










例:How much is the shirt?



1. Who is coming for tea?

A. Tom.

B. Mark.

C. Tracy.

2. What will the man do next?

A. Leave right away

B. Stay for dinner.

C. Go to school.

3. What does the man come for?

A. A lecture.

B. A meeting.

C. A party.

4. What size does the man want?

A. 9.

B. 35.

C. 39.

5. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Life in Southeast Asia.

B. Weather conditions.

C. A holiday tour.




6. What is the man doing?

A. Giving a speech.

B.Chairing a meeting.

C. Introducing a person.

7. Why does the woman sing so well?

A. She has a great teacher.

B. She teaches singing.

C. She is young. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

8. What is the second gift for Jimmy?

A. A car.

B. A watch.

C. A computer.

9. Why does Jimmy feel happy?

A. He lives with his parents.

B. He’s got what he dreamt of.

C. He’s received lots of presents.


10. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. They are friends.

B. They are strangers to each other.

C. They are husband and wife.

11. Why does the woman come to talk with the man?

A. To get a job.

B. To take a test.

C. To see the secretary.

12. What does the man mean by saying sorry?

A. He can’t hear the woman clearly.

B. He doesn’t need a designer.

C. He can’t help the woman.


13. What do we know about the woman?

A. She lives close to the office.

B. She is new to the company.

C. She likes the big kitchen.

14. How does the man go to work?

A. On foot.

B. By bus.

C. By car.

15. Why was Susan late for work?

A. She missed the bus.

B. Her train was late.

C. Her car broke down.

16. What will the man do the next day?

A. Go to work by train.

B. Visit Lily in her flat.

C. Leave home earlier. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17. Where can you most probably hear this talk?

A. In a class of the English language.

B. In a class of the Greek language.

C. In a class of the French language.

18. How long does the class last?

A. 11 weeks.

B. 13 weeks.

C. 15 weeks.

19. What is “the short-cut” to learning words according to the speaker?

A. Taking more courses.

B. Reading basic words aloud.

C. Learning how words are formed.

20. Why is the class popular?

A. It is not offered each term.

B. It’s taught by Professor Morris.

C. It helps to master some useful rules.


第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和D )中,选出最佳选项,并在题卡上将该项涂黑。


Welcome to our school. You can do a lot of things here. Come and join us.




Personal Inventions

You can see many inventions by the students;

you may also bring your own inventions.



Space and Man

Dr. Thomas West

If you want to know more about the universe.



Modern Medicine

Mrs. Lucy Green

Would you like to know medical science?



Computer Science

Mr. Harry Morison from Harvard University

Learn to use Windows XP.

21. You may have a chance to introduce your inventions on _________.

A. Sunday

B. Monday

C. Wednesday

D. Friday

22. The person who teaches Computer Science is from___________.

A. Canada

B. Australia

C. New Zealand

D. America

23. You may learn something about a disease called TB from __________.

A. Dr. West

B. Mr. Morison

C. Mrs. Green

D. Mr. Thomas

24. If you want to learn something about satellites, you can go to the class from______.

A. 8:30 to 11:30 on Sunday

B. 19:00 to 21:00 on Monday

C. 19:30 to 21:00 on Wednesday

D. 18:30 to 21:00 on Friday


Victor’s hobby was collecting stamps. He had stamps from many countries, like England, Canada and China. On his birthday, can you guess what people gave him? That’s right---stamps.

Victor’s favourite stamps came from France. He had almost every stamp from 1954 to 2004. He only needed one. That was a 1974 special edition*. It was very hard to find.

He looked for it everywhere. He asked his friends and relatives to help him. But nobody could find the stamp. It made Victor very sad.

“Don’t worry. Never give up,” his father said to him. “If you have enough patience, you’ll find it one day.”

“I hope so,” Victor said.

Victor also liked writing. He had a penfriend in France. They wrote to each other every month. Victor’s penfriend, Phillip, usually used new stamps to send letters. Sometimes, his mother gave him stamps to use. Once Phillip’s mother gave him a big, green stamp. It looked old. When Victor received the letter, he was very surprised. On the envelope, he looked carefully at the stamp. It was the 1974 special edition stamp. Victor was so happy. He told his sister, his mother and his father.

“ You see,” his father said. “ You did find your stamp. So, it’s good to have two things in life.”

“What are they?” Vic tor asked.

“ Friends and patience.” He answered.

25. It was very difficult for Victor to find a special French stamp of _________.

A. 1954

B. 1974

C. 1994

D. 2004

26. What does the underlined word “patience” mean?

A. 勇气

B. 知识

C. 耐心

D. 目标

27. Who owned the special edition stamp at the very beginning?

A. Phillip.

B. Phillip’s mother.

C. Victor.

D. Victor’s father.

28. The passage mainly tells us that ________ is(are) important to people.

A. a happy family

B. a good hobby

C. relatives and friendship

D. friends and patience


The story is about two old people named David and Rosy Jackson. Both of them had very bad memories. For example, Rosy would forget to cook dinner or take vegetables home after paying for them. David would show up for work on Sundays, thinking it was Monday. One winter they were to take a long plane trip. When they arrived at the airport, there were only ten minutes left. In that situati on, anyone would get into the plane right away. But David and Rosy didn’t do so. They went to buy some flight insurance instead. Immediately after they put a two-pound note into a machine,

their policy (保险单) came out.

