




Interdependence: 互相依赖international:. 国际的microeconomic: 微观经济interregional:地区间的

Choice questions

1 Ricardo explained the law of comparative advantage on the basis of( A)

A the labor theory of value

B the opportunity cost theory

C the law of diminishing returns:边际报酬递减定律

D all of the above

2. If with one hour of labor time nation A can produce either 3X or 3Y while nation B can produce either 1X or 3Y (and labor is the only input投入), the range of mutually 互相的beneficial trade between nation A and B is: (C )

A. 3Y<3X<5Y

B. 5Y<3X<9Y

C. 3Y<3X<9Y

D. 1Y<3X<3Y

3. The commodity商品in which the nation has the smallest absolute disadvantage is the

commodity of its (D ).

A. absolute disadvantage

B. absolute advantage

C. comparative disadvantage

D. comparative advantage

4. If in a two-nation (A and B), two-commodity (X and Y) world, it is established that nation A has a comparative advantage in commodity X, then nation B must have: (D )

A an absolute advantage in commodity Y

B an absolute disadvantage in commodity Y

C a comparative disadvantage in commodity Y

D a comparative advantage in commodity Y

5. If domestically 国内的3X=3Y in nation A, while 1X=1Y domestically in nation B:

(D )

A there will be no trade between the two nations

B the relative price of X is the same in both nations

C the relative price of Y is the same in both nations

D all of the above

6. An increase in the dollar price of a foreign currency 货币usually ( B)

A benefits U.S. importers进口商

B benefits U.S. Exporters 出口商

C benefits both U.S. importers and U.S. exporters

D harms both U.S. importers and U.S. exporters

7. The Mercantilists 重商主义者did not advocate 提倡( A)

A free trade

B stimulating the nation’s exports stimulate刺激

C restricting 限制the nation’s imports

D the accumulation积聚of gold by the nation

Slope 倾斜stepwise 逐步地equilibrium relative commodity均衡相对商品



1. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the MRS of X for Y? ( D)

A. It is given by the absolute slope斜率of the indifference curve 无差异曲线

B. declines下降as the nation moves down an indifference curve

C. rises as the nation moves up an indifference curve

D. all of the above

2 The marginal rate of transformation边际转换率(MRT)of X for Y refers to ( D)

A the amount of Y that a nation must give up to produce each additional unit单位of X

B the opportunity cost of X

C the absolute slope of the production frontier生产可能性边界at the point of production

D all of the above

3 The marginal rate of substitution边际替换率(MRS) of X for Y in consumption消费refers to the ( B)

A amount of X that a nation must give up for one extra unit of Y and still remain on the same indifference curve

B amount of Y that a nation must give up for one extra unit of X and still remain on the same indifference curve

C amount of X that a nation must give up for one extra unit of Y to reach a higher indifference curve

D amount of Y that a nation must give up for one extra unit of X to reach a higher indifference curve

4. Which of the following is not a reason for increasing opportunity costs? ( A)

A. technology differs among nations

B. factors of production are not homogenous同质的

C. factors of production are not used in the same fixed proportion固定比例

in the production of all commodities

D. For the nation to produce more of a commodity, it must use resources that are less and less suited适合in the production of the commodity

5. Export prices出口价格must rise for a nation to increase its exports because the nation: ( D)

A incurs招致increasing opportunity costs in export production

B faces decreasing减少opportunity costs in producing import substitutes. 替代品

C faces decreasing marginal rate of substitution in consumption

D all of the above

6. In the trade between a small and a large nation (B ).

A. the large nation is likely to receive all of the gains from trade

B. the small nation is likely to receive all of the gains from trade

C. the gains from trade are likely to equally shared

D. we cannot say

7 Commodity indifference curves (D )

A are negatively sloped

B are convex凸的to the origin原点

C should not cross交叉

D all of the above

8. Nation 1’s share份额of the gains from trade will be greater: (B )

A. the greater is nation 1’s demand for nation 2’s exports

B. the closer Px/Py with trade settles贸易落定to nation 2’s pretrade Px/Py

C. the weaker is nation 2’s demand for nation 1’s exports

D. the closer Px/Py with trade settles to nation 1’s pretrade Px/Py

concave凹的intersect 相交application 应用equilibrium均衡compensation principle

补偿原则isolation孤立inside在…之内tangent切线internal. 内部的exceed超过specialize专门化mutually互相地taste偏好


1. If a nation does not affect world prices by its trading, its offer curve: ( a)

A. is a straight line

B. bulges凸出toward the axis轴measuring衡量the import commodity

C. intersects相交the straight-line直线segment部分of the world’s offer curve

D. intersects the positively-sloped portion积极倾斜的部分of the world’s offer curve

2. Which of the following statements regarding partial equilibrium analysis局部均衡分析is false? (c )

A. it relies on traditional demand and supply curves

B. it isolates for study one market

C. it can be used to determine the equilibrium relative commodity price均衡相对商品价格but not the equilibrium quantity均衡产量with trade

