

I. Exploding Tourism Eroding China’s Riches

1. What activities are harming ancient Buddhist grottoes?

Too many tourists and their breathing are harming them.

2. Who turned the caves into the painted shrines?

It was the travelers along the old silkroad.

3. Are murals in good shape?

No, they are not in good shape. Many of them are already sagging or peeling from walls, and their delicate beauty is fading away. Others have deteriorated beyond repair efforts.

4. Why is it difficult for the authorities to prevent them from being destroyed? Money is at the root of the problem. China is a poor nation. Local governments have little money left over for cultural conservation.

5. Does the Chinese government value the preservation of those historical and cultural sites?

Yes, it does. For instance, it has given award to the Getty Conservation Institute for its contributions to the preservation of them at Dunhuang.

6. Why did Mr. Neville Agnew say “tourism and conservation are good partners”?

If you can make a good connection, they are. In other words, if you can allocate part of the money earned from tourism to conservation, and don’t turn to tourism as a cash cow, they will be good partners.


1. Why did some of the HBS grads choose to come back to China although they had received lucrative offers from America’s top companies?

Not only has China changed dramatically since most of them left but also the nation can offer more personal freedoms and economic opportunities now than ever before.

2. What profession do they usually like to go in for?

Most of them choose e-commerce.

3. Why did most of them choose to take in IT industry?

Because IT is the leading industry now.

4. Why did some of them decide to stay in the US while some chose to come back? They wanted to gain experience in the States before they came back.

5. What do you think is the biggest obstacle preventing the elite from coming back home?

It is the complicated relationships and the uncertainty of our human resource management system.

6. What does the title of this article “Home At Last” mean?

It means some of the HBS elite have made their final decision to return to China to serve their country.

III. Best Graduate Schools

1. Why are virtual institutions thought of as best graduate schools?

They are the best graduate schools for those who have their career and family. When they pursue advanced degrees, they don’t have to step onto a university campus. 2. Why is the huge upsurge of interest in remote learning?

It is very convenient for anyone to learn at anytime or anyplace. Therefore it is the best way for working adults to keep on learning.

3. Will the distance education substitute the traditional education? Explain.

No, it won’t. These two modes of instruction are equivalent and complementary as far as student learning is concerned.

4.What’s the advantage of remote learning?

A large number of people who have difficulty in suspending their career and family can pursue advanced degrees without stepping onto a university campus or moving and commuting to get their degrees.

5.What’s the opposite idea about remote learning?

Someone argues there’s a large gap between distance education and traditional education, and education requires a relationship between people because it is a process of identity formation, validation, encouragement, emulation and inspiration. This only happens face to face. In other words, they value face-to-face instruction and relationship.

6. What are the factors you should consider before you choose a distant-education school?

They are the accreditation, program history, cost, academic field, residency, and technology

IV. Is Harvard Worth It?

1. Do researchers agree with each other on the correlationship between college selectivity and future income of the graduates? Cite examples to answer the questions. No, they don’t. According to Alan Krueger and Stacy Berg Dale, college selectivity does not affect future earnings of the students very much, especially students with affluent backgrounds; but Caroline Hoxby’s research shows that the choice of different colleges makes a great difference to the students’ future income.

2. Are all state-run universities less competitive than private universities? Please give examples.

No, Some state-run universities are more competitive than some private universities, such as the University of Michigan, Ohio’s MiamiUniversity and the University of North Carolina.

3. If a candidate is admitted to HarvardUniversity, but decides to go to a state university, will his future earnings be affected?

According to the research of Krueger and Dale, a candidate’s future earnings will be not affected. His good qualities will be carried to the workplace and he will be duly paid.

4. For students from poor backgrounds, does it affect their future earning to choose an elite university? Why?

Yes. That’s because at an elite university he will have better access to the network with affluent students and alumni, and this will influence their future job hunting.

5. Where do most top companies go to recruit their employees? Why?

The top universities, because that is where the majority of talented students graduate.

