A GOOD YEAR (一年好时光)

A GOOD YEAR (一年好时光)
A GOOD YEAR (一年好时光)

A GOOD YEAR一年好时光2008-07-26 18:02:54











win isn't everything, is the only thing!















其实这个美女是他在小时候就认识的,他叔叔情妇的女儿,当年在游泳池边亲了在看书的他,然后在耳边说过:forgive my lips


they find joy in the most unusal places.














另很喜欢其中的小演员,FREDDIE(是八月迷情里面小天才指挥家的主角),太乖了!片子不错,泡一杯柠檬水,阳光的下午很惬意的enjoy it 吧!


圣诞节英语故事作文:小男孩圣诞节英语故事作文:小男孩 it is said that there was a farmer served a poor boy on a cold windy chrismas eve and gave him a big chrisemas meal. the boy cut a fir tree's branch and inserted it into the earth.he said, "every year this time. there will be many presents in this branch. i wish i can pay back to your favor by this beautiful fir tree. " after the boy left, the farmer discovered that the branch had grow up as a big tree. then he realized that the boy was an envoy of the god. this is the origin of the chrismas day. in western countries, whatever you are, everyone will prepare a chrismas tree to increase the happiness of the chrismas day. chrismas trees are made of evergreen tree like fir trees and they represent the long lives.people put candles,flowers,toys,stars on the tree and they put chrismas present on the tree. on chrismas eve,people sing and dance happily and they enjoy themselves around the tree. 1 / 1 文章来源网络整理,仅供参考学习


1、A Christmas Gift 圣诞礼物 A guy bought his wife a beautiful diamond ring for Christmas. 圣诞节来了,一位先生给他太太送的圣诞礼物是一个非常漂亮的钻石戒子。 After hearing about this extravagant gift, a friend of his said, "I thought she wanted one of those sporty four-wheel-drive vehicles." 他朋友听到他买这么奢侈的礼物后,说到:“她不是想要辆四驱车吗”。 "She did," he replied. "But where was I going to find a fake Jeep?" 先生答:“是啊,(可以买到假钻石),可去哪里能买一辆假吉普车呢?” 2、Entering Heaven 进天堂 Three men died on Christmas Eve and were met by Saint Peter at the pearly gates. 三名男子都死于平安夜,而后分别在天堂之门被圣彼得召见。 "In honor of this holy season," Saint Peter said, "You must each possess something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven." 圣彼得说:“因为这个神圣的节日,你们每个人都必须有象征圣诞节的物品才能进入天堂”。 The first man fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter. He flicked it on. "It represents a candle," he said. "You may pass through the pearly gates," Saint Peter said. 第一名男子从他得口袋里掏出了个打火机,他打燃打火机说:“它代表蜡烛”。于是圣彼得就让他进入了天堂。 The second man reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. He shook them and said, "They're bells." Saint Peter said, "You may pass through the pearly gates." 第二个男子从口袋里掏出一串钥匙,他把钥匙在手里摇了摇说:“它们是铃铛”圣诞老人也让他上了天堂。 The third man started searching desperately through his pockets and finally pulled out a pair of women's glasses. 第三个男子绝望的在口袋里掏了半天,最后掏出了一副女人的眼镜。 St. Peter looked at the man with a raised eyebrow and asked,


圣诞节英文小故事 1、传说有个心地善良的没落贵族,生活非常艰难。三个女儿快要出嫁了,他为没有钱给她们买嫁妆而难过。喜庆的圣诞夜,三个姑娘早早地蜷在炕上睡觉了,剩下父亲在长吁短叹。圣诞老人决定帮助他们。他在他们家的烟囱里撒下了许多金子,落进姑娘们烤在火炉旁的长统丝袜里。从此,他们过上了幸福而快乐的生活……圣诞节的袜子就这样产生 it is said that there was a goodness man went broke his domain. he lived a hard life and he has three daughters. the three daughters were being married but he didn't have money to buy dower for his daughters. on the happy chrismas eve three girls went to bed early. they didn't know that their father was so worried. at last the chrismas father decided to help them . he besprinkled gold through the stack and the gold fell into the socks of the man's daughters. they lived a happy life from then on… chrismas socks was origined by this. 2、圣诞老人为奥丁神后裔。也传说称圣诞老人由圣·尼古拉而来,所以圣诞老人也称st.nicholas。据说他原是小亚细亚每拉城的