“Who would get the money if the plane crashed, I wonder?” asked Rosy. “My mother, of course,” her husband replied. “We should post the policy to her. Now, be quick! Give me a stamp, will you?” he said to Rosy. “The plane is going to take off in another minute.” David put the stamp on the envelope, dropped it into a postbox, and suddenly he let out a cry.

What do you suppose happened to him? He had posted their plane tickets to his mother.

29. Rosy is David’s ______.

A. friend

B. mother

C. sister

D. wife

30. This passage tells us that David and Rosy ______.

A. were always short of time

B. always did everything in a great hurry

C. were very forgetful

D. usually worked on Sundays

31. David meant to post his mother _____.

A. two plane tickets

B. a two-pound note

C. the flight insurance

D. an empty envelope

32. Mr Jackson made such a foolish mistake because ______.

A.he was worried about his mother

B.he had forgotten to buy a stamp

C.he was worried about this flight

D.his memory was poor and he posted the letter in a great hurry


Dear Mom and Dad ,

I'm afraid I have some very bad news for you . I have been very naughty and the school master is very angry with me . She is going to write to you . You must come and take me away from here . She does not want me in the school any longer . The trouble started last night when I was smoking a cigarette in bed . As I was smoking , I heard footsteps coming towards the room .I did not want a teacher to catch me smoking , so I threw the cigarette away . Unfortunately , the cigarette fell into the waste--paper basket . It caught fire .

There was a curtain near the waste --paper basket . It caught fire too . Soon the whole room was burning . The master phoned the fire brigade(消防队). The school is a long way from the town and before the fire brigade arrived , the whole school was on fire . The master said that the fire was all my fault and I must pay for the damage . She will send you a bill for about a million dollars .

I'm very sorry for this .

Much love


33.Why did Sarah write to his parents ?

A.He missed them very much for they hadn’t seen each other for a long time.

B.He told his parents what he had done in school.

C.He was tired of studying, and wanted to leave school.

D.He thought he was old enough to help them do something.

34.Where did Sarah smoke?

A.in the classroom B.in the Dinning hall

C.in the street D.in the dormitory

35.Why was the school master angry with him?

A.because he was too naughty B.because he was too lazy

C.because he caused a big fire D.because he stole something from the school

第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Cheating(欺骗)is when a person misleads(误导), deceives or acts dishonestly on purpose.___36___If a basketball team is for kids under 8,it's cheating for a 9-year-old play on the team.

At school, in addition to cheating on a test, a kid might cheat by stealing someone else's idea for a science project.___37___This kind of cheating is called plagiarizing (抄袭).

___38___ Jeff is doing it by sneaking answers to a test. And it's also cheating to break the rules of a game or contest or to pretend something is yours when it isn't. When people cheat, it's not fair to other people.

It's tempting(诱惑人的) to cheat because it makes difficult things seem easy, like getting all the right answer on the rest. __39____ And it won't help on the next test-unless the person cheats again.

___40___ .They want to get good grades but hate hard work. Other kids might feel like they can't pass the test without cheating. Even though there seems to be a "good reason" for cheating, cheating isn't a good idea.

A. Some kids cheat because they're lazy.

B. Cheating can happen in a lot of different ways.

C. But it doesn't solve the problem of not knowing the material.

D. Some kids cheat once and feel so bad that they never do it again.

E. For kids, cheating may happen at school, at home, or while playing a sport.

F. There are plenty of reasons why a kid shouldn't cheat, but some kids have already cheated.

G. Kids may also cheat by copying a book report off the Internet and handing it in as it's his or her original work.




Do you know __41__ languages there are in the world? There are about 1500 but many of them are not very __42__. English is one of the most important languages because many people __43__ it, not only in England and America, __44__ in other countries of the world. About 200,000,000 speak it __45__ their own language, and another 200,000,000 use it as __46__ language. It is __47__ to say how many people are learning it. __48__ boys and girls in schools are trying to do so.

Many English children study French. French is also a very important language. __49__ children study German, Russian, Japanese and Chinese.

Which is the best __50__ to learn a language? We know that we all learnt __51__ language well when we were __52__. If we learn a second language in the __53__ way, it won’t seem so difficult. What does a small child do? It__54__ what people say, and it tries to guess what it hears. When it wants something, it has to __55__ it. It is using the language, __56__ in it and talking in it all the time. If people use a second language __57__, they will learn it __58__.

In school, you learn to read, to write, to hear and to speak. It is best to learn all new words through the __59__. You can read them, spell them and __60__ them later.

41. A. how many B. what number C. a lot of D. so many

42. A. useful B. necessary C. important D. good

43. A. like B. use C. learn D. speak

44. A. but B. and C. also D. so

45. A. like B. with C. for D. as

46. A. foreign B. a second C. the second D. a special

47. A. easy B. again C. difficult D. best

48. A. Millions of B. Million of C. Millions D. Several million

49. A. Some B. Other C. All D. Few

50. A. time B. way C. thing D. place

51. A. a foreign B. our mothers’ C. other’s D. our own

52. A. born B. children C. grown D. boys

53. A. same B. different C. useful D. good

54. A. does B. says C. listens to D. follows

55. A. ask B. want C. get D. ask for

56. A. speaking B. writing C. thinking D. doing

57. A. some time B. sometimes C. all the time D. for the time

58. A. quickly B. soon C. freely D. easily

59. A. mouth B. hands C. ears D. mind

60 .A. speak B. use C. love D. write





The Internet is__61____biggest sourceof information____62____the world,_63___it’s accessible through a computer.It __64____(consist) of__65______(million) of pages of data.The World Wide Web was___66_____(invent) in 1991 by an English scientist,Tim Berners-Lee.He __67___(build) his first computer while he___68_______(be) at university using an old television!He came up ___69_______the idea of the World Web in 1989 while he was70 (work) in Switzerland.



