



1. It __________that the necklace was made of glass.

A. turned out

B. made out

C. looked out

D. took out


turn out: 结果是;证明是

The party turned out to be very successful. 晚会结果开得很成功。

2. ___________, he can finish the work in a couple of weeks.

A. Giving good health

B. If give good health

C. Given good health

D. If he is good given health

解析:该题选C,题目大意是“倘若身体好,他能在一两周内完成这项工作”。given 引导方式状语,意为“倘若,假设,考虑到”。如:

1. Given their inexperience, the y’ve done a good job.考虑到他们缺乏经验,他们


2. Given some more time, I would do the job better.假如时间再多些,我能把工作


3. Given good health, the old lady can look after her grand-daughter for her son.假


3. ___________ to speak at the meeting, I couldn’t very well refuse.

A. Called up

B. Called off

C. Called at

D. Called on


call on sb. to do st h:invite/require sb. to do sth.请/要求某人做某事

1. A teacher can call on individual students to compose similar questions.


2. The chairman called on his people to organize so that they could be more


4. The poor police had never __________ of winning.

A. made a chance

B. took a chance

C. stood a chance

D. kept a chance


stand a chanc e:have a prospect (of sth.) 有…希望

1. stand a chance of winning the game有可能赢得这场比赛

2. I think you stand a good chance of being elected president.我认为你极有可能


3. Weak and lame in one leg, he never stood a chance of getting the job of


5. If our neighbor continues to refuse to keep his dog under control, we have to take him to ___________.

A. solicitor

B. brush

C. prisoner

D. court


take sb. to court:控告某人,对某人提出诉讼

1. If you don't pay up, I'll take you to court. 如果你不还清欠款, 我就到法院告


2. He is taken to court for the brush with the police.他因为与警察发生小冲突而


3. You can take me to court if you want to. There is nothing in writing. 如果愿意

你可以起诉我, 但是没有任何书面文件.

6. I found a couple of shoes under the bed but they don’t make ___________.

A. a bunch

B. a pair

C. a flock

D. a pack


a pair:一对;一双;一对搭档;一副

1. I want a pair of sunglasses.我想要一副太阳镜。

2. Construct a pair of rotating orthogonal cardioids.作一对相互正交的旋转心脏


3. A pair of stage sisters did a pantomime in costume.一对舞台姐妹演了一出化


7. In the past few years my aunt ___________ enough money to buy a house.

A. has saved up

B. has kept up

C. has set up

D. has saved aside

解析:该题选A,题目大意是“我的婶婶在前几年存了足够的钱去买了一所房子”。save u p:储存起来;储蓄

1. I worked hard to save up for a new house.我努力工作存钱来买新房子。

2. I'm opening an account to save up for a new car.我正要开立账户,以便存钱买辆


3. I am looking for a temporary job so that I can save some money to study abroad.


8. Our train is __________ in Beijing at 9 a.m.

A. late

B. due

C. early

D. sure


due a. (车、船、飞机、人、物等)预定应到的,预期应到的,约定的,到期的

1. When is the train due? 火车什么时候到?

2. Phil's train is due at 7:00 p.m. 菲尔的火车预计划下午七点钟到。

3. The baby is due in the middle of January. 婴儿预计1月中旬出生。

4. His next book is due out shortly.他的下一本书预计很快将出版。

5. He was due back (at work) Friday morning. 他预定于周五早晨回来(上班)。

6. Their plane is due in Chicago at 7p.m.他们的飞机定于晚上七点钟到达。

7. The plane was due(in)at six.It is an hour overdue.飞机应该是6点到,现


9. A few workers were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were


A. settled

B. committed

C. dismissed

D. proposed



1. 解散,遣散,让散开,让离开;把…打发走:

The teacher dismissed the class early.老师早下课。

2. 免(或撤)…的职,罢…的官;革(职),解雇,开除:

They dismissed the cook.他们把厨师解雇了。

The boss dismissed the employee.老板解雇了那个雇员。

10. ___________ I thought he was joking, but then I realized he was serious.

