















5、IfIhadasingleflowerforeverytimeIthinkaboutyou,Icoul dwalkforeverinmygarden.







withinyouIlosemyself,withoutyouIfindmyselfwantingto belostagain.






























Ifyoulovetwopersons,selectthesecond;becauseyouwilln otlovesomeoneelseifyoutrulylovethefirst.假如你爱上



spendlifewithwhomakesyouhappy,notwhoyouhavetoimpres s.选择让你快乐的那个人来共度余生,而不是你必须努力取悦的那一个。

commitmentdoesn'tmeanstickingtoapersonwhenyoudon'th aveanyoption,itmeanskeepingarelationwithsomeoneeven thoughyouvelotsofoptions.承诺,并不是你除了他别无选择,而是即使你拥有了整座森林,依然选择了他。



you'llneverhavetogothroughanythingalone,everagain,b ecauseyouhavemenow.你再也不必独自经历风雨,因为,你现在有我了。


Don'ttrysohard,thebestthingscomewhenyouleastexpectt hemto.不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

Loveoneanotherandyouwillbehappy.It'sassimpleandasdi fficultasthat.彼此相爱就是幸福。如此简单,如此难。


meetingyouwasfate,becomingyourfriendwasachoice,butf allinginlovewithyouwasbeyondmycontrol.遇见你是命运的安排,成为了朋友是我的选择,而爱上你是我无法控制的意外。


10、Theworstwaytomisssomeoneistobesittingrightbesidethe mknowingyoucan'thavethem.失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他/她近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

wemetatthewrongtime,butseparatedattherighttime.Them osturgentistotakethemostbeautifulscenery,thedeepest woundwasthemostrealemotions.我们在错误的时间相遇,在正确的时间却又分开。走的最急的是最美的景色,伤的最深的是最真的感情。











英文电影精彩语句 1. 《乱世佳人》Tomorrow is another day 2. 《泰坦尼克号》 Jack: You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise. 3. 《终结者》"I'll be back!" 4 《阿甘正传》 Forrest: Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocholates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get." Mother: It's my time. It's just my time. Oh, now, don't be afraid, sweetheart. Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined (注定)to do. I didn't know it. But I was destined to be your momma. I did the best I could. Jenny: Are you stupid or something Forrest: Momma says that stupid is as stupid does. 5 《007系列》"Bond. James Bond." 6 《罗马假日》 I have to leave you now. I'm going to that corner there, and turn. You stay in car and drive away. Promise not to watch me go beyond the coner. Just drive away and leave me as I leave you. Well, life isn't always what one likes, isn't it 7 《美梦成真》The end is only the beginning. 8 《不一样的本能》 "Will you love me for the rest of my life " "No, I'll love you for the rest of mine." Appreciate朗读欣赏 看过小品《心病》的人都会被赵本山,范伟和高秀敏的搞笑表演逗得捧腹不止.哎!巧了,这里正好有个英文版本的文章,一起来看看. Getting to the point Mrs Green was 91 years old and she lived in an Old People's Home. Every week she bought a ticket for the National Lottery. One day she won first prize---twenty million pounds! The nurses didn't know how to tell her, so they called her doctor. "Oh, dear," he said. "She's got a very weak heart. The shock could kill her. If you tell her the news directly, she'll have a heart attact and drop dead. I'll go and tell her myself. I'll be diplomatic." The doctor sat and talked to Mrs Green about the weatlther for five minutes. Then he said casually, "Oh, by the way, there's a lot of news about the National Lottery prize. It's twenty million this week." Mrs Green laughted,"Do you know something I buy a ticket every week. Of course I'll never win, but it gives me something to think about ." "Well," said the doctor, "what would you do if you won that much money " And he laughed. "I've thought about that a lot," she said. "I've got no relatives and I'm 91. I don't need that much money. You've been my doctor for thirty years and you've always been very kind. I would give half of it to you." At that news, the doctor had a heart attack, and dropped dead.


