


International communication is becoming popular now. China, with the rapid development of economy and society, has maintained increasingly close ties with other countries around the world. In recent years, more and more people come to Chengde City to have a visit or study. Chengde is famous for the Summer Mountain Resorts. There are all kinds of public signs in the Summer Mountain Resorts. It brings convenience to the visitors and improves the culture taste of the city. However, there are also many errors of public signs, including: lexical errors, spelling errors, grammar errors, unclear description, cultural confusion and Chinglish. In this situation, the paper will try to give a theoretical and practical analysis of C-E translation of public signs from the perspective of functionalist translation. The paper offers some suggestions for the public signs translation by utilizing the three principles of skopos theory and analyzing many examples. “The end justified the means”means that the translation strategies and methods are determined by acceptability and effectiveness of translation.

Public signs translation has great significance to both our country and the foreigners. English translations of Chinese public signs belong to publicity materials. Proper translations not only bring precise information to foreigners but also help build a good communication and good understanding. So the research on the translation of public signs is very important.

Chapter One A Brief Introduction of Public signs

Before an exploration of translation public signs, some information about public signs needs to be provided. This chapter will introduce the definition, function, classification of public signs and the language style of public signs.

1.1 The definition of public signs

As we known the public signs is a logo shown to some groups of people in particular place in order to have the function of communication. Public signs have become an academic term since 2000. “Si gn are anything from the simplest way finding or information maker to the technically sophisticated communication of a message”(Wang & Lv, 2007: 4). “Signing affects everybody---travelers, shoppers, visitors, and drivers etc. whether in the course of business or pleasure”(Cheng,2000:104).

Basic literal information that are publicly shown to the public, tourists, oversea guest, foreigners in China and the Chinese in other countries to satisfy their behavior and needs in food, dwelling, travel and entertainment, are all within the category of signs (Lv, 2005:22).

Some websites also pay close attention to public signs translation, such as, “https://www.360docs.net/doc/5f9496549.html,”, “https://www.360docs.net/doc/5f9496549.html,”and “https://www.360docs.net/doc/5f9496549.html,”. “https://www.360docs.net/doc/5f9496549.html,”provides the following definition: “literal information for public in public places”.

According to the definition above, public signs have the following features: First they convey warning, instructional, restrictive, prohibitive or advocating information. Second, they are expressed in literal. Third they are not aimed at individuals but groups of people.

1.2 The function of public signs

Public signs are widely used in daily life, such as airport, ticket office, high way, gas station, subway, taxi, museums, docks, emergency, school, tourist site, park, restaurant, street, cinema, etc.

They are greatly informative. They can give us great help and facility. All the signs have four principal functions in application: directing, prompting, restricting, compelling effects.

Directing signs convey the information to the public, without any restricting or compelling indication. It does not require the public to take actions, but give them an instruction or direction. For example: At the sight of “Information”(问询中心)people will know they can ask some questions and get answers. From “P et Hotel”(宠物旅馆)people will know their pets can be taken care in this place.

Prompting signs are widely used although they do not have any special meaning. They just have prompting functions. For example, “S old Out”(售完)“P reserved”(预留席位)“B eware of Dog”(当心犬只)“F ull Booked”(客满)“M aximum Height”(限高), etc.

Restricting signs order the audience to restrict the behavior. The language used is straightforward but not rude. For example, “E mergency Passage Way, Please Not Hand Luggage on the Floor” (紧急通道,请勿将手提物品搁置地上),“Give Way”(让路),“Ticket Only”(凭票进场),etc.

Compelling signs ask the public to take some actions or not, otherwise they would be punished. For example, “Police Line Do Not Pass”(警戒线,勿超越)“Don?t Walk”(禁止通行), “No Smoking”(禁止吸烟),“No Overnight Parking”(严禁过夜停车).

From the discussion above, we know the function of public signs. This is one of the ways of dividing the functions of public signs. We can also divide the functions into directing, reminding and ordering.

1.3 The classification of public signs

Generally speaking, we have different ways to classify public signs

according to different criteria.

1.3.1 Informative and evocative

Public signs can be divided into “informative” (content focused) and “evocative” (appeal focused). Informative public signs provide information or describe a situation. The readers do not need to take some actions. They are widely used in scenic spots, such as, facilities, the name of the park, introduction, etc.

Evocative public signs are designed to present information with a particular perspective. According to Nord, “…evocative?is called …appellative?”:the use of language to make the receivers do something corresponding (Nord, 2006:40). e.g. “No Fishing Here, 禁止垂钓”“Wet Floor, 小心地滑”and “Free for Children under 12, 十二岁以下儿童免费”.

1.3.2 Slogans and advertisements

Public signs include “slogans” and “advertisements” according to the purpose of usage.

Slogans are used for publicity. For example, create a new situation, modernize in all fields (全面开创社会主义现代化建设新局面). The later is shown in written form outside. For example, “we care to provide service above and beyond the call of duty”(殷勤有加,风雨不改,UPS联合快递公司).

1.3.3 Public signs in scenic spots and other places

According to the place where the public signs appear we can classify the public signs as the following:

Public signs in scenic spots: signs in the scenic spots are designed to give the travelers some help or instruction. e.g.: Please Protect Facilities(保护公共设施, State Protect Historic Site(国家级文物保护单位).

There are also some traffic signs and road signs, for example, Xin Hua Road(新华路), No Parking(禁止停车).

All above are the classifications of public signs.

1.4 The language style of public signs

All the public signs have special features because they are mainly used in public places and their functions are communicative. Understanding the language style of public signs is very important. The main language features of public signs are conciseness and directness.

1.4.1 Conciseness

Public signs must be short and they must express the meaning clearly with right structures because the functions of public signs are to arouse readers? attention, and then, they can give readers warning or notice. Besides, they are usually written on the billboards or posters, which have limited writing space. Wordy public signs can?t convey the effective information to the readers but make the readers confused. For example, “H and Off, 请勿触摸”, which means “please don?t touch the exhibits”, “C losed during Repairs,停业整顿” which means “the store is being repaired, suspensions of business”

1.4.2 Directness

To be direct means the public signs should be expressed directly. Public signs should be written in the simple words so that everybody can understand it. Obscure terms should be avoided in signs. For example, Staff Only, which means if you are not the staff, please doesn?t enter.

Chapter Two Problems of C-E Public Signs Translations in

Summer Mountain Resorts

Now we know the important function and situation of public signs for people but the translation errors still exist in public signs, even in the Summer Mountain Resorts. It is unfortunate that there are a lot of problems such as lexical errors, spelling errors, grammar errors, literal translation, and cultural differences, against convention and so on. All of that have harmful effect on the society.

