



I address you tonight not as the president of the united states,not as the leader of a country,but as a citizen of humanity. We are faced with the very gravest of challenges. The bible calls this day armageddon,the end of all things.

And yet ,for the first time in the history of the planet,a species has the technology to prevent its own extinction.

All of you praying with us need to know..that everything that can be done to prevent this disaster is being called into service.The human thirst for excellence and knowledge,every step up the ladder of science. every adventurous reach into space..all of our combined modern technologies and imaginations..even the wars that we've fought have provided us the tools to wage this terrible battle. through all the chaos that is our history,through all the wrongs and the discord,through all of the pain and suffering..through all of our times. there is one thing that has nourished our souls and elevated our species above its origins..and that is our courage. the dreams of an entire planet are focused tonight..on those 14 brave souls..traveling into the heavens. and may we all,citizens the world over,see these events through. godspeed and good luck to you.



独立日 Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. "Mankind." That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it's fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom... Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution... but from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: "We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!" We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day! 早安,一个小时之内,世界各地的军机将会联合起来,发动人类史上规模最大的空战。人类这个字眼,对我们而言有了新的涵义。我们不能再为小事而自相残杀。要为共同利益团结一致。也许天意如此,今天正是独立纪念日。你们将要再次为自由而战。不是为了反抗暴政或迫害,而是为了避免被消灭。为了活命的权利而战,为了生存。如果能够胜利,七月四日,将不再只是美国的假日,而是世人一同宣誓之日:“我们不会束手就擒!我们不会任人宰割!我们要继续生存!我们要度过难关!今天,我们要庆祝独立纪念日!” 视频:https://www.360docs.net/doc/6112500649.html,/v_show/id_XOTMwMjc3MTI=.html 音频:https://www.360docs.net/doc/6112500649.html,/programs/view/6VlkEw9djtE

美国历届总统就职演说词(George Bush)

Inaugural Address of George Bush FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1989 Mr. Chief Justice, Mr. President, Vice President Quayle, Senator Mitchell, Speaker Wright, Senator Dole, Congressman Michel, and fellow citizens, neighbors, and friends: There is a man here who has earned a lasting place in our hearts and in our history. President Reagan, on behalf of our Nation, I thank you for the wonderful things that you have done for America. I have just repeated word for word the oath taken by George Washington 200 years ago, and the Bible on which I placed my hand is the Bible on which he placed his. It is right that the memory of Washington be with us today, not only because this is our Bicentennial Inauguration, but because Washington remains the Father of our Country. And he would, I think, be gladdened by this day; for today is the concrete expression of a stunning fact: our continuity these 200 years since our government began. We meet on democracy's front porch, a good place to talk as neighbors and as friends. For this is a day when our nation is made whole, when our differences, for a moment, are suspended. And my first act as President is a prayer. I ask you to bow your heads: Heavenly Father, we bow our heads and thank You for Your love. Accept our thanks for the peace that yields this day and the shared faith that makes its continuance likely. Make us strong to do Your work, willing to heed and hear Your will, and write on our hearts these words: "Use power to help people." For we are given power not to advance our own purposes, nor to make a great show in the world, nor a name. There is but one just use of power, and it is to serve people. Help us to remember it, Lord. Amen. I come before you and assume the Presidency at a moment rich with promise. We live in a peaceful, prosperous time, but we can make it better. For a new breeze is blowing, and a world refreshed by freedom seems reborn; for in man's heart, if not in fact, the day of the dictator is over. The totalitarian era is passing, its old ideas blown away like leaves from an ancient, lifeless tree. A new breeze is blowing, and a nation refreshed by freedom stands ready to push on. There is new ground to be broken, and new action to be taken. There are times when the future seems thick as a fog; you sit and wait, hoping the mists will lift and reveal the right


