


汉语四字格的分类 四字格词语是汉语词汇的一大特点,它一般由分成前后两个部分的四个词素构成。 从语法关系看,词组中前后两个部分可以是主谓、动宾、偏正或者并列关系 从结构上看,四字格由自由词组和固定词组组成。自由词组是临时组成的,可以随意拆散,重新组合,例如:“品种齐全,做工精细”等;而固定词组是一个整体,四个语素不能拆开、随意更换。 四字格的汉英翻译方法 汉语中出现的四字格,很多只是为了读起来上口,对仗,并没有太深的寓意,在英语中我们并不一定能找到一个表达形式与之对应,我们只需准确理解其真正含义,然后进行翻译: 1、将四字格前后两个词语分开 2、判断这两个词语属于什么词类 3、分析前后两个词语间的逻辑关系 4、通过逻辑关系确定翻译方法 并列关系法:将前后两个词语分别译成相应的英语译文,然后中间用并列连 词”and”连接即可。 名山大川famous mountains and great rivers名胜古迹scenic spots and historical sites青山绿水green hills and clear waters平等互利equality and mutual benefit扬长避短play up strengths and avoid weaknesses反腐倡廉fight corruption and build a clean government集思广益draw on collective wisom and absorb all useful ideas

语义重复法:这类四字格前后两个词语的语意是一样的,如果前后两个词语都翻译的话就构成语义重复了,所以在翻译这类四字格的时候,只需翻译一项语义就行 层峦叠嶂peaks rising one after another优胜劣汰survival of the fittest审时度势size up the trend of events招商引资attract investment 目的关系法:这类四字格前后两个词语具有目的关系,对于这类四字格可以采用动词不定式或者介词短语来表达目的状语 减员增效downsize (and cut payroll) to improve efficiency (for efficiency)退耕还林return cultivated land to forest or pastures集资办学raise money to set up new schools结党营私form cliques for private gain扭亏为盈turn a loss-making enterprise into a profitable one 途径方式法:具有这种逻辑关系的四字格可以采用介词through ,according to, with 等介词短语表达相应的方式状语 寓教于乐teach through lively activities因材施教teach students according to their aptitude按劳分配distribution according to performance以商养文support /sponsor cultural activities with the profits from doing business 偏正词组法:对于偏正关系的四字格必有一主一次,将其中一个词语处理为修饰性成分,而将另外一个处理为中心词 廉洁奉公honestly perform one’s official duties环境绿化environmental greening超前消费premature consumption; Over-consume; excessive consumption以强凌弱the strong domineering over the weak以人为本people foremost; People-oriented 动宾关系:优势互补complement each other’s advantages 自主经营,自负盈亏make one’s own management decisions, take full responsibility for one’s own profits and losses 条件关系:不进则退no progress simply means regression 省略意向:瞻前顾后overcautious (过于谨慎的)and indecisive(犹豫不决的)源远流长have a long history呕心沥血spare no efforts画龙点睛bring out the crucial point花天酒地go on the loose汗马功劳exploits 闻名遐迩famous独具匠心original中流砥柱mainstay, chief cornerstone鱼米之乡a land of milk and honey世外桃源a haven of peace


