



1.Civil War

The American Civil War (1861–1865), often referred to simply as The Civil War in the United States, was a civil war fought in the United States of America. In response to the election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States, 11 southern slave states declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America ("the Confederacy"); the other 25 states supported the federal government ("the Union"). After four years of warfare, mostly within the Southern states, the Confederacy surrendered and slavery was outlawed everywhere in the nation. Issues that led to war were partially resolved in the Reconstruction Era that followed, though others remained uesolved.

In the presidential election of 1860, the Republican Party, led by Abraham Lincoln, had campaigned against expanding slavery beyond the states in which it already existed. The Republicans strongly advocated nationalism, and in their 1860 platform they

denounced threats of disunion as avowals of treason. After a Republican victory, but before the new administration took office on March 4, 1861, seven cotton states declared their secession and joined to form the Confederate States of America. Both the outgoing administration of President James Buchanan and the incoming administration rejected the legality of secession, considering it rebellion. The other eight slave states rejected calls for secession at this point. No country in the world recognized the Confederacy.

Hostilities began on April 12, 1861, when Confederate forces attacked a military installation at Fort Sumter in South Carolina. Lincoln responded by calling for a volunteer army from each state to recapture federal property, which led to declarations of secession by four more slave states. Both sides raised armies as the Union seized control of the border states early in the war and established a naval blockade. Land warfare in the East was inconclusive in 1861–62, as the Confederacy beat back Union efforts to capture its capital, Richmond, Virginia, notably during the Peninsular Campaign. In September 1862, the

Confederate campaign in Maryland ended in defeat at the Battle of Antietam, which dissuaded the British from intervening.[2] Days after that battle, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which made ending slavery a war goal.[3]

In 1863, Confederate general Robert E. Lee's northward advance ended in defeat at the Battle of Gettysburg. To the west, the Union gained control of the Mississippi River after the Battle of Shiloh and Siege of Vicksburg, splitting the Confederacy in two and destroying much of their western army. Due to his western successes, Ulysses S. Grant was given command of the eastern army in 1864, and organized the armies of William Tecumseh Sherman, Philip Sheridan and others to attack the Confederacy from all directions, increasing the North's advantage in manpower. Grant restructured the union army, and put other generals in command of divisions of the army that were to support his push into Virginia. He fought several battles of attrition against Lee

through the Overland Campaign to seize Richmond, though in the face of fierce resistance he altered his

plans and led the Siege of Petersburg which nearly finished off the rest of Lee's army. Meanwhile, Sherman captured Atlanta and marched to the sea, destroying Confederate infrastructure along the way. When the Confederate attempt to defend Petersburg failed, the Confederate army retreated but was pursued and defeated, which resulted in Lee's surrender to Grant at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865.

The American Civil War was one of the earliest true industrial wars. Railroads, the telegraph, steamships, and mass-produced weapons were employed extensively. The practices of total war, developed by Sherman in Georgia, and of trench warfare around Petersburg foreshadowed World War I in Europe. It remains the deadliest war in American history, resulting in the deaths of 620,000 soldiers and an undetermined number of civilian casualties. Historian John Huddleston estimates the death toll at ten percent of all Northern males 20–45 years old, and 30 percent of all Southern white males aged 18–40.[4] Victory for the North meant the end of the Confederacy and of slavery in the United States, and strengthened the role

of the federal government. The social, political, economic and racial issues of the war decisively shaped the reconstruction era that lasted to 1877.




从每个国家的志愿者大军夺回联邦的财产,这导致四个蓄奴州脱离声明。双方提出了军队作为联盟抓住控制边境各州在战争初期,建立了海上封锁。在东方的土地战是不确定的,在1861年至1862年,作为南部邦联打退半岛战役期间捕获的资本,里士满,弗吉尼亚州,特别是联盟的努力。在1862年9月,在马里兰州的同盟运动以失败告终,在Antietam 争斗,英国劝阻干预。[2]天之后战斗,林肯颁布“解放宣言”,结束奴隶制的战争目标。[3]




USA Today" is the only color version in the United States national outside the Daily News, September 15, 1982, "USA Today"

Founded and headquartered in Rosslyn, Virginia, is the nation's largest Gannett newspaper group. The original intention of the newspaper group founded the newspaper, newspapers as much as almost an average of with a newspaper, and the impact of many newspapers throughout the country and even overseas, but unfortunately, the focus of their reports are regional in nature. As the American social, economic

and cultural development, the domestic tourists and civil servants daily travel is increasing, not a local newspaper can meet these people a comprehensive understanding of the news about the entire market, financial, weather, entertainment, sports content and other aspects of demand, people should feel very upset, quite inconvenient. The bosses of the Gannett newspaper group to discover and realize the huge potential readers market, began to organize since the national Daily. "USA Today" come out in less than two years, circulation, jumped to third place in the nation to keep pace with the century-old newspaper "New York Times, Wall Street Journal, the two deep impression on readers.

