2021年高一下学期第十七次周练语文试题 含答案

2021年高一下学期第十七次周练语文试题 含答案
2021年高一下学期第十七次周练语文试题 含答案



1.下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都相同的一组是 ( )





2.下列各句中,加点的成语使用不恰当的一句是( )










D. 据报导,去年这个市GDP高达300多亿元,而且还有继续发展上升的趋势,












C、柳永,(?-约1053), 北宋词人. 原名三变, 后改名永, 字耆卿, 排行第七, 世称柳七、柳屯田. 其词多描绘城市风光和歌妓生活, 尤长于抒写羁旅行役之情. 创作了很多慢词,铺叙刻画, 情景交融, 语言通俗, 音律谐婉, 在当时流传很广, “凡有井水饮处,皆能歌柳词”。














A 危险∕颠簸∕搀扶着∕安定

B 危害∕扑倒∕搀扶着∕使……安定

C 不稳定∕扑倒∕搀扶着∕安定

D 不稳定∕跌倒∕搀扶着∕使……安定


A 无乃尔是过与?

B 是社稷之臣也

C 是谁之过与?

D 夫如是,故远人不服


A 祸起萧墙

B 望洋兴叹

C 井底之蛙

D 五十步笑百步


A 颛臾是鲁国的社稷之臣

B 君子疾夫舍曰欲之而必为之辞

C 作为家臣却“危而不持,颠而不扶”

D 季氏之忧“不在颛臾而在萧蔷之内”


____________________________________________________________________ ______.









C.援琴而歌.歌:唱歌。 D.委身



A.徐而察之 B.索而杀之 C.垂拱而治 D.吾恂恂而起,视其缶13、与“而徒感慨于其遗事”中的“其”字用法相同的一项是()A.吾其还也 B.则移其民于河东

C.今者项庄拔剑舞,其意常在沛公也 D.余亦悔其随之而不得极夫游之乐也























(4)____________________,响穷彭蠡之滨; 雁阵惊寒, __________________。

(5)曲终收拨当心画,四弦一声如裂帛。____________________,_______________ 。


















18. “牵牛花对光亮最敏感,每天早上速开速谢,只在朝霞过墙的那一刻爆出宝石蓝的礼花,相当于植物的鸡鸣,或者是色彩的早操”,句中“鸡鸣”、“早操”的含义是什么?

19. 本文可以划分为三大部分,其中第二部分起自“比较而言,只有月季花最娇生惯养”,止于何处呢?该部分大意是什么?



21. 作者韩少功曾经长期在农村生活和工作,他对农村是十分熟悉的。通观全文,作者为什么把文章标题写作“草木之情”呢?


1.A 2、 D 3. D 4 B


6-9 D A A C


11-14 A B C A


三 16.(1)寒蝉、长亭、骤雨、烟波、暮霭、楚天、杨柳岸、晓风、残月等;分析略。












昔日舜侍奉父亲,父亲使唤他,他总在父亲身边;父亲要杀他,却找不到他。父亲轻轻地打他,他就站在那里忍受,父亲用大棍打他,他就逃跑,因此他的父亲没有背上不义之父的罪名,而他自己也没有失去为人之子的孝心。如今曾参侍奉父亲,把身体交给暴怒的父亲,父亲要打死他,他也不回避。他如果真的死了就会陷父于不义,相比之下,哪个更为不孝?另外,你不是天子的臣民吗?杀了天子的臣民,又会犯多大的罪?”曾参听后,说:“我的罪过很大呀!”于是造访孔子而向他谢罪。3U 36149 8D35 贵 32215 7DD7 緗n34894 884E 衎37489 9271 鉱&26411 672B 末33639 8367 荧21946 55BA 喺\G


