的运输标志是()。 A、运输标志 B、警告性标志 C、指示性标志 D、集装箱标志 13、根据《跟单信用证统一惯例》的规定,如信用证没有特殊规定,银行将拒绝接受在运输单据签发后超过 ()天才提交的单据。 A、5天 B、7天 C、15天 D、21天 14、在进出口业务中,经过背书能够转让的单据有()。 A、铁路运单 B、海运提单 C、航空运单 D、邮包收据 15、船舶搁浅时,为使船舶脱险而雇用拖驳强行脱浅所支出的费用,属于()。


2008年外国语学院新闻信息综述 * 元月3日,中国社会科学院研究员、博士生导师、《外国文学评论》主编盛宁教授来院为青年教师及研究生做了题为“文学批评与文学能力”的讲座。讲座围绕“什么是文学”,“文学批评的内容和任务是什么”,以及“如何培养文学能力”等问题,进行了深入浅出的阐释。(英文) * 元月11日,由教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地“外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心”承办的“第二届西方语言哲学研讨会暨中西语言哲学研究会成立大会”在广东外语外贸大学隆重开幕。外语学院隋然教授当选为中西语言哲学研究会副会长。隋然教授做了题为“俄罗斯语言哲学的形成与发展评述”的大会特邀学术报告,并主持了大会特邀学术报告会。我校外国语学院教授、“中国俄语教学研究会”秘书长杜桂枝等8名教师和博士生也应邀参加了会议。(学院、俄语系) * 元月17日下午,学院召开了2007年度工作总结大会。院长封一函全面总结了一年来教学、科研、学生工作和行政管理工作的成绩,同时也对当前学院发展中所面临的问题作了分析。科研副院长隋然、教学副院长赵秦岭、党委副书记常建勇、行政副院长龚淑英分别宣布了教师获奖名单,总结了科研、教学、学生工作和管理工作方面的主要成绩。党委书记刘华就学院的建设发展问题讲了话,并表彰了一批工作成绩突出的教师和职员。(学院) * 元月21日,教育部公布了2007年度全国28所普通高校英语专业本科教学工作评估结论(教高司函【2008】14号,我校英语专业被确定为优秀。(学院) *元月,法语系黄晞耘老师翻译的法国当代著名学者于丽娅·克里斯特娃的学术著作《反抗的未来》在广西师范大学出版社出版。(法语) * 3月6日下午,中国社会科学院外国文学研究所副所长、博士生导师陆建德教授为外语学院师生做了题为“文学中的历史背景”的讲座。此次讲座正式启动了外语学院新学期为本科开设的系列学术讲座,讲座由教学副院长赵秦岭主持。(学院) * 3月20日下午,外院举办本科教学质量专题报告会,教务处处长王德胜教授受邀为全体外院教师做了题为《找准抓手、强化建设、有效提升--关于本科教学质量工程建设的几个问题》的精彩报告。随后,作为2门校级优秀课程的建设负责人,英语教育系主任邱耀德老师介绍了他的课程建设团队在课程建设中的经验,为教师们提高课程建设水平提供了良好的示范。(学院) * 3月20日,外语学院新一届工会换届选举进行了投票表决,根据选举结果,院党委讨论通过常建勇、成亚君、帅鸣、徐壮垣、陶莹、关晶辉、李茂贵当选为新一届工会委员。21日上午,新当选的工会委员进行了工作分工。主席:常建勇;副主席:成亚君、帅鸣;宣传委员:徐壮垣;女工委员:陶莹;文体委员:关晶辉;福利委员:李茂贵。(学院) *3月25日,法国国家东方语言文化学院教授、博士生导师、世界汉语教学学会副会长、法国教育部汉语总督学白乐桑先生来院做了题为《中文教学的崛起》的精彩讲座。讲座由外语学院党委书记兼法语系主任刘华老师主持,法语系教师和高年级学生积极参加。(法语) * 3月,法语系李军老师参加了在广外举行的“中法跨文化研讨会”,并做了题为《中法经贸合作弱项分析》的专题发言。(法语) * 据国家教育部主管、清华大学主办的“中国知网”,外国语学院日语系2007年硕士毕业生四元吾朗的学位论文----《中日法令用语比较研究》入选“中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库”。四元吾朗是来自日本海上保安大学的留学生,师从外语学院李均洋教授,难能可贵的是,论文是用中文写成。(日语)