A. At least

B. At leisure

C. At first

D. At my best


at first: 起初,当初

1. At first I felt very lonely.起先我感到很寂寞。

2. At first I did not like him but now I do.起初我不喜欢他,但现在却喜欢。

3. At first it was all very casual and fun.起初,一切都非常的偶然和有趣.

11. He tried in vain to _________ the students __________ their professors.

A. turn…against

B. turn…to

C. turn…out

D. turn back


turn against sb.:(cause to) become hostile to 转而反对;使…反对;attack 转而袭击

1. What do you think has turned Mary against her parents?你认为什么使得玛丽


2. Will you turn against your professor if he is too hard on you?如果教授对你过


12. The police _________ the driver with drunken driving.

A. concluded

B. charged

C. tracked

D. outraged



1. The policeman was charged with neglecting of his duty.这个警察被指控玩忽


2. He was arrested and charged with committing a variety of offences. 他被捕并


13. The lady was expecting a baby in a__________ of months.

A. pair

B. couple

C. bunch

D. few


a couple of: a small numberof (少数)几个,一两个

1. I waited a couple of hours.我等了几个小时。

2. Those were a couple of jets.那只是几架喷气飞机。

3. There’s a couple of vacant rooms behind the office.在办公室后面有几间空房。

14. The sudden snowstorm during the night _________ my decision not to leave.

A. discovered

B. inquired

C. charged

D. confirmed


confir m:证实,肯定,确认,坚定( 信念等)

1. This confirms what I suspected all along.这证实了我一直以来的怀疑。

2. X-rays have confirmed that he has not broken any bones.X光片证实他没有骨


3. These new statistics confirm our worst fears about the depth of the recession.


15. Just ________ your time and tell me clearly what happened at the meeting


A. save

B. get

C. take

D. spare


take one’s time:不急,慢慢干;不慌不忙

1. Take your time packing, for we still have one and a half hour.慢慢整理行李,


2. They didn't realize that there was any hurry, so they took their time. 他们不了



1. A

2. C

3. D

4. C

5. D

6. B

7. A

8. B

9. C 10. C

11. A 12. B 13. B 14. D 15. C


1. _________ because I was tired of learning.

A. Due to my leaving college

B. To leave college

C. No matter how I left college

D. I didn’t leave college



1. I didn’t leave home because I was afraid of my father.我离开家并不是因为害


2. John didn’t marry Jane because she was rich, or because she was pretty.约翰


3. The police did not arrest him because he had really committed any crime.警察


2. She took detailed __________ of what the teachers had discussed at the


A. notes

B. diary

C. breath

D. items


take note s:记笔记,做记录

1. Yeah. Yeah I have to take notes.对我得记笔记。

2. You'd better take notes in class.你最好上课记笔记。

3. Can you take notes at this afternoon's meeting?今天下午开会你能做记录吗?

3. He __________ late writing his term paper.

A. stayed out

B. stayed away

C. stayed behind

D. stayed up


stay u p:not go to bed until after the usual time 不睡觉,晚睡,熬夜

1. stay up practising typing熬夜练习打字

2. She stayed up reading until midnight. 她看书看到半夜才睡。

3. He stays up reading and writing until midnight.他每天都阅读写作到半夜为


4. Medical scientists __________ finding a cure for cancer since 1960s.

A. have been working out

B. have been working

C. have been working on

D. have been building on


work o n:致力于,从事于:

1. He has been working on a new novel for over a year now.近一年多来, 他一直


2. The scientists are still working on inventing new methods of reaching outer


5. You __________ an important detail in your report of the accident.

A. left behind

B. fished out

C. left out

D. made out

解析:该题选C,题目大意是“你在事故报告中漏掉了一个重要的细节”。leave ou t:fail to mention or include; omit; forget 没有提到或包括;省去,遗漏,忘记

Is this the thing you have left out in speech?这是你在讲话中漏掉的事吗?

I noticed that the advertisement leaves out the price of the product.我注意到广告


6. I teach because teaching is a profession _________ change.

A. building on

B. built on

C. building of

D. built of


build on:以…为基础;依赖;一心指望

1. You can build on his honesty. 你可以信赖他的诚实可靠。

2. They decided to buildonthat island.他们决定在那个岛上建造房子

3. The engine is built on a new principle. 这种发动机是根据一种新的原理制造出来的。

7. After running to the bus-stop, I sat down to __________.

A. out of breath

B. catch breath

C. catch my breath

D. lose my breath

解析:该题选C,题目大意是“跑到公共汽车站之后,我坐下来歇口气”。catch one’s breath:屏住呼吸;<非正>休息一下;歇一口气

1. It's ten o'clock, let's catch our breath.十点了, 让我们歇一下吧。

2. After climbing to the hill top, I sat down to catch my breath.爬到山顶之后我坐


3. After the day's work, we sat down over coffee to catch our breath.白天辛劳工作后, 我们坐下来喝杯咖啡, 放松一下。

4. After running to the bus stop we sat down to catch our breath.我们跑到汽车站


8. She wrote articles and __________ to the Evening Paper.

A. sent for them

B. sent them off

C. sent them out

D. sent off them


send off:寄出,寄走(信或包裹)

1. I’d like to send the parcel off by the early post.我想将这个包裹通过早班邮件


2. He sent off copies to various people for them to read and make comments.他将


9. Many young girls like to __________ for recording their private thoughts

and feelings.