Newspaper founded by the fourth year, the actual number of readers have leapt to the highest of the nation's daily. "USA Today" has for many years to top the list of up to million copies, is the youngest major newspaper, a newspaper created the miracle of the American newspaper industry. Miracle of creation is not easy, "USA Today" newspaper operation, management, layout design, the news gee to the editorial policy, "contrary to conventional, it

created a number of the first myth, the courage to "first to eat crab."

Color printing and the big picture of the distinctive characteristics of the "USA Today" page, so it also has a "TV in the newspaper" in the title. "USA Today Publication United States color television began to popularize the media

audience to indulge in the front of the TV, and habits with a simple, direct, easy way to obtain information. The founder of USA Today, "to convey information visual image was inspired by TV, creating a precedent to the performance of the news of newspaper photographs and diagrams to a lot of rich information, a formal declaration of the arrival of" Reading Pictures ". Driven by "USA Today", the special features of the picture is increasingly being recognized, According to the Newspaper scholars statistics, image text

newspapers ratio of 3:7 on the front page, even up to 1:1. It is the first on the front page of the use of full-color picture of the newspaper, a newspaper printing pioneer, called a model for color newspaper

in the West. Weather version of the "USA Today" the most colorful layout, is the first. Substantial color weather map with 10 different color-coded throughout the temperature below 10 degrees Fahrenheit to 100 degrees, which also caused a major newspaper imitated. "USA Today," the purpose is to adapt to the fast-paced daily life of Americans. Therefore, the most important principle of news editing: nearly the amount simplify information means, try to cater to the habits of readers access to information via the method of image, the pursuit of

information to use and convenient, so-called "fast food". The style of news reporting, the newspaper report of the United States like and at describing the details in order to fully meet the readers desire to know the contents of the article in the newspaper for fear the ominous plot lest not fine. Short press of the "USA Today" to become increasingly different, unique. "USA Today" never encouraged long articles, short manuscript is one of the most prominent feature of this newspaper. "USA Today" the greatest challenge is his "I hope the news". According to the newspaper's founder

Niu Hasi, "I hope the news" - "accurate and not pessimistic, and detail the bright side, rather than negative reports all the news," the newspaper should report things to promote

understanding and solidarity, was not discriminatory and divisive. "active today, the United States reported a positive, happy news, although contrary to the conventional justice" of the press, but adapted to the majority of the audience's desire for a positive relaxed, bright and happy news and information needs. "USA Today" to do many times the audience survey showed that many people like such a positive report tone that read "USA Today" is a pleasure, so that people have a positive attitude to society as a whole.

Edit this paragraph Publications founder

Alan Niuha Si (Al Neuharth), "today the United States", founder of the Gannett Newspaper Group Chairman of the Board, called "journalism in the the most daring, the shock is his usual style. 1982 he founded color printing, small

illustrations, and national circulation, "USA

Today" newspaper won a mockery of nature called "McDonald's newspaper, or even known contemporary American smartest, most astute financial people Buffett also USA Today "creative as a ridiculous and arrogant balderdash, mercilessly given the

mockery. "USA Today is the most widely talk about references, imitation of the largest circulation newspaper.


























B、西部的开发 C 、关税税率 D 、黑人奴隶制度的存废 3、下列关于南北战争的表述,不正确的是()

A 、是美国历史上第二次资产阶级革命 B、时间是1861年——1865年 C、废除了黑人奴隶制度 D、爆发的原因是林肯当选为总统 4、南北战争期间,极大的调动了黑人奴隶革命热情的是() A、颁布《宅地法》 B、颁布《解放黑人奴隶宣言》 C 、联邦军队攻占里士满D 、取得葛底斯堡战役的胜利

