



1.——Dad, do you like my picture?

—— _______________! It's the nicest one I've ever seen!

A. What beautiful

B. How careful

C. How wonderful

D. What wonderful picture

【答案】 C


1、what修饰名词或名词短语,有以下两种形式:1. What+a(an)+(形容词)+单数可数

名词+主语+谓语!或是:What+名词词组+主语+谓语!2. What+(形容词)+可数名词复数





数,前文应用what a,故选C。




2.Wang Wei speaks English as ________ as Yang Lan. They both study English hard.

A. good

B. well

C. better

D. best

【答案】 B




3.Everyone wants to win in the contest. But I think ________ is to learn something and have fun.

A. the most important

B. important

C. more important

【答案】 A




4.Tina is as ________ as her sister, Tara.

A. outgoing

B. more outgoing

C. the most outgoing

【答案】 A


级,outgoing外向的,原级;more outgoing,比较级;the most outgoing,最高级,故选A。


5.The artist is so ________ that he can make different changing pictures with sand.

A. common

B. careless

C. creative

D. helpful

【答案】 C



6.Compared with newspapers or TV, the Internet offers people ______ information.

A. much

B. more

C. most

【答案】 B



7.—What do you think of the band's performance?

—It could be ______. I think they're feeling very nervous.

A. good

B. better

C. bad

D. worse

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意——你觉得乐队的表演怎么样?可能会更好。我觉得他们很紧张。A: good好的; B: better更好些; C: bad坏的; D: worse更糟糕。根据答语 I think they're feeling very nervous. ,可知比较好,要用比较级,故选B。


8.While watching the film yesterday, I couldn't stop laughing at some __________moments.

A. humorous

B. challenging

C. dangerous

D. surprising

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:昨天当看电影时,我在一些幽默的时刻禁不住大笑。humorous,幽默的;challenging,具有挑战性的;dangerous,危险的;surprising,令人吃惊的,根据I couldn't stop laughing,可知是在幽默的时刻,故选A。



9.—What do you think of English?

—I think English is as as Chinese.

A. useful

B. more useful

C. the most useful

【答案】 A




10.Journey to the West is a traditional book. It has been translated into different languages.

A. American

B. British

C. Chinese

【答案】 C




11.Are you alone? I just want a ______ word with you.

A. single

B. new

C. private

D. certain

【答案】 C


的;private私人的,私下的;certain一定的。根据Are you alone?可知要单独私下和他谈,



12.— What do you think of the movie Zootopia?

—Hmm… I think it is movie that I have ever seen these years.

A. a good

B. a better

C. the best

【答案】 C




13.How can you study in the living room when other people are talking loudly? I think you need

a_________ place.

A. quiet

B. quieter

C. quietest


【解析】【分析】quiet 是形容词原级,quieter 是比较级,quietest 是最高级,根据句意“当




14.Be more ____next time, and you won't make the same mistake again.

A. careless

B. careful

C. nervous

【答案】 B




15.Mr. Liu is a really nice person --- the ________ person I know.

A. nicer

B. nicest

C. happier

D. happiest

【答案】 B


根据“Mr. Liu is a really nice person”可知,选项与形容词nice有关,根据the及person后面



16.Miss Yang is very ________. She always explains things again and again till we understand.

A. careless

B. patient

C. brave

D. thin

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:杨小姐非常有耐心。她总是反复解释事情,直到我们明白为止。careless粗心的,patient有耐心的,brave勇敢的,thin瘦的。根据She always explains things again and again till we understand.可知,她总是反复解释,因此是有耐心的,故答案



17.Victor used to be a shy boy, but now he is ________ than before with our help.

A. quiet

B. quieter

C. outgoing

D. more outgoing

【答案】 D





18.The machine can work _____than that one.

A. hundred of times faster

B. a hundred time faster

C. hundred times faster

D. hundreds of times faster

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:这台机器比那台机器工作快几百倍。此处表示倍数,用times“倍数”,故排除B项。hundred与of连用时,表示约数,用复数形式,hundreds of好几百。故选D。


19.— We'll have _______ holiday in June. Will you go home?

— No. If I go home, I'll have to take_______ ride.

A. a one-week; seven days

B. an one-week; a seven day's

C. a one-week; a seven-day

D. an one-week's; a seven days'

【答案】 C


【点评】英语中很多单词是通过合成的方式构成的,他们叫做合成词,常见合成词有合成名词、合成动词、合成形容词等几种类型,其语法功能与普通单词用法一样。其一般构成规则就是其构成单词一般都要用原形,这也是一些考试中常考的题型,牢记即可。名词所有格是通过在词尾加’s来构成的一种特殊词形变化,需注意当名词所有格词尾字母是s 时,只需在词尾加’即可。其作用相当于形容词,可以充当宾语,表语和定语。

20.Computers of today can work than the ones in the 1970s.