A. keep a diary

B. keep a secret

C. keep a promise

D. take notes

解析:该题选A,题目大意是“许多女孩喜欢记日记,以此记录下她们的个人想法和情感”。keep a diary和keep diary的区别:

keep diary:记日记(表动作)

keep a diary:习惯地记日记(表状态)


1. So, I start keep diary again.就这样,我又开始写日记了

2.It's a good habit for you to keep a diary.写日记对你来说是一个好习惯。

10. Tom started as an engineering student, but he __________ English because

he liked it.

A. switched off

B. switched on

C. switched on to

D. switched to

解析:该题选D,题目大意是“汤姆开始学的是工程学,但由于爱好而改学英语”。switch to:change or shift; turn转变,转轨,改变

1. I used to cook with electri city, but I’ve switched to gas.我曾经用电来烧饭,


2. As he didn’t like the TV program, he switched to another channel.因为他不喜


3.As the demand for tape-recorder has fallen off the factory has switched to the

production of color TV sets.由于磁带录音机需求下降,工厂已改产彩色电


11. I’m _________ that he is innocent in the whole affair.

A. convincing

B. believed

C. believing

D. convinced


be convinced:服气;心折;确信;信服


1. You will soon beconvincedthat she is innocent.你不久就会确信她是无罪


2. He first requirement is that we beconvinced.他第一个要求是,我们信服。

3. Ask yourself, what else do I need to beconvinced?想想自己,我需要什么服


12. I prefer to work in an ___________ environment where there are good

libraries and cultural facilities.

A. urban

B. rural

C. suburb

D. area


urban:of a town or city 城市的,都市的,居住在城市的

1. Many people move to urban areas to have the excitement of city life.许多人搬


2. Transportation, housing, and employment are very important urban problems.


3.In the past ten years or so, China’s urban population has been increasing very


13. The statement about the mad cow disease constituted a direct _________

to the British government.

A. instruction

B. permission

C. challenge

D. sympathy

解析:该题选C,题目大意是“疯牛病的形式构成对英国政府的直接挑战”。challenge:n. 挑战;盘问;质疑;怀疑

1.The new government's first challenge is the economy. 新政府面临的第一个难题是经济问题。

2.I like a big challenge and they don't come much bigger than this.我喜欢大的挑战,而所有挑战中再没有比这更大的了。

14.He was ___________ by illness to drop out of school.

A. prompted

B. encouraged

C. compelled

D. promoted


be compelled:被迫

1. Love cannot be compelled. 爱情不能强求。

2. No one may be compelled to belong to an association. 任何人不得迫使隶属


3. So he might be compelled to remain here months, and in what a state! 这样他


4. Children could be compelled to work, thus effectively denying them

schooling.孩子们可能被强迫工作,因此而严重剥夺他们上学的权利。15.Jeanne has decided on law as her _________. She wants to become a civil

rights lawyer and help the poor.

A. employment

B. business

C. profession

D. occupation



1. What is your profession?你的职业是什么?

2. Cooking is not a profession.烹饪不只是一项职业。

3. He has a perfect professionrecord.他有着完美的职业记录。

4. Nursing is still a predominantly female profession.护理这个行业仍以女性为



1. D

2. A

3. D

4. C

5. C

6. B

7. C

8. B

9. A 10. D

11. D12. A 13. C 14. C 15. C


1.It was not long __________ the news spread and people from all over the

country came to visit the village.

A. before

B. when

C. until

D. after


It is / was not (won't be) long before… “不久就……”

1. It was not long before he realized the fact.他刚知道真相。

2. It won't be long before you get well.你不久就会康复的。(注意在before从句


3. It won't be long before we see each other.不久我们又会见面的。(注意在before从句里用一般现在时代替将来时)

2. —I saw Alice in tears yesterday. What happened to her?

—Nothing important. __________ a lit cigarette burned a hole in her new skirt.