6. What has influenced the old pattern of employee recruiting for companies?

The Internet

7. What is the attitude of the author of the study toward the issue of college selectivity?

He keeps a fairly objective point of view. In regard to the correlation between college selectivity and future income, he makes three points:

1) An elite education gives students – especially less affluent ones – better access to certain kinds of elite jobs;

2) There is no economic advantage to choosing an expensive, mediocre private school over a top public one;

3) Talented students rise to the top everywhere

V. The New Whiz Kids

1. How many American colleges do you know? Which of them are the best?

So far as I know, there are such famous colleges as Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Yale, Columbia, Brown, Stanford, U.C. Berkeley, and U.C.L.A. All of them are among the best Universities in the U.S.

2. What are admissions quotas?

The admissions quotas are set to restrict the numbers of Asian American students on campus, so this is another kind of racial discrimination in admissions against Asian American students by white presidents of some well-known colleges.

3. State the reasons for Asia-American children’s success at school. What is their chief motivation?

a. I think just as Juilliard School President said, “It’s a matter of dedication, family support and discipline.” Besi des, there are better professors at U.S. schools

b. They excel in schools so that they can have a promising future and suffer less discrimination.

4. Do all American college administrators adopt the policy of acceptances based purely on merit? Why or why not?

No. Some of them have a bias toward Asian American students. They set admissions quotas to restrict the numbers of Asian American students on campus.

5. Why do Asian-American children tend to major in math and science? What is your view about their inclination?

a. There will be less discrimination in areas like math and science because they will be judged more objectively. Besides, the return on the investment in education is more immediate in something like engineering than with liberal arts degrees.

b. I think they are right in view of American reality.

6. Why can’t American parents spend as much time as Asian parents do with their kids?

It’s because of culture difference. Asians view education as the ticket to success, and have a zealous regard for the role of the family. American parents think differently about that. As for whether they can succeed or not, it’s a matter of their kids.

VI. Judge Sees Politics in Los Alamos Case

1. Who are the top decision-makers in the case?

They are Attorney General Janet Reno, FBI Director Louis Freeh, and Energy Secretary Bill Richardson.

2. What are the factors which have caused government officials to accuse Mr. Lee of spying?

Politics caused them to do so. Some politicians such as Mr. Cox don’t want to see Sino-American relations improved, and have shown much discrimination against Chinese in American security organizations, so they turned up the heat on the authorities.

3. Why was Mr. Lee placed in solitary confinement? Was it appropriate for the authorities to do so?

a. The authorities wanted to compel him to make a full confession (招供)

b. It was not proper to do so because he made only minor security violations.

4. Did the Justice and Energy officials in question agree with what Judge Parker said? No, they didn’t agree.

5. Do you think Justice Department official have thrown the book at Dr. Lee?

Yes. They have used his minor security violation as accusation against Lee.

6. Who is to blame in the case?

Christopher Cox is the first to blame because he and his committee have created the atmosphere of Chinese espionage, and put pressure on the officials on the case. The top decision-makers in the case and the mass media, especially The New York Times, are the second to blame.