2.1 Lexical errors

Errors coming from lexical mistranslation account for the biggest percentage of the total linguistic errors according to the relevant statistic material. This phenomenon exists because the translators only know the vocabulary of formal equivalence, and ignore vocabulary dynamic equivalence. A word is the smallest unit of language. Translators should use the proper words in translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original. So the translators should make sure to understand the correct comprehension of each word in is source text, and express the correct expression in target language. How to choose a proper word is the key step.

Example (1): there is a big public signs in the gate of the Summer Mountain Resorts: “W ay Out”, which refers to the place from which you can go out of a building in British English and in the scenic spots we should use “E xit” instead.

Example (2): “请在此排队Join the Main Line”. It should write “Please Queue”.

Example (3): “请注意安全Please Pay Attention to Safety”. It should write “Caution: Risk of Danger”.

2.2 Spelling errors

Spelling errors are apparent and easy to be avoided. In the Summer Mountain Resorts we find out lots of spelling errors. For example, “芳园居fragrant Garden”. I t should be capitalized. “观莲所Lotus view PA VILION”, the word on the board are confused. They should be written in uniform format. Spelling errors also include the misuse of Chinese pinyin. Pinyin is often mixed with English in nonstandard ways. Like “西岭晨霞Xilingchenxia Chamber”. The foreigners can?t understand its meaning. “云帆月航a tower in the shape of boat , the …seneryis? a boat-shaped chamber with two floors.” “S ceneryis” should be written as“scenery is”.

2.3 Grammar errors

Chinese and English have two different grammar rules and grammar errors are likely to happen because of the differences. Grammar errors refer to the system of inflection, syntax and word formation of a language. For example:

“It was built in 1703, was over the palace area before 1771, after the formal palace had been completed, the island becomes a major scenic attraction in the landscape area.”


There are multiple predicate in this sentence. The right translation is:

“It was built in 1703 and finished before1771. It becomes a major scenic spot after the formal palace had been finished in the landscape area.”

“It is 14 sight of Qianglong?s 36 sights”.“观莲所为乾隆三十六景第十四景”.Here they should use ordinal numbers. The correct translation is “it is 14th sight of Qianglong?s 36 sights.”

2.4 Unclear description

There is a special phenomenon in Summer Mountain Resorts. Y ou can see the detailed and vivid Chinese description and brief and unclear English in

the public signs. The English and the Chinese are not correspondent with each other. For example, “万壑松风,Pins Soughing V alleys”. The board says “it is sixth sights of Kangxi?s 36 sights, built in 1708. Emperor Qianglong ever studied here when he was young.” But the Chinese also says“康熙谈论政治大事时必要乾隆旁听在此,以示培养”. The translators omitted this part. The foreigners can?t understand what the meaning of “Pins Soughing V alleys” is. And “月色江声Moonlight Rumbling Water” is confusing. Most of the translations can?t be understood. It should be explained in the public signs.

2.5 Cultural confusion

Cultural translation errors are related to the question of whether conventions should be adapted to target-culture standards. Public signs translation is also regarded as a kind of cultural communication and exchange. In C-E public signs translation, errors caused by a translator?s deficiency of cultural background knowledge are account for a certain percentage among all the errors. A translator should by no means ignore the influence of cultural background knowledge. The mistranslation will not convey the false information to the foreigners. So we must pay much attention to the cultural differences. Please look at the following:


“It was built in 1703; imitate the Golden Hill of Zhenjiang city. The pavilions here linked with corridors, oblate Zhenwu God and Jade Emperor.”It is too difficult to the foreigners to understand what “Zhenwu god” is.

Therefore, the translators should learn about the cultural background before translating in order to overcome the cultural barriers.

2.6 Chinglish

Chinese usually use English without English grammar rules. Some translators can?t express the public signs in native English. The way of thinking and expressing which can be embodied in the way of choosing the

proper words, phrases and ways of collocation are strongly influenced by Chinese. Some people call it Chinglish. It was caused by different thinking patterns. Chinese translators must be influenced by their mother tongue and produce Chinglish expression. As a translator, he or she should try to avoid such mistakes, e.g.

“小草有生命,脚下请留情”means to remind people to keep off the grass. However, It was translated literally as “Little grass has life, please watch your s tep.” The suggested translation is “Treading on Grass is treading on Life” or “Please Keep off the Grass”. “万树园 ,Ten-Thousand Tree Garden”. It mak es the foreigner confused whether there are ten thousand trees.

Chapter Three Functional Skopos Theory

Public signs belong to practical text. The purpose of C-E translation of public signs is to ensure the target readers understand what the public convey. Functional approach emerged in 1970s in Germany and became wide-spread in 1980s. The skopos theory is an important theory in functional approaches.

The skopos theory believed that the purpose of one translation task determines the translation method, namely, literal translation, free translation or the combination of both. Translations must obey the following rules:

3.1 The skopos rule

It is the major rule of the skopos theory. V ermeer explains the skopos rule in the following way:

Each text is produced for a given purpose and should serve this purpose. The skopos rules thus reads as follow: translate/interpret/speak /write in a way that enables your text/translation to function in the situation in which it is used and with the peop le who want to use it and precisely in the way they want it to function (V ermeer, 1989:20) .

This rule is intended to solve the eternal dilemmas of free vs. faithful translation, dynamic vs. formal equivalence, good interpreters vs. slavish translators, a nd so on. Whether a particular translation task need a “free” or a “faithful” translation, or anything between these two extremes depending on the purpose what the translation needs.

3. 2 Coherence rule

Another important rule of skopo s the “coherence rule” specifies that the target text must be interpretable as coherent with the t arget text receiver?s situation (Reiss & V ermeer, 1984:113).

It should make the sense in the communicative situation and culture in which it is received. A communicative interaction can only be regarded as successful if the receivers interpret it as being sufficiently coherent with their situation. “Being …coherent with? is synonymous with being …part of? the receiver?s situation” (Vermeer, 1987:54). In other words, the target language must be translated in such a way that it is coherent for the target text receivers. For example:


The translation in English is “In summer here the clear water and green hills together with lot s of birds form a piece of beautiful picture.”

The adverbials of time are usually written at the end and the adverbials of place are usually put in front of the adverbials of time. If the adverbials of time are written at the beginning of the sentence, it should be separated from the sentence with a comma. The right sentence is “In summer, the clear water and green hills together with lots of birds form a piece of beautiful picture here.” Or “The clear water and green hills together with lots of birds f orm a piece of beautiful picture in summer here”

3.3 Fidelity rule

It means that there should be inter-textual coherence between the source and target texts. V ermeer calls this relationship “intertextual coherence”or “fidelity”. It is very important in the translation.

