

The comment of Shutter Island


"Shutter Island" is based on the American novelist Denis Lehane's novel of the same name, at the beginning of the cold war, World War II clouds just disappear, the crisis of nuclear war has enveloped the world. In 1954, the federal police officer Tactic and his partner Chuck sailed to Boston near shutter island psychiatric prison to investigate a disappearance, the investigation of the case is a step by step into the whirling to the bizarre situation.

In fact, the so-called federal police officer Teddy is a serious illness of the mentally ill, his chief physician John who tried to get him to come up with the idea of being a part of his own role to gradually discover the absurdity of his story, and to cure his mental illness.

Teddy's true identity is Ledis, was as a soldier in the battlefield, at the end of the war to return to the home office police officer, a wife, fierce fighting in World War II and participated in the liberation of Nazi concentration camp experience gave him a legacy of serious psychological shadow, make it difficult to completely normal in life, which is inevitable for his wife and children love lost the cold, his wife to take the medicine for a long time, gradually leading to the outbreak of mental illness. One day, insane wife in the home in the lake drowning of three children of their own, Ledis returned home to see all this, grief over his wife's life with a pistol in the spirit under extreme pressure, and set fire to his own house.

Great pain to split Ledis's personality, his fantasy of another person, another story, to make them received the bitter reality, the divided self in looking for another self, he struggled in his imaginary world

exploration. Attending physician John is hoping to bring through the role of the process, so that he can get out of their own fantasy of time and space, to accept the reality, return to normal.


禁闭岛电影观后感 个人表示看过的悬疑片不多,觉得拍的最好的就是这个《禁闭岛》了。真的做到了看到结尾才恍然大悟的地步,一直被骗了2个多小时,最后面以为自己知道真相了却又被告知自己错了。这种快感加上导演脍炙人口的拍摄手法再加上莱昂纳多的剽悍演技,不得不让人拍案叫绝。莱昂纳多我是从《盗梦空间》开始认识,之后又看了他的《泰坦尼克号》《罗密欧与朱丽叶(后现代激情版)》还有这部《禁闭岛》个个都是大片。这部片子找他演主角我表示观众享福了。至于著名导演“马丁斯科西斯”嘛,我看过的为数不多,只有《好家伙》《出租车司机》《愤怒的公牛》《禁闭岛》这几部。这两大实力派明星阵容上阵,在烂的片子也有的看,更何况是这么一部近乎完美的悬疑大片。要说悬疑片虽然我没有看过很多,但是我还是觉得这是为数不多的好的悬疑片。至少在《电锯惊魂》系列《非常嫌疑犯》《记忆碎片》《致命ID》《楚门的世界》《西北偏北》这些公认优秀的悬疑片中,个人认为,是高于它们的。 至于剧情方面是无懈可击的,但是有一点我觉得颇为不理解,主角和那个所谓的“搭档”在那个小房子里避风的时候,男主角说他调查灰木崖很久了,那个所谓的“搭档”的任务就是扮演好自己的角色就好了,只要最后让男主角了解到自己是个彻底的疯子就好了,为神魔还要说什么“有可能

是你在调查他们的时候,他们也在调查你,现在你落网了,被他们捉到了。”这些话呢?这不是误导主角更加发疯吗?不过虽然这一点我没有想通,但是还是不会影响到我对影片的高度评价。更加令我印象深刻的就数影片最后的结尾,我还以为电影结尾不是“男主角又再次忘记了事实,开始了幻想,然后被迫做手术。”就是“当男主角认同自己原先的想法是错的,这一切都是假的后,监狱长有暗暗自己自己成功的将一个明白人骗成了一个真正的疯子。”没想到,没有再次的重复,也没有再次的事实颠倒,而是一切都明白了,但是主角为了自己不再糊涂,不再发疯。便装自己疯了,故意让工作人员切除他的脑记忆。这个结局真的是我没有想到的。所以给我印象深刻,比较反常,特立独行。 总之故事什么的我就不说了,大家自己去看吧,我只用“超爽”来形容它。