A. hundred of times faster

B. a hundred time faster

C. hundred times faster

D. hundreds of times faster

【答案】 D



21.—What do you know about bamboo?

—Maybe bamboo has more uses than ________ in the world.

A. any plant

B. all the plants

C. any other plant

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——关于竹子你了解多少?——或许竹子比世界上其他植物的作用都要多。any plant任意一种植物;all the plants所有的植物;any other plant其他的任意一种植物。竹子也是一种植物,故是同一范围,不能和自身相比要用any other+名词单数,故选C。

【点评】考查比较级,注意any other+名词单数的用法。

22.Among these children,Jim has ________life and he lives______.

A. The most happy; most happily

B. the happiest; most happily

C. the happiest; happiest

D. the happier; more happily

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:在这些孩子中,Jim有着最幸福的生活并且他过的最幸福。根据第一个空的意义为幸福的,填入happy,注意用该形容词最高级,为happiest,第二个空修饰live,应该用副词形式,填入happily,结合该副词的最高级为most happily,故选B。【点评】考查形容词happy的最高级。

23.Nanjing isn't so __________ as Shanghai, however, it's the second __________ city in East China.

A. large; large

B. large; largest

C. larger; larger

D. larger; largest

【答案】 B



24.Of the two coats, I'd like to choose the ________ one to save money for a book.

A. more expensive

B. most expensive

C. cheaper

D. cheapest

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:在这两件外套中,我想选择便宜的那件为了省钱买一本书。根据Of the two可知是比较级,the+比较级,表示两者当做最,故排除最高级B和D,根据to save money for a book可知为了省钱要买便宜的,expensive,贵的,cheap,便宜的,故选C。


25.—What do you think of Mr. Lei?

—Mr. Lei is one of ________ teachers in our school.

A. most popular

B. the most popular

C. popular

D. more popular

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:——你认为雷先生怎么样?——雷先生是我们学校最受欢迎的一个老师。one of+the+形容词做高级+名词复数,故选B。

【点评】考查形容词最高级。注意one of+the+形容词做高级+名词复数。

26.—How do you like the talk show?

—I think it's _____, but some people think it's so ____.

A. wonderful enough; bored

B. enough wonderful; boring

C. wonderful enough; boring

D. enough wonderful; bored

【答案】 C



27.This city is its state level scenic spot (景点).

A. famous as

B. different from

C. similar to

D. known for

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:这个城市以其国家级风景名胜区而闻名。A:(be) famous as作为……著名,后接身份、职业等; B:(be) different from与……不同;C:(be)similar to 与……类似; D:(be)known for因.....闻名,后接人或物的特点或特长。根据上文its state level scenic spot,可知这个城市的特点而闻名。故选D。


28.—I'm very tired these days, Mary.

— Why not music. It can make you .

A. listen to; relaxed

B. listening to; to relax

C. listening to; relax

D. listen to; to relax

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:——玛丽,这些天我非常累,——何不听一下音乐。它能让你放松。why not后直接跟动词原形,故排除BC,make sb+adj使某人如何,空二使用形容词,relaxed是形容词,relax是动词,故答案是A。

【点评】考查动词的基本形式和形容词做宾补,注意识记固定句式why not do…和make sb.+adj的用法。

29.The more you smile to others, the you will feel.

A. happier

B. happy

C. more happily

D. more happier

【答案】 A



30.—Do you know that China is one of ______ countries in the world?

—Yes, I do. It's much ______ than the US.

A. the oldest; older

B. oldest; older

C. the oldest; old

D. the older; older 【答案】A


【点评】本题考查形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法。其中最......之一one of + the 最高级+名词复数。比..... 比较级+than。