D. it does not take into considerations the interactions相互作用between different markets

3. If the nation’s tastes for its import commodity increases (d )

A. the nation’s offer curve rotates旋转toward the axis measuring its import commodity

B. the partner’s offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its import commodity

C. the partner’s offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its export commodity

D. the nation’s offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its export commodity

4. The offer curve of a nation bulges凸出toward the axis measuring the nation’s ( a)

A. import commodity

B. export commodity

C. export or import commodity

D. nontraded commodity

5. The offer curve of a nation shows: (d )

A. the supply of a nation’s imports

B. the demand for a nation’s exports

C. the trade partner’s demand for imports and supply of exports

D. the nation’s demand for imports and supply of exports

6. If the terms of trade贸易条件of a nation are 1.5 in a two-nation world, those of the trade partner are: ( b)

A. 3/4

B. 2/3

C. 3/2

D. 4/3

7. A deterioration恶化of a nation’s terms of trade causes the nation’s welfare to: (d )

A. deteriorate

B. improve

C. remain unchanged

D. any of the above


V olume量


1. Which is not an assumption假设of the H-O model? ( c)

A. the same the technology in both nations

B. constant returns to scale规模报酬不变

C. complete specialization完全专业化

D. equal tastes相同偏好in both nations

2. The Leontief paradox里昂惕夫悖论refers to the empirical finding实证发现that U.S.:

(a )

A. import substitutes are more K-intensive than exports

B. imports are more K-intensive than exports

C. exports are more L-intensive than imports

D. exports are more K-intensive than import substitutes

3. In the H-O model, international trade is based mostly on a difference in: (b )

A. technology

B. factor endowments禀赋

C. economies of scale规模经济

D. tastes

4. The H-O model extends延伸the classical trade model by: (c)

A. explaining the basis for comparative advantage

B. examining检查the effect of trade on factor prices

C. both A and B

D. neither A nor B

5. A difference in relative commodity prices between two nations can be based upon a difference in (d )

A. factor endowments

B. technology

C. tastes

D. all of the above

6. For factor reversal逆转to occur, two commodities must be produced with: (a )

A. sufficiently充分地different elasticity of substitution替代弹性of factors

B. the same K/L ratio比率

C. technologically-fixed factor proportions比例

D. equal elasticity of substitution of factors


reject驳回,排斥await 等候余下答案:acbdcaddc






5.Draw the offer curves for Nation 1 and Nation 2, showing that Nation 2 is a small nation

that trades at the pretrade-relative commodity prices in Nation 1. How are the gains from

trade distributed between the two nations? Why?





8.Table 9——1 配额和关税的区别






克鲁格曼《国际经济学》(第8版)笔记和课后习题详解 第2章~第4章【圣才出品】

第1篇国际贸易理论 第2章世界贸易概览 2.1复习笔记 1.经济规模与进出口总额之间的关系 (1)规模问题:引力模型 现实证明一国的经济规模与其进出口总额息息相关。把整个世界贸易看成整体,可利用引力模型(gravity model)来预测任意两国之间的贸易规模。引力模型方程式如下: 其中, T是i国与j国的贸易额,A为常量,i Y是i国的国内生产总值,j Y是j国的国 ij 内生产总值, D是两国的距离。引力模型方程式表明:其他条件不变的情况下,两国间的 ij 贸易规模与两国的GDP成正比,与两国间的距离成反比。 (2)引力模型的内在逻辑 引力模型之所以能较好地拟合两国之间的实际贸易现状,其原因在于:大的经济体收入高,因而大量进口产品;大的经济体能生产更多品种的系列产品,因而更能满足其他国家的需求,进而大量出口产品。在两国贸易中,任一方的经济规模越大,则双方的贸易量就越大。 (3)引力模型的应用:寻找反例 当两国之间的贸易量与依照引力模型计算得出的结果相差较大时,就需要从其他因素进行分析,如文化的亲和性、地理位置、运输成本等因素。事实上,这也是引力模型的重要用

途之一,即有助于明确国际贸易中的异常现象。 (4)贸易障碍:距离、壁垒和疆界 距离、壁垒和疆界对国际贸易有负面作用,会使得两国之间的贸易额大大小于根据引力模型所计算出的结果。另外,在各国GDP和距离给定的情况下,有效贸易协定(trade agreement)比无效的贸易协定更能显著增加成员国的贸易量,这也是美国与其邻国的贸易量明显大于其和相同大小的欧盟的贸易量的原因之一。 2.正在演变的世界贸易模式 (1)世界变小了吗? 人们认为,现代化的运输和通讯可以超越空间距离的束缚,世界因此成了小“村落”。事实的确如此。但是,有时候政治的力量可以超过技术进步的作用,两次世界大战、20世纪30年代的大萧条及战后全世界范围内的贸易保护主义等都严重制约着国际贸易的发展,使得国际贸易大幅萎缩,并且用了几十年才得以恢复。 (2)交易内容 从全世界范围来看,工业制成品是主要的交换产品,所占比重最大。矿产品特别是现代世界不可或缺的石油依旧是世界贸易的主要部分。引人注目的是发展中国家已经从初级产品出口国转变为主要的制成品出口国。另外,服务贸易在国际贸易中凸显重要,并且其重要性越来越突出。 (3)服务外包 随着现代信息技术的发展和应用,一种新的贸易形式——服务外包(service outsourcing)随之出现。服务外包也称之为离岸服务,是一种新兴的国际贸易现象,使得曾经必须在一国国内实现的服务现在可以在国外实现。 (4)旧规则依然可行吗?


