Lesson 3 教师版

Lesson 3 教师版
Lesson 3 教师版

Senior High English Book 2

Unit 5 Rhythm

Lesson 3 Experiment in Folk (1)

Ⅰ. Preparations before class (课前准备)

Task 1: Imagine, read and find (想一想、读一读、找一找)

请完成Page 26 Exercise 3 & 2.

Task 2: Background (背景知识知多少)

Kong Xiangdong, a famous Chinese name in the music world, is one of the most successful young pianists in the world. Music has always been an important part of Kong’s life.In 1986, when he was 18, Kong became the youngest winner in Moscow’s Tchaikovsky International Competition. He has performed in more than 40 countries and has scored numerous prizes, including the 1st prize and four other special prizes at the 1992 Sydney International Competition of Australia. He became the best pianist of the Yellow River Piano Concert. In the US, he’s the first Asian pianist to sign a contract with the BMG/ RCA record company. In face of all these achievements, Kong never forgets his mother and his teacher, Fan Dalei, from whom both Kong has benefited a lot. (孔祥东:著名钢琴家1988年6月获美国吉纳·巴考尔国际大赛金牌大奖;1988年10月15日在纽约林肯艺术中心举办个人独奏会;1989年9月赴美国费城柯蒂斯音乐学院学习,师从克劳德弗·朗克教授;1992年7月获澳大利亚悉尼国际比赛金牌大奖及四项特别奖;录制'黄河'协奏曲LD、CD;1993年7月毕业于费城柯蒂斯音乐学院;1994年后每年六十场音乐会国际巡演;为BMG/RCA唱片公司录制唱片;组织策划'海外中国名家演奏团'回京、沪演出;2002年1月成为第一个在台北演奏原版钢琴协奏曲《黄河》的钢琴家;2002年12月参与拍摄、制作了“汤姆森简易钢琴教程”教学片,并得到了美国音乐学会的赞扬和认可;2003年1月在上海《东方周末》“2002HIGH在上海”时尚评选活动中被评为“十大上海制造”人物之一。2003年除夕,改编创作的钢琴曲《我的祖国》在中央电视台春节联欢晚会的动情点“国土汇聚”仪式中奏响)

Ⅱ. Activities in Class(课堂活动)

Task 1: Rewarding time (比一比)

Task 2: Understand the text (课文理解)

请完成《英语测试报》15期A3版Into the text--- Lesson 3 Experiment in Folk (12’)

Task 3: Read and judge (读一读、断一断) True or false (8’)

1. As a famous pianist, Kong surprised his fans by giving a concert of Chinese folk music yesterday.

2. After playing pop music for years, Kong felt the needs to be different from other musicians.

3. When he was 18, he got his first international prize in America.

4. Kong decided to rediscover the beauty in Chinese classical music.

5. Kong wants to play Chinese folk music so as to be popular among Chinese.

6. Kong’ mother was a great mus ic lover. True of false statements ( )1.As famous pianist, Kong surprised his fans by giving a concert of Chinese folk music yesterday.

( )2.After playing pop music for years, Kong felt the needs to be different from other musicians.

( )3.When he was 18, he got his first international prize in America.( )4.Kong decided to rediscovered the beauty in Chinese classical music.( )5.Kong wants to play Chinese folk music so as to be popular among Chinese.

( )6.Kong ’mother was a great music lover.

Last week classical Moscow


that the world can learn more about China F




Task 4. Have a try (牛刀小试)

1. The famous ___________ pianist, Kong Xiangdong, surprised his fans last week by giving a concert _____________ classical music ___________ Chinese folk music.

2. Music has always been _________ of Kong’s world. As his mother was a great music ________, he lived with music from his___________.

3. Because of Kong’s _____________ and hard work, he became famous _______________.

4. Whether Kong ___________ his appearance or transforming his music, he is a ___________ in music today.

1. classical; combining; with

2. part; lover; birth

3. talent; worldwide

4. is changing; pioneer

Ⅲ. Practice after Class (课后巩固)

1. 请完成课本Page 71 Exercise 8---Vocabulary.

