

Ex. 1 E –C(口)p.141 Cheap coffee bad for the environment

The fact that we can drink cheaper and cheaper coffee actually means coffee growers are getting less and less out of the same field they plant. So they have to grow more in order to maintain the income. This however, means destruction to forests and the eco-environment. With every cup of coffee drunk, we are helping toward the destruction.

Every new round of earth exploration doesn’t bring human beings material enjoyment alone, but also ecological catastrophe. Forests and greenbelt are the lungs of the earth, which keep the air on the earth fresh and provide necessary oxygen for survival of animals. But with the development of human society, the earth’s lungs are shrinking dramatically due to destruction. Dimos O’Brien, a scientist from the World Wildlife Conservation society, said, if no appropriate protective measure is taken, every cup of coffee we drink brings damage to the environment or even accelerates the extinction of some species.

Though people are spending more and more money on coffee consumption, coffee growers are getting less and less. Partly due to the increased costs of production, storage, transportation and distribution, partly to the decreased price of coffee. To get as much profits possible. The manufactures and sellers have to go all out to lower the purchase price of coffee beans. The annual sales volume of coffee in USA is 70 billion US dollars, only 5.5 billion goes to the coffee growers.

Sumatra is the second largest island of Indonesia and is known for its typical tropical rain forest and dozens of rare animals and plants. The beautiful Sumatra is also home to cheap instant coffee. In order to maintain their income against the dropping price, coffee growers have to plant more coffee trees. Since 1996 the coffee planting area on the island has increased 28% at the price of 30% vanished forests. Ecological diversity is greatly destroyed in those coffee plantations since only coffee trees are found making it difficult for wild animals to survive.

In order to protect the rare wildlife eco-environment, experts call on international society to protect the purchasing price of coffee beans and the local governments to limit the expansion of coffee planting areas.

Ex. 2 E –C(口)p.144 It’s time to be green

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

I feel humbled to be asked to give this speech. I feel like I am bringing coals to Newcastle in the presence of this distinguished audience here.

The essence of my speech today is this: Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. If you remember nothing else I hope you will never forget that all of you, everyone one of you, can make a positive difference in this world. What's more, if you act collectively with other people, your influence will be that much greater.

We need to make a difference, because we face real and serious threats to our very survival. We know there is only one earth yet human beings refuse to respect that fact. We continually abuse the ecology of the planet to the point that it is collapsing.

At ground level the earth seems huge, indestructible, but beneath the surface of that beautiful blue ocean is devastation. Tonnes of fertilisers, pesticides, other chemicals and silt are poisoning and smothering marine creatures. In many places, the ocean floor is barren, where bottom trawling has felled ancient coral forests and unique marine communities still unknown to science. Many species of fish and marine mammals and birds are gone or rare. Ecologists worldwide are warning that we face ecological collapse in the oceans, and that means the collapse of our fishing industry too.

Climate change is a direct consequence of our massive consumption of fossil fuels: coal, gas and oil. Our oil consumption has been so extravagant that we have used up, in just one century, around half of what the planet has to offer. When that half-way point known as peak oil is reached, it becomes physically impossible to increase production no matter how hard you pump it.

When we reach that peak, demand will continue to rise, not just from Western societies that have used most of the oil so far, but also from countries such as China and India, trying to catch up with our level of motorization and industrialization. Imagine what would happen to the planet if the two billion people in those two countries squandered resources like we do? We can't expect them to contain their consumption if we don't reduce ours. Nature has its limits and we are testing them to breaking point. We are our own worst enemy. We think that technology can solve everything when in fact many of our technologies, such as genetic engineering, are part of the problem. We can't beat nature, but we can work with it to live within its income rather than depleting its capital.

Instead of driving even faster as we get closer to the edge of the cliff, it’s time to slow down. It's time to be green instead of greedy.

We need to change the way we live, to change the way we work, to change the way we do business and to change the rules that governments make. That takes both personal and political will.

to live within its income rather than depleting its capital:应该取之有度,而非使其枯竭

take both personal and political will 个人和政府的共同努

老虎伍兹道歉声明Tiger Woods' apology

Good morning and thank you for joining me. Many of you in this room are my friends. Many of you in this room know me. Many of you have cheered for me or you've worked with me or you've supported me.


Now every one of you has good reason to be critical of me. I want to say to each of you, simply and directly, I am deeply sorry for my irresponsible and selfish behavior I engaged in.


I know people want to find out how I could be so selfish and so foolish. People want to know how I could have done these things to my wife Elin and to my children. And while I have always tried to be a private person, there are some things I want to say.


Elin and I have started the process of discussing the damage caused by my behavior. As Elin pointed out to me, my real apology to her will not come in the form of words; it will come from my behavior over time. We have a lot to discuss; however, what we say to each other will remain between the two of us.


I am also aware of the pain my behavior has caused to those of you in this room. I have let you down, and I have let down my fans. For many of you, especially my friends, my behavior has been a personal disappointment. To those of you who work for me, I have let you down personally and professionally. My behavior has caused considerable worry to my business partners.


To everyone involved in my foundation, including my staff, board of directors, sponsors, and most importantly, the young students we reach, our work is more important than ever. Thirteen years ago, my dad and I envisioned helping young people achieve their dreams through education. This work remains unchanged and will continue to grow. From the Learning Center students in Southern California to the Earl Woods scholars in Washington, D.C., millions of kids have changed their lives, and I am dedicated to making sure that continues.


But still, I know I have bitterly disappointed all of you. I have made you question who I am and how I could have done the things I did. I am embarrassed that I have put you in this position.


For all that I have done, I am so sorry.


I have a lot to atone for, but there is one issue I really want to discuss. Some people have speculated that Elin somehow hurt or attacked me on Thanksgiving night. It angers me that people would fabricate a story like that. Elin never hit me that night or any other night. There has never been an episode of domestic violence in our marriage, ever. Elin has shown enormous grace and poise throughout this ordeal. Elin deserves praise, not blame.


The issue involved here was my repeated irresponsible behavior. I was unfaithful. I had affairs. I cheated. What I did is not acceptable, and I am the only person to blame.


I stopped living by the core values that I was taught to believe in. I knew my actions were wrong, but I convinced myself that normal rules didn't apply. I never thought about who I was hurting. Instead, I thought only about myself. I ran straight through the boundaries that a married couple should live by. I thought I could get away with whatever I wanted to. I felt that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. I felt I was entitled. Thanks to money and fame, I didn't have to go far to find them.


I was wrong. I was foolish. I don't get to play by different rules. The same boundaries that apply to everyone apply to me. I brought this shame on myself. I hurt my wife, my kids, my mother, my wife's family, my friends, my foundation, and kids all around the world who admired me.


I've had a lot of time to think about what I've done. My failures have made me look at myself in a way I never wanted to before. It's now up to me to make amends, and that starts by never repeating the mistakes I've made. It's up to me to start living a life of integrity.


