


Ⅰ. Structure (10 points with each of 1 point)

Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section, For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence.

1.Choose furniture that is _______ with the style of the house .

A. constant

B. considerate

C. consistent

D. considerate

2.With so much work to do at home, I ______ get a chance to read .

A. barely

B. hardly

C. seldom

D. scarcely

3.The car ______ on the way to the airport and I had to get a taxi.

A broke out

B broke in

C broke down

D broke through

4.A serious mistake has ______ in the planning.

A turned out

B turned away

C turned up

D turned over

5.Mike is a ______ friend of mine.

A valuable

B value

C invaluable

D valued

6. We shouldn’t just seek to live ______ comfort.

A with

B in

C on

D by

7. The size of your shoes is ______ by that of your feet

A decided

B determined

C managed

D fixed

8. His parents______ the child was left with no one to look after

A having died

B died

C dead

D having dead

9. _______ you’ve found, you must give it back to the person it belongs to .

A That

B What

C Whatever

D Which

10. To my surprise, the twins have ______ in common with each other .

A much

B something

C anything

D nothing

Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension (40points with each of 2 points)

Directions: There are four reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose one best answer.

Passage One

William Faulkner of Oxford was not a native of Oxford ; nor was he born with the name Faulkner . He was born in New Alberny, Missisippi ,on September 25 , 1897 , and the family spelled the name Faulkner . He published his first book when he was twenty—seven . He was awarded the Nobel Prize nor literature when he was fifty—three. He was generally acknowledged as the major American writer of his time when he died on July 6. 1962. Faulkner or Falkner, he spent almost the whole of his life in the Mississippi town called Oxford , which many readers know as Jefferson Even to the people of Oxford , Faulkner was a kind of legend in his life time . There was , for example the mystery of who put the “u” in William’s last name . For many years the commonly accepted story was that it was a careless printer, in setting type for “The Marble Faun (1924). Faulkner’s biographer Carvel Collins demonstrates that the writer himself added it, and , at least occasionally , as early as 1918 .”

11. When did Faulkner win the Nobel Prize for literature?

A 1918

B 1924

C 1950

D 1962

12. Faulkner died at the age of ______

A twenty—seven

B fifty—three

C sixty—two

D sixty—five

13. Faulkner lived most of his life in ______

A Jefferson

B Oxford

C New Albermy

D his birthplace

14. The letter “u” in Faulkner’s name added first ______

A a careless printer

B Carvel Collins

C Faulkner’s family

D Faulkner himself

15 When the letter “u” in Faulkner’s name was added first _______

A1918 B 1962 C 1924 D 1950

Passage Two

Many university students dislike studying history because there is little to get excited about when historical event are presented in a boring manner. However, I’ll never forget my American History professor Dr Williamson . Each event leaped from the pages of our text and become as real as the daily news report on the radio. My favorite lecture concerned the American Revolution. Dr. Williamson told us the story Paul Revere, a well-known silversmith, working in his shop. The American colonists were angry because of the British control over their lives. Revere felt that war between the British and the colonists was inevitable. Then, Dr. Williamson told us about Revere rowing across the Charles River from Boston on April 18.1775.I can see the professor now as he raised his hand to his forehead as if he were looking across the Charles River to the Old North Church in Boston. Suddenly, Revere caught sight of two lanterns, a signal which meant that the British would attack by sea . He jumped on his horse to warm the villagers of the attack. Professor Williamson reminded us that the first battles of the American Revolution were fought at Concord and at Lexington, Massachusetts, the year before the Declaration of Independence was singed in 1776. Never before had history seemed so alive to me. And all because

a professor cared enough to put his heart into his teaching .