美国总统周末电台演讲:华盛顿白宫奥巴马电台演讲 WASHINGTON, DC—In this week’s address, President Obama called on Congress to act now to extend tax cuts for the 98% of Americans making less than $250,000 for another year. If Congress fails to act, taxes will go up on January 1st and will be a blow to millions of middle class families and to our economy. Both parties agree on extending the tax cuts for the middle class, and the President believes it’s time for Congress to act so that we can give the middle class and our small businesses the certainty they need as we work to create an economy that is built to last. Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House Saturday, July 14, 2012 Over the past couple weeks I’ve been talking with folks across the coun try about how we’re going to rebuild an economy where if you work hard, you and your family can get ahead. And right now, there’s a big debate going on in Washington over two fundamentally different paths we can take as a country to do that. One path – pushed by Republicans in Congress and their nominee for President – says that the best way to create prosperity is to let it trickle down from the top. They believe that if we spend trillions more on tax cuts for the wealthy, it’ll somehow create jobs – even if we have to pay for it by gutting education and training and by raising middle-class taxes. I think they’re wrong.We already tried it that way for most of the last decade, and it didn’t work. We’re still paying for trillions of dollars in tax cuts that benefitted the wealthiest Americans more than anyone else; tax cuts that didn’t lead to the rise in wages and middle class jobs that we were promised; and that helped take us from record surpluses to record deficits. The last thing we need right now is more top-down economics. What we need are policies that will grow and strengthen the middle class; that will help create jobs, make education and training more affordable, and encourage businesses to start up and stay right here in the United States. Soon, we’ll face a choice between these two different approaches.On January 1st, taxes are set to go up for tens of millions of Americans. I think that would be a huge financial hit for middle-class families. That’s why I’ve cut middle-class taxes ever y year that I’ve been President –by $3,600 for the typical family. And that’s why, this week, I called on Congress to immediately stop the January 1st tax hike from hitting any American on the first $250,000 of their income. Under my plan, 98% of Ameri can families won’t see their income taxes go up at all.But the other 2% of Americans will have to pay a little more in taxes on anything they make over $250,000. In other words, the wealthiest few Americans will go back to the income tax rates they were paying under Bill Clinton. And if you remember, that was when our economy created nearly 23 million new jobs, the biggest budget surplus in history, and


美国总统演讲风格分析 公众演讲作为一种极为特殊的文体,既不同于日常谈话、即席演说等口语体裁,又不同于小说、戏剧、诗歌等文学体裁。它兼具口语和书面语两种文体的语言特点,同时,又和这两种文体有着明显的差异。它扬口语浅显易懂之长,弃口语 松散杂乱之短;既保留了书面语庄重文雅之风,又不失口语生动感人之韵,使人听 来感到铿锵悦耳,感情充沛,极富感染力和号召力。就语言文体风格方面,从修辞 特征、语篇风格等方面对美国总统的演作一些具体的分析。 一、修辞特征 政治演说的目的主要在于向听众宣扬政治主张,使他们信服并按演说者的意图采取行动。这样的演说、必需有力,且具有强烈的煽动性。为达此效果演讲者常常借助于修辞手段。 排比(Parallelism):由三项或以上的词语或句子构成,其并列的结构相同或类似,意义相关,语气连贯。排比句结构平衡,音韵和谐,语义紧凑,高潮迭起,极富感召力与鼓动性。排比手法常与反复,层进等修辞手法结合使用以增强表达效果。 (1)Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of individuals or a collection of Red States and Blue States: we are, and always will be, the United States of America.“我们是,我们永远是美利坚合众国”是极度富有感染力的,演讲在这里达一个高潮。(奥巴马) (2)I just received a very gracious call from Senator McCain. He fought long and hard in this campaign, and he’s fought even longer and harder for the country he loves. He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine, and we are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader. . .在这一段奥巴马高度赞扬了自己的竞选对手美国共和党总统候选人麦凯恩参议员,而且是极其诚恳和足够力度的评价,不带半点讽刺。(奥巴马) (3)Tonight I ask for your prayers for all those who grieve, for the children whose worlds have been shattered, for all whose sense of safety and security has been threatened.这句话透露出布什总统对遇难者的深深地哀悼,情感真切。(布什) (4)I ask you to share mu prayer that God will search me and know my heart ,try me and know my anxious thought, see if there is any

