赖世雄中级美语听课笔记Lesson 9

赖世雄中级美语听课笔记Lesson 9
赖世雄中级美语听课笔记Lesson 9

Lesson 9 Be Thoughtful

Being thoughtful simply means thinking of others before yourself. What you say or do will have an effect on others. So it is important that you think before you say or do anything. In this way, you can avoid hurting others' feelings. Moreover, a thoughtless act or remark can spoil a perfect relationship.

Remember these rules.1f you don't have anything nice to say,don't say anything.Likewise,if you think what you do will hurt others,don't do it.After all,what goes around comes around.

Children should be considerate of old people. 体谅

mean to do 打算做mean doing 意味着

When I say I mean to do it, I mean it.

essential = necessary / important

It is important that he (should) be punctual.

a piece of cake

It is cinch(俚easy).

feeling 感觉feelings 感情

scold 责骂

undermine 破坏(少用)

bear 牢记= remenber

likewise 同样地

Yesterday was a lousy day. By the same token today does't look any better.

What goes around comes around.


B: Hi, everyone. I am Bruce.

P: and you are just chatting, but tell us what you are going to do today?

B: Today we are going to talk about an article on Page sixty-eight, we call this article "Be thoughtful".

P: Be thoughtful.



In a group, whatever you do you should think of others.

In a group, whatever you do you should be thoughtful.(be understanding, be considerate)

B: Children should be considerate of older people.

P: Bruce, everybody knows that you are stupid. I know this is very bad. From now on, I am not going to mention it again.

B: How thoughtless. You are thoughtless.不體諒

P: Being thoughtful simply means thinking of others before yourself.

B: Learning English is worthwhile.

P: Peter, don't be so selfish, think of others before yourself.

B: Yes. For example, When Peter invites me to dinner. First, he eats my plate of food. He thinks others' food first. So he eats all my food, and then he eats his own food.

P: That man is very mean. Stay away from him. He is very mean.

You stay here simply means wasting time.

I meant to help Bruce, but was turn down.

B: When I say I mean to do it, I mean it.我是說真的.

P: When I said I love you. I meant it.

I mean to do it.

I plan to do it.

I intend to do it.有意

What you say or do will have an effect on somebody.

to have an affect on sb.(sth.)



B: We now know that people have an influence on the weather.

P: Why do you say so?

B: Well, we now know that. Because there are so many people in the world. And We burn a lot of fuel. (燃料) We are changing the atmosphere.So we are changing the weather.

P: We are causing a lot of pollution also.

So it is important that you think before you say or doing anything.

It is necessary.

It is essential.

B: And the sentence will be: It is important that he be punctual. (準時的)

P: It is necessary that you study hard.

It is important that he be punctual.

In this way, you can avoid hurting others' feelings.

To learning English, first of all, you should get a very good dictionary. And then try to read it as much as you can everyday. This way, you will master English.

For Bruce, Chinese is a piece of cake for him.

B: Is it difficult to eat a piece of cake? No, it is so easy. It is a cinch. "It is a cinch" means it is very

easy to do.

P: Swimming is nothing. I cannot swim. Because everyday I keep on eating. And now I am very fat. Even thought I can't swim, I can float. We can say, "Swimming is a piece of cake." or "Swimming is a cinch. (浮起來)

B: and Peter can float very well.

When she scolded me, she hurt my feelings. (罵)

P: Moreover, a thoughtless act or remark can spoil a perfect relationship.

spoil = undermine

can hurt a perfect relationship

Well, he made a very interesting remark about me.

Remember these rules, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything.

Keep silent.

Remind silent.

B: That is a good point, Peter. Many of my students say "keep silence", that is wrong, is "Keep silent". "silent" is adjective, and "silence" is the noun.

P: Bear these rules in mind.

B: "Bear these rules in mind." means don't forget something or remember something. "Bear" means "keep" when used as a verb.

P: "Keep my words in mind." or "Bear my words in mind."

Likewise, if you think what you do will hurt others, don't do it.

Likewise = by the same token 同樣的

B: Yesterday was a lousy day, by the same token, today doesn't look any better.

P: lousy = bad

What do you think of that story?

That is pretty lousy.

After all, what goes around, comes around.

B: "What goes around, comes around." This is another way for us to say whatever you do will come back to you. For example, The Chinese often say, "If you plant melon seeds, you will grow melons."