Chapter 1 Introduction Multiple Choice Questions Historians of economic thought often describe ___________ written by _______ and published in __________ as the first real exposition of an economic model. “Of the Balance of Trade,” David Hume, 1776 “Wealth of Nations,” David Hume, 1758 “Wealth of Nations,” Adam Smith, 1758 “Wealth of Nations,” Adam Smith, 1776 “Of the Balance of Trade,” David Hume, 1758 Answer: E From 1959 to 2000, the U.S. economy roughly tripled in size. U.S. imports roughly tripled in size. the share of US Trade in the economy roughly tripled in size. U.S. Imports roughly tripled as compared to U.S. exports. U.S. exports roughly tripled in size. Answer: C The United States is less dependent on trade than most other countries because the United States is a relatively large country. the United States is a “Superpower.” the military power of the United States makes it less dependent on anything. the United States invests in many other countries. many countries invest in the United States. Answer: A Ancient theories of international economics from the 18th and 19th Centuries are: not relevant to current policy analysis. are only of moderate relevance in today’s modern international economy. are highly relevant in today’s modern internationa l economy. are the only theories that actually relevant to modern international economy. are not well understood by modern mathematically oriented theorists. Answer: C


绝对优势:是指以各国生产成本的绝对差异为基础进行的国际专业化分工,并通过自由贸易获得利益的一种国际贸易理论。 李嘉图模型:是一个单一要素模型,劳动是唯一的生产要素,劳动生产率的差异是不同国家各个产业部门之间唯一的不同之处,也是决定国际贸易的唯一因素。李嘉图模型的中心含义是如果每个国家都能够专门生产并出口本国劳动生产率较高的产品,那么他们之间的贸易就会给每个国家带来利益,他的两个核心含义:劳动生产率的差异在国际贸易中占据重要地位和贸易模式取决于比较优势而非绝对优势,至今仍能得到事实支持。 机会成本:是指因一种选择而放弃的最有替换物或失去最好机会的价值,即是指经济决策中影由中选的最优方案负担的,按所放弃的次优方案潜在收益计算的那部分资源损失。 要素比例理论/赫克歇尔俄林理论:是指从资源禀赋角度对国际贸易中的生产成本和价格的差异做出解释的国际贸易理论。其内容是:各国的贸易源于不同国家之间商品的价格存在差异,而价格差异的原因在于不同国家之间的生产成本有高有低,生产成本的高低是因为各国生产要素价格有差别,生产要素价格的差异又与各国生产要素丰裕程度密切相关。生产要素丰裕,其商品价格自认就相对低一些,生产要素稀缺,其价格相对高一些。生产要素丰裕度的差异是国际贸易产生的根本原因。 出口偏向性增长:是指一国的经济增长主要源于出口产品生产能力提高的经济增长方式,表现在生产可能性边界上就是使生产可能性边界扩张偏向出口产品。 福利恶化性增长:是指一国整体福利水平恶化的经济增长方式,是发展中国家的出口偏向型增长在严格假定下可能出现的一种极端情况。一国的出口偏向性增长可能导致该国的贸易条件恶化。因此,如果一国的经济增长方式表现为极强的出口偏向性,那么贸易条件恶化带来的负面影响就会抵消生产力提高带来的正面效应,使得该国整体的福利水平恶化。 出口补贴:是指国家为了降低出口商品的价格,提高其在国际上的竞争力,对出口商品给予的现金或财政上的补贴。 动态收益递增:成本随着累计产量下降而并非随着当前劳动生产率的上升而下降的情形就是动态收益递增 倾销:出口商以低于国内市场价格的价格,甚至以低于成本的价格在国际市场上销售商品的行为。 外部规模经济是指整个行业规模和产量的扩大而使单个企业平均成本下降或收益增加的经济现象。 边际收益:在生产的技术水平和其他投入要素的数量均保持不变情况下,新增加一个单位的某种投入要素所引起的产量的增加量。 幼稚工业论:认为新兴工业在发展初期需要国家提供保护以免在外国强大的竞争下夭折,并随着新兴工业的发展和竞争力的增强而逐步取消贸易保护,为自由贸易的实行创造条件。垄断竞争:介于完全竞争和完全垄断之间的一种市场结构,这种结构下既存在垄断,又存在竞争。 价格歧视:一家企业在销售同样的商品时,对不同的顾客索取不同价格的做法 完全垄断:完全排斥竞争的一种市场结构。 内部规模经济:单个企业生产规模不断扩大时,由其自身内部引起的平均成本不断下降,收益不断增加的经济现象。 相互倾销:不同国家生产同种或类似产品的厂商都对出口产品制定一个低于国内市场价的价格并进行双向贸易的现象。 行业内贸易:在国际贸易活动中,不同国家之间就同一产业的产品所进行的贸易。