英语口语中常用形容词 这10个形容词是美国人日常生活中最喜欢使用的,都可以独立成句。美国人比较喜欢夸张,常常用这些词来表达赞叹,也可表达对人和事的赞美。如果别人问起你对某事或某人的印象,或者问起你的日子过得如何,你都可以随时脱口而出其中一个词! 1. amazing: 使人十分惊奇的;令人惊讶的 ☆ Y our English is amazing. 你的英语太让人吃惊了。 2. awesome: 极好的;很棒的 ☆ Wow! That's totally awesome! 哇!那真是太棒了! 3. cool: 好;妙;帅;酷;凉 ☆ Y ou look cool in your new suit. 你穿这套新衣服真酷。 4. cute: 漂亮的;可爱的;逗人喜爱的;聪明的 ☆ He's really cute. 他真可爱。 5. excellent: 优秀的;杰出的 ☆ Our teacher speaks excellent English. 我们老师的英语说得好极了。 6. fabulous: 极好的;绝妙的 ☆ A: How do you like the show? 你觉得这场表演如何? B: Fabulous! 棒极了! 7. fantastic: 极好的;了不起的 ☆ Y ou've got the job? Fantastic! 你得到那份工作了?太好了! 8. marvelous: 极好的;非凡的 ☆ That's a marvelous idea! 这主意真是棒极了。 9. special: 特别的;不寻常的 ☆ Y ou know, you are really special! 你知道吗,你真的很特别。


一、根据句意填入单词的正确形式。 1.my brother is two years _________ (old) than me. 2. is your sister _________ (young) than you? yes,she is. 3. who is __________ (thin),you or helen? helen is. 4. whose pencil-box is _________ (big),yours or hers? hers is. 5.ben jumps ________ (high) than some of the boys in his class. 6.does nancy sing __________ (well) than helen? yes, she does. 7.my eyes are __________(big) than hers. 8.which is __________ (heavy),the elephant or the pig? 9.who gets up ________ (early),tim or tom? 10.do the girls get up_______(early) than the boys? no,they______. 11.jim runs _____ (slow). but ben runs _____(slow). 二、选择正确的词填空。 sarah is 12 years ________ (old,older).she is one year ________ (older,oldest) than me.but i am 0.1 meter ________ (taller, tallest) than her.she studies in guangzhou interational shool.she studies ________ (harder,hardest) in her class.everyone likes her. yesterday ,she was ill.she took some medicine and she feels ________ (good,better) now. 三、选择。 1. the yellow shoes are ____ than the blue ones. a.expensive b. expensiver c. more expensive 2. a cow is ____ bigger than a mouse. a.much b.more c.many


tennis rackets 网球拍 waiting room 侯车(机、诊)室 conference halls 会议厅 2.表示事物质地,人的国籍的形容词,放在中心词或上述短语之前。如: Chinese writing desks 中国式的写字台 steel and nylon tennis rackets 钢架尼龙网球拍 Japanese writer 日本作家 Chinese worker 中国工人 Spanish leather boots 西班牙皮靴 brick conference halls 砖结构会议厅 3.表示新旧的形容词在前,表示颜色的形容词在后,都放在上述1和2两类短语之前。如: black desks 黑色的书桌 black writing desks 黑色写字台 black Chinese writing desks中国式的黑色写字台 old black Chinese writing desks 中国式的黑色的旧写字台 new green Chinese glass ashtrays 中国式的绿色玻璃烟灰缸 4.描写性的形容词,放在上述短语之前。如: famous Japanese writer 著名的日本作家

nice new white cap 漂亮的新的白色帽子 ugly old brown Spanish leather boots 难看而破旧的棕色皮靴 famous Japanese writer 著名的日本作家 5.表示大小的形容词在前,表示形状的形容词在后,放在上述各类短语之前。如: large old brown writing desks 旧的棕色大写字台  big blue eyes 蓝色的大眼睛 big round conference tables 大的圆会议桌 short curly red hair 短的红色卷发 6.冠词或人称代词的所有格(也可跟上数词)放在最前面。如: my (two)large old brown writing desks 我的(两张)大旧棕色写字台 the best modern American music 最好的现代美国音乐 her big blue eyes 她那蓝色的大眼睛 the third largest industrial city 第三大工业城市 但是,例外的情况也常常会有的,象应把表明国籍的形容词,说明用途的名词,放在最接近中心名词的位置上,这是不容置疑的。如:the two most famous Chinese writers 那两个最著名的中国作家 his first difficult examination problem 他的第一个考试难题