印尼巴厘岛简介:著名的巴厘岛(Bali)是印尼群岛一万七千多个岛屿中的一个小岛。她是亚洲最漂亮而有特色的观光胜地之一。 ★巴厘岛纬度位于赤道以南8度,地属热带气候,一年只有两个季节(四至十月为旱季,十一月至三月为雨季),全年平均温度约为摄氏28度。 ★巴厘岛主要的宗教信仰是印度教(AgamaHindu Dharma),当地居民把他们对神的信仰充分表现在精雕细琢的寺庙建筑中。 ★巴厘岛和中国同样属于GMT+8(注)时区,所以到巴厘岛的游客不必调整手表时间,生活作息完全一致。 ★印度尼西亚话(Bahasa Indonesia)为印度尼西亚及巴厘岛的官方语言,不过,随着近年来旅游业的逐渐发达,当地大部分人都能讲一点英语,很多店铺都有中文标识,简单沟通应该问题不大。 ★巴厘岛终年夏天,为热带海岛型气候,气候类型全年只分为“旱季”(每年4月到10月);“雨季”(每年11月到次年3月)。 巴厘岛兑换钱币:大家需提前兑换美元,当地一般美元对印尼盾是1:10000左右。印尼盾汇率波动较大,建议大家到达机场后先看看当天汇率,如果正处在较高水平,不妨多换一点。我们此行机场的汇率是1:11900,之后在当地MONEY EXCHANGE兑换时,就变成了1:9700。大家兑换时要准备一些1美金的零钱,方便付小费。最后提醒的是,当地由于美金假币多,所以基本上都不接受2000年以前的美金。印尼盾的钱数太大,很多零,刚开始购物时计算价格很不习惯。后来就有经验了,一般直接在标价牌上去掉后面的3个零就是差不多人民币的数值。 巴厘岛当地美食:印尼的炒饭、烤猪排、烤乳猪、芒果汁都很美味。这里重点推荐几家餐厅和美食: ★巴厘岛库塔地区的POPIES餐厅,是一家在自家小院的花园里设置的餐厅,风格有点象北京的花家怡园(我在本文后面的行程介绍中配了图,姐妹们可以看看)。这家餐厅的沙拉、印尼炒饭、烤鸡、鲜榨芒果汁很美味。当地餐厅买单时需在菜价外另付11%的税,账单中会自动列入。 ★巴厘岛乌布地区的DIRTY DUCK也很美味。这里的烤鸭子,香香脆脆,美味不亚于北京的烤鸭哦!另外,印尼炒蛋饭、烤串也不错。这家餐厅坐落于一片农田和街道相隔的地方,在院落里椰树下品尝美食,看着远处的袅袅炊烟,颇有点丽江那种乡间野趣的感觉。可以提前打电话预订餐位:0361-975489 ★乌布皇宫对面的烤乳猪(Babi Guling)是巴厘岛名菜,整只乳猪填满香料,架在火上烤到皮脆肉嫩,配米饭吃。真是香喷喷啊!这里的烤乳猪曾被一些食客认为是世界上最美味的烤猪饭。大家不要错过哦! 巴厘岛住宿推荐:当地一般都会选择在三个地方游玩居住:Nusa Dua海滩、kuta海滩和乌布地区。 ★Nusa Dua海滩布满了奢华的五星级酒店,非常安静,酒店的环境美到令人发呆!晚上在海滩上听到阵阵海浪在拍打沙滩,好个惬意!如果想休闲度假的话,这里真是有点天堂圣境的感觉。 ★kuta海滩是一个比较热闹的地方,人很多,沙滩上布满了趟着晒太阳的人和各种小商小贩,还会有很多摇滚乐的当地著名歌手在演唱跳舞,街道上有很多琳琅满目的小店铺,喜欢热闹和购物的朋友到这里是个不错的选择。 ★乌布是个内陆山区,这里的王宫充满了神秘的色彩,后院中还有皇族后裔深居其中,这里的博物馆、咖啡厅等地方都有热带雨林人家的静谧风情。尤其是这里的酒店,每户游客都有一个独立的小院子,可以在自家院里户外洗澡,感受天然之美。整个地方颇有点丽江的那种小调调的感觉。 巴厘岛交通出行:巴厘岛的主要交通方式有以下几种,姐妹们可以择情选择哦。 ★飞机航班:去巴厘岛的航空公司有鹰航和新航两种。建议大家选择新航的班机,服务非常好。如果有晕机的美眉出行的话,提前要一个靠近紧急出口和过道的位置会舒适一些。如果是度蜜月的话,提前告知航


