












关于我的家庭英语作文5篇 有家就有爱,父母给予我们的爱像蜜糖一样让我们开心的生活,你知道怎么写一篇我的家庭的英语作文吗?下面是小编为大家收集关于我的家庭英语作文5篇,欢迎借鉴参考。【篇一】 I have a happy family, I love my father and mother love me. And a sister. Who is that? He is my grandfather. That? She is my grandmother. My family are all very healthy, very love me. I am very happy, I love my family and my relatives. 【篇二】 I love my family,because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher.His name is Jacky.He is thirty-eight.He likes playing basketball.My mother is a teacher.She is very kind and nice,and she is thirty-seven.I love my parents! On Saturday and Sunday,I often go to the library and play the piano.My father go to play basketball.Sometimes we watch TV and listen to music at home. I love my family.Because I’m very happy to live with my parents together! 【篇三】 This is my family. There are four people in my family. My grandmother, my father, my mother and me. My grandmother has short white hair. She looks very nice. My father has short black hair and small eyes. He looks very fat, so I often call him “fat man”. He works at a factory. My mother works at a L.D.T. My mother has long black hair. She likes sports and traveling, so I often go on sports with my mother. On holidays my family often go to travel. I study at Guiyuan Primary School. We are very happy. 【篇四】 Do you want have my name?I want tell you. My name is Betty, I’m fouteen, I’m a student, I’m in NO.1 High School. I have a happy family. My father is an office worker, he works in an office. My mother is an office worker, too. Bananas, rice are my father’s favorite food, but apples are my mother’s favorite food. I like chicken very much. I have a happy family and I love my family!


第一次月考作文六篇 第一篇:第一次月考 学校进行了第一次月考。整个学校里都浸入了高兴又紧张的世界里了。 诶呀,终于考完试啦。同学们似乎吃了糖一样高兴,个个甭提多高兴啦。虽说考完试啦,但心里还是忐忑不安,也不知道考的怎么样了。身体是放松了,可心却未能放松下来。 就这样到了发试卷的日子,我怀揣着祈祷的心坐在教室里等待着成绩单,当老师发到我的成绩时,我傻了,呆呆的凝望着一瞬间,我望不到窗外,似乎时间已经静止,我听不到任何声音,看不到任何事物,心中却只想着回家怎样面对妈妈,成绩下降如此之快,妈妈会很失望的,这时的我对我自己已经绝望,此时,我看不到任何希望。 该来的总是会来,该面对的总是要面对,我拖着沉重的身体走到家门口,我的脚步止住了,踌躇不前我没有勇气踏进家门,想到妈妈日复一日的照顾我,我就更没有勇气了,可时间不等人,快到6点啦,如果再不回家妈妈会着急的,就这样我被迫踏进家门,当妈妈带着笑容向我迎来时,泪水浸湿了我的眼眶,当我把成绩告诉妈妈时,从妈妈的眼神里看到一丝失望,我竭尽全力的不让自己落泪,可最终还是没控制住自己,扑进妈妈的怀里,善解人意的妈妈鼓励我说:“不要紧的,这次没考好,下次继续努

力,哭是没有用的,应该找到自己的错误,并加以改正,这样才能使自己变得更好更完美,找到最适合自己的学习方法,争取下次考个好成绩”。就这样在妈妈的鼓励下,我开始找自己的缺点,做一个学习计划,争取下次考个好成绩。第二篇:第一次月考 开学后,我下课就攻英语地理,因为我知道了学习的重要性。我根本没把政史生放在眼里。数学本来就不错。因为小学不看副科一样在40分以上一个月后,语文数学学的糊里糊涂,一败涂地。专攻的地理也没理解。开始月考了。 月考完毕,成绩全部出来了。我被眼前的成绩吓到了,都不敢相信是我自己考得。语文数学英语满分120的卷子,语文93数学85,看完这个成绩,我差点就休克了。怎么可能啊?英语117,不会吧。英语是我强项,这张试卷还那么简单,怎么说也要120吧。几部1064人,英语满分14。我怎么不是其中一个啊?哎······政治44,没失常。地理生物2829。历史23。天哪,我不活了,副科三门不及格。 我的总成绩是419,几部756名,班级87人我排55。哼,小学班里90人我也在前15啊。······这次怎么搞的。排名都出来了。哎,眼看又要期中考试了,地理生物都没听懂,怎么办啊?第三篇:第一次月考 上高中,最令人发愁的就是了。以前上小学时得分很容易,只要文章没有病句,叙述清楚,基本上就能的高分,但高中就不