5、在19世纪50年代的美国国会上,围绕黑人奴隶制度的存废问题发生了一场争论,格兰特主张把奴隶制推广到新扩张的西部地区,布朗反对这样做。下面的判断正确的是A、格兰特是北方的代表 B 、布朗是南方的代表 C 、布朗属于民主党D、布朗是北方的代表


A 、华盛顿

B 、克伦威尔

C 、拿破仑

D 、林肯 7、

“在美国历史上和人类历史上,林肯必将与华盛顿齐名。”马克思这样说的理由是() A 、巩固了北方各州的资产阶级统治 B 、满足了农民要求平均分配土地的愿望 C 、维护了国家的统一,废除了黑人奴隶制度D 、取消了种族歧视和民族压迫二、非选择题:









































1、以下关于孤独症康复教育人员的工作职责的事例描述正确的有:( A、采用连续记录的方式,记录学生在小组课环节中对老师指令有自发反应的次数,并在线性图表中表示并记录 B、记录上课中目标技能的正确率,同时当学生掌握该目标后,记录下该目标的完成日期 C、任何老师都可以进行评估,无论是否有足够经验 D、每日课前及时向家长了解学生在家庭的情况,及时记录并报告给其他授课教师可能影响学生康复教育的因素 结果:正确 2、以下描述哪些不符合孤独症康复教育人员的工作职责:( A、纸质记录学生每日目标的完成情况,并不进行数据录入和分析 B、课前全面了解学生当日的具体训练目标,并为学生准备好合适的教具 C、正确执行上级的对孤独症儿童的个别训练计划,同时客观中肯的记录 D、掌握回合试验教学,对其他的康复教育方法简单了 解。 结果:正确 1、作为孤独症康复人员,以下哪些方式可以对孤独症儿童的家庭进行支持帮助( A 帮助家庭面对孩子患有孤独症的现实,告诉家长让孩子进行有效的康复干预才是目前对孩子最有益的事情、 B 让家长认清,孤独症不会在没有干预的情况下就可以自行康复 、 C 告诉家长,在帮助孩子康复的同时也要帮助自己,不要忽视自己,记得放松心情 、 家庭成员间的相互埋怨并不能有效的改善孤独症孩子目前的状况,而积极的康复训练可以很大程度改善孤独症的症状结果:正确 1、以下关于孤独症的描述正确的有:( ) A、孤独症是广泛性发展障碍 B、孤独症孩子各不相同,各有各的特点 C、孤独症孩子具有社交、沟通、语言、行为方面困难的问题 D、孤独症孩子小时候被诊断,长大以后可能不再被诊断为孤独症 结果:正确 2、以下关于孤独症的历史描述正确的有:( A”肯纳医生1942年首次提出“早期孤独症”一词


关于成长与责任的演讲稿精选今天小编给大家带来了关于成长与责任的演讲稿范文精选,有需要的小伙伴一起来参考一下吧,相信能给大家带来帮助,下面大家参考! 篇一:成长与责任演讲稿范文 如果小鸟拥有一片天空,就能自由飞翔;如果小树拥有一片天空,就能茁壮成长;而我,如果拥有一片宽广的天空,就能充分展现自我,探究创造,实现理想……在小学毕业考期间,我的一片天空是可望不可即,可想却不可能的。 我喜欢自由,喜欢在不受束缚中快乐成长,而现实……又到放学时间了,教室里只有三三两两的空位置,其余的都坐着人。 我匆匆忙忙地赶着作业,直到天完全黑下来,才往家的方向走。 吃饭只有短短的二十分钟,扒完饭,又得一头埋进书堆里,背书、复习、做参考试卷……眼皮打架,只好洗了脸,再继续复习。 那时,我像一个囚犯,没有偷懒睡觉的权利,也没有自由。 妈妈给我约法多章:不准看电视,不准看课外书,每天还要保证复习一小时……这把我压得喘不过气来,没有自