假段定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用(\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允


One day last week I went a walk in the country in the morning. The weather was well and the sun was shining. The sky were blue and there were no clouds.

Soon a cool wind start to blow and black clouds were covered the sun and then it started to rain.There were no houses in sight, but I got very wet. After a hour or so, I managed to catch a bus which took me home. But when I arrived I was shivering and I know that I have had a bad cold. I should have taken my coat. I had nothing do but stay at home and wait for a doctor.









Dear Mr. Smith ,

I was so pleased to hear from you and am writing to tell you something

about my school and school life .


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua






3.[A][B][C][D] 8.[A][B][C][D]13.[A][B][C][D]


5.[A][B][C][D] 10. [A][B][C][D]15.[A][B][C][D]

16.[A][B][C][D]21.[A][B][C][D] 26.[A][B][C][D]

17.[A][B][C][D] 22.[A][B][C][D] 27.[A][B][C][D]

18.[A][B][C][D] 23.[A][B][C][D] 28.[A][B][C][D]

19.[A][B][C][D] 24.[A][B][C][D] 29.[A][B][C][D]

20.[A][B][C][D] 25.[A][B][C][D] 30.[A][B][C][D]

31.[A][B][C][D] 36.[A][B][C][D] [E][F] [G] 41.[A][B][C][D]

32.[A][B][C][D] 37.[A][B][C][D] [E][F] [G] 42.[A][B][C][D]

33.[A][B][C][D] 38.[A][B][C][D] [E][F] [G] 43.[A][B][C][D]

34.[A][B][C][D] 39.[A][B][C][D] [E][F] [G] 44.[A][B][C][D]

35.[A][B][C][D] 40.[A][B][C][D] [E][F] [G] 45.[A][B][C][D]

46.[A][B][C][D] 51.[A][B][C][D] 56.[A][B][C][D]

47.[A][B][C][D] 52.[A][B][C][D] 57.[A][B][C][D]

48.[A][B][C][D] 53.[A][B][C][D] 58.[A][B][C][D]

49.[A][B][C][D] 54.[A][B][C][D] 59.[A][B][C][D]

50.[A][B][C][D] 55.[A][B][C][D] 60.[A][B][C][D]



61. 62. 63. 64. 65.

66. 67. 68. 69. 70.


One day last week I went a walk in the country in the morning. The weather was well and the sun was shining. The sky were blue and there were no clouds.

Soon a cool wind start to blow and black clouds were covered the sun and then it started to rain.There were no houses in sight, but I got very wet. After a hour or so, I managed to catch a bus which took me home. But when I arrived I was shivering and I know that I have had a bad cold. I should have taken my coat. I had nothing do but stay at home and wait for a doctor.

第三节. 书面表达(满分30分)

Dear Mr. Smith ,

I was so pleased to hear from you and am writing to tell you something

about my school and school life .

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua




1-5.BABAC 6-10.CACBB 11-15.ACABB 16-20.CABCC



21-25 ADCBB 26-30CBDDC 31-35CDBDC


36-40 EGBCA



41-45 ACBAD 46-50 BCAAB 51-55 DBACD 56-60 CCADD


61.the 62.in 63.and 64.consists https://www.360docs.net/doc/5e5139782.html,lions

66.invented 67. built 68.was 69.with 70.working



1. went 后加for。“去散步” 用短语“go for a walk”。

2. well 改为fine。well作形容词表示身体健康,而此处与weather搭配,故用fine。

3.第一个were 改为was。



6.but 改为so。这里表示结果而不是转折。

7.a改为an。hour 前的不定冠词必须用an。

8.know改为knew。9.have-had 10. nothing 后加to。


One possible version :

Dear Mr Smith ,

I was so pleased to hear from you and am writing to tell you something about my school and school life .

Our school was built in 1990 . There are 48 classes with 3200 students and 280 teachers in it . When entering the school gate , you can see the library with over 200, 000 books . In the science hall , there are many physics and chemical laboratories and four sound labs . The teaching building can hold sixty classes . I’m studying in Class4, Grade 1. The main subjects include Chinese , maths , English physics , chemistry and computer . I like English and computer best and I am very good at them . In my spare time , I enjoy listening to popular music , swimming and skating . I hope you come and visit some day .

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


高一英语考试试题 命题人:斗鸡中学王生龙白云梅 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分85分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. Don’t worry too much about making ____ mistakes. They are _____ natural part of learning. A. /; a B. the; / C. /; the D. the; the 2. Tom was very sick with a bad cough, ______ he could neither eat nor sleep. A. as a result B. after all C. anyway D. otherwise 3. Two thirds of the work ____ done by Jimmy, and ___ was done by Nancy. A. was; the rest B. was; the others C. were; the others D. were; the rest 4. I am his best friend, and I will always _______ him. A. look into B. watch over C. join in D. worry 5. With the great dam ___, we’ll have enough electricity f or everyday use. A. complete B. completed C. to be completed D. to complete 6. I advised that he_____ to the hospital at once, but he insisted that he _____ quite well then. A. was sent; felt B. be sent; feel C. be sent; was feeling D. was sent; felt 7. ---- Have you heard that Tom, as well as his parents, _____ moved to Beijing? ---- Really? No _____ I haven’t seen him for a long time. A. have; doubt B. has; wonder C. have; reason D. has; choice 8. The old man had one son and two daughters, ___ treated him well, ____ made him very sad. A. neither of whom; that B. neither of them; which C. none of whom; which D. none of them; that 9. ----Do you have anything to do this afternoon? ----What’s up? ----Let’s go shopping. It’s said that Yimin Shop ___and all the sweaters are sold at half price. ----Why not? A. has closed down B. was closing down C. closes down D. is closing down 10. -John admitted ____in the exam. -That’s why he was not admit ____the skating club. A. cheating…to B. to cheat…by C. cheating…by D. to cheat…to