最新-浙江大学教授郑强震撼人心的演讲 精品

浙江大学教授郑强震撼人心的演讲 浙江大学教授郑强的演讲,被7次掌声打断,国防科大校长对郑强说:“你大声的讲,解放军保护你!”他对现今教师的批判:“学生已经成为现在老师的谋生手段,老师不再搞教育了,办补习班、搞奥林匹克竞赛,她们已经把这些作为她们头上的光环,去谋取利益的手段,牺牲的是我们的孩子。” 他对中国获得诺贝尔奖的评价:“我们得了是投机的,我们不得是正常的。”郑强看问题有深度,一开讲就成为焦点,特此摘录郑强语录与大家共享:(1)只有中国女性才以男性的身高来判断他其他的能力,注重婚姻的根本就是传宗接代,身体素质好又道德修养足矣,高大的身材、帅气的脸蛋不代表他的身体好,高学历不代表他有道德修养。男人的一个肩膀是道德,另一个肩膀是本事,一个男人两肩有了道德(对情感的忠贞)和本事,不怕没有女人。(2)日本幼儿园的小朋友寒冬赤膊锻炼,他们即使有哭闹的,家长会拿着相机前面叫喊着鼓励他们。我们放学前,家长接孩子的车乱停放。新生报到的时候,随行6人团,爷爷奶奶、外公外婆、爸爸妈妈。民族不败,只跟与青年、少年的精神比,我们开始就输掉了精神。(3)学会做人,最重要的是要有民族文化的根基。民族文化是我们民族精神的根基,民族语言是我们民族文化的核心。我们不能成为文化和精神的孤魂野鬼。(4)我们漠视历史的价值,总以为楼宇越新越好,但你到法国市中心看看,几乎没有什么新建筑,他们以历史积淀为自豪,而我们以不断地拆楼建楼来折腾自己。(5)教育的本职不是谋生,而是唤起兴趣,鼓舞精神。靠教育来谋生和发达也是可以的,却被我们过度重视了。(6)日本人宁愿喜欢黑人,也不喜欢我们,因为现在的中国人没有了精神。(7)学校有些女生不自重,我们的女生见到垃圾一般的外国男人都要讨好。(8)大家都在嘲笑俄罗斯,但我知道俄罗斯将来一定会发达,因为那里的人2天没吃饭了饿着肚子还排队,而我们有2个人也要挤的不可开交。(9)日本人侵犯我们,因为我们出了很多汉奸。将来日本人侵犯我们,还会不会有汉奸?谁将是未来中国的汉奸?在座的诸位很大一部分都将是。因为你们嘲笑爱国者,崇拜权势和金钱,鄙夷理想和志气。(10)谁现在就是汉奸?北大清华的学生,因为用他们学习的知识帮外国人开拓市场,打败我们中国的企


Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address Saturday, February 19, 2011 I’m speaking to you from just outside Portland, Oregon where I’m visiting Intel, a company that helped pioneer the digital age. I just came from a tour of an assembly line where highly-skilled technicians are building microprocessors that run everything from desktop computers to smartphones. But these workers aren’t just manufacturing high-tech computer chips. They’re showing us how America will win the future. For decades, Intel has led the world in developing new technologies. But even as global competition has intensified, this company has invested, built, and hired in America. Three-quarters of Intel’s products are made by Amer ican workers. And as the company expands operations in Oregon and builds a new plant in Arizona, it plans to hire another 4,000 people this year. Companies like Intel are proving that we can compete – that instead of just being a nation that buys what’s made overseas, we can make things in America and sell them around the globe. Winning this competition depends on the ingenuity and creativity of our private sector – which was on display in my visit today. But it’s also going to depend on what we do as a nation to make America the best place on earth to do business. Over the next ten years, nearly half of all new jobs will require education beyond high school, many requiring proficiency in math and science. And yet today we’ve fallen behind in math, science, and graduation rates. As a result, companies like Intel struggle to hire American workers with the skills that fit their needs. If we want to win the global competition for new jobs and industries, we’ve got to win the global competition to educ ate our people. We’ve got to have the best trained, best skilled workforce in the world. That’s how we’ll ensure that the next Intel, the next Google, or the next Microsoft is created in America, and hires American workers. This is why, over the past t wo years, my administration has made education a top priority. We’ve launched a competition called “Race to the Top” – a reform that is lifting academic standards and getting results; not because Washington dictated the answers, but because states and local schools pursued innovative solutions. We’re also making college more affordable for millions of students, and revitalizing our community colleges, so that folks can get the training they need for the careers they want. And as part of this effort, we’v e launched a nationwide initiative to connect graduates that need jobs with businesses that need their skills.