For example:


“This sight is a complex of courtyard. Emperor Kangxi wrote its name as …Moon and Lake Garden? on the ho rizontal inscribed board hanged on its gate


This public signs of English is different from Chinese one entirely. The foreigners can?t understand why this place is called “Moon and Lake Garden”. And they can?t enjoy the cultural background of this place.

Chapter Four Translation Methods on Public Signs

This section will give a basic introduction to solve the above mentioned problems of mistranslations according to the rules of skopos theory. The paper introduces five methods in this chapter based on the rules of skopos theory as following:

4.1 Borrowing

As the application of the public signs is global, we can find out the corresponding conventional public signs except the one with the national characteristics. According to the skopos rule, the translators should consider the receivers, including their cultural background and language habits. Lots of public signs which are used abroad can be borrowed directly, such as “请不要乱丢果皮纸屑, Please Don?t Abandon Peel And Paper” . In the conventional way, we can say “N o Littering, 请勿触摸”.If it is translated as “D on?t Touch”, the English version will be rude even though there are no grammatical mistakes. The proper expression should b e “H and Off”.

4. 2 Restructing

According to the coherence rule, the translators should make sure that the target-text readers are able to understand the target text. The translations are coherent with their own communicative situation and culture. So the translators can use the restructing method.

The English and Chinese languages belong to different language families, so there are lots of differences between them. One of the most different aspects is the sentence structure. English is the hypotactic language while the Chinese is the paratatic language. According to the skopos, the translators should pay more attention to the receivers, including their language habit. For example:


“It is the 12th sight of Qianlong?s 36 sights. Many lotuses are gowned in the front of the lake in which bloom till deep autumn.”

In this sentence, the translators have adjusted the structure.

“保护环境,从我做起。” There are three kinds of translations. (1)Keep Our Street Clean. (2)I Take Y our Trash. (3)Thank Y ou for Y our Littering.

The public signs of Chinese is made of two Chinese expressions, but it is a simply sentence in English. The translations of English are correspondent to the thoughts of foreigners and the way of their expression.

4. 3 Imitating

Based on the skopos rules, the purpose of public signs is giving the visitors some information. The translation of public signs should be able to understand by the receivers. It is a better way to imitate the examples which have been used widely and accepted by the foreigners.

Please look at the following:

“Danger, Explosives. 危险, 易爆品.”We can imitate this one “D anger, Deep Water 危险,水深.”It is better than “Please Don?t Play with Water”.“C aution: Hot!” It is Standard English. If we want to warm the tr aveler pay more attention to the falling rocks from the hill we can say “C aution: Falling Rocks”.

4.4 Cultural transformation

According to the coherence rule, what the translator can do, and should do, is to produce a text that is at least likely to be meaningful to target-culture receivers. The successful translations should be corresponded with the target-text cultural background. Then the receivers can accept them. It is easy to overcome the language barriers but it is difficult to overcome the cultural barriers. Please look as the following:

“Tourism, please stop here”. Some foreigners don?t move when they see

this public signs. It should be “S taff only”.

“Banruo Temple, another name is Falin Temple. There is a principle hall with three rooms. The statue of Wulingshoufo and the statue of Jiudufomu are enshrined in it.”


Some public signs of Chinese characteristics should be make a further explanation. The translators should make the visitors understand that “Wulingshoufo and Jiudufomu” are equivalent to the god.

4.5 Notation

According to the Skopos rule and Fidelity rule, a good translation should be understood by the receivers. And it should be loyal to the source-target-text. So many public signs in the Summer Mountain Resorts are written in Chinese pinyin. The translators can make notes for the public signs which have Chinese characteristics. Please look at the following:

“Qinghui Pavilion 清晖亭”

Notes: It is a place where people resting in the pavilion can feel cozy in early morning.

“Enjoying Lotus-Flowers 观莲所”

Notes: It is a place where Emporor Qianglong used to enjoy lotus here.

“W aterside Hall of Enjoying Lotus 香远溢清”

Notes: Lotuses are gorgeous after raining in the pond.


This chapter is the conclusion of this paper. It first makes a summary of the research. The paper approaches C-E translation of public signs from the perspective of functionalist translation theory. It starts with an introduction to the definition, the functions, the classifications and the language styles of public signs. Generally speaking, it has four functions, including: directing, prompting, restricting and compelling. Its language styles are: directness and conciseness. Then, the paper introduces and analyzes the translation errors in the Summer Mountain Resort. It introduces three rules of skopos theory which serves as the theoretical basic of the research in this paper. This paper attempts to apply functionalist theory to C-E translation of public signs. It tried to offer some translation methods under the guide of the rules of skopos theory, such as borrowing, restructing, imitating, cultural transformation and notation.

This paper is significant in both theoretical and practical aspects. Theoretically, it proves that it is feasible to apply skopos theory to C-E translation of public signs. Practically, it puts forward some translation methods to improve the English language environment in China.


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大学英语翻译课堂教学存在的问题以及对策 【摘要】自翻译成为一门独立的学科以来,翻译教学的重要性越来越受到重视。但在大学英语翻译课堂中仍然存在一些问题,导致翻译教学效果不佳,学生的翻译水平有限。本文探讨了大学英语翻译教学的现状和存在的问题,以及如何采取必要措施,切实提高学生的翻译能力,为社会、市场输出更多符合需求的翻译人才。 【关键词】大学英语翻译教学问题 1.大学英语翻译教学的现状及存在问题 随着经济的全球化以及对外交流的进一步扩大,翻译能力的重要性得到进一步的凸显。而翻译成为一个正式的学科,也极大地推动了翻译教学的发展。根据国家教委颁发的《大学英语教学大纲》,对学生英语翻译能力的要求指能借助词典,将难度略低于课文的英语短文翻译成汉语,能达到基本的翻译要求,译速为每小时300个英语单词。但目前的翻译教学还存在很多问题,使达到这个目标有一定困难,亟待解决。 1.1教师定位不准确,与学生的互动和交流有待加强 翻译是一门注重实践的学科,学生需要大量的练习才能磨练出翻译水平,而在练习的过程中,翻译的技巧起着指导