一、整体分析 本次考试,我所任教的两个班级的平均分分别为87.7/ 87.4,虽然与上学期的期末考试相比整体低了十分,但却相对接近历年高考的英语平均分,所以试卷的难度与高考题比较接近,整体质量也比较高。 二、具体分析 1. 听力部分 听力部分的第3、7、18、20正答率均在60%以下 3. Where does the conversation probably take place? 7. What does the man mean at last? 18. What had the speaker thought of his first job interview? 20. What contributed to the speaker’s success? 从以上的设题方式来看,3/7/18考察的都是推断总结能力,说明学生抓有用信息的能力较弱,相对而言,他们更擅长细节题,所有在平时的练习中应该多练这类题型,训练学生巧抓key words以及概括main idea的能力。 2. 阅读理解 A篇属于广告类,主要考察学生提取信息的能力,是四篇阅读中最简单的类型,但23题考察the purpose of the text, 学生大部分误选了A(to introduce)与正确选项D (to advertise)比较接近,学生没能看出其推销宣传的本质,还是做的题比较少,经验不足。其实从22题的设问中的free就能看出提到了钱,所以一定有其商业性质在里面,而不是单纯的介绍。 B篇叙事型,是学生比较擅长的类型,但25题(It can be inferred that…)正答率为31%,很低,说明学生还是不擅长利用有用信息进行推断总结,错的学生大部分选择了A (is bound to suffer from paralysis)选错的原因一方面是由于不知道be bound to do 是注定,一定会的意思,;另一方面是在中里看到了paralysis这个词就直接选了A项,说明学生呢缺少良好的做题习惯,总是断章取义,根据某一个词就确定答案,而不是将整个句子,甚至是上下文弄清楚之后再选。而且也暴露出一个问题就是学生做题缺乏技巧,此题是本篇的第二题而paralysis出现在的最后一段,不可能是正确答案的位置。由此来看,学生的仍然是缺乏练习,同时也欠缺自己的总结与思考。27题为猜词题,按理说比较好猜,只要理解了的大概意思,一翻译直接就出来了,但是选A(saved)的同学却大有人在,“她应该因为她的勇气被救”,难道生了病没有勇气面对就应该等死吗? C、D篇均为科普类说明文,是学生不太擅长的类型。与D篇相比,C篇相对简单,29


数学试卷 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第I 卷(选择题) 一、单选题(每小题5分,共60分) 1.已知集合{}2,3,4,6A =,{}1,2,3,4,5B =,则A ∩B=( ) A .{}1,2,3,4 B .{}1,2,3 C .{}2,3 D .{}2,3,4 2.计算12 94??= ? ?? ( ) A . 32 B . 8116 C . 98 D . 23 3.函数 y = ) A .[1,]-+∞ B .[]1,0- C .()1,-+∞ D .()1,0- 4.一个球的表面积是16π,那么这个球的体积为( ) A . 163 π B . 323 π C . 643 π D . 256 3 π 5.函数3 ()21x f x x =--的零点所在的区间为( ) A .()1,2 B .()2,3 C .()3,4 D .() 4,5 6.下列函数中,是偶函数的是( ) A .3y x = B .||=2x y C .lg y x =- D .x x y e e -=-

7.函数()2 3x f x a -=+恒过定点P ( ) A .()0,1 B .()2,1 C .()2,3 D .()2,4 8.已知圆柱的高等于1,侧面积等于4π,则这个圆柱的体积等于( ) A .4π B .3π C .2π D .π 9.设20.9 20.9,2,log 0.9a b c ===,则( ) A .b a c >> B .b c a >> C .a b c >> D .a c b >> 10.某几何体的三视图如图所示(单位:cm ) ,则该几何体的表面积(单位:cm 2)是( ) A .16 B .32 C .44 D .64 11.() ( ) 2 ln 32f x x x =-+的递增区间是( ) A .(),1-∞ B .31,2?? ??? C .3,2??+∞ ??? D .()2,+∞ 12.已知(3)4,1 ()log ,1a a x a x f x x x --