I once heard, and I believe it's true, it's not what you achieve in life that matters; it's what you overcome. Achievements on the golf course are only part of setting an example. Character and decency are what really count.


Parents used to point to me as a role model for their kids. I owe all those families a special apology. I want to say to them that I am truly sorry.


It's hard to admit that I need help, but I do. For 45 days from the end of December to early February, I was in inpatient therapy receiving guidance for the issues I'm facing. I have a long way to go. But I've taken my first steps in the right direction.


As I proceed, I understand people have questions. I understand the press wants to ask me for the details and the times I was unfaithful. I understand people want to know whether Elin and I will remain together. Please know that as far as I'm concerned, every one of these questions and answers is a matter between Elin and me. These are issues between a husband and a wife.


Some people have made up things that never happened. They said I used performance-enhancing drugs. This is completely and utterly false. Some have written things about my family. Despite the damage I have done, I still believe it is right to shield my family from the public spotlight. They did not do these things; I did.


I have always tried to maintain a private space for my wife and children. They have been kept separate from my sponsors, my commercial endorsements. When my children were born, we only released photographs so that the paparazzi could not chase them. However, my behavior doesn't make it right for the media to follow my two-and-a-half-year-old daughter to school and report the school's location. They staked out my wife and they pursued my mom. Whatever my wrongdoings, for the sake of my family, please leave my wife and kids alone.


I recognize I have brought this on myself, and I know above all I am the one who needs to change. I owe it to my family to become a better person. I owe it to those closest to me to become a better man. That's where my focus will be.



I have a lot of work to do, and I intend to dedicate myself to doing it. Part of following this path for me is Buddhism, which my mother taught me at a young age. People probably don't realize it, but I was raised a Buddhist, and I actively practiced my faith from childhood until I drifted away from it in recent years. Buddhism teaches that a craving for things outside ourselves causes an unhappy and pointless search for security. It teaches me to stop following every impulse and to learn restraint. Obviously I lost track of what I was taught.


As I move forward, I will continue to receive help because I've learned that's how people really do change. Starting tomorrow, I will leave for more treatment and more therapy. I would like to thank my friends at Accenture and the players in the field this week for understanding why I'm making these remarks today.


In therapy I've learned the importance of looking at my spiritual life and keeping in balance with my professional life. I need to regain my balance and be centered so I can save the things that are most important to me, my marriage and my children.


That also means relying on others for help. I've learned to seek support from my peers in therapy, and I hope someday to return that support to others who are seeking help. I do plan to return to golf one day, I just don't know when that day will be.


I don't rule out that it will be this year. When I do return, I need to make my behavior more respectful of the game. In recent weeks I have received many thousands of emails, letters and phone calls from people expressing good wishes. To everyone who has reached out to me and my family, thank you. Your encouragement means the world to Elin and me.


I want to thank the PGA TOUR, Commissioner Finchem, and the players for their patience and understanding while I work on my private life. I look forward to seeing my fellow players on the course.


Finally, there are many people in this room, and there are many people at home who believed in me. Today I want to ask for your help. I ask you to find room in your heart to one day believe in me again.


Thank you.


EX. 1

5-4 新的长征A new long match

pay tribute to 称赞,歌颂

congenial atmosphere 融洽的气氛

inconceivable 不可思议的,难以置信的

see eye to eye 看法一致


Mr. President, On behalf of all my colleagues present here, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world. I particularly want to pay tribute, not only to those who prepared the magnificent dinner, but also to those who have provided the splendid music.


These have been very pleasant days in China, and I’m happy that my visit should conclude i n such a congenial atmosphere.


Mr. President, I wish to thank you for your very gracious and eloquent remarks. At this very moment through the wonder of telecommunications, many people are hearing what we say today. Yet, what we say here will not be long remembered. But what we do here can change the world.

主席先生,我要感谢您那热情洋溢、慷慨陈词的演讲。此时此刻,许多人正在通过神奇的电讯设备倾听着我们的讲话。然而,我们在这里所说的话很快便会被人们遗忘。但是,我们在这里所做的事却能改变世界。So, let us start a long march together on different roads leading to the same goal, the goal of building a world structure of peace and justice in which all may stand together with equal dignity and in which each nation, large or small, has a right to determine its own form of government, its own course of development, free of outside interference or domination.


We have a social and political system which differs in many respects from your own. It is the result of different experiences and a different tradition. This system of ours does not always produce results of which we all approve. People sometimes grumble at it and criticize it. But it is a political system deeply rooted in the instincts of our people. We do not aim to impose our own ideas on other people. We believe that it is right and necessary that people with different political and social systems should live side by side. We do not asses in identical fashion all aspects of today’s world—with our distinct histories, geographies and cultures it is inconceivable that we could see eye to eye on all issues—but we do agree on the fundamental need for world peace, and the equally fundamental need for all countries to determine their own fate and design their own future.


The world watches. The world listens. The world waits to see what we will do.


What legacy shall we leave our children? Are they destined to die painfully for the hatreds which have plagued the old world, or are they destined to live joyfully because we had the vision to build a new world?


This is the hour. This is the day foe us to rise to the heights of greatness which can build a new and better world.


In that spirit, I ask all of present to join me in raising your glasses to the friendship and cooperation of our two people which can lead to friendship and peace for all peoples in the world.


Ex. 2

13-4 专利法规on patent laws

Jeff Bezos 杰夫·贝索斯

public consultation 公示咨询

issue a patent 颁发专利

one-click purchasing option 一次点击购物法

electronic shopping carts 电子购物推车


Today, we, pioneers and leaders of electronic commerce, are meeting here to call for changes in US patent law. We believe such changes are needed to deal with new business models related to the growth of the Internet.


I share the same view with Jeff Bezos, chief executive of online bookseller https://www.360docs.net/doc/5d9098412.html,. Mr.Bezos argued in an open letter that current patent laws could end up harming all kinds of businesses if the laws were not adapted to new business methods used in e-commerce.


I think U.S. Patent laws are designed to protect the commercial rights of people who have invested in new products, systems or methods. Hereby I propose that the period of protection offered by patents should be cut from 17 years to about 4 years. I also propose a one-month period of public consultation before patents are issued. The purpose of these changes is to ensure that patented business models and software are more quickly released into the public domain.

我认为,制定美国专利法的根本出发点是为了保护那些投资开发新产品、新系列新方法者的权益。我在这里提议,专利权的保护期应该由原来的17 年缩短为 4 年。同时我也建议,专利发布前应该有一个月的公示咨询期。这些改革的目的是为了确保获得专利权的商务模式和软件能更快地进入公共领域。

Amazon was once under criticism for allegedly abusing current laws by patenting business methods that are so general in scope they should be available to everyone. Two examples include Amazon’s patent for the so-called one-click purchasing option on its World Wide Web site and its program for paying other web sites that refer customers to the Amazon site.