教学点: 年级: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 密封线内请不要 答 题 广东外语外贸大学成人高等教育 英语(本科)2014 学年第一学期 《听力口语》试题(B 卷) 年级:2013级 考试形式:闭卷 考试时间:90分钟 …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分共30分) Directions: You’re going to hear ten short statements. It will be read twice. Listen carefully and choose the answer which is closest in meaning to the statement you hear. a. John came at 8:45. b. John came at 8:50. c. John came at 7:45. d. John came at 9:20. 2. a. Ninety people came. b. Thirty people came. c. Sixty people came. d. Twenty people came. 3. a. We ’ll go to the party if we finish on time. b. We ’ll go to the party after class. c. We went to the party after the exam. d. We ’re going to have a party after the exam. 4. a. Please take your hand off the box. b. Please give me your hand. c. Would you help me to carry the box? d. Give me the box, will you. 5. a. Breakfast was ready before we left. b. We left without having breakfast. c. Before breakfast we were ready to leave. d. We left to get breakfast. 6. a. I don ’t mind turning down the radio. b. Please turn down the radio. c. Do you mind if I turn down the radio? d. Please don’t turn down the radio. 7. a. I went to the wrong class. b. I missed the class. c. I came to class on tim e. d. I was late for class. 8. a. After it snowed, Jim washed his car. b. Jim was unable to wash his car because it was snowing. c. It began to snow right after Jim washed his car. d. Jim had to wash his car in the snow. 9. a. How was the potluck supper? b. We had a potluck supper together. c. I ’ d like you to come for our potluck supper. d. What will you bring for the potluck supper. 10. a. Bob saw Mary in the building. b. Bob saw Mary outside the building. c. Mary saw Bob when she left the building. d. Mary saw Bob when he was leaving the building. 二、 (本大题共 10 小题,每小题2 分,共20 分) Directions: You ’re going to hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. 1、 a. Remind Cathy about the time of the next meeting. b. Remind Cathy not to be late for every meeting. c. Tell Cathy about the agenda of the next meeting. d. Tell Cathy about a ring. 2. a. She will turn off her recorder. b. She is not responsible for the noise. c. She will do something about the noise. d. She wants the man to use earphones. 3. a. Jane is not so forgetful. b. Jane used to have a good memory. c. Jane shouldn’t be so nervous. d. Jane should not try to memorize the whole script. 4. a. She doesn’t have time to go outsid e. b. She’ll consider the man’s advice. c. She knows how to relieve her stress. d. She will feel more stressful if she gets behind in her lessons. 5. a. The man shouldn’t buy so many discs. b. The man should stop buying discs. c. The man shouldn’t worry too much. d. The man should go shopping less. 6. a. Both speakers were bored with the movi e.


2009年广东外语外贸大学 硕士研究生入学考试初试笔试样题 科目代码:601 科目名称:英语专业水平考试 英语专业水平考试试题 I.Cloze (30 points, 1 point for each) Read the following passage and choose a proper word from the Word List to fill in each of the blanks in the passage. Each word can be used only once. Write the