P: Do not expect too much of this child. After all, he is only five.


1. What you say or do will have an effect on others.

What you ordered is not available.

What the child needs is love.

2. It is important that you think before you say or do anything. It is essential that you abide by these rules. (遵守)

It is advisable that he see the doctor immediately. (明智的)


1. Rome Wasn't Built in a Day p.1. English is an international language. Therefore, it is necessary(/ important) for us to learn it. It(/learning English) can be rewarding or just(/only) a waste of time. It's up to you. It depends on how you study it. Here are some tips about(/on) learning English. First, don't be afraid to make(/of making) mistakes. You will learn (something)from them(the mistakes that you make). Second, you must not be shy. Be thick-skinned and speak up! Finally, you must be patient. Remember, "Rome wasn't built in a day." Well, Rome does not refer to the city of Rome only, it refers to the Roman empire, that is the great country that Rome built more than 2000 years ago. It was a great empire and of course you can not build anything good or great in just a short time . the Roman Empire [??m?pa?r] 罗马帝国 Empire--this word is spelled e-m-p-i-r-e. Now, I have this question: in what situation will you use this expression "Rome wasn't built in a day "? Please give us an example. Well, let's say that your friend wants to learn how to do something, like typing or swimming, and at first, your friend feels a little discouraged, because it is not easy to learn a new skill, but you tell him: Hey, come on. Rome wasn't built in a day. We want to encourage our friends with this saying. Your friend is learning how to type. He is a little bit discouraged. We can encourage our friends with this saying. 谚语 We say that English is an international language, because English is spoken around the world. Of course, there are more speakers of Mandarin than of English, but English is spoken by more people in more countries than Mandarin is, so, when you travel or do business or study overseas, you can always find English speakers, and English TV programs and English newspapers. In other words, English is a universal/ an international language, that is why we should learn it. Mandarin 普通话,国语Bruce speaks beautiful Mandarin.[?m?nd?r?n] foul language 下流话 Your stay here is just(or only) a waste of time. rewarding a.有(获)益的;值得做的,划算的. Teaching is a very rewarding profession.教书是一种很有价值的职业. Exercise is very rewarding for our health. It pays(/is rewarding) to exercise It is up to you. 随你吧 Well, if Peter asks me: do you want to go to a restaurant first or see a movie first tonight? I might say: it's up to you. Do we go to the movies first or shall we go to a restaurant first? It's up to you .but I know the true answer. He enjoys eating more than anything, let's go to the restaurant first . In our studio[?studio?], we have got a small studio over here and we have only two people here, that's Bruce and me, but Bruce is much too big, we have little room left here. by fits and starts adv.间歇地,断断续续地,一阵一阵地 If you learn English by fits and starts, you’ll get no where. My brother studied accounting by fits and starts, so he failed. If you give me a tip, I’ll give some tips on how to learn English.


赖世雄中级美语教程41-50课笔记(彩色word版)41. Getting a Tan p.271 Both my brother and I are outgoing people. He as well as I likes being in the sun. It goes without saying, therefore, that we spend a lot of our free time at the beach. We go there to relax as well as to keep fit. To be frank, though, he no less than I enjoys looking at the beautiful "scenery" around the beach. However, if you are anything(强调) like us, we have a piece of advice for you. Don't forget to rub a good amount of sunscreen lotion all over your body. Not only does it protect you from getting skin cancer, but it also helps to keep you nicely tanned(过分做a.). Both my brother and I forgot to do that and now we look like Afro-Americans rather than Chinese. ☆tan tanned/ tanned mongolian 人种 v.晒太阳I like to tan at the beach in summer. n.黄褐色I like to have a tan in summer. The girl lay in the sun to tan her body. 那女孩躺在阳光下将她的身体晒成古铜色. ☆outgoing a.坐不住的,爱外出的easy-going 随和的 ☆What do you do relax on weekends? ☆He as well as I is a student. no less than = as well as以及,都 ☆keep fit 保持健康体魄= remain fit Jogging is a good way to keep fit. ☆to be frank = frankly John hurt Sally’s feelings by being too frank. ☆a lot of scenery 永远不可数scene 风景(可数)breathtaking 扣人心弦的 ☆an advice 错应为:a piece of advice, some advice, a lot of advice advice 不可数 take one’s advice 接受建议 ☆apply=rub 涂,敷,抹suntan lotion = sunscreen lotion Apply medicine to his wound. 在他伤口上涂药。 ☆Never is he quite. = He is never quite. 倒装 ☆Afro-Americans 美国黑人/非裔美国人 42. Roast Beef p.282 My brother, Luke, goes to see his girlfriend, Daisy. D: What on earth happened to you? 你到底/究竟怎么了? L: Oh, I just had a lazy day at the beach. D: My goodness! You're really burnt. Are you alright? L: Well, yes, but I feel like I've been roasted. D: In that case, let's eat in rather than go out for dinner. L: Up to you. D: What would you like to eat? L: Uh… D: How about your favorite: roast beef?