中口历年真题: 高尔基说过:“书籍是人类进步的阶梯。”0103 Gorgy once said, “Books are steps toward human progress.” 廉政建设0203 building of an honest and clean government 全神贯注0203 with rapt attention; concentrate on 改革开放0303 the reform and opening-up policy 远见卓识0303 foresighted, foresight 扩大内需0309 expand the domestic need 以邻为伴、与人为善0403 making partnership and being friendly to the neighboring countries 友好合作0403 friendly cooperation 艰辛努力0403 arduous efforts 名列前茅0503 rank among the best 携手前进0509 j oin hands and advance together 相知无远近,万里尚为邻0509 Distance can never separate real friends. 多姿多彩0603colorful 色彩斑斓0603 colorful 日新月异0603change dramatically with each passing day 光芒四射0603 shining; brilliant 鲜艳夺目0603shining; brilliant 安居乐业0603live and work in peace and happiness/contentment 朝气蓬勃,充满活力0603 dynamic; vigorous; energetic 莘莘学子0609(many) students 青春洋溢0609young 书香浓郁0609 academic/cultural atmosphere 息息相关0703 be closely related to/ concern sth. 坚定不移0709 persists unswervingly in 独立富强,民生幸福0709 an independent and prosperous country, and a comfortable and happy life for the people 孜孜以求0709 assiduously (seek) 自主创新0803 independence and innovation, independent and innovative 情投意合0809have an affinity for each other 不虚此生0903 make our life meaningful 附庸风雅0909 mingle with men of letters and p ose as lovers of culture 暗自窃笑0909 titter 翩然而至1003 advent/ arrival 此起彼伏1003(ring) one after another, echo each other 中流砥柱1003play the backbone role 力挽狂澜1003turn the tide 攻坚克难1003overcome the current difficulties 柳暗花明1003have bright prospects 华洋杂居1009co-inhabited by Chinese locals and foreign nationals 生活百态1009 all aspects of people’s life 丰富多彩1009 colorful


3.5. Translation of Attributive Clauses 定语从句的翻译 For the short attributives, we can often put them before the head nouns they modifies in translation, no matter they are restrictive or non-restrictive ones. It is a consolation to know that they will surely carry on the cause for which Edgar Snow strove so faithfully all his life. (strive for sth. faithfully 为……奋斗不渝)了解到他们一定会继承爱德加·斯诺终生为之奋斗不渝的事业,这是令人欣慰的。 His laugh, which was very infectious, broke the silence. 他富于感染力的笑声打破了沉默。 For longer attributives, we can often translate them into another clause(小句) or sentence through division. They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives. 他们正在为实现一个理想而努力奋斗,这个理想是每个中国人所珍爱的,在过去,许多中国人曾为此献出了自己的生命。 A fuel is a material which will burn at a reasonable temperature and produce heat. 燃料是一种物质,在适当的温度下能够燃烧并放出热量。 For those sentences whose main clause is short while the attributive is long with the focus of message in it, we can usually combine the attributive clause with main one. We are a people that have inherited ancient wisdom, that know the worth of biding one’s time and recognized opportunity for combat. 我们的民族继承了古代的智慧,懂得如何等待并善于抓住战机。 A true revolution is one that is devoted to human progress in all domains and that makes human progress the supreme and final object. 真正的革命,致力于人类的全面发展,并以此作为行动的终极目标。 There are some special attributive clauses which are attributives in form but equivalent of temporal, causal, adversative adverbial clauses, etc. (时间、原因、让步等状语从句)in meaning. Such clauses should be understood profoundly as to their relation to the main clause and translated flexibly as demonstrated below. They were very angry with their daughter, who insisted on marrying that ugly old man. 他们非常生女儿的气,因为她坚持要嫁给那个丑陋不堪的老头儿。 Her refusal to obey him greatly incensed him who had never met that kind of opposition before. 她拒绝服从他,这使他大为生气,因为他从来没有遭到过那样的反对。 He would be a rash man who should venture to defy world public opinion and act arbitrarily. 如果有人胆敢公然蔑视世界公众舆论而一意孤行,那他一定是个卤莽之徒。 Don’t you feel it strange that she should be so much ungrateful to Jack, who did so much for her when she was in poverty? ungrateful:忘恩负义 杰克在她困难时帮了她那么多,她却对杰克如此忘恩负义,你不觉得奇怪吗? Flexibly Translating Attributive Clauses Introduced by “as”(灵活翻译由as 引导的定语从句): ▼It is absolutely wrong to think foreign languages useless, as quite a few people did before. 认为外语无用是绝对错误的,不少人过去就有这种想法。 ▼It was very cold that night, as it usually was. 那天晚上寒冷刺骨,这里的天气常常这样。