2. 请完成同步作业Page 31 Exercise I---词汇填空

Senior High English Book 2

Unit 5 Rhythm

Lesson 3 Experiment in Folk (2)

Ⅰ. Preparations before class (课前准备)

Task 1. Have a try (牛刀小试) 请完成课本Page 71 Exercise 8---Vocabulary.

Ⅱ. Activities in Class (课堂活动)

Task 1.Rewarding time (比一比)

Task 2:Imagine, recite and practice in class (想一想、背一背、练一练)

1.上星期,著名古典音乐钢琴演奏家孔祥东以一场古典音乐与中国民族音乐相结合的演奏会让他的乐迷们倍感意外?(Page 26---Line 1)

①. ---Can you surprised by the ending of the film? (2010安徽卷28).

---NO, I____ the book, so I already knew the story

A. was reading

B. had read

C. am reading

D. have read


②. Though ______ to see us,the professor gave us a warm welcome. (2010全国卷II 11).

A. surprise B was surprised C. surprised D. being surprised

解析:省略结构和非谓语动词考查。补完整为:Though he was surprised,跟后面句子的主语一致,可以省略主语和系动词。

【小结一番】:be surprised to do sth. be surprised +that 从句

be surprised at…to one’s surprise

③. ---In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well. (2010福建卷33).

---I can’t agree more. It’s great to have the two_____________.

A. linked

B. related

C. connected

D. combined

解析:第二句意思为:“我非常赞同。两者相结合非常好。”have sth. done.意为“使某事被做”。A项意为“相联系的”;B项意为“有关的”;C项意为“相连接的”;D项意为“同时做,兼有”。由句中I can’t agr ee more可知,应选D项,其余三项不符合语境,排除。


④. Diets are most effective when combined with exercise.

2. 由于他的天分和努力,孔祥东闻名于世。(Page26---Line 23)

①. There were many talented actors out there just waiting__________. (2010江西卷32).

A. to discover

B. to be discovered

C. discovered D .being discovered


3. 但是多年演奏之后,在某种程度上,他觉得自己迷失了。(Page26---Line 24)

in some way(s)= in a way,意为“在某些方面,在某种程度上”。

①. 在某种程度上,网络带给人们很多方便。

In some way(s), the computer network brings us convenience.

②. 从某种意义上来说,他是对的。但是我不会改变我的想法。

In some way(s) he is right. But I do not change my mind.

【小结一番】:in the / one’s way 妨碍,挡着……的路

on the way (to) 在往/回……的路上;正在(到某处去的)路上

(in) this / that way 这样/那样

4. 这就是为什么他追根寻源,重新发现了中国民族音乐之美。(Page26---Line 25)This / That is why ... 这/那就是……的原因

why引导表语从句,且在从句中作原因状语,表示“……的原因”,相当于以the reason 作先行词,由why引导的定语从句。如:

Ⅲ. Practice after Class (课后巩固)

I. 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式。

1. He had lost his i____________ card and was being questioned by the police.

2. After 20 years in America, I still feel my r_______________ are in China.

3. He has t_____________ the old kitchen into a beautiful sitting-room.

4. He has not q_____________ smoking, but he only has three cigarettes a day.

5. She doesn’t have a __________________(天赋)but she makes up for it with hard work.

6. Our society expanded into a ______________(全世界的)organization.

1. identity

2. roots

3. transformed

4. quit / quitted

5. talent

6. worldwide


1. You should quit the bad habits ______________.

2. We’ll ______________ our next trip down the river by boat and enjoy the scenery.

3. I often wish that I could ______________ my childhood, when I had enough time to play and

didn’t have to worry about all the exams.

4. All the goals set out _______________ be reached by the year 2020.

5. Many beautiful fish are disappearing _________________ the severe pollution.

1. as early as possible

2. go on to

3. go back to

4. are expected to

5. because of