经典英文电影台词100句 美国电影学会于近日评选出了美国电影中的一百句最佳台词,《乱世佳人》的克拉克·盖博口中的“坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎”荣膺榜首。评选结果的影片涵盖面十分广泛,最早的可以追溯到1927 年的第一步有声片《爵士歌手》,最近的则是2002年的《指环王之双塔骑兵》。其中《乱世佳人》、《卡萨布兰卡》、《绿野仙踪》等经典老片在榜上占据了不止一席之位,而《卡萨布兰卡》凭借6句经典台词居首位。美国电影学会总监费斯登堡认为,这些经典的电影台词已经成为了美国语言文化的一个组成部分,评选的目的是为了重新激起人们对美国经典电影的热情。 1,Frankly,my dear,I don't give a damn. 坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎。(《乱世佳人》1939) 2,I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. 我会给他点好处,他无法拒绝。(《教父》1972) 3,You don't understand!Icoulda had class.I coulda been a contender.I could've been somebody,instead of a bum,which is what I am. 你根本不能明白!我本可以获得社会地位,我本可以是个竞争者,我本可以是任何有头有脸的人而不是一个毫无价值的游民!(《码头风云》1954) 4,Toto,I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. 托托,我想我们再也回不去堪萨斯了。(《绿野仙踪》1939) 5,Here's looking at you,kid. 就看你的了,孩子。(《卡萨布兰卡》1942) 6,Go ahead,make my day. 来吧,让我也高兴高兴。(《拨云见日》1983) 7,All right,Mr.DeMille,I'm ready for my close-up. 好了,德米勒先生,我已经准备好拍摄我的特写镜头了。(《日落大道》1950) 8,May the Force be with you. 愿原力与你同在。(《星球大战》1977) 9,Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night. 系紧你的安全带,这将是一个颠簸的夜晚。(《彗星美人》1950)


经典英文电影句子 导读:本文是关于句子大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对待它。 2、If you wish to survive you need to cultivate a strong mental attitude.如果你想活着,你需要培养一种坚强的精神态度。 3、One should love animals. They are so tasty.每个人都应该热爱动物, 因为它们很好吃。 4、You need to believe that someting extraordinary is possible......你需要去相信,生命中有些特别的东西,是可能存在的…… 5、Go back to England and tell them there that Scotland‘s daughters and sons are yours no more. Tell them Scotland is free.回去告诉整个英格兰,苏格兰儿女不再是他们的臣民,告诉他们苏格兰是自由的。 6、You can't change the past.过去的事是不可以改变的。 7、There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours. 那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。


英文电影优美句子 英文电影优美句子 1、stupid is as stupid does. 蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福。 2、Made it,Ma!Top of the world! 好好去做吧,站在世界之巅! 3、Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。 4、You can’t change the past.

过去的事是不可以改变的。 5、home i’ll go home and i’ll think of some way to get him back after all, tomorrow is another day. 家,我要回家我要想办法让他回来不管怎样,明天又是全新的一天。 6、Well,nobody’s perfect. 人无完人。 7、you just stay away from me please. 求你离开我 8、now i find myself in a world which for me is worse than death a world in which there is no place for me.

现在我发现自己活在一个比死还要痛苦的世界,一个无我容身之处的世界。 9、if you are ever in trouble, don’t try to be brave, just run, just run away. 你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。 10、Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy night. 系紧你的安全带,这将是一个颠簸的夜晚。 11、land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for because it’s the only thing that lasts. 土地是世界上唯一值得你去为之工作,为之战斗,为之牺牲的东西,因为它是唯一永恒的东西。


㈠《Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎》 1.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright. 你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。 2.There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours. 那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。 3.Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. 希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的。 ㈡《Forrest Gump 阿甘正传》 1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。 2.Stupid is as stupid does. 蠢人做蠢事(傻人有傻福)。 3.Miracles happen every day. 奇迹每天都在发生。 4.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots. 我和珍妮形影不离。

5.Have you given any thought to your future? 你有没有为将来打算过呢。 6.You just stay away from me please. 求你离开我。 7.If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away. 你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。 8.It made me look like a duck in water. 它让我如鱼得水。 9.Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do. 死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。 10.I was messed up for a long time. 这些年我一塌糊涂。 11.I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidentally―like on a breeze. 我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡。 ㈢《The Lion King狮子王》


电影中优美的英语句子 导读:本文是关于电影中优美的英语句子,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、人若无名,便可专心。——《英雄》 If a man unknown, can focus on. 2、能力越大,责任越重。——《蜘蛛侠》 The heavier with great power comes great responsibility. 3、其实,我是一个演员。——《喜剧之王》 Actually, I'm an actor. 4、真实的东西是最不好看的。——《胭脂扣》 The real thing is the most don't look good. 5、你留下,或者我跟你走。——《海角七号》 You leave, or I go with you. 6、我不爱你了,我不要你了。——《异度空间》 I do not love you, I don't want you. 7、失去了的东西永远不会再回来。——《冷山》 Things lost will never come back again. 8、不是子弹,而是美女杀死了野兽。——《金刚》 Is not a bullet, but beauty killed the beast. 9、历史是由杀死英雄的人写的。——《勇敢的心》 History is written by the person who killed the hero.