第五讲成语、俗语、典故的翻译 何为成语 成语既是一种结构固定而凝练、内涵丰富而深刻的语言现象,也是人类的历史和文化在人们所使用语言中的体现和反映。汉语和英语中都含有丰富的成语,在汉语中,成语指人们长期以来习用的,简洁精辟定型的词组或短语,常为四字短语,而在英语中,成语是词组,其含义不同于其中单词的含义,(idiom is phrase which means something different from meanings of the separate words)是不能明显地从构成其成分的单词的含义中找到其含义的词组和句子,必须从整体上进行理解。(phrase or sentence whose meaning not obvious through knowledge of the individual meanings of the consituent words but must be learnt as a whole) 英汉成语的相似性 两个基本特征: 一、语义的统一性或整体性:一条成语所表达的是一个整体的意思。 二、结构的固定性或定型性:成语的词序结构一般不能随意更改或颠倒,也不能随意增 减词,或者任意使用其它的词来替代某个词。 按照汉语成语和英语成语的语法功能和结构成分来分析,汉语成语可以分成动词性、名词性、形容词性和副词性成语等四大类。英语成语也包括这四大类。 Eg: 弃恶从善(动词性) turn over a new leaf (动词性) 富丽堂皇(形容词性) (as)jolly as a sand boy (形容词性) 千方百计(副词性) tooth and nail (副词性) 英汉成语中所反映的文化差异 1、生存环境的差异 成语的产生与人们的劳动和生活密切相关。英国是一个岛国,历史上航海业曾一度领先世界;而汉民族在亚洲大陆生活繁衍,人们的生活离不开土地。比喻花钱浪费,大手大脚,英语是spend money like water,而汉语是“挥金如土”。英语中有许多关于船和水的成语,在汉语中没有完全相同的对应成语,如to rest on one's oars(暂时歇一歇), to keep one's head above water(奋力图存), all at sea(不知所措)等等。 在汉语的文化氛围中,“东风”即是“春天的风”,夏天常与酷署炎热联系在一起,“赤日炎炎似火烧”、“骄阳似火”是常被用来描述夏天的词语。而英国地处西半球,北温带,海洋性气候,报告春天消息的却是西风,英国著名诗人雪莱的《西风颂》正是对春的讴歌。英国的夏季正是温馨宜人的季节,常与“可爱”、“温和”、“美好”相连。莎士比亚在他的一首十四行诗中把爱人比作夏天,Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?/Thou art more lovely and more temperate。 2、习俗差异 英汉习俗差异是多方面的,最典型的莫过于在对狗这种动物的态度上。狗在汉语中是一种卑微的动物。汉语中与狗有关的成语大都含有贬意:“狐朋狗党”、“狗急跳墙”、“狼心狗肺”、“狗腿子”等,尽管近些年来养庞物狗的人数大大增加,狗的“地位”似乎有所改变,但狗的贬义形象却深深地留在汉语言文化中。而在西方英语国家,狗被认为是人类


汉语四字格翻译 汉语中四字结构的翻译在很多时候,非常令人头疼棘手,很多同学要么误认为这些都属于成语,要么总想在英语中找一个形式与之对应的翻译来处理。其实不然,汉语中出现的四字格,很多只是为了读起来上口,对仗,并没有太深的寓意,我们只需简单的理解一下意思,我们在很多情况下可以将四字格前后两个词语分开来处理,首先判断该结构属于什么词类,然后再分析前后两个词语间的逻辑关系,用相应的单词或者表达处理即可。 请看下面的例子: (一)并列关系 这种四字结构,前后两个词语属于并列关系,我们只要能够将前后两个词语分别译成相应的英语译文,中间用并列连词“and”连接即可。 名山大川famous mountains and great rivers 名胜古迹scenic spots and historical sites 湖光山色landscape of lakes and hills 青山绿水green hills and clear waters 奇松怪石strangely-shaped pines and grotesque rock formations 平等互利equality and mutual benefit 扬长避短play up strengths and avoid weaknesses 反腐倡廉fight corruption and build a clean government 简政放权streamline administration and institute decentralization 集思广益draw on collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas 国泰民安the country flourish and the people live in peace and harmony 政通人和the government functions well and people cooperate well 国计民生national welfare and the people’s livelihood 辞旧迎新bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new 徇私舞弊bend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud 流连忘返linger on with no thought of leaving for home 国际局势复杂多变the complex and volatile international situation 开拓进取blaze new trails and forge ahead 求同存异seek common ground while shelving differences (二)语意重复 这种四字结构前后两个词语的语意是一样的,如果前后两个词语都翻译就构成语意重复了,广袤无垠的中华大地the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory 高瞻远瞩的决策a visionary/far-sighted decision 贯彻落实重大决策carry out/ implement a series of major policy decisions 层峦叠嶂peaks rising one after another 优胜劣汰survival of the fittest 延年益寿prolong one’s life 灵丹妙药panacea / miraculous cure