山西省晋中市和诚高中2018-2019学年高一英语上学期周练3 班级________ 考号________ 姓名________ 一、根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能正确填人相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(20x2=40分) There once was a very wealthy and curious king. This king had a huge rock _1_ in the middle of a road. Then he hid nearby to _2_ if anyone would try to remove this big rock from the road. The first people to pass by were some of the king’s_3_ businessmen. Rather than moving it, they _4_ walked around it. A few loudly said the King should be _5_ for not maintaining (维护) the roads. More people passed by without moving it. _6_ , a peasant came along. His arms were full of vegetables. When he got near the _7_, rather than simply _8_ around it as the others had, the peasant _9_ his load and tried to move the stone to the _10_ of the road. It took a lot of effort but he finally _11_. The peasant picked up his _12_ and was ready to go on his _13_ when he saw a _l4_ lying in the road where the rock had been. The peasant _15_ the purse. The purse was full of gold coins and a _16_ from the king. The king's note _17_ the gold was a _18_ for moving the rock from the road. The king showed the peasant what _19_ of us can understand: every obstacle (障碍) presents a chance to _20_ our condition. 1.A.placed B.hidden C. got D.buried 2.A.guess B.think C. see D.imagine 3.A.poorest B.wealthiest https://www.360docs.net/doc/5f5465636.html,ziest D.smartest 4.A.simply B.happily C.slowly D.strangely 5.A.doubted B.careful C.hated D.responsible 6.A.Quickly B.Angrily C.Luckily D.Finally 7.A.rock B.road C.king D.businessmen 8.A.walking B.jumping C.running D.climbing 9.A.cut down B.put down C.broke down D.took down


安义中学2020届高一优班第四次周练英语学科测试卷 命题人:占先建满分:100分考试时间:50分钟 21. —What shall we have for supper, dear? —_____. I am not particular about what to eat, you know. A. At your service B. Go ahead C. Never mind D. As you please 22. The experiment cannot be describ ed as ______ failure; it’s _____ experience that will lead to our future success. A. a; an B. a; 不填 C. 不填; an D. 不填; 不填 23. —I’d like to pick up your cousin Mike at the railway station, but I’m afraid I can’t recognize him. —Don’t worry. It is e asy to _____ Mike — he has a thick black moustache. A. pick out B. cut off C. come across D. focus on 24. The actress _____ in the comedy is well-known in the US. In fact, she was the Oscar winner last year. A. stars B. starred C. starring D. being starred 25. I complained to the manager of the hotel about the poor service last month, but up to now, I _____ his reply. A. didn’t receive B. haven’t received C. wouldn’t receive D. wasn’t receiving 26. Don’t lose heart. Keep on trying and most probably you’ll be _____ at how much you can achieve. A. confused B. bored C. amused D. astonished 27. _____ great changes have taken place in this country over the years, some people are still badly off. A. Though B. Since C. Before D. Unless 28. I was _____ that I saw you there, but it must have been someone else. A. depressed B. worried C. convinced D. pleased 29. —Shall I introduce you to the detective? —No, you needn’t. I’ve met him on several _____ befo re. A. situations B. occasions C. positions D. conditions 30. The English teacher has a good sense of humour, _____ makes him particularly popular among his students. A. such B. which C. that D. what 31. —Nancy, will you come with me to the movie on Saturday? —I’m not sure, Joe. I _____ watch football match on TV instead. A. must B. would C. might D. should 32. The letter _____ into his pocket by Jim while no one was looking. A. slides B. slid C. was slid D. was sliding 33. People in town reacted in different ways _____ the news: some got angry, but others were wild with joy. A. with B. to C. against D. for 34. The boys were caught _____ in class and as a punishment, they were made to clean the library. A. whisper B. to whisper C. whispered D. whispering 35. We worked out two plans for the business, _____ of which the manager felt content with, though. A. either B. both C. neither D. none An American businessman who travelled in southern Mexico met with one young Mexican fisherman rowing a small boat at the dock (码头). Inside the boat were several large 36 . Enjoying the warmth of the sun, the American 37 the Mexican for the quality of his fish. He thought they must bring the Mexican lots of money. “How long did it take you to 38 them?” the American asked. “Oh, a few hours,” the Mexican fisherman39 . “Why don’t you 40 longer and catch more fish?” the businessman then asked. The Mexican answered, “With these fish I have more than enough to 41 my family.” The businessman then became 42, “But what do you do with the rest of your 43?” With a smile, the fisherman answered, “I 44 with my children, watch ballgames, see my friends, sing songs ...” The American businessma n cut in, “Look, I have an MBA, and I can help you 45 more money. You can start by fishing several hours longer every day. You can then sell the 46 fish you catch. With the money, you can buy a bigger boat, then a third one, and so on, 47 you have an entire fleet (船队) of fishing boats. You could leave your village and move to a big city, where you could even further 48 your business. Finally,