【英语】英语形容词常见题型及答题技巧及练习题(含答案)及解析 一、初中英语形容词 1.My deskmate is really _____.She likes to attend different activities after school. A. active B. quiet C. lazy D. honest 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】我的同桌同学非常活跃,放学后喜欢参加很多不同的活动. 句中提到"She likes to attend different activities after school"放学后喜欢参加很多不同的活动,由此推测此人非常活跃,A积极的,活跃的;B安静的;C懒惰的,D诚实的,根据句意可知选择A. 2.Wang Wei speaks English as ________ as Yang Lan. They both study English hard. A. good B. well C. better D. best 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:王伟的英语讲的和杨澜的一样好。他们学习英语都努力。可知as…as中间用形容词或副词原级;此处是副词修饰动词speak。good好的,形容词原形;well好地,副词原形,better比较级;best最高级,故选B。 【点评】此题考查形容词原级。注意as...as中间跟形容词或副词原级。 3.—If there are ________ people driving, there will be ________ air pollution. —Yes, and the air will be fresher. A. less; less B. less; fewer C. fewer; fewer D. fewer; less 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——如果开车的人越少,空气污染越少。——是的,空气将会更新鲜。little少的,形容词,其比较级是less,修饰不可数名词,few几乎没有,形容词,其比较级是fewer,更少,修饰可数名词,people,可数名词,用fewer修饰,air pollution,空气污染,不可数名词,用less修饰,故选D。 【点评】考查形容词的辨析。注意less和fewer意思和用法。 4.—Guess what? The university has accepted my application! —Wow! That's ________ new I've heard this year, Boris! Let's celebrate. A. a worse B. the worst C. a better D. the best 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——猜猜什么?那所大学已经接受我的申请了。——哇喔,那是今年我听到的最好的消息,Boris,让我们庆祝一下。A.一个更糟的,比较级;B.最糟的,最高级;C.一个更好的,比较级;D.最好的,最高级。因为大学接受申请了,所以是好消息,排除A、B。根据 I've heard this year,今年我听到的,可知是最高级,故选D。 【点评】考查形容词辨析,注意平时识记最高级结构,理解句意。


副词 常用的: actually 实际上;真实地[ Actually, it bores me stiff. ] totally 完全地[ I totally agree. 我完全同意。] eventually最后[ so that amazing progress eventually occurs in short periods.] recently 最近[ has recently come into fashion ] absolutely [是, 当然是; 正是如此Do you think so? Absolutely. 你是这样想吗? 当然是。] largely 很大程度上,大部分[largely depend on.....] basically 基本上 currently 现在,当前,普遍地,通常地 probably 大概,或许 surely 确切地[i'd surely be a hippie child] personally 就自已而言,亲自地 seriously 严肃地, 认真地, 严重地 表时间: afterwards然后后来, later稍后随后,eventually最后终于,hence 从此今后from this time/from now 从此今后 directly直接地立即, quickly很快地,shortly立刻不久,soon 不久马上 nowadays现今,presently目前不久,lately近来的, 表频率: constantly, continuously不断地经常地 repeatedly重复地再三地, frequently经常地, occasionally偶尔地, seldom很少不常, rarely很少地, yearly, monthly, weekly 表逻辑: accordingly 相应地In accordance; correspondingly. likewise同样地照样,* The food was excellent, (and) likewise the wine. 菜好极了, 酒也是. * I'm going to bed and you would be well advised to do likewise. 我要睡觉了, 你最好也睡吧. accordingly 因此, consequently因此, hence因此, thereby因此由此 merely只不过仅仅merely a flesh wound.仅仅是皮肉伤 furthermore, moreover, besides nevertheless, nonetheless; however仍然 * He is often rude to me, but I like him nevertheless.他时常对我粗鲁无礼, 但我还很喜欢他. In spite of sth;尽管, regardless 无论如何continues to work regardless.不顾后果地继续工作 表语气:

小升初英语 形容词,副词

小升初英语形容词、副词(一) 复习 一、 WherewhatwhosewhenwhyhowWho 1.______________book is it?It’s mine. 2._____________is the Christmas Day?It’s on the December 25th. 3._____________is the pen?It’s under the desk. 4.____________is the dress? It’s blue. 5._____________is the boy in green?He’s Mike. 6._____________day is it today?It’s Monday. 7.______________color do you like best?Red. 8._______________is your sister?He’s 15 years old. 9._______________is this yellow one?It’s beautiful. 10._______________are you late for class?I am sick. 11._________________is the pen?---Ten yuan. 12.________________boys? ---Three boys.选词填空 whichwhat colorhow oldHow muchHow many 二、对划线部分提问 1.This is a photo. _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________