16. According to the passage, most students dislike history because ______

A history teachers are poorly prepared

B most students are not excited

C teachers of history fail to present facts in an interesting

D Most students feel that history is a waste of time

17. How did Paul Revere earn a living ?

A. he was a soldier

B. he was a blacksmith

C. he was a silversmith

D. he was a teacher

18. Where was the Old North Church located ?

A. In Boston

B. In Concord

C. In Lexington

D. In Britain

19. What did the signal of two lanterns tell Revere ?

A. The British were rowing across the river

B. The British would attack by sea

C. The British would start a war at Concord and Lexington

D. The British were retreating to the Charles River

20. In which year were the first battles of the Revolution fought ?

A. In 1774

B. In 1775

C. In 1776

D. In 1777

Passage Three

For India starting its independent life only thirteen years ago , there were alarming problems to be faced immediately if the country was to survive at all as an entity . Overwhelming questions involved a working constitution , food ,industrialization ,unity of the world . It is hard to imagine a less favorable beginning for the birth of a nation . Special solutions had to be developed for special conditions . “At short notice India had to carry out a series of revolutions which , in the western nations , had been spread over several centuries . ”Consequently , in keeping with its ideal of “this and that .” India worked out its individual parliamentary system and its social , economic and political patterns , borrowing form all over the world and adopting to its own needs .

21. The title that best expresses the ideas of this passage is ______

A. India before independence

B. India dependence

C. India’s economic system

D. Complexities of India independence

22. The expression “this and that ” implies that India is ______

A. adopting western ideas and systems

B. eager work out its own system and borrow some from other countries

C. carrying on a violent revolution

D. dissatisfied on a violent revolution

23. Thirteen years ago , India _______

A. was a highly unified nation

B. had an independent parliament

C. had a less developed economy

D. had been in close contact with other countries

24. It’s clear from the passage that ______

A. One of the questions that India faced thirteen years ago is about its industrialization

B. India had many problems setting up its parliamentary system thirteen years ago

C. India didn’t have its individual parliamentary system till five years ago

D. The solution that India found to solve its problems is to carry on a revolution

25. From your reading of the passage ,what special solution did India use to solve its problems ?

A. Economic reform

B. Establishing the relation with the rest of the world

C. Borrowing the parliamentary system ,social , economic and political patterns from all over the world

D. Realizing its industrialization , integration of the states , civil and social services.

Passage Four

We all know why we’re meeting here today and we can all see by the poor attendance how important it is that at least some students take action to improve the quality of university life .At present in this university learning is a mere extension of secondary school . We have but one representative on the governing body and therefore our voice is simply not begin heard .

It’s your brain they’re training but you have no choice as to how it’s done . It’s you who have to graduate but you have no say in graduation requirement . It’s you who will pay the rest of your life though tax ,for your training here , but you have no control over the provision of the facilities for learning . Who then are the people who decide ?Who make up the academic establishment ?The answer is :the same people who question the social structure . The same people who advocate truth but pursue self—interest . Students come and go but professors seem to go no forever . For this reason we must act now and quickly . The Minister’s visit provides us with a rare opportunity to focus public attention on our justified demand for radical reform .

I want you therefore to elect protest officers who will organize front line demonstrations . I want you to discuss the raising of funds . For we must have money to overcome a money –mad system ;we must have organization to counteract an over—organized society ; we must have strategy to out –maneuver(操作) cunning(熟练) . Let us think now , so that we can act now .

26. Students meeting was called to ______

A. give students more responsibilities in running their studies

B. elect a representative to the governing boy

C. help to make some improvements on their voices

D. find ways of increasing attendance of the students

27. Why does the speaker consider that students lack participation in university affairs ?

A. They rarely attend meetings

B. They get little chance to speak

C. They are not intellectually trained

D. They are ignored

28. Who are the people , according to the speaker , that should have say in university affairs ?

A. Taxpayers

B. Professors

C. Students

D. University authorities

29. The speaker says that it is time to act now because ______

A. a government official is visiting the university

B. public attention is visiting on the university

C. the time is ripe for radical reform

D. otherwise professors will go no forever

30. How is protest to be made ?

A. By raising to be made

B. by an over—organized society

C. By demonstrations against the university

D. By putting officers in the front line

Ⅲ .Cloze (40points with each of 2 points)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B, C, and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage.

Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school ?You will (31)____ say that they go to learn their (32)____ language and other languages , arithmetic , geography , history , and all the other (33)____ . That is (34)____ true , but (35)____ do they learn these things ?And are these things (36)____ that they learn at school ?

We send our children to school to (37)____ them for the time when they will be (38)____ and will go to work for themselves . Nearly (39)____ they study at school has some practical use in their life ,but is that the only (40)____ why they go to school ?

There is (41)____ in education than just learning (42)____ . We go to school (43)____ all to learn how to learn ,so that when we have (44)____ school ,we can continue to learn . A man who really knows how to learn will always be successful , because (45)____ he has to do something now which he has never had to do (46)____ ,he will teach himself how to do it in the best (47)____ . The uneducated person , on the (48)____ , is either unable to do something new ,or does it badly . The (49)____ of school ,therefore ,is not just to teach languages , arithmetic ,geography , etc , (50)____ to teach pupils the way to learn .

31. A possible B probable C maybe D probably

32. A mother’s B English C native D father’s

33. A questions B subjects C problems D matters

34. A never B sure C quite D rather

35. A why B what C how D when

36. A are B each C all D mean

37. A being up B prepare C make D tell

38. A young B adult C little D big

39. A what B anyone C everything D anything

40. A reason B thing C question D point

41. A many B more C much D something

42. A languages B facts C object D things

43. A about B over C for D above

44, A left B learned C taught D gone

45. A what B whatever C whatsoever D whenever

46. A previous B ago C before D after

47. A form B way C means D habit

48. A one B other C opposite D another

49. A reason B cause C purpose D object

50. A but B and C how D or

Ⅳ. Gap-Filling (10 points with each of 1 point.)

Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space.

51. He is very (care) at his work , that’s why he seldom makes mistakes.

52. All his friend left him. He asked himself what the (mean) of life was.

53. We have the (determine) to win honor for our country.

54. He is good at physics , electronics and other (relate) fields.

55. George’s proposal is quite (accept) .

56. Everyone on the spot was anxious about his (safe) .

57. The lecture was so (bore) that we couldn’t help yawning.

58. She (appear) not to notice anything at that time.

59. The committee’s (responsible) is to watch over the safety of the workers.

60. She leads an (act) social life.

Ⅴ. Translation from English to Chinese (25 points with each of 5 points . )

61. He was beloved of everybody. (被动语态译法)

62. The true is to be distinguished from the false. (形容词译成名词)

63. The student who answered the question was John. (定语从句译法)

64. I went to see him only to find him out. (副词译成动词)

65. He, evidently, thinks that he can do no wrong. (分句译法)

Ⅵ. Writing (25 points)

Directions: This is going to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a notice according to the information given in Chinese below.

写一封致歉信,包括:你两个月前从Lucy 那里借了一本书,但没有按时归还,写一封信为此表示歉意,说明原因。



①1—10每小题1 分;②11—20每小题2分;③31—50每小题2分;共90分。





Ⅳ. Gap—Filling (10 points with each of 1 point .)

51. careful 52. meaning 53. determination 54. relative 55. acceptable

56. safety 57.boring 58. appeared 59. responsibility 60. active

Ⅴ. Translation from English to Chinese

61. 他受到大家的爱戴。

62. 真伪要辨明。

63. 回答问题的那个学生是约翰。

64. 我去看他,不料他却出去了。

65. 他显然认为他不会做错事。

Ⅵ. Writing (25 points)


Dear Lucy :

I am terribly sorry for not returning the book which you lent me two months ago until now . Because I have been reading it all the time . I found it helpful to my paper writing , without your book ,I would not have finished my paper . Please accept my apology for not returning your book a bit earlier .