A. Just for

B. Just that

C. Just because

D. Only because


just that:引导一个表示原因或理由的从句。

1. Nothing important. Just that I’m going to lose this new job.没什么大不了的,


2. Nothing important. Just that he’s a bit upset about losing the game.没什么大


3. Nothing important. Just that my new skirt was stained by ice cream.没什么大


4. Nothing’s the matter with me. Just that these shoes are so tight that they hurt

when I walk.我没事的。只是这双鞋太紧脚,走起路来硌得生疼。

3. After hearing the news, I could not ____________ my work that whole


A. concentrate in

B. set minds to

C. set my mind on

D. set my mind at

解析:该题选C,题目大意是“听到这消息后,我整个下午都无法安心工作”。set one’s mind on:专心去做某事

Nothing is difficult if you set your mind on it.世上无难事,只怕有心人。

4. You’ll ___________ to the job after you have been here a week or two.

A. catch up

B. catch to

C. catch on

D. catch with


catch o n:(informal) understand, learn about (often used with ‘to’)理解,明白,学会,懂得

1. I didn't catch on to this joke.我没明白这个笑话。

2. Mirian couldn't catch on to what paul said.密里安不理解保罗说的话的意


3. Mothers catch on to what their children think about.妈妈最理解她们的孩子


4. You will catch on to the new job after you’ve been here a couple of weeks.


5.The police warned people to be _________ for pickpockets during the

Christmas rush.

A. at guard

B. on ears

C. guard our attention

D. on guard


on guar d:ready to defend or protect; watchful警惕,提防

1. Be on guard when somebody flatters you. 有人奉承你时, 一定要当心。

2. While danger threatens we must all be on guard. 危险正逼近,我们必须保


3. The citizens were warned to be on guard against a sudden night attack. 市民


4. The police warned people to be on guard against burglary during the spring


6. She had had no training, but that ___________ .

A. didn’t stand in her way

B. standing out of way

C. moved from her way

D. stood away the way


s tand/be in sb’s wa y:be in a position to delay or prevent someone from his intending action 阻碍,妨碍

1. Whatever you do, I will not stand in your way.不管你做什么,我都不会妨碍


7. While my wife and my children were away for the long weekend, __________.

A. I alone in the house

B. I alone had a house

C. I had the entire house to myself

D. I got a house to myself


have sth. to onesel f:be able to use, enjoy, etc sb./sth. without others独享,独用

1. When we move into the new house, I can have a room to myself.我们搬进新


2. When she eats in a restaurant, she likes to have a table to herself.当她在餐馆


8. All our supply of food has __________.

A. pass out

B. out run

C. run out

D. run up


run out: come to an end; be used up 到期;用完,耗尽

1. My passport has run out.我的护照到期了。

2. You’d better hurry up. We are running out of time.你最好快一点,我们的时


3. The contract had run out before Mr. Lin was able to find a new job.合同到期


9. The children _________ in their father’s shop when things are busy.

A. help to

B. help on

C. help away

D. help out


help ou t:help sb., esp. In a difficult situation or a crisis 帮助(摆脱困境)

1. Is there anything I can do to help out?有什么我能帮忙做的事吗?

2. We are glad to do what we can do to help out.我们乐意尽力帮你摆脱困境。

3. A good dictionary will help out in one's reading.一部好词典对阅读是有帮助


4. Whenever she heard that someone had trouble she would go to help out.


10. In the West, people often __________ for mail-order goods, which can

save a lot of time.

A. sent out

B. order

C. send

D. send away


send away for:write to sb. to ask for sth., to be sent to one by post函索;写信定货

1. I want to send away for some books I need. 我想函购我需要的一书籍。

2. We send away for the new brochure .我们写信求寄新手册。

3.He wants to send away for some a book. 他想写信去要一些书。

4.Now I need a radio badly so I will have to send away for some money to buy it.


11. __________ teaching in the school, Jane gives piano lessons to some

children at home.

A. Except

B. In addition to

C. But

D. In addition


in addition和in addition to的不同

in addition to和in addition都是很常见很常用的短语,都有“除了、还有”


In addition to整个词组相当于一个介词,所以to的后面要接宾语。例如: In addition to native plants, this garden contains numerous trees and flowers from overseas.除了当地的植物之外,这座花园还有无数来自海外的花草树木。

In addition相当于副词,通常放在从句的句首,后面接完整的句子。例如:This garden has the best collection of native plants. In addition, it contains numerous trees and flowers from overseas. 这座花园有当地植物的最佳珍藏。


12. His excellent educational background _________ him for the job.

A. qualifies

B. promises

C. encourages

D. leads


qualif y:(cause to) gain a certain level of knowledge, ability, or performance or a qualification(使)胜任,(使)合适,(使)具有资格

1. I qualified as a doctor from London University over 30 years ago.


2. The basic course does not qualify you to practise as a therapist.


3. Don’t worry. After some training, all the new employees will be qualified to

the job.不用担心,经过培训之后,所有新雇员都会胜任这项工作的。

4. He is the manager’s son but that does not qualify him to criticize my work.


13. When she learned that her son was killed in battle, the Mexican woman

___________ her tears with much difficulty.

A. held back

B. held up

C. held out

D. take back


hold bac k:control or restrain sb./sth.抑制住,忍住(眼泪、笑声等)

1. She kept trying to hold back her tears.她一直在试图抑制住眼泪。

2. He could no longer hold back convulsive laughter.他再也忍不住,前俯后仰地


3. I was close to tears with frustration, but I held back.我沮丧得快要哭出来,但


14. If you think you can do the job, don’t hesitate, just __________.

A. go away

B. go over

C. go ahead

D. go off


go ahead: advance; make progress 前进;着手做某事;尽管去做;不要等(常用于祈使句)

1. “May I ask you a question?”“Yes,go ahead.”