英语中有的时候会出现一个名词前出现多个形容词来修饰它的情况,这个时候就要讲究形容词的顺序问题了。这种类似的题在英语考试中屡次出现,在新概念二的课文练习中也出现过! 现在这个口诀帮助孩子记忆形容词的顺序: 县:同“限”,指限定词。包括定冠词(the)、不定冠词(a,an)、表确定数量(three,five)和非确定数量的词(a lot of),以及物主限定词(his, my)等。 官:同“观”,指表示示人们观点的形容词(如beautiful,terrible,wonderful 等)。 刑:同“形”,指表示形状的形容词(如long,short,round等)。 令:同“龄”,指表示年龄、时代的形容词(如old,new,young等)。 杀:谐“色”,指表示颜色的形容词(如red,green, orange等)。 国:同“国”,指表示国籍、地区的形容词(如Chinese,British,Canadian,German等)。 豺:谐“材”,指表示材料的形容词(如plastic,metal,class等)。 口诀粘在一起就是“县官刑令杀国豺”:一个县官,准备动刑,下令要杀一个危害国家的宛如豺狼的罪人。 即学即练:请根据形容词排列规则完成以下练习: 1.She has a ___ jacket.(leather,brown,beautiful) 2.He has a ___ car. (American,long,red) 3.They live in a ___ house. (old,beautiful) 4.He has a ___ jumper. (woollen, lovely, red) 5.She has a ___ ring. (diamond,new,fabulous) 6.It was a ___ song.(French,old, lovely)


英语中一些常见词语的辨析 alone为形容词,意为“单独的”,只作表语,不能作定语。侧重说明独自一人,没有助手或同伴,没有感***彩的只表示客观的状态。lonely意为“孤独的”,表示主观上感到孤独、寂寞,有较浓的感***彩,指因缺少朋友、同情、友谊等产生的一种悲伤和忧郁的感情。它为形容词,在句中作表语或定语。作定语时,意为“荒凉;偏僻”,多修饰表示地点的名词。alone还可以作副词。 alone 副词adv. 单独;独自 She went home alone. 她独自回家去了。 After his wife died, he lived alone. 他的妻子死后,他一个人生活。 real既是形容词又是副词,其意为"真的,真实的",在作副词时与true在意义上的主要区别是:real指人的感官觉得某物像"真的",多指真实存在的,而不是想象出来的。如:

Was it real or was it a dream? 这是真的还是个梦? true既是形容词也是副词,意思是"真实的,真正的",其意义与real的区别是:true的"真实"是建立在已知的事实基础上,指与实际相符,不是"发明"或"编造"出来的。如:This is a true story. 这是一个真实的故事。 Is the news true? 这消息是真的吗? a movie based on a true story 一个以真实故事为背景的影片 true与real在某些情况下也可以通用,如在表示一件事情的实际情况与真实情况不符时,true与real都可以用。如:Tell me the real/true reason why he resigned. 告诉我他辞职的真实原因。 He seems quiet but reveals his true/real character on the football field. 他看起来很安静但是在足球场上却展现了他真实的一面。 另外,在说到某事物时举例说他/它有其应有的"重要"性质时,二者均可使用。如: She was his first real/true girlfriend. 她是他的第一个真正的女朋友。 This job will be a true/real test of the new system. 这项工作将会是对这个新系统的一次真实的检验。 real表示客观存在


PEP小学英语常见形容词及比较级、最高级变化一览表 1.在形容词词尾加上“er” “est” 构成比较级、最高级: bright(明亮的)—brighter—brightest broad(广阔的)—broader—broadest cheap(便宜的)—cheaper—cheapest clean(干净的)—cleaner—cleanest clever(聪明的)—cleverer—cleverest cold(寒冷的)—colder—coldest cool(凉的)—cooler—coolest dark(黑暗的)—darker—darkest dear(贵的)—dearer—dearest deep(深的)—deeper—deepest fast(迅速的)—faster—fastest few(少的)—fewer—fewest great(伟大的)—greater—greatest hard(困难的,硬的)—harder—hardest high(高的)—higher—highest kind(善良的)—kinder—kindest light(轻的)—lighter—lightest long(长的)—longer—longest loud(响亮的)—louder—loudest low(低的)—lower—lowest near(近的)—nearer—nearest new(新的)—newer—newest poor(穷的)—poorer—poorest quick(快的)—quicker—quickest quiet(安静的)—quieter—quietest rich(富裕的)—richer—richest short(短的)—shorter—shortest slow(慢的)—slower—slowest small(小的)—smaller—smallest smart(聪明的)—smarter—smartest soft(柔软的)—softer—softest strong(强壮的)—stronger—strongest sweet(甜的)—sweeter—sweetest tall(高的)-taller-tallest thick(厚的)—thicker—thickest warm(温暖的)—warmer—warmest weak(弱的)—weaker—weakest young(年轻的)—younger—youngest 2.双写最后一个字母,再加上“er” “est”构成比较级、最高级: big(大的)—bigger—biggest fat(胖的)—fatter—fattest hot(热的)—hotter—hottest red(红的)—redder—reddest sad(伤心的)—sadder—saddest thin(瘦的)—thinner—thinnest wet(湿的)—wetter—wettest mad(疯的)—madder—maddest 3.以不发音的字母e结尾的形容词,加上“r” “st” 构成比较级、最高级: able(能干的)—abler—ablest brave(勇敢的)—braver—bravest close(接近的)—closer—closest fine(好的,完美的)—finer—finest large(巨大的)—larger—largest late(迟的)—later—latest nice(好的)—nicer—nicest ripe(成熟的)—riper—ripest rude(粗鲁的)—ruder—rudest safe(安全的)—safer—safest strange(奇怪的)—stranger—strangest wide(宽广的)—wider—widest wise(睿智的,聪明的)—wiser—wisest white(白的)—whiter—whitest 4.以字母y结尾的形容词,把y改为i,再加上“er” “est”构成比较级、最高级:busy(忙碌的)—busier—busiest dirty(脏的)—dirtier—dirtiest dry(干燥的)—drier—driest early(早的)—earlier—earliest easy(容易的)—easier—easiest friendly(友好的)—friendlier—friendliest