性的作用。因此,教师在翻译课堂上更像是一个指路人,而并不是掌控课堂所有话语权的主导者。教师给予翻译技巧、翻译案例、应对方法,同时给学生的翻译实践做出反馈。而如果教师不给予学生一定的主动性,和学生的互动不够的话,势必会背离翻译教学的目标。 1.2 过分依赖多媒体技术 多媒体教学由教师、学生、教学内容与多媒体构成,其本质于传统课堂相同,只是加入了多媒体的手段。多媒体教学拥有很多传统的课堂教学模式没有的优势,但是这并不代表教师要完全摒弃传统的教学模式。然而,在实际操作过程中,很多教师过分依赖多媒体技术,却忽略了传统的教学模式的使用,结果不但没有提升教学质量,反而降低教学质量。在传统的教学环境下,教师撰写教案,在课堂上以板书的形式为学生讲解教学重点以及难点。多媒体环境下,教师为了节省板书的时间,采用PPT课件的形式进行教学。但如果完全依赖于教学课件,整节课堂不进行任何板书或只有少量板书,一味借助PPT进行讲解,教学效果便会大打折扣。更有甚者,一旦停电或者多媒体设备出现故障,便无法正常完成教学内容的讲解。 1.3只注重理论教育,忽略实践能力的培养 在全球化的背景下,社会需要的是既具有一定的理论基础,又具有一定的实践能力的综合性人才。但在目前的英语


《英语自我介绍带翻译》 英语自我介绍带翻译(一): Hello,every one!(大家好) My name is **** 。 (我叫****) Im a 15 years old boy。 (我是一个15岁的男孩)(具体状况自我改) I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao。(我住在美丽的Rizhao城)(你能 够把Rizhao改成自我家乡的城市的名称的拼音) Im an active ,lovely and clever boy。(我是一个活跃的可爱的聪明的男孩) In the school , my favourite subject is maths 。 (在学校,我最喜欢 数学) Perhaps someone thinks its difficult to study well 。(也许有些人认 为这很难学) But I like it。(但我喜欢他) I belive that if you try your best, everything can be done well。(我相信每件事付出努力就会有害结果) I also like sports very much。(我也很喜欢运动) Such as,running,volleyball and so on。 (像跑步、排球等等) Im kind-hearted。(我很热心) If you need help ,please e to me 。(如果你需要帮忙,就来找我) I hope we can be good friends!(我期望我们能成为好朋友) OK。This is me 。A sunny boy。(好了,这就是我,一个阳光男孩) 英语自我介绍带翻译(二): Hello, everybody, 大家好, I'm glad to meet all of you。 很高兴与大家相会, Let me tell you a little bit about myself。


初中英语翻译题解题技巧: 翻译题在初中英语试题中占15分,题型分为两种,一种是汉译英(11分),它分为部分翻译5个和整句翻译3个,另一种是英译汉(4分)。 汉译英谈谈解题技巧: 可以从时态、语态、固定短语、主谓一致、基本句型等许多方面来考查。 汉译英题的解题步骤如下: 1.通读汉语,了解这个句子所要表达的意思 2.阅读英文,找出其中要考查的内容,揣摩出题人的意图,并分析。 3.观察一下要求翻译的汉语,然 后联想一下相关的词汇、句型,并考虑时态、语态、词形变化、主谓一致等问题。 4.翻译出所缺的英文部分。 5.将翻译好的句子再通读一遍,并从时态、语态、词形、数的一致等方面检查一下。 a.上课做笔记是个好习惯。 It’s a good habbit to _____ in class. 观察后发现考查的内容为一个短语,所以经过联想,想到take notes 这个短语,并注意复数形式。 b.几年来,他拍了几部大片。 ____________________________ 这是一个整句翻译,首先想到“几年来”这个短语over the years,它是固定短语,然后想到它所用到的时态为现在完成时,所以这个句子写成:Over the years, he has made some great movies. c.必须经常浇树。 一看到这个题目,有的同学有些发懵,因为这个句子没有主语,那么就要想到被动语态,而且是含有“必须”这个情态动词,这时就可以联想到含有情态动词的被动语态的构成:主语+情态动词 +be +p.p 所以这个句子写成:

Trees must be watered often. 英译汉解题步骤如下: 1.浏览整段文章,清楚大概内容。 2.分析划线部分的句子含义,遇到不会的生词,要从上下文的内容中来猜测。 3.整理好所思考的句子,注意英汉语言方面的差异,所翻译好的句子必须符合汉语逻辑思维,而且语言 要通顺,意思要明确。 eg. Do dogs wear shoes? Some police dogs in western Germany do. People made special shoes for them. Police say that these shoes can protect the dogs from broken glass. 翻译这句话时,必须把“do”翻译出来,否则意思不明确。根据上下文”do”表示穿鞋, 所以整句翻译为:有些德国西部的警犬穿鞋。 那么,想做好这种类型的题,平时必须多下功夫,必须做到: 1.熟练掌握常用的词汇、短语、习惯用语和固定搭配的用法。 2.掌握各种句型结构。 3.掌握各种时态、语态及主谓一致原则。 4.具有用英语思维的习惯。 5.熟读课文,万变不离其宗,无论怎样变化,考试都离不开教材这个大的考纲。 英语翻译技巧: 英汉两种语言在句法、词汇、修辞等方面均存在着很大的差异,因此在进行英汉互译时必然会遇到很多困难,需要有一定的翻译技巧作指导。


商务英语写作 商务英语翻译:商务英语五大实用翻译技巧 商务英语是为国际商务活动这一特定的专业学科服务的专门用途英语,所涉及的专业范围很广,并具有独特的语言现象和表现内容、文体复杂。商务英语翻译要求翻译者具备丰富的商务理论和商务实践知识,为了提高翻译质量,翻译者必须具备一定的自身条件。 第一,翻译者的汉语功底要好。很多人往往忽视这一点,认为汉语是自己的母语,凭着自己原来的底子应付翻译中的问题,是绰绰有余的。然而在真正的翻译过程中,为了一个词语或者一个句型,冥思苦想了半天也得不到一个满意的结果。有时好不容易想出来了也觉得不够理想。由此可见,汉语表达能力和对汉语理解能力的大小直接影响翻译的好坏。下功夫学好汉语,打好汉语基础对于翻译是十分重要的。 第二,英语语言能力要强。全面的语法知识和大量的词汇量缺一不可。如果只有大量的词汇量,而没有较好的英语语法知识。翻译过程中译者的理解肯定是错误百出,而且牛头不对马嘴。因此我们要提高在英汉翻译中对于英文句子理解的准确性及汉英翻译中英文表达的准确性。 第三,知识面要广。商务英语翻译中要很好的做到这一点,就