圣诞节小学英语作文 导语:圣诞节是西方重要而有趣的节日,现在很多中国小朋友都很喜欢圣诞节。下面是XX为你准备的圣诞节小学英语作文,希望对你有帮助!篇一:圣诞节小学英语作文 hristmas is coming i like christmas, it is just like our spring festival. maybe the spring festival is much more important and interesting than christmas, but i like christmas day better. because we can spend time with our friends and classmates during christmas. when it is snowy, christmas becomes much more lovely, just like in fairytales. i can imagine i am in a fairytale, the girl who sold the matches is my friend, the ugly duck becoming more and more beautiful and so on. what a beautiful place! so we can also call christmas “snowy lovely day.” on christmas day, shops are red and green. there are so many christmas cards, christmas hats, christmas dolls and many colourful things. so shops look very beautiful. we can give a card or a doll to our friends and say “merry christmas.” by the way, i think studying can also become much more is coming, it also means a new year will come.


圣诞节英语小故事:姜饼人 Gingerbread man圣诞姜饼人在西方家喻户晓的童话形象。出自The Gingerbread man这个传统故事,讲一只刚烤好的姜饼小人为了避免被吃的命运,从烤箱里逃出来,一路狂奔,躲过了老爷爷老奶奶,猪,牛,马,最后在过河时,被狡猾的狐狸欺骗还是被吃掉了。整个故事里姜饼小人一直在唱一句话“Run, run, as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man.” 所以“姜饼人”被用来形容那种单纯又勇往直前的人。基本上,有天歌词里说的"bigger than Gingerbread man's vitality"等同于我们说的“比打不死的小强还具有生命力”的意思。在英国还流传着一个传说,未婚女子吃下姜饼,即能遇见理想的伴侣。每到盛大的节日,大人们就会将各种形状如心形、人形的姜饼送给孩子们,或偷偷地放入孩子们期待的袜子 姜饼人一家.jpg The Gingerbread man 姜饼人 Once upon a time a little old woman and a little old man lived in a cottage. One day the little old woman made a gingerbread man. She gave him currants for eyes and cherries for buttons. She put him in the oven to bake. The little old woman and little old man were very hungry and wanted to eat the gingerbread man. As soon as he was cooked, the little old woman opened the oven door. The gingerbread man jumped out of the tin and ran out of the open window shouting, 'Don't eat me!' The little old woman and little old man ran after the gingerbread man.


幼儿园圣诞节故事 圣诞节的由来故事圣诞节的由来故事每年的12月25日,是基督教徒纪念耶稣诞生的日子,称为圣诞节。 从12月24日于翌年1月6日为圣诞节节期。 节日期间,各国基督教徒都举行隆重的纪念仪式。 圣诞节本来是基督教徒的节日,由于人们格外重视,它便成为一个全民性的节日,国家一年中最盛大的节日,可以和新年相提并论,是西方似我国过春节。 西方人以红、绿、白三色为圣诞色,圣诞节来临时家家户户都要用圣诞色来装饰。 红色的有圣诞花和圣诞蜡烛。 绿色的是圣诞树。 它是圣诞节的主要装饰品,用砍伐来的杉、柏一类呈塔形的常青树装饰而成。 上面悬挂着五颜六色的彩灯、礼物和纸花,还点燃着圣诞蜡烛。 红色与白色相映成趣的是圣诞老人,他是圣诞节活动中最受欢迎的人物。 西方儿童在圣诞夜临睡之前,要在壁炉前或枕头旁放上一只袜子,等候圣诞老人在他们入睡后把礼物放在袜子内。 在西方,扮演圣诞老人也是一种习俗。 圣诞节这个名称是基督弥撒的缩字。

弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。 耶诞节是一个宗教节。 我们把它当作耶苏的诞辰来庆祝,因而又名耶诞节。 这一天,全世界所有的基督教会都举行特别的礼拜仪式。 但是有很多圣诞节的欢庆活动和宗教并无半点关联。 交换礼物,寄圣诞卡,这都使圣诞节成为一个普天同庆的日子。 耶稣的出生是有一段故事的,耶稣是因着圣灵成孕,由童女马利亚所生的。 神更派遣使者加伯列在梦中晓谕约瑟,叫他不要因为马利亚未婚怀孕而不要她,反而要与她成亲,把那孩子起名为耶稣,意思是要他把百姓从罪恶中救出来。 当马利亚快要临盘的时候,罗马政府下了命令,全部人民到伯利恒务必申报户籍。 约瑟和马利亚只好遵命。 他们到达伯利恒时,天色已昏,无奈两人未能找到旅馆渡宿,只有一个马棚可以暂住。 就在这时,耶稣要出生了!於是马利亚唯有在马槽上,生下耶稣。 后人为纪念耶稣的诞生,便定十二月二十五为圣诞节,年年望弥撒,纪念耶稣的出世。 圣诞节便是於十二月二十五日纪念耶稣的诞生,但真实的诞生日就没有人知道了。


圣诞节中小学英语精选作文 导语:圣诞节是西方重要而有趣的节日,现在很多中国小朋友都很喜欢圣诞节。下面是小编为你准备的圣诞节中小学英语精选作文,希望对你有帮助! 篇一:圣诞节中小学英语精选作文hristmas is coming i like christmas, it is just like our spring festival. maybe the spring festival is much more important and interesting than christmas, but i like christmas day better. because we can spend time with our friends and classmates during christmas. when it is snowy, christmas becomes much more lovely, just like in fairytales. i can imagine i am in a fairytale, the girl who sold the matches is my friend, the ugly duck becoming more and more beautiful and so on. what a beautiful place! so we can also call christmas “snowy lovely day.” on christmas day, shops are red and green. there are so many christmas cards, christmas hats, christmas dolls and many colourful things. so shops look very beautiful. we can give a card or a doll to our friends and say “merry christmas.” by the way, i think studying can also become much more interesting.christmas is coming, it also means a new year will


圣诞节英语故事带翻译:圣诞老人的故事 On the 24th of December every year, children around the world put out milk and cookies in the hopes of luring a magic fat man into their home who will leave presents behind before sneaking into the house next door. 每年的12月24日,世界各地的孩子都会拿出牛奶及饼干,希望能吸引一名有魔法的胖男人来到他们家,并在偷偷潜入下一户人家前留下礼物。 How did such an odd tradition begin? 这样奇怪的传统是如何开始的? You can pretty much blame Northern Europe, where the winter weather is cold and dark and depressing. And the coldest and darkest and depressingest day is the Solstice on December 21st to 22nd when the sun only gives a few weak hours of light if any at all. 你几乎能够归咎于北欧,在这里冬天的气候又冷、又暗、令人消沈。而最冷、最暗、最令人消沈的一天是12月21日到22日的冬至,这时即便有阳光,也只会带来几个小时的微弱光明。 These sun-deprived people invented magical characters to visit them and lighten the mood by bringing gifts and celebrations. These characters ranged from elves to Gods to goats, but there are two of particular interest to the modern story. 这些缺乏日光的人们创造出神秘的角色拜访他们,并带来礼物及庆典来放松他们的情绪。这些角色的范围从精灵到神、到山羊都有,但对现代故事来说,其中有两个特别重要。