From my experience of working with hi-technology companies in California’s Silicon Valley, th e biggest problems arise when existing patent protections for business methods are combined with the Internet.


When you combine the ability to patent business methods with the advent of the Internet you have a very interesting coincidence. The Internet provides a new way of doing just about everything. You can have electronic shopping carts on the Internet that mimic the shopping carts in the real world. But because it is in a new environment, a new medium, that is sufficiently novel to obtain a patent on that idea.

当你把商务行为专利保护与因特网使用结合在一起时,你会发现一个十分有趣的巧合。因特网可以提供做事的新方法。你可以在网上使用电子购物推车,所谓的电子购物手推车不过是对现实生活中的手推车的模拟,但由于出现在一个新的环境中,出现在一个新的媒介中,这种模拟方法因其新颖而可以申请专利保护。If changes in the patent laws are going to have any real impact, they must be made soon, before too many more new business method patents are issued. Some of my colleagues in the industry have already begun lobbying lawmakers to make the changes. But we have to be a little bit more patient because it will take at least two years for any changes proposed now to be approved by lawmakers and established as law.


Ex. 3


Speech by Sir John Bond at China Development Forum

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen.


I have to say it's great to be standing in an economy that's growing at seven per cent. Life's a lot more fun when an economy is growing. I'd certainly like to spend more of my time here than in economies growing at 1.5 per cent.


I gave a speech in the US last month when I pointed out that China had been the world's largest economy for 18 out of the last 20 centuries. And there is no doubt in my mind that China will regain that position.


I feel privileged to be here to listen to China's leaders explain their policies, and their thinking. I also think that the willingness to listen to other people's experiences shows a mature attitude which is in contrast, I am sorry to say, to many in the West.

我非常高兴在这次会议期间,能够亲自听到中国领导人解释他们的政策和想法, 并再次看到他们愿意听取会议代表的意见。我认为,愿意倾听他人体现出一种成熟的态度,与许多西方国家形成了鲜明对比,对后者我经常不得不感到很遗憾。

It is always a matter of amazement to me that some Western politicians and commentators - from countries that are no larger than one province of China - feel well qualified to tell China how it should be governed.


It behoves (应当,理应)all of us to understand that the challenge of governing a country of 1.3 billion people is something that nobody is qualified to speak on, except China's leaders themselves, and, I guess maybe India's.


It seems to me that every nation needs policies to suit its own history and culture. It is arrogant in the extreme to think that there is a one-size-fits-all solution that works for everyone. And even more arrogant to think that your particular solution is the only one.


I have nothing but admiration for the progress China has made since I first visited in 1972. The Chinese leadership has shown great skill in achieving stunning economic growth over the past 25 years while at the same time managing the change and transition that this level of growth inevitably brings.


The development of consumer markets is an important part of this process. Because two-thirds of most economies are driven by consumer spending. China has huge potential consumer markets which will underpin economic growth both today and, even more so, tomorrow.

消费者市场的发展是这一进程中的一个重要部分,因为在众多经济体中,有三分之二的经济体是由消费者的消费推动的。中国具有潜力巨大的消费者市场,这一市场,现在会,将来更会, 推动经济的发展。Globally, HSBC sees the consumer markets of tomorrow as China, India, Brazil, Mexico; all countries that have the potential to move very rapidly up the GDP-per-capita scale. We would put China at the top of the list.


Everywhere I go, I see tangible signs of China's progress: in the hotels, in the airports, the transport systems. And there is much more to come.


Getting the right products in the right people's hands at the right prices is the fundamental task of a consumer economy. Putting in place the distribution systems to facilitate the creation of consumer markets is going to be hugely important in the years ahead.


In a market, you need measures to protect consumers, but not in such a heavy-handed way as to discourage investment. Drawing the line between the interests of the consumers and the interests of the producers is a delicate task for governments and business people.


I do not underestimate the challenges that China faces. But based on the track record over the past 25 years, I knowChina will meet the challenge and leapfrog the West in many areas - I think of technology and communications.


And in the process, China has the opportunity to avoid some of the pitfalls that have snared progress elsewhere. The scale of the opportunity for China makes this the most important meeting that I attend every year. I am honored to be a participant.

Ex. 4

7-1 大学介绍university information


For centuries, this was the place where many cultures blended under the New Mexico sun. They created new

knowledge and built innovative ways to live. They still do.


Today, this is the place where the University of New Mexico, a proud world-class research university founded in 1889, blends rich history, amazing cultural diversity, unexcelled natural beauty, big life, and cutting-edge education and discovery and provides promising students with an ideal space to realize their dreams.

今天,人们在这里看到的是一所世界级的研究型大学——新墨西哥大学,无比自豪的屹立在这片土地上。这所创办于1889 年的大学将其悠久的办学历史、精彩纷呈的文化多样性、无与伦比的自然景观、包容大气的生活方式、先进的教育和前沿的研究编织在一起,是志向远大的青年才俊实现梦想的理想之地。We are waiting for you. No matter where you want to go in life, you can get there from here. UNM is so strong in academic power and research capacities, so flexible, so supportive in helping you arrive at your future.


What do you want to do? environmental sciences, business, engineering, music, film and digital media, art, physics, journalism, Latin American studies, architecture, law, medicine, nursing, economics, chemistry, education, linguistics—you get the point. Broaden your horizons and explore your passion. You can do anything. If you are willing to work hard and think big any career is possible.


We are waiting for you. And so are more than 250 top-quality academic degree programs in 13 acclaimed colleges and schools. There is no tomorrow you can’t reach when you begin at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. Whether you come here from the other side of the town, you will discover endless surprises and limitless possibilities on your academic journey, led by talented faculty on a one-of-a-kind campus, mixing many cultures and many goals. The spirit of New Mexico itself energizes UNM-Here, you can focus more clearly, feel more deeply, and accomplish more.

我们在此恭候各位的到来,新墨大下属13个交口称誉的学院所开设的250 多个质量一流的学位计划在此恭候各位就读。你只要在这所位于阿尔伯克基市的新墨西哥大学主校区开始专业学习,你定会抵达明日的理想之地。无论来自国内还是境外,无论来自本州还是本市,你将在这个不落窠臼的校园,在才华横溢的导师的率领下,踏上学术的发现之旅,历经无尽的惊喜和无限的奇遇,分享多元的文化魅力,追随不同的奋斗目标。新墨西哥大学沐浴着新墨西哥州的地域精神,并从中获取补气健体的养料。在这里,你的目标会更明确,感受会更深切,成就会更突出。

Sure, there are beauti ful mountains and 310 days of sunshine each year, but the real reason UNM is New Mexico’s flagship university has much more to do with its nationally respected schools of engineering, business and management, arts and sciences, architecture and planning, law, medicine, nursing, education, and more. Even with all of that, dollar-for-dollar UNM is one of the best educational values in the nation.