《禁闭岛》的读后感 我心里有猛虎,在细嗅着蔷薇,审视我的心灵吧,亲爱的朋友,你应战栗,因为那里才是你本来的面目。 ——西格夫里萨 live as a monster or die as a good man ? ——《禁闭岛》 因为一些原因错过了少年派,今天算是把它看完了,可是实在是后悔没去电一影一院,这样一部杰作应当是去电一影一院看的,电一影的结局足够意外,让我觉得和禁闭岛有相类似的难以形容的感觉。所以我把它们放在了一起,可是我并不是写什么影评,只是对人性的思考又深了一步。 让我来做个大胆的假定吧:假如我们生活在一个幻象之中,或者所有的正义或邪恶或者现在的普世性准则其实都是相反的,你是否会觉得唯一剩下的东西只有恐惧,那深深的恐惧。我们为什么活在我们存在的这个世界,究竟是什么推动了人类推动了世界的发展? 人性本来就是一个永远也捉摸不透的东西,在某种意义上小丑并不比蝙蝠侠坏甚至是个天才,那句经典的and you ,you complete me,善与恶绝对是共生的。人类发展到如今文明已经高度发达,可是仍然不是不存在所谓的价值观所谓的准则都是假的这样的可能性,当然这只是电一影带给我的思考,可是不代表这个思考没有价值。

人在绝境的时候,是没有任何人性或者神性可言的,暴露在外,我们每个人都是一只孟加拉虎,我们每个人都是肉食性动物,贪婪而自私。我们看到的远不是真相,我们相信不是因为我们看到,我们看到是因为我们相信。所谓的真理不过都是谎言和欺骗,而我们所认为的谎言和欺骗可能都是真理,而这些真理都被谎言和欺骗所掩盖了,想想这是一个多么可怕的世界,我们每个人可能都活在禁闭岛上了。 而禁闭岛有两个故事版本,一个是teddy 没疯,一个是他疯了。我选择相信了前一个。这个选择直接导致了我写下这篇文章。 当年看完这部电一影时整整苦思冥想了一一夜,第一次觉得我离世界的真相这么近,可是之后没有深究下去也便把它遗忘,直到今天把少年派看完我又想起了这部电一影,这部让我几乎癫狂的电一影,我开始陷入深深的思考之中。 刚刚仙逝的邓正来先生在翻译博登海默的名著《法理学:法律哲学与法律方法》一书时曾经在序中提出对整个法学领域的历史思考:为什么我们每个人都活在这样一个既定的社会秩序当中,倘若没有法律,人类是否选择其他手段来维护正义?邓先生终其一生依旧没有获得答案,我想这本就是一个无解的问题,要解决他这个问题首先必须解决我这个问题。解决了我这个问题他的问题也迎刃而解,我想我这辈子注定要和这两个问题为伴了,想得太多过度思考会变得很消