words you choose for each blank on YOUR ANSWER SHEET in the following way: Example I. Cloze 1. paper 2. continuously 3. … Now, do the Cloze. WORD LIST Most of Mark Twain‘s books bubbled out 1 him like water out of a fountain. 2 of his gifts was the capacity to take a scene and fill it 3 every sparkling detail of nature and of human action, to put in every spoken word and accompanying gesture, and to slowly exaggerate the successive moments 4 the whole episode reached a climax of joyous, sidesplitting laughter. 5 he had trouble weaving his incidents into meaningful plot patterns. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,Mark Twain‘s masterpiece, came into __ 6 slowly. 7 in 1876, immediately after he had dashed off The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, he wrote 400 manuscript pages quickly and 8 stalled; in disgust he meditated 9 the work. __10 the winter of 1879-1880 he penned further sections; again the spark of enthusiasm died. __11 taking a journey down the Mississippi River in April, 1882, he quickly completed Lift on the Mississippi(1883) and with unabated zest 12 the novel. The trip had reawakened his boyhood memories and suggested new episodes; the two books became 13 , the weaker travel account serving as scaffolding for the great edifice. __14 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was 15 in 1884, it met a mixed reception. A Brooklyn lady protested 16 its presence in the children‘s room of the public library; the librarian reshelved the volume in the adult area to 17 Huck‘s and Tom‘s ―mischievous and deceitful practices which made them poor examples for youth.‖ Today the novel is among the world‘s 18 and vies with Nathaniel Hawthorne‘s The Scarlet Letter (1850) for the position of America n‘s _19 artistic work of fiction. The reader is reminded at the outset that in 1850 Huck Finn had been a playmate of Tom Sawyer in St. Petersburg, Missouri, the 20 name of Mark Twain‘s native village of Hannibal. For three months Huck had lived with the lady 21 life he had


上海交通大学英语水平考试样题 Part II Integrated Reading (30%) Section 1 Banked Cloze (10%) Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Give your answers to the questions on your ANSWER SHEET. Attention:You need to change the forms of the words in the word bank where necessary. (注意:请把答案写在答题卷上,否则以零分处理) A name might tell you something about a person's background. Names can be 1) __________ of class and race. Data show African Americans are far more likely than other 2) __________ groups to give their children uncommon names. White people tend to 3) ________ more familiar names that were formerly popular with more affluent white people. The new study purports to show a link between name and outcome of life: The more 4) _________ your name, the more likely you are to land in juvenile hall. That's because we know that boys with uncommon names are more likely to come from a socio-economically 5) _________ background, which means that they also are more likely to get involved with crime. Even the researchers readily admit that it's not a name alone that 6)_______ a child's outcome, but rather the circumstance underlying the name. The researchers first assigned a popularity score to boys' names, based on how often they showed up in birth records in an undisclosed state from 1987 to 1991. Michael, the No. 1 boy's name, had a Popular Name Index score of 100; names such as Malcolm and Preston had index scores of 1. The researchers then assessed names of young men born during that time who landed in the juvenile justice system. They found that only half had a rating higher than 11. By 7) __________, in the general population, half of the names scored higher than 20. "A 10% increase in the popularity of a name is associated with a 3.7% 8) _________ in the number of juvenile delinquents who have that name." Still, the study theorizes that teenagers named Malcolm might also 9) ___________ because their peers treat them differently or they just don't like their names. And since the study's release last week, the name-crime 10) ___________ has been written or talked about in major media outlets. Section 2 True or False Judgement & Sentence Completion (10%) Directions:In this part, you will find 7 statements and 3 incomplete sentences followed by the reading passage. For questions 1-7, mark Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Attention: For questions 1-7, one more point will be deducted if you do n’t answer


