


Unleashing your creativity

By Bill Gates

I’ve always been an optimist and I suppose that is rooted in my belief that the power of creativity and intelligence can make the world a better place.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved learning new things and solving problems. So when I sat down at a computer for the first time in seventh grade, I was hooked. It was a clunky old Teletype machine and it could barely do anything compared to the computers we have today. But it changed my life.

When my friend Paul Allen and I started Microsoft 30 years ago, we had a vision of “a computer on every desk and in every home,”which probably sounded a little too optimistic at a time when most computers were the size of refrigerators. But we believed that personal computers would change the world. And they have.

And after 30 years, I’m still as inspired by computers as I was back in seventh grade.

I believe that computers are the most incredible tool we can use to feed our curiosity and inventiveness –– to help us solve problems that even the smartest people couldn’t solve on their own.

Computers have transformed how we learn, giving kids everywhere a window into all of the world’s knowledge. They’re helping us build communities around the things we care about and to stay close to the people who are important to us, no matter where they are.

Like my friend Warren Buffett, I feel particularly lucky to do something every day that I love to do. He calls it “tap-dancing to work.” My job at Microsoft is as challenging as ever, but what makes me “tap-dance to work” is when we show people something new, like a computer that can recognize your handwriting or your speech, or one that can store a lifetime’s worth of photos, and they say, “I didn’t know you could do that with a PC!”

But for all the cool things that a person can do with a PC, there are lots of other ways we can put our creativity and intelligence to work to improve our world. There are still far too many people in the world whose most basic needs go unmet. Every year, for example, millions of people die from diseases that are easy to prevent or treat in the developed world.

I believe that my own good fortune brings with it a responsibility to give back to the world. My wife, Melinda, and I have committed to improving health and education in a way that can help as many people as possible.

As a father, I believe that the death of a child in Africa is no less poignant or tragic than the death of a child anywhere else. And that it doesn’t take much to make an immense difference in these children’s lives.

I’m still very much an optimist, and I believe that progress on even the world's toughest problems is possible –– and it’s happening every day. We’re seeing new drugs for deadly diseases, new diagnostic tools, and new attention paid to the health problems in the developing world.

I’m excited by the possibilities I see for medicine, for education and, of course, for technology. And I believe that through our natural inventiveness, creativity and willingness to solve tough problems, we’re going to make some amazing achievements in all these areas in my lifetime.














2009年Text1 Habits are a funny thing.We reach for them mindlessly,setting our brains on auto-pilot and relaxing into the unconscious comfort of familiar routine.“Not choice, but habit rules the unreflecting herd,”William Wordsworth said in the19th century. In the ever-changing21st century,even the word“habit”carries a negative connotation. 习惯是件有趣的事情。我们无意识间养成了一些习惯,我们的大脑是自动运转的,轻松进入熟知套路所带来的不自觉舒适状态。“这并非选择,而是习惯控制了那些没有思想的人”,这是威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)19世纪时说的话。在现在这个日新月异的21世纪,甚至习惯这个词本身也带有负面涵义。 So it seems paradoxical to talk about habits in the same context as creativity and innovation.But brain researchers have discovered that when we consciously develop new habits,we create parallel paths,and even entirely new brain cells,that can jump our trains of thought onto new,innovative tracks. 因此,在创造和革新的背景下来谈论习惯,似乎显得有点矛盾。但大脑研究人员发现,当我们有意识地培养新的习惯的时候,我们创建了平行路径,甚至是全新的脑细胞,可以让我们的思路跳转到新的创新轨道上来。 Rather than dismissing ourselves as unchangeable creatures of habit,we can instead direct our own change by consciously developing new habits.In fact,the more new things we try——the more we step outside our comfort zone——the more inherently creative we become,both in the workplace and in our personal lives. 我们不要把自己看成是一成不变的习惯动物,相反,我们可以通过有意识的培养新的习惯来引导自身的改变。事实上,我们对新事物尝试得越多——就会越远地走出自己的舒适地带——我们在工作场所及个人生活中就会变得越有创造性, But don’t bother trying to kill off old habits;once those ruts of procedure are worn into the brain,they’re there to stay.Instead,the new habits we deliberately press into ourselves create parallel pathways that can bypass those old roads. 但是,不必费心试图摈弃各种旧习惯;一旦这些程序惯例融进大脑,它们就会留在那里。相反,我们刻意培养的新习惯会创建平行路径能避开原来那些老路。 “The first thing needed for innovation is a fascination with wonder,”says Dawna Markova,author of The Open Mind.“But we are taught instead to‘decide,’just as our president calls himself‘the Decider.’”She adds,however,that“to decide is to kill off all possibilities but one.A good innovational thinker is always exploring the many other possibilities.”