金银岛读后感 读《金银岛》有感 《金银岛》讲述了在大航海时,寻宝者和海盗为了同一批宝藏而互相争斗的故事。故事发生在大航海时代初期,被压迫的奴隶们愤起反抗。他们乘船到海上变成最初的海盗。他们中出现了一位海盗王叫弗特林,他战无不胜。弗特林的财宝放在了一个小岛上,并把它定名“金银岛”。许多年后,弗特林病死后,一位名叫杰克的老船长拿到了藏宝图。之后,又因为种种原因藏宝图落到了吉姆手里。于时,吉姆便和他的朋友们一起踏上了寻宝之路。途中,有过凶险的海上风暴;有过船员的叛乱;更有过海盗的袭击,但这都被克服了,他们得到了宝藏。 主人公吉姆的成长,他和他的朋友们之间的友情更让人历历在目,就在吉姆他们找到了宝藏的第二天清早,大家发现淡水不多了,都去岛上找淡水,留下吉姆一人看船。由于岛上淡水也少,他们一直到晚上才回船。中间这一段时间,虽然只有吉姆一个人,但也足以起帆走船,独吞这笔可以淹死人的财宝。可是吉姆却没有。从中可以看出吉姆对大伙的不舍不弃和大伙对吉姆的高度信任。通过这本书,我知道了做一个别人值得信任的人多伟大呀! 《金银岛》英文读后感 The story is told in the first person by Jim Hawkins, whose mother kept the Admiral Benbow Inn, and who shared in the adventures from start to finish. An old sea dog comes to the inn one day and hires Jim to keep a watch out for other sailors, but he is hunted out and served with the black spot. Jim and his mother barely escape death when some pirates descend on the inn for the sea dog’s papers. Jim snatches up a packet of papers to square the sailor’s debt, when they were forced to retreat from the inn. The packet contains a map showing the location of the pirate Flint’s buried treasure, which Jim, Doctor Livesey, and Squire Trelawney determine to find. Fitting out a ship, they hire hands and set out on their adventure. Unfortunately, their crew includes one pirate also in search of the treasure, and a number of his confederates. Jim overhears the crew's plan to mutiny and warns his comrades. The battle begins. Finally the victors get safely aboard the ship with the treasure. After reading this book, I like the bit part very much. And it makes me feeling more. Jim Hawkins was a timid and shy boy at first. At the beginning of the voyage, Jim was only a waiter in the cabin. But he was able to struggle with enemies, and recapture the ship from the enemies at last. Although he was always prone to became actuation. His courage and insight that had been represented make me


金银岛英文版读后感 金银岛》是罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森创作的一部冒险小说。小编收集了金银岛英文版读后感,欢迎阅读。 金银岛英文版读后感【一】 I think this book is fabulous!I thought this because it was full of adventure,death,excitement,and a little humor.I also thought the author had a strange but interesting desire to kill off his characters!I haven't read the whole book yet,but I have a dire need to find out what happens in the end. After I have read the whole book, it really did frustrate me because i didnt understand the hard old languages that were written in the book. I hated the ending of the story because you never really recieve some sort of a good feeling. I did learn that the main character , Jim becomes a loyal and responsible character though. Overall i didnt quite enjoy reading the "boring brick" but however i did fancy the plot. Now i have to write a chracter essay for Jim. But i dont know how i am going to get all the information on to one sheet of pa-pe-r.Personally i dont reccomend people to read this book if they are suppose to write an essay on it, but i do reccomend people to read this book if they are stranded on an island with nothing to do. 金银岛英文版读后感【二】 Lots of people may read the masterpiece called. This is an exciting adventure story about a poor boy who lives in a small inn, the Admiral Benbow, run by his parents in Black Hill Cove. The boy’s name is Jim Hawkins. One day, unexpectedly, he finds a treasure map which indicates the treasure hidden by the pirates in Skeleton Island. Then Jim, Dr. Livesey, Captain Smollett and his friend, with a group of sailors, set out journey for the treasure. After a short time, some greed sailors who are led by Long John Silver rebel for the map. These two groups