赖世雄中级美语听课笔记Lesson 7

Lesson 7 Doctor Death Whether very sick people should be helped to end their own lives is a question many people cannot answer. However, Dr.Kevorkian is an exception. That he has done this more than twenty times is known to everyone. Some say what he is doing is immoral. They call him Doctor Death. Others say what he is doing is merciful. They call it mercy killing. Whether Dr.Kevorkian should be allowed to continue doing this is a real problem for the government. There seem to be two sides to the argument. Which side are you on? spooky 幽灵般的Halloween 万圣节 to end one's own life = to put an end to one's own life When the movie came to an end, many people were crying. 结束 I helped Mother wash(do) the dishes last night. Every rule has its exception. = There is an exception to every rule. With an exception .... inconvenient 不方便不说:Are you convenient? 而说:Are you free? That he doesn't study makes me angry. 名词从句that 不能省 mercy killing 安乐死 One is known by company he keeps. 观其友,知其人 讲解: P: Are we talking here or do we have any purposes on the air? B: Well, yes, we do. We are trying to teach our students how to read and understand by listening these English lessons. P: So we are not simply chatting. In fact, we do have a plan over here. That is we want to acquaint our students with more of English. B: Our plan is to teach English. P: Doctor death It sounds spooky. B: It certainly does. Well, in the United Stated, Halloween is a spooky night. P: Following is an article, and has a title here "Doctor death". This article sounds a little spooky, but we will find out about this. So we'd like have Bruce read this article for us first. Whether very sick people should be helped to end their own lives is a question many people cannot answer. Whether we should help very sick people end their own lives. B: I help Mother to wash the dishes last night.


. . . . ' , , , ' . , . , () , , , , . . , , , ? , ' ' . ' , ? , , . , , , . ' . , , , . , . , (>) . ? ? , ? ' ' . ' . , , , . , ? ' ' . 本讲座将不再记录中文的讲解部分。 , , . . , . , ' ! ' ! ' . "" . , . . " ". , . "" . , , " ", " " . , , . , , . , , , , " , , ", . , . , . , , . ' () , ? , , ? . , , (应该是德克萨 斯), , . , 东北, . , " ," ' , ? ? , . . ' . ' 的用法。 ?

. " " " ". " " , . " " , , , . , , , . : 被人用刀,棒子,枪等抢劫。另一意思是杯子。大杯。 , . 行凶抢劫对人身的袭击,尤指带有抢劫的倾向性 . , ' , . 本听写的赖世雄高级美语网上首发 , ? . . . . . , , . , . , , . , ' , . , ( 国 名) , ? , . , , . , . . , ' , . , , . 注意介词用. , . 这河里有丰富的鱼,有大量的鱼。盛产鱼。 盛产, 富于; 充满, 多 盛产, 富于; 充满, 多 (-->) , . ' . , . , ' . , . , , , , . , , , . , . ' , . ? ' , , , . ' . ' , . , , ' , ' , . , > , , . " , " 这个是介词,后面跟名词或动名词的。 ? , , , , , , , ' . . , , , . , , , , ! ? ' ? , , , ' . , , . , , "", , , " , " 精神病院. 这个在中级讲座中也提到过。


