

摘 要


关键词 高校 时代新人 培育路径 中国梦



In the report of the 19th congress of the communist party of China (CPC), Xi jinping proposed to cultivate new people in the era bearing the hope of national rejuvenation. College age of jinping era is refining the expansion of new ideas, era of college students to take responsibility, do have ideal, have the skill, responsible, bearing national development of hope and the new era of national development prospects.New era of colleges and universities to foster, to strengthen ideological and political education of The Times, to promote scientific ideological and political education in colleges and universities, at the same time, the new era of colleges and universities to foster has a certain practical value and reflect the inevitable requirement of the new era of college students' healthy growth, is an objective selection, cultivation of talents in colleges and universities is the era of the "China dream" for talent need to call.Xi jinping era new ideas are put forward in the report, the party's 19, university of development of the new era is to cope with the impact of economic globalization and the network transmission influence on college students' mental development, is also conform to the central committee of the communist party of China about strengthening the reform of college ideological and political education. In terms of cultivating new college students, we should attach importance to strengthening education in ideal belief, education in ideology and morality, education in science and culture, Strengthening the rule of law and discipline education. In cultivating in principle, should adhere to the combination of theoretical education and practical education, adhere to the personality education combined with social needs, adhere to the student main body combined with education dominant, adhere to the combination of moral education and intellectual education. On cultivating way, want to play the primary role of the first class, pay attention to the leading role of the second classroom, strengthen the supporting role of network technology, Strengthening the edification of campus culture, improve social practice to develop.

Keywords Colleges and universities New age Cultivating way The Chinese dream

目 录

引言 (1)

第1章高校时代新人培育的提出 (7)

1.1 时代新人和高校时代新人界说 (7)

1.1.1 时代新人内涵 (7)

1.1.2 高校时代新人内涵 (8)

1.1.3 高校时代新人培养目标定位 (9)

1.2 高校时代新人培育的时代背景 (10)

1.2.1 实现中华民族伟大复兴的使命 (10)

1.2.2 经济全球化的冲击 (10)

1.2.3 网络传播对大学生精神发展的挑战 (11)

1.2.4 党加强改进高校思想政治教育工作的要求 (11)

1.3 高校时代新人培育的理论依据 (11)

1.3.1 马克思恩格斯人的自由全面发展理论 (11)

1.3.2 列宁培养社会主义新人理论 (12)

1.3.3 毛泽东德智体全面发展思想 (13)

1.3.4 邓小平培育“四有”新人思想 (15)

1.3.5 习近平时代新人思想 (15)

第2章高校时代新人培育的意义 (17)

2.1 优化当代思想政治教育 (17)

2.1.1 增强高校思想政治教育的时代感 (17)

2.1.2 推进高校思想政治教育的科学化 (17)

2.2 促进大学生健康成才 (18)

2.2.1 高校履行人才培养职能的客观选择 (18)

2.2.2 实现“中国梦”对人才的时代呼唤 (19)

2.3 助力党的民族复兴使命 (20)

2.3.1 继承了历史新人思想 (20)

2.3.2 培育新时代历史使命担当者 (21)

第3章高校时代新人培育的途径 (23)

3.1 高校时代新人培育的培育内容 (23)

3.1.1 加强理想信念教育 (23)

3.1.2 加强思想道德教育 (24)

3.1.3 加强科学文化教育 (25)

3.1.4 加强法治意识教育 (26)

3.1.5 加强国际意识教育 (28)

3.2 高校时代新人培育的培育原则 (29)

3.2.1 坚持理论教育与实践育人相结合 (29)

3.2.2 坚持个性教育与社会需要相结合 (30)

3.2.3 坚持学生主体与教育主导相结合 (31)

3.2.4 坚持德育与智育相结合 (32)

3.3 高校时代新人培育的培育路径 (33)

3.3.1 发挥第一课堂的主导作用 (34)

3.3.2 注重第二课堂的实践作用 (35)

3.3.3 强化网络技术的辅助作用 (36)

3.3.4 加强校园文化的熏陶作用 (37)

3.3.5 提高社会实践的养成作用 (37)

结语 (39)

参考文献 (40)

致谢 (42)

攻读硕士学位期间科研成果 (43)