武汉位于中国中部,是湖北省省会和政治、经济及文化中心。世界第三大河长江及其最大的支流汉水在此相汇,市区由隔江鼎立的武昌、汉口、汉阳三部分组成,通称武汉三镇。唐代大诗人李白的一句“黄鹤楼中吹玉笛,江城五月落梅花”,使这座中国腹地的特大中心城市自古有着“江城”的美誉。全市现辖13 个区、3 个国家级开发区(武汉经济技术开发区、东湖新技术开发区、吴家山台商投资区),总面积8494 平方公里,常住人口858 万人。 武汉的城市文明历史可追溯到3500 年前的盘龙城。这是长江流域发掘出的最古老的城池,被学者认为是长江流域文明和黄河流域文明融合的突破口。3500 年间,因水运发达,物产丰富,这里从来就是兵家必争之地,并由军事中心进而发展为区域性政治商贸中心,武汉也因此拥有融汇多元文化的优势和特质。辛亥革命的首义文化铸就了武汉人敢为天下先的人文精神。 武汉是一座典型的山水园林城市。上百座大小山峦遍布三镇,近两百个湖泊座落其间,水域面积占到全市国土面积的四分之一,居全国大城市之首。其中东湖水域面积33 平方公里,是中国最大的城中湖。 武汉历来被称为"九省通衢"之地,是中国内陆最大的水陆空交通枢纽.它距离北京,上海,广州,成都,西安等中国大城市都在1000公里左右,是中国经济地理的"心脏",具有承东启西、沟通南北、维系四方的作用。巨大的区位交通优势推动了武汉现代物流业的快速发展。以建设国家级物流枢纽城市为目标,合理规划布局以现代物流园区、物流中心、配送中心为节点的现代物流体系,武汉作为联结国内外两个市场和促进中国东、中、西部互动的桥梁纽带功能逐步显现 武汉是中国重要的工业基地。现已形成门类比较齐全、配套能力较强的工业体系。武汉正在大力发展现代制造业,着力推进产业技术升级、集群发展。重点发展钢铁、汽车及机械装备、电子信息、石油化工、环保、烟草及食品、家电、纺织服装、医药、造纸及包装印刷十大主导产业。同时运用产业政策,引导企业向园区集中。重点发展钢铁化工及环保产业聚集区、汽车及机电产业聚集区、光电子及生物医药产业聚集区、食品工业聚集区、都市工业聚集区。一批年销售收入过百亿元的大型企业,以及一批拥有核心技术的“武汉制造”知名品牌正在涌现。 武汉是国家重要的科教基地之一,科教综合实力居全国大城市第三位。拥有包括武汉大学、华中科技大学等52 所普通高校,70 万在校大学生。成人高校在校学生近12 万人。各类科研机构106 所,国家实验室1 个,国家级重点实验室13 个,在汉中国科学院与工程院院士47 名。智力资源和人力资源十分丰富,“武汉·中国光谷”所在地武汉东湖地区是我国第二大智力密集区,在光通讯、生物工程、激光、微电子技术和新型材料等领域,科技开发实力处于全国领先地位。 Located in central China , Wuhan , the capital of Hubei Province , serves as the political, economic and cultural center of the province. The Yangtze, World's third longest river and its largest tributary Hanshui meet in Wuhan and cut the city into three parts of Hankou, Hanyang and Wuchang, namely, Three towns of Wuhan . As a line by Li Bai, a great poet in Tang Dynasty goes, “In the Yellow Crane Tower the jade flute is being played while in the River City of Wuhan plum blossoms are dropping in May.” This biggest metropolis in hinterland China was hence reputed as a River City . With an area of 8494 k ㎡and a population of 8.58 million, Wuhan administers 13 districts and 3 state – level development zones (Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone, East Lake Hi-tech Development Zone and Wujiashan Taiwan-investment Area). With a history of 3500 years,Wuhan's urban civilization dates back to Panlong Town which is the oldest city ever unearthed in the Yangtze River basin.Scholars deemed it a breakthrough proof of the fusion of Yangtze Civilization and Yellow River Civilization.Over the past 3500 year,thanks


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 电影心理游戏观后感 篇一:心理游戏观后感 这个电影里面没有高难的特技但是却总是连贯着丝丝 入扣的情节。 一开始就能感觉到主角的那种身份和地位,但是却也带着那种童年的阴影。生活上他并不是很顺利,离婚的家庭和一个不争气的弟弟,操劳的事业等等。一定给很多成功人士带来了某种共同语言。当拿到那个入会卡片的时候其实一切已经开始按部就班的开始了。 其实很多高贵的身份到了某一种公平的气氛里的时候 很让人受不了的,所以当他去没有预约的场合的时候,别人不理就给他带来了烦躁。而一个看似十分普通的类似业务代表的人让他代拿一下食品的时候显示出了他的无奈和惊讶。是的自己的身份地位没了,社会就是如此。当你变的身处平凡的时候,处处的环境你都会觉得是苛刻的。而电影的内容本身就是一个策划中的策划。 一种让你从拥有一切变成一无所有的时候,也正是万念