要掌握商务理论和贸易实务等理论知识及贸易实践经验。同时译者还要具有丰富的百科知识,对天文地理、古今中外不说通晓,也要了解其中的一些基本知识。没有一定的常识,译者的语言水平即使再高,也是无法做好翻译工作的。 一、一词多义 同一个词,由于语境不同,其词义可千差万别。试看下面几个例子: 1.They cannot obtain credit at all in the trade. 他们生意信誉已荡然无存。 2.They have opened the covering credit with the Bank of China,London. 他们已从伦敦中国银行开立了有关信用证。 以上两个句子credit 词义都有所区别。 二、词类转译 词类转译是国际商务翻译中常见的译词技巧。常见的有名词与动词、介词与动词的互相转译。 1.名词与动词的互相转译: Before the payment of these tariffs, the imported goods


BASIC 语言BASIC Language BASIC 语言及应用BASIC Language & Application C 语言C Language C++程序设计C++ Program Designing CAD 概论Introduction to CAD CAD/CAM CAD/CAM CET-4 College English Test (Band 4) CET-6 College English Test (Band 6) C与UNIX环境C Language & Unix Environment C语言科学计算方法Scientific Computation Method in C C语言与生物医学信息处理C Language & Biomedical Information Processing dBASE Ⅲ课程设计Course Exercise in dBASE Ⅲ Programming Languages Internet与Intranet技术Internet and Intranet Technology PC机原理Principle of PC Unix编程环境Unix Programming Environment Unix操作系统分析Analysis of Unix System Windows系统Windows Operation System 办公自动化Office Automatization 办公自动化系统毕业设计Office Automatization Thesis 办公自动化系统设计Office Automatization Design 编译方法Compilation Method 编译方法Methods of Compiling 编译技术Technique of Compiling 编译原理Fundamentals of Compiling, Principles of Compiler 编译原理课程设计Course Design of Compiling 操作系统Disk Operating System (DOS) 操作系统课程设计Course Design in Disk Operating System 操作系统与编译原理Disk Operating System & Fundamentals of Compiling 操作系统原理Fundamentals of Disk Operating System, Principles of Operating System 常微分方程Ordinary Differential Equations 程序设计Program Designing 程序设计方法学Methodology of Programming, Methods of Programming 程序设计及算法语言Program Designing & Algorithmic Language 程序设计语言Programming Language


大学生英语自我介绍带翻译 很多时候,我们需要向他人介绍自己,让别人知道自己是谁,是个怎样的人。那么你知道大学生的中英文自我介绍怎么说吗?今天小编和你分享大学生英语自我介绍带翻译,欢迎阅读。 大学生英语自我介绍带翻译篇【1】 1. I noticed that you advertised a job in this mornings paper. 我看到你们在今早的报纸上刊登的招聘广告。 2. Im coming for your advertisement for …. 我是来应聘你们广告上的……职位的。 3. I have applied for the position of …. 我申请了贵公司的……职位。 4. I havent done anything like that before. 我以前没有做过这种工作。 5. I think Im quite fit for assistants job. 我觉得我很适合做助理的工作。 6. I used to work as a sales manager. 我以前做销售经理。

7. Im quite familiar with editing. 我做过很多编辑工作。 8. I want a job with a vacation every year. 我想找个每年都能度假的工作。 9. I was thinking of a job in a school. 我打算到学校找份工作。 10. I worked in the accounting section of a manufacturer of electrical products. 我曾在电子产品制造商的会计组工作。 11. I have been for over five years in teh employ of an exporting company. 本人曾经前后五年被受雇于出口贸易公司。大学生英语自我介绍带翻译篇【2】 Good monring. Its a pleasure for me to be here in front of you to present myself. My name is Philip Wong,and I am a candidate for the position of Overseas Sales Representative. My background and work experience are tailor-made for this position. I studied marketing as an undergrad here in Taiwan,and in 1985,I received my MBA from the University of Texas School of Business. For five years now,I have utilized my skills and knowledge as the Assistant Director of Exports for magic kitchen Supplies.


最新英语翻译试题类型及其解题技巧 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:翻译句子 1.只有当我们了解了不同的肢体语言我们才可以很好地跟人们交流。(only+状语从句) ________________________________________________________________________ 2.这就是我们未来的生活。(what引导的名词性从句) ________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】 1. Only when we have mastered the different body languages can we communicate well with them. 2. This is what our life will be like in the future. 【解析】 【分析】 本大题为根据括号内的要求把汉语句子翻译成英语。翻译时尽可能地精确,按照要求翻译还要注意某些特殊的语法项目。如倒装句式等。 1.考查倒装句式。本大题要求用only+状语从句来翻译。Only+状语从句置于句首,主句要部分倒装。因此本句要翻译成部分倒装。同时要注意运用短语如肢体语言可译成“body languages”,与某人交流可译为“ communicate with”。因此本句可译为Only when we have mastered the different body languages can we communicate well with them。 2.考查由what引导的名词从句。分析句子可知,本句是一个表语从句,表语从句中的介词like缺少宾语,可用what引导。因此本句可译为:This is what our life will be like in the future. 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.新来的员工经验不足,在解决顾客投诉时遇到了麻烦。 (have trouble) ________________________ 2.医生向病人保证,只要他按时服药就没有大碍。 (assure) ________________________ 3.尽管日程安排很紧,他还是报名参加了他同事推荐的那个课程。(despite) ________________________ 4.直到妻子与他离了婚,他才意识到他应该多抽一些时间陪伴家人,而不是一心只有工作。(until) ________________________ 【答案】 1. The new employee was inexperienced, so (that) he had trouble (in) dealing with the customer’s complaint(s).