英语学科试卷分析 本次英语试卷的出题学校是鞍山一中,试题难度适中,符合目前我们学生的 学情,除了完形填空一题偏难之外,其他题目同学们都能正常发挥。在这次试卷 中,同学们最容易得分的部分是语法填空,改错还有作文。此次作文题目出的中 规中矩,让同学们有话可说,有句型可写,所以普遍得分在15 分以上。而失分 最多的部分是完形填空,因为文章内容抽象,选项中生词偏多,所以对于词汇量 一般的同学来说正确率只能达到百分之六十。此次考试,教师也和同学们同步答题,反应也和同学们一样,觉得完型对于现阶段的同学来说还是偏难,在理解上 有较大的困难。但是在此次考试中,也不乏有得高分的同学,最高分达到了142 分,文科前四十分的平均分也到达了120 分以上,与兄弟院校差距较小。由此说明英语尖子生还是非常的突出。 目前英语试卷的高考题采用的是全国卷二,难度较以往偏简单,但是拉分的 项目还是在于完形填空,因此在此题的难度设置上会有所提高,而此次试卷的出 题意图也和高考试卷的命题方向不谋而合。 针对现阶段高考命题的思路,下一步的工作还是要从扩大学生词汇量上入手, 夯实基础,在此之上,要加大学生的阅读量,巩固语法知识。除了要进行每周的 周测之外,还有有步骤的对全年级同学进行单词的测试。与此同时,还要提高作 文的写作能力。将阅读课与写作课相结合,从阅读中,获得灵感,启发写作思路, 积累句型。在接下来的一年半中,英语学科已经进入复习阶段,会让学生们更进 一步夯实基础,再对单项进行强化,达到质的飞跃。但是对于层次不同的同学,还 是要采取不同的教学方法。 100 份以上的同学,要强化阅读和完型,平时多布置这 方面的习题,把阅读错题量控制在两个以内,完型控制在三个以内。一百分以下 的同学,还是要加大词汇量,语法上进行强化。对于英语学科瘸腿的同学, 要进行单独约谈,从心理上着手,让他们克服心理障碍,改变学习态度,争取做 得更好。


高中英语期中考试总结 导读:期中考试已经结束,静下心来好好总结这两个多月的教学,有成功之处,也有不足的地方。特将此总结如下: 首先针对本次期中考试,我反思一下自己的不足和改进措施:本学期我担任高二(7)班和高二(8)班的英语,为了更好的完成后半个学期的教学工作,特对本次考试做一下总结。 7、8班在文科班中分别列为第一、第二名,也绝大高于其他理科班;因为7班我是后来接手的,孩子们基础相对比其他班要好,也都很听话,这次成绩考的也还相对这个学校来说不错;8班相对上次月考来说是有进步的,有一个及格的整体也有了提高还算是欣慰的。但对于平均分40多分给我的打击也是挺大的,所以针对这个分数结合平时的学习状况我也进行了反思,主要有以下问题: 1 、其中存在的最大问题是学生们基础太差,基本上可以说是零基础。他们写的作文经常主宾不分,词性不分,话不成句句不成章,比如: I is Lihua。或是I like she。我真的高估了学生的水平,小学生都会写的作文他们都不会,看来真得"从头"开始了。 2、学生做题时过于马虎,没有很好地培养学生的做题技巧。比语法填空题:好不容易会填一个空,忘了首字母要大写了,白白失分,对他们也算是个教训吧。 3、课后反馈工作做的不到位。学习是一个过程,学生也许当时学懂了,但过一会就会忘记,我没有及时让他们背诵记忆和复习,而

是培养他们自觉去背去复习,过高评价了学生的自学能力。而且对于四中的学生来说,几乎大多数人是完全没有自学能力的,所以就更得靠我的督促和引导了,以后多注意这方面的'问题。 4、忽视了学生的知识运用能力。尤其是最近讲课的时候发现一 个问题,讲词语造句的时候,当时一起领着大家说能明白,让学生自己站起来说就不会了,他们只是把知识死记住了,并没有明白如何去使用词语造句子,所以我更应该注意教会学生们去灵活地运用知识,而不是死记硬背。 5、做不出题,缺少练习。平时我们注重的是课文的谅解以至于 学生们一看到题就束手无策做不出来,也不想做,这就是平时练的少,太生疏了,应该多学多练,练的多了自然而然的也就会了。 针对学生们这种零基础以及课堂情况,我决定采取以下措施改进: 1、让学生们写下反思以及对自己的意见或建议,及时发现自己 的不足及时改正,师生共同进步。找一些个别学生谈谈心,及时给予鼓励与信心,不是学习英语的信心。 2、认真设置课堂教学环节,充分发挥学生的潜能。注重学生的 只是运用能力,让学生说,做,真正学到知识。 3、每天督促、检查、反馈。确保学生能真正掌握,扎牢知识。 4、多和其他岗友交流,及时交换意见,相互改进共同进步。 其次,我谈一谈在教学中的随感。 一、词汇教学中,教师要特别注意教学方法,有的学生不认识音


永登一中2016—2017学年第一学期末考试卷 高一英语 第I卷 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项. (A) The Taj Mahal is considered to be one of the most beautiful building in the world and the finest example of the late style of Indian architecture. It is at Agra in northern India. It lies beside the River Jumna in the middle of gardens with quiet pools. The Taj Mahal was built by the Mogul emperor Shah Jehan, who ruled India in the 17th century. It is in memory of his favorite wife, Arjumand Banu Bagam, known as Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631.The building, which was completed between 1632 and 1638, was designed by a local Muslim architect(建筑师) Ustad Ahmad Lahori. The whole building, with gardens and gateway structures, was completed in 1643. The Taj Mahal stands at one end of the garden tomb with marble(大理石) path. The room is softly lighted by the light that passes through double screens of carved marble set high in the walls. The building now is kept in good condition. The Taj Mahal took 23 years to build. Shah Jehan planned a similar building, but in black instead of white, to lie on the other side of the river. But before it could be built, Shan Jehan was imprisoned(监禁) by his son and buried next to his wife in the Taj Mahal. 1. The Taj Mahal was built for_______. A. Mumtaz B. Shah C. Either Mumtaz or Shah D. Both Mumtaz or Shah 2. Why do you think Shah Jehan was buried next to his wife? A. His own tomb hadn’t been built. B. He hoped to be buried there. C. King and Queen should be buried together. D. He liked Mumtaz all his life. 3. The passage mainly tells us _______. A. why the Taj Mahal was built B. the love story between Shah and Mumtaz C. some information about the Taj Mahal D. the Taj Mahal--- the pride of Indians


