

Bank Involvement with SMEs:Beyond

Relationship Lending

The financing of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) has attracted much attention in recent years and has become an important topic for economists and policymakers working on financial and economic development. This interest is driven in part by the fact that SMEs account for the majority of firms in an economy and a significant share of employment (Hallberg 2001). Furthermore, most large companies usually start as small enterprises, so the ability of SMEs to develop and invest becomes crucial to any economy wishing to prosper.2

The recent attention on SME financing also comes from the perception among academics and policymakers that SMEs lack appropriate financing and need to receive special assistance, such as government programs that increase lending. V arious studies support this perception. A number of papers find that SMEs are more financially constrained than large firms. For example, using data from 10,000 firms in 80 countries,Beck, Demirgü?-Kunt, Laeven, and Maksimovic (2006) show that the probability that a firm rates financing as a major obstacle is 39% for small firms, 38% for medium-size firms, and 29% for large firms. Furthermore, small firms finance, on average, 13 percentage points less of their investments with external finance when compared to large firms.4 Importantly, lack of access to external finance is a key obstacle to firm growth, especially for SMEs (Beck, Demirgü?-Kunt, and Maksimovic 2005). On the policy side, there are a large number of initiatives across countries to foster SME financing including government subsidized lines of credit and public guarantee funds. One example that has been deemed as relatively successful is Chile’s Fondo de Garantía para Peque?os Empresarios (FOGA PE), a fund created to encourage bank lending to SMEs through partial credit guarantees. This fund has many features that make it attractive,including some incentives to reduce moral hazard, promote competition among banks, and encourage self sustainability



同时,许多学者与政策家指出,中小型企业的融资问题在于缺乏合适的融资渠道,并理应得到特殊帮助。如,政府应出台增加贷款金额等相关政策。各类研究数据表明了此看法的正确性。举例来说,一项对10,000家来自80多个不同国家的企业数据(Beck, Demirgü?-Kunt, Laeven, and Maksimovic 2006)分析表明,

其中认为企业发展的最大障碍为融资难的企业,小型企业占到39%,中型企业占据38%,而大型企业占29%。此外,与大型企业的对外融资水平相比,小型企业平均融资资金低于大型企业13个百分点。更为重要的是,特别是对于中小型企业来说,对外融资困难是阻碍企业发展的瓶颈。(Beck, Demirgü?-Kunt, and Maksimovic 2005)



广东工业大学华立学院 本科毕业设计(论文) 外文参考文献译文及原文 系部会计学系 专业会计学 年级 08级 班级名称 2008级会计(7)班 学号 14010807030 学生姓名吴智聪 2012年 2 月 9 日

目录 1. 外文译文 (1) 2. 外文原文 (5)

中小型企业财务管理中存在的问题及其对策中小型企业在中国经济发展中发挥着重要的作用。统计数据表明,在工商行政管理局登记在册的企业中,中小型企业占了99%,产值和利润分别占总额的60%和40%。此外,中小型企业所提供了75%的城镇就业机会。可见其为中国的稳定和经济繁荣作出了重要贡献。 虽然中小型企业在国民经济中占有重要地位,对中国经济发展与社会稳定具有很重大的意义。但是,中小型企业发展的主要障碍是缺乏有效的财务管理。本文分析了当前中小型企业财务管理中存在的问题,并就改善中小型企业财务管理提出了相应对策。 1.1 中小型企业的财务管理现状 自从21世纪以来,中国的中小型企业的蓬勃发展,在经济增长和社会发展中发挥着非常重要的作用。据财政部统计数据,直到2005年底,中小型企业总数已超过1000万,占中国企业总数的99%。中小型企业提供了75%的城镇就业机会,工业企业的总产值、销售收入、实现的利得税和出口额分别占总数的60%、57%、40%和60%,上缴的税收已经接近了国家税收总额的一半。中小型企业承载着超过75%的技术革新和超过65%的专利发明,他们以其灵活的经营机制和积极创新活动,为经济发展提供了增长的最根本动力。近年来,中国中小企业的消亡率将近70%,大约有30%的中小型企业存在赤字。中小型企业应该如何建立现代企业制度,加强财务管理,并科学地进行资本运作以谋求自身的健康发展,是我们密切关注的一个问题。 1.2 中小型企业财务管理中存在的问题 ⑴财务管理理念滞后,而且方法保守 中小型企业由于管理者自身知识水平的限制,使得企业的管理能力和管理质量较低。他们的管理思想已经不适合现代企业,并且大多数企业领导人缺乏财务管理的理论和方法,忽视了企业资本运作的作用。管理者既不重视财务事,也不参与企业政策的制定和相关管理活动。因此,财务管理无法发挥其应有职能,从而导致企业缺乏现代财务管理的理念,也无从去培训合格的财务人员。 ⑵财务管理工作基础薄弱,缺乏财务监督