赖世雄中级美语教程 1. Rome Wasn't Built in a Day English is an international language. Therefore, it is necessary for us to learn it. It can be rewarding or just a waste of time. It's up to you. It depends on how you study it. Here are some tips about learning English. First, don't be afraid to make mistakes. You will learn from them. Second, you must not be shy. Be thick-skinned and speak up! Finally, you mush be patient. Remember, "Rome wasn't built in a day." 罗马不是一天造成的 英语是国际语言。所以,我们必须学英文。学英文可以使我们获益,也可能是白白浪费时间。那就看你的了。那要看你如何去学习。以下是一些关于学习英语的诀窍。 首先,别怕出错。你可以从错误中学习。其次,千万不要害羞。脸皮厚一点大声说出来!最后,一定要有耐心。记住:“罗马不是一天造成的。” 2. How to Improve Your English Mack is talking to his friend Don. (M=Mack, D=Don) M: Hi, Don! How are you doing in your English class? D: Not so well, I'm afraid. M: What's the problem? D: I'm not improving. Tell me, how come your English is so good? M: Well, uh…I have an American girlfriend. D: Aha! That's it. Now I know what to do. (He runs off.) M: Hey, Come back! I was just kidding! 如何加强你的英文 梅克正在和他的朋友唐聊天。 梅克:嗨,唐!你英文课上得怎么样? 唐:恐怕不怎么理想。 梅克:出了什么问题? 唐:我一直没进步。告诉我, 为什么你的英文那么棒? 梅克:呃, 这个吗 我交了个美国女朋友。 唐:啊哈!就是这样。现在我知道该怎么做了!(他跑走了。) 梅克:嘿,回来啊!我只是在开玩笑! 3. The City of Song Listening to music is the favorite pastime of many people all over the world. This is especially true for people living in Vienna, the city of song. Being the home of Mozart, this city is the birthplace of classical music and the waltz. Music fills the air in Vienna. Going to public concerts is often free of charge. And don't forget, Vienna is also home to the world famous Vienna Boys' Choir. No wonder people say Austria is always alive with the sound of music. 音乐之都 听音乐是全世界许多人最喜爱的消遣。这对生活在音乐之都的维也纳人民来说更是贴切。 这个城市不但是莫札特的故乡,也是古典音乐和华尔兹舞曲的发源地。 音乐缭绕于整个维也纳。欣赏公开的演奏会通常都是免费的。别忘了,维也纳也是世界著名维也纳少年合唱团的所在地。难怪人们说奥地利永远充满着音乐的声音。

赖世雄中级美语教程 英语笔记

1. New Y ork is a window on the world.纽约是世界之窗。 2. This river abounds in fish. 这条河里有好多鱼哦。 3. When it comes to singing, Jay is unsurpassed/unrivaled/second to none. 说到唱歌,杰是无人能比的。 4. Miami is a magnum for the sun lover. 对喜欢阳光的人来说,迈阿密是个胜地。 5. Out of (choice/curiosity) sympathy, I gave the beggar some change.出于同情,我给了这个乞丐一些零钱。 6. As hard as this may be to imagine…/As beautiful as she is, I still don’t like her. =Beautiful as she is… 7. Teenagers are mostly rebellious. 青少年大多比较叛逆。 8. To make a long story short, I love you no more. 长话短说,我不爱你了。 9. Conserve energy. 节约使用能源。 10. In Singapore, chewing gun is a no-no. 在新加坡,吃口香糖是被禁止的。 11. The mayor will take office on the first of the month. 这个市长将在这个月月初就职。 12. On her way to the library, Mary ran into Bill. 玛丽在往图书馆途中,碰到了比尔。(Hey, don’t stand in my way!不要挡路。Don’ t stand in the way of…) 13. For me, chocolate is addictive. =I am addicted to chocolate.对于我来说,吃巧克力是会上瘾的。(He is a drug addict.) 14. We should put the student‘s whole performance into perspective in order to understand the student. 15. Main roads in cities or highways in or between big cities always have high density traffic. / This city is densely populated. 这个城市人口很多。(sparsely稀少) 16. My daughter is the apple of my eye. 我女儿是我的掌上明珠。 17. That’s a cinch. = That’s a piece of cake. 18. Mountain biking is not my cup of tea. 骑山地车可并不是我所喜爱的东西。(通常用于否定) 19. Have you ever read the Chinese version of that story? 这个小说的中文版你看过了吗? I listen to his version of the story and then I listen to her version of the story.我听了他的说法,又听了她的说法。 20.I have fire insurance for my house. = I have insured my house against fire. (burglary/theft窃盗险) 21.catch the fancy of somebody I fancy that suit in the window.