公众演讲稿:比尔盖茨哈佛演讲稿 idn't care, but because we didn't know what to do. if we had known how to help, we would have acted. 此刻在这个院子里的所有人,生命中总有这样或那样的时刻,目睹人类的悲剧,感到万分伤心。但是我们什么也没做,并非我们无动于衷,而是因为我们不知道做什么和怎么做。如果我们知道如何做是有效的,那么我们就会采取行动。 the barrier to change is not too little caring; it is too much plexity. 改变世界的阻碍,并非人类的冷漠,而是世界实在太复杂。 to turn caring into action, we need to see a problem, see a solution, and see the impact. but plexity blocks all three steps. 为了将关心转变为行动,我们需要找到问题,发现解决办法的方法,评估后果。但是世界的复杂性使得所有这些步骤都难于做到。 even with the advent of the internet and 24-hour news, it is still a plex enterprise to get people to truly see the problems. when an airplane crashes, officials immediately call a press conference. they

unit7-Bill Gates(比尔盖茨)

Unit 7 Bill Gates "When I was 19, I caught sight of the future and based my career on what I saw. I turned out to have been right."—Bill Gates He's the most famous businessman and the richest man in the world—worth an estimated $40 billion in 1997. Without a doubt, Bill Gates belongs in the same class as Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, and other great minds who changed the world. The self-described "hacker" has dominated the personal computing revolution and modernized the whole world in the process. Indeed, his classification into any other rank than this would seriously understate his impact on the world. Gates' success stems from his personality: an unbelievable and at times frightening blend of high-voltage brilliance, drive and competitiveness. When the chairman and CEO walks through the corridors of Microsoft, it is like a switch being turned on; everything and everyone around him is charged with 10,000 volts of electricity. Gates sets the example and Microsoft employees follow. The schedule he keeps is one hint as to what he expects from his employees. It's not unusual for the "dean" of the "Microsoft campus" to put in 16-hour days. Indeed, if there's one thing that distinguishes the Gates style, it is his time management skills. Conservation of time, energy, and focus are his hallmarks. He moves between playing the role of international spokesman for the age of technology and planning business strategy back at headquarters, getting the maximum amount of work possible out of every minute. Always punctual and always in high gear, he typically leaves only the tiniest cracks in the day for eating, talking to friends or recreation. The joke around Microsoft is that his receptionist is the hardest working person in the world. In fact, he has several receptionists. He probably needs one just to arrange his travel plans and visas to foreign countries. On the subject of travel, he has become known for saving money and time as well. On business trips, he flies commercial whenever possible and in the interest of time, he never checks his baggage. His hosts also find they save money when he is in town. There is no time in his schedule for tourism of any kind, no excursions or sightseeing trips are on his agenda. It's just work, work, work. Another trait that makes him so unusual is his incredible "multitasking" ability. At his desk, he works on two computers, one with multiple frames that sequence data streaming in from the Internet, and the other handling the hundreds of e-mail messages and letters he receives. He may even review data while conducting a meeting using a videophone.