三分钟震撼人心的演讲5篇 三分钟震撼人心的演讲篇一 各位领导、老师、同学们: 大家好! 有这样一个故事:很久以前,有个小和尚,想学会理发来帮寺庙的与尚剃发。于是他就开始用冬瓜练习,只是每次打水洗冬瓜时总要顺手把剃刀插到冬瓜上。没多久就学会了如何剃发,当他第一次帮人剃发,去打水洗头时,“顺手”把剃刀插了上去。结果可想而知,小和尚成了杀人犯。 究竟是什么给小和尚的一片好心带来害人害已的结果呢? 答案很简单。就是因为他用冬瓜作练习时养成了把剃刀插向冬瓜的习惯,尽管为自己的师兄剃发时心里想着这是人不是冬瓜,但是手却不听使唤,习惯性地把刀插了上去,因此,是那个小小的坏习惯害了他。 虽然这个故事有几分夸张,我们也不可能会是一个为别人理发的小和尚。可是同学们,你们有没有类似的坏习惯呢?比如:随地吐痰、随意骂人、说脏话、随手乱扔乱撂、经常大声喧哗、在楼道里追逐打闹、自习课上说话等,如果有,它们迟早会给你带来或大或小的麻烦。 这个故事再一次告诫我们:坏的习惯一旦养成,即使是很小的,

也不容易改掉,最终会给自己与他人带来危害。 所以,我们平时要养成一些好的习惯,良好的习惯能够使我们在各个方面受益匪浅:平时不浪费一分一秒,努力学习就会使成绩上升;尽自己的一份力维持班级的卫生,就很有可能使班集体成为“卫生模范班”,如果每个同学都这样,学校也会变得干净漂亮,我们在其中学习、生活也会心情舒畅;平时坚持锻炼身体,就可能在运动会上一展风采;帮同学讲解问题,也许会使自己有新的发现;在家中帮父母做一些力所能及的家务,自己能做的事自己做,不给父母增添不必要的麻烦…… 同学们,良好的习惯是成功的一半,养成良好的习惯,从现在,从自我开始吧! 谢谢大家! 三分钟震撼人心的演讲篇二 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 的文学家托尔斯泰曾经说过:“世界上只有两种人:一种是观望者,一种是行动者。大多数人想改变这个世界,但是没人想改变自己。”想要改变现状,就要改变自己;要改变自己。就得改变自己的观念。一切成就,都是从正确的观念开始的。一连串的失败,也都是从错误的观念开始的。要适应社会,适应环境,适应变化,就要学会改


美国总统奥巴马的演讲稿集(中英文对照) 奥巴马连任胜选的中英文演讲词 奥巴马连任胜选的中英文演讲词 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. 谢谢,非常感谢各位。 Tonight more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own destiny, the task of perfecting our union moves forward. It moves forward because of you. It moves forward because you reaffirmed the spirit that has triumphed over war and depression, the spirit that has lifted this country from the depths of despair to the sof hope. The belief that while each of us will pursue our own indivual dreams, we are an American family and we rise or fall together as one nation and as one people. 今晚,是在一个曾经的殖民地在赢得自己主权200多年之后,我们来到这里,不断前行,这主要是因为你们坚信这个国家能够实现永恒的希望,实现移民的梦想。每一个人都可以独立的争取自己的未来,我们将会作为一个国家共同起落。 Tonight in this election, you, the American people, remind us while our road has been hard, while our journey has been long, we have picked ourselves up, we have fought our way back, and we know in our hearts that the united states of America the best is yet to come. 今晚,在选举的过程当中,你们——美国的人民,让我们记得我们的道路是非常艰辛的,我们的道路是漫长的,我们重新站了起来,我们也从内心知道,美国还没有迎来最好的时代。 [cheering] I want to thank every American who participated in this election [CHEERING] Whether you voted for the very first time or waiting in line for a very long time. By the way, we need to fix that. Whether you pounded the pavement or picked up the phone. Whether you held an Obama sign or a Romney sign, you mad your voice heard. And you made a difference. I just got off the phone with Governor Romney and I congratulated him and Paul Ryan on a hard-fought campaign. 我想要感谢每一个参与选举的美国人。无论你们是第一次投票,还是(排队)等了很长的时间才投上一票——顺便说一下我会解决这个问题。无论你是自己上门投的票,还是打投的票;无论你是投给奥巴马的人,还是投给罗姆尼的人,你都是为我们国家带来变的力量。我刚刚同罗姆尼通过,我祝贺他们这次竞选所取得的成绩。 [CHEERING] We may have fought fiercely, but it’s only because we love this country deeply. And we care so stronly about its future.