赖世雄中级美国英语 Lesson 1

赖世雄中级美国英语Lesson 1 1.Rome Wasn't Built in a Day 罗马不是一天建成的 English is an international language. Therefore, it is necessary for us to learn it. It can be rewarding or just a waste of time. It's up to you. It depends on how you study it. Here are some tips about learning English. First, don't be afraid to make mistakes. You will learn from them. Second, you must not be shy. Be thick-skinned and speak up! Finally, you must be patient. Remember, "Rome wasn't built in a day." 课文朗读: 课文讲解: 英语是国际语言。所以,我们必须学英文。学英文可以使用我们获益,也可能是白白浪费时间。那就看你的了。那要看你如何去学习。以下是一些关于学习英语的决窍。 首先,别怕出错。你可以从错误中学习。 其次,千万不要害羞。脸皮厚一点大声说出来! 最后,一定要有耐心。 记住:"罗马不是一天造成的。" Vocabulary & Idioms 1. Rome wasn't built in a day. 罗马不是一天造成的。(saying谚语) 例:A: My new restaurant isn't doing very well. B: Don't worry. Rome wasn't built in a day. 我刚开的餐厅生意不怎么好。 别担心。罗马不是一天造成的。 2. international a. 国际性的,国际间的 例:Jack is majoring in International Trade.


Welcome back to Radio English on Sunday. Today we have unit two for you, beginning on page ten of your book, we're going to take another look at the United States, but today a very different look from that of last week. Last week we visited the largest city and the most cosmopolitan city in the United States, of course, New York. But today we are going to look at an ethnic groups, which is really quite different from all the others living in the US. Today, then, we are looking at the Amish. ---关于Amish, 在中级美语讲座第75,76讲也有提到过。 Ok, let's take a look at our first paragraph. In the land of Rock'n'roll, the space shuttle and computerized living, who could imagine that about fifty thousand Americans do not use telephones, electric lights or cars? Not because they are poor but our of choice. As hard as this may be to imagine, the Amish, or more properly, the Amish Mennonites, still live a traditional rural lifestyle, direct from seventeen century Europe. When we think of the US, we often think of rock'n'roll music, space shuttle and space (sexproration), and of course, all those computers. But today, right now, there're about fifty thousand Americans who don't dance to rock'n'roll, don't know much about the space shuttle, and don't use computers. They don't even use telephones or electric lights. And they don't do this because they are poor or because they jsut don't want them. These people are following a particular lifestyle which is actually not American. It's European, and it's about four hundred years old and in the rest of the article, we'll find out more about these interesting people. / These people are unique, in a sense, that they choose to lead a very simple lifestyle. / Very simple. / If you were on of them, then you will drop there, is this all right? / Probably I cannot imagine life without a refrigerator. haha. dance to music, 不要说dance with music, 这在中级美语讲座中讲了不知几遍了。 dance with + 人。 out of choice, 出自选择, out of curiosity, 出于好奇心, out of sympathy, 出于同情。 /Out of sympathy, I gave the beggar some change. ---beggar->pauper, 见中级 As hard as this may be to imagine, ----> Hard as it may be to imagine, Odd as it may be, ...见中级部分。这种句构后面绝不要再加but, 英语里不用两个连词的。 Though she is beautiful, I don't like her. Beautiful as she is, I don't like her. To understand these unique Americans better, it is necessary to understand their history.


赖世雄美国英语教程mp3和文本 资源类型:MP3 地区:台湾 语言:英语 简介: ★专家简介 1948年8月出生于江苏南京,祖藉广西省永淳县壮族。 1967年进入台湾政战学校新闻系读书。 1978年获得美国明尼苏达大学大众传播和英语教学双硕士学位,此后进行博士研究,并在台湾从事英语教学工作。 1982年创办<常春藤解析英语>杂志,任总编和杂志社社长。 1994年开始在中央人民广播电台主讲广播英语至今,被誉为“广播艺术大师”。 ★总体评价 赖世雄美国英语教程:入门、初、中、高级四部分完整版mp3版398讲,1.2G容量!长度190小时!!配有完整文本教材。该教程独特的教学方法,深刻的语言理解,灵活的教学思路使其风靡台湾及东南亚并长盛不衰。该教程曾多次在各大电台(如央台)播出,好评如潮。适合收藏或循序渐进式的美语学习。 ★系列评价 赖世雄《初级美国英语(入门篇)》 《初级美国英语教程(入门篇)》是赖世雄教授为广大英语学习者提供的一部佳作。 它从日常生活用语开始,由浅入深,举一反三,图文并茂,生动活泼,内容丰富, 趣味盎然,引人入胜,便于记忆。此套教程在中央人民广播电台连续播出, 受到广大英语爱好者的欢迎。 赖世雄《初级美国英语(入门篇)》MP3版共64讲 赖世雄《初级美国英语》 初等水平,刚刚开始学习,初中一、二年级学生。 强烈推荐,该套教材是中央广播电台2套,每周2、4、6、19.00播出的美国英语教程。 我听过的最有趣的一套,学习英语真的可以是一种乐趣!