2010考研翻译笔记(主讲:唐静) 一、考研翻译的三大基本问题 (一)考研翻译的解题“奥秘” 做真题,而不是看翻译 做翻译=写汉字 (二)考研翻译的题型、命题原则和考试容 1、题型 ①大的方面:主观题——汉字书写工整 ②小的方面:阅读题 没有必要通读全文 有些情况下,需要阅读划线句子的上下文 划线句子有代词,需要读上下文 2、命题原则 ①体裁偏向学术文献,比较抽象 ②题材偏向文科领域(1998年理科的) ③划线的句子长30个字左右,为长难句 3、考试容=考点 1)考察专有名词、词组和多义词的解释 (1)专有名词 人名、地名、国家名称、术语、组织机构名称(2)专业术语 Big Bang大爆炸理论 inflationary universe theory宇宙膨胀理论(3)学科术语 anthropoloist人类学家 anthropological人类学的 inflationary universe theory宇宙膨胀理论 SARS非典 (4)词组 as……as by means of home appliances家用电器die out灭绝 (5)多义词: school 学派before以前serve起作用 life 生命、生活 (6)熟词生义 set (成套)设备;集、集合 offend 冒犯;排污超标;污染超标particle 粒子(7)生词:超纲词 2)考察一般性翻译技巧,包括词序调整、词义选择 A、词序调整:即改变英语单词在汉语译文中的先后顺序 46)Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed—and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe. 在联系不同民族和国家方面,电视也许以前没有像在最近欧洲事件中起如此重大的作用。 例如:I studied very hard in the classroom at 6 every morning. 我每天早晨六点钟在教室认真学习。 B、词义选择:即选择一个单词的意思来翻译,解决单词问题(单词不认识怎么办) 词义选择的方法: a、分析词根、词缀 multimedia 多媒体,传媒determinism 决定论methodology 方法论anthropological 人类学的 b、分析上下文来翻译: ①借生词的上下文来造句 人类有能力______环境(改造/征服/适应)Television is one of the meas.(电视是一种工具/方式/媒介)②借助上下文或根据汉语习惯做同义替换 aspect方面 P1-74) However, the world is so made that elegant systems are in principle unable to deal with some of the world's more fascinating and delightful aspects. deal with 处理,解决aspect在这里为“问题” P10-50) In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say “Unit ed we stand, divided we fall” 处理挑战?deal with在这里为“应对/解决” 在应对(面对/解决)如此大规模的挑战的时候,… P1-74) However, the world is so made that elegant systems are in principle unable to deal with some of the world's more fascinating and delightful aspects. 优雅的系统?elegant“完善的、完美的、优良的”3)考察具体句型的翻译 包括定语从句、状语从句、被动结构 (三)考研翻译的方法 直译为主,适当意译直译不等于死译 考研翻译的标准和步骤: 1、标准:准确、通顺、完整;严复:信、达、雅 傅雷:神似;钱钟书:化境 2、衡量的方式:读 3、翻译步骤: 第一步:通读全句、查找连接 第二步:分析成分、划分意群 第三步:选择词义、表达贴切 第四步:适当调整、书写译文 考研翻译步骤例题:P7 61)One difficulty is that / almost all of what is called behavioral science / continues to trace behavior to / states of mind ,feelings ,traits of character ,human nature ,and so on. 第一步:通读全句、查找连接 第二步:分析全句,划分译群 主语:one difficulty 谓语:is that引导的表语从句从句的主语:almost all of what is called behavioral science(被动)谓语:continues 第一个to:不定式的符号第二个to:介词的符号,后接名词4个名词:states of mind ,feelings ,traits of character ,human nature作并列宾语 第三步:选择词义表达 1、one 一个difficulty 困难is 是that almost 几乎all 所有what is called 被称之为behavioral science 行为科学continue 继续trace sth. to sth. ;trace:追踪、跟踪behavior 行为第二个to 到states of mind 心理状态feelings感觉、感情、情感character 性格train 特征human 人类nature大自然;本性and so on 等等 第四步:适当调整、书写译文 2、one 一个difficulty 困难is 是→在于that almost 几乎all 所有what is called 被称之为→所谓的behavioral science 行为科学……(不通顺) 3、one 一个 is 是→在于that almost 几乎what is called 被称之为→所谓的行为科学……(不通顺) 4、将all放在behavioral science 后:一个困难在于所谓的行为科学几乎全部都(加上)continue继续trace sth. to sth. ;trace:追踪、跟踪behavior 行为第二个to 到……(不对劲) 5、第二个to 到换为根据:一个困难在于所谓的行为科学几乎全部都continue继续trace sth. to sth. ;trace:追踪、跟踪behavior 行为第二个to 根据……(还不对劲) 6、第二个to 根据放到trace跟踪前:一个困难在于所谓的行为科学几乎全部都根据心理状态情感性