新闻编辑学考试题库 3

新闻编辑学考试题库 一、名词解释 第二章报纸设计 1、报纸设计——报纸编辑根据报纸的外部环境与内部条件,在确定编辑方针的前提下,对报纸的规模、结构和形象进行整体设计 2、编辑方针——根据办报方针对报纸编辑工作作出的决策,它规定了报纸的读者对象、传播内容、报纸水准与风格特色,是报纸编辑工作必须遵循的准则 第五章新闻标题 1、新闻标题——新闻标题是用以揭示、评价新闻内容的一段最简短的文字,用大于正文的字号刊于新闻之前 2、大标题——多条新闻共有的标题,用以概括这些新闻的共同主题;可以对新闻事实加以揭示,也可以提出观 点、发出号召 3、提要题——传统意义的提要题指在重要的长新闻的主题之下,所加的“内容提要”式的长副题,较详细地概 括新闻最主要的内容。近年来提要题有新的发展,内容、形式和位置都可有所变化。 4、小标题——又称分题、插题,通常用于篇幅较长的稿件,具有长文短化、方便读者选择阅读的作用。在不影 响内容表达的前提下,小标题的结构、字数应尽量相近,所辖文字长短也相近,富有节奏感,层次更分明 第六章版面设计与排版 1、报纸版面——各类稿件在报纸上编排布局的整体产物,是读者第一接触的对象 2、版心——除去周围留的空白,一块版面上真正容纳文字与图片的区域 3、基本栏——横排报纸的版心纵向等分为若干栏,称基本栏,一般为5-8栏之间 4、报眉——眉线上方所印的文字,一般刊登该版名称、版序、出版日期、版面内容标识等 5、大头条——在版面上占有绝对地位,是本版最重要的稿件,一般占四至六栏宽。 6、小头条——处于版面重要位置,但实际并非头条的稿件。一般位于真正的头条之上、之左,标题小于头条, 涉及重要人物、机构、活动,但无实质性的重要内容,字号多为一号 7、版面语言——指版面特有的表现手段。版面语言的基本形式包括:版面空间,编排手段,版面的布局结构。 8、版面空间——版面所提供的表现编排思想和内容的空间。包含的主要因素是:区域、面积、距离、形状。 9、编排手段——安排稿件所采用的物质手段,是版面语言的一种基本形式,包括:字符、图像、线条、色彩 10、综合式版面——整个版面包含的稿件较多,虽有主次之分,但不强调稿件之间的轻重差别 11、重点式版面——特别强调版面的某一局部,使其成为版面上的重点 12、集中式版面——用整个版面或版面的绝大部分刊登有关同一主题的稿件 13、编排思想——依据报道思想对版面编排的决策,是版面编辑根据对各篇稿件的评价对在版面上恰当安排这些稿件的整体构想 14、同题集中、专栏集中、集纳性专栏、单一性专栏 15、集纳——将几篇有联系的稿件组合在一起,使之或相互补充,或相互映衬、比较 补充:新闻图片:图片的一个子概念,广义指在新闻媒体上出现的全部图片,狭义仅指与新闻保持着直接与密切关系的图片,或者直接反映新闻,直观传递新闻信息,或者评价新闻事实,表达媒体观点。 二、简答题 第一章概论: 1、你认为当前报纸版面编辑出现了哪些新特征或趋势。大信息量;版面简洁;图像化;强化新闻版;专刊、副

美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 34 课文

Lesson 34 Out of the Blue On a picture-perfect Texas morning, the shuttle Columbia was heading home when tragedy struck, leaving America and the world wondering what went wrong-and honoring the lives of seven brave astronauts. By Evan Thomas 1) Tony Beasley, an astronomer at the California Institute of Technology, got up early, along with his wife and mother-in-law, to watch the space shuttle fly overhead. It was a little after 5:45 a.m., California time, 7:45 a.m. at Mission Control1 in Houston, 8:45 a.m. at Cape Canaveral in Florida. Beasley could see the bright glow of the shuttle as it came over California’s Owens Valley, bound for a Florida landing, still 60 miles high, traveling at about 20 times the speed of sound. Then he noticed some bright flashes, just small ones at first. Beasley idly wondered if the shuttle was shedding some debris as it entered the atmosphere. He didn’t make much of it;2 he thought he recalled that space shuttles sometimes lost a few tiles as the craft burned into the atmospnere. But then he noticed a large pulse of light. “It was like a big flare being dropped from the shuttle,” he told Newsweek. “It didn’t seem normal.” 2) A few minutes later, a few hundred miles to the east in Red Oak, Texas, Trudy Orton heard a boom as she stood on her front porch in the brightening morning. She thought it was a natural-gas explosion. “My house shook and windows rattled.” Her dog ran into the house and hid. A neighbor, loading her car, looked up and asked, “What on earth was that?” Orton lo oked up and saw a white streak of smoke across the sky. “It wasn’t a sleek little straight line like the jets make. It was billowing like a puffy cloud.” 3) At the Kennedy Space Center at 9 a.m., ET, the festive crowd-NASA officials, family members of the astronauts, local dignitaries and politicians, even a representative of the Israeli government, on hand to honor Israel’ s first astronaut, Col. Ilan Ramon-eagerly listened for the familiar sonic boom, heralding the arrival of the returning shuttle. But as the skies remained silent, the burble of chatter died down, then grew anxious. At about 9:05, mobile phones began to ring. Suddenly, officials were herding family members into buses. The countdown clock continued to wind down to the scheduled 9:16 landing. But the crowd was already gone. 4) The specialists inside Mission Control were well aware that the complex machines they put into space and then hope to bring home again are potential deathtraps. The rest of us forget, until a tragedy occurs, and the nation and the world are left mourning the loss of the astonishing array of hope and talent that routinely fly aboard the shuttles-113 trips, so far. When the shuttle Columbia disintegrated over Texas last Saturday morning, it took with it an Air Force colonel and test pilot3 (whose last job had been chief of safety for the astronaut office); a former Eagle Scout fighter jock4 (second in his class at Annapolis); a veteran African-American astronaut making his second trip into space; an India-born woman with a Ph.D. who enjoyed flying aerobatics5; a medical doctor who had performed in the circus as an acrobat; another medical doctor who was a mother, and an Israeli Air Force hero who had bombed Iraq’ s Osirak nuclear reactor in 1981. 5) The seven crew members of the Columbia were finishing a 16-day mission that had gone off without a hitch6, hi between conducting dozens of scientific experiments, there had been plenty of time for stargazing. Astronaut Kalpana Chawla had told reporters how much, on a prior shuttle mission, she had enjoyed “watching the continents go by, the thunderstorms shimmering in the