(第一篇) S.W.O.T. Analysis In modern strategic management and planning, SWOT analysis is a widely known diagnostic tool. SWOT analysis refers to understanding the strength and weakness of the competitors relative to oneself, and realising the opportunities and threats that the environment may impact on one's business. Interestingly, SWOT analysis was already advocated by Sun Tzu more than 2,000 years ago when he said : "Know your enemy, know yourself, and your victory will not be threatened. Know the weather, know the terrain, and your victory will be complete. In fact, "know your enemy, know yourself" is probably the most well-known phrase in Sun Tzu's Art of War. It is also the most cited phrase. Even Mao Tse-tung was known to say, " Know your enemy, know yourself; hundred battles, hundred won". Similarly, many Japanese samurai warriors in the past had quoted aspects of this particular famous phrase by Sun Tzu. In my lectures to executives around the world, I have often used this phrase to argue that what we now commonly called SWOT analysis is not a modern "invention" from the Western world. Rather, it originated in China more than 2,000 years ago. It is a pity that the Chinese have not been able to exploit the wisdom that underlies this saying by Sun Tzu. Let me explain. "Know your enemy, know yourself" is tantamount to knowing one's strengths and weaknesses relative to those whom we are fighting against (e.g. the competitors, in the case of business). Similarly, "Know the weather, know the terrain" is tantamount to knowing the opportunities and threats posed by the environment. They are the external or uncontrollable factors. Interestingly, in business we also have such external factors that affect the way we do things. For example, we often talk about the business climate (the weather) and the physical or infrastructural factors (the terrain), and how they can impact on the conduct of business. Thus, while it is very apparent that while the


翻译界顶级人物对话-曾文雄教授对话仲伟合教授 从《疯狂英语教师版》上看到由广东商学院的教授曾文雄教授采访广外仲伟合教授的文章,真的很精彩,两位翻译学领域的顶尖级人物对话,感觉就是不一样。 作者曾文雄教授简介: 曾文雄,外国语言学及应用语言学教授,广东省高等学校“千百十工程”第四批培养对象,文学硕士,翻译学在职博士生和国内高级访问学者,为中文核心期刊《英语辅导教师版》特约编辑,广州市涉外应用外语学会会员,广东省翻译协会、中国翻译协会与中国语用学研究会会员,研究领域为翻译学、外国语言学及应用语言学、旁涉跨文化语言学与语言哲学。出版第一部从综观和微观探索翻译研究的语用学途径的著作《语用学翻译研究》,主持或参与省、厅级和校级科研项目5项,在国内外学术期刊《外语学刊》、《外语教学》、《外语研究》、《中国科技翻译》、《解放军外国语学院学报》、《四川外语学院学报》、《外语电化教学》、《社会科学家》、《安徽大学学报》等刊物发表论文90篇,多篇文章被《高等学校学报学术文摘》、《人大复印资料》、《中华翻译文摘》、《中国翻译教学研究五十年回眸》等转摘,在《英语周报》、《英语辅导》大学版发表文章50篇,有多篇论文获全国性研讨会、省厅级科研教学成果奖。 以下文章来自《疯狂英语教师版》: 人物简介: 仲伟合, 广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院院长、教授、翻译学硕士生导师。全国翻译专业资格考试专家委员会委员(人事部)、全国外语翻译等级证书考试委员会委员(教育部)、国际英语教师协会会员、中国翻译工作者协会理事、翻译理论与翻译教学委员会委员、中国英汉语对比研究会会员、广州翻译协会、广州科技翻译协会副理事长、广州外事翻译协会副会长;广东省青年科学家协会会员、广州市青年联合会常委、副主席、广东省留学回国青年创业促进会常务理事;英国西敏斯特大学语言学院、广东省人文社科基地“外国文学文化研究中心”兼职研究员、广东外语艺术职业学院客座教授。2004 年获广东省优秀教学成果一等奖、国家级教学成果二等奖、2005 年获第七届“广东青年…五四?奖章”等。 发挥学科优势,造就特色人才 带着翻译学科建设与发展、翻译人才培养等问题,我们采访了全国同声传译专家、广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院院长仲伟合。仲院长幽默自信、随和从容,语言极度流畅,讲话耐人寻味。 问:广外高级翻译学院的学科建设与翻译人才培养有何优势与特色? 广东外语外贸大学是全国最早培养翻译与口译人才的外国语学院之一,继北外、上外之后,于2005年5月正式成立了高级翻译学院,肩负着全国翻译与口译人才培养的重任。仲院长介绍说,中国翻译人才培训有上百年的历史,但翻译作为一门专业化或职业化的外语教育是近代才出现的,而中国专业化翻译人才培养的院校只有三个院校,此外,大约有二十多个院校成立翻译系或开设了翻译方向专业,从事研究生、本科层次的教育。外语教学在中国经历了从一门选修课到核心课程转化的过程,英语加上专业方向的发展趋势越来越明显,外语教育的其中一个终端就是外语翻译人才的培养。广外建校40多年来,为翻译人才的培养作出了重要的贡献,1997年成立了中国大陆第一个翻译系,与英国语言文化委员会合作开展高级口笔译人员培训项目,成为全国第一所在本科层次上从专业化方向开展口译应用型人才培训的高校。经过8年的发展,翻译系在翻译教学、翻译理论、翻译学与翻译研究以及翻译学科建设等方面得到了很大的发展。学校考虑到学科的发展,把翻译学科作为学校新的增长点,把翻