C h a p t e r7I n t e r n a t i o n a l F a c t o r M o v e m e n t s Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of the following differs in its essential analytical framework (a) I nternational trade in goods (b) I nternational conflict resolution (c) I nternational trade in services (d) I nternational trade in factors of production (e) I nternational borrowing and lending Answer: B 2. The slope of the production function measures (a) t he physical increase in output as country grows. (b) t he dollar-value increase in output as a country grows. (c) t he increase in number of workers as immigration proceeds. (d) t he marginal product of labor. (e) t he marginal product of capital.

Answer: D 3. International free labor mobility will under all circumstances (a) i ncrease total world output. (b) i mprove the economic welfare of everyone. (c) i mprove the economic welfare of workers everywhere. (d) i mprove the economic welfare of landlords (or capital owners) everywhere. (e) N one of the above. Answer: E 4. If the world attained a perfect Heckscher-Ohlin model equilibrium with trade, then (a) w orkers in the labor abundant country would migrate to the capital abundant country. (b) w orkers in the labor abundant country would wish to migrate to the capital abundant country. (c) w orkers in the labor abundant country would have no desire to migrate to the capital abundant country.


国际经济学在线作业 1.第1题 比较优势理论认为国际贸易的驱动力是 ()。 A.劳动生产率的差异 B.技术水平的差异 C.产品品质的差异 D.价格的差异 您的答案: A 题目分数: 2 此题得分: 2.0 2.第2题 如果一个大国对进口商品征收关税()。 A.对贸易条件不产生影响 B.提高所有国家的贸易条件 C.提高本国的贸易条件 D.导致本国贸易条件恶化 您的答案: C 题目分数: 2 此题得分: 2.0 3.第3题 通常所说的“纸黄金”是()。 A.黄金 B.外汇 C.普通提款权 D.特别提款权 您的答案: D 题目分数: 2 此题得分: 2.0 4.第4题 甲乙两国货币的实际汇率由名义汇率以及

()共同决定。 A.甲国货币购买力 B.乙国货币购买力 C.两国利率水平 D.两国相对物价水平 您的答案: D 题目分数: 2 此题得分: 2.0 5.第5题 根据蒙代尔的“政策配合说”,用来实现外部均衡的 政策手段是()。 A.财政政策 B.货币政策 C.汇率政策 D.直接管制 您的答案: B 题目分数: 2 此题得分: 2.0 6.第6题 不能解释产业内贸易现象的理论有( )。 A.重叠需求理论 B.要素比例理论 C.规模经济理论 D.垄断竞争理论 您的答案: B 题目分数: 2 此题得分: 2.0 7.第7题 属于非关税壁垒的措施是( )。 A.反倾销税 B.反补贴税 C.进口附加税

D.国内最低限价 您的答案: D 题目分数: 2 此题得分: 2.0 8.第8题 下述哪一种不属于投机性外汇交易( )。 A.双边套汇 B.多边套汇 C.套利 D.套期保值 您的答案: D 题目分数: 2 此题得分: 2.0 9.第17题 IS-LM模型是宏观经济分析的一个重要工具,是描述____市场和____市场之间相互联系的理论结构。() A.货币资本 B.资本劳动力 C.资本商品 D.货币产品 您的答案: D 题目分数: 2 此题得分: 2.0 10.第18题 国际经济一体化的形式不包括()。 A.关税同盟 B.自由贸易区 C.共同市场 D.自由市场 您的答案: D 题目分数: 2 此题得分: 2.0