《英语报刊阅读》试题(A 卷) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Part Ⅰ Reconstruct the messages of the following headlines of news stories: (1% for each, 10%) Example: Italian Ex-Mayor Murdered ---An Italian Ex-Mayor Is Murdered 1. ________ US ________ told not exploit ________ Tibet issue. 2. Rubin ________ Greenspan ________ at odds. 3. Visitors ________ flocking to Mao ’s birth place. 4. ________ man ________ quizzed after ________ wife is knifed in ________ sports store. Part Ⅱ Read the following passage and answer the Questions A 5-34 (1% for each,30%) and B 35-44 (2% for each,20%) A Tuition Reform for Higher Education Chinese institutions of higher learning have quickened their pace of reform in recent years. Changing enrollment practices and higher tuition fees constitute and important part of the reform. Schools which once admitted students almost exclusively according to state plans are becoming more accepting of students sent by work groups for further training and those who pay their own fees. Regular universities and colleges plan to enroll about 786 200 students this year, up 158 200 or 25 percent over last year's figure. Of these, 216 000, or 27.4 percent, will be sent by their work groups or will pay their own way. In the past, the state paid all tuition and school fees for university students, a matter of policy since New China was established in 1949. Although this practice guaranteed the supply of qualified personnel, it brought a heavy burden to the sate, hindering further development of higher education. Since higher education is non —compulsory education in China, to charge appropriate fees will help improve school facilities and expedite the development of education in this stage. As an added benefit, paying their own way will encourage students to study harder. The reform will take effect in two directions. State —financed students will begin


全国2019年10月高等教育自学考试 报纸(新闻)编辑试题 课程代码:00655 一、单项选择题(本大题共15题,每小题1分,共15分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.1995年,《华西都市报》在客观报道四川孩子被拐卖到河南的消息以后,又发起援救行动,从报道方式来看,这属于() A.集中式报道B.组合式报道 C.读者参与式报道D.报纸介入式报道 2.新闻报道策划过程中,产生报道选题的前提是() A.了解新闻背景B.收集专家意见 C.调查读者需求D.发现新闻线索 3.新闻稿件在反映某一变动时,对变动发生的时间缺少清楚的交代,会使人感到缺少() A.寓意B.涵义 C.意义D.新意 4.在新闻稿件中把某一变动同与其相类似的变动进行比较,称为() A.正向比较B.反向比较 C.纵向比较D.横向比较 5.在压缩稿件时,对稿件中过载或非重要的内容进行删削,使之主题鲜明、信息精炼,这是() A.删段B.删意 C.删句D.删字 6.稿件内容很重要,涉及方面较多,篇幅也长,又不便全文刊载,对此可进行()A.综合B.改写 C.分篇D.校正 7.新闻标题与通讯标题的最大区别在于:() A.说理是否准确B.是否有情感的抒发 C.是否有含蓄的提示D.是否标出新闻事实 8.新闻标题《本市商业服务急需解决什么问题?(引题)抓好“黑白绿”搞好“细小杂” (主题)》的缺点是:() A.评价事实不准确B.运用文字不准确 C.主题、引题配置不当D.标题的态度不鲜明 9.在报纸版面中自成格局,由若干具有共同性的稿件所组成的集合形式是()A.专页B.专版 1