俱灰的时候。而这个策划就是让你死而后生,而你要是死的不够彻底,或者说你足够坚强的话。一切都不会随之而结束。这是一种心理的考验。结尾是美好的,那就是我们期待的结尾。 点评电影中的几个矛盾情节。警察没追进互通放了一条狗,那个狗咬住之后居然没伤,倒是叼着一只鞋子跑了,从高楼跳下的时候是垃圾桶怎么就那么多软的东西,如果里面正好有几个破盘子或者碗的话后果就十分的严重了,当然电影嘛,总是那么的凑巧。 当逃离现场丢失了手提包之后又在宾馆发现了很多想 不到的东西的时候,这一天是过去了还是真的他昏迷了一天?显然这个事情他并没有做,包括玻璃上的白粉。别的都可以策划,割破手2次总没必要吧。但是很多事情恰恰和割破手有关系。或许是要的那种真实吧。同时也体现了一种发现了事情急于掩盖的心理。 当男主角去女主角屋子发现屋子是假的时候,那个廉价台灯冒烟如果是我的话我会关灯的,而不是手去撕掉,不过这里面显出了一点,那个屋子是刻意装修的,包括台灯的廉价和临时性。而找水和纸的同时也正好发现了问题。但是接踵而来的那些枪的效果我就十分的不理解了。为何子弹真的打穿了地板和门,而实际还是那个所谓的空包弹? 私家侦探其实是去送枪的,显然已经看出来了。不过那


Impression of 《Treasure Island》 《Treasure Island》depicts the valiant, witty and lively young boy, Jim Hawkins, the process of finding treasure map and how he encountered pirates, and finally find the treasure. Among all the plots, the one give me the most impressive is that Jim hided in the apple barrel, accidentally heard the pirates of the plot, and almost caught on the spot. He said, “You may fancy the terror I was in! I should have leaped out and run for it if I had found the strength, but my limbs and heart alike misgave me.”, “John did not know, to be sure, that I had overheard his council from the apple barrel, and yet I had by this time taken such a horror of his cruelty, duplicity, and power that I could scarce conceal a shudder when he laid his hand upon my arm.” and “I have terrible news.” From here, you can determine that how terrified, helpless, and precarious the Jim was. He wanted to tell Captain Smollett, the squire, and Dr. Livesey, but they did not show their interests in Jim’s news, finally cause the tragedy of fighting. This plot that Jim heard the conversation between pirates is a turning point of the story, it lays the groundwork for Jim slipped into the place beyond pirates and captured the ship. Imagine that if it is not Jim in the big bucket secretly heard the secret of the pirates, the results will become what it looks like? That may allow pirates to take advantage of the treasure and do something wrong such as gambling, drinking and squandering food. In the meanwhile, we can feel the temptation of money. Money can change the relationship between people and people; it is the corrosion of all. But the money itself is innocent, but the psychological deterioration of the people delusion possession of it, use it or even control it. Thus, money has become a synonym for evil. But money is sometimes beneficial to mankind, as long as you use the money reasonably, the money will be the most useful items. The book is very outstanding in the idea of layout, the atmosphere and characterization of personality. As the story unfolds, tense thrilling scene after another, makes people want to read the book in one time.