英汉互译中汉语四字结构地应用 受“中庸”哲学思想地影响,中国人地美学观念中特别强调平衡美,除了大量使用对仗,还大量使用前后两部分并列关系地四字词组,这个结构是汉语一个突出地特点,因为四字结构表意精当、读来琅琅上口,也充分体现了汉语讲求平衡地特征.然而,译员在进行汉译时也不能刻意追求四字结构地使用,影响目标语质量.反之,在汉译英中,译员也无须拘泥于来源语,用英文中地形容词、名词或一些特殊结构处理即可. 大会顺利结束了,但是我们面前地道路是不平坦地,要保持头脑地冷静,形势稍好,尤须兢慎.居安思危,思则有备,有备无患.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 我们这个国家太大,问题太多、太复杂,这就要求我们这个民族不畏艰险、百折不挠、坚定信心、永远奋斗. 董先生勤勤恳恳、任劳任怨、敢于承担,表现出对国家、对香港高度负责地精神. 我们应该牢牢把握中美关系地大局,妥善解决分歧,不断朝着增进了解、扩大共识、发展合作、共创未来地目标前进. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 备注:汉语并列地成分用顿号或逗号隔开即可,而英语要用等. “ ..”表示目地,意思是使得目标语逻辑清楚,结构简洁,符合英语地表达习惯. [汉语并列地四字格在翻译中地补译汉语有时使用并列地四字格使得表达更加紧凑、简洁,而在翻译成英语时就需要添加联接词,显现句子关系,即将有内在联系地句子、短语等用连词、从句、不定式、分词、介词等显现内在关系.]文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 如何处理口译中地四个字: 并列关系,语意重复,目地关系,途径方式,偏正词组,动宾关系,省略意象,条件关系,短语九大类. 并列关系 名山大川 名胜古迹 湖光山色 青山绿水 奇松怪石文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 平等互利 扬长避短 反腐倡廉 简政放权文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 集思广益文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 国泰民安文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 政通人和文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 国计民生’ 辞旧迎新文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 徇私舞弊文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 流连忘返 国际局势复杂多变文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 开拓进取 求同存异 语意重复 广袤无垠地中华大地文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 高瞻远瞩地决策