美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 1 课文

【Lesson 1 Good News about Racial Progress The remaining divisions in American society should not blind us to a half-century of dramatic change By Abigail and Stephan Thernstrom In the Perrywood community of Upper Marlboro, Md.1, near Washington, D.C., homes cost between $160,000 and $400,000. The lawns are green and the amenities appealing—including a basketball court. Low-income teen-agers from Washington started coming there. The teens were black, and they were not welcomed. The homeowners? association hired off-duty police as security, and they would ask the ballplayers whether they “belonged” in the area. The association? s newsletter noted the “eyesore” at the basketball court. But the story has a surprising twist: many of the homeowners were black t oo. “We started having problems with the young men, and unfortunately they are our people,” one resident told a re porter from the Washington Post. “But what can you do?” The homeowners didn?t care about the race of the basketball players. They were outsiders—in truders. As another resident remarked, “People who don?t live here might not care about things the way we do. Seeing all the new houses going up, someone might be tempted.” It?s a t elling story. Lots of Americans think that almost all blacks live in inner cities. Not true. Today many blacks own homes in suburban neighborhoods—not just around Washington, but outside Atlanta, Denver and other cities as well. That?s not the only common misconception Americans have ab out race. For some of the misinformation, the media are to blame. A reporter in The Wall Street Journal, for instance, writes that the economic gap between whites and blacks has widened. He offers no evidence. The picture drawn of racial relations is even bleaker. In one poll, for instance, 85 percent of blacks, but only 34 percent of whites, agreed with the verdict in the O.J. Simpson murder trial. That racially divided response made headline news. Blacks and whites, media accounts would have us believe, are still separate and hostile. Division is a constant theme, racism another. To be sure, racism has not disappeared, and race relations could —and probably will —improve. But the serious inequality that remains is less a function of racism than of the racial gap in levels of educational attainment, single parenthood and crime. The bad news has been exaggerated, and the good news neglected. Consider these three trends: A black middle class has arrived. Andrew Young recalls the day he was mistaken for a valet at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. It was an infuriating case of mistaken identity for a man who was then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. But it wasn?t so long ago that most blacks were servants—or their equivalent. On the eve of



《英语报刊阅读》试题(A 卷) Part I Reconstruct the messages of the following stories: (1% for each, 10%) Example: Italia n Ex-Mayor Murdered headli nes of news ............. . : 号 学 ... ....................... ? .;名 :级班 :级年 :点学教 ---An Italian Ex-Mayor Is Murdered 1. ________ US ________ told not exploit 2. Rubin________ Greenspan ________ at odds. 3. Visitors _______ flocking to Mao ' birth place. 4. sports store. Tibet issue. man ________ q uizzed after _______ wife is knifed in Part n Read the following passage and answer the Questions A 5-34 (1% for each,30%) and B 35-44 (2% for each,20%) A Tuiti on Reform for Higher Educati on Chinese institutions of higher learning have quickened their pace of reform in recent years. Changing enrollment practices and higher tuition fees constitute and importa nt part of the reform. Schools which once admitted stude nts almost exclusively accord ing to state pla ns are beco ming more accepti ng of stude nts sent by work groups for further training and those who pay their own fees. Regular universities and colleges plan to enroll about 786 200 students this year, up 158 200 or 25 perce nt over last year's figure. Of these, 216 000, or 27.4 perce nt, will be sent by their work groups or will pay their own way. In the past, the state paid all tuition and school fees for university students, a matter of policy since New China was established in 1949. Although this practice guaranteed the supply of qualified personnel, it brought a heavy burden to the sate, hindering further development of higher education. Since higher education is non —— compulsory education in China, to charge appropriate fees will help improve school