河北定州中学2016-2017学年第一学期高一英语周练试题(五) 一、选择题 1.Hot _______the night air was, we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey. A. although B. as C. while D. however 2.Mrs. Green stood up the 16-year-old boy, sayi ng that he shouldn’t have been punished. A. in honour of B. in terms of C. in the form of D. in defence of 3.When he was driving home, he was stopped by the policeman and was ________of speeding. A. charged B. blamed C. accused D. warned 4.—Ron, I congratulate you on your success. —Thanks, but the honor _____ to all the people here. A. is belonged B. belongs C. is belonging D. belonged 5. Only when ______ me ________ what trouble she was in. A. did she tell ; I realized B. she told ; I realized C. did she tell ; did I realize D. she told ; did I realize 6.— Traffic accidents are usually very hard to _____. — Sure enough, remember what we _____ the last one. It was troublesome. A. deal with; did with B. do with; dealt with C. deal with; do with D. do with; deal with 7.—Will you join us in the discussion? —Well, I won’t join you unless Wang Lin ________ too. A. will be asked B. is asked C. asked D. be asked 8.—What should I wear for the party, darling?

2021年高一(承智班)上学期周练(12.2)英语试题 含答案

2021年高一(承智班)上学期周练(12.2)英语试题含答案 一、单项选择题 1.John ________ Joan at least for ten years. A. has married B. has married with C. has got married to D. has been married to 2.Standing on the top of the hill, you will get a better _______ of the whole city. A. scene B. scenery C. sight D. view 3.How could I lie to her____ she lived for the truth, whether it was found in music or people? A. unless B. when C. while D. though 4. ---Your suitcase seems very heavy. Need any help? ----__________. A. That all depends! B. No, thanks. I can manage it myself. C. It’s a pleasure. D. It couldn’t be better. Thank you all the same. 5.The food at the dinner party didn’t seem ________.It was not worth the money. A. inviting B. amazing


惠安高级中学2016年高一英语周练(五) (总分:100分;答题时间:40分钟; 及格: 60分) 2016.11 lixue 一.完形填空(共20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分)30分 Among all seasons I like summer best. First of all, summer is when school is out and I can spend most of my time 1 both outside and in. My parents 2 me to get out in sunlight as much as possible. This is fine since my friends and I like to 3 together. We often go on bike trips, which give us a lot of 4 . Besides, there are more daylight hours to 5 . The sun stays out longer, 6 sometime after eight in the evening. This means that there’s a lot more 7 . I can go swimming or just 8 to get a suntan (日光浴). I don’t want to do it for too long, 9 I don’t want to get burnt. The sun is the reason why we often take a walk outside, which I believe can help us stay 10 . 11 time of year for us since we don’t get very The last reason is that it’s the 13 or much sunny weather where we 12 . For most of the year, it’s either cool and cold and icy in my country. We only have three months of reprieve (缓解) from the 14 weather — that is summer. When my neighbors and I want to 15 the summer, we go out, have barbecues or just sit and talk 16 . This is a good thing to do at night when the 17 of the day remains in the air. 18 , summer is the time of year that really puts together everything I like to 19 . It is certainly the season that 20 me most. 1. A. singing B. Playing C. working D. studying 2. A. force B. warn C. invite D. encourage 3. A. go out B. look back C. run away D. stand up 4. A. luck B. time C. fun D. help 5. A. keep B. enjoy C. take D. count 6. A. finally B. possibly C. suddenly D. usually 7. A. sunshine B. moonlight C. noise D. air 8. A. run B. jump C. lie D. walk 9. A. once B. because C. unless D. although