我的卧室五年级英语作文 我有一间非常不整洁的卧室。里面有太多的东西。它不整洁,但很可爱。在屋子的中间有一张大书桌。桌子上有一些书、一台电脑、一个键盘和一个鼠标。桌子上还有一个文具盒和一个台灯。桌子旁边有一张床。床旁边有一个大衣柜,里面有一些衣服。墙上有两扇窗、四幅画和一个漂亮的钟。我经常打扫我的卧室,但它还是不整洁,因为房间里东西太多了。 I have a very untidy bedroom. There are too many things in it. It's untidy,but it's very lovely. There is a big desk in the middle of the room. There are some books, a computer, a keyboard and a mouse on it. There's a pencil-box and a lamp on it, too. Near the desk,there's a bed. Near the bed, there is a big wardrobe. Some clothes are in it. There are two windows in the wall. There are four pictures and a nice clock on the wall, too. I often clean my bedroom. But it is still untidy, because there are too many things in it.


小学生我的家庭英语作文(五篇) 【篇一】 There are four people in my family, my father, my mother,my sister and me. My father likes reading. My mother likes cooking. They both work in Leliu. They always go to work by car. They work hard. My sister and I are pupils. I study in the primary school affiliated with Shunde No.1 Middle School. My hobby is collecting coins. My sister studies in Xishan Primary School. She likes watching TV. We love our family very much. 【篇二】 My name is Yu Geqin. I’m nine years old. There are three members in my family, my father, my mother and I. My father is a teacher. He is very handsome. He always wears a pair of glasses. He works very hard. He’s busy from morning to night. He’s the cleverest man of my family. He can solve the difficult problems, too. My mother is very beautiful. She has two big eyes and her black hair is long. My mother is worker. She is good at her job. She is also a good housewife. I have a happy family. I like it very much.


月考作文:初一第一次月考600字 时间过得飞快,一眨眼间开学已经有一个多月了,在这个月里,我校举行了开学第一 次月考。 这次月考语文满分是一百五十分,数学满分是一百五十分,英语满分是一百二十分, 政治历史两门总分加在一起是一百分。在考试的时候,我还在想:我差不多这次考试语数 英只扣个个把两分,政治历史加在一起只扣个十几分,但是,试卷拿到后,我才发现,原来,语文,我们的班级最高分才一百三十分,我考了一百二十三;数学最高分一百五十, 我考了一百三十七;英语最高分一百二十,我考了一百一十一。更气人的是我的小课,才 考七十三分。与我预先想到的,大打折扣。 我反思了一下,发现:语文主要失分在理解能力和作文上面。作文是我们班语文老师 改的,她是按高考的难易程度,给我们的作文进行批改的。作文满分六十分,扣的分没有 低于十三分的。我的作文扣了十四分,我觉得是我的字写得有些不够工整,所以作文才扣 那么多的分数的。我觉得不能在这样下去了,我要抓紧时间练字,一天写一课,争取把我 的字给练规范。我的理解部分其实有很多都是对的,我后来想了想,为什么会被扣那么多 的分呢?哦,原来是我写的答案不是监考老师心中的答案。不是监考老师认为完美的答案。我觉得要跟着老师的节奏做《倍速学习法》,把我的阅读审题能力加强。并在早上看二十 分钟语文。 我的数学是错在计算题与选择题上。计算题错了两题,全把正数写成负数,负数写成 正数了。填空题有一题是我没有理解内容就下笔而导致错掉的。这些都是我粗心错的,我 要把这个毛病改正。我觉得,老师每上完一课,我就把课后练习给做了,同时做数学版的《倍速学习法》,做过之后,对对后面的答案,把错的改正过来。 英语错的十分散,这儿错一些,那儿错一些。有许多都是我一不留意,抄错了答案。 我也决定,天天做《倍速学习法》。早上再看二十分钟英语。 政治历史我主要错在写“春秋五霸”和“战国七雄”填写国家在地图上哪一个点,我 乱写,结果,只写对了一个,今天,我让爸爸给我买了一本课后练习,我会继续跟着做的。 爸爸想让我下一次期中考试总成绩超过我们班的王诺。我也觉得我可以,我会继续努 力的。开学分班考试一千二百多人我考了前五十名,这次却到了两百米之外,我会总结这 次失败的原因,让我的下一次考试考好。 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