巴厘岛 巴厘岛简介 “巴厘”在印尼语的意思是“再回来”。 巴厘岛是印度尼西亚最耀眼的岛,位于印度洋赤道南方8度. 不同于大多数的东南亚岛屿,巴厘岛不仅仅拥有沙滩、碧海、热带阳光,还有田园农舍、森林草原、急流深谷等美丽风光,另外北部的6座火山一字排开,更添几分苍莽壮阔。 巴厘岛又是一座艺术之岛,风格独特的传统绘画和雕刻为西方当代艺术家提供了无数灵感,也吸引了众多收藏家前来淘宝。 巴厘岛还是一座享乐之岛,传统SPA令人身心愉悦,“巴厘岛式”的私人别墅服务意味着无可言喻的极致奢华。 最佳旅游时间 巴厘岛气候属于热带海岛型气候,气候常年炎热,全年平均温度约28℃,每年的10月到次年3月为雨季,其它时间为旱季。雨季结束后的一个月(4月)是巴厘岛最热的季节,5月到9月比较凉爽(这时是前往巴厘岛旅游的最佳季节)。由于学校假期和节日的关系,每年的7、8月和圣诞节前后,有大量的游人到巴厘岛来度假,这一段时间当地宾馆的价格较高,而且常常客满。 全年温度及湿度平均如下: 巴厘岛地图

主要地区介绍: 库塔(kuta)地区 库塔(kuta)海滩是离巴厘岛机场最近的一个海滩,这里的酒店和餐饮相对价格较低,所以人比较多,这里也是一个充满乐趣的享乐主义的度假圣地,尤其是一些喜欢夜生活的年轻人理想的下榻之地。 库塔海滩是东南亚独一无二的冲浪圣地,你可以花40-50美元找专业的公司和教练教你冲浪,一般只要1-2小时就能学会,然后可以学一些不同的花样。也可以随便找个小孩子教你,一般只要10-15美元,大部分人也能马上学会。 这里有Matahari(太阳百货)和Discovery shopping mall(购物中心)。Discovery是奢侈品店。Matahari内也有工艺品、日用品、 食品、服装。所以适合最后一天购买纪念品,或第一天来补充些日用


O v e r v i e w o f W H U Wuhan University (WHU) is a comprehensive and key national university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education. It is also one of the "211 Project" and "985 Project"universities with full support in the construction and development from the central and local government of China. The history of Wuhan University can be traced back to Ziqiang Institute, which was founded in 1893 by Zhang Zhidong, the then governor of Hubei Province and Hunan Province in the late Qing Dynasty. In the process of development and evolution, the institute changed its name several times before it was finally named Wuhan National University in 1928. It is one of the earliest comprehensive national universities in modern China. By the end of 1946, the university had established 6 colleges, the colleges of liberal art, law, sciences, engineering, agriculture and medicine. In 2000, an amalgamation of the former Wuhan University, Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping, and Hubei Medical University was announced, which ushered in a new era in its 100-odd years of development. For the past century, Wuhan University has built an elegant palatial architectural complex of primitive simplicity which blends perfectly the eastern architectural style with that of the west. It is honored as the "Most Beautiful University in China." Furthermore, Wuhan University's centennial humanistic accumulation boils down to its succinct motto, that is, "Self-improvement, Perseverance, Truth-seeking & Innovation." Since its establishment, Wuhan University has cultivated more than 300 thousand professional talents in various occupations, among whom there are over 100 members of the Chinese Academy of Science and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. They have made great contribution to the national construction and social advancement. The remarkable achievements of Wuhan University have won itself an extensive international reputation. In 1999, the world renowned journalSciencelisted Wuhan University as one of the most prominent institutions of higher education in China.