本科毕业论文(设计) 外文翻译 原文: Financing of SMEs Abstract The main sources of financing for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are equity, trade credit paid on time, long and short term bank credits, delayed payment on trade credit and other debt. The marginal costs of each financing instrument are driven by asymmetric information and transactions costs associated with nonpayment. According to the Pecking Order Theory, firms will choose the cheapest source in terms of cost. In the case of the static trade-off theory, firms choose finance so that the marginal costs across financing sources are all equal, thus an additional Euro of financing is obtained from all the sources whereas under the Pecking Order Theory the source is determined by how far down the Pecking Order the firm is presently located. In this paper, we argue that both of these theories miss the point that the marginal costs are dependent of the use of the funds, and the asset side of the balance sheet primarily determines the financing source for an additional Euro. An empirical analysis on a unique dataset of Portuguese SME’s confirms that the composition of the asset side of the balance sheet has an impact of the type of financing used and the Pecking Order Theory and the traditional Static Trade-off theory are https://www.360docs.net/doc/6115814600.html, For SME’s the main sources of financing are equity (internally generated cash), trade credit, bank credit and other debt. The choice of financing is driven by the costs of the sources which is primarily determined by costs of solving the asymmetric information problem and the expected costs associated with non-payment of debt. Asymmetric information costs arise from collecting and analysing information to support the decision of extending credit, and the non-payment costs are from


加工中心数控技术 出处:数控加工中心的分类以及各自特点 出版社:化学工业出版社; 第1版 (2009年3月16日) 作者:徐衡、段晓旭 加工中心是典型的集高技术于一体的机械加工设备,它的发展代表了一个国家设计制造的水平也大大提高了劳动生产率,降低了劳动成本,改善了工人的工作环境,降低了工人的劳动强度。本文经过对不同运动方案和各部件的设计方案的定性分析比较确定该教立式加工中心的进给传动方案为:采用固定床身,电主轴通过安装座安装在床身导轨的滑座上,床身导轨采用滚动导轨,可以实现Y 方向的进给运动。由X-Y双向精密数控工作台带动工件完成X,Y两个方向的进给运动;X,Y,Z三个方向的进给运动均滚珠丝杠,并由交流伺服电机驱动。导轨、滚珠丝杠有相应的润滑、防护等装置。 加工中心(英文缩写为CNC 全称为Computerized Numerical Control):是带有刀库和自动换刀装置的一种高度自动化的多功能数控机床。在中国香港,台湾及广东一代也有很多人叫它电脑锣。 工件在加工中心上经一次装夹后,数字控制系统能控制机床按不同工序,自动选择和更换刀具,自动改变机床主轴转速、进给量和刀具相对工件的运动轨迹及其他辅助机能,依次完成工件几个面上多工序的加工。并且有多种换刀或选刀功能,从而使生产效率大大提高。 加工中心数控机床是一种装有计算机数字控制系统的机床,数控系统能够处理加工程序,控制机床完成各种动作。与普通机床相比,数控机床能够完成平面曲线和空间曲面的加工,加工精度和生产效率都比较高,因而应用日益广泛。 数控机床的组成 一般来说,数控机床由机械部分、数字控制计算机、伺服系统、PC控制部分、液压气压传动系统、冷却润滑和排泄装置组成。数控机床是由程序控制的,零件的编程工作是数控机床加工的重要组成部分。伺服系统是数控机床的驱动部分,计算机输出的控制命令是通过伺服系统产生坐标移动的。普通的立式加工中心有三个伺服电机,分别驱动纵向工作台、横向工作台、主轴箱沿X向、Y向、Z向运动。X、Y、Z是互相垂直的坐标轴,因而当机床三坐标联动时可以加工空