II 作文 Genius without education is like silver in the mine. 要求:1、破题;2、立意;3、论证 III 英译汉 FEAR OF VERBS Blair, too, is singled out as a king of language corruption. Humphrys notes Blair's apparent fear of verbs and mocks his speeches, which are peppered with verbless phrases like "new challenges, new ideas," or "for our young people, a brighter future" and "the age of achievement, at home and abroad." By using this technique, Humphrys says, Blair is simply evading responsibility. "The point about verbs is that they commit the speaker," he writes. "Verbs cement sentences to their meaning so it's not surprising that politicians tend to mistrust them." Humphrys also blames institutions like the European Union and the world's media for the decline in standards of English. He laments the inclusion of such words as "pertannually" in the proposed EU constitution -- and despairs that when concerns were raised, the word was replaced with "insubdurience." He urges the public, and journalists in particular, to reject meaningless phrases and to demand they are explained. "When you get enough people pointing it out, the public starts to spot what is going on," he says. "That's why the battle has to be fought." "We should expect -- and should demand -- that when people are setting out policies or trying to persuade us of something, they engage in proper debate and don't simply give us a set of unchangeable propositions." 汉译英 语言是活的,随时在变,字义以及句法等等都在变。我们现代所认为不合文法的词句,往往正是二三百年前大家通用的英文。不用说二三百年,三五十年间就可能有显著的变化。所以“标准的英文”是很难讲的。每一时代有其不同的标准,拿五十年前甚至一百年前的文法书来衡量现代的英文,实在是自寻烦恼的事。


小学英语测试题 考试时间40 分钟试卷满分100分姓名__________总分_________ Listening Test(20分) I. 选择你所听到的单词或音标(10分) ()1.A. Thursday B. Monday C. Friday ()2.A. Sandy B. Sunday C. Sunny ()3.A. rice B. nice C. price ()4.A/a:/ B. /i/ C. /u:/ ()5.A. /s?up/ B./ su:p/ C. /ɡru:p/ ()6.A. cheese B. geese C.look ()7.A. [bi:n] B. [kli:n] C. [?:n] ()8.A. nose B. lose C. close ()9.A. /trai/ B. /drai/ C. /bai/ ()10.A. lights B. night C. bright II. ○1听问句,选答语. 念一次(5分) ()1.A. I am 11 years old B. I’m French C. It’s London ()2.A. Yes, I am. B.I am a student. C. It’s all right ()3.A.It’s Saturday. B. It’s half past 9:00. C.No, she isn’t. ()4.A. They are here. B. I am swimming C. He is my uncle. ()5.A.You’re welcome. B. Bye-bye! C. Good evening. ○2听句子,将图片排序. (5分) 1. () 2. () 3. () 4. () 5. () 笔试(80分) I. 选出划线部分发音不同于其他两者的选项(10points) ()1.A. up B. cup C. student ()2.A. home B. stone C. clock ()3.A. sat B. wash C. clap