2019-2020学年高一第一次周练(2019.8.18) 时间:90分钟分数:95分 第一部分听力(略) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,填在答题卡上。 A While most high school students spend most of their time worrying about who likes who, and different relationships between their classmates, I choose to focus on my school lessons and sports. When I was young, my mother encouraged me to develop and keep friendship with boys in order to build strong relationships. But she told me not to risk a good friendship with a boy with the title of boyfriend. It's indeed a wise choice to stay friends with those of the opposite sex(异性). In my opinion, even though some high school relationship might continue after graduation, the probability of them lasting much longer is so slim (微小的) that there really is not a point to it. Firstly you have to think about such a question----whether it is possible to hurt both of you, or even hurt both of your future husbands or wives. My second point is that you still can date(约会) if you hope marriage could possibly follow. Except this, there really is not any other reason for dating. Some students desire relationships for a chance to be romantic (浪漫的). While these are nice to have, there are many more important things at this point in our lives. The titles of boyfriend and girlfriend put too much stress on a relationship between high school students. Just staying as common friends may be the best choice for us. I strongly advise we should deal with it in a proper way and follow our teachers’ advice if necessary. 21. The author writes this passage probably for_ to read. A. high school students B. school teachers C. parents and teachers D. married couples 22. Between the opposite sexes, the relationship of being good friends might be__ than that of being boy/girl friends. A. weaker B. safer C. slimmer D. stronger 23. How does the writer like the idea of dating among the students? A. Dating is a nice chance for students to be romantic. B. Studying is far more important than dating in school C. In high school dating can surely lead to future marriage D. Dating in high school is sure to hurt your future family 24. The underlined word "it" in the last paragraph might refer to_ . A. the title of boyfriend or girlfriend at school B. advice given by both teachers and parents C. the pressure from school lessons and sports D. the relationship between students of opposite sexes B “Let’s go Dutch, shall we?” Jim said after a dinner to his friends in a restaurant. What does Jim mean? Long ago, there was a kind of dinner called Dutch treat. At a Dutch treat, the invited guests were expected to pay for their own share of the food and drink. Now, Dutch treat means when friends go out to have fun, each person pays his or her own share. There are many other expressions related with “Dutch” in American English. However, most of them were first used in England in the 17th century. At that time, the British and the Dutch were war enemies. So when British people talked about something wrong or bad, they would like to use the word “Dutch”. A common expression heard a few years ago was in Dutch. A friend may tell you, “You are in Dutch. The teacher is angry with you. Be careful!” When a soldier took Dutch leave, he left the army without permission. Dutch courage is the false courage produced by the effects of drinking wine. When someone has just said something you do n’t believe is true, you can say “I am a Dutch-man.” There is one expression that did come from the Dutch. That is to talk like a Dutch uncle. The Dutch were known for the strict and serious way they educated their children. 25. What did people mean by sa ying “Let’s go Dutch”? A. The guests should leave first. B. Each person should pay his or her own bill C. The food should be better next time. D. People should go to another restaurant. 26. According to the passage, the British in the 17th century ______. A. first used the word "Dutch" B. were mistaken for Dutch people C. got along well with the Dutch people D. used the word "Dutch" for something bad


河北省定州中学2016-2017学年高一英语上学期周练试题(9.25)一、选择题 1.—I________the failure was your fault. —Yes,I see.You only want to learn the details. A.didn't think B.was not explaining C.am not suggesting D.haven't expected 2.He tried to avoid________my questions in class. A.to answer B.answering C.to have answered D.having answered 3.He felt rather________that she should drive the car at such a________speed. A.frightening;frightening B.frightened;frightened C.frightening;frightened D.frightened;frightening 4.Air pollution is getting more and more serious,so we must take action________it is too late. A.before B.after C.until D.when 5.—Did Tom live here? —Yes,but he________here now. A.isn't live B.hadn't lived C.isn't living D.will live 6.—Are you still busy? —Yes,I________my work,and it won't take long. A.just finish B.am just finishing