中小企业融资的英文文献 Automatically translated text: The definition of lease financing Finance leases (Financial Leasing) also known as the Equipment Leasing (Equipment Leasing), or modern leasing (Modern Leasing), and is essentially transfer ownership of the assets of all or most of the risks and rewards of the lease. The ultimate ownership of assets to be transferred, or may not transfer. It refers to the specific content of the lessee to the lessor under the lease object and the specific requirements of the supplier selection, vendor financing to purchase rental property, and the use of leased to a lessee, the lessee to the lessor to pay instalments rent, the lease term lease ownership of objects belonging to the lessor of all, the tenant has the right to use the leased items. Term expired, and finished the lessee to pay rent under the lease contract financing to fulfil obligations in full, leasing objects that vesting ownership of all the lessee. Despite the finance lease transactions, the lessors have the identity of the purchase of equipment, but the substantive content of the purchase of equipment suppliers such as the choice of the specific requirements of the equipment, the conditions of the purchase contract negotiations by the lessee enjoy and exercise, lessee leasing object is essentially the purchaser. , Is a finance lease extension of loans and trade and technology updates in the new integrated financial industry. Because of its extension of loans and combination of features, there is a problem in leasing companies can recycling, treatment of leasing, and

P2P 金融下的中小企业融资互联网金融外文文献翻译最新译文

文献出处: Waitz M. The small and medium-sized enterprise financing under P2P finance [J]. Journal of Business Research, 2016, 8(6): 81-91. 原文 The small and medium-sized enterprise financing under P2P finance Waitz M Abstract Small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult is worldwide difficult problem. Article introduces the concept of the Internet financial, mainly summarized the P2P financial in the development of financial innovation and integration of science and technology, a combination of academic research on P2P financial now of the five directions of various views and opinions. Points out the current P2P financial problems in the development of risk control, and analyses the trend of the Internet financial. Keywords: P2P financial; Financial innovation; Risk control 1 Introduction Look from the history of enterprise development, a large enterprise originate from small and medium-sized enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) is the most dynamic part of the national economy, often walk in the forefront of technology development, in the high-tech industry, clean energy, green economy, etc, have good performance, play an important role in the economic transformation. Small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult is worldwide difficult problem. These small and medium-sized enterprise financing environment and narrow channels, more than 60% are unable to get a bank loan. At present, science and technology enterprises and the characteristics of light assets, financing difficulties, become a huge bottleneck of sustainable development. 2 The concept of the Internet financial In the past two years, the Internet financial show explosive growth, since 2014, the Internet financial sector performance strength. Current economic field exists the phenomenon of two special contradiction, one is the small and medium-sized


Lathes Lathes are machine tools designed primarily to do turning, facing and boring, Very little turning is done on other types of machine tools, and none can do it with equal facility. Because lathes also can do drilling and reaming, their versatility permits several operations to be done with a single setup of the work piece. Consequently, more lathes of various types are used in manufacturing than any other machine tool. The essential components of a lathe are the bed, headstock assembly, tailstock assembly, and the leads crew and feed rod. The bed is the backbone of a lathe. It usually is made of well normalized or aged gray or nodular cast iron and provides s heavy, rigid frame on which all the other basic components are mounted. Two sets of parallel, longitudinal ways, inner and outer, are contained on the bed, usually on the upper side. Some makers use an inverted V-shape for all four ways, whereas others utilize one inverted V and one flat way in one or both sets, They are precision-machined to assure accuracy of alignment. On most modern lathes the way are surface-hardened to resist wear and abrasion, but precaution should be taken in operating a lathe to assure that the ways are not damaged. Any inaccuracy in them usually means that the accuracy of the entire lathe is destroyed. The headstock is mounted in a foxed position on the inner ways, usually at the left end of the bed. It provides a powered means of rotating the word at various speeds . Essentially, it consists of a hollow spindle, mounted in accurate bearings, and a set of transmission gears-similar to a truck transmission—through which the spindle can be rotated at a number of speeds. Most lathes provide from 8 to 18 speeds, usually in a geometric ratio, and on modern lathes all the speeds can be obtained merely by moving from two to four levers. An increasing trend is to provide a continuously variable speed range through electrical or mechanical drives. Because the accuracy of a lathe is greatly dependent on the spindle, it is of heavy construction and mounted in heavy bearings, usually preloaded tapered roller or ball types. The spindle has a hole extending through its length, through which long bar stock can be fed. The size of maximum size of bar stock that can be machined when the material must be fed through spindle. The tailsticd assembly consists, essentially, of three parts. A lower casting fits on the inner ways of the bed and can slide longitudinally thereon, with a means for clamping the entire assembly in any desired location, An upper casting fits on the lower one and can be moved transversely upon it, on some type of keyed ways, to permit aligning the assembly is the tailstock quill. This is a hollow steel cylinder, usually about 51 to 76mm(2to 3 inches) in diameter, that can be moved several inches longitudinally in and out of the upper casting by means of a hand wheel and screw. The size of a lathe is designated by two dimensions. The first is known as the swing. This is the maximum diameter of work that can be rotated on a lathe. It is approximately twice the distance between the line connecting the lathe centers and the nearest point on the ways, The second size dimension is the maximum distance between centers. The swing thus indicates the maximum work piece diameter that can be turned in the lathe, while the distance between centers indicates the maximum length of work piece that can be mounted between centers. Engine lathes are the type most frequently used in manufacturing. They are heavy-duty machine tools with all the components described previously and have power drive for all tool movements except on the compound rest. They commonly range in size from 305 to 610 mm(12 to 24 inches)swing and from 610 to 1219 mm(24 to 48 inches) center distances, but swings up to 1270 mm(50 inches) and center distances up