英汉互译中汉语四字结构的应用 受“中庸”哲学思想的影响,中国人的美学观念中特别强调平衡美,除了大量使用对仗,还大量使用前后两部分并列关系的四字词组,这个结构是汉语一个突出的特点,因为四字结构表意精当、读来琅琅上口,也充分体现了汉语讲求平衡的特征。然而,译员在进行汉译时也不能刻意追求四字结构的使用,影响目标语质量。反之,在汉译英中,译员也无须拘泥于来源语,用英文中的形容词、名词或一些特殊结构处理即可。 1大会顺利结束了,但是我们面前的道路是不平坦的,要保持头脑的冷静,形势稍好,尤须兢慎。居安思危,思则有备,有备无患。 2我们这个国家太大,问题太多、太复杂,这就要求我们这个民族不畏艰险、百折不挠、坚定信心、永远奋斗。 3董先生勤勤恳恳、任劳任怨、敢于承担,表现出对国家、对香港高度负责的精神。 4我们应该牢牢把握中美关系的大局,妥善解决分歧,不断朝着增进了解、扩大共识、发展合作、共创未来的目标前进。 备注:汉语并列的成分用顿号或逗号隔开即可,而英语要用and等。 “so as to..”表示目的,意思是使得目标语逻辑清楚,结构简洁,符合英语的表达习惯。 [汉语并列的四字格在翻译中的补译汉语有时使用并列的四字格使得表达更加紧凑、简洁,而在翻译成英语时就需要添加联接词,显现句子关系,即将有内在联系的句子、短语等用连词、从句、不定式、分词、介词等显现内在关系。] 如何处理口译中的四个字: 并列关系,语意重复,目的关系,途径方式,偏正词组,动宾关系,省略意象,条件关系,短语九大类。 名山大川famous mountains and great rivers 名胜古迹scenic spots and historical sites 湖光山色landscape of lakes and hills 青山绿水green hills and clear waters 奇松怪石strangely-shaped pines and grotesque rock formations 平等互利equality and mutual benefit 扬长避短play up strengths and avoid weaknesses 反腐倡廉fight corruption and build a clean government 简政放权streamline administration and institute decentralization 集思广益draw on collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas 国泰民安the country flourish and the people live in peace and harmony 政通人和the government functions well and people cooperate well 国计民生national welfare and the people’s livelihood 辞旧迎新bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new 徇私舞弊bend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud 流连忘返linger on with no thought of leaving for home 国际局势复杂多变the complex and volatile international situation


(一)并列关系 名山大川famous mountains and great rivers 名胜古迹scenic spots and historical sites 湖光山色landscape of lakes and hills 青山绿水green hills and clear waters 奇松怪石strangely-shaped pines and grotesque rock formations 平等互利equality and mutual benefit 扬长避短play up strengths and avoid weaknesses 反腐倡廉fight corruption and build a clean government 简政放权streamline administration and institute decentralization 集思广益draw on collective wisdon and absorb all useful ideas 国泰民安the country flourish and the people live in peace and harmony 政通人和the government functions well and people cooperate well 国计民生national welfare and the people’s livelihood 辞旧迎新bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new 徇私舞弊bend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud 流连忘返linger on with no thought of leaving for home 国际局势复杂多变the complex and volatile international situation 开拓进取blaze new trails and forge ahead 求同存异seek common ground while shelving differences (二)语意重复 广袤无垠的中华大地the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory 高瞻远瞩的决策a visionary/far-sighted decision 贯彻落实重大决策carry out/ implement a series of major policy decisions 层峦叠嶂peaks rising one after another 优胜劣汰survival of the fittest 延年益寿prolong one’s life 灵丹妙药panacea / miraculous cure 长治久安a long period of stability 求真务实pragmatic 审时度势size up the trend of events 招商引资attract investment 誉满全球举世闻名world-renowned 功在当代,利在千秋in the interest of the current and future generations 继往开来,承前启后(continue the past and open up the future ) break new ground for the future 路遥知马力,日久见人心Time will tell. 吃的苦中苦,方知甜中甜no sweet without sweat 车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直in the end things mend /there’s always a way out 急功近利eager for instant success and quick profits


四字格翻译 (一)并列关系 名山大川famous mountains and great rivers 名胜古迹scenic spots and historical sites 湖光山色landscape of lakes and hills 青山绿水green hills and clear waters 奇松怪石strangely-shaped pines and grotesque rock formations 平等互利equality and mutual benefit 扬长避短play up strengths and avoid weaknesses 反腐倡廉fight corruption and build a clean government 简政放权streamline* administration and institute decentralization (vt. To form into a smooth shape which moves easily through water or air 把…设计为流线型) 集思广益draw on* collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas (vt. To make use of)国泰民安the country flourish and the people live in peace and harmony 政通人和the government functions well and people cooperate well 国计民生national welfare and the people’s livelihood 辞旧迎新bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new 徇私舞弊bend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud 流连忘返linger (on, over)* with no thought of leaving for home (to wait for a time instead of going; 国际局势复杂多变the complex and volatile international situation 开拓进取blaze new trails and forge ahead 求同存异seek common ground while shelving differences (二)语意重复 广袤无垠的中华大地the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory 高瞻远瞩的决策a visionary/far-sighted decision 贯彻落实重大决策carry out/ implement a series of major policy decisions 层峦叠嶂peaks rising one after another 优胜劣汰survival of the fittest 延年益寿prolong one’s life 灵丹妙药panacea/ miraculous cure 长治久安 a long period of stability 求真务实pragmatic 审时度势size up the trend of events 招商引资attract investment 誉满全球举世闻名world-renowned 功在当代,利在千秋in the interest of the current and future generations 继往开来,承前启后(continue the past and open up the future ) break new ground for the future 路遥知马力,日久见人心Time will tell. 吃的苦中苦,方知甜中甜no sweet without sweat 车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直in the end things mend /there’s alwa ys a way out