2. The police examined the cars and allowed them to go ahead.警察检查了这些


3. He decided to go ahead with his research in spite of all the troubles it had


made to him.尽管研究给他带来许多困难,但他还是继续进行他的研究。

4. The teacher told the students not to write on the paper yet,but John went

ahead and wrote his name.老师还没叫学生在纸上写,约翰就已开始写了他的名字。

15. It was under __________ that he agreed to resign from the committee.

A. failure

B. pressure

C. control

D. influence


pressure n. 压力

习惯用法:be/come under pressure 受到压力,在压力之下,迫于压力

1. Many children are under pressure.很多孩子生活在压力下。

2. The chairperson acceded under pressure.主席在压力下同意了。

3. She only wrote the letter under pressure.她是被迫写这封信的。

4. He is under pressure from heavy work.他正承受繁重工作所带来的压力。

5. Countries are under pressure to curtail public expenditure.很多国家被迫削


16. Mr. Tyler used to eat with a napkin __________ under his chin.

A. tighten

B. slip

C. issued

D. tucked


tuck vt. 塞(进,在)

1. She tucked her shirt into her skirt.她把自己的衬衫塞进裙子里。

2. He tried to tuck his flapping shirt inside his trousers.他设法把飘起的衬衫塞


3. She found a rose tucked under the windscreen wiper of her car one morning.


17. The students experience severe __________ as final exams draw near.

A. control

B. pressure

C. tension

D. reaction


tension n. 紧张,焦虑,焦急,紧张状态

1. The tension in a hospital emergency room can be very high.在医院急诊间,气


2. Smiling and laughing has actually been shown to relieve tension and stress.


3. She has done her best to keep calm but finds herself trembling with tension

and indecision.她尽力保持镇定,可还是由于紧张、犹豫不决而抖个不停。

18. I little understood the pressure __________ her.

A. on

B. in

C. at

D. against


pressur e n:(向某人施加的)压力

1. He may have put pressure on her to agree.他可能向她施加了压力,迫使她


2. Its government is under pressure from the European Commission.其政府承


3. The political pressures to do something are pretty enormous.要求采取行动


19. He ___________ that half an hour would be enough for him to get to the

station, but he simply forgot that it was the rush hour.

A. realized

B. assumed

C. admitted

D. acknowledge


assum e:take as a fact or as true without proof;suppose假定,设想,主观认为

1. I assume that the misunderstanding will be cleared up.我认定这误会会消除。

2. It is a misconception to assume that the two continents are similar.关于这两


3. If the package is wrapped well, we assume the contents are also wonderful.如


4. If mistakes occurred, they were assumed to be the fault of the commander on

the spot.如果出现了错误,就会认为是现场指挥官的失误。

20. The police warned the children not to __________ the madman.

A. approach

B. beyond

C. replace

D. enroll


approac h:come near or nearer (to)靠近,接近,走近

1. He didn't approach the front door at once.他没有马上走向前门。

2. When I approached, they grew silent.当我走近时,他们就不说话了。

3. We turned to see the approaching car slow down.我们转身看见驶近的车慢


4. As I approached the house, I noticed that the door was open.当我靠近这所



1. A

2. B

3. C

4. C

5. D

6. A

7. C

8. C

9. D 10. D

11. B 12. A 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. D 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. A


1. I knocked several times __________ an old man answered the door.

A. as

B. when

C. while

D. before


连词before引出从句, 全句可译为:


1. It will be months before he is fit for the job.还得几个月之后,他才能适应这


2. We waited five hours before the runway was cleared of heavy snow and made

ready for take-off.我们足足等了5个小时,才有人清扫完跑道上的积雪,准备好飞机起飞。

2. The medicine is __________ in dealing with cancer.

A. little of use

B. of little use

C. of useful

D. for little use


be of great( littl e,som e,an y,n o,no t,much) + 抽象名词表示:(属性)具有,有。这个结构相当于“be + 形容词”,其中名词常用valu e,importanc e,us e,significance等。

1. The meeting is of great importance.(is very important) 这次会议很重要。

2. There is no doubt that her advice is of great value to us. (valuable)


3. The dictionary is of little use to beginners of English. (useful)


3. He was so _________ from things around him that I wondered whether he did

listen to what I said just now.