小升初英语形容词、副词(一) 知识点 一、形容词副词 1.形容词: 形容词(adjective),简称adj.很多语言中均有的主要词类中的一种。主要用来修饰名词的词,表示事物的特征。形容词用来修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、状态,和特征的程度好坏,与否. 例:Tom is my good friend. He is tall. She is beautiful. 2.副词 副词在句子中修饰动词,形容词,副词或整个句子。用来说明动作或状态的特征,时间,地点,程度,方式等情况。 1)副词按其用途和含义可分为下面五类: ?时间副词:时间副词通常用来表示动作的时间。 常见的时间副词有:now ,today, tomorrow, early。 He often comes to school late. What are we going to do tomorrow? ?地点副词:地点副词通常用来表示动作发生的地点。 常见的地点副词有:here, there, home, down, up, off, on, in, out等。: I met an old friend of mine on my way home. ?方式副词:方式副词一般都是回答“怎样的?”这类问题的。 常见的方式副词有:badly, carefully, suddenly, happily, slowly, well, fast, The old man walked home slowly. Please listen to the teacher carefully. ?程度副词:程度副词多数用来修饰形容词和副词,有少数用来修饰动词或介词短语。 常见的程度副词有:much, (a) little, a bit, very, so, too。


英语中多个形容词的先后次序 在英语中,形容词可以用来作定语修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、特征或状态。但是,当两个以上属于不同种类的形容词用以修饰同一个名词时,对于大多数学生来说,难以掌握。笔者就多年来的英语教学,积累和总结了不同 writing desks 写字台 tennis rackets 网球拍 waiting room 侯车(机、诊)室 conference halls 会议厅 2.表示事物质地,人的国籍的形容词,放在中心词或上述短语之前。如: Chinese writing desks 中国式的写字台 steel and nylon tennis rackets 钢架尼龙网球拍 Japanese writer 日本作家 Chinese worker 中国工人 Spanish leather boots 西班牙皮靴 brick conference halls 砖结构会议厅 3.表示新旧的形容词在前,表示颜色的形容词在后,都放在上述1和2两类短语之前。如: black desks 黑色的书桌 black writing desks 黑色写字台 black Chinese writing desks中国式的黑色写字台 old black Chinese writing desks 中国式的黑色的旧写字台 new green Chinese glass ashtrays 中国式的绿色玻璃烟灰缸 4.描写性的形容词,放在上述短语之前。如: famous Japanese writer 著名的日本作家 nice new white cap 漂亮的新的白色帽子 ugly old brown Spanish leather boots 难看而破旧的棕色皮靴 famous Japanese writer 著名的日本作家 5.表示大小的形容词在前,表示形状的形容词在后,放在上述各类短语之前。如: large old brown writing desks 旧的棕色大写字台 big blue eyes 蓝色的大眼睛 big round conference tables 大的圆会议桌 short curly red hair 短的红色卷发


sick,sickly 这两个词都是形容词,意思相近,但词义不同。 Sick的意思是“患病的”ill in health(参阅sick与ill 一节);sickly 则表示“经常患病的”或“有病征的”(frequently ill or characteristic of illness)的意思。 试对比sick和sickly在下列词语中的不同使用场合和涵义: Mr.Li felt sick. 李先生病了。 He is sick with flu. 他患流感。 He has been sickly from birth. 他生来多病。 He looks sickly. 他面有病色。 a sick man是“一个有病的人”(暂时或长期有病都可以) a sickly man是“一个多病的人”(表示经常患病之意) 请注意sickly在下列片语中的不同涵义: a sickly smile 苦笑 a sickly climate容易使人生病的气候 a sickly season 疾病流行的季节 a sickly smell一股令人作呕的气味 a sickly moonlight黯淡的月光