心得体会-搏击俱乐部观后感 精品

搏击俱乐部观后感 搏击俱乐部观后感 相当精彩的一部电影啊,似乎关于精神病题材的电影总是可以特别精彩,之前看的《机械师》,《禁闭岛》和《杀人游戏》,亦是如此。 怎么说呢,虽然是精神病,但是这部电影的精神病只是剧情的一个衔接点,让我印象特别深刻的则是关于信仰的讨论。 不得不说,现代社会过于固定的社会定位,造成大多数的人们都不得不像一部精密机械里的零件一般按部就班的工作,自然也就难以企及自身的梦想,甚至没有生活的意义,仅仅是单纯的生存罢了。 搏击俱乐部里的会员俱是如此,他们没有自己的信仰,故而很容易接受泰勒的观点,成为他忠实的拥护者,额,其实在俱乐部最狂热的那一段情节一直在我脑中回想的一句话就是邪教是怎么形成的。 真的是蛮震撼人心的,大概传销也是几近如此吧,针对泰勒所抨击的现代生活的精神现状,无疑是每个人都或多或少的存在的情形,过于秩序化的社会使得普通大众失去了独特的精神自我,没有信仰的人大多是在精神上比较脆弱和麻木,遗憾的是就我自身而言,尚不能找到自身得以奉行的信仰。 俱乐部的渐渐改变是在逐渐加深泰勒对俱乐部成员的精神影响,等到大破坏行动之时,邪教的精神已经正式形成,泰勒所能做到的也只是顺势引导而非改变了,他朋友被枪杀之后,会员自己竟然通过泰勒的话领悟到死后就能得到属于自己的名字这一荣誉。 这个片段让我心生恐怖,大多数的事件似乎都是因势利导,作为其中的领导者,最大的作用只是带领大家走向大多数人心中能信服的方向,哪怕是错的,在趋势形成之后,哪怕作为创造者和领导这也是无法改变这个趋势。 唉,文笔太差,不能好好评论这部精彩的电影。 至于剧情细节上做了很多铺垫,在杰克寻找泰勒,最终发现真相时的那一个剧情转折点时,前面所有的铺垫的效果登时如同烟花般绽放,这一点上《蝴蝶效应》与它颇有异曲同工之效。 尤其是在警察局被他的几个会员差点惩罚的那一段情节,他的所有脱身之计都被另一个人格泰勒想到,实在是妙不可言。


Book Report of Lots of people may read the masterpiece called . This is an exciting adventure story about a poor boy who lives in a small inn, the Admiral Benbow, run by his parents in Black Hill Cove. T he boy’s name is Jim Hawkins. One day, unexpectedly, he finds a treasure map which indicates the treasure hidden by the pirates in Skeleton Island. Then Jim, Dr. Livesey, Captain Smollett and his friend, with a group of sailors, set out journey for the treasure. After a short time, some greed sailors who are led by Long John Silver rebel for the map. These two groups fight fiercely. Evil can never prevail over good. Through each justicial person’s effort, Jim and Captain Smollett win the battle. And later then they go back home with the boat filled with treasure. At the end of the story, Silver runs away with one of the bags of coins, perhaps three or four hundred coins. Captain Smollett no longer goes to sea. Gray, Jim’s friend, saves his money and now is a half-owner and captain of a fine ship. Ben Gunn, who is marooned by pirates, gets a thousand pounds. However, he spends all his money in three weeks. Then he has to beg and luckily is given a job as a gatekeeper when he comes back. Though I don’t have a chance to adventure as Jim does, the face of Jim often appears in my mind. Jim is a kind-hearted, brave and ambitious boy. He can always find a good way to solve the problems or beat the pirates. And this book shocks me when I read this part: You are in trouble. Ship lost, treasure lost, men lost. And if you want to know who did it—it was me! I was in the apple barrel the night we saw the island, and I heard every word you said. And the ship? It was me who cut her ropes and killed the men aboard her……Why am I shocked? Because I can’t believe a young boy has such great courage to say those words, and this is admired by me. There’s someone I admire, and of course, there’s someone I hate, like Silver. What I can only find from the pirates are cruelty and selfishness. He kills people without mercy and even becomes crueler. His sole pursuit of treasure results in his red hand never dry. Although it is only a novel, the scenes of the novel always come to my mind. It gives me a lesson. We can’t be selfish, because the selfish one only focuses on himself and can commit immorality or even crimes when trying to protect his own interest. We can see the justice of the spiritual wealth from Jim. What’s more, in my point of view, we should save money in the bank instead of wasting it in our daily life. Wasting money is a bad behavior. The less money we use, the higher spirit level we will have. If we use up our money like Ben Gunn one day, we will be in a big trouble. As a saying goes, “No pain, No gain”. If we try our best to do everything as Jim, I think we will make more progress in many fields. That’s all. Thank you. 浙江省金华市永康市二中 学生:王家晗 指导老师:施淑贞