A. separated

B. detached

C. dispatched

D. touched


be detached fro m:show no interest in, be indifferent to 对…漠然置之

1. be detached from the flying saucer program对飞碟计划漠不关心

2. She has been detached from anything around her since her husband died.


4. Mrs. Smith went on a diet and in three months ___________ her weight to

100 pounds.

A. brought back

B. brought up

C. brought down

D. brought about


bring dow n:reduc e;cause to fall 减少,降低

1. bring down the temperature降低温度

2. bring down the income taxes降低所得税

3. Zhang li went on a diet and in three months brought down her weight to 50


4. The nurse gave him an injection to bring down the temperature.护士给他注


5. What shall I do to ________ this _________ getting dirty?

A. from…keeping

B. keep…from

C. keeping…from

D. keep…on


keep sb/sth from +分词:是阻止,妨碍的意思

1. I hope you will keep from doing anything rash. 我希望你不要做出任何鲁


2. I horse around quite a lot, just to keep from getting bored.


3. Hearing the words, he couldn't keep from laughing.


6. I would _________ play tennis than football.

A. quite

B. simply

C. rather

D. like


“would rather+动词原形”表示“宁愿”,是英语中常见的一个惯用句式,美国英语中多用had rather。would (had)在此决无“过去”之意,它是一个情态助动词,且无词性、时态变化。

1. He’d rather work in the countryside. 她宁可到农村去工作。

3.Mr Li would rather not listen to rock music. 李先生不愿意听摇滚音乐。

4.3. If you’d rather be alone, we’ll all leave here. 如果你宁愿独自呆着,那我


4. You would rather stay at home and do some reading this evening. 今晚你最好


5. You can go out and enjoy yourself if you like, but I would rather stay home

and read.如果你愿意你可以外出去玩,但我宁愿呆在家里读书。

如果在两者中进行取舍,表示“宁愿……而不愿……,与其……宁可……”的意思时,则可用would rather…than…或would…rather than…的句型,例如

1. I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema. 我宁可在家看电视


2. The children would walk there rather than take a bus. 孩子们宁愿步行去那


注:在w ould rather…than…句型中,rather与than后都应跟不带to的动词不定式。

7. They waved to one another till the train was __________.

A. out of stock

B. out of order

C. out of sight

D. out of action


out of sigh t:unable to be seen 看不见了,在视野之外

1. The ship is out of sight.船已看不见了。

2. The train soon went out of sight.火车很快就看不见了。

3. The plane took off and was soon out of sight in the sky.飞机起飞后,很快便


4. The mother waved to her son till the bus was out of sight.那位妈妈一直向她


8. I told the boy to __________.

A. take easy

B. take easily

C. take it easy

D. take it easily


take it eas y:not to work too hard; not to worry too much松弛,不紧张, 不着急,从容

1. You will do better if you take it easy.假如你放松点,你会做得更好。

2. Take it easy, all sufferings have their reward.别着急,会苦尽甘来的。

3. Take it easy. You still have 10 minutes to finish it.别着急,你还有十分钟时间。

4. If I were you, I would take it easy; there is no need to be so nervous.我要是你


9. Relax a bit. Don’t hold tight _________ yourself like that.

A. to

B. onto

C. at

D. into


hold tight onto oneself:keep firm control over oneself 牢牢控制住自己,克制住自己,控制自己不做某事

1. I hold tight onto myself to smoke.我控制自己不抽烟。

2. You should remember to hold tight onto yourself when you become excited.


10. Paul followed the doctor’s __________ as to when to give his son medicines.

A. consideration

B. conclusion

C. regulation

D. instruction


instructio n:advice on how to do sth.;order用法,说明;指示(常用复数形式), 操作指南

1. Read the instruction carefully before using it.使用前必须认真阅读说明书。

2. Always read the instructions before you start taking the medicine.在服药之


3. The mechanic gave us instructions on how to fix our car’s brakes.那名机械师


4. Read the attached book carefully and follow the instructions when you set

the washing machine to work.在你启动洗衣机之前,要仔细阅读随机手册,按照说明来做。

11. My relatives are ___________ all over the country.

A. scattered

B. excluded

C. separated

D. dispatched


scatte r:go off in all directions 分散,散开/

其过去分词scattered作为形容词, 意思是:散布各方的; 离散的;分散的

1. After dinner, everyone scattered.用餐后,大家各奔东西。

2. The birds scattered at the sound of the gun.鸟儿听到枪声四散飞去。

3. Let's try not to scatter food or drink on the table.别把饭或汤撒到桌上。

4. I would love to scatter my flowers of love around your garden!我愿将爱之鲜


12. Jane is __________ with cold so that her teeth are chattering.

A. shaking

B. shivering

C. quaking

D. shocking


shiver vi. shake, tremble, esp. from cold or fear 战栗, 发抖(常和介词with搭配)