商务英语翻译技巧 摘要 商务英语(Business English)是一种含有商务理论和实用商务的理论。在经济信息日益发达的现代社会,随着国际贸易的发展,商务英语翻译的作用越来越明显。本文,大致分为五个部分对商务英语翻译技巧进行分析。文章第一部分概括了商务英语以及商务英语翻译;第二部分分别从商务英语的文体特征、语言特点对其进行分析;之后三个部分分别介绍了翻译的方法和翻译的原则。最后进行总结。得出商务英语的翻译机巧和方法。 关键字:商务英语;翻译技巧;特点;文体特征 前言 商务英语是以国际间的商务往来为基础的语言交流,商务英语包括的范围比较广,例如:金融方面的英语、贸易英语、还有一些专业的英语等。这也说明了商务英语所涉及的范围比较广泛,涉及各行各业,这也就决定了从事商务英语翻译的人不仅仅需要有扎实的英语基本功,还有对其他方面的英语进行了解,这样一来才能使交易双方能够更好地沟通,完成交易。 现如今,整个世界融为了一个整体,各个国家之间的贸易往来逐渐丰富,目前在国际间最通用的就是英语。商务英语要求翻译者更加的精确、对等,因为商务英语中会涉及到很多文件、条款等信息,所以必须要精确。只有这样才能达到双方活动的顺利进行。尤其在我国,中西方文化差异较大,更应该注意这方面的问题。一字之差就容易铸成大错。所以,做好商务英语的翻译工作尤为重要。本文针对这一问题展开讨论,分析了商务英语的翻译技巧。 商务英语及商务英语翻译的概括 商务英语涉及范围很广,包括的种类也十分多。大部分跟国际商务活动有关的例如:国际贸易、会计、金融等方面所用到的英语都属于商务英语的范围。它涉及的领域主要包括对外贸易、招商引资、国际旅游、海外投资以及国际运输等方面。除了领域广泛之外,它还包括许多专业的英语例如:广告英语、法律英语、应用文英语、包装英语等。因此,伴随着国际贸易的范围不断的扩大,越来越多的人,开始加入到翻译的这一事业之中。 对商务英语的翻译,在很长时间以来备受关注,商务英语翻译工作也是一项十分复杂的工作,由于其用途的广泛性和特殊要性,就决定了商务英语的翻译工作不能仅仅局限于传统的翻译中务词汇和具有较好的商务语法基础,这些是一个翻译者应该具备的原则和技巧,不能仅仅依靠“信、达、雅”的翻译要求来完成商务英语的翻译工作,必须依照商务文件的愿意,把它翻译的既能清楚的表达意义,又能够符合商务双方的语言习惯。在翻译的过程中一定要从实际情况出发,做到具体问题具体分析。 商务英语的特点 2.1 商务英语的文体特征 2.1.1 思维具有逻辑性,朴实无华 正式体英语的从句层次复杂,句子长度通常高于非正式英语。长句分词、独立主格结构的频繁使用是书面语体的典型特征,它们适合于表达多层次的复杂的逻辑关系,可以充分完整地表达相互关联的意义,这种效果是短句无法达到的。由于商务函电常要表示某些条款相互成立、互为条件,或对某些一连串的具有因果关系的事件进行叙述,因此,这种语体就非常适合这种要求。例如: The work hereof shall be commenced in compliance with the construction work of Party A’s plant, and shall be completed within thirty days after the complet ion of Party A’s plant


英译汉几个常见问题如下: 1)英译汉时语言组织不符合中文的讲话习惯。在不改变原文绝大部分意思的情况下,不需要字对字或者严格遵守英语语序,在获得原句含意后务必采用中文的思维将译文写出。要求是在读着看过译文后,不能让读着感觉到文章是翻译而得的,即不能留有丝毫翻译的痕迹。 2)英译汉时译文上下文的用词不一致。尤其是学术文献或论文的翻译,除了学术用语和专业用语需要准确,更重要的是全文上下文中同一个词或者短句翻译出的用词或短语必须一致。例如一开始将control panel翻译为“控制面板”,那么全文都不得改变这个译法。 3)英译汉时用词过于口语化。除了剧本,台词,字幕等需要口语化用词的翻译稿件以外。其余大部分翻译,例如文献,论文,合同,申请书,标书等,用词尽量书面化。例如“weight”在统计学和分析学中不可翻译为“给予数值”,必须翻译为“赋权”,两者意思相近,但是采用后者。 4)英译汉时词汇含意理解产生偏差。这是死记单词造成的后果。翻译中,在无上下文的情况下,除非是专有学术名词(例“diabetes”基本上永远都是糖尿病的意思),其余的单词很难说究竟是什么意思,我们只能说某个词大概是对照中文某个词的感觉,但是决不可死认一个意思,死认单词意思造成翻译不通、翻译错误等。当然也不能糊译,不能为了使句子翻译通顺而胡编一个意思。 5)英译汉时英语长句中的意群划分有误。原版的英语资料中长句较多,往往40-50个词之间没有一个标点,修饰成分和意群划分的错误会导致理解错误和翻译错误。原则上,英语中的各类从句,特别是状语从句在句子中的位置相对灵活,没搞明白其修饰对象就会错译。 汉译英几个常见问题如下: 1)汉译英时字对字翻译。这是翻译中最致命的错误,很多人以为认识对应的英语单词或者知道对应的英语单词,这句话才会翻译。其实不是,原则上四千词汇量就能解释大部分英语单词的含义,只不过大部分人不知道如何用简单词汇造句去描述或解释高难度单词。 2)汉译英时中式语序。何谓中式语序,即以“主+谓+宾”为主的句型。这种句子写多了,一旦遇上长句或者语法功能上缺少成分的句子就懵了。所以必须多读,多了解原版英语的句子是如何写的。 3)汉译英时短句太多。这里并不是指写英语短句不好,在考试中建议写短句,这是为了避免语法错误,当然也不要太短了。在较为正式的或专业性强的文本中,汉译英在必要时需要翻译成长句。例如不久前的某论文中的一句:筛选出对靶基因干扰效率最高的 HER2-shRNA慢病毒表达载体并成功包装成病毒去感染SKOV-3细胞而后在体外进行实验的结果显示Her2/neu的siRNA慢病毒载体可以显著抑制靶基因的表达并使卵巢癌SKOV3细胞的生物学行为明显受抑。因此,熟练掌握各类从句的写法和作用很重要。 4)汉译英时英语词汇词义辨析不清而导致误用,用词不准。大部分人的翻译习惯是,凡是中文有英文的对应单词,就二话不说直接用,其实这个是不对的。很多同义词意思相近,用法和所用的语境场合完全不同。例如“base”“basis”“foundation”,意思几乎相同,但是用法完全不同。尤其是学术文章,误用就导致歧义。 5)汉译英时逻辑混乱结构不清。汉译英中的逻辑和语句结构相当重要。逻辑混乱,即译文毫无章法,思绪混沌,不知所云。结构不清,即英语的从句或其他成分在句中的位置胡乱摆放,进行翻译的人员自然是清楚的指导这些英语句子的含义,因为是看着中文翻译过来的,想不知道中文含义都难,但是没看过中文的读着就会因此而看得云里雾里,从而导致读者难以理解译文。