我的房间英语作文50字初一英语作文我的房 间200字 房间就是我们的小天地,里面装着我们的“小秘密”。范文一篇我的房间的英语作文呢?下面是WTT给大家整理的初一英语作文我的房间200字,供你参考! 初一英语作文我的房间200字篇 1 My study is not big, is the place where I read and write.Though not luxurious, is both simple and perfect.pared to the others' study, much a harmonious atmosphere, I also very satisfied.It is acpanied with me day and night, my friend was like peas and carrots. Into the study, a linked to bookcase desk first thing you see.Desk is mainly for the beige, desktop smooth like peas in Andersen's fairy tale princess the delicate skin.Desk is a puter desk and bookcase, but durable, and decorated by me is very beautiful.The

table with a pen holder, I made it myself.Bookcase is better, the most on the left on the grid below, but put down five or six dictionary.Above is bookcase, through the transparent glass window, can see the big and small books neatly placed in the bookcase, of all kinds, scientific books, have a document, there are story books, has everything.To the right of the first case is empty, the second placed a new globe in the third case is a small alarm clock and calendar, small alarm clock has a “skill”, is walking slowly.See it every day all feel it go too slow, not in a hurry, one time, it is normal for slow time for two hours! The fourth is chaotic. Across the desk is a small old table.Although because of the “old”, were worn out, but sometimes I will write my homework on it.Table is a white wall, the wall a few Disney's animated character portrait, image lifelike.Next to a window, it let me see the manifold blessings that lie in the nature. Study good things, and everything is indispensable.


精心整理 关于我的家庭的英语作文 Ihaveaveryluckyfamily.Therearefivepeopleinmyfamily,mydad,mom,sisterandbr other. 我有一个很幸福的家庭。在我的家庭有五口人,爸爸,妈妈,姐姐和弟弟,还有我。 much. Mysisterisasportsplayer.Sheistallandstrong.Shehasbigeyes,smallnoseandmou thandtwosmallears.Sheisprettyandcute.Shelikeslisteningtomusiceverymuch.“Proudofyou”isherfavouriteEnglishsong.Shecansingverywellandsheeventeac hesmesingthissong.

我的姐姐是一个运动员,她又高又壮。她大眼睛,小鼻子、小嘴,两个小耳朵。她非常漂亮、可爱。她喜欢听音乐,“为你骄傲”是她最喜欢的一首英文歌,她能 唱得非常好,甚至教我也唱这首歌。 Iamahappygirl.Ilikelisteningtomusic,too.likeplayingpingpong.Ilovemyparen tsandtheyloveme,too. 我是一个快乐的女孩。我喜欢听音乐、喜欢打乒乓球。我爱我的父母,他们也 爱我。 e. Mymotherisawomanwithabadmemory.Shealwaysdoesalotofhousework,butsometimes shemakesmistakesoutofcarelessness.Forexample,oneday,shewashedclothesinth ewasher,afterthewasherfinishedthework,shefoundshehadn'tfilledthewasherwi thwater. 我妈妈是一位记性很不好的人。她总是做很多家务活,但有时却因为她的粗心 而做错事。比如说,有一天,她用洗衣机洗衣服,最后却发现自己忘了在洗衣机中 放水。


介绍我的房间小学英语作文 房间使我们的私人空间,你的房间是怎样的?下面,小编为你整理了介绍我的房间小学英语作文,希望对你有帮助! 介绍我的房间小学英语作文篇1 Open the door,oh,the room is very beautiful!Whose room is this?It’s my room. 打开门,哦,房间很漂亮!这是谁的房间?这是我的房间。 The bed is near the window.a quilt and a doll is on the bed.What color is my bed?It’s my favourite color—purple.It’s very dreamily color.the dresser is next to the bed.There are some books and a pen on the dresser. I like watching TV.The TV is before the bed.I an lie to watch TV on the bed.I have a piano.The piano is near the TV set.Sometimes,I play the piano.And the computer is near the window.I often play the piano. 床在窗的附近。有一床被子和一个洋娃娃在床上。我的床是什么颜色的呢?是我最喜欢的紫色。梳妆台在床的旁边。有一些书和一个钢笔在梳妆台上。我喜欢看电视。电视机在床的前面。我躺在床上看电视。我有一架钢琴。钢琴在电视机旁边。有时,我弹钢琴。电脑在窗附近。我经常弹钢琴。 This is my room.Do you like my room?What about your room?