是的,这里有美丽的山脉,全年平均日照日达310 天。但是,新墨大之所以成为新墨西哥州旗舰大学的真正原因在于,这所大学拥有闻名全美的工学院、商务及管理学院、文理学院、建筑与规划学院、法学院、医学院、护理学院、教育学院等教学科研单位。这些并非是新墨大魅力的全部,物有所值的教育更使我校跻身于全美最具教育价值大学的行列。

Not to mention one of the best-kept secrets:right here beside the University lies America’s legendary Route 66, renowned country road imbued with a rich history of local cultures. More importantly, here you will find

everything you’d expect from a world-class research university with cutting-edge facilities for learning and discovery—plus a renowned A-list-facility that includes, among others, a Nobel Laureate, two Macarthur Fellows, thirty-five Fulbright scholars, and several members of national academics. UNM professors have published in, among other world-class academic journals, Scientific American and The New England Journal of Medicine and Nature. They have been quoted in Newsweek. The Los Angeles Times, Business Week, The New Yorker, and more.

更不用提及隐匿恒久的一个奥秘:紧挨着新墨大的那条公路,就是美国传奇的66 号公路,这条闻名遐迩的乡间公路向前来求学的莘莘学子讲述着充满风土人情和地方色彩的历史故事。更重要的是,你在这里所期望得到的确实是一所世界级研究型大学所能给予的一切,这所大学有着最先进的教学条件、最前沿的研究设施、一流的师资队伍,在其德高望重的教授名单上有诺贝尔奖获得者一名、麦克阿瑟学者两名、福布赖特学者35名、国家科学院院士多名。新墨大的教授经常在《科学美国人》、《医学与自然新英格兰杂志》等国际权威刊物上发表学术论文。他们的文章也经常见诸于著名的报刊杂志,被《新闻周刊》、《洛杉矶时报》、《商业周刊》、《纽约人》等所引述。

The College of Arts and Sciences is the heart and soul of UNM. From Africana studies to the arts, biochemistry to journalism, economic to psychology, this is where th e world’s knowledge—in the hands of an exceptional teaching-comes-first faculty—runs into the earnest learners and becomes the foundation for whatever career you can imagine. There is indeed something special about learning in a place where centuries of culture enlighten forward-looking research and innovation.


Living at UNM is a be-who-you-want-to-be experience:Accepting, friendly, and fun. The UNM campus is enlivened by the energy of difference and respect, with what may be the nation’s most diverse student body. People are serious about learning, excellence and creativity, in a place that is somehow both low in background noise and distractions, yet high in community activities and youthful excitement —all under the very special, no-light-like-this-light glow of the New Mexico sun.


You can hike, bike, snowboard, and ski the Sandia Mountains, or raft the Rio Caverns to the south. On campus, study at the Duck Pond surrounded by trees and distinctive pueblo-style architecture, work out at the fitness center, and in some of the more than 400 student organization, or dive into community service in town. Where else can you check out the world’s largest hot air balloon fiesta? Walk to restaurants and entertai nment —UNM is indeed the heart of Albuquerque, a city of 900,000 inhabitants, the apple of a city with a welcoming small-town vibe.

在这里,你可以徒步旅行,你可以参加自行车运动或滑雪板运动,你可以上桑迪亚山滑雪,你可以去南边的格兰德河漂流。你可以在校园内的那个被树木和鹅卵石建筑环绕的鸭子池塘旁看书学习,你可以去学校的健身房锻炼身体,你可以在四百多个学生社团中选择若干参与活动,你也可以在市内做社区公益活动,你可以参与全球最大的热气球节的活动,你可以品味这里的餐馆提供的美味佳肴,享受这里的丰富多彩的娱乐活动。新墨大确实是有着90 万居民的阿尔伯克基市的心脏,也是这座有着浓郁的小镇情调、热情好客的城市的掌上明珠。

Yes, we are waiting for you.



Unit1 P8 1.我们认为你方的格力空调在这里会很畅销,希望很快收到你们的样品。 2.贵方若能报优惠价并保证收到订单后四周内交货,我方将定期订购。 3.如能报到岸价,折扣以及发货日期等详细情况,将不胜感激。 4.随函附上我方最新的产品目录及CIF 纽约报价单。 5.关于贵方9月29日的询价信,我方就如下产品报价,以我方最后确认为准。 6. 此盘5天内不接受就作撤销论。 7. 很遗憾,我们的价格和你方还盘之间差距太大,所以恐怕我方不能接受你方还盘。 8. 考虑到我们长期以来的贸易关系和友好合作,我方建议你方能接受保兑,不可撤销即期信用证。 9. 石油价格将在未来一段时间内继续下降。 10. 我们还想指出我们主要以承兑交单方式结账。 Unit1 P9 1.(我们正打算订购)We are thinking of placing an order for your Flying Pigeon Brand bicycles. We would be very grateful if you could make us an offer for 200 ones with details. 2. (上述询价已于)The above inquiry was forwarded to you on Oct. 10, but we haven’t received your reply yet. Your early offer will be highly appreciated. 3. (我方的冷冻食品)Our frozen foods have been shipped to many countries where they are received favorably. It would be to your advantage to try out a shipment. 4. (很抱歉,贵方)We are sorry to say that the goods required by you are out of stock for the time being. Therefore we are unable to make you an offer at present. 5. (我方于两个月前)We sent you our Quotation No. 44 two months ago, but we haven’t received any news from you. It would be advisable if you could make an early decision on this matter. 6. (所有报盘都以)All quotations, except firm offers, are subject to our final confirmation. Unless otherwise stated or agreed upon, all prices are without any discount. 7.(许多外国电讯)Many foreign telecommunications companies wish to come into the Chinese market such as AT &T, etc. the competition is very keen. I understand some companies are lowering their prices and offering technical assistance and after-sale services. 8.(很高兴我们)I’m glad that we have settled the price. 9. (我们至多只能再减)The best we can do will be a reduction of another 30 pounds. That’ll be definitely rock-bottom. 10. (我们正在仔细研究)We’re now studying your offer carefully, so we hope that you can keep it open till the end of this month. Unit1 P10 1、我们的还盘与国际市场上的价格一致。如果你们接受,我们将说服客户向你们订货。如果你方不能做进一步的让步,我们就没有必要再谈下去了。我们不妨取消整个交易。顺便说一下,在考虑你方的新报价时,请考虑到我们的佣金问题。 2、我们的报价以合理利润为基础,不是漫天要价。你必须考虑到质量问题。这一行的每个人都知道三星产品质量上乘。如果我们不是朋友,我们愿意以这个价格为你们好。 Unit1 P11