最新激励人心的演讲稿6篇 时间很短,不懂你的人不必去解释,学会一天比一天坚强,梦想永远在你前面,给自己一个希望,幸福就在你前行的路上。下面给大家分享一些关于最新激励人心的演讲稿6篇,供大家参考。 最新激励人心的演讲稿(1) 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 一个女孩到南国求生,身上却布满了伤痕。当她站在一座二十几层高的大楼顶上要告别这个世界时,她看到了东方喷薄而出的一轮朝阳,心跳蓦然加快。 在决定生死的刹那间,她发现失败者和成功者沐浴着同一个太阳的光芒。也许,再坚持一下,她也会有成功的希望!于是,她乘着生命的彩练,又回归到青春的起跑线上。她终于获得了成功并成为了全国知名的人物。 是希望挽救了这个一度脆弱失望的女孩。 希望,是一种力量,是一次升华,是一个飞跃,是一架阶梯。 青年人在生活中,难免会陷于一种困境而感到失望。一位哲人说,人生之路是由失望和希望串起来的一条项链,因此才多姿多彩。在失望时萌生希望,就会让人驱散心中的浓雾,拥抱一片湛蓝的晴空;让人摆脱沉沉的阴影,去步入一个崭新的天地。失望让人压抑、痛苦,倍受折磨;希望让人振奋、欣喜,跃跃欲试。 生活不是一幅呆板的平面画,而是一座立体的雕塑。所以说希望总与失望长伴,它们是双胞胎,几乎从不分离。愚昧的人会被压在失望的高山下感伤和叹息;明

智的人会从失望的山下向山上攀登,看到另一片天地。 人生之路是由失望和希望铺筑而成的,不可能总是一帆风顺。因为人不能在人生路上跳着走,那是一种畸形的人生。希望是一种宝贵的金属,常常要从失望里提炼出来。失望并不可怕,怕的是不会运用失望。 年轻人在希望中生活,在追求希望中成熟。青春之所以美好,是因为希望是你的锦绣,是你灿烂的前程。 希望在前,我们能不断向前。 最新激励人心的演讲稿(2) 尊敬的老师、同学们: 大家好! 知识是从刻苦劳动中得来的,任何成就都是刻苦劳动的结果。 纵观古今中外的成功者,无一不是这样。贝多芬的刻苦练琴,使《命运交响曲》闻名于世;曹雪芹的刻苦写作,使《红楼梦》成为经典;巴尔扎克的刻苦书写,使《人间喜剧》成为文学遗产;爱迪生刻苦钻研,使钨丝成为光明的使者。由此可见,所有的成才都来源于刻苦学习,而刻苦学习的源泉在于坚定而远大的志向,正如大文豪苏轼所说“古之成事者,不唯有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。 远大的志向是明灯,让我们在黑暗中依然能看见光明;远大的志向是航标,指引着我们朝着既定的方向前进。拥有明确的目标,让人更容易成才。理想是人生成才的动力,让我们马不停蹄的向着既定的目标而奋斗着,不知疲惫,直到实现。有人会问,我们刻苦学习的最终目的是什么?是报答父母的养育之恩,感恩父母


震撼人心的离职演说 震撼人心的离职演说怀童心的孩子回家了浙江工商大 学人文学院院长徐斌2002年,我来到浙江工商大学,先在杂志社干着。两年中,完成了从记者到学者的转换。2004年人文学院成立,校领导动员我当院长。当时我做杂志社社长挺顺手,又有时间搞研究,不想动。校领导说,你干嘛要看一辈子稿子,多一些人生经历,感受一番中国高校主流的东西不好吗?再说,上点课多看看坐在前排的女生,精神会一振呢。我只好笑着答应了。干了一届,有些事只做了一半,于是接着第二届。实际上我在连任后一年多就知道自己不适合这个行政职位了,2009年初即向学校提出另请高明,也 帮着联系过接班的人选。为什么不适应?我置身其中,越卷越深,深感高校行政化、权力化日趋严重,尤其在本科教学评估中的作为,公然全体造假,已丧失了最起码的大学精神。近年盛行的数字化考评、高校排名,让各级像疯了一样抓项目、课题、报奖、报点、基地之类,上级考什么,下边就干什么,行政权肆无忌惮地侵害教育权和学术权,搅得放不下一张“安静的书桌”。如果有人问我,六年多来最大的体会是 什么?我说,一是没有精力认真考虑真正的教学和科研事宜,只是穷于应付上级下达的各项冠冕堂皇的所谓“创新强校”指标;二是高校中违背常识的行为,甚至造假的勾当居然大行