a sickly sentiment一种令人厌恶的感觉 a sickly complexion病容考试大 a sickly town 患疫之城镇 alive, live, living 这些形容词均有“活着的,活的”之意。 alive :其反义词为dead,指生命从奄奄一息到精力旺盛的各种状态。live :通常作定语,指活生生的,生气勃勃的,还可表示现场直播的。livin aloud, loud, loudly 这些副词均含有“高声地、大声地”之意。 aloud :强调出声,能让人听见,无比较级。用于修饰cry, call, shout 等动词时,有高声之意。 loud :指声音响亮,高声说话,一般放在所修饰的动词后面。loudly与loud含义相同,可放在动词之前或之后,用以说明声音的强度,含“喧闹”的意味。 g :其反义词为dead,指包括人和动植物的生命没有消失、仍然存在的状态。 ashamed, shameful 这两个形容词均含“羞愧的”之意。


good(好的) bad(坏的) small(小的) big(大的) hugry(饿的) full(饱的) little(少的) high(高的) short(矮的,短的) tall(高的) long(长的) old(老的,旧的) new(新的) young(年轻的) many(许多的) much(许多的) beautiful(漂亮的) nice(美好的) early(早的) late(迟的) right(正确的)

wrong(错误的)busy(忙的) free(空闲的)lazy(懒的)bored(无聊的)heavy(重的)light(轻的) blind(盲的)special(特别的)kind(善良的)happy(高兴的)sad(伤心的) fast(快的) fun(有趣的)scary(吓人的)different(不同的)same(同样的)round(圆的)great(伟大的) 颜色: black(黑的)

white(白的) blue(蓝的) purple(紫的) pink(粉的) yellow(黄的) orange(桔黄的) green(绿的) brown(棕色的) grey(灰的) gold(金色的) 天气: sunny(晴朗的) windy(多风的) cloudy(多云的) rainy(多雨的) snowy(多雪的) able有才干的,能干的 active主动的,活跃的(torpidity,active的反义词) adaptable适应性强的(inadaptable,adaptable的反义词)adroit灵巧的,机敏的(clumsy,adroit的反义词)aggressive有进取心的(ingressive,aggressive的反义词)


形容词与副词专项训练(一) 一、写出下列形容词或副词的比较级与最高级形式。 、用所给单词的正确形式填空 1.Which is _______ (easy) to learn, fishing or swimming? 2.It makes _______ (little) time to go to Beijing by plane than by train. 3.This T-shirt is too small for me. Would you buy me a _______ (large) one? 4.Xi ' an is one of ________________ (old) capital in China. 5.It will be bad for your health to eat ___________ (much) food and take _________ (little) exercise. 6.I think English is ______________ (useful) than before. 7.The Great Wall of China is one of ____________ (great) wonders in the world. 8.She is becoming ____________ (beautiful) than before. 9.The weather is getting _______ and _______ (cold). 10.The ________ (much) you practice, the _______ (easy) it becomes. 三、单项选择。 1.My sister is getting ____