克鲁格曼 国际经济学第9版教材答案

Chapter 1 Introduction ?Chapter Organization What Is International Economics About? The Gains from Trade The Pattern of Trade How Much Trade? Balance of Payments Exchange Rate Determination International Policy Coordination The International Capital Market International Economics: Trade and Money ?Chapter Overview The intent of this chapter is to provide both an overview of the subject matter of international economics and to provide a guide to the organization of the text. It is relatively easy for an instructor to motivate the study of international trade and finance. The front pages of newspapers, the covers of magazines, and the lead reports on television news broadcasts herald the interdependence of the U.S. economy with the rest of the world. This interdependence may also be recognized by students through their purchases of imports of all sorts of goods, their personal observations of the effects of dislocations due to international competition, and their experience through travel abroad. The study of the theory of international economics generates an understanding of many key events that shape our domestic and international environment. In recent history, these events include the causes and consequences of the large current account deficits of the United States; the dramatic appreciation of the dollar during the first half of the 1980s followed by its rapid depreciation in the second half of the 1980s; the Latin American debt crisis of the 1980s and the Mexican crisis in late 1994; and the increased pressures for industry protection against foreign competition broadly voiced in the late 1980s and more vocally espoused in the first half of the 1990s. The financial crisis that began in East Asia in 1997 and spread to many countries around the globe and the Economic and Monetary Union in Europe highlighted the way in which various national economies are linked and how important it is for us to understand these connections. These global linkages have been highlighted yet again with the rapid spread of the financial crisis in the United States to the rest of the world. At the same time, protests at global economic meetings and a rising wave of protectionist rhetoric have highlighted opposition to globalization. The text material will enable students to understand the economic context in which such events occur. ? 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley


国际经济学 国际贸易理论部分练习题 班级z102 姓名秦鹏欢学号104273 成绩 评分标准:每错一小题减1分,减10分以内为优,减20分以内为良,减30分以内为及格,减30分以上不及格。 一、填空题(40题) ?1、国际经济学在研究资源分配时,是以___单个经济社会_____作为基本的单位。?2、要素禀赋理论是指各国的比较优势决定于它们不同的_ _______。 ?3、相互需求理论认为,_____ 是由贸易双方的供给条件曲线或相互需求曲线决定的。 ?4、从广义上看,国际贸易既包括商品贸易,也包括服务贸易. ?5、根据产品生命周期理论,产品从开发到退出市场,要经历_初始期_____、_成长期____和__成熟区______。 ?6、国际贸易理论在研究方法上主要以微观经济分析为基本工具。?7、生产可能性边界表明一个国家在充分和有效地使用其所有资源时能生产的各种商品数量的组合。它描述了一国的条件。 ?8、生产可能性边界又叫,两种产品的边际转换率MRT反映了产品转换的边际技术替代率。 ?9、在要素禀赋理论中,生产要素包括两个。正因为如此,有时要素禀赋理论的基本模型又称为 2*2*2 模型。 ?10、若A国的要素禀赋为(w/r)A,B国的要素禀赋为(w/r)B,且有:(w/r)A>(w/r)B,则称A国是资本丰裕国家,B国是劳动丰裕的国家。 ?11、如果在 k/l(A)> K/L(B) 下,X生产所使用的资本——劳动比率均大于Y生产所使用的资本——劳动比率,则称X是资本密集型的产品,Y是劳动密集型的产品。?12、要素价格均等化定理证明了在各国要素价格存在差异,以及生产要素不能通过在国际间自由流动来直接实现最佳配置的情况下,国际贸易可替代要素国际流动,“间接”实现世界范围内资源的最佳配置。 ?13、从长期来看,国际贸易会提高该国丰富要素所有者的实际收入,降低稀缺要素所有者的实际收入。 ?14、在特定要素模型中,国际贸易会提高贸易国出口部门特定要素的实际收入,降低与进口相竞争部门的特定要素的实际收入。?15、按照古典和新古典的国际贸易理论,各国之间的贸易主要是不同产品之间的贸易,即“产业间贸易”。 ?16、如果说规模经济与差异产品贸易理论主要从供给的角度对战后的产业内、行业内贸易加以概括的话,那么则是从需求的角度对产业内贸易加以概括和解释。


Ch a p t e r 7I n t e r n a t i o n a l F a c t o r Mo v e me n t s Multiple Choice Questions 1.Which of the following differs in its essential analytical framework? (a)International trade in goods (b)International conflict resolution (c)International trade in services (d)International trade in factors of production (e)International borrowing and lending Answer: B 2.The slope of the production function measures (a)the physical increase in output as country grows. (b)the dollar-value increase in output as a country grows. (c)the increase in number of workers as immigration proceeds. (d)the marginal product of labor. (e)the marginal product of capital. Answer: D 3.International free labor mobility will under all circumstances (a)increase total world output. (b)improve the economic welfare of everyone. (c)improve the economic welfare of workers everywhere. (d)improve the economic welfare of landlords (or capital owners) everywhere. (e)None of the above. Answer: E 4.If the world attained a perfect Heckscher-Ohlin model equilibrium with trade, then (a)workers in the labor abundant country would migrate to the capital abundant country. (b)workers in the labor abundant country would wish to migrate to the capital abundant country. (c)workers in the labor abundant country would have no desire to migrate to the capital abundant country. (d)workers in the capital abundant country would wish to migrate to the labor abundant country. (e)workers in the capital abundant country would migrate to the labor abundant country. Answer: C