林超伦实战口译笔记实例详解 时间:2008-10-06 16:02来源:实战口译网站作者:林超伦点击:5367次 在这里,我将举实例介绍我的笔记方法,以及我如何以笔记与大脑短期记忆互动的方式保证译文的精确度。 由于口译条件的限制,其精确度不能以笔译的尺度衡量,也没有必要这样做。口译的听众与笔译的读者,需求不同,预期也不同。 由于使用实例讲解,无法把口译要点分门别类地举例。我将顺着例子讲下去。讲完之后,各项要点也就都包括其中了。 人脑思维速度极快,一闪而过的念头,解说起来会显得繁杂。不过,我希望你能在开始时,多一点耐心。很快你就会发现,我的讲解读起来似乎繁杂,但背后的思路,也就是说一旦使用起来,要明快得多。 开始前,提醒一下,不要忘了笔记是必需和记忆互动的。二者缺一不可。以下的实例解说,均以此为基础。 讲话原文 Following the 1997 election, in which the Labour Party came to power, the macroeconomic policy framework has been reformed. 第一层次:一个箭头,加97,再加"选",足以帮助短期记忆,说出译文:"1997年大选之后"。 第二层次:一个"工"加圆圈,提醒"工"字后面还有话。另外,一条垂直线体现出第二层与第一层有关联。此后一个箭头,再加"权",足以帮助短期记忆,说出译文:"工党上台掌权"。

第三层次:一个"M"加圆圈,提醒"M"字后面还有话。从短期记忆中回顾出"宏观经济框架"。 接着,一条横线体现关联,线后一个"改"字,于是补齐译文:"对宏观经济框架进行了改革"。 最后划圈,带横杆,表示本段讲话到此结束。 备注:使用的4个汉字都经过"理顺"。其中2个是一笔成字。 The aim of this reform is to help provide a framework for improved macroeconomic stability and economic growth. 承上启下:一划从上段的"改"字左斜拉下来,接着往右一拐弯。足以从短期记忆中回顾出:"改革的目的"。 第一层次:写一个"框"字。从短期记忆中顺着上文,不难说出:"是为了提供一个框架"。 届此,听到"improved",随之划一条上行箭头,再补一个"M"加圈,提醒"M"字后面还有话。这样就不难说出:"以改善宏观经济稳定"。 若担心"M"不够,则可以加"稳"字,或一条水平横线代表之。 第二层次:此时,已听到"and economic growth",于是在"M"之下写"经"字,或"E"外带上弧线。这就不难说出:"促进经济增长"。 最后划个圈,顺手一横杆,表示本段讲话到此结束。 备注:采用了同传里的断句和变通技巧,在"框架"后断句,"improved"翻做"改善";加"经济增长"前加"促进"两字完句。


口译与听力(口译部分) 课程代码:00602 (考试时间60分钟满分50分) (本试卷共4页) 汉译英(20分) 第一部分 从汉代起,西安就已经是一座在中外国际交流中十分重要的城市。著名的丝绸之路始于此地。 __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 世界银行的使命是建立一种机制,为恢复和发展经济提供长期所需的外汇。 __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 落后的教育和人才的缺乏是中国成功实施西部大开发战略的最大障碍。 __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 联合国儿童基金会将在2001-2005年间向中国提供200万美元的援助。 __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 上海将建设一条全长33公里的磁悬浮铁路,连接浦东国际机场和龙阳路地铁站。这项工程将采用德国的技术。 __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 面对旅游市场的需求,中国以培养翻译导游人员为主要特点的旅游教育应势而生。 __________________________________________________________________________


It is a real pleasure to be here to open the third meeting of our forum and to be welcoming such a distinguished and influential group of people from both our countries, many of whom are now old friends. The forum aims to represent the strength of the relationship between our two count ries outside the political relationship and looking round today it is clear that the relationship is v ery strong indeed. 我很高兴地宣布我们论坛的第三次会议正式开幕,并在这里欢迎来自我们两国高层的、具有影响力的代表们。我们中的很多人都已经是老朋友了。论坛是为了体现我们两国这间关系的力量——在政治关系之外的力量。环视今日会场,显然,我们的关系非常坚固。 It is a sign for me that the forum goes from strength to strength and I believe it is playing a key role in the relations between our two countries as confirmed by the Prime Minister in our call on him this morning. This year, we have taken the theme "The Challenge of Globalization" for our meetings and discussions. This theme has a particular resonance for me. 这是一个迹象,表明我们的论坛越来越强大。我相信,论坛在我们两国关系中扮演着一个关键的角色。今早,首相在我们拜访他时就确认了这一点。今年,我们选择的主题是“全球化的挑战”,我们将就此进行会谈和讨论。对于这个主题,我尤其有感触。 On 11th September, I, along with a number of world statesmen, was in Beijing to discuss China and the World in the 21st Century. None of us could possibly have known as we debated econ omic development, environmental change and security issues what was going to happen that d ay. But many of the speakers warned of the fragility of the world order. It made me realize mor e clearly than at any other time just how very important "understanding" between the nations of the world is. 9月11号那天,我正在与一些国际政治家们在北京讨论中国与21世纪的世界。我们当中谁也没有想到,就在我们辩论经济发展、环境改变和安全问题的时候,那天将要发生什么事情。但是,很