President Bok, former President Rudenstine, incoming President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduates: 1 尊敬的Bok校长,Rudenstine前校长,即将上任的Faust校长,哈佛集团的各位成员,监管理 事会的各位理事,各位老师,各位家长,各位同学: I've been waiting more than 30 years to say this: "Dad, I always told you I'd come back and get my degree." 2 有一句话我等了三十年,现在终于可以说了:“老爸,我总是跟你说,我会回来拿到我的学 位的!” I want to thank Harvard for this timely honor. I'll be changing my job next y ear…and it will be nice to finally have a college degree on my resume. 3 我要感谢哈佛大学在这个时候给我这个荣誉。明年,我就要换工作了(注:指从微软公司退 休)……我终于可以在简历上写我有一个本科学位,这真是不错啊。 I applaud the graduates today for taking a much more direct route to your degrees. For my part, I'm just happy that the Crimson has called me "Harvard's most successful dropout." I guess that makes me valedictorian of my own special class…I did the best of everyone who failed. 4 我为今天在座的各位同学感到高兴,你们拿到学位可比我简单多了。哈佛的校报称我是“哈佛 大学历史上最成功的辍学生”。我想这大概使我有资格代表我这一类学生发言……在所有的失败 者里,我做得最好。 But I also want to be recognized as the guy who got Steve Ballmer to drop out of business school. I'm a bad influence. That's why I was invited to speak at your graduation. If I had spoken at your orientation, fewer of you might be here today. 5 但是,我还要提醒大家,我使得Steve Ballmer(注:微软总经理)也从哈佛商学院退学了。因 此,我是个有着恶劣影响力的人。这就是为什么我被邀请来在你们的毕业典礼上演讲。如果我在


翻译技巧总结 个人认为,翻译题很重要!考研是个充实自己的过程,只要你还需要英语,就离不开翻译,所以大家应该引起足够重视。 首先个人推荐一本书,XDF唐静老师的《拆分与组合翻译法》,我听过他的课,他的方法很实用,感觉很象下面介绍的第四种方法。 翻译题里考察三方面内容: 1、专有名词(如operational research expert)、习惯用法(如depend on)及多义词的翻译(如school、set的多义) 2、一般性翻译技巧:包括词义选择,词序调整,词性转换和增词法等等 3、具体句型(定从、状从、主从、宾从、表从、同位从、强调结构、并列、比较、倒装、插入、被动、否定等) 其中2、3是大考点,具体内容可在论坛下XDF的翻译笔记来看,在此不赘述。 可看出,应对翻译题的主要武器是翻译技巧,下面正式进入正题(常用方法、被动语态译法、形容词译法、举例详解) 一、常用方法 英汉两种语言在句法、词汇、修辞等方面均存在着很大的差异,因此在进行英汉互译时必然会遇到很多困难,需要有一定的翻译技巧作指导。常用的翻译技巧有增译法、省译法、转换法、拆句法、合并法、正译法、反译法、倒置法、包孕法、插入法、重组法和综合法等。这些技巧不但可以运用于笔译之中,也可以运用于口译过程中,而且应该用得更加熟练。 1增译法:指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或“There be…”结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。英汉两种语言在名词、代词、连词、介词和冠词的使用方法上也存在很大差别。英语中代词使用频率较高,凡说到人的器官和归某人所有的或与某人有关的事物时,必须在前面加上物主代词。因此,在汉译英时需要增补物主代词,而在英译汉时又需要根据情况适当地删减。英语词与词、词组与词组以及句子与句子的逻辑关系一般用连词来表示,而汉语则往往通过上下文和语序来表示这种关系。因此,在汉译英时常常需要增补连词。英语句子离不开介词和冠词。另外,在翻译时还要注意增补一些原文中暗含而没有明言的词语和一些概括性、注释性的词语,以确保译文意思的完整。总之,通过增译,一是保证译文语法结构的完整,二是保证译文意思的明确。如: (1) What about calling him right away? 马上给他打个电话,你觉得如何?(增译主语和谓语) (2) If only I could see the realization of the four modernizations. 要是我能看到四个现代化实现该有多好啊!(增译主句) 中国政府历来重视环境保护工作。 The Chinese government has always attached great importance to environmental protection. (省译名词) 3转换法:指翻译过程中为了使译文符合目标语的表述方式、方法和习惯而对原句中的词类、句型和语态等进行转换。具体的说,就是在词性方面,把名词转换为代词、形容词、动词;把动词转换成名词、形容词、副词、介词;把形容词转换成副词和短语。在句子成分方面,把主语变成状语、定语、宾语、表语;把谓语变成主语、定语、表语;把定语变成状语、主语;把宾语变成主语。在句型方面,把并列句变成复合句,把复合句变成并列句,把状语从句变成定语从句。在语态方面,可以把主动语态变为被动语态。如:


唐静考研阅读逐句译 2000年第1篇第1句A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap, but, if properly handled, it may become a driving force. 单词:effort努力;dreadful可怕的;handicap障碍;proper 适当的。结构:A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap, (第一个并列句)//but, if properly handled,(条件状语) //it may become a driving force(第二个并列句)译文:长时间不费吹灰之力就可以获得成功,这样的经验可能会成为一种可怕的障碍,但是,如果处理得当,就会成为一个积极的推动力。 唐静考研阅读逐句译 2000年第1篇第2句 When the United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World War, it had a market eight times larger than any competitor, giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale. 单词:glow 发光;competitor 竞争者,compete 竞争;parallel 平行的,相似;unparalleled 无比的,无双的,无匹的;scale 规模。结构:When the United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World War,(时间状语从句)// it had a market eight times larger than any competitor,(主句) //giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale.(ing分词短语在句子末尾一般表示结果)译文:二战结束之后,美国恰好进入了这样的一个辉煌时期时,它拥有的市场比任何竞争者大八倍,这使其工业的经济规模举世无双。 后记:5月5日,新浪微博上一个叫Lavanda的同学译文不错:这给它的工业带来的规模经济效益举世无比。 唐静考研阅读逐句译 2000年第1篇第4句 America and Americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economies the war had destroyed. 单词:prosperous 繁荣的;destroy 破坏。结构:America and Americans were prosperous (主句)//beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians (介词短语做状语)//whose economies the war had destroyed.(定语从句)译文:美国及其人民之富裕,远非欧亚人民所能够想象,而后者的经济受到了战争的破坏。 唐静考研阅读逐句译 2000年第1篇第5句 It was inevitable that this


翻译硕士参考书选择指南 翻译硕士专业近年来受到考生的亲睐,越来越多的人开始报考翻译硕士,大家在进行翻译硕士备考的时候要掌握科学的方法,这样我们的复习效率才能够高效,下面为大家带来翻译硕士参考书选择指导。 一、翻译&基础英语: 张培基《英译中现代散文选》(很经典,尤其是第二本,句子很精辟,很有味道) 何其莘《新概念英语(四)》(经典中的经典,教你地道英语,学成之后写作水平突飞猛进) 汪涛《实用英汉互译教程》(武大参考书目,汪老师写的很不错的说) 郭著章的《英汉互译实用教程》(整体还好,有一些其他类似书目不曾讲过的内容,但也有一些小错误) 叶子南《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》(经典啊,大爱,建议反复看) 庄绎传《英汉翻译简明教程》(基础的教程了,但内容太少,而且讲解不够深,不过还是很好的) 平卡姆《中式英语之鉴》(改掉redundancy之类的毛病,不解释,看吧) 唐静《翻译硕士(MTI)真题汇编》(编的挺好的,答案也不错,部分翻译给人眼前一亮的感觉,但学校不够全) 蒋经国《古文观止》(闲暇时修养身心一下,主要是看古文了,英文翻译倒是看得不多) 二、口译: 雷天放、陈菁《口译教程》(教材很经典,推荐) 吴忠明《口译笔记法》(不要模仿的太过死板,自己也可以创造一些,一句话,怎么得心应手怎么来) 林超伦《实战口译》(太难了,原文都看不明白,更别提翻译了……)