圣诞节小故事中英版 圣诞节小故事(中英对照) : 1 圣诞老人为奥丁神后裔。也传说称圣诞老人由圣·尼古拉而来,所以圣诞老人也称st.nicholas。据说他原是小亚细亚每拉城的主教,名叫圣尼古拉,死后被尊为圣徒,是一位身穿红袍、头戴红帽的白胡子老头。每年圣诞节他驾着鹿拉的雪橇从北方而来,由烟囱进入各家,把圣诞礼物装在袜子里挂在孩子们的床头上或火炉前。所以,西方人过圣诞节时,父母把给孩子的圣诞礼物装在袜子里,圣诞夜时挂在孩子们的床头上。第二天,孩子们醒来后的第一件事就是在床头上寻找圣诞老人送来的礼物 英语:chrismas father was the descendant of a deity called odin. it’s also said that chrismas father comes from san nichola, so he is also called st.nicholas. he was the bishop of asia minor city of rafah and he was called a man of god after his death. he is an old man in red clothes and he wears a red hat.he has white mustache. he comes from the north on a blowmobile every chrismas day. he went into people’s houses by the track and he put the presents into children’s socks. so in western countries,parents put the gifts to their kids in kids’ socks and put them on the head of the bed on chrismas eve. on the second day, the first thing after kids wake up is to find the presents from chrismas fathers. 2 传说有个心地善良的没落贵族,生活非常艰难。三个女儿快要出嫁了,他为没有钱给她们买嫁妆而难过。喜庆的圣诞夜,三个姑娘早早地蜷在炕上睡觉了,剩下父亲在长吁短叹。圣诞老人决定帮助他们。他在他们家的烟囱里撒下了许多金子,落进姑娘们烤在火炉旁的长统丝袜里。从此,他们过上了幸福而快乐的生活……圣诞节的袜子就这样产生 英语it is said that there was a goodness man went broke his domain. he lived a hard life and he has three daughters. the three daughters were being married but he didn’t have money to buy dower for his daughters. on the happy chrismas eve three girls went to bed early. they didn’t know that their father was so worried. at last the chrismas father decided to help them . he besprinkled gold through the stack and the gold fell into the socks of the man’s daughters. they lived a happy life from then on... chrismas socks was origined by this. 3 另一个传说记载。据说有一位农民在一个风雪交加的圣诞夜里接待了一个饥寒交迫的小孩,让他吃了一顿丰盛的圣诞晚餐,这个孩子告别时折了一根杉树枝插在地上并祝福说:“年年此日,礼物满枝,留此美丽的杉村,报答你的好意。”小孩走后,农民发现那树枝竟变成了一棵小树,他才明白自己接待的原来是一位上帝的使者。这个故事就成为圣诞树的来源。在西方,不论是否基督徒,过圣诞节时都要准备一棵圣诞树,以增加节日的欢乐气氛。圣诞树一般是用杉柏之类的常绿树做成,象征生命长存。树上装饰着各种灯烛、彩花、玩具、星星,挂上各种圣诞礼物。圣诞之夜,人们围着圣诞树唱歌跳舞,尽情欢乐 中国大学排名 英语it is said that there was a farmer served a poor boy on a cold windy chrismas eve and gave him a big chrisemas meal. the boy cut a fir tree’s branch and inserted it into the earth.he said, “every year this time. there will be many presents in this branch. i wish i can pay back to your favor by this beautiful fir tree. “ after the boy left, the farmer discovered that the branch had g row up as a big tree. then he realized that the boy was an envoy of the god. this is the origin of the


圣诞节的小故事英文 【篇一:英汉小故事集:圣诞节的捉迷藏2】 幼儿英文图书: christmas hide and seek 2 billy followed one of the elves into santas workshop. the elves were busy packing up toys. billy wanted to help,but the elves were too busy to tell him how. billy decided to go look for his father. he saw his father talking to santa claus near the reindeer stables. billy didnt want to bother him,so he went into the stables instead. billy had never seen reindeer before,and he thought they were very big. billy looked at the biggest one and said, wow,youre much bigger than i thought you would be. the reindeer nodded and said,yes,many people say that. did you say something? asked billy. he saw scared because animals arent supposed to talk. yes,i did, said the reindeer matter-of-factly. my name is dasher. whats your name? billy understood. this was santas reindeer,so of course they could talk. my name is billy. santa said you were sick. are you feeling better? he asked. were not sick, said dasher sadly. were just really sad. we cant fly if were sad. oh,just like peter pan, said billy. when he taught wendy and the boys to fly,he said they had to think happy thoughts. dasher nodded. yes,thats right,but its hard to think happy thoughts when everyone is so busy. santa doesnt have time for us anymore. were lonely and we miss him. billy looked at dasher and said, if i bring santa in here right now,will that make you happy?