由,何谈快乐?心里暗暗鼓励自己,努力吧,奋斗吧,黑暗过后是光明,熬过之后就轻松了,想干什么就干什么,不会半途中有人催你去温习。 心理压力果然减了不少。 经过漫长的等待,终于,七月初到了,毕业考过去了,自由与快乐随之而来,我像只困在笼中的小鸟获得自由般,在灿烂的花季时节,打球,看着自己盼望已久的课外书,做自己喜爱的科技实验,前所未有的喜悦溢满了心的每个角落。 我曾为自己的自由而困惑,也为目标而不懈地奋斗,因自由与快乐努力。 现在,我反而能津津有味地回忆那段“黑色岁月”,那时我奋发图强的一种表现,虽说“黑色”,但并不值得后怕,在那段时期,我不仅学会了忙中作乐,珍惜时间,讲究科学的复习方法。 每个人都回经历大大小小的考试,每个人都有受到限制的时候,也有接到那振奋人心的消息的时候,所以我说,快乐并痛苦着。 如果你在自由的束缚中感受到烦恼,我会大声地告诉你:“限制过后是自由,努力过后是快乐,自由与快乐是相关联的!”对,自由与快乐是相关联的。 我的一片天空,是广阔的,是自由的,里面充满了欢声


关于未来英语演讲稿带中文翻译 we are the world ,we are the future someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. i don’t know who wrote these words, but i’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. we are all in the position of the farmers. if we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. if we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. we are young. “how to spend the youth?” it is a meaningful question. to answer it, first i have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind. it’s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. it’s the matter of the will. it’s the freshneof the deep spring of life. a poet said “to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. several days ago, i had a chance to listen to a lecture. i learnt a lot there. i’d like to share it with all of you. let’s


我爱幼教演讲稿3篇 引导语:演讲稿是在一定的场合,面对一定的听众,演讲人围绕着主题讲话的文稿。在快速变化和不断变革的新时代,演讲稿的使用频率越来越高,写起演讲稿来就毫无头绪?下面是小编为大家收集的我爱幼教演讲稿,欢迎阅读与收藏。 我爱幼教演讲稿篇1 转眼间,幼教工作已经有大半年了。回顾这些日子,我学会了许多幼儿园的实际操作经验、接待家长工作。现在成了我永远的宝贵财富。在这大半年里,我面对了许多不同的难题和困惑,这都一一解决了。在这过程中我学会了执着、坚持、奋斗、理解和珍惜。这是我在学校里学不到的。 记得刚刚进入幼儿园时,面对新的环境,陌生的同事,多面的家长,幼儿园管理严格,园长处事认真,家长要求之高;看着那些调皮的孩子在我身边跑过,我慌张了。想逃避了,想混完实习期我就解放了。这里是中班部,心想小孩子肯定很不听话。有一天,当我站在大厅等待着老师时,有个孩子莉莉拉着我的手,说:老师,你叫什么名字?我叫莉莉,我看看她,觉得她很可爱,于是我就蹲下身跟她说,莉莉你好,我是杨老师,你想跟我玩么?她点点头。我说:杨老师跟你回教室玩游戏。一向活泼开朗的我一直很喜欢小孩子,是孩子堆里的“老大”,十分有孩子缘,我暗

暗下决心:一定要让每个孩子都喜欢我。 想起刚进班的时候小家伙们对我是不理不睬的,简直把我当做了隐形人一样,记得我第一天进班的时候,孩子们只是在洪圆长的介绍下应付性的跟我打了个招呼后就再也没人来理我了,常常面临“无人问津”的窘况。失落感不断地向我涌来。但越是这样,我越要证明自己:我能跟孩子相结合在一起。 每天我都会早早的来到教室门口等待孩子们的到来,我用最快的速度记住全班孩子的名字,就为了能够在早上与他们问好。每天早上亲切的问候成了我和孩子们第一座友谊的桥梁,在活动时我会以玩伴是角色与孩子玩耍,与孩子们平起平坐,我利用一切时间与孩子相处、聊天,尽可能地走进孩子的心灵,了解他们的内心世界。渐渐孩子们都喜欢上了我,我的努力有了收获,哈哈!看着孩子们天真烂漫的笑脸我会心的笑了。孩子的心灵是纯洁无暇的,当他们接受了你就会真心的喜欢你,崇拜你、信任你。孩子的爱是最真实、最纯真的。当我看着孩子们一张张天真烂漫的笑脸时,我的内心充满了幸福,我愿意弯下腰走进孩子、倾听孩子内心的声音。了解孩子,关心孩子。然而孩子的天性是好模仿、好奇、好问的,但又由于他们年龄小,面对生活和知识知识只是他们的开端,只有靠老师传译和引导。所以我认为作为一名幼儿教师,如果我自己的学习兴趣不广,求知欲不强,不勤于思考,又怎么教出身心全面健康发展的幼儿呢?所以作为一名幼儿教师应有广泛的兴趣爱好,同时要喜欢思考问题,且要有自己