2013高一期中考试英语试题 第一节单项选择(共20小题;每小题1,5分,共30分) 1.--This is the first time that I ____ the Italian restaurant. --There is too much tasty food you can taste. A. came to B. am coming into C. come into D. have been to 2. Tom is always playing alone. I wish he would ____ with other children. A. join B. join in C. take part in D. join up 3. ____ he has made up his mind, no one can make him change it. A. Once B. Unless C. Until D. As 4. Native English speakers can understand each other ____ they don’t speak the same kind of English. A. even B. although C. even if D. as if 5.The visitor ____ that he ____ very glad to pay a visit to our country. A. said, was B. talked, had been C. told, was D. spoke, had been 6.We were _______ surprised at the news that we couldn’t say anything. A. so B. much C. very D. quite 7.You’d better _______ your score and see if you have passed the exam. A. add up to B. add to C add up D. add 8. Mr. Green asked Lily ________ she had written to her father _______. A. whether; the day before B. whether; yesterday C. that; the day before D. that; yesterday 9. Every minute is made full _______ of _______ our lessons well. A. to use; study B. use; studying C use; to study D. used; studying 10. Many questions ______ at the meeting, but he answered none. A. came up B. raised C were risen D. asked 11. People ______ at the meeting would have a discussion on pollution. A. were present B. took part in C. join in D present. 12. The farm ______ we see today is no longer the one ______ it was ten years ago.


高一上学期期末考试(物理)及答案 一、选择题 1.智能手机的导航软件极大地方便了人们的出行,如图是某驾驶员利用手机APP导航的界面。下列说法正确的是() A.图中7:55指的是时间 B.图中18分钟指的是时刻 C.图中8.1公里指的是位移大小 D.研究汽车在导航图中的位置时,可把汽车看作质点 2.如图所示,有两条位于同一竖直平面内的水平轨道,轨道上有两个物体A和B,它们通过一根绕过定滑轮O的不可伸长的轻绳相连接,物体A以速率v A=10m/s匀速运动,在绳与轨道成30°角时,物体B的速度大小v B为() A.53 m/s 3 B.20 m/s C. 203 m/s 3 D.5 m/s 3.如图所示,水平力F把一个物体紧压在竖直墙上,物体静止不动,则可知 A.F增大时静摩擦力也增大 B.静摩擦力方向竖直向上 C.静摩擦力方向竖直向下 D.因为静摩擦力大于重力,所以没有下滑 4.如图所示,一定质量的物体用轻绳AB悬挂于天花板上,用水平向左的力F缓慢拉动绳的中点O,用T表示绳OA段拉力的大小,在O点向左移动的过程中

A .F 逐渐变大,T 逐渐变大 B .F 逐渐变大,T 不变 C .F 逐渐变小,T 不变 D .F 逐渐变小,T 逐渐变小 5.放假了,小明斜拉着拉杆箱离开校园。如图所示,小明的拉力大小为F ,方向沿拉杆斜向上,与水平地面夹角为θ.与拉杆箱竖直静止在水平地面且不受拉力相比,此时拉杆箱对水平面的压力( ) A .减少了sin F θ B .增大了sin F θ C .减小了cos F θ D .增大了cos F θ 6.如图所示,质量为8 kg 的物体A 静止在竖直的轻弹簧上面。质量为2 kg 的物体B 用细线悬挂起来,A 、B 紧挨在一起但A 、B 之间无压力。某时刻将细线剪断,则细线剪断瞬间,B 对A 的压力大小为(取g =10 m/s 2)( ) A .100 N B .20 N C .16 N D .0 N 7.关于曲线运动,下列叙述中正确的是 A .物体做曲线运动时所受的合外力一定是变力 B .变速运动一定是曲线运动 C .当物体所受合外力的方向与物体速度方向不在同一直线上时,物体一定做曲线运动 D .当物体做曲线运动时,物体所受的合外力方向与物体加速度方向不在同一直线上 8.如图所示,位于斜面上的物块m 在沿斜面向上的力F 作用下,处于静止状态,则斜面作用于物块的静摩擦力说法错误的是( )


高一英语期中成绩分析总结 会同三中向亚萍 一、考试成绩分析 (一)教情分析 本届高一共8个英语班。4位英语任课教师,都是送过几届高三的有经验的老师,大家都积极肯干、上进心强、乐于奉献,完全胜任高一的教学工作。 (二)学情分析 这次考试的内容是必修一的一二单元的内容。因本校生源差,英语基础更差,给授课带来一定难度。因此,整个学习进度较慢,学生对初高中的衔接接受较慢,考前没有专门时间复习,导致整体成绩不理想。 (三)成绩分析 从上表可以看出,英语为薄弱学科。 二、问题查摆 1、学生层面

由于学生重视程度不够,致使学生在学习的诸多环节中,知识掌握及其理解不到位,突出表现在:(1)学生懒于动手、动脑。 上课时相当一部分学生只是听老师讲,没有动手、动脑,导致所学知识一看就懂、一学就会、一做就错。因此,要大力推行课改,让学生主动地参与到教学过程中去,使他们真正成为学习的主人。 (2)相对基础较差 由于我校学生大部分来自乡镇中学,英语学科相对基础较差,没有养成良好的英语学习习惯,听力、阅读能力差,很难在短期内提高。 (3)落实不到位 老师课上、课下布置的作业,特别是英语的口头作业,学生不能及时完成或根本不做,从而影响学生听力及阅读能力的提高。 (4)学生计划性和学习效率太低 由于初中和高中学习的方式的差异,许多学生的学习主动性较差,缺乏计划性,从而导致学习效率太低。在有限的时间内不能完成相应内容。从而