英语翻译课程学习方法 一、传统教材与新教材的关系从今年始,英汉互译的自学考试将由全国高等教育自学考试 指导委员会统一组织实施和管理。这对统一全国考生的要求,提高翻译实践能力和水平都是件好事。目前,相关的统编教材,由庄绎传所编写的《英汉翻译教程》已出版发行。这本教材采用了与传统教材不一样的编写思路。不再是以词、句为单位进行翻译方法,如直译、意译等方法及词类转换,增词、减词之类的技巧进行学习,而是直接进入篇章,以各种文体的篇章为单位进行练习。这是一种创新,是有助于提高考生实际翻译能力的。因为我们在翻译实践中很少情况只是译词或译句,而是篇章的翻译。所以,这将更接近于我们的工作实际了。但这也会为初学翻译的学生带来一些不利条件,那就是对翻译的基本方法与技巧缺乏认识。所以在新教材的第404 页“有关说明与实施要求”中提到参考书,明确指出由张培基等人编写的《英汉翻译教程》(上海外语教育出版社)一书,以及吕瑞昌等人编写的《汉英翻译教程》(陕西人民出版社)一书仍是重要的参考书,我认为作为初学翻译的同志这两本书是一定要看一看的。当然这两本教材也有其明显的不足,即仅以词、句为单位探讨翻译,而没有进入篇章的层次。我们如果把两种教材结合起来,以老教材为辅,以新教材为主,会有较好的成效。 二、篇章翻译的几个问题首先,凡是一个篇章,就会遇到文体的问题,就是我们必须明确 我们所要译的文章是文学作品还是科学、法律方面的文章,是一篇简介性的文字还是一篇讲演词。因为不同文体的文章在表现形式上是很不一样的,如法律文体有一些法律常用词语,科技也会各自有一些专门术语,应用文有时有严格的格式要求,文学则更为复杂,因为其中对话,描述,心理描写,景物或人物描写又各有不同。议论文句式严谨,语言正式,长句较多,等等,这在遣词用句上都有差异。这本教材在P395页“课程内容与考核目标” 都有粗略的说明。请学员认真看一下,并可结合其他有关参考书丰富其内容,以便有更好的掌握。 其次是语域问题。 所谓“语域”(register)是指具有某种具体用途的语言变体,我们可以从交际领域、交际方式和交际关系把语言分成不同的语域,如从交际双方的社会地位和社会关系来说,英语可以分为冷漠体,正式体,商量体,随便体,亲密体等五种,如果从交际领域来分又可以分成正式体,半正式体,公共核心体,半非正式体,非正式体等。不同的语域语言变体彼此是有区别的,如果用几个简单的例子来说明一下就会看得很清楚。如“汤姆病了,今天没去上学”,如果说Tom didn't go to school ,because he was ill. 这就是一句公共核心语,而如果说Tom was ill ,so he didn't go to school.这就是口语体,即非正式语体,如果说:Being ill ,T om didn't go to school 或Tom didn't go to school because of illness. 都是正式语体(当然这句话的内容用这种句式表达并不合适)。从中我们可以看到用原因从句的表达方式是比较正常的,用so连接的句子显得不怎么正式,用抽象名词和分词短语的形式都显得十分正式。另外有些表示相同意思的不同表示形式也有语域方面的区别。如according to和in accordance with,前者为公共核心语,而后者为正式用语,It is important 和It is of importance相比,也是前者为公共核心语,而后者为正式体。甚至连冠词的用法都可以表示这种区别,The horse is a useful animal;A horse is a useful aninal;Horses are useful animals.第一种用定冠词加单数名词表示类属的是正式用法,而用不定冠词加单数名词表示类属的则为公共核心语,最后一种,复数泛指的类属表示法则为非正式语体。 所以,我们在接触一个篇章时,弄清它的语域情况是十分重要的。因为这将决定我们在翻译时如何选词组句,例如,我们看到下面一个句子:After an hour of climbing,we finally found ourselue's at zhurong Peak,the very apex of Mt ,Hengshan,towering 1,296m


自我介绍英语带翻译 自我介绍英语带翻译1 How are you, I call XX.This year is 22 years old.Graduate from XXXX college.The profession is a calculator multimedia.I am one is bright, optimism, there is the person of responsibility.A fondness for plays basketball, computer, listen to music, etc..Thankful your company gives me this the opportunity of the personal interview! 你好,我叫XX。今年22岁。毕业于XXXX学院。专业是计算机多媒体。我是一个开朗,乐观,有责任心的人。爱好打篮球,电脑,听音乐,等。感谢贵公司给我这次面试的机会! 自我介绍英语带翻译2 Good morning ! 早上好! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview, 很荣幸能够有机会参加这次面试, I hope i can make a good performance today. I’m confident that I can succeed.

我希望今天我能表现出色。我相信我会成功。 Now i will introduce myself briefly 现在我将简单的做一下自我介绍。 I am 26 years old,born in shandong province . 我今年26岁,我的家乡是山东省。 I was graduated from qingdao university. my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 20xx. 我毕业于青岛大学。我的专业是电工学。我在20xx年毕业并获得学士学位。 I spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 . and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time. 我把大部分的时间都用来学习,我通过了英语四、六级考试。在上学期间我也对我的专业知识有了一定的了解。 In July 20xx, I begin work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in QingDao city.Because I’m capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job. 在20xx年7月,我在青岛的一个小私企做为一名技术支持工程师开始工作。因为我有能力做好更重要的工作,所以我决定换工作。 And in August 20xx,I left QingDao to BeiJing and


BEC商务英语翻译技巧 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理商务英语翻译技巧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 商务英语翻译技巧 商务英语的文体特征 1. 思维具有逻辑性,朴实无华 正式体英语的从句层次复杂,句子长度通常高于非正式英语。长句分词、独立主格结构的频繁使用是书面语体的典型特征,它们适合于表达多层次的复杂的逻辑关系,可以充分完整地表达相互关联的意义,这种效果是短句无法达到的。由于商务函电常要表示某些条款相互成立、互为条件,或对某些一连串的具有因果关系的事件进行叙述,因此,这种语体就非常适合这种要求。 例如:The work hereof shall be commenced in compliance with the construction work of Party A’s plant, and shall be completed within thirty days after the complete ion o f Party A’s plant including the completion of inner part of the plant when the plant be in the condition that trial run for air conditioning mechanism is possible.

这是某英文合同文体中的一个句子。这个诗歌并列句,句中主语是work,and连接两个谓语(shall be commenced和shall be completed)。 2.表述简单清楚 商务英语是商务活动的工具,通过阅读文献可以发现:商务英语常用简洁、易懂、规范、正式的词。 这一特点是由国际商务交际的性质决定的,因为国际商务交际非常讲究效益、效率,使用常用的词语便于交易双方的理解和接受;修饰语少,内容上直截了当。偏僻的词汇可能会增加双方沟通障碍,因而不受欢迎。 商务英语的词汇选择讲究精炼、严谨,很少使用口语化的、非正式的、生僻、不规范的词或行话。 了解口语词语和书卷词语在文体风格上的差异有助于实现语言交际的适合性和得体性 3. 模糊性的句法,善用祈使句 商务英语要求准确完整、清楚简洁,但模糊语言的适当使用,能起到积极的效果。语言的模糊性不仅仅体现在词义层面,还应是具体商务活动中句法所表达意义的模糊性。