1. 在古典贸易模型中,假设A 国有120名劳动力,B 国有50名劳动力,如果生产棉花的话,A 国的人均产量是2吨,B 国也是2吨;要是生产大米的话,A 国的人均产量是10吨,B 国则是16吨。画出两国的生产可能性曲线并分析两国中哪一国拥有生产大米的绝对优势?哪一国拥有生产大米的比较优势? 思路:B 国由于每人能生产16吨大米,而A 国每人仅生产10吨大米,所以B 国具有生产大米的绝对优 势。 从两国生产可能性曲线看出A 国生产大米的机会成本为,而B 国为,所以B 国生产大米的机会成本或相对成 本低于A 国,B 国生产大米具有比较优势。 2.下表列出了加拿大和中国生产1单位计算机和1单位小麦所需的劳动时间。假定生产计算机和小麦都只用劳动,加拿大的总劳动为600小时,中国总劳动为800小时。 (1) 计算不发生贸易时各国生产计算机和小麦的产量。 (2) 哪个国家具有生产计算机的比较优势?哪个国家具有生产小麦的比较优势? (3) 如果给定世界价格是1单位计算机交换22单位的小麦,加拿大参与贸易可以从每单位的进 口中节省多少劳动时间?中国可以从每单位进口中节省多少劳动时间?如果给定世界价格是1 单位计算机交换24单位的小麦,加拿大和中国分别可以从进口每单位的货物中节省多少劳动 时间? (4) 在自由贸易的情况下,各国应生产什么产品,数量是多少?整个世界的福利水平是提高还是 降低了?试用图分析。(以效用水平来衡量福利水平) 思路: (1) 中国生产计算机的机会成本为100/4=25,加拿大为60/3=20 (2) 因为加拿大生产计算机的机会成本比中国低,所以加拿大具有生产者计算机的比较优势,中国就具有生 产小麦的比较优势。 (3) 如果各国按照比较优势生产和出口,加拿大进口小麦出口计算机,中国进口计算机出口小麦。 加拿大进口一单位小麦需要出口1/22单位计算机,折合成劳动时间来算,生产一单位小麦本国要用3小 时,但生产1/22单位计算机本国要用60/22小时劳动,所以加拿大进口一单位小麦相当于用60/22小时 的劳动换回本国3小时生产的产品,节省了3-60/22=3/11小时的劳动时间。中国进口一单位计算机需要 出口22单位小麦,相当于用22*4=88小时的劳动换回本国需用100小时生产的产品,节省了100-88=12 小时的劳动时间。 如果世界价格是1单位计算机交换24单位的小麦,则相当于用60/24小时的劳动换回本国3小时生产的 产品,节省了3-60/24=1/2小时的劳动时间。中国进口一单位计算机需要出口24单位小麦,相当于用 24*4=96小时的劳动换回本国需用100小时生产的产品,节省了100-96=4小时的劳动时间。 (4) 在自由贸易的情况下,加拿大应专业生产计算机,数量为600/60=10单位;中国应专业生产小麦,数量 为800/4=200单位。 中国的福利水平从U 01上升到U 11,加拿大的福利水平从U 02上升到U 12,整个世界的福利水平上升了。 3. 假定中国总劳动为600小时,生产每单位钢铁Y 需要4小时,而生产每单位大米X 需要2小时,用图画出:


Chapter 3 1.Home has 1200 units of labor available. It can produce two goods, apples and bananas. The unit labor requirement in apple production is 3, while in banana production it is 2. a .Graph out the production possibilities frontier: b .What is the opportunity cost of apples in terms of bananas? 5.1=Lb La a a c .In the absence of trade, what would the price of apples in terms of bananas be? In the absence of trade, since labor is the only factor of production and supply decisions are determined by the attempts of individuals to maximize their earnings in a competitive economy, only when Lb La b a /a a /P P =will both goods be produced. So 1.5 /P P b a = 2.Home is as described in problem 1. There is now also another country, Foreign, with a labor force of 800. Foreign ’s unit labor requirement in apple production is 5, while in banana production it is 1. a .Graph Foreign ’s production possibilities frontier: b .Construct the world relative supply curve. Home's PPF 0200400600800 200400600800Q apple Q banana Foreign's PPF 02004006008001000 80160240320400Q*apple Q*banana