10、你不是说爱是不需要语言的吗?——《那小子真帅》 Didn't you say you love does not need language? 11、对爱的人说心里话,不要等太久。——《双雄》 Said to love the truth, don't wait too long. 12、千万不要假戏真做,误了大事。——《十面埋伏》 Don't try, missed the event. 13、我本有心向明月,奈何明月照沟渠。——《天下无贼》 I this intentional gaze toward the moon, but the moon according to the ditch. 14、天地与我并生,万物与我唯一。——《恋爱中的宝贝》 Heaven and earth and I and life, everything only with me. 15、爱情,失去和拥有只在转瞬之间。——《甜蜜蜜》 Love, loss and have only in a wink. 16、你们人类天生就有自我毁灭倾向。——《终结者2》 You humans are naturally has a tendency to self-destruction. 17、我们现在是谈生意,不是谈恋爱。——《喜剧之王》 We are now talking about business, not to fall in love. 18、生活不是电影,生活比电影苦。——《天堂电影院》 Life is not a movie, life than a movie bitter. 19、心里有就有,心里没有就没有。——《周渔的火车》 Heart have and then have, have no have no heart.


简爱Jane Eyre Rochester: You have grown attached to Thornileld. Jane: I have been happy here. Rochester: Would it grieve you to leave it? Jane: Leave it? Rochester: When I marry I shall not want to live here. Jane: Of course. Adele will go to school. I will find another post. I must go in, sir. I am cold. Rochester: Jane. Jane: Please, let me go, sir. Rochester: Jane Jane: Why do you confide in me like this? What are you and she to me? You think that because I'm poor and plain, I have no feelings? I promise you, if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I would make it as hard for you to leave me now as it is for me to leave you. But He did not. But my spirit can address yours, as if both have passed through the grave and stood before heaven equal. Let me go, sir. Rochester: I love you. I love you! Jane: No, don't make me foolish. Rochester:Foolish? I need you. What’s Blanch to me? I know what I am to her. Money to manure her father’s land with. Marry me, Jane. Say you marry me. Jane: You mean it? Rochester: You torture me with your doubts. Say yes, say yes(He takes her chin to his arm and kisser her.)God forgive me. And let no men meddle with me… for I will keep her, keep her. 简:您为什么对我讲这些?您和她(英格拉姆小姐)跟我有什么关系?您以为我穷,不好看,就没有感情吗?告诉你吧,如果上帝赐予我财富和美貌,我会让您难以离开我,就想我现在难以离开您。可上帝没有这样做,但我的灵魂能够同您的灵魂说话,仿佛我们都经过了坟墓,平等地站在上帝面前。 简:让我走,先生。 罗切斯特:我爱你。我爱你! 简:别,别让我干傻事。 罗切斯特:傻事?我需要你,布兰奇(英格拉姆小姐)有什么?我知道我对她意味着什么,是使她父亲的土地变得肥沃的金钱。嫁给我,简。说你嫁给我。 简:你是说真的? 罗切斯特:你的怀疑折磨着我,答应吧,答应吧。(他把她搂在怀里,吻她。)上帝饶恕我,别让任何人干涉我,她是我的,是我的。 Roman Holiday (Solemnly, without speaking, Joe drives Ann through Rome.) ANN:(looking straight ahead)Stop at the next corner, please. JOE:'K. (He slows down, stopping at a corner and leans forward to see the Embassy gate visible down the street)Here?


英文电影经典台词大全 导读:本文是关于英文电影经典台词大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、You can’t handle the truth!你不能操纵事实!《义海雄风》 2、All right,Mr。DeMille,I’m ready for my close-up。好了,德米勒先生,我已经准备好拍摄我的特写镜头了。《日落大道》 3、I am big!It’s the pictures that got small。我是巨大的!是这些照片让我变得渺小了。《日落大道》 4、Death is just a part of life,something we're all destined to do。死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。《阿甘正传》 5、A man can be destroyed but not defeated。一个人可以被毁灭,却不能被打败。《老人与海》 6、I have always depended on the kindness of strangers。我总是非常依赖陌生人的仁慈。《欲望号街车》 7、Love means never having to say you’re sorry。爱就是永远不必说对不起。《爱情故事》 8、You had me at hello。你一开口就征服了我!《加菲猫》 9、After all,tomorrow is another day!毕竟,明天又是新的一天!《乱世佳人》 10、There’s no crying in baseball!在棒球运动中没有哭泣!