关于我的家人的英语作文50词 我的家人英语作文50词范文1 This is my family . there are 3people in my family .they are my mother ,fatner and me .l often go shopping with my mother . she sometimes buy a cake for me. l usually go swimming with my father .l like to swim very much.my father likes each other .we are happy! 我的家人英语作文50词范文2 I have a happy family. There are four people in it. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I .My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. My brother and I are students. At weekends, we often go to the park. My parents love us very much. We love them too. This is my family. A sweet family. 我的家人英语作文50词范文3 My family have 3 peoples. My mother ,fatner and me. My mother is a teacher. My father is a driver. I am a good student. My mother likes watch TV. My father likes plays baskerball. I like play computer games. I am very heppy! 我的家人英语作文50词范文4 My family has four members.My mother is a housewife.She looked after my family


夕阳的余晖透过轻薄的纱帘投射进来,木桌子上不平的痕迹仿佛沐浴在其中.我静静地捧着书津津有味地读着.抬头环视周围,图书馆里的其他人也在低着头沉醉在知识的海洋中.“啪、啪啪……”如雷雨般的声音扰乱了这片宁静.被惊扰的我不耐烦地回头一看,E号书架的一排书打落在布满灰尘的水泥地上.“哎呀,是谁那么缺德啊,把书撞跌也不收拾一下.”中年的图书管理员从柜台里站起来,看着那凌乱的书埋怨起来.而撞书的年轻人则快步离开. 大约过了一分钟,周围的人一如既往地安静地看书.我的心开始不安.这时我听见轻轻的整理书本的声音.一看--一位穿着厚棉衣,背着沉甸甸的书包的小男孩背对着我,收拾着地上的图书.我正打算走过去,此时小男孩转过身子,继续拾着.我惊奇地发现,他的右手打着石膏,被一条系在脖子上的绷带牵引着,小男孩用他的左手笨拙地一本一本把书叠放好,小步地从书架一端挪向另一端.他吃力地用稚嫩的小手两三本地把书放回书架,再跑回拾起最后一本书,拍拍封面的尘,然后把书小心翼翼地放进书架.他轻轻地擦擦小手,把掉落的书包带重新拨上瘦小的肩膀就转身离开.图书管理员冲小男孩笑着走到他旁边,轻声说:“谢谢你啊,孩子.” “不客气”.小男孩走出了门口. 我听着渐渐远去的脚步声,心里涌起一股莫名的暖潮…… 我想,这应该是感动吧! 童年趣事 五六岁的时候,我就被亲戚朋友冠以“十万个为什么”的称号.我“十万个为什么”的称号的得来,就是因为我有太多“为什么”要问,却老是找不到答案而得来的.因为这样也引出了许多笑话,现在想起来也会忍俊不禁. 在我七八岁时,我突然有个想法:“人在火车上,人站在车上的一个点.若人跳起来,只是在原点跳,但车在向前运动,那人就会撞到车后了吧?”我为有了这样一个伟大的猜想而兴奋.为了验证这一个猜想,我查了不少书籍,但书上没有人说到这个问题;问妈妈,她认为不是什么问题,不以理睬;问爸爸,爸爸好像很是正经的思考,好像是说有点道理,但终究没给我答案.我愣是等了半年.终于.一次旅游去长沙,我们要坐火车去,兴奋不已.忙放下行李,走到少人的地方,准备起跳.但我突然想到:“火车时速是多少公里?我这么一跳会不会粉身碎骨的?”然后蹬蹬的跑回去,问爸爸火车的时速,爸爸说:“火车以超过200km/h的速度奔驰.”说完还摸摸我的脑瓜,我心里有点紧张:“若我的猜想是正确的,我一跳不就‘壮烈’了吗?”在犹豫不决中,我想到了一句名言:为探求真理而不惜任何代价!我咬了咬牙,俨然像一个视死如归的英雄,闭上了眼,奋力一跳,只听见风在耳边在“呼呼”大作……一定要在史书里记下我的名字啊! 诶?四面静静的,只有火车的“隆隆”的声音,我脚感觉上还是踏踏实实踏在地板上,我睁开眼,发现我毫发无损,并且还在原地.那骇人的风声只不过是风吹窗户发出的声音罢了.我又怀疑的跳了几次,还是一样.远处有几位大姐姐在偷笑,难道我的猜想是错的?虽然有点为自己“重获新生”而暗喜,但更多的是为自己为自己伟大猜想破灭而懊悔.但又是为什么呢?最终,我不得不求助于旁边早就摆出智者模样的爸爸.爸爸这时才神气活现的说:“其实人在车上,被车带动着走.人在跳时,依然有一个200km/h的惯性,所以相对地面来说你已经在动了,但相对车来说是静止的,所以说不会飞走.”听完后,我恍然大悟. 一直到现在,我还有许多莫名其妙的问题,也经常为这些问题兴奋不已. 我和我爸爸 父亲是个军人,尽管已经退伍,但仍保留了军人那种独有的黑脸庞,宽大的手掌,结实的臂膀,还有爽朗的笑声.从他一手把我抱过头顶的那一刻起,他在我心中晋级为“神”,我的童年,装满对他的崇拜.