1. I was sitting on the floor shivering with fear.我坐在地板上,吓得发抖。

2. In the boundless space, without a family one will shiver with cold.没有了家


3. The shopping-bag lady stood at the street corner shivering all over with cold.


13. Mary _________ with embarrassment when she couldn’t answer the question.

A. shivered

B. worried

C. flushed

D. scattered


flush vi. (脸)发红

1. The boy flushed bright red with shame.那男孩羞得满脸通红。

2. Do you sweat a lot or flush a lot?你常出汗或是脸上常发烫吗?

3. He turned away embarrassed, his face flushing red.他难为情地扭过头去,羞


14. The road was so slippery when the snow was frozen into ice that I nearly

_______ down the mountain slope.

A. tumbled

B. slid

C. walked

D. stumbled


slid e:(cause to) move smoothly along a surface (使)滑动, 滑行,打滑

1. She slid the door open.她滑开了门。

2. I slid the wallet into his pocket.我把钱包麻利地塞进了他的口袋。

3. The children are sliding on the ice.孩子们在溜冰。

4. Tears were sliding down his cheeks.眼泪顺着他的脸颊往下淌。

15. She felt __________ and did nothing but sleep the whole day.

A. slack

B. the slack

C. slacking

D. slackly



slack a. not tens e;relaxed松弛的,放松的,懈怠的

1. Don't get slack at your work.不要懈怠你的工作。

2. The boss told the slack worker to take fewer coffee breaks.老板要求懒散的


3. She was shocked at the slack discipline in the school.对于学校松弛的纪律她



1. D

2. B

3. B

4. C

5. B

6. C

7. C

8. C

9. B 10. D

11. A 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. A


1. _________ and they will take a mile.

A. Give them an inch

B. As Giving them an inch

C. To give them an inch

D. Give an inch them


本句结构是“祈使句+ and + 陈述句”,其中前半部分的“祈使句”相当于if 引导的条件句,后半部分的陈述句用一般将来时,此结构表示“如果…,就会”。例如:

1. Give us the tools and we will finish the job in two days.如果给我们工具,我们


2. Fail to pay and they will cut off the electricity. 你如果不付款,他们就会断电。

3. Tell us what to do and we’ll get on with it. 你如果告诉我们怎么干,我们就继


2. The Americans spend Christmas Day __________ that the Europeans do.

A. in much the way same

B. in much the same way

C. in more the same way

D. in the same much way


先行词为the way 的that引导的是一个定语从句,表示:“以同样的方式”。

Mrs. Lu, born and brought up in France, does cooking in much the same way that the French do.陆太太在法国出生并长大,做出来的菜也与法国人的相似。

3. Fruits and vegetables __________ to our health greatly.

A. tribute

B. improved

C. contribute

D. led up


contribut e:help in bring about; have a share in促成,有助于;起一份作用,(为…)做贡献

1. contribute to health对健康有益

2. contribute to the solution of the problem有助于解决问题

3. The three sons also contribute to the family business.这3个儿子也为家族事


4. I believe that each of us can contribute to the future of the world.我相信我们


5. He believes he has something to contribute to a discussion concerning the


4. Daydreaming was __________ a waste of time.

A. viewing

B. taken

C. viewed as

D. impressed


v iew…a s:look upon as把…看作(认为,考虑,看待)

1.He views the whole thing as a joke. 他把这一切视为开玩笑。

2. We should view things in their totaling.我们应该总整体来看待事物。

3. She should not be viewed as a serious threat. 个体并不构成太大的威胁。

4. Are you be viewed as a trusted advisor by your key clients? 你是否在你的关


5. I hope you will not _________ his work.

A. communicate with

B. compare with

C. interfere with

D. live with


interfere wit h:hinder, affect, interrupt (指事件,环境等)妨害;妨碍; 干扰

1. interfere with children’s education妨碍孩子们的学业

2. My headache doesn’t interfere with my work.我的头痛不会妨碍我工作。

3. I kept the door and the window shut lest the noise outside should interfere

with my son’s sleep.我关上了门窗,以免外面的噪音影响我儿子的睡眠。

6. You’ll never _________ anything if you spend your time that way!

A. amount for

B. accommodate with

C. amount to

D. accuse of

解析:该题选C,题目大意是“如果你这样荒废时光,你将一事无成”。amount to:achieve succes s,develop int o;be equal to有成就,发展为;等于;总计

1. Her answer amounted to a refusal.她的回答等于是拒绝。

2. He is lazy when he should study hard. I am afraid he will amount to nothing.他


3. If you are so good to her without ever wanting to marry her, that will amount

to running her through the guts.