《红粉联盟》 11、Oh,Jerry,don’t let’s ask for the moon。We have the stars。噢,杰瑞,不要再乞求能得到月亮了,我们已经拥有星星了。《扬帆》 12、I think it's hard winning a war with words。我认为纸上谈兵没什么作用。《乱世佳人》 13、Wait a minute,wait a minute。You ain’t heard nothin’yet!等一会儿,等一会儿。你肯定听到了什么!《爵士歌手》 14、Shed no tears for me,my glory lives forever!不要为我流泪,我的荣誉将永远流传。《星球大战2》 15、A boy’s best friend is his mother。一个男孩最好的朋友是他的母亲。《惊魂记》 16、Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates。You never know what you’re gonna get。妈妈说生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远都不知道你会得到什么。《阿甘正传》 17、Greed,for lack of a better word,is good。没有比“贪婪”更好的词语了。《华尔街》 18、I feel the need-the need for speed!我感到一种需要,一种加速的需要!《壮志凌云》 19、You talking to me?你是在和我说话吗?《出租车司机》 20、Show me the money!让我看到钱!《甜心先生》 21、I’ll have what she’s having。我会拥有她所拥有的。《当


英文电影优美句子 ㈠《Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎》 1.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright. 你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。 2.There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours. 那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。 3.Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. 希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的。 ㈡《Forrest Gump 阿甘正传》 1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。 2.Stupid is as stupid does. 蠢人做蠢事(也可理解为傻人有傻福)。 3.Miracles happen every day. 奇迹每天都在发生。 4.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots. 我和珍妮形影不离。 5.Have you given any thought to your future? 你有没有为将来打算过呢? 6.You just stay away from me please. 求你离开我。 7.If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away. 你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。 8.It made me look like a duck in water. 它让我如鱼得水。 9.Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do. 死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。 10.I was messed up for a long time. 这些年我一塌糊涂。 11.I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidentally——like on a breeze. 我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡。 ㈢《The Lion King狮子王》 1.Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。 2.I laugh in the face of danger. 越危险就越合我心意。 3.I'm only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble. 我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。 4.When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. 如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对待它。 5.It's like you are back from the dead. 好像你是死而复生似的。


电影台词及句子翻译 1.Dear Leonard, to look life in the face… always to look life in the face, and to know it for what it is. At last, to know it, to love it for what it is and then to put it away.-- 亲爱的伦纳德,要面对人生,要永远直面人生,你才会知道它真正的含义。然后,不管人生是怎样的,都要去热爱它,最后,你才能放弃它。 2.I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately … I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life! To put to rout all that was not life… And not when I came to die, discover that I had not lived…-- 我步入丛林,因为我希望活得有意义…我希望活得深刻,汲取生命所有的精髓!把非生命的一切全都击溃…以免在我生命终结时,发现自己从来没有活过… 3. You're chicken, you've got no guts. You're afraid to stick out your chin and say, "Okay, life's a fact, people do fall in love, people do belong to each other, because that's the only chance anybody's got for real happiness." You call yourself a free spirit, a "wild thing," and you're terrified somebody's goanna stick you in a cage. Well baby, you're already in that cage. You built it yourself. And it's not bounded in the west by Tulip, Texas, or in the east by Somali-land. It's wherever you go. Because no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself. -- 你怕事,你没胆量,你害怕挺起胸膛说:生活就是这样。人们相爱,互相属于对方,因为这是获得真正快乐的唯一机会,你自称为野性不羁,却怕别人把你关在笼子里,你已经身在笼子里了,是你亲手建起来的,它不受地域所限,它一直紧随着你,不管你往哪去,你总受困于自己。 4.Don't destroy it. Protect it. Embrace it. It's goanna make you proud one day, I promise you.--< Scent of a Woman> 相信我,别毁了它,保护它,拥抱它,有一天您会为之骄傲,我保证。 5.Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.-- 世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。 6.荡气回肠,是为了最美的平凡。--寂地 With courage, you can a better person. 7. 只是想想的话,梦想只是梦想,也永远只能是梦想。--卢丽莉 Without action, your dream is only a dream.