赖世雄教授的课生动有趣,非常实用,听过的人都想一口气听完! 由赖世雄教授和美国专家播讲,欲学习地道美语者,一定要听! 赖世雄《初级美国英语》MP3版,共148讲 赖世雄《中级美国英语》 具有中等英语水平者;高中学生。 强烈推荐,该套教材是中央广播电台2套,每周2、4、6、19.00播出的美国英语教程。我听过的最有趣的一套,学习英语真的可以是一种乐趣! 赖世雄教授的课生动有趣,非常实用,听过的人都想一口气听完! 由赖世雄教授和美国专家播讲,欲学习地道美语者,一定要听! 赖世雄《中级美国英语》MP3版,共148讲 赖世雄《高级美国英语》 具有较高英语水平者;大学生。 强烈推荐,该套教材是中央广播电台2套,每周2、4、6、19.00播出的美国英语教程。我听过的最有趣的一套,学习英语真的可以是一种乐趣! 赖世雄教授的课生动有趣,非常实用,听过的人都想一口气听完! 由赖世雄教授和美国专家播讲,欲学习地道美语者,一定要听! 赖世雄《高级美国英语》MP3版,共3 8讲 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 注意:赖世雄初级美语入门篇没有1213讲,为Leada提供ED2K地址,再次致谢 已全部上载完成


中级美语教程第2课 Lesson 13 Health Comes First Smoking is bad in that it is harmful to one's health. In spite of the fact that doctors have even warned that it causes cancer, people still keep on smoking. In some Western countries, however, people are beginning to kick the bad habit. They realize that health should come first. To help them quit smoking, there are laws against cigarette advertising and smoking in public places. This is praiseworthy except that Western countries are now selling cigarettes in the East in greater numbers than ever. That they are doing this is immoral, don't you think? Lesson 14 Quit Cold Turkey Jane is talking to her boyfriend. J: You promised me that you were going to give up smoking. What's that in your hand? B: I'm sorry. I really want to except that every time I get nervous, I can't help smoking. J: That's just an excuse. B: No. It's true. I've tried everything: chewing gum, biting my fingernails and even meditation, but nothing works. J: Well, if you want to be with me, you'll just have to quit cold turkey. B: That will work!

赖世雄中级美语听课笔记Lesson 9

Lesson 9 Be Thoughtful Being thoughtful simply means thinking of others before yourself. What you say or do will have an effect on others. So it is important that you think before you say or do anything. In this way, you can avoid hurting others' feelings. Moreover, a thoughtless act or remark can spoil a perfect relationship. Remember these rules.1f you don't have anything nice to say,don't say anything.Likewise,if you think what you do will hurt others,don't do it.After all,what goes around comes around. Children should be considerate of old people. 体谅 mean to do 打算做mean doing 意味着 When I say I mean to do it, I mean it. essential = necessary / important It is important that he (should) be punctual. a piece of cake It is cinch(俚easy). feeling 感觉feelings 感情 scold 责骂 undermine 破坏(少用) bear 牢记= remenber likewise 同样地 Yesterday was a lousy day. By the same token today does't look any better. What goes around comes around. 讲解: B: Hi, everyone. I am Bruce. P: and you are just chatting, but tell us what you are going to do today? B: Today we are going to talk about an article on Page sixty-eight, we call this article "Be thoughtful". P: Be thoughtful. understanding considerate In a group, whatever you do you should think of others. In a group, whatever you do you should be thoughtful.(be understanding, be considerate) B: Children should be considerate of older people. P: Bruce, everybody knows that you are stupid. I know this is very bad. From now on, I am not going to mention it again. B: How thoughtless. You are thoughtless.不體諒 P: Being thoughtful simply means thinking of others before yourself.