其道。可以说,这六年学校无数次开会、布置工作,没一次真实地倡导大学精神、学术自由、坚持学者良心、敢于批评政府、担待社会责任。口头上虽讲过几次大学精神,但只是招牌,实处要大家去做的净是如何讨好ZF、送礼攻关,争 项目、要课题。这是大学境界、大学气度吗?在文明国家这可是学界大忌,学者须与政府保持距离。我想到斯诺夫人90年代的一次来访。中国ZF看她生活比较艰难,欲以演讲费 等形式给点资助,亦算是对斯诺过去帮助中国革命的感谢。斯诺夫人谢绝了。她说:斯诺和我在世界上讲的话,之所以有人相信,全因他们认定我们和**没有利益关系,所言所论皆出自我们的独立观察。如果我拿了钱,今后没人再信我们的话了,连以前说的也都不信。现在中国大学的领导和学者存有这样的观念与意识吗?不仅想方设法向政府讨钱,要钱的时候甚至可以送礼行贿,不择手段。这一切,都顶着个堂而皇之的名义:为了学校做大做强!功利高于一切,良心和是非一钱不值。这正常吗?校内部门的领导们在一起的话题,说来说去老这么几条:怎样贯彻学校的考评指标,设计个方案逼下边竭尽全力;强调本部门如何重要,希望领导格外关照;本部门的考评在学校里排了个第几、什么档次;如何通过搞关系、走门子达到了目的;大家相互之间多关照,你这次帮我,我下次帮你……古人讲求劝人以德,此间流行的皆是劝人以“利”。我看清了,如今大学里就是丘八文化加农民


【美国总统电台演说】2011-11-05 Hi, this is Joe Biden. I’m speaking to you from the University of Pittsburgh, where I just spoke to students here about what we’ve done to help ease the burden on them when it comes to the rising cost of tuition and the accumulating s tudent debt and what we’re going to do to help create jobs when they graduate. Today we found out we’ve had the 20th month in a row成一排, 连续where we’ve increased private sector jobs -- 104,000 this month, 104,000 private sector jobs. And as all you know, that's not nearly enough. We have to increase the pace. We have to act now to do everything in our power to keep this economy moving and to grow jobs. President Obama is on his way back from France where he just met with the leaders of the 20 largest economies in the world, where he urged our European friends to step up and stabilize their own economies because if they fail, it will affect the whole world. Too many Americans are still struggling. Too many college students here at the University of Pittsburgh and elsewhere are worrying about the rising cost of their tuition, and the increasing accumulation of debt. And too many of their parents are in stagnant不流动的,停滞的jobs or out of work, wondering if they're going to be able to send their child back to college next semester. My dad used to have a saying. He said, a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. It’s about dignity. It’s about respect. And too many Americans have been stripped of their dignity through no fault of their own. So we can't w ait to help them. The President and I believe we have to act now. That's why we’ve introduced the jobs bill which independent validators验证程序,验证器said would create 2 million new jobs. Although 51 senators voted for that jobs bill, our Republican colleagues in the Senate used a procedural requirement that requires it to have 60 votes, so it failed. And since then we’ve taken every important piece of the jobs bill and demanded that we have a separate vote. But our Republican colleagues in the Senate have voted unanimously to vote down each and every part so far: to restore 400,000 jobs for teachers, police officers, firefighters, putting them back in classrooms, on the streets and in the fire houses. And then on Thursday, they unanimously voted down否决;罢免the second part of our program: to rebuild our crumbling roads and bridges, which would have created more than 400,000 good-paying jobs. These are all programs that the Republicans in the past have supported, but once again, every Republican voted no -- blocking the majority will to put these folks back to work.