造成学习拖欠现象。 (5)学生应试能力还不够,规范落实的不好。还没有形成科学的答题习惯;审题不仔细,答题不严谨,规范性不够。书面表达语言不条理、书写潦草、乱涂乱画现象严重。从书写,到答题的规范程度来看,我们和县一中存在一定的差距。 2、教师层面 (1)集体备课要求落实不够精细,特别是备学生方面,没有做到分层教学,目的性较差,达不到应有的效果。并且在学期初,在授课方面授课起点,和难点把握上不够准确 (2)作业布置与检查和单元测试组织不够严谨。 (3)利用自习学习英语的学生较少,为解决此问题要求提高作业的时效性。每位任课教师加大作业检查力度,并及时反馈,从而帮助学生养成良好地独立学习习惯。 (4)分层教学力度不够。 由于学生较多,管理力度存在差异,因此应该要加强面批、面改作业、谈心交朋友等多种措施,提升学生学习成绩。


第一学期期末考试 高一英语试题 本试卷分四部分,共10页,满分150分。考试时间120分钟 第一卷(120分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分15分) 第一节听力理解(4段共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 每段播放两遍。各段后有几个小题,各段播放前每小题有5秒钟的阅题时间。请根据各段播放内容及其相关小题,在5秒钟内从题中所给的A、B、C项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 听下面一段对话,回答第1~2题。 1. Where does the talk probably take place A. In a bank. B. In a classroom. C. In an office. 2. How will the man pay his fees A. By cash. B. By credit card. C. By cheque. 听下面一段对话,回答第3~4题。 3. How does the girl say she is feeling A. Tired. B. Hungry. C. Feverish. 4. What is the doctor’s opinion A. He believes she’s serious ly ill. B. He has not seen an illness like this before. C. He thinks she is nervous about the exams. 听下面一段独白,回答第5~7题。 5. What is the talk mainly about A. Moving to a new city. B. Making friends with others. C. Asking for advice. 6. Who suggests that the speaker should smile a lot A. Julie. B. Her brother. C. Her parents. 7. What does the speaker plan to do A. Introduce herself to others. B. Be warm and friendly. C. Be kind and helpful. 听下面一段对话,回答第8~10题。 8. What is the relationship between the two speakers A. Workmates. B. Classmates. C. Relatives. 9. What will they do after their bike ride A. Go swimming. B. Have lunch. C. Return home. 10. How will they reach their destination (目的地) A. Ride on the highway then turn left. B. Turn left at the lake then right on the dirt road. C. Turn left at the lake then left again at the end of the forest. 第二节听取信息(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡标号


江苏省启英中学高一英语期中考试试卷 考生注意:1、本试题分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷,共8页。满分120分,考试时间为120分钟;2、选择题填涂在答题卡相应位置上,其余在答题纸上作答,在草稿纸、试题纸上答题无效。 第Ⅰ卷 (85分) 第一题听力 (20分) 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What is the man going to do? A.Meet Mr.Green B.Catch a plane C.Have a meeting 2.Whose secretary(秘书)is the woman? A.Mr.Pederson’s B.Mr. Graber’s C.Niles Olsen’s 3.What is the man going to buy for Kathy? A.Some flowers B.A box of chocolate C. A music CD 4.Which bus should the man take? A.NO.2 B.NO.23 C.NO.32 5.What size of the photo does the woman want? A.Five inches B.Six inches C.Seven inches 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答6-7两个小题。 6.How does the two speakers feel about the news? A.Excited B.Angry C.Shocked(感到震惊的) 7.What can we learn from the conversation? A.The man doesn’t hope Mike will lose his job. B.The woman thinks she will be fired(解雇). C.The company will go bankrupt.(破产) 听下面一段对话,回答8-10三个小题。 8.Why does the woman go to Florida? A.To buy a bird. B.To have a holiday. C.To look after her father. 9.What does the woman ask the man to do? A.Look after her bird. B.Write her a letter. C.Go with her.


2018-2019学年上学期高一期末考试试卷 数学 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目 要求的. 1.[2018·五省联考]已知全集U =R ,则下列能正确表示集合{}0,1,2M =和{} 220N x x x +==关系的韦恩(Venn )图是( ) A . B . C . D . 2.[2018·三明期中]已知函数()lg ,011,0x x f x x x >?=?+≤?,则()()1f f -=( ) A .2- B .0 C .1 D .1- 3.[2018·重庆八中]下列函数中,既是偶函数,又在(),0-∞内单调递增的为( ) A .22y x x =+ B .2x y = C .22x x y -=- D .12 log 1y x =- 4.[2018·大庆实验中学]已知函数()3 2x f x a x =--的一个零点在区间()1,3内,则实数a 的取值 范围是( ) A .51,2? ?- ?? ? B .5,72?? ??? C .()1,7- D .()1,-+∞