上海中级口译考试怎样准备? 中口考试分为两阶段。第一阶段笔试,一般在每年3月和9月中旬周日下午,时间150分钟,总分250分。共分四部分: 第一部分听力90分,分为三部分,均为30分。Part A是复合式听写,20个空,跟四六级考试有点类似,但区别在于全文只能听一遍,每个空要填2-4个单词,语速大约130词/分。Part B是听力理解,包括单句理解,长对话和短文。单句理解就是从四个选项中找出和所听到的句子意思最接近的一个,长对话和短文与四六级差不多。Part C是听译,分为单句听译和篇章听译,都是英译汉,即听力放英语句子和文章,然后留出一段时间,考生写出汉语翻译。 第二部分阅读60分,六篇文章,每篇文章后5个选择题。 第三部分英译汉50分,第四部分汉译英50分,要求考生不借助任何词典、参考资料和其它媒介,将一篇长度为180个单词(汉字)左右的英(汉)语文章段落译成汉(英)语。译文需忠实原文的意思,且语言通顺,符合译语规范。 合格为150分。凡第一阶段合格的考生方可参加第二阶段口试。笔试成绩两年内有效,即笔试通过后可以参加四次口试,只要任何一次通过即可拿到口译证书。 第二阶段口试,每年5月和11月,共分两部分:口语与口译。口语部分要求考生就指定话题作三分钟左右的命题发言,话题后面有三个提示问题,但不要求一定要按照问题阐述观点。考生拿到口语试题后有五分钟的准备时间。口译分英译汉和汉译英两部分,每部分均要求口译主题各不相同的两个段落。各两段,每段四断,每断两或三句,每断单独评分。答对11句及以上可以通过。 考生只有在通过笔试和口试两个阶段以后才能获得《上海市英语中级口译岗位资格证书》。考试的指定培训教材:《中级听力教程》(周国强编著),《中级阅读教程》(陈汉生编著),《中级翻译教程》(孙万彪、冯慎宇编著),《中级口语教程》(严诚忠、朱妙南编著),《中级口译教程》(梅德明编著),均由上海外语教育出版社出版。听力和口译教程配有磁带,mp3网上可以下载到。 推荐参考书:《中级口译真题解析》,同济大学出版社,内有八套真题并配有详细解析,必买;新东方口试考试培训班指定辅导用书系列,汪海涛、邱政政主编,世界图书出版公司,一套四本,中口用到《词汇必备》,《口试备考精要》和《中口笔试备考精要》三本;《英语中级口译实用教程》,康志峰主编,华东理工大学出版社;《英语中高级口译笔试冲刺》和《口试导考》,都是谭宝泉编著,前者是上海译文出版社,后者是东华大学出版社;《实战口译》,(英)林超伦编著,外语教学与研究出版社,讲口译速记符号的。 考试准备 1.背单词 单词是肯定要背的。口译的准备一般从寒假开始,这时离你四六级考试或英语期末考试结束已经有一段时间了,背单词可以唤醒你丧失的英语记忆。而且上面也提到口译单词涉及到诸多方面,其中绝大部分都是具有中国特色、与我国现阶段国情紧密相关的,社会实用性很强,这些都是大学英语教学所欠缺的。有些单词你可能以前都没有接触过,通过背单词,可以初步了解口译考试的考点。 我用的是新东方的《中/高级口译考试词汇必备》,这也是迄今为止我所知道的最好的口译单词书。它打破了单词书按字母顺序编写的常规,将口译常用单词和词组分为若干类,既有英译中,也有中译英,充分考虑了口译的双向性。所选内容除了来自教程外,还参考了国内外多种资料和媒体,很多翻译(特别是对外口径)都是“权威”表达。 背单词点到为止,千万不要花太多时间,毕竟考试不是考默写单词。另外这本单词书有不少


笔记法是口译当中的必备技能之一,特别是当我们听到很长的一个段落,短时记忆不够用了,必须用笔辅助大脑记忆。我想,大多数学生刚开始练笔记法时都很认真,可是往往过分专注于做笔记,忽略了文章的整体意思,结果反倒影响了脑记和传译。针对这一困惑,和大家分享一下几个需要注意的问题。 一、脑记为主笔记为辅 首先我们要认识到,笔记是用于辅助大脑记忆的,口译笔记的主要内容是概念、命题、名称、数字、组织机构和逻辑关系(如大小、先后、上下、正反、升降、因果关系等),切忌整句整段的记录源语信息,否则不但时间来不及,还会影响对句子结构的理解。其次,脑记时要重点关注段落句子的整体信息,顺带注意一些没有用笔记下来的细节。 为什么说顺带呢?简单的一个例子:“表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢”,我们只要把欢迎和感谢的速记符号一写就行,热烈和衷心这些词很容易就在大脑中形成印象。 二、平静心态,循序渐进 刚开始接触笔记法,肯定是很生疏的。不熟悉笔记符号,不会一心两用,恨不得把每个词都写下来等等这些问题都是非常正常的。特别是在做英翻汉的时候,练一通下来,也没弄懂听到的东西,也看不懂自己记的东西,都是普遍存在的现象。这时候,我们首先不要心急,千万不要刚开始就找篇诸如VOA standard之类来操练笔记。我建议大家可以一步一步来:找一些经典的口译材料,先看着它,把该记的笔记列出来,然后慢速的放着听,再列一遍笔记。或者先慢速的放一遍,尽量记一些,然后多放几遍进行改进,再对照原文研究一下哪些词是应该记下来的,用常见符号还是用缩写,用怎样的结构好啊等等,如此多次反复。当然,练

到一定程度后,对常用笔记符号熟练了,创造出自己熟悉的笔记系统,就可以慢慢提高速度增加难度。 三、辅助练习,坚持不懈 练笔记的同时呢,当然要辅助别的练习,比如每天影子练习锻炼一心两用的能力,做些视译和短时记忆的练习等等。还是那句话,Practice makes perfect! 万事开头难,但是只要坚持下去,就会慢慢走上正轨。要养成好的习惯,以至平时听新闻听评论听对话的时候都想快速把它们记下来。 常用速记符号 大于> 小于< 小于或等于≤ 大于或等于≥ 等于、意味着= 不等于≠ 约等于≈ 遗憾、悲哀; 高兴、荣兴( 错误、否、不、否定× 正确、对、好、肯定√ 不同意N 同意Y 上升、增加↑ 下降、减少↓ 强、好+ 更强、更好++ 弱、差- 更弱、更差── 因为∵


中国致力于发展中欧富有活力和长期稳定的经贸合作关系,并期待欧盟成为中国最大贸易与投资伙伴:——发挥经贸混委会机制作用,加强经贸监管政策对话;适时考虑更新《中欧贸易与经济合作协定》;运用WTO规则,妥善解决不合理限制及技术性壁垒,放宽高技术出口限制,发挥技贸合作的巨大潜力;尽早给予中国“完全市场经济地位”,减少并消除对华反倾销及有关歧视性政策和做法,慎用“特保措施”;合理补偿因欧盟扩大对中方经贸利益的减损。——加强中欧在世界贸易组织新一轮谈判中的协调与合作,共同推动谈判获得成功。——加强投资对话,推动建立双边投资促进机构,积极引导双方企业相互投资,扩大中小企业合作;开展加工贸易、承包工程和各种劳务合作,鼓励跨国经营和国际化生产。——欢迎欧盟增加对华发展援助,特别是在环保、扶贫、卫生保健、教育等领域的援助。同时也欢迎在加强人力资源培训、尤其是对中国中西部的人员培训、中国参与多边贸易体制的能力建设等方面发挥作用。——加强在质量监督检验检疫领域的合作,建立磋商机制,在维护安全、卫生、健康、环保的原则下,及时解决影响双方产品市场准入的问题。——加强海关合作,适时签署中欧海关协定。(二)金融合作建立健全中欧金融高层对话机制,扩大中欧央行间的政策交流,深化在防范金融危机、反恐融资和反洗钱方面的合作。中方欢迎欧盟成员国银行拓展对华业务,希望妥善解决中国金融机构在欧盟的市场准入问题。中方将依照保险法规及入世承诺,积极审核欧盟成员国保险机构来华营业申请,完善监管法规体系。加强证券立法、市场监管、投资运作合作,鼓励更多的欧盟成员国证券经营机构、基金管理机构以及其他机构投资者进入中国市场,也鼓励中国证券经营机构在条件成熟时进入欧盟证券市场,同时积极支持中国企业进入欧盟证券市场融资。 China is committed to developing dynamic, long-term and stable economic cooperation and trade with the EU and expects the latter to become China's largest trading and investment partner. -- Give play to the mechanism of the economic and trade joint committee and step up economic and trade regulatory policy dialogue; give attention to updating the Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement Between China and the European Union at an appropriate time; properly address irrational restrictions and technical barriers, ease restrictions on high-tech exports and tap the enormous potential of technological cooperation and trade in line with the WTO rules; grant China a full market economy status at an early date, reduce and abolish anti-dumping and other discriminatory policies and practices against China, and apply the Transitional Product-Specific Safeguard Mechanism (TPSSM) prudently; and compensate the Chinese side for its economic and trade losses which may arise due to the EU enlargement. -- Boost China-EU coordination and cooperation in the new round of WTO negotiations and work together for the success of the negotiations. -- Strengthen dialogue on investment, promote the establishment of bilateral investment-promotion institutions, energetically encourage and guide mutual investments between enterprises of the two sides, and expand cooperation between their small- and medium-sized enterprises; develop processing trade,