商务英语毕业论文Prepared on 21 November 2021

上虞分院毕业论文(调研报告、设计) (2016届) (中英文化差异对商务英语翻译的影响)学生姓名史斌 学号1320336 专业班级商英133 指导教师王海英 二○一六年三月 中英文化差异对商务英语翻译的影响 摘要 翻译是两种语言的转换,也是两种文化的传递。由于中外文化在各个方面存在很大的差异,在商务活动中也不例外。作者我联系实际从风俗习惯、宗教信仰、商务谈判和个人价值观上来分析文化差异对商务英语翻译的影响。 关键词文化差异;翻译;影响 1风俗习惯对商务英语翻译的影响 在社会生活和文化交流中,不同的国家会在这个过程中形成自己独一无二的风俗习惯。中外在这个方面的差异是多方面的。 1.1对待动物上的差异 列如在对待狗的态度上面。在中国,“狗”这个词不管是对人还是对事都是形容坏的、不好的,列如说某人是狗东西,那就是在骂这个人是没良心,或者某人遇到狗急跳墙的事情那就说明这件事情不好。在中国还有很多带有“狗”字的成语,像鸡飞狗跳、狐朋狗友、狼心狗肺等等都是形容不好的事或者人,总之“狗”在中国大多数都是贬义

的。但是在英国,他们对狗都很有好感,他们有很多赞美人的话里面都带有“狗”字,列如“luckydog”(幸运儿)、“topdog”(重要的人物),“loveme,lovemydog”(爱屋及乌)等等。在他们国家“狗”这个词大多数情况都是褒义的。同时日本人对“狗”也很有好感,着名的《忠犬八公》就发生在日本,为此日本不仅对它拍了电影还为它树立了雕像来纪念八公。再还有中外对老虎与狮子上不同的反应。在中国老虎用来比喻“勇猛威武”,列如狐假虎威、虎踞龙盘等等但是在英语中把汉语中的“虎”用“lion”来表示而不是“tiger”。在西方,狮子才是力量和好战勇猛的象征而并非老虎,如“boldasalion”(如狮子般勇猛)、“majesticasalion”(如狮子般威风凛凛)等等。甚至连中国的俗语“老虎屁股摸不得”对应的英语翻译却是“donotbearthelion”(不要挑逗狮子)。英国人还以“lion”作为自己国家的象征,他们把勇猛无畏的英王查理一世喻为“lion-hearted”(狮心),史称“狮心查理王”,[1]而不用“tiger”。 1.2对待颜色上的差异 在对待红色上,中外有很多的差异。由于人的血液是红色,以前人们认为血是人的根本,所以在西方人眼中,红色是属于禁忌的颜色。不仅如此在圣经中夏娃吃的禁果就是红苹果。西方人还用红色作为警告色,警告他人不能使用或者不能通行等等。当初的翻译文学巨着《红楼梦》的时候,着名汉语学家霍克斯就意识到了“red”可能使不了解《红楼梦》的西方读者以为这是一本弥漫“血腥”、“暴力”的小说而把本书名翻译为“storyofthestone”。[2]但是在中国却恰恰相反,中国人认为红色是激励人积极向上的力量,列如我们的五星国旗,少先队员的红领巾,还有抗战的红军。当然,在中国红色还代表喜庆,从古时候新娘头上盖红盖头还是现在对联用红纸,发红鸡蛋等等都说明红色是喜庆的颜色。说完了红色那就是白色了,西方人认为白色是圣洁的象征,列如在西方新娘结婚会穿纯白的婚纱,新郎会穿白衬衫。他们还会用白色去装饰他们的耶稣(西方的神)等等。然而在中国白色则代表丧事。列如胸口佩戴白花就说明这家死了人,还有清明上坟用白菊花去祭奠逝者等等。白色在中外文化上有不同的意义。 2宗教信仰对商务英语翻译的影响 不同的宗教信仰会对人产生不同的影响。它不仅会影响一个人的意识还会影响一个人的行为。中外具有不同的宗教信仰,这些不同的宗教信仰与他们的文化相互融合,使他们之间存在很大的差异。 中国文化博大精深,源远流长,在我国传统文化中,道教和佛教是当代最盛行的。因此就会有“玉帝、观音、哪吒、李靖、女娲”等词汇出现。但西方人大多数信奉基督