小升初英语作文:我的房间 My room Open the door,oh,the room is very beautiful!Whose room is this?It s my room. The bed is near the window. a quilt and a doll is on the bed. What color is my bed?It s my favourite color purple. It s very dreamily color. the dresser is next to the bed. There are some books and a pen on the dresser. I like watching TV. The TV is before the bed. I an lie to watch TV on the bed. I have a piano. The piano is near the TV set. Sometimes,I play the piano. And the computer is near the window. I often play the piano. This is my room. Do you like my room?What about your room? 中文翻译: 我的房间 打开门,噢,这房间多么漂亮啊!这是谁的房间呢?这是我的房间。 床在窗的附近。一张被子和一个洋娃娃在床的上面。我的床是什么颜色呢?是我最喜欢的颜色紫色。这是多么梦幻的颜色埃梳妆

台在床的旁边。梳妆台上有一些书和一支钢笔。 我喜欢看电视。电视机在床的前面。我可以躺在床上看电视。我有一个钢琴。它在电视机的旁边。我有时候会弹钢琴。电脑在窗的附近。我经常弹钢琴。 这就是我的房间。你喜欢我的房间吗?你的房间又怎样呢? want to have a room of my own. The colour of the wall is light blue. There are thing that I like in the room. I want a big white desk near the window. So while I'm reading book,I can see the birds flying in the sky. On the desk Iwant to put some books. The photo of my ffaminily will be put on the desk too. In the middle of the room there's a big big soft bed. And I will put the lovely bear on the bed. When I'm tired I will have a sweet sleep with my bear. On the other side there is a small desk. On it,there's my computer. I like to use it to conmunicate with my good friends. Certainly,I will put up the pictures that I like on the bule wall. On the floor my toys are staying there. When I'm free I would like to play with them. 英文:I have a nice house. There are many books in my house. I can read in my house every morning. I can have a rest in my house when I am tired after playing football. I can also play computer in my house. There are


小学四年级英语作文:我的家庭 【篇一】 I have a happy family. There are three people in my family, my father, mother and me. My father is a businessman. He is always busy with his work and he often goes to business trips. But when he is free, he stays with us. My mother is a worker. She works hard, too. She works hard to take care of our home. I love my parents. 我有一个幸福的家庭。 我家有三口人,我爸爸,妈妈和我。 我的父亲是一个商 人。他总是忙于他的工作,他经常去出差。但当他是免费的,他和我们在一起。我 妈妈是一个工人。她也努力工作。她努力工作照顾我们的家。我爱我的父母。 【篇二】 Hello,everyone! Today I'm very glad to tell you about my family. I have a happy family. There are four people in it. They are my father、 my mother、my little brother、and I.My father is working in anther city.He is so busy that he has no time to come back to see us. We miss him very much. My mother is a housewife .Every day,she cooks delicious meals and does a lot of housework.My brother and I are both students.We work very hard. In my family ,there are lots of happinesses around me.I love my family! 大家好!今天我很高兴告诉你关于我的家庭。 我有一个幸福的家庭。 有四人。 他们是我的父亲,我的母亲,我的弟弟,和我。我的父亲是在另一个城市工作。他 很忙,他没有时间回来看我们。我们非常想念他。我妈妈是一个家庭主妇。每一 天,她烹饪美味的饭菜和做很多家务。 我的弟弟和我都是学生。 我们工作很努力。 在我的家人,在我周围有很多的快乐。我爱我的家人!