都说听过很多哲理,却依然过不好这一生。那是因为我们会经常忘了,那些曾经震撼心灵的话语。 “鸡汤”多饮则腻,无益;少而精,则进补。下文的一些电影经典台词句句扎心。让我们抖抖行囊,再次出发。 I'm letting life hit me until it gets tired. Then I'll hit back. It's a class rope-a-dope. — Sebastian, from La La Land 我任由生活对我百般打击,直到它累为止。然后我再反击,就像拳击赛上的短暂休息。——塞巴斯汀《爱乐之城》 Do, or do not. There is no "try". – Yoda, from Star Wars 一不做,二不休。没有“尝试”这一说。——犹达《星球大战》

The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it. – Jordan Belfort, from The Wolf of Wall Street 你和目标之间相隔的距离,就是你一直告诉自己你做不到。——乔丹·贝尔福特《华尔街之狼》 I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now. – Edna Mode, from The Incredibles 我从不回头看,亲爱的。因为它会扰乱现状。—— E夫人《超人总动员》 However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. – from The


扩展阅读: 非常经典有深度的电影英文台词 1.一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本是费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。 One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone. 2.幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望达成。当你想吃的时候有得吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你。 Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love. 3.爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。 Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last. 4.我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。 I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you. 5.爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。 Love makes man grow up or sink down. 6.举得起放得下的叫举重,举得起放不下的叫负重。可惜,大多数人的爱情,都是负重的。 If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it's called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.


《功夫熊猫》 1. On e meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. .往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇。 2. Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear. 你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。 3. Quit!d on't quit! Noodles!don't noodles! You are too concerned with at once and what will be .Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, and Today is a Gift: That's why we call it----the Present. 放弃,不放弃。做面条,不做面条。你太在乎过去是怎样,将来会怎样了。有句谚语说得好,昨日之日不可留,明日之日未可知,今日之日胜现金。这就是为什么叫做"现金"了。 4. Yesterday is h istory Tomorrow is a mystery But today is a gift That is why it?s called the present (the gift)昨天是历史了,明天还是未知,但今天是礼物,所以今天才叫present (有“现在”和“礼物”的意思)。 5. There are no accidents 存在即合理 6.(1) but there are things we can control I can control when the fruit will fall ... And I can control What time to seed 师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落,我还可以控制在何处播种。 (2). Yes, but no matter what you do, That seed will grow to be a peach tree, You may wish for an Apple or an orange , But you will get a peach. 乌龟:是啊不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树,你可能想要苹果或桔子,可你只能得到桃子,那个种子还是会长成桃树。 7. you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits. 你不能走,真的武士决不会退却


电影类 Into the wild 1.When he did,he would do it with characteristic immodration. 一旦开始,就绝不会回头。 2.It is associated in our minds with escape from history and oppression and law and irksome obligations absoulte freedom. 在我们心中它意味着逃离过去,苦恼,约束和烦人的责任和完全的自由3.A in Aparthied in South African Society.A-minus in Contemporary African Politics and the Food Crisis in Africa. A在南非社会代表着种族隔离,A代表着同期南非政治和食物紧缺。 4.Rather than love,than money,than faith,than fame,than fairness,give me truth. 我宁可不要爱情,金钱,信仰,名誉,公平,请给我事情的真实。 5.Some people feel like they don't deserve love,they walk away quietly into empty spaces,trying to close the gaps to the past. 有些人认为他们注定得不到真爱,静静的走向没有感情的未来,试图断绝和过去所有的联系。 6.The sea's only gifts are harsh blows,and,occasionally,the chance to feel strong.Now,i don't know much about the sea,but i do know that's the way it is here.And i also know how important it is in life ,not necessarily to be strong ,but to feel strong . 大海唯一能给我们的就是无情的海浪,有时候海浪会来的很猛烈。现在我对大海知之甚少,但我知道这就是它存在的方式。我还知道在自己的生命中,你不必很强壮,却要觉得自己很强壮。 7.To measure yourself at least once,to find yourself at least once in the most ancient of human conditions,facing the blind,deaf stone alone,with nothing help you but your hands and your own head. 哪怕只有一次也要去证明自;哪怕只有一次,也要在原生态中去发现自我,独自一人去面对冰冷的石头,仅仅用自己的头脑和双手来帮助自己。 8.The freedom and simple beauty is just too good to pass up . 自由和单纯因太美好而匆匆流逝。 9.There was clearly felt the presence of a force not bound to,be kind to man 我感受到自然的力量,他并不会偏向人类。 10.The core of man's spirit comes from new experiences. 人类的新灵魂来自人类的新经历。 11.But when you forgive,you love.And when you love,God's lights shines on you.