unit1 (2) Unit3 (5) Unit5 (9) UNIT 7 (13) Unit 9 (16) Unit 11 (20) Unit 13 (24) Unit 15 (28) Unit 17 (32) Unit 19 (36) Unit 21 (40) Unit 23 (43) Unit 25 (48) Unit 27 (52) Unit 29 (56) UNIT 31 (59) Unit 33 (62) Unit 35 (66)

unit1 1.It is a real pleasure to be here to open the third meeting of our forum and to be welcoming such a distinguished and influential group of people from both our countries, many of whom are now old friends . The forum aims to represent the strength of the relationship between our two countries outside the political relationship and looking round today it is clear that the relationship is very strong indeed. 2.It is s sign for me that the forum goes from strength to strength and I believe it is playing a key role in the relations between our two countries as confirmed by the Prime Minister in our call on him this morning. This year, we have taken the theme “the challenge of Gl obalization” our meetings and discussions. This theme has a particular resonance for me. 3.On 11 September, I, along with a number of world


Model Test One Since we arrived, the gracious hospitality with which we have been received has been truly heartwarming. // A Chinese proverb best describes my feeling: "When the visitor arrives, it is as if returning home." // One of the purposes of my visit was to make new friends, but I'm very pleased to find that instead of making friends, 1 am among friends. // And I'm also very pleased with our cooperation in the joint venture which has been very successful: We both gained and profited, and we both survived the fierce competition in the world market. Ladies and gentlemen, I suppose you've all read the report about the restructuring of the group's organization, which has given rise to the problem of relocating the new group. // One possibility is to move all the head offices to Shanghai, and that is basically what the report recommends. // Alternatively, we could continue to run the two companies quite separately in their present locations with the smaller one in Shanghai. // I'm not sure how efficient the second option would be, but I'd like to hear your opinions on the subject. 自从我们到达时,我们的盛情款待收到已经真正感人的。/ / 中国谚语最好描述我的感觉:“当客人到达时,就好像回家。" / / 我访问的目的之一是结交新朋友,但我很高兴发现交朋友,而是朋友之间的1点。/ / 我也非常高兴我们的合作的合资企业非常成功:我们都上涨,获利,我们都在世界市场竞争激烈。 女士们,先生们,我想你们都读汇报集团组织的重组,这催生了搬迁新集团的问题。/ / 一种可能性是所有总部搬到上海,这基本上是报告建议。/ / 或者,我们可以继续运行这两家公司分别在他们现在的位置与规模较小的一个在上海。/ / 我不知道第二选择是有效的,但是我想听听你的意见。 Passage 1 中国有一句话是这么说的,“上有天堂,下有苏杭。”// 这句话毫无夸张之意,苏杭这两座邻近上海的历史名城以其秀丽的景色每年吸引了数以百万计的海内外游客。//例如,中国南方园林建筑艺术的典范、迷人的苏州造景园林在有限的空间里造就了无数自然景观。//园林的池塘、河水、石头、花朵、树木给游客带来了如诗般的意境,这确实是赴苏州观光的必游之地。 China has a word says, "above there is heaven and below there are suzhou and hangzhou." / / The meaning of this sentence without exaggeration, suzhou and hangzhou, two famous historical cities near Shanghai for its beautiful scenery every year attracts millions of tourists from home and abroad. / / For example, the apotheosis of the art of building gardens in south China, the charming landscape gardens in suzhou in limited space has created numerous natural landscape. / Garden pond, river, stones, flowers, trees gave visitors a poetic artistic conception, it is to


尽管每个人的对记录符号的使用可能是多样的,同一事物不同的人可能会使用不同的符号,同一符号在不同的人意识中肯能代表不同的意思,但是通行的原则还是存在的,活用这些原则,那会让你在口译的过程中如虎添翼…… 在听力活动中,笔记是一个辅助我们记忆的非常有效的工具。 对于专业的口译译员来说,口译笔记的作用是帮助他们还原刚刚听到的内容。而对于同学们来说其最大的作用则是在我们做题的时候帮助我们记录并最终理清语言材料之间的逻辑关系,还原具体信息细节。 在听力练习当中,题目经常是在一大段语言材料播放完毕之后才出现,由于人记忆能力的局限这个时候很多本来已经听懂的内容已经无法被我们回忆起来,造成了信息模糊、信息丢失,以至于无法完成题目。而笔记可以有效地弥补人短时记忆的缺陷,掌握一点英语口译者们常用的笔记法,你会发现这些“专业人士”所谓的“高端技能”,对于普通的学习者来说同样有很大意义,可以帮助我们在一般的听力考试中游刃有余。 英语笔记法的适用前提——听力过关(五大支柱),听懂是做笔记的前提条件,如果听都没有听懂,又怎么可能去记?再好地记录能力都不可能创造信息本身。 下面举例说明听力笔记的一些技巧: 1、不要大量记录文字(汉字、单词) ——而要使用符号来表示意思(缩写、图形) Eg:“powerful country”记作“强口”, “我同意”记作“I√ ”; “观点,看法一致”记作“⊙ same”, “economic development”记作“经↑” ↑表示“上升、快速上升、快速发展、快速上涨等” ↓表示“下降、减少、急剧下降、急速下跌等”; ↗表示“缓慢上升,缓慢发展、缓慢上涨等”; ←表示“返回,倒退等”; →表示“达到,至,导致,前进等”; +表示“加,增加,此外,另外,又加之”; —表示“减少,减”; >表示“多于,大于,强于”; <表示“少于,小于,不如”; ∵表示“因为,由于”; ∴表示“所以,因此”; =表示“等于,相同,与……相同”。 t表示thousand; m表示million; b表示 billion; 1st表示first。 2、不要横着写:


Lesson 1 美国副总统复旦演讲 韩市长,非常感谢您!谢谢您做介绍时的友好言辞。今天我们很高兴来到这里。我和我夫人为有这次机会再次来到中国访问感到荣幸。感谢贵国对我们的欢迎,特别感谢复旦大学的热情接待。我们为此感到不胜荣幸,谢谢你们!我们此行带来了布什总统和美国人民的良好祝愿。 我知道在座的许多人很快就要从这所优秀的大学毕业。我听说贵校有极为严格的标准,得到复旦大学的学位代表着多年的刻苦攻读和自我约束。我祝贺在座各位学业有成。对各位老师坚持复旦大学99年追求卓越的传统我深表钦佩。 Speech by Wang Guangya at Princeton University Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening. I am honored to be invited to your seminar tonight. For me, for my colleagues and for many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name. With a history longer than the country, it has produced many outstanding people, Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and T. S. Eliot, the famous poet, to name but a few. As former president Bill Clinton said in 1996 at the celebrations for the 250th anniversary of Princeton,“At every pivotal moment in American history, Princeton, its leadership, faculty and its students have played a crucial role.” ; I am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interest in China. Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have a great deal in common in the everyday life. While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonald’s fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China. I hope that today’s sem inar will help you gain a better understanding of China and its foreign policy, thus deepening further our friendship and cooperation. 新工厂落成典礼上的讲话 各位尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们:下午好! 欢迎大家前来参加我们公司在中国的首家新厂房的落成典礼!感谢各位拨冗光临,与我们共同庆祝这一盛大的活动! 我谨代表公司对今天来参加典礼的各位供应商、客户嘉宾、各位员工和业务伙伴说声“谢谢!” ` 公司管理层深深为我们的新工厂感到骄傲,我们能干的员工感到骄傲,他们发展了工厂的业务,使之达到国际水平。 新厂房标志着公司对中国业务的重视和承诺。 各位供应商,我们希望与你们携手共进,使我们的业务更上一层楼。 各位经销商,我们将继续向你们提供尖端的高质量产品,以协助你们做好客户支持,改善中国和东南亚许许多多人士的生活。 各位邻居和朋友,我们将成为良好的企业公民,与各位同行一起维护在中国开展业务的规范性。 最后,我们承诺给员工们提供一个安全、舒适的工作环境。 再次感谢各位与我们共同庆祝今天的典礼! Lesson 2


林超伦讲解实战口译笔记要点 笔记是高级口译的关键。使用笔记,是为了补充大脑短期记忆和耐久力的不足,以保证译文的精确度,并保证其不受讲话人持续时间的影响。 如果完全依赖记忆,又没有异常的天赋,即使精力充沛的年青人,也不能胜任高级口译对精确度和耐久力的要求。实际例子,我在工作中多次碰到过。高级口译员没有不靠笔记的。但是,高级口译使用的笔记与一般的概念,风马牛不相及。 请注意,每个人的记忆,思维,和反应都有各自的特点。没有必要全部照搬我的方法。最好用的笔记方式是你自己发展出来的,适合自己的系统。我的介绍是为了给你开个头,起个指点方向,打开思路的作用。 比如,笔记越简单,记录就越迅速。但笔记简单了,对短期记忆的要求就相对提高了。所以,笔记多少为最佳,因人而易,需要摸索出适合于自己的平衡。 要点是: 1. 少写多划。划线条比写文字快。线条形象,相当于翻译的"半成品",有助译员眼看笔记,口出译文。两种情况下应该尽量用线条: 表示动作和动态的词句。比如,以上升的斜线代表"发展","增加","进步","进一步";以下降的斜线代表"减少","下降","恶化"等等。 表示因果或前后关系的词句。比如,用一条线代表"因为/所以","…之后","在…之前",以体现出上下前后之间的关联关系。 2. 少字多意。养成一个词的笔记不超过一个字的习惯。中文里有大量的词汇是由两个,或两个以上的字组成。只要看到其中一个,你的短期记忆就应该能够补齐其余的字。不必多写。比如,"中国"最多写个"中"。"北京"最多写个"北"。英文词也同理处理。"politics" 最多写"poli","government"最多写"gov",等等。另外,需要培养以笔记与记忆互动;看到一个字能说出几个字,甚至一串词的能力。在有上下文的情况下,这不难。比如,谈中国的近况,听到"改革,开放"记一个"改"字,不难从短期记忆中说出原文。听到"British Prime Minister Tony Blair",记"PM",也同样能说出原文。 3. 少线多指。通用一小组线条/标记。否则在自己本来熟悉的中英文之外,又编出一套自己不熟悉的文码使用,会导致需要想一想用哪个符号的情况,适得其反。 4. 少横多竖。采取从上往下的阶梯结构记录,尽量少用通常书写时的横向记录。阶梯结构形象地体现出上下文的逻辑结构,简化了译员的思维过程,方便出译文。 5. 快速书写。必须发展自己的汉字快速书写系统。口译笔记完全是自己看,而且只需要几分钟之内能看懂就行。很多汉字笔划减少后,并不影响确认。我这里讲的不是潦草,而是除了实际口译经常不得不潦草之外,花一些时间,把练习中或口译工作中常用的字琢磨一下,看看可以怎样减少笔划,或理顺笔划,一笔成字。


各位大家好 我就是jacky,那个帖子《我如何用一年考上欧盟口译司》一文的作者。 我一直都想把这种系统的方法能够通过一个很好的方式传递给其他人,让更多的人找到梦想,发现真谛。 所以,我和朋友们一起集中智慧,起草了下面的这个操作的原则和程序,算作是一次大型的免费口译培训,希望你能够看懂,如果有什么问 题,可以回帖,如果没有,就可以直接开始了,一共六个月的进程,如果你能严格执行下来,考上二级口译应该没问题 1 分为6个不同的阶段,也就是6个月,到什么阶段,达到什么程度 2 在论坛上法帖,监督自己学习,也接受别人的监督, 3 完成了一个阶段,给负责人发邮件,才可以收到下一阶段的学习指示,所以大家必须要学习后在论坛上发帖,证明你每天都在学习,我们的 方法,只能提供给真正热爱的朋友。 4 办一个经验口译员解答专栏。稍候我们会开通这个服务 7 有关学习的具体进程: 第一个月: 模仿新闻1h + 新闻精听2h 基本上听新闻同类话题可以大致理解 第二个月:(该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力一次准确理解大约50-60%,语言能力得到增长,语音有所转变 第三个月:(该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力一次准确理解大约70-80%,基本上达到语言的运用有了一定积 累,新闻听力一次准确理解大约80-90%,语言运用比较正规,能够用新闻和标准的语言来表述一些复杂论点,开始笔记练习 第五个月: (该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力进入快速阶段,越来越好。语言能力继续提升,笔记基本上能够纪录短时间的文章 第六个月:(该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力达到接