初一的月考作文 初一的月考作文 第一次的月考,我还是有一点点小小的失望。下面我们来看看初一的月考作文,欢迎阅读借鉴。 初一的月考作文1这周星期三我校初一年级举行了第一次月考。同学们都在“战场”奋勇拼搏,在笔尖上浴血奋杀。镜头转向我,只见我那悠哉悠哉的样子,一副满不在乎的表情,好像立马可以预测我就是第一名似的。 终于见分晓的时刻到了,公布成绩了。我是信心满满,胸有成竹。但结果超出我的意料,分数少得可怜,猛然感觉这一刻是我人生中的黑历史,这一刻整个世界都是冰冷的,感觉如同刺骨的寒风重重的打到我的脸上。 我伤心,伤心在这新的起点就摔了个大跟头;我伤心,伤心在没有奋斗过的战场倒下;我伤心,伤心在没有挣扎后就戴上“失败者”的头衔。 我后悔,后悔在团队里没有奉献就临阵脱逃;我后悔,后悔在战场上自以为是,反而给队友拖后腿;我后悔,后悔辜负大家的希望。

我不甘,不敢爱一开始就在大家心里定格“逃兵”“下等兵”的形象;我不甘,不甘在首战中就以“无以伦比”的成绩代替我在大家心中的模样;我不甘,不敢在这次战斗中惨败…… 我下定决心要做强者,俗话说:“失败是成功之母。”我会从失败中吸取教训总结经验,树立信心,调整心态,端正态度,重新出发。证明我的实力,我的存在。不负青春,不负自我。 我不是天才,也不是聪明人,但我知道一点——笨鸟先飞。我要成为在别人眼中不可攀登的高山,在自己眼中是一个欲望无限的黑洞,贪婪渴望着更多的强者被我超越。 也许在这一刻静下心来,会感到片刻的宁静。 我知道,这种理想一时不能实现,但我会努力,我会拼搏,不忘初心,勇往直前。在我心中我是永远站在顶峰的人!期待下一个焕然一新的自我! 初一的月考作文2这次月考,虽然考到了第六名,但内心并没有怎么满意,而且这次月考的题目相对以往来说还是比较中等的,但是我还是没有考到自己理想的分数。从这次考试中还是看出了很多问题。 首先分析数学,数学一直以来都是我最薄弱的科目,我并不常常做拓展,只有在考试之间再临时抱抱佛脚,导致这一次我的数学倒数几道拓展题并没有拿出真正的水平,很多

英语作文:我梦想中的房子(My Dream House)

英语作文:我梦想中的房子(My Dream House) my dream house is a villa which lies on the coast. there are two yards in the villa. the front yard is a garden with many beautiful flowers an plants for the four seasons. there is a swimming pool in the back yard, as my family are fond of swimming. on the first floor, there is a big hall when you enter the gate. on the right of the hall is a sitting room, there we can relax, have a rest, watch tv and enjoy entertainments. on the left there is a computer room and a study belonging to me. on the second floor, there are six bedrooms with bathrooms. the villa will be equipped with the modern equipment, such as security alarms controlled by computers, vision phones, lifts an automatic doors. well, that is my dream house. 我梦想的房子是一座坐落在海岸上的别墅。别墅里有两家院子。院子是一个花园,有很多漂亮的花,有四个季节的植物。 后院有一个游泳池,我的家人都喜欢游泳。在一楼,当你进入大门的时候,有一个大礼堂。在大厅的右边是客厅,在那里我们能够放松,休息,看电视,享受娱乐。左边有一个电脑房,一个属于我的书房。在二楼,有六间卧室与浴室。 别墅将配备现代化的设备,如由计算机控制的安全警报,视觉电话,电梯自动门。哦,那是我的梦想之家。