诚信与责任英语演讲稿 It is true that most of us value honesty highly. However, nowadays we often confront confidence crisis such as cheating, overcharging, fake modities and so on. I think that we should be honest because being honest is not only beneficial to ourselves but also to others and the whole society. The reasons can be listed as follows.Firstly, only honest people can be truly respected by the others and can make more friends over a long period of time. Secondly, honesty, which is the traditional virtue of the Chinese people, can make our life easier and more harmonious. Thirdly, honesty can make our society more stable. A case in point is that Singapore, a society featuring trustworthiness and integrity, has a paratively low criminal rate. Responsbility can be understood in many ways. for the parents , they have had the responsibility for caring for and fostering their children since the birth of their baby.for teachers,both in kindergartens and colleges,they also should be responsible for the study and life of their


关于勇气的英语演讲稿 honorablejudges,distinguishedguests,ladiesandgentlemen:itisagreathonor andpleasuretobehereonthisbeautifulsaturdaymorningtosharewithyoumyse ntimentsaboutlifeandpassionfortheenglishlanguage.aboutayearandahalfag o,itookpartinmyveryfirstenglishspeechcontest.whenistoodbeforethemicro phonewithalleyesstarringdirectlyatme,icouldhardlyspeak.istoodthere,emb arrassedandhelpless,strugglinginvainfortherightthingtosay.myfearshadpara lyzedme.whilemypassionforenglishhasneverchanged,ilostmycouragetospea kinpublic.whenmyprofessoragainencouragedmetotakepartinthiscompetitio n,isaidno.icouldn’tendureyetanotherpainfulexperience.helookedmestraigh tintheeyeandsaidsomethingthatpiercedmyheart.iwillneverforgethiswords.l ook,hesaid,weallhaveourfears,andyouhaveyours.youcouldtwistyouranklein abasketballgame,butthenbeafraidtoeverplayagain.runningawaycanneverdi spelyourfears,butactionwill.awinnerisnotonewhoneverfails,butonewhoneverquits.ispentawholedaywithhiswordstwistingandturningin mymind.thenimadethebravestandwisestdecisionofmylife:iwouldfacemyfea rs–andtakepartinthecompetition!asitturnedout,mydearoldprofessorwasrig ht.now,hereiam,onceagainstandingbeforeamicrophone.myheartisbeatingf ast,andmymouthisdry,butmostimportantly,ihavefacedmyfears--andthatma kesallthedifference!尊敬的法官,各位来宾,女士们,先生们:这是一


展望未来英语演讲稿 【篇一:展望未来,放飞梦想(3分钟英语演讲稿)】 greeting everybody!its my honor to share my topic here with you. today id like to talk about my dream. when i was a little girl,i often thought about my future.will i be rich or will i be successful?in fact,i never considered what job will i get.a writer?a reporter?or like now,a speecher? i don’t know.well,i think i’m an ordinary person.so i just want to have a house of my own when i grow up.in my imagination,it may not be very big,but it must be comfortable and warm enough.if the weather is good,i will sit on my sofa and read books or listen to music on the balcony in the sun.if it is rainy,i’ll sit ther e and watch the beautiful world in the rain through the window.sometimes i will walk by the riverside and enjoy the scenery.sometimes i won’t do anything but just lie on my bed. i think all of these things are tiny and beautiful moments in life because they can give me a heart break.it seems that i live a very simple life.however,it’s the life that i really want to live. no scenery in the world remains unchanged. as long as you keep your heart basking in the sun,then every dawn will present a fine prospect for you to unfold and the world will always be about new hopes. yes,maybe i won’t be very rich or successful,but i believe that i will live a happy and healthy life.and,that is my dream,my own dream. that’all.thanks for listening! 【篇二:展望未来演讲稿】 展望未来演讲稿 告别了寒冷的冬天,我们迈步走进春天的校园。当温暖的阳光洒在 身上,当鲜艳的五星红旗冉冉升起的时候,我们这些新时代的少先 队员都会感到万分的自豪,无比的幸福。然而,亲爱的同学们,你 可知道这美好的生活来得多么不容易呀! 忘不了雪山草地,每一颗红星闪亮着希望,二万五千里的长征路啊,气壮山河!忘不了少年英雄王二小,机警地侦察敌情,用自己少年 的生命,在共和国的旗帜上留下血染的风采。