刘毅《刘毅语法宝典》(语法书很全很强大,但我没用多少,太枯燥……) 还有一本书也不错,是我复试时学姐推荐用的:梅德明《高级口译教程》(对于一些中国式套语的翻译很有帮助) 三、写作&百科: 刘军平《汉语写作与百科知识》(武大参考书目,内容丰富,但是错答案太多了……) 石观海《中国文学简史》(内容太多了,看不过来,囫囵吞枣地翻了一遍) 刘军平《西方翻译理论史》(武大百科的重头戏都在这里) 叶朗、朱良志《中国文化读本》(同学推荐的,适合我们国人自己欣赏) 梅任毅《英语国家社会与文化》(就当准备专八咯) 陶嘉炜《中国文化概要》(书还是很好的,扩大脑容量) 陈纪宁《新编现代应用文写作大全》(书真的是好全好全好全,但我在作文上栽了跟头,大家千万不要忘记我们的国语啊) 网上有很多百科的资料,大家可以自行下载看一下。 四、政治: 政治红宝书(不解释,考研政治必看书目) 肖秀荣四套题(不解释,考研政治必看书目) 任汝芬四套题(不解释,考研政治必看书目) 翻译硕士参考书选择指导给大家带来过了,这些书都对我们考研很有帮助,希望我们能够学好这些书本里面的知识,相信对我们取得好成绩有帮助。


2008年 46) believe, assert, claim, argue, assume, maintain, contend, point out, be convinced that, accept, prove, demonstrate, validate, state, scribe, tell, show, consider, opine, difficulty, difficult, compensate, compensate for, advantage, advantageous, advance, force, strength, power, thus, therefore, hence, enable, detect, detector, error, mistake, false, flaw, shortcoming, reason, reasoned, reasoning, reasonable, observe, observation, observer; 47) follow, pure, purely, abstract, concrete, limit, confine, certain; 48) as well, as well as, found, charge, change, critics, criticize, critical, criticism, while; 49) add, addition, in addition, additional, tradition, traditional, humble, humbly, perhaps, possible, possibly, probable, probably, superior, superior to, super, inferior, inferior to, common, ordinary, banal, notice, attention, escape, carefully, careful, care, take care of; 50) loss, lose (lost), at a loss, take a loss, injurious, injure, injury, intellect, intellectual, intelligence, wisdom, moral, virtue, virtually, virtual, character, characterize, characteristic; 07年 6) legal, law, preserve, conserve, institution, constitution, view, view…as, regard…as, take…as, see…as, special, specialize, specific, especial, especially; peculiar, peculiar t o, particular, particularly, rather than, necessary, essential, essence, critical, significant, significance, equipment, equip, facility;


比尔盖茨在哈佛大学的演讲(双语版) 比尔盖茨在哈佛大学做什么演讲?具体的演讲内容是什么?下面小编分享了比尔盖茨在哈佛大学的演讲(双语版),希望你喜欢。 比尔盖茨在哈佛大学的演讲全文如下(双语版) presidentbok,formerpresidentRudenstine,incomingpres identFaust,membersoftheharvardcorporationandtheboar dofoverseers,membersofthefaculty,parents,andespecia lly,thegraduates: 尊敬的bok校长,Rudenstine前校长,即将上任的Faust 校长,哈佛集团的各位成员,监管理事会的各位理事,各位老师,各位家长,各位同学:

Ivebeenwaitingmorethan30yearstosaythis:"Dad,Ialways toldyouIdcomebackandgetmydegree." 有一句话我等了三十年,现在终于可以说了:“老爸,我总是跟你说,我会回来拿到我的学位的!” Iwanttothankharvardforthistimelyhonor.Illbechanging myjobnextyear…anditwillbenicetofinallyhaveacollegedegreeonmyresum e. 我要感谢哈佛大学在这个时候给我这个荣誉。明年,我就要换工作了(注:指从微软公司退休)……我终于可以在简历上写我有一个本科学位,这真是不错啊。 Iapplaudthegraduatestodayfortakingamuchmoredirectro utetoyourdegrees.Formypart,Imjusthappythatthecrimso nhascalledme"harvardsmostsuccessfuldropout."Iguesst hatmakesmevaledictorianofmyownspecialclass…