5.[2018·金山中学]某三棱锥的三视图如图所示,则该三棱锥的各个面中,最大的面积是( ) A . B . 2 C .1 D 6.[2018·黄山八校联考]若m ,n 是两条不同的直线,α,β是两个不同的平面,则下列命题正确的是( ) A .若αβ⊥,m β⊥,则//m α B .若//m α,n m ⊥,则n α⊥ C .若//m α,//n α,m β?,n β?,则//αβ D .若//m β,m α?,n α β=,则//m n 7.[2018·宿州期中]已知直线1:30l mx y -+=与211:22 l y x =-+垂直,则m =( ) A .12- B .12 C .2- D .2 8.[2018·合肥九中]直线l 过点()0,2,被圆22:4690C x y x y +--+=截得的弦长为线l 的方程是( ) A .4 23 y x = + B .1 23y x =-+ C .2y = D .4 23 y x =+或2y =


高一英语期中成绩分析总结 导读:本文高一英语期中成绩分析总结,仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 这次考试的内容是必修一的一二单元的内容。因本校生源差,英语基础更差,给授课带来一定难度。因此,整个学习进度较慢,学生对初高中的衔接接受较慢,考前没有专门时间复习,导致整体成绩不理想。高一英语期中成绩分析总结如下,快随一起来了解下。 高一英语期中成绩分析总结一、考试成绩分析 (一)教情分析 本届高一共8个英语班。4位英语任课教师,都是送过几届高三的有经验的老师,大家都积极肯干、上进心强、乐于奉献,完全胜任高一的教学工作。 (二)学情分析 这次考试的内容是必修一的一二单元的内容。因本校生源差,英语基础更差,给授课带来一定难度。因此,整个学习进度较慢,学生对初高中的衔接接受较慢,考前没有专门时间复习,导致整体成绩不理想。 (三)成绩分析 从上表可以看出,英语为薄弱学科。 二、问题查摆 1、学生层面

由于学生重视程度不够,致使学生在学习的诸多环节中,知识掌握及其理解不到位,突出表现在: (1)学生懒于动手、动脑。 上课时相当一部分学生只是听老师讲,没有动手、动脑,导致所学知识一看就懂、一学就会、一做就错。因此,要大力推行课改,让学生主动地参与到教学过程中去,使他们真正成为学习的主人。 (2)相对基础较差 由于我校学生大部分来自乡镇中学,英语学科相对基础较差,没有养成良好的英语学习习惯,听力、阅读能力差,很难在短期内提高。 (3)落实不到位 老师课上、课下布置的作业,特别是英语的口头作业,学生不能及时完成或根本不做,从而影响学生听力及阅读能力的提高。 (4)学生计划性和学习效率太低 由于初中和高中学习的方式的差异,许多学生的学习主动性较差,缺乏计划性,从而导致学习效率太低。在有限的时间内不能完成相应内容。从而造成学习拖欠现象。 (5)学生应试能力还不够,规范落实的不好。还没有形成科学的答题习惯;审题不仔细,答题不严谨,规范性不够。书面表达语言不条理、书写潦草、乱涂乱画现象严重。从书写,到答题的规范程度来看,我们和县一中存在一定的差距。 2、教师层面 (1)集体备课要求落实不够精细,特别是备学生方面,没有做到


高一英语期末检测试题 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)。第I卷1至8页,第II卷9至10页。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。考试结束后,将第II卷和答题卡一并交回。 第I卷(共105分) 注意事项: 1.答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题号的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净以后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 听下面5段对话。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What will the man have for breakfast? A. Eggs. B. Bread. C. Coffee. 2. Why does the man visit the woman? A. To say sorry to the woman. B. To borrow some milk. C. To help cook the meal. 3. What is the man doing? A. Asking the way. B. Helping the woman. C. Working in an office. 4. What is the time now? A. 4:45. B. 5:00. C. 5:30. 5. What does the man offer to do? A. Drive for the woman. B. Find a parking lot. C. Carry the boxes for the woman. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. Which of the following does the man like? A. Fish. B. Tea. C. Coffee. 7. What is the woman’s attitude towards the man? A. Cold. B. Friendly. C. Careful. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. What are the speakers talking about? A. A high school. B. A French teacher . C. A teaching job. 9. What can we know about the man? A. He can speak French.


第二学期高一英语期中考试试卷 满分:100分时间:90 分钟 I. Listening Comprehension(16 分) Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. )1.A.$24. B.$30. C.$34. )2.A. At a bus shop. B.On a plane. )3.A.The one-bedroom apartment. C.The three-bedroom apartment. D.$50. C.On a train. D.At a travel agency. B. The tow-bedroom apartment. D.The four-bedroom apartment. ( )4.A.Her husband. B.Her friend. C.Her boss. D.Her doctor. ( )5.A.She will soon move, too. B.She is pleased with their move. C. She feels a little disappointed. D.His bicycle was stolen. ( )6.A.He was sick. B.He forgot about the meeting time. C.He had to fix his bicycle. D.His bicycle was stolen. ( )7.A.The man can stay in her brother ' s apartment. B. Her brother can help the man find a cheaper hotel. C. Her brother can find an apartment for the man. D. The man should have booked a less expensive hotel. ( )8.A.She ' ll have some chocolate cake. B. She' ll have apple pie and ice cream. C. She' ll tkae a look at the menu. D.She' ll go without dessert. ( )9.A.Thoughtful. B.Selfish. C.Generous. D.Careless. ( )10.A.She spends more than she earns. B. She saves a lot each month. C. She has a tight budget. D. She spent more on clothing than on food. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one will be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. ( )11. A.To buy a new house. B.To meet the manager. C.To park her car. D.To make an appointment ( )12. A.The woman crashed her car. B. The woman quarreled with a stranger. C. The woman failed to get her car parked in time. D. The woman backed her car into the wrong place. ( )13. A. Selfish. B.Clever C.Respectful. D.Considerate.