圣诞老人的故事:圣诞节英语故事 Father Christmas is based on a real person, St. Nicholas, which explains his other name 'Santa Claus' which comes from the Dutch 'Sinterklaas'. Nicholas was a Christian leader from Myra (in modern-day Turkey) in the 4th century AD. He was very shy, and wanted to give money to poor people without them knowing about it. It is said that one day, he climbed the roof of a house and dropped a purse of money down the chimney. It landed in the stocking which a girl had put to dry by the fire! This may explain the belief that Father Christmas comes down the chimney and places gifts in children's stockings. 圣诞老人源于土耳其历的一个真实人物,他的名字叫圣尼古拉斯,他的另一个名字'Santa Claus' 源于荷兰语'Sinterklaas'。尼古拉斯 是一个从米拉(现在的土耳其)来的基督教领袖。尼古拉斯很害羞, 想给穷人赠送物资又怕被穷人知道。传说,有一天,他从房顶的烟囱 里扔前给某户人家,结果刚好扔进了那位姑娘的袜子里,那个姑娘原 本是把袜子挂在炉边想烤干的。这或许就是大家相信圣诞老人从烟囱 里把礼物放进孩子的袜子里的缘由吧。 -------- 圣·尼古拉斯(Saint Nicholas)是圣诞老人原型(Santa Clause),是土耳其历真实存有的一位主教。公元前3世纪末, 圣·尼古拉斯出生在地中海沿岸的潘特拉(Patara)。他虽出生在一 个富裕人家,但从小心地善良,乐善好施,经常救助穷人。圣·尼古 拉斯喜欢以匿名的方式赠送给当地穷人各种礼物。在公元346年去世后,他被尊称为圣人,其生前事迹后来演变成今天圣诞老人的传说。


圣诞节英语小故事 中文版:圣诞老人为奥丁神后裔。也传说称圣诞老人由圣·尼古拉而来,所以圣诞老人也称St.Nicholas。据说他原是小亚细亚每拉城的主教,名叫圣尼古拉,死后被尊为圣徒,是一位身穿红袍、头戴红帽的白胡子老头。每年圣诞节他驾着鹿拉的雪橇从北方而来,由烟囱进入各家,把圣诞礼物装在袜子里挂在孩子们的床头上或火炉前。所以,西方人过圣诞节时,父母把给孩子的圣诞礼物装在袜子里,圣诞夜时挂在孩子们的床头上。第二天,孩子们醒来后的第一件事就是在床头上寻找圣诞老人送来的礼物 英文版:Chrismas Father was the descendant of a deity called Odin. It's also said that Chrismas Father comes from San Nichola, so he is also called St.Nicholas. He was the bishop of Asia Minor city of Rafah and he was called a man of God after his death. He is an old man in red clothes and he wears a red hat.He has white mustache. He comes from the north on a blowmobile every Chrismas Day. He went into people's houses by the track and he put the presents into children's socks. So in western countries,parents put the gifts to their kids in kids' socks and put them on the head of the bed on Chrismas Eve. On the second day, the first thing after kids wake up is to find the presents from Chrismas Fathers.


圣诞节小故事 For dragon Christmas Day is coming now.then,today,I will tell dragon something about christmas! Firstly,there are a few of short stories about christmas.You should read them with me. Then,I will ask you some questions.You must answer them in English! OK,Let’s begin! 1. Chrismas Father was the descendant of a deity called Odin. It's also said that Chrismas Father comes from San Nichola, so he is also called St.Nicholas. He was the bishop of Asia Minor city of Rafah and he was called a man of God after his death. He is an old man in red clothes and he wears a red hat.He has white mustache. He comes from the north on a blowmobile every Chrismas Day. He went into people's houses by the track and he put the presents into children's socks. So in western countries,parents put the gifts to their kids in kids' socks and put them on the head of the bed on Chrismas Eve. On the second day, the first thing after kids wake up is to find the presents from Chrismas Fathers.