初中英语常用词语辨析 -从A ...................................................... ....... 1.at the moment\in a moment\for a moment\ at the moment=right now"此时此刻",用于现在时。 in a moment = very soon “很快,立即”,一般用于将来时的句子。 for a moment “此刻,一会儿”表示时间的延续。 [例] He is out at the moment.此刻他不在家。 I will come back in a moment.我一会儿就回来。 Hold on for a moment.请稍候。...................................................... ....... 2.a few/ few (1)a few, few 用来修饰可数名词。 (2)a few “有一些”,表示肯定概念,few 几乎没有,表示否定意义。 [例] The man has been here for many years, so he has a few friends. 这个人在这里住了很多年了,他有一些朋友。 I am a new comer here, so I have few friends here. 我刚来到这里,所以我在这里没有几个朋友。...................................................... ....... 3.a little/ little (1) a little, little 用于修饰不可数名词。 (2) a little “有一些”,表示肯定概念。 little “几乎没有”,表示否定概念。 [例] There is a little water in the glass.杯子里有一些水。 There is little water in the glass, so you can’t drink any. 杯子里几乎没有水了,你不可能喝到水了。...................................................... ....... 4.across / through 二者都有“通过,穿过”的意思,都是介词,但“through“与空间有关, 即一个人或物体从某空间之间穿过,如: Look out through the window, please.请从窗口往外看。 We have to walk through the gate to go into the factory. 我们要走进这家工厂必须走过这一扇大门。 across也是“通过”、“跨过”,一般与位移的平面有关, 即从一个平面的一头走到或越到另一头。如: If you walk across the square, you will see the hotel there. 如果你走到广场的另一端,你就看到旅馆了。Be careful when you walk across the street.过马路时要小心。 注意:cross是及物动词而across是介词。 ago / before ago 只用于一般过去时,表示从现在算起的一段时间以前。[例]He died two years ago.他是两年前去世的。 before 后接“时间点”,可用于任何时态;它也可放在“时间段”后, 用于完成时或一般过去时。 [例]I got there before 5 o’clock.我五点钟前到达那里。 I never saw him before.我以前没见过他。 He had done it two days before.他两天前就做过此事。...................................................... ....... 6. already / yet/still (1) already 意为“已经”,常用于肯定句,与完成时和进行时连用为多。 用于疑问句时表示问话人持怀疑、惊异的态度。如: Is it Sunday already? 已经到星期天啦? I have already finished it.我已经做完了。 (2)yet 通常用于疑问句和否定句,在疑问句中作“已经”解,在否定句中作“还”、“尚未”解。如: I haven’t learned it yet.我还不知此事。 Has he come yet? 他还没有来?(表疑问)...................................................... ....... 7.arrive / reach/ get (1) arrive vi. arrive + in + 大地方(国家、城市等) arrive + at + 小地方(村庄、车站、码头等) He arrived in Nanning last week. 他上星期来到南宁。(2) get vi.\get to + 名词 When did you get to the station yesterday? 你昨天什么时候到达火车站? reach vt.\reach + 名词 Please write to me when you reach Beijing.你到北京后请给我写信。 当reach、arrive、get后接地点副词here、there、home时,不能后接任何介词。如: I got/ arrive/ reached home late yesterday.我昨天很晚才到家。...................................................... ....... 8. agree with/ agree on/ agree to (1)agree with(sb.)表示“与……意见一致”。 I don’t agree with you. 我不同意你的意见。 (2)agree to(sth.)宾语一般为suggestion、plan等,“同意计划、安排”。


positive adjectives 1 good 好的 2 clever,聪明的 3 beautiful 美丽的 3 lovely 可爱的 5 delicious 美味的 6 nice 美好的 7 honest 诚实的 8 trustful 信任的 9 brave 勇敢的 10 generous 慷慨的 11 enthusiastic 热心的 12 radient光芒四射的,喜悦的 13 rapture全神贯注的,欢天喜地的 14 reasonable合情合理的 15 responsible负责的 16 romantic浪漫的 17 hearty,衷心的亲切的 18 helpful有益的 19 honesty诚实的 20 honey甜蜜的 21 humor幽默的bright 辉煌的 22 useful 有用的 23 Brilliant 英明的 24 United 和睦的 25 beautiful 美丽的 26 smart 灵巧的 27 obedient,服从的 28 objective,客观的 29 obliging,乐于助人的,礼貌的 30 diligent 勤奋的 negative adjectives 1 bad 2 cunning 狡诈的 3 dishonest 不诚实的 4 money-minded 爱钱如命的 5 evil 恶毒的 6 narrow-minded 7 blinkered 目光狭窄的 8 faceless 无个性的 9 jump-up 妄自尊大的 10 greedy 贪心的 11 corrupt贪污的 12 violent 血腥的13 hateful可恶的 14 unholiness 邪恶的 15 careless粗心大意的 16 calculating工于心计的 17 coward胆小鬼,懦夫 18 cozy互相勾结的 19 cold-blooded无情的 20 cold-hearted铁石心肠的 21 crappy差劲的,不好的 22 crazy疯癫的,愚蠢的 23 cruel残忍的 24 crummy劣质的 25 crusty暴躁的 26 critical吹毛求疵的,爱挑剔的 27 cynical愤世嫉俗的,冷嘲热讽的 28 crude粗鲁,粗俗的 29 cuckoo疯疯癫癫的,傻的 30 brutal冷酷的 able有才干的,能干的 active主动的,活跃的 adaptable适应性强的 adroit灵巧的,机敏的 aggressive有进取心的 alert机灵的 ambitious有雄心壮志的 amiable和蔼可亲的 amicable友好的 analytical善于分析的 apprehensive有理解力的 aspiring有志气的,有抱负的audacious大胆的,有冒险精神的capable有能力的,有才能的 careful办事仔细的 candid正直的 charitable宽厚的 competent能胜任的 confident有信心的 conscientious认真的,自觉的considerate体贴的 constructive建设性的 contemplative好沉思的 cooperative有合作精神的 creative富创造力的 dashing有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的