2014 -2015 学年度高一下学期周练卷(五) 姓名:_______________ 班级:________________ 学号:_______________ 一.短文改错。 请你修改你同学写的以下作文。文中有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 I used to feel I was the sun in my family. But when my cousin was born, everyone pays more attention to her. So I disliked her and couldn?t get along well with her. With time went on, I realized how ridiculous I have been at that time. I tried to find a proper time to apologize. When my cousin?s family came to my home a few day ago, I took my cousin to play outside. In the way to the playground, I bought much snacks for her. Then we began chat. When we talked about their childhood, suddenly, I said “sorry” gentle. She was silent, so I thought that she hadn?t heard me clearly. But after while she said: “Don?t say that. In my memory, you are always friendly.” 二.完形填空(1-20题) Once the king of India was ill and sent for his doctor. The doctor came, ___1__ him and said, “You will be well soon in a few days if you take a bull?s milk.” The king was ___2 _ , for he had never heard of a bull that gave milk. “How is it __ _3__ ?” he asked. “Order Gulbo to get it for you,” answered the doctor. “He can do anything.” Gulbo was a person with great knowledge and was a(n) ___4___ to the doctor. So the doctor thought this would be a way of making him ___5__ . When the king told Gulbo what the doctor said and ____6____ him to get a bull?s milk, Gulbo _____7_____ understood what the doctor was trying to do. When he got home, he sat thinking how to get out of the ____8___ . His daughter, seeing him worried, asked what was the ____9____ . On hearing what the king had asked for, she said, “Don?t ____10___ , Father, I will help you.” The next day she took some old clothes, went to the bank of the river near the palace and chose a place ___11__ the king?s bedroom window. In the middle of the night, she started to do her washing. She made ___12___ much noise that the king could not sleep. The king got very angry and sent a guard to ____13___ what had happened. The soldier found the girl and led her to the king. “Why do you wash your clothes here at night?” said the king. The girl ____14___ to be afraid and said, “I had to wash clothes at night. This afternoon my father ___15___ a baby, I was busy all day because of that. Then I found there were no clean __ 16 for th e baby, so I had to come and wash them now.” “What!” cried the king. “Are you trying to make a17 of me?” I have never heard of a man having a baby.” “Well, if the king himself orders someone to get a bull?s milk for him,18 can?t a man have a baby?” The king smiled and said, “You must be Gulbo?s19 . Go and tell your father that he may keep the bull?s milk to his20 . 1. A. checked B. tested C. judged D. examined 2. A. pleased B. surprised C. touched D. moved 3. A. possible B. impossible C. usual D. unusual 4. A. friend B. enemy C. neighbor D. patient 5. A. suffer B. benefit C. trap D. arrest 6. A. begged B. ordered C. decided D. demanded 7. A. suddenly B. certainly C. correctly D. directly 8. A. chance B. situation C. position D. difficulty 9. A. matter B. wrong C. thing D. problem 10. A. frighten B. worry C. doubt D. fear 11. A. above B. on C. below D. under 12. A. such B. that C. more D. so 13. A. find out B. get out C. take out D. bring out 14. A. began B. looked C. became D. pretended 15. A. gave birth to B. had birth in C. gave birth of D. had birth to 16. A. food B. clothes C. bowls D. bottles 17. A. trick B. joke C. friend D. fool 18 A. why B. how C. who D. what 19. A. girl B. daughter C. wife D. friend 20. A. daughter B. son C. sister D. baby 三.阅读理解(21-35题)


2017年高一下英语周练(四) (总分:80分;答题时间:40分钟; 及格:48分) 2017.3 By Shelleylee 一.完型填空:(30分) My dad came to America from Greece at the very young age of fourteen. He 1 an average of fourteen hours per day, six to seven days a week, for over thirty-five years. Because of his 2 work, he owned many restaurants in New Jersey. He was 3 his achievements and what he could 4 for his family. When I was graduating from college, Dad told me he decided to 5 the restaurants and retire. “If you are graduating, my 6 is over. I have 7 my children and provided for all of you. I am going to 8 .” “Great, but what will you do? I9 know you cooking in the kitchen and serving customers. I can't imagine you doing anything else,” I said. “I am going to play golf!” he10 . “Golf? You have never played golf. I never heard you mention golf,” I was11 . And then Dad 12 to play golf. He taught my brother and me the 13 and shared his interest with us. Dad would look at us and say, “If you live your life as you play the game of golf, you will be 14 .” He repeated often, “When you get to the green, stay focused and hit straight down the fairway . Don't 15 anything else, and just know where you want to put the ball. Do this and you will 16 your goals.” Dad wanted us to have 17 and to stay focused on them to achieve 18 . He also wanted us to 19 ourselves and take time to have fun with friends and family. Dad retired at the age of fifty-six and played golf every day until his death at the age of eighty-six. What a 20 role model! 1. A. worked B. studied C. practiced D. ran 2. A. dangerous B. light C. poor D. hard 3. A. worried about B. prepared for C. proud of D. tired of 4. A. care B. find C. say D. provide 5. A. open B. sell C. manage D. decorate