[有关于圣诞节的英语小短文] 英语小短文

[有关于圣诞节的英语小短文] 英语小短文 提前祝朋友们圣诞节快乐。希望在不同的节日里都能找到一个不同一般的自己。小编整理了有关于圣诞节的英语小短文,欢迎阅读!有关于圣诞节的英语小短文篇一merry christmas it was one of the last days before christmas, and the as sistants in the large store had their hands full serving eager christmas shoppers. at one counter an old lady was choosing gloves red ones for her daugher in law, light blue ones for her niece, pink ones for her grand daughter, green ones for her sister and by the time she had found what she wanted, the counter was covered with pairs of all colors and sizes. when the salesgirl had finally written out the bill and was about to turn to the next customer with a tired voice. “thank you very much, madam,” the old lady suddenly cried out, “oh, i almost forgot...”——”anything else, madam?” said the girl, “yes,” began the old lady, “i’d like to buy another pair, but i’ m not quite sure about what exactly i should cloose. i wonder if you could help me.” “certainly, madam”, was the girl’s reply. the old lady then went on to explain that w hat she was looking for was a pair of gloves for a girl of her age. she was not at ail sure what color to choose, and the design was a problem too.有关于圣诞节的英语小短文篇二Christmas Day 圣诞节 Christmas Day is the biggest festival in the western is on December 25, the birthday of Jesus the festival, every family will buy a Christmas tree, and put it in the middle of the living-room. And their houses look more soft and beautiful. 圣诞节是西方国家最盛大的节日。节日在12月25日,是耶稣基督的生日。节日前,每个家庭都要买一颗圣诞树,放在起居室的中央,这样他们家看起来又温馨又漂亮。 On Christmas Eve, children always hang up their Christmas stockings and hope Father Christmas will come to put presents in them. In fact, their parents put the presents in their stockings. 在平安夜,孩子们总是把圣诞袜挂起来,希望圣诞老人会把礼物放到里面,实际上把礼物放到袜里面的是他们的父母。 How interesting it is! On Christmas Day, people say “Merry Christmas” to each other. 你说有趣不有趣! 在圣诞节那天,人们互相祝贺“圣诞快乐”。有关于圣诞节的英语小短文篇三 Christmas Day 圣诞节 Most westerners always celebrate Christmas Day as their major festival, in order to memorialize that time, they always have several days off, so they can enjoy this festival with all their children often get together with their adults are busy with decorating their also send the postcards with their best wishes to each other. In the streets, there are so many Fathers Christmas sending presents to the everything is on a discount in the the supermarkets are the busiest places. 为了纪念耶稣大部分西方人都庆祝圣诞节作为他们的主要节日。在这段时间里,他们总是有好几天假,所以他们可以全身心的享受这个节日。小孩们经常与他们的朋友聚在一起。大人都忙着装饰他们的房子。他们还互相赠送明信片以及他们对彼此的祝福。在街上,有很多圣诞老人在派送礼物给路人。超市里面的所有东西都在打折。所以,超市是最忙的地方。


【圣诞老人的故事】圣诞老人英语故 事 【--圣诞节祝福语】 圣诞节(Christmas)又称耶诞节,译名为“基督弥撒”,西方传统节日,在每年12月25日。圣诞节吃苹果、带圣诞帽、寄送圣诞贺卡,参加圣诞派对,圣诞购物等成了中国人生活的一部分。以下是整理的圣诞老人英语故事,欢迎阅读。 圣诞老人英语故事1Chrismas Father was the descendant of a deity called Odin. It's also said that Chrismas Father comes from San Nichola, so he is also called St.Nicholas. He was the bishop of Asia Minor city of Rafah and he was called a man of God after his death. He is an old man in red clothes and he wears a red hat.He has white mustache. He comes from the north on a blowmobile every Chrismas Day. He went into people's houses by the track and he put the presents into children's socks. So in western countries,parents put the gifts to their kids in kids' socks and put them on the head of the bed on Chrismas Eve. On the second day, the first thing after kids wake up is to find the