唐静考研阅读逐句译2000年第5篇第1句If ambition is to be well regarded, the rewards of ambition—wealth, distinction, control over one’s destiny—must be deemed worthy of the sacrifices made on ambition’s behalf. 词汇:(从今天开始,词汇按照牛津双解的方式进行,我也主要摘录自牛津双解,为了区别,用红色标注要解释的词汇) ambition //n. ~ (to be/do sth) 1 (a) [U, C] strong desire to achieve sth 雄心,野心,志气,抱负,志向 *filled with ambition to become famous, rich, powerful, etc 立志要成名, 发财, 有权势等 (b) [C] particular desire of this kind 雄心,野心,志气,抱负,志向 *have great ambitions 有远大的志向 2 [C] object of this desire 目标,夙愿 *achieve/realize/fulfil one's ambitions 达到目标[实现抱负/得偿夙愿] distinction //n. 1 [C, U] ~ (between A and B ) difference or contrast between one person or thing and another 差别,对比 *He drew a quite artificial distinction between men and women readers. 他把男读者和女读者硬是人为地区分开来。 2 (fml 文) (a) [U] separation of things or people into different groups according to quality, grade, etc (事物或人按其质量、品质、等级等的)区分 *without distinction (ie regardless) of rank 不分级别 (b) [C] detail that separates in this way (按此方式划分的)类别, 等级 *distinctions of birth and wealth 按出身和财富划分的类别. 3 [C] mark of honour; title, decoration, etc 荣誉的标志; 荣衔、勋章等 *an academic distinction, eg a doctor's degree 学术上的荣衔(如博士学位)* win a distinction for bravery 因表现英勇而获得勋章. 4 [U] quality of being excellent or distinguished 优秀; 卓越 *a writer, novel, work of distinction 优秀的作家、小说、作品 * She had the distinction of being the first woman to swim the Channel. 她卓尔不群, 因为她是第一个横渡英吉利海峡的女子。 destiny //n. 1 [U] power believed to control events 命运 *Destiny drew us together. 命运把我们连在一起了。 2 [C] that which happens to sb/sth (thought to be decided beforehand by fate) 定数,天命 *It was his destiny to die in a foreign country. 他注定要客死异国。 * events which shaped his destiny 决定他命运的事件。 deem //v.


北京新东方国内部唐静《考研英语拆分与组合翻译 法》第四章第二节 1991年翻译题解 说明: 欢迎转载,最好注明出处。 这是早期写这本《拆分与组合翻译法》的稿子,所以,或许其中有些小错,敬请谅解,并指出,我会 在新浪上专门放一篇文章,大家可以对我这本书中的 错误进行讨论。我想用点时间,争取明年新版的时候 把这本书中的内容稍微改一改。 如何使用这个材料,我也在新浪博客上会有说明。 我的博客:https://www.360docs.net/doc/5e11332460.html,/tangjing

谢谢你们,祝福各位考研人。 唐静2011年2月16日。 71) The supply of oil can be shut off unexpectedly at any time,and in any case,the oil wells ○1 ○2 will all run dry in thirty years or so at the present rate of use. (34 words) ○3 拆分: ○1句子是and连接的两个并列句,第一个并

列部分主干是the supply of oil can be shut off, ○2第二个并列句部分的主干是the oil wells will all run dry, ○3介词短语作状语。 炼词: 1)shut off有“关上,停止,切断”的意思。 2)unexpectedly有“出乎意料的,想不到的”的意思。 3)in any case有“不管怎样”的意思。注意:跟相关的短语或者习惯用法还有in case of(万一..., 如果发生...), in good case(健康, 生活富裕),in nine cases out of ten(十之八九),in no case (决不),in that case(如果是那样的话),in the case