1 Repetition 重译/重复法 Let’s revise our safety and sanitary regulations. 我们来修改安全规则和卫生规则吧。 2 Amplification 增译法 To the east and the south a faint pink is spreading. 东南方呈现一抹浅红,正在向远处扩展。 3 Omission 减译法 For generations, coal and oil have been regarded as the chief energy source to transport man from place to place. 几十年来,煤和石油一直被认为是交通运输的主要能源。 4 Conversion 词类转换法 The volume of trade has increased tremendously to the advantage of both countries. 贸易的剧增给两国带来了益处。 5 Inversion 词序调整法 There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I met. 我们访问了一些地方,遇到了不少人,要谈起来,奇妙的事可多着呢。 6 vision and combination分译法、合译法 Daybreak comes with thick mist and drizzle. 黎明时分,大雾弥漫,细雨蒙蒙。

She is intelligent, ambitious and hard-working. She is also good at solving problems. 她很有才智、雄心勃勃、工作努力,还善于解决问题。(两句合一) 7 Negation 正说反译,反说正译法 Self-service bookstand 无人售书处 The change of the voices 语态变换法 The existence of oil wells has been known for a long time. 人们很早就知道油井的存在。 8 Annotation加注法 I’m Peter Darwin. Everyo ne asks, so I may as well say at once that no, I’m not related to Charles. 我叫彼得?达尔文。谁都会对我的名字产生怀疑,我不妨当下说个明白:我与进化论创始人查尔斯没有关系。 9 Paraphrase 释义法 He was smooth and agreeable. 他待人处事八面玲珑。 10 Adaptation/ domestication归化 He thought of Mildred’s small heart-shaped face, and how it lit up when she laughed. 他想起米尔德里德那张小巧的瓜子脸,一笑总是满面春风。


自我介绍英语带翻译女 无论是面试,还是加入新的团队班级,自我介绍都是必备的。下面小编收集了有关自我介绍英语带翻译范文,供大家参考。 篇一:自我介绍 Dear teachers, students are good: My name is xx, is a confident, cheerful, friendly and active girl, I have widespread interest hobby, piano, reading, playing chess, listening to the story, to host performances and also has a strong interest in, hosted by my kindergarten graduation performance, first prize in a good result. Mom and Dad, the kindergarten teacher's careful cultivation, I have become a qualified primary school students, in the next six years to learn life, can and dear teachers, the students become the best friends! We all together happy to learn, happy to grow! Thank you! 亲爱的老师,同学们好: 我叫xx,是一个自信,开朗,友好,积极向上的小女孩,我有着广泛的兴趣爱好,弹琴、看书、下棋、听故事,也对主持和表演也有着浓厚的兴趣,由我主持的幼儿园毕业演出,获得了一等奖第一名的好成绩。 在爸爸妈妈,幼儿园老师的精心培育下,我已成为一名合格的小学生,希望在今后六年的学习生活中,能和亲爱的老师,同学们成为最好的朋友!我们大家一起快乐地学习,快乐地成长! 谢谢大家! 篇二:自我介绍


翻译——英译汉 对于翻译部分,建议大家在学习和复习时掌握一些翻译的基本常识和一些常用方法,针对考试中经常出现的一些语言现象,仔细分析一些翻译实例,总结出一些规律性的东西,再加以必要的练习,一定能够提高自己的翻译水平。 (一)词性转换 词性转换是英汉翻译过程中经常用到的情况。虽然英语和汉语的词性大多能重合,可以直接相互转换,但是,在英语句子中可以充当某个成分的词性相对较少,比如说,英语中充当主语的只有名词、代词或者相当于名词的动名词和不定式,充当谓语的只有动词;而在汉语句子中,名词、动词、形容词都可以做主语、谓语、宾语和表语。因此翻译时要灵活处理,不能一味拘泥于某些词汇在原文的词性,必要时应该采取词性转换的方法,将原词性进行适当的转换。这样翻译出来的句子才能流畅,表意确切。 (二)词义引申 英语单词在不同的场合和搭配中,词义有时差别很大。如果把某些英语单词或词组按词典上的意义直译过来,就会使译文晦涩生硬,不易理解,甚至还可能引起误解。因此在翻译时,要在弄清原文意思的基础上,根据上下文和逻辑关系,并且按照汉语习惯选择适当词义加以引申。引申就是在翻译时将词义加以深化,产生新义,以确切表达原文含义。 (三)增减词 英译汉过程中必须遵循的一项原则是:忠于原文。译者不能对原作者的意思加以更改,任意增加或减少内容。但是,这并不意味着译文的字数不能有任何增减,因为没有两种语言是完全对等的,尤其英汉两种语言在表达方式上差异较大。译者常常需要从全局考虑,进行必要的文字调整,使其符合汉语的习惯表达方式。在不影响原句意思表达的情况下,可以按照意境、修辞或句法的具体需要,增加或减少词语,使句子自然、流利、通畅。英译汉时增加必要的词语,省略不必要的词语,这就是增减词语的技巧。 (四)正说反译和反说正译 英汉两种语言均有肯定或否定概念的表达。通常情况下,翻译时肯定句译成肯定句,否定句译成否定句即可。但是由于英语和汉语的表达习惯不同,翻译时要时常进行正说反译或反说正译的相互转换。其目的主要有三个:明确语义;加强修辞;符合汉语习惯。 (五)语态转换 英汉两种语言在语态上有一个很明显的区别,那就是在英语中被动语态使用范围很广,几乎随处可见。凡是在不必或不愿说出或无从说出施动者以及为了便于连贯上下文或为了强调动作的承受者等场合,往往都用被动语态。而在汉语表达中,主动语态比被动语态用得更普遍些。因此,在进行英译汉时,最好能尊重汉语习惯,将英文被动句进行相应的语态转换。 (六)从句的翻译 英语中主从复合句比较多,而汉语则多为短句,很少频繁地使用从句句式。基于英汉两种语言在这点上的不同,多数情况下我们很难把英语的句子结构照搬下来译成汉语,而是应该根据需要对从句进行相应的处理,更好地符合汉语的表达习惯。首先要弄清主从句间的关系和句子的基本结构,抓住句子的主干,再根据上下文弄清句意的层次和逻辑关系;最后用恰当的汉语准确表达出句意。 【实例】 People now have more leisure time,which is the reason why the demand for services has increased so rapidly. A)如今人们有更多的时间去娱乐,从而影响了劳务资源的快速上升。 B)如今希望有时间娱乐的人越来越多,这是因为服务质量在迅速提高了。 C)如今人们有了更多的闲暇时间,因而对各种服务的需求增长得如此快。