四字格的英译 (一)并列关系 这种四字结构,前后两个词语属于并列关系,我们只要能够将前后两个词语分别译成相应的英语译文,中间用并列连词“and”连接即可。 名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers 名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites 湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills 青山绿水 green hills and clear waters 奇松怪石 strangely-shaped pines and grotesque rock formations 平等互利 equality and mutual benefit 扬长避短 play up strengths and avoid weaknesses 反腐倡廉fight corruption and build a clean government 简政放权streamline administration and institute decentralization 集思广益 draw on collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas 国泰民安 the country flourish and the people live in peace and harmony

政通人和the government functions well and people cooperate well 国计民生national welfare and the people’s livelihood 辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new 徇私舞弊bend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud 国际局势复杂多变the complex and volatile international situation 开拓进取 blaze new trails and forge ahead 求同存异seek common ground while shelving differences (二)语意重复 这种四字结构前后两个词语的语意是一样的,如果前后两个词语都翻译就构成语意重复了, 广袤无垠的中华大地 the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory 高瞻远瞩的决策 a visionary/far-sighted decision 贯彻落实重大决策carry out/ implement a series of major policy decisions

政治方面,四字格成语 英语翻译

政治经济活动 “达标”活动“target hitting” activities “豆腐渣”工程jerry-built project “一条龙”服务coordinated-process service 安居工程Housing Project for low-income families 按劳分配distribution according to one's performance 把握正确的舆论导向to properly guide the public opinion 把眼光放远一些to subordinate immediate interests to the long-term ones / to be farsighted / to have a broad view 把已经确定的方针政策措施落到实处to get the set principles,policies and measures implemented 百花齐放、百家争鸣Let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend. 百年不遇once-in-a-century 摆门面to put up an impressive front 半拉子工程uncompleted project 包干到户work contracted to households 保重点,不撒胡椒面Resources must be channeled to (or concentrated on ) priority projects and not spread thinly (evenly) everywhere. 本位主义departmentalism 变相涨价disguised inflation 拨乱反正to set things right / to restore things to order 不顾条件,一哄而起to rush into action in disregard of objective conditions 不合理收费、集资和摊派to impose charges and quotas and collect money without authorization 不良风气unhealthy ways and customs 不正之风unhealthy practice (tendency) 部优产品Ministry-recognized quality goods / products 菜篮子工程the shopping basket project 参政议政意识the awareness of the need to participate in the discussion and administration of state affairs 超计划生育to have more children than what is planned / extra-plan babies 吃大锅饭the egalitarian practice of “everybody eating from the same big pot ” 吃皇粮to receive salaries,subsidies,or other supported from the government 传销pyramid selling / multi-level marketing 春运(passenger)transportation during the Spring Festival 磁悬浮列车maglev train (magnetically levitated train) / magnetic suspension 打白条to issue IOUs 打假to crack down on counterfeit goods 打破僵局to break the deadlock 大路货staple goods 大排档sidewalk snack booth / large stall 大腕top notch (singer etc.) / a heavyweight 待业job-waiting 党群关系Party-masses relationship 党性one's Party morale / Party spirit / Party character 倒爷profiteer 第二职业second employment / second occupation 第三产业tertiary industry / service sector