关于自闭症的英语演讲稿another side of communication

Another Side of Communication Distinguished guests and honorable judges :Good morning/afternoon.We all know communication has changed us---the world is closer than before and we made more friends than we used to. Nevertheless, what will be if we don’t communicate with each other? We often talk love and happiness,but do you ever focus your eyes on something little. Today,my topic is autism. Autism or autistic spectrum disorder also called kanner’s syndrome is an extremely developmental handicap, which is often found in kids aging from one to seven. A survey from Guangming Daily revealed that it mainly lies in lack of communication. Getting to the roof of the issue does not necessarily mean that we are ready to explore its branches. Last month I participate in an assembly in Hunan University. As a volunteer, I met the children with autism. I stayed with them for three days, having dinner、watching animation movies、play games and sharing funny stories with them. Eventually I feel refreshed that we all have autism when we came into the world with a cry. Communication, like stars that lighten up the night, makes me the one standing here. I, as an adult now and a father in the future, should shoulder the responsibility of communicating with my kids. To my disappointment, nowadays, young parents concentrate more on making money and struggling to provide the best for their children. They argue material is power and ignore what kids thought. To remind, the bridge to their children's heart is communication. Let us appreciate them, hug them, talk with them and then warm their hearts. while our journey to solve autism is long,we have bridged the gap between kids and parents. We have found our way back and we know,in our heart,that as for this thrilling time the best is yet to come。


有关责任的英语演讲稿 In my elementary years, there was a little girl in the class who worked very hard, however she could never do satisfactorily in her lessons. The teacher asked me to help her, and it was obvious that she expected a lot from me. But as a young boy, I was so restless and thoughtless, I always tried to get more time to play and enjoy myself. So she was always slighted over by me. One day before the final exam, she came up to me and said, “Could you please explain this to me? I can not under stand it. I just want a good score”. I started explaining, and finished in a hurry because I made an appointment with my friend to play computer games together. Not surprisingly, she again did very badly in the exam. After that, she began to dislike me and said no words to me. It let me feel very bad. Maybe it is a little thing to you now, but I was about eight or nine years old at that time, in a way, it was the very starting point of my life, for I began to understand the word “responsibility” and to lear n to always do my duties faithfully. Gradually, I had learnt the truly


3分钟勇气英语演讲稿五篇 3分钟勇气英语演讲稿篇一 In the matter of courage we all have our limits. There never was a hero who did not have his bounds. I suppose it may be said of Nelson and all the others whose courage has been advertised that there came times in their lives when their bravery knew it had come to its limit. I have found mine a good many times. Sometimes this was expected--often it was unexpected. I know a man who is not afraid to sleep with a rattle-snake, but you could not get him to sleep with a safety-razor. I never had the courage to talk across a long, narrow room. I should be at the end of the room facing all the audience. If I attempt to talk across a room I find myself turning this way and that, and thus at alternate periods I have part of the audience behind me. You ought never to have any part of the audience behind you; you never can tell what they are going to do. I’ll sit down. 3分钟勇气英语演讲稿篇二 Ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i’m very glad to stand here and give you a short sp eech. today my topic is “youth”. i hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it. first i want to ask you some questions:


有关未来英语演讲稿 篇一: my future long-term career goal is to bee a part of the managing a recognized hotel or restaurant. i would need to attend school, graduate and bee diploma certified in order to bee a hotel manager. i believe i will be successful in being a hotel management. i may find several job opportunities, because of the experience that i will have from the internship and the best reputation from a swiss hotel management school. my job skills relate to my future career goals in several ways. my knowledge of puters is very useful in todays society. i am experienced in several aspects of the puter. i am literate of several puter programs such as microsoft office with several years of experience in the internet. furthermore, i consider myself very puter literate, and in todays career fields literacy is required. munication and social skills are very important when dealing with customers. the happiness and satisfaction of the customer is what panies thrive on their business in order to profit, and keep up with supply and demand. whether the client is happy or not,