我的房间小学英语作文 每个人都有自己的房间,你的房间又是怎样的呢,下面就一起来看看关于我的房间的小学英语作文吧 My New Room I have my own room now、 There is a bed, an end table and a shelf、 The shelf is near the bed、 The mirror is under the air-conditioner、 The picture is over the shelf、 The trash bin is near the end table、 The curtains are blue、 I love my new room very much、 Do you like it? 我现在有自己的房间。有一张床,一张茶几和一个书架。架子在床的旁边。镜子在空调下面。那幅画在架子上。垃圾桶在靠近茶几的位置。窗帘是蓝色的。我非常喜欢我的新房间。你喜欢它吗? My Bedroom This is my bedroom、It’s clean and beautiful、 There is a bed on the right、 There is a pillow and a quilt on it、 There is a big table near the bed、 The closet is near the table、 There are many clothes in the closet、 The trash bin is behind the door、 The mirror is under the air-conditioner、


五年级写我的家庭英语作文(带翻译) 下面是语文迷小编为大家整理的关于我的家庭的英语作文 带翻译,希望对你有帮助。 【篇一】 I have a happy family, I love my father and mother love me. And a sister. Who is that? He is my grandfather. That? She is my grandmother. My family are all very healthy, very love me. I am very happy, I love my family and my relatives. 我有一个幸福的家,我有爱我的爸爸和爱我的妈妈。和一个姐姐。那个人是 谁?他是我姥爷。 那个呢?她是我姥姥。 我的家人都很健康, 都很爱我。 我很幸福, 我爱我的家和我的亲人们。 【篇二】 I love my family,because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher.His name is Jacky.He is thirty-eight.He likes playing basketball.My mother is a teacher.She is very kind and nice,and she is thirty-seven.I love my parents! On Saturday and Sunday,I often go to the library and play the piano.My father go to play basketball.Sometimes we watch TV and listen to music at home. I love my family.Because I’m very happy to live with my parents together! 我爱我的家庭,因为我有一个快乐的家庭. 我的爸爸是一名英语教师,他的名字叫 Jacky.他今年 38 岁.他非常喜欢打篮 球.我的妈妈是是一名教师.她是一个很亲切、友善的人,她今年 37 岁.我爱我的 父母. 在星期六和星期天里 ,我经常去图书馆和弹钢琴.我爸爸去打篮球.有时侯, 我们都在家看电视和听音乐. 我爱我家.因为我和爸爸妈妈一起生活得很开心! 【篇三】 I have a happy family. There are five people in my family. They are


七年级下册第一次月考语文试题 (考试时间120分钟,总分100分) 一、积累和运用(18分) 1.下列各组词语中,加点字的读音有错误的一组是( )(2分) A.咳嗽(ké)浊流(zuó)薪金(xīn)锲而不舍(qì) B.字帖(tiè)硕果(shuò)污秽(huì)当之无愧(kuì) C.耻辱(rǒu)哺育(pǔ)小楷(kǎi)妇孺皆知(rú) D.金柝(tuò)卓越(zhuó)懊悔(ào)深恶痛绝(è) 2.下列各组词语中,汉字书写全都正确的一组是( )(2分) A.屏障抹杀云鬓至死不渝 B.宛转元勋槁头鞠躬尽粹 C.惩罚红妆深霄慷慨琳漓 D.狂斓报歉禾稻心不在焉 3.下列句子中,加点成语运用不正确的一项是()(2分) A.他在自然科学研究领域锋芒毕露,创造了一个个突破,填补了国内相关项目的空白。 B.敬爱的周总理虽然与我们永别了,但他的光辉形象如同高耸入云的山峰,气贯长虹,永垂千古。 C.在那座山的后面,有一个鲜为人知的小村庄,那里风景优美,人文和谐,可以算得上是一个世外桃源。 D.树林下,行军蚁浩浩荡荡的向远方行进着,黑压压的一片,场面壮观得让人可想而知。 4.下列各组句子中,加点词语不属于连词的一项是()(2分) A.因困难而畏惧退缩的人,不会有任何成就。 B.当时,他是美国家喻户晓的人物,因为他曾成功地领导战时美国的原子弹制造工作。 C.在20世纪人类历史上,这可能是最重要的、影响最深远的巨大变化。 D.院子里种着大丽花、菊花、夹竹桃以及其他的花木。 5.古诗文默写。(7分) (1)东市买骏马,,,北市买长鞭。旦辞爷娘去,暮宿黄河边,,但闻黄河流水鸣溅溅。