淮阴工学院 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 学院: 专业: 姓名: 学号: 外文出处:Facts for You (用外文写) 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 中小型企业融资决策 企业的产生、生存及发展均离不开投资与融资活动。随着我国加入WTO 组织,市场经济体制的逐步完善,金融市场的快速发展,投资与融资效率也越来越成为企业发展的关键。对于中小型企业而言,应要根据自身发展需求,认真考虑如何选择自己需要和适合自己发展阶段的融资方式以及各种融资方式的利用时机、条件、成本和风险,确定合适的融资规模以及制定最佳融资期限等问题。要解决这些问题,需要中小型企业制定适当的融资策略,以作出最优化的融资决策。 一、企业融资决策概述 (一)企业融资决策概述 企业融资决策,是企业根据其价值创造目标需要,利用一定时机与渠道,采取经济有效的融资工具,为公司筹集所需资金的一种市场行为。它不仅改变了公司的资产负债结构,而且影响了企业内部管理、经营业绩、可持续发展及价值增长。典型的融资决策包括出售何种债务和股权(融资方式)、如何确定所要出售债务和股权的价值(融资成本)、何时出售些债务和股权(融资时机)等等。而其中最主要的包括融资规模的决策和融资方式的决策。融资规模应为企业完成资金使用目的的最低需要量。而企业的融资方式则多种多样,常见的以下几种: 1.财政融资。财政融资方式从融出的角度来讲,可分为:预算内拨款、财政贷款、通过授权机构的国有资产投资、政策性银行贷款、预算外专项建设基金、财政补贴。 2.银行融资。从资金融出角度即银行的资金运用来说,主要是各种代款,例如:信用贷款、抵押贷款、担保贷款、贴现贷款、融资租凭、证券投资。 3.商业融资。其方式也是多种多样,主要包括商品交易过程中各企业间发生的赊购商品、预收货款等形式。


英文文献 Numerical control laser processing technology and application Pick to: as the main symbol of science and Technology development in the 20th century and the modern information society one of the pillars of optoelectronic Technology, Laser Technology, Laser Technology) and the development of Laser industry attaches great importance to by the advanced countries in the world. Numerical control and integrated the Laser and the optical system of the computer numerical control technology, advanced and high precision and automation of the workpiece positioning, the combination of formation, development and production of machining center has become a Laser machining, Laser Processing) is an important trend of development. Key words: CNC; Laser machining, Laser Processing); Level; application Before: laser is regarded as one of the most important scientific discoveries of the twentieth century, as soon as it was caused the great attention of materials scientists. In November 1971, gm pioneered the use of a 250 w CO2 laser to improve wear resistance materials using laser radiation test and research, and in 1974 successfully completed automobile redirector shell


Sme financing problems related to the analysis First small and medium-sized enterprises financing status Reform and opening up china for 30 years of small and medium-sized enterprises obtained arapid development of enterprises 99 of the small and medium-sized enterprises of our countrymore than 60 GDP contribution tax over 50 provides 70 of import and export trade and80 of urban jobs. Small and medium-sized enterprises in our country is also an important powerof independent innovation 66 of invention patent 82 of new product development of smalland medium-sized enterprises from small and medium-sized enterprises has become the economicprosperity expanding employment adjusting structure promote innovation and new industriesof important strength. From 80 years since the outbreak of the international financial crisis the implementation ofthe positive fiscal policy and loser monetary policy but no small and medium-sized enterprisesfrom the proactive fiscal policy and moderate looser monetary policy benefit directly for instanceof the new 2008 225 million small loan only more than previous year but rose 1.4 only theloans increased 14.9 09 year three months of national credit increased 48 trillion includingloans to small and medium-sized enterprises increased amount only less than 5 .Current loanfinancing difficult has