报纸编辑试题及参考答案 自考频道更新:2008-6-28 编辑:小叶阅读: 一、名词解释(每小题3分,共9分) 1、要闻版 2、专栏 3、编后 二、填空题(每空1分,共13分) 1、编辑方针是__________在编辑工作中的具体体现,是编辑工作的___________;离开了编辑方针,编辑工作就会迷失方向。 2、编辑人员对稿件一般只能加___,不能加___。 3、报纸选编稿件的标准,主要取决于:一是这家报纸的__________ ,二是这家报纸每个时期的_______________ 。 4、制作好标题要通过“三关”,第一“关”是_______ ,第二“关”是___________第三“关”是____________ 。 5、就报纸的开张而言,《人民日报》是_________开报纸,《新民晚报》是_______开报纸。 6、学习和学好新闻业务,有一条共同规律,那就是:万变不离“ _________ ”“________ ”就是它们的“宗”。 三、问答(每小题5分,共18分) 1、报纸编辑工作的重要性主要表现在哪些方面? 2、编辑人员为什么要做组织稿件的工作? 3、编辑人员为什么要十分重视选稿这个环节? 四、辩析题(每小题4分,共8分。指出下列两段文字内有无问题,并说明理由) 1、南汇县祝桥乡凌路村三组八十岁的顾秀珍老太,日前在求神拜佛时,不慎引火燃身,惨死在火焰中。那天晚上,顾老太感到身体不舒服,萌生了求神的念头。她趁小辈们熟睡之际,独自一人在客堂内烧草纸。她边烧边磕头,嘴里念念有词,要求菩萨保佑平安。不料,火舌燃着她的围裙,未来得及呼救,火已烧着全身。第二天清晨,小辈起身后,发现顾老太已烧成焦黑一团。 2、常州最近破获一起大案,罪犯蒋正国利用职务之便贪污公共财物总计价值130多万元。今天,常州市人民检察院向市中级人民法院提起公诉。 五、分析与制作标题(每小题6分,共16分) (一)指出下列标题有无问题,并说明理由。 巴西一名演员梦里中弹身亡 据新华社电巴西里约热内卢一位演员26日睡觉时,被从外面飞来的子弹射中而死亡。57岁的奥尔德·雷卡萨26日清晨正在里约市科帕卡巴纳闹区的寓所睡觉。这时,从窗外飞进来一颗子弹击中他的胸部。这位演员在被送往医院的途中死亡。 子弹是附近的毒品走私集团之间枪战时射入卡萨雷房间的。卡萨雷是里约市有名望的演员之一,曾参加过61部影片的拍摄。 (二)给下列消息制标题,如用引题,副题,则需注明哪是主题。


新闻编辑学考试题库附答案 一、名词解释 第二章报纸设计 1、报纸设计——报纸编辑根据报纸的外部环境与内部条件,在确定编辑方针的前提下,对报纸的规模、结构和形象进行整体设计 2、编辑方针——根据办报方针对报纸编辑工作作出的决策,它规定了报纸的读者对象、传播内容、报纸水准与风格特色,是报纸编辑工作必须遵循的准则 第五章新闻标题 1、新闻标题——新闻标题是用以揭示、评价新闻内容的一段最简短的文字,用大于正文的字号刊于新闻之前 2、大标题——多条新闻共有的标题,用以概括这些新闻的共同主题;可以对新闻事实加以揭示,也可以提出观 点、发出号召 3、提要题——传统意义的提要题指在重要的长新闻的主题之下,所加的“内容提要”式的长副题,较详细地概 括新闻最主要的内容。近年来提要题有新的发展,内容、形式和位置都可有所变化。 4、小标题——又称分题、插题,通常用于篇幅较长的稿件,具有长文短化、方便读者选择阅读的作用。在不影 响内容表达的前提下,小标题的结构、字数应尽量相近,所辖文

字长短也相近,富有节奏感,层次更分明 第六章版面设计与排版 1、报纸版面——各类稿件在报纸上编排布局的整体产物,是读者第一接触的对象 2、版心——除去周围留的空白,一块版面上真正容纳文字与图片的区域 3、基本栏——横排报纸的版心纵向等分为若干栏,称基本栏,一般为5-8栏之间 4、报眉——眉线上方所印的文字,一般刊登该版名称、版序、出版日期、版面内容标识等 5、大头条——在版面上占有绝对地位,是本版最重要的稿件,一般占四至六栏宽。 6、小头条——处于版面重要位置,但实际并非头条的稿件。一般位于真正的头条之上、之左,标题小于头条, 涉及重要人物、机构、活动,但无实质性的重要内容,字号多为一号 7、版面语言——指版面特有的表现手段。版面语言的基本形式包括:版面空间,编排手段,版面的布局结构。 8、版面空间——版面所提供的表现编排思想和内容的空间。包含的主要因素是:区域、面积、距离、形状。 9、编排手段——安排稿件所采用的物质手段,是版面语言的一种基本形式,包括:字符、图像、线条、色彩