7. I wrote to ask him how he was getting along _________ his colleagues.

A. with

B. in

C. to

D. on


get along wit h:have a friendly relationship with 与…友好,与…和睦相处

1. The girl was very easy to get along with.这女孩很容易相处。

2. How do you get along with your co-workers?您与同事的关系如何?

3. He gets along with his colleagues.他与同事关系相处的非常融洽。

4. The project team member responsible for this part of the project does not get

along with the subcontractor.负责项目这部分的项目团队成员与这个分包商的关系也不好。

8. We must ___________ about our work or we’ll fall behind the schedule.

A. bring

B. go

C. set

D. come


go abou t:make a start at; undertake 着手做

1. How shall we go about the job.我们该如何着手干这件工作呢。

2. We'll have to go about it more carefully.我们必须愈加小心地做此事。

3. I want him back, but I just don't know how to go about it.我想让他回来,但


4. I want to make a dress, but I don’t know how to go about it.我想做件衣服,


9. Unfortunately, he died before his wish to be an astronaut could _________.

A. come to

B. come out

C. come up

D. come true


come tru e:happen just as was wished, expected or dreamt (愿望,设计)实现,成为现实

1. Mary hopes her dreams come true.玛丽希望她梦想成真。

2. His childhood wish to become a scientist has come true.他童年时梦想成为


3. For these notable achievers, it appears that their daydreams came true. 对这


10. Johnney has been warned time and again that reading in bed will ________ his

eyesight, but he just won’t listen.

A. influence

B. affect

C. effect

D. interfere


affec t:cause some result or chang e;influence影响

1. Reading in the sun will affect your eyesight.在阳光下看书会影响视力。

2. The economic crisis has seriously affected its exports.经济危机严重地影响了


3. More than seven million people have been affected by drought.已有超过700


4. Nicotine adversely affects the functioning of the heart and arteries.尼古丁会


11. It seems to me that I have been __________ my duty.

A. overlooking

B. concealing

C. neglecting

D. ignoring


neglec t:pay no attention to; give no or not enough care to 忽视, 疏忽,玩忽,不顾,漏做,遗忘

1. He neglected to write and say “thank you”.他忘记写并说“谢谢你”了。

2. No one trusts Bob, for he is never punctual and often neglects his duty.没有


3. If you are not careful, children tend to neglect their homework.如果你不注意


4. He'd given too much to his career, worked long hours, neglected her.他为事


12. Great efforts are needed before we can __________ our goal of economic


A. acquire

B. obtain

C. attain

D. gain



attain goa l:达到目标

1. He has exerted all his strength to attain his goal.他已经尽了全力以达到自己


2. The salesperson attained her sales goal for the month.这名销售员完成了当


13. As it turned out, the speaker was shout down by the _________ crowd.

A. hostile

B. cold

C. friendly

D. hospitable


hostil e:unfriendl y;showing dislik e;belong to an enemy不友好,不喜欢;


1. The proposal was met with a hostile reaction.这一建议遭到了反对。

2. Don’t be hostile to the new ideas and changes.不要对新观念新变化持反对


3. The Governor faced hostile crowds when he visited the town yesterday.州长


4. The West has gradually relaxed its hostile attitude to this influential state.西


14. The quickest ___________ of travel is by plane.

A. route

B. technique

C. means

D. method


means:metho d;way方法;手段

1. A train is a means of transportation.火车是一种交通工具。

2. We have no means of helping that poor man.我们没办法帮助那个穷人。

3. We must destroy it by whatever means necessary.我们必须使用一切必要手


15. Guesswork is no ___________ for investigation.

A. goal

B. project

C. achievement

D. substitute


substitute n. 代替的人,代替物,代用品(常与for连用)

v. 代替substitute A for B:用甲代替乙

1. There is no substitute for peace.平安是没有替身的。

2. Water is not a proper substitute for wine.水不是酒的适当代用品。

3. We sometimes substitute plastics for rubber.我们有时以塑料来代替橡胶。

4. We must substitute a new chair for the broken one.我们得用新椅子代替这


5. Never refuse to substitute one vegetable for another.不要拒绝用一种蔬菜代



1. A

2. B

3. C

4. C

5. C

6. C

7. A

8. B

9. D 10. B

11. C 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. D