Home's PPF 200400600800200400600800 Q apple Q banana Foreign's PPF 200400600800100080160240320400 Q*apple Q*banana Chapter 2 1a.画出本国的生产可能性边界: b. 用香蕉衡量的苹果的机会成本是, 5.1=Lb La a a c .劳动力的自由流动使两部门的工资率相等,自由竞争使得他们生产两种产品的机会成本相同。相对价格等于相对成本,后者可以表示为(*)/(*)a a b b w a w a ,由于两部门间的工资率相等,a b w w ∴=,只有在Lb La b a /a a /P P =,两种商品才都会被生产。所以 1.5 /P P b a = 2a. b. 3 a. a b b a /P P /D D =∵当市场达到均衡时, 1b a ) (D D -**=++=b a b b a a P P Q Q Q Q ∴RD 是一条双曲线 x y 1 =

b.苹果的均衡相对价格由RD 和RS 的交点决定: RD: y x 1 = RS: 5 ]5,5.1[5.1],5.0(5.0) 5.0,0[=∈=??? ??+∞∈=∈y y y x x x ∴x=0.5, y=2 ∴2/=b P a P e e c. ∵b a b e a e b a P P P P P P ///>>**∴只有两个国家的时候,本国专门生产苹果,出口苹果并进口香蕉:外国则正好相反。 d . 国际贸易允许本国和外国在阴影区内任何一点消费,专门生产某种产品然后和另一个国家进行贸易的间接方式,要比直接生产该商品的方式更有效率。在没有贸易时,本国要生产3单位的香蕉必须放弃2单位的苹果,外国要生产1单位的苹果要放弃5单位的香蕉。贸易允许两国以两单位香蕉交换一单位苹果。通过出让2单位苹果,本国可以获得四单位的香蕉;而外国可以用2单位向交换得1单位苹果。所以两个国家都从贸易中获利。 4. RD: y x 1 = RS: 5 ]5,5.1[5 .1] ,1(1)1,0[=∈=?? ???+∞∈=∈y y y x x x →5.13 2==y x →5.1/=b P a P e e 在这种情况下,外国将专门生产并出口香蕉,进口苹果。但本国将同时生产香蕉和苹果,并且香蕉相对于苹果的机会成本在本国是相同的。所以本国既没有得益也没有受损,但外国从贸易中获益了。 5.在这种情况下,劳动力总量加倍了而劳动生产率减半,所以有效劳动力总量仍是相同的。答案类似于第三小题,两国都从贸易中获益了。但是,相对于第四小题,外国的获益减少了。 6.实际上,相对工资率由相应的劳动生产率和对产品的相对需求决定。韩国的低工资率反映了韩国大部分行业的劳动生产率比美国低。和低劳动生产率,低工资率的国家进行贸易可以提高像美国那样高劳动生产率国家的福利和生活水平。所以这种贫民劳动论是错误的。


国际经济学作业 一、名词解释 幼稚产业:所谓幼稚产业是指某一产业处于发展初期,基础和竞争力薄弱但经过适度保护能够发展成为具有潜在比较优势的新兴产业。 倾销:是指一国(地区)的生产商或出口商以低于其国内市场价格或低于成本价格将其商品抛售到另一国(地区)市场的行为。 提供曲线:也称相互需求曲线,是由马歇尔和艾奇沃斯提出的,它表明一个国家为了进口一定量的商品,必须向其他国家出口一定量的商品,因此提供曲线即对应某一进口量愿意提供的出口量的轨迹。两个国家的提供曲线的交汇点所决定的价格,就是国际商品交换价格(交换比率)。 国际收支:国际收支分为狭义的国际收支和广义的国际收支。狭义的国际收支指一个国家或地区与世界其他国家或地区之间由于贸易、非贸易和资本往来而引起的国际间资金收支流动的行为。包括两种具体形式:直接的货币收支和以货币表示的资产的转移。反映了以货币为媒介的国际间的债权、债务关系。广义的国际收支为系统记载的、在特定时期内(通常为一年)一个国家或经济体的居民与世界其他地方居民的全部各项经济交易,不仅包括外汇收支的国际借贷关系,还包括一定时期全部经济交易与往来。 二、简答题 试画出出口贫困化增长的图形并作出分析 答:出口贫困化增长,是指某国的传统出口产品的出口规模极大地增长,但结果不仅使该国的贸易条件严重恶化,而且该国的国民福利水平也出现下降,这种现象一般出现在发展中国家。

贸易条件变化前,该国生产均衡点为A,消费点为C;由于该国传统出口产品X 的出口规模极大增长,使得该国贸易条件恶化,此时,生产点变为A’,消费点变为C’。由图中的无差异曲线可以看出,该国贸易条件的变化使得它的福利水平低于增长前。这种情形就成为“出口贫困化增长”。 产生出口贫困化增长的原因主要有:(1)该国在该种出口产品的出口量中占到相当大的比重,这样,当其出口大幅度增加时,会导致世界市场上出现供大于求的情况,导致价格大幅下跌。(2)该种产品的需求国的需求弹性很低,当产品价格降低时,需求是并不会相应大幅增长。(3)该国经济结构十分单一,依赖该种产品的出口来促进经济的发展,因此在贸易条件恶化的时候也不能压缩出口,而是进一步扩大出口量从而保持一定的出口收入。 试说明国际贸易中要素密集度逆转的情况 答:这是解释列昂惕夫反论的观点之一,它认为,某种商品在资本丰富的国家属于资本密集型产品,而在劳动力相对丰富的国家则属于劳动密集型产品,如小麦在非洲是劳动密集生产过程的产品,而在美国则是资本密集型的产品,也就是大机器和高效化肥生产的产品。所以,同一种产品是劳动密集型产品还是资本密集型产品并没有绝对的界限。在国外属于劳动密集型的产品,也有可能在国内属于资本密集型的产品。 即如果两种要素在行业间的替代弹性差异很大,以至于两种等产量曲线相交两次,那么,可能产生生产要素密集度逆转的现象。即一种产品在A国是劳动密集型产品在B国是资本密集型产品。可能就无法根据H-O的模式预测贸易模式了。