刘泽洋:(ppt第3页)He was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter whose work had a far reaching influence on 20th century art for its vivid colors and emotional impact. today many of his pieces—including his numerous self portraits, landscapes, portraits and sunflowers—are among the world's most recognizable and expensive works of art. His depression gradually deepened. On 27 July 1890, aged 37, he walked into a field and shot himself in the chest with a revolver. (ppt第4页)The British comedymogul Lowen Atkinson (RowanAtkinson).We can never underestimate this"bean", heclaims to have 18500000 viewers in the UK but,in other regional languagesalsohaving a great reputation, carry the world before one "The British spy Johnny"strongly criticized"the criticsthat he needs time toadjust,even the money cannotmake him happy." Americancomedian Jim Carryand Italycomedian Saddo Parla"depressionhit, youwill feel very despair, can't find a solution to the problem." What is Depression The word 'depression' is used to describe everyday feelings of low mood which can affect us all from time to time. Feeling sad or fed up is a normal reaction to experiences that are upsetting, stressful or difficult; those feelings will usually pass. If you are affected by depression, you are not 'just' sad or upset. You have an illness which means that intense feeling of persistent sadness, helplessness and hopelessness are accompanied by physical effects such as sleeplessness, a loss of energy, or physical aches and pains. Sometimes people may not realise how depressed they are, especially if they have been feeling the same for a long time, if they have been trying to cope with their depression by keeping themselves busy, or if their depressive symptoms are more physical than emotional. Here is a list of the most common symptoms of depression. As a general rule, if you have experienced four or more of these symptoms, for most of the day nearly every day, for over two weeks, then you should seek help. o Tiredness and loss of energy o Persistent sadness o Loss of self-confidence and self-esteem o Difficulty concentrating o Not being able to enjoy things that are usually pleasurable or interesting o Undue feelings of guilt or worthlessness o Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness o Sleeping problems - difficulties in getting off to sleep or waking up much earlier than usual o Avoiding other people, sometimes even your close friends o Finding it hard to function at work/college/school o Loss of appetite o Loss of sex drive and/ or sexual problems


关于责任的英语演讲稿 篇一:关于责任感的英语演讲稿 I'm grateful that I've been given this opportunity to stand here as a spokesman. Facing all of you on the stage, I have the exciting feeling of participating in this speech competition. The topic today is WHAT WE CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE. If you ask me this question, I must tell you that I think the answer is a word---- responsibility. In my elementary years, there was a little girl in the class who worked very hard, however she could never do satisfactorily in her lessons. The teacher asked me to help her, and it was obvious that she expected a lot from me. But as a young boy, I was so restless and thoughtless, I always tried to get more time to play and enjoy myself. So she was always slighted over by me. One day before the final exam, she came up to me and said, "Could you please explain this to me I can not understand it. I just want a good score". I started explaining, and finished in a hurry because I made an


十分钟英语演讲稿:勇气Courage 怎样用英语演讲关于勇气的主题?下面小雅WTT分享了十分 钟英语演讲稿:勇气 Courage,希望你喜欢。 十分钟英语演讲稿:勇气 Courage in the matter of courage we all have our limits. there never was a hero who did not have his bounds. i suppose it may be said of nelson and all the others whose courage has been advertised that there came times in their lives when their bravery knew it had e to its limit. i have found mine a good many times. sometimes this was expected--often it was unexpected. i know a man who is not afraid to sleep with a rattle-snake, but you could not get him to sleep with a safety-razor. i never had the courage to talk across a long, narrow room. i should be at the end of the room facing all the audience. if i attempt to talk across a room i find myself turning this way and that, and thus at alternate periods i have part of the audience behind me. you ought never to have any part of the audience behind you; you never can tell what they are going to do. i'll sit down.


英语演讲稿:世界是我们的,未来是我们的 过去的已经过去,无论我们无力改变,但是未来却在我们前方。相信"我们给了世界什么,世界也将给我们"。这里是一篇英语演讲稿,让我们一起来看看具体内容吧! e are the world ,we are the future someone said "we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite". i don't know who wrote these words, but i've always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. we are all in the position of the farmers. if we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. if we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. we are young. "how to spend the youth?" it is a meaningful question. to answer it, first i have to ask "what do you understand by the word youth?" youth is not a time of life, it's a state of mind. it's not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. it's the matter of the will. it's the freshneof the deep spring of life. a poet said "to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. several days ago, i had a chance to listen to a lecture. i learnt a lot there. i'd like to share it with all of you. let's show our right palms. we can see three lines that show how our love.career and life is. i have a short line of life. what about yours? i wondered whether we could see our future in this way. well, let's make a fist. where is our future? where is our love, career, and life? tell me.yeah, it is in our hands. it is held in ourselves. we all want the future to be better than the past. but the future can go better itself. don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened. from the past, we've learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher. we've learnt that we