英语报刊选读试题3 I. Translate the following items into Chinese. (2 points for each from 1 to 15; 5 points for 16 and 17 respectively; 40 points in total) 1. as a tribute to a distinguished graduate 2. three years in a row 3. a double-digit cut in critical defense research programs 4. political lobbying 5. electoral college 6. harmless entertainment 7. have a real problem separating reality from fantasy 8. capital punishment 9. cram for an exam 10. Higher Education Act 11. a fellow student of Fisher’s 12. the give-and-take of the traditional classroom 13. a standard brick-and-mortar university 14.Predicting the future takes insight and dedication. 15. worth a lot of money for a lot of people 16. Don Wise wandered into the living room of his home in Leewood one evening last Semptember. His ten-year-old son, Mike, and a 12-year- old friend were sitting in front of a large-screen television set. They were playing a vedio game they had rented called 007. 17. Ms. Stuart says her experience with online learing was wonderful but also served to challenge one of the false ideas about Internet study: the notion that it doesn’t require as much commitment and discipline as conventional classroom courses. If anything,


全国广播影视系统新闻采编人员资格培训考试试题 一、填空题(每空1.5分,共15分) 1.2003年3月28日,中共中央政治局召开会议,会议讨论了《关于进一步改进会议和领导同志活动新闻报道的意见》,会议提出,新闻单位要坚持正确的舆论导向,大力宣传党的理论、方针、政策,努力使新闻报道做到“三贴近”,即()。 2.马克思主义新闻观认为事实是新闻的(),新闻是事实的反映(或报道)。 3.世界上广播电视体制基本分为三个类型:以美国为代表的 ()广播电视制度,以英国和大部分西欧国家为代表的以()为主的双轨制,少数欧洲国家和大部分发展中国家盛行的政府控制国有制。 4.我国《广播电视管理条例》中明确规定禁止广播电视节目中出现以下内容:(1)危害国家的统一、主权和领土完整的;(2)危害国家的安全、荣誉和利益的; (3)(),破坏民族团结的;(4) ();(5)诽谤、侮辱他人的;(6)宣传淫秽、迷信或者渲染暴力的;(7)法律、行政法规规定禁止的其他内容。 5.我国著作权法保护如下几类作品:(1)文字作品;(2) ();(3)音乐、戏剧、曲艺、舞蹈、杂技艺术作品;(4)美术、建筑作品;(5)摄影作品;(6)电影作品和以类似摄制电影的方法创作的作品;(7)工程设计图、产品设计图、地图、示意图等图形作品和模拟作品;(8)计算机软件;(9)民间文学艺术作品;(10)法律、行政法规规定的其他作品。 6.我国《刑法》(1979年7月1日)第一百一十条规定,为境外的机构、组织、人员窃取、刺探、收买、非法提供国家秘密或者情报的,处(填年限)有期徒刑;情节特别严重的,处()(填年限)有期徒刑或者无期徒刑;情节较轻的,处五年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或者剥夺政治权利。 7.我们在新闻实践中宣传党的路线、方针、政策时要做到坚持辩证法,防止 ()。 二、选择题(每题1.5分,共15分;每题的四个选择中只有一个最佳选择) 1.第一个明确提出“政治家办报”思想的人是______。 A、马克思; B、列宁; C、毛泽东; D、***。 2.数字电视的特点是______。 A 、利用数字压缩技术,提高频率资源的利用率;提高电视图像和声音的传输和接收质量:可以实现双向、互动传播,由被动收看转变为交互方式;还可以提供其它形式的数据广播; B、利用数字压缩技术,提高频率资源的利用率;提高电视图像和声音的传输和接收质量;观众收看节目的形式是单向的;不能提供其它形式的数据广播; C、利用数字压缩技术,提高频率资源的利用率;提高电视图像和声音的传输和接收质量;观众收看节目的形式,由被动收看转变为交互方式;但是不能提供其它形式的数据广播; D、频率资源利用率不高;但能改善电视图像和声音的传输和接收质量;观众收看节目的形式,由被动收看转变为交互方式;可以提供其它形式的数据广播。 3.为社会提供真实可靠的信息,以正确的舆论引导人,求“新”与求“真”,是记者这