数控机床刀具设计 中英文资料 英语原文: Design Of Tool Machine Prop Research significance The original knife machine control procedures are designed individually, not used tool management system, features a single comparison, the knife only has to find the tool knife, knife positioning the shortest path, axis tool change, but does not support large-scale tool. Automatic knife in the knife election, in the computer memory knife-election on the basis of using the Siemens 840 D features, and the election procedures knife more concise, and complete the space Daotao View. ATC use the knife rapid completion of STEP-7 programming, and have been tested in practice. In the positioning of the knife, PLC controlled modular design method, which future production of similar machines will be very beneficial, it is easy to use its other machine. Automatic tool change systems will be faster growth, reduced tool change time, increase the positioning accuracy tool is an important means to help NC technology development. Tool and inventory components of modern production is an important link in the management, especially for large workshop D features, and the election procedures knife more concise, and complete the space Daotao View. ATC use the knife rapid completion of STEP-7 programming, and have been tested in practice. In the positioning of the knife, PLC controlled modular design method, which future production of similar machines will be very beneficial, it is easy to use its oth management. The traditional way of account management, and low efficiency, high error rate, and not sharing information and data, tools and the use of state can not track the life cycle, are unable to meet the current information management needs. With actual production, we have to establish a workshop tool for the three-dimensional tool storage system to meet the knife workshop with auxiliary storage and management needs. The system uses optimization technology, a large number of computer storage inventory information, timely, accurate, and comprehensive tool to reflect the inventory situation. The entire system uses a graphical interface, man-machine dialogue tips from the Chinese menu, select various functions can be realized and the importation of all kinds of information. Management system using online help function. Through the workshop management, network management and sharing of information. Have automated inventory management, warehousing management tool, a tool for the management and statistical functions. 1.System components and control structure The entire system, including the structure and electrical machinery control systems. 1.1.1Mechanical structure and working principle Tool from the stent, drive, drive system, Turret, shielding, control system, and electrical components. Support from the column, beam, the upper and lower guide Central track, and track support component.


SME financing in China Université Paris X-Nanterre Maison Max Weber (batiments K et G) 200, Avenue de la République 92001 NANTERRE CEDEX Document de Travail Working Paper 2007-29 Chen Xiang LIU E c o n o m i X http://economix.u-paris10.fr/

SME Financing in China LIU Chen Xiang Université Paris X-Nanterre EconomiX (CNRS-UMR 7166) Batiment K-115 200, Avenue de la République 92001 Nanterre Cedex Tél : Fax : Courriel : liu_chenxiang@yahoo.fr

SME Financing in China LIU Chen Xiang Abstract SMEs have a great contribution in China’s economic expansion. However, the financing predicament currently faced by SMEs constitutes a great bottleneck for their development. Banks are reluctant to lend to them, mainly due to the lack of collateral and their poor capability in pricing risk. This is the reason why credit guarantee institutions play a key role in SME financing and the perfection of the credit guarantee system is important for promoting their access to credit. In addition, the lifting of the ceiling on lending rates as well as other steps taken by banking authorities will encourage bank lending to SMEs. Finally, informal finance has a significant part in SME financing. Résumé Les PME ont une grande contribution à la croissance chinoise. Pourtant, leur difficulté de financement devient un grand obstacle dans leur développement. Les banques ne veulent pas leur prêter, principalement à cause de manque de collatéraux et la faible compétence des banques pour évaluer le risque de crédit. C’est la raison pour laquelle les organismes de garantie jouent un r?le indispensable dans le financement de PME et le perfectionnement du système de garantie est important pour augmenter leur accès aux crédits. En plus, l’enlèvement du plafond de taux d’intérêt de crédits ainsi que les autres mesures prises par les autorités bancaires vont encourager les prêts bancaires aux PME. Enfin, la finance informelle a une part significative dans le financement de PME. Key Words: SME financing, credit guarantee, informal finance JEL Classification: E26, E51, G21, O53