1?在古典贸易模型中,假设A国有120名劳动力,B国有50名劳动力,如果生产棉花的话,A国的人均产量是2吨,B国也是2吨;要是生产大米的话,A国的人均产量是10吨,B国则是16吨。画出两国的生产可能性曲线并分析两国中哪一国拥有生产大米的绝对优势?哪一国拥有生产大米的比较优势? 思路:B国由于每人能生产16吨大米,而A国每人仅生产10吨大米,所以B国具有生产大米的绝对优势。 从两国生产可能性曲线看出A国生产大米的机会成本为0.2,而B国为0.125,所以B国生产大米的机会成 本或相对成本低于A国,B国生产大米具有比较优势。 2. 下表列出了加拿大和中国生产1单位计算机和1单位小麦所需的劳动时间。假定生产计算机和小麦都只用劳动,加拿大的总劳动为600小时,中国总劳动为800小时。 (1)计算不发生贸易时各国生产计算机和小麦的产量。 (2)哪E个国家具有生产计算机的比较优势?哪个国家具有生产小麦的比较优势? (3)如果给定世界价格是1单位计算机交换22单位的小麦,加拿大参与贸易可以从每单位的进口中节省多少劳动时间?中国可以从每单位进口中节省多少劳动时间?如果给定世界价格是1单位计算机交换24单位的小麦,加拿大和中国分别可以从进口每单位的货物中节省多少劳动时 间? (4)在自由贸易的情况下,各国应生产什么产品,数量是多少?整个世界的福利水平是提高还是降低了?试用图分析。(以效用水平来衡量福利水平) 思路: (1)中国生产计算机的机会成本为100/4=25,加拿大为60/3=20 (2)因为加拿大生产计算机的机会成本比中国低,所以加拿大具有生产者计算机的比较优势,中国就具有生产小麦的比较优势。 (3)如果各国按照比较优势生产和出口,加拿大进口小麦出口计算机,中国进口计算机出口小麦。 加拿大进口一单位小麦需要出口1/22单位计算机,折合成劳动时间来算,生产一单位小麦本国要用3小时,但生产1/22单位计算机本国要用60/22小时劳动,所以加拿大进口一单位小麦相当于用60/22小时的劳动换回本国3 小时生产的产品,节省了3-60/22=3/11小时的劳动时间。中国进口一单位计算机需要 出口22单位小麦,相当于用22*4=88小时的劳动换回本国需用100小时生产的产品,节省了100-88=12 小时的 劳动时间。 如果世界价格是1单位计算机交换24单位的小麦,贝肪目当于用60/24小时的劳动换回本国3小时生产的产品, 节省了3-60/24=1/2 小时的劳动时间。中国进口一单位计算机需要出口24单位小麦,相当于用 24*4=96小时的劳动换回本国需用100小时生产的产品,节省了100-96=4小时的劳动时间。 (4)在自由贸易的情况下,加拿大应专业生产计算机,数量为600/60=10单位;中国应专业生产小麦,数量为800/4=200 单位。 中国的福利水平从1°1上升到U11,加拿大的福利水平从『2上升到U12,整个世界的福利水平上升了


Chapter 7 International Factor Movements Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of the following differs in its essential analytical framework? (a) International trade in goods (b) International conflict resolution (c) International trade in services (d) International trade in factors of production (e) International borrowing and lending Answer: B 2. The slope of the production function measures (a) the physical increase in output as country grows. (b) the dollar-value increase in output as a country grows. (c) the increase in number of workers as immigration proceeds. (d) the marginal product of labor. (e) the marginal product of capital. Answer: D 3. International free labor mobility will under all circumstances (a) increase total world output. (b) improve the economic welfare of everyone. (c) improve the economic welfare of workers everywhere. (d) improve the economic welfare of landlords (or capital owners) everywhere. (e) None of the above. Answer: E 4. If the world attained a perfect Heckscher-Ohlin model equilibrium with trade, then (a) workers in the labor abundant country would migrate to the capital abundant country. (b) workers in the labor abundant country would wish to migrate to the capital abundant country. (c) workers in the labor abundant country would have no desire to migrate to the capital abundant country. (d) workers in the capital abundant country would wish to migrate to the labor abundant country. (e) workers in the capital abundant country would migrate to the labor abundant country. Answer: C