英语报刊选读参考答案英语报刊选读 Journalistic Reading 教师用书 Teacher’s Book 总主编王嘉褆 主编林玫刘雁

BOOK ONE (2) UNIT 1 Campus (2) UNIT 2 Entertainment (5) UNIT 3 Entertainment (9) UNIT 4 Food (12) UNIT 5 Crime (15) UNIT 6 Disaster (19) UNIT 7 Sports (23) UNIT 8 Art (28) UNIT 9 Economy (31) UNIT 10 Ecology (36) UNIT 11 Health (39) UNIT12 Automobile & Driving (43) UNIT 13 Quality problems (48) UNIT 14 Shopping (52) UNIT 15 Gun control (56) UNIT 16 Psychology (59)

BOOK ONE UNIT 1 Campus I.Vocabulary Builder 1.Definition 1)chaotic: extremely disorganized; badly organized; be in mess 2)primary: main; most important; key; major; chief; prime; principal 3)seduce: attract; tempt 4)highlight: the most important, interesting, or enjoyable part of something such as a holiday, performance, or sports competition 5)reluctant: unwilling 6)compelling: very interesting or exciting, so that you have to pay attention 7)reveal: show; indicate 8)mainstream: accepted by or involving most people in a society; normal; ordinary 9)critical: important; crucial 10)evolution: a long, gradual process during which something develops and changes, usually becoming more advanced; a gradual change and development 2. Terms translation 1) a bipartisan consensus

美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 3 课文

Lesson 3 Women Leap Off Corporate Ladder Many turn to start-ups for freedom1 Women?s start-ups have higher success By Stephanie Armou Corporations are losing thousands of female employees and managers eager to start businesses of their own. Professional women say they? re leaving corporate jobs because of advancement barriers, scant help balancing work and family, and a desire to pursue an entrepreneurial goal.2 Like a growing number of women, JoAnn Corn abandoned a successful corporate career to launch her own business, Health Care Resources, a Denver-based firm3. “I was petrified,” says Corn, who has continually expanded her business. “1 was just champing at the bit.4 My mind was filled with these ideas, but they were suppressed.” An unprecedented number of professional women are taking the same initiative. The number of female-owned businesses is growing at nearly twice the national average, a pace that alarms some private employers. “The loss of women?s talents in corporations is becoming increasingly worrisome,” says Sheila Wellington, president of Catalyst, a New Y ork-based nonprofit and research advisory group5. “Clearly, the message to Corporate America is maintain these women.” The number of female-owned businesses grew by 78% from 1987 to 1996, according to the National Foundation for Women Business Owners (NFWBO) 6. There were about 8 million female-owned businesses in 1996, or 36% of all businesses. Many women are shunning the private sector7 because of: ?Barriers to advancement. Nearly 30% of female entrepreneurs with prior private-sector experience cited glass-ceiling issues8 as the major reason they left corporations, based on a 1998 survey by Catalyst, NFWBO and The Committee of 200, and organization of businesswomen. “There didn?t seem to be a lot of opportunity for moving up,” says Diahann Lassus, who started her own financial planning firm in New Providence, N. J.9, after quitting a corporate management job. “I felt like the opportunities weren?t there anymore.” Diahann Lassus giving a lecture ?More flexibility. Even though entrepreneurs toil long hours, many can choose when they work. “I can?t wait for the day when I?m just doing my own business,” says Tammie Chestnut, 27, of Tempe, Ariz.10, who recently launched a resume consulting busi ness”, The Resum6 Shop, while working for the Tempe Chamber of Commerce. “I want freedom. 1 want to take the day off to spend with my child.” The need for flexibility was cited by more than half the female business owners as a major reason for leaving corp orate positions, based on the survey by Catalyst and other women? s groups. “I wanted to work part time and choose my own hours,” says Aura Ahuvia, 33, who launched a monthly publication, The Washtenaw Parent12, in 1995 from her home in Ann Arbor, Mich13. “It gave me more flexibility than any job around here. If my kids get sick, I can take the day off.”?An entrepreneurial spark14. Many women say entrepreneurial interests were stifled at corporate
